FinalityHandler is insecure in that it is open to receive any transaction from any party.
Any CorDapp targeting platform version 4 or above is required use the new c'tors which take in FlowSession objects to the counterpart flow. This flow must subcall ReceiveFinalityFlow to receive and record the finalised transaction.
Old CorDapps (with target platform version < 4) will continue to work as previously. However if there are no old CorDapps loaded then the node will disable FinalityHandler.
* Upgrade gradle plugin; add target version attribute to finance and sample cordapps.
* Remove '-SNAPSHOT' from gradlePluginsVersion.
* Fix naming.
* Update docs.
* Respond to feedback.
* Fix irs demo
* Fix more samples
* Fix more samples
* Fix deployNodes
* Fix deployNodes
* more fixes
* fix simm valuation
* more fixes
* more fixes
* more fixes
* more fixes
* Publication should have *nothing* to do with cordformation and deployNodes.
Remove it! And if this exposes a bug then "so be it".
* Disable CorDapp signing for Cordapp Configuration and Network Verifier.
* Disable CorDapp signing for SIMM Valuation Demo.
* Remove remaining publishing nonsense from samples.
* Workarounds fpr cordapp-configuration, network-verifier and simm-valuation-demo:
JarSigner rejects jars with duplicates inside, so remove them.
* Upgrade to Gradle plugin 4.0.32 and reenable CorDapp signing for samples.
Set the "h2.allowedClasses" system property, require database password when exposing H2 server on non-localhost address, samples start H2 server by default (reintroduces the behaviour before h2Settings.address configuration option was added)