* Added new corda and cordaRuntime configurations for cordapps to be able to explicitly depend on Corda and exclude corda dependencies from the fatjar
* Added corda integration section to docsite to describe how to integrate with Corda.
* Updated more of the documentation to reflect the new method of specifying core corda dependencies.
* Reorganised document logic to move all build system related documentation to the cordapp build systems page.
* Renamed cordapp build systems doc to match actual purpose.
* Improved the warning for building against a net.corda dependency in a cordapp
* Added a line of dialogue to show further reading for those reading about writing cordapps.
* Switch to using anonymous party as recipient
* Enable anonymisation for issuance as well as move in issuer flows.
* Pass notary into issuer flow rather than taking a notary at random from the network map.
* Enable anonymisation in Bank of Corda RPC test
* Parameterize issuer flow tests into anonymous and deanonymised versions
* Cordapps now contain all explicitly specified dependencies (and sub
* Removed some useless compile dependencies for trader demo.
* Dependent Cordapps are excluded from the build.
:Removed unnecessary dependencies of demos.
* Cleaned up exclusion rules for cordapp dependencies.
* Add functions for:
* Retrieving nodes via their legal identity
* Filtering a set of public keys down to those the node has corresponding private keys for
* Modify contract upgrade flows to handle identifying participants after an anomymisation step
* Correct terminology: "party who" -> "party which"
* Modify CashIssueFlow and CashPaymentFlow to optionally use an anonymous identity for the recipient.
* Increase max network map request size so the notary can register
* Suppress oracle service installation errors in non-oracle nodes
* Make demos automatically build capsule jars
Change PartyAndCertificate to an aggregate class instead of a subclass of Party. This reduces the changes compared to M11, as well as avoiding risk of accidental serialization of a PartyAndCertificate (which may be very large) where a Party is expected.
Cleaned up initial nodes known to the identity service, in particular mock nodes now know about themselves; previously full nodes registered themselves but mock nodes did not.
* Fix bug in demobench. Explorer didn't show correctly location of a node.
There was no nearestCity override in config.
* Remove nearestCity from node configuration. Now information about the location is always taken from
node's legal name. If not present - exception on node startup.
* Add X500Name.locationOrNull that soft fails when location is not in X500 name. Address PR comments.
* Remove unused imports.
* Construct standard flows using PartyAndCertificate, and add support for launching
flows that are constructed with PartyAndCertificate or just Party.
* Store PartyAndCertificate in network map service
* Expand identity service to store certificates along with all identities.
Fix Bank of Corda, Trader and Notary demos.
In Notary demo, introduce deployNodes task, that deploys all three types of Notary into different directories (so there is no need to do clean, when you want to run them one after another).
This removes the need to do manual registration using the PluginServiceHub. As a result CordaPluginRegistry.servicePlugins is no longer needed. For oracles and services there is a CorDappService annotation.
I've also fixed the InitiatingFlow annotation such that client flows can be customised (sub-typed) without it breaking the flow sessions.
Fixup after rebase
Restore original key property names
Fixup after rebase
Undo extra import that IntelliJ keeps erroneously adding.
Add comments and fix docs for transaction signing.
Fixes after rebase
More fixes after rebase
Address PR requests
Address PR requests
Switch to using AbstractParty as the standard identifier for parties in
states, so that full parties can be used during construction of
transactions and anonymised parties when the transaction is being added
to the ledger.
* Fix: Add missing @StartableByRPC to fix the Raft notary demo
* Make loadConfig take a Config object, for cordformation Node
* Unduplicate User.toMap
* Unduplicate WHITESPACE regex, choose possessive form
* Use slash to make a Path
* Remove Companion where redundant
* Remove unused code
Move AbstractParty, AnonymousParty and Party into a new net.corda.core.identity package,
as they're not really cryptography tools, and in preparation for further code coming in
for identity.
Optimize imports on many files to clean up the resulting refactor.
This removes the need for the shareParentSessions parameter of FlowLogic.subFlow. It also has the flow's version number so FlowVersion is now no longer needed.
Change the legal name of parties to be an X500 name. This ensures that we aren't converting between
common names and X500 names in various places, eliminating substantial scope for error in the conversion
process. As a result, all node names must now be full X500 names, which has impact on most configurations.
Clean up X500 names in Corda simulation, and ensure they're consistent with the standard test names.
This includes using the locations present in those test names, which requires updates to the node
config test.
This is an intermediary step to introducing X500Names in all Party instances, which adds:
* Party constructor which accepts X500Name and then converts it to string.
* startNode() function which takes in X500Name instead of String
* Numerous legal name fixes to use full distinguished names
Core flows, which are baked into the platform, are also versioned using the platform version of the node. Several core flows, such as the data vending ones, which were provided via plugins are now instead baked into the node.