* Remove IssuerFlow as it is dangerous and its presence in the finance module risks accidental use in non-test code. As written it will issue arbitary amounts of currency on request from any node on the network, with no validation barring that the currency type is valid.
* Unify interface to CashIssueFlow to match the previous IssuerFlow
* Updated all sample code to use new Vault Query service APIs.
* Fix broken Unit test.
* Added missing transaction boundary.
* Fix broken ScheduledFlow test (caused by assertion on non-ordered collection)
* Remove redundant negative test (as new Vault Query no longer returns iterators).
* Whitespace formatting fixed following PR review from SA.
* Force query to specify a PAGE SIZE equivalent to total states to be exited (RP review comment).
* Use single (and fail fast) instead of first - when only expecting a single result.
* Demonstrate paging and sorting; failfast on single expected result.
* Enhancement: added Sorting by CommonStateAttribute (StateRef txnId and index)
* Fix: incorrect total states count.
* Fixed incorrect total states counting.
* Remove redundant filter (UNCONSUMED).
* Updated tutorial code and associated documentation (building transactions).
* Updated all vaultAndUpdates to vault[Track|Query]By.
* Temporary disable failing Vault Query tests (awaiting pagination PR fix).
* Rebase from master to pick up pagination changes/fix.
* Fixed criteria filter on track.
* Cleanup redundant print output.
* Refactor to extract common function for Vault Query paging and sorting.
* Identified problem in SimmValuation demo failing test caused by query by single participant in participants list (not yet supported in VaultQuery criteria).
* Minor fixes following rebase from master.
* Minor updates following rebase.
* Removed redundant import.
* Fixed type casting error.
* Minor fixes following rebase from master.
* VQ Fix - applied in other PR.
* Removed duplication after rebase and minor fix to failing smoke test.
* Add functions for:
* Retrieving nodes via their legal identity
* Filtering a set of public keys down to those the node has corresponding private keys for
* Modify contract upgrade flows to handle identifying participants after an anomymisation step
* Correct terminology: "party who" -> "party which"
* Modify CashIssueFlow and CashPaymentFlow to optionally use an anonymous identity for the recipient.
Change the legal name of parties to be an X500 name. This ensures that we aren't converting between
common names and X500 names in various places, eliminating substantial scope for error in the conversion
process. As a result, all node names must now be full X500 names, which has impact on most configurations.
* Add information on who started flow on a node with name where possible.
Add sealed class holding information on different ways of starting a flow: RPC, peer, shell, scheduled.
* Remove invokeFlowAsync from ServiceHub, move it to ServiceHubInternal.
We shouldn't be able to start new state machines from inside flows.
Standaridise the identity names of Alice, Bob and Charlie, notary, map service, etc. in order
to ensure consistency across the code base and reduce number of places that have to be changed
to introduce proper X.500 names.
Move Alice, Bob & Charlie identities into the utilities package so they can be used in demos
* Make CompositeKey implement PublicKey
The initial implementation of composite keys as their own distinct class separate from PublicKey
means that the keys cannot be used on standard classes such as Certificate. This work is a beginning
to modifying CompositeKey to being a PublicKey implementation, although significant further work
is required to integrate this properly with the standard Java APIs, especially around verifying
signatures using the new key type.
* First stage of making CompositeKey implement PublicKey interface. Revert to using PublicKey everywhere we expect a key.
* Move algorithm and format into companion object (#432)
Move algorithm and format into companion object so that they can be referenced from other
classes (i.e. the upcoming signature class).
* Add simple invariants to construction of CompositeKey.
Builder emits CompositeKeys in simplified normalised form. Forbid keys with single child node, force ordering on children and forbid duplicates on the same level. It's not full semantical normalisation.
* Make constructor of CompositeKey private, move NodeWeight inside the class.
Add utility function for Kryo deserialization to read list with length constraints.
* CORDA-305: Refactor CordaRPCClient into :client:rpc module
* CORDA-305: Remove the Kotlin test framework from the artifacts.
* CORDA-305: Migrate serialisation whitelist into node-api module.
* CORDA-305: Clean up unused RPC observables.
* CORDA-305: Add :client:rpc module to documentation tasks.
* CORDA-305: Include :finance into :client:rpc for its serialisable classes.
* CORDA-305: Move test classes into the correct directory.
* CORDA-305: Migrate :finance dependency from :client:rpc into DemoBench.
* CORDA-305: Update wording of TODO about handling Observables.
* CORDA-304: Refactor :client modules into :client:javafx and :client:mock.
* CORDA-304: Add :client:mock to Dokka tasks, and remove unused integrationTest task.
* CORDA-304: Migrate DriverBasedTest from node into test-utils.
* CORDA-304: Rename .fx. package to .jfx. to prevent confusion with "exchange rate".
* CORDA-304: Rename module to ':client:jfx'.