* CORDA-3520: Closing RPC connection on SSH disconnect
CORDA-3550: Remove support for outdated ciphers and algorithms from SSH
* CORDA-3550: Remove support for outdated ciphers and algorithms from SSH
Deprecate FlowAsyncOperation and reimplement public versions FlowExternalOperation and FlowExternalAsyncOperation.
await added to FlowLogic to allow easy calling from both Java and Kotlin. There are two overrides of await (one for FlowExternalOperation and FlowExternalAsyncOperation).
Implementations of FlowExternalOperation return a result (written as blocking code) from their execute function. This operation will then be executed using a thread provided by the externalOperationExecutor.
Implementations of FlowExternalAsyncOperation return a future from their execute function. This operation must be executed on a newly spawned thread or one provided by a thread pool. It is up to developers to handle threading in this scenario.
The default thread pool (externalOperationExecutor) can be configured through the flowExternalOperationThreadPoolSize node config.
The current implementation leaves FlowAsyncOperation alone, meaning that any developers that have used it (even though it is internal) won't need to change their apps. If this was not concern I would delete it completely and replumb the state machine code. Instead, it has been marked with @DoNotImplement and executeAsync is annotated with @Deprecated
* CORDA-3081 warn that flow ID passed to flow kill is malformed as due to JDK8 doesn't fully validate it (JDK8 bug https://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8159339)
* CORDA-3335 Corda Shell flow kill - better warning for misformatted flow ID - exit earlier and don't RPC to node, refactoring for detekt
* Fixed not utilising the observables being returned by stateMachines added response with a notUsed(). Opening a ticket for implementation investigation.
* stateMachinesFeed will unsubscribe on interrupt rather than remaining infinitely subscribed.
* Fixed reported detekt issues on the InteractiveShell.
* Changes according to PR review.
Allow node operators to blacklist signing keys (using blacklistedAttachmentSigningKeys config option). These blacklisted keys prevent attachments that are received over the network from being trusted. The docs have been updated to detail how to generate the key hashes that the config requires.
A new shell command attachments trustRoots has been added to see what attachments exist on the node along with information about their trust and where it comes from.
run dumpCheckpoints has been replaced by checkpoints dump as InternalCordaRPCOps needed to change to prevent a function that is meant to be internal from being visible on the shell.
* migrate PersistentIdentityService to use key.toShortString()
update definition of PublicKeyToExternalId mapping to allow fast lookup by externalId/publicKey
* fix misspelled table name
* add test of migration script
* add design document for proposal to move IdentityService to using the correct PK.toStringShort() method for hashing a publickey
* add enterprise testing considerations to design
* address review comments
* fix compilation errors
* modify PublicKeyToOwningIdentityCache to use toStringShort() as it's lookup key
* address syzmon's code review comments
When set to true the RPC client will:
* automatically reconnect when the connection is broken
* simple RPC calls will block until connection is established
* Observables returned from RPC will automatically resubscribe on reconnect so the client continues to receive events. This doesn't guarantee that events will not be lost during the reconnect.
Dumps all the node's checkpoints as JSON into a single zip file in the node's directory. The output contains:
* All the fields for the top-level flow
* The current sub-flow call stack, along with the current progress tracker step for each sub-flow
* The event that suspended the flow, which if it's a send or sendAndReceive will show the payload that was sent
* Low level information on the active sessions with other peers
To prevent making `dumpCheckpoints` part of the public API a new
interface, `InternalCordaRPCOps` has been created and the function
has been moved there. `InternalCordaRPCOps` inherits from
`CordaRPCOpsImpl` now implements `InternalCordaRPCOps`.
`RunShellCommand` and `StringToMethodCallParser` required additional
changes due to issues handling inherited functions. This has only been
raised now due to `InternalCordaRPCOps` inheriting from `CordaRPCOps`.
Many classes have had references to `CordaRPCOps` changed to
* corda-2632 Added catch clause to handle argument exceptions and display the proper error.
* Created specific exception for when the file is missing instead of the general catch all exception.
* Changes according to code review.
* ENT-3322: Improved error reporting when an error occurs in type construction, after the ctor has been found.
* ENT-3322: FlowA in this test violated a restriction of StringToMethodCallParser that parameters with the same name but different types cannot be overloaded.
Fixed up FlowA to not have overloaded operation.
* ENT-3322: Simplified code following review comments.
* ENT-3322: Few updates following PR review comments.
* CORDA-2669 - pendingFlowsCount not in public API
Reintroduce `pendingFlowsCount` to public API (as deprecated). Advise
to use the `gracefulShutdown` command in the shell instead.
* CORDA-2669 - Add pendingFlowsCount to api-current.txt
* Fix stdout renderer to swap out correctly named appender.
Also fix two compiler warnings
* Add clearer exception when console appender cannot be found
* Change error displayed when appender not found to warning
* Remove type declaration on separate line
* Avoid Unicode output from the Progress Tracker on Windows
* Fix an issue with the Progress Tracker where the currently executing state is reported as done