* TM-204 attempting to fix regression builds
* TM-204 attempting to fix regression builds
* TM-204 reverting spring boot version and only removing missing dependency
* TM-204 reverting to original build.gradle
* TM-204 re applying dependency
* TM-204 consolidating dependencies
* TM-204 setting spring boot dependency
* TM-204 reverting and upgrading dependency management plugin version in parent gradle file
* TM-204 apply dependency plugin differently
* TM-204 new gradle files
* TM-204 try and fix corda rpc evaluation
* TM-204 try and fix corda rpc evaluation
* TM-204 separate slow integration and smoke test
* TM-204 modifying regression builds to separate slow integration tests and smoke tests as they sometimes result in a bad gradle dependency graph
* TM-204 separating slow integration tests from the rest
* TM-204 change to allow ci03 to run this jenkinsfile
* TM-204 switching to aks label to allow testing on ci03
* TM-204 now that test was successful, switching back to correct prod label
* TM-204 attempting to fix regression builds
* TM-204 attempting to fix regression builds
* TM-204 reverting spring boot version and only removing missing dependency
* TM-204 reverting to original build.gradle
* TM-204 re applying dependency
* TM-204 consolidating dependencies
* TM-204 setting spring boot dependency
* TM-204 reverting and upgrading dependency management plugin version in parent gradle file
* TM-204 apply dependency plugin differently
* TM-204 new gradle files
* TM-204 try and fix corda rpc evaluation
* TM-204 try and fix corda rpc evaluation
* TM-204 separate slow integration and smoke test
* Changed the default file limit in the log4j2 configuration to address roll over issue described in EG-71
* Updated the default file limit in the comment
calling `picocli.CommandLine.AbstractHandler#andExit` causes the exception handler to forcefully terminate the program execution (calling `java.lang.System#exit`) at all costs, even in case of `ExecutionException` being throw by `picocli.CommandLine#parseWithHandlers(picocli.CommandLine.IParseResultHandler2<R>, picocli.CommandLine.IExceptionHandler2<R>, java.lang.String...)`, this was causing the program to always print the exception stack trace on the `stderr` and terminating even before entering the `catch` block from lines 85 to 93
* Updated documentation for RPC Settings address field based on client feedback explain implications of specifying as host.
* Further updates to p2pAddress and messagingServerAddress sections of node settings.
* Further updates to additionalP2pAddresses and explaining localhost vs loopback address implications.
* Correct messagingServerAddress and amend adminAddress section.
* CORDA-3484: Now cope with 2 contract jars with same hash but different name, we just select one and use that.
* ENT-3584: Contract jars are now generated on the fly.
* CORDA-3584: Reverted changes to CordappProviderImpl. Exception is raised if node started with multiple jars with same hash.
* ENT-3584: Fixing test failure.
* CORDA-3584: Switch to test extension method instead of reflection to access internal member.
* ENT-3584: Address review comment. Dont fully qualify exception.
* CORDA-3584: Address review comment and converted lazy to a resettable one.
* CORDA-3584: Removed unused logger.
* CORDA-3584: Fixed visibility.
* CORDA-3584: Removed synchronized
* CORDA-3584: Removed CordappResolver
* CORDA-3584: Reverted change in gradle file and fixed test.
* CORDA-3584: Removed V3 from test description as it wasn't actually V3 specific.
* CORDA-3584: Address review comment. Let classes be garbage collected.
* Throw SQLException or PersistenceException plain, that may come out of an unsafe subscriber
* Add explanatory comment about why we changed Observer.tee to use unsafe subscribe
* Introducing not unsubscribing version of Rx.Subscriber
* Wrap PublishSubjects with FlowSafeSubjects in all tests that test Observer.tee
* Minor code formatting
* Make rawUpdates Rx.Observers not unsubscribe when accessed from CordaServices - Do not allow rawUpdates subscribing from flows
* Warning fix: Add else block to when statement
* Revert "Wrap PublishSubjects with FlowSafeSubjects in all tests that test Observer.tee"
This reverts commit e419af86
* Correcting log message
* Improve log message
* Add fiber's id to log message and exception message
* Added test, asserting FlowSafeSubscriber is alive and re-accessed upon flow retry
* Logging flow name instead of flow id at VaultService.rawUpdates subscribing error
* Add kdoc to OnNextFailedException
* Minor text correction
* Update kdocs of FlowSafeSubject/ PreventSubscriptionsSubject
* Moved FlowSafeSubject under package node.internal as it is only used by NodeVaultService
* Add comment and update kdoc explaining how to subscribe with SafeSubscriber to FlowSafeSubject
* Change PreventSubscriptionsSubject#errorAction to be more specific; to return an Exception
* Minor text update
* Update messy comment
* Replace assertThat with assertEquals
* Splitting heartBeat to heartBeat1 and hearBeat2 for more clear asserting
* Correcting comment
* Update messy comment
* Splitting heartBeat into heartBeatOnNext and heartBeatOnError
* Update test name
* Add explanatory comment to test
* Update test name
* Update test and add test comment
* Moving NotarisedTxs from SendStateFlow to VaultObserverExceptionTest inside NodeHandle.getNotarisedTransactionIds
* Moving SubscribingRawUpdatesFlow from ErrorHandling to VaultObserverExceptionTest
* Update kdoc of FlowSafeSubscriber and FlowSafeSubscriber.onNext
* Make kdoc more clear
* Throw exception upon accessing VaultService.rawUpdates from within a flow
* Changing exception thrown when accessing VaultService.rawUpdates from within a flow to a CordaRuntimeException
* Minor kdoc update
* Update test comment
* Update kdoc of FlowSafeSubscriber
* Introducing Observable.flowSafeSubscribe public API method to subscribe with -non unsubscribing- Rx.Subscribers to Observables. It also replaced FlowSafeSubject
* Move CustomSafeSubscriber outside test methods
* Minor text update
* Add timeout to tests
* Update kdoc of flowSafeSubscribe
* Update kdoc of flowSafeSubscribe
* Update kdoc of flowSafeSubscribe
* Move FlowSafeSubscriber and flowSafeSubscribe under their own package
* Fix detekt issue
* Update Detekt baseline
* Revert "Update Detekt baseline"
This reverts commit 793a8ed9
* Fix Detekt issue
* Moved strictMode flag from flowSafeSubscribe to OnFlowSafeSubscribe
Moved OnFlowSafeSubscribe into internal package
Integration tested flowSafeLooseSubscribe
* Suppress Rx Deprecation
* Rename flowSafeSubscribe to flowSafeObservable
* Renaming flowSafeObservable to continueOnError and FlowSafeSubscriber to ResilientSubscriber
I modified the `ErrorCodeRewritePolicy` to concatenate all the error messages of the exception's cause chain.
The code will start from the throwable being passed to the logger and concatenate its error message with the one in its cause and proceed recursively until it finds an exception with no cause or it detects a loop (an exception already encountered in the traversal).
This should provide customers with more information about errors without having to look at the logs (that should still remain the primary source of information)