* Rename raft-notary-demo project to notary-demo
* Refactor serialisation filtering to allow BFT SMaRt to work, it no longer relies on the jdk.serialFilter system property
* In NodeBasedTest remove whitespace in node directory names for consistency with cordform and driver
Remove mock identity service and merge it with the in memory identity service. The two services
provide extremely similar functionality, and having two different version for production/test
risks subtle implementation differences. On that note, this patch includes changes to a number
of tests which worked only with mock identity service.
Fixup after rebase
Restore original key property names
Fixup after rebase
Undo extra import that IntelliJ keeps erroneously adding.
Add comments and fix docs for transaction signing.
Fixes after rebase
More fixes after rebase
Address PR requests
Address PR requests
Switch to using AbstractParty as the standard identifier for parties in
states, so that full parties can be used during construction of
transactions and anonymised parties when the transaction is being added
to the ledger.
* Fix: Add missing @StartableByRPC to fix the Raft notary demo
* Make loadConfig take a Config object, for cordformation Node
* Unduplicate User.toMap
* Unduplicate WHITESPACE regex, choose possessive form
* Use slash to make a Path
* Remove Companion where redundant
* Remove unused code
Add functionality for generating certificate paths from identity
certificates to transaction certificates, validating, storing and
retrieving those certificate paths.
Move AbstractParty, AnonymousParty and Party into a new net.corda.core.identity package,
as they're not really cryptography tools, and in preparation for further code coming in
for identity.
Optimize imports on many files to clean up the resulting refactor.
This removes the need for the shareParentSessions parameter of FlowLogic.subFlow. It also has the flow's version number so FlowVersion is now no longer needed.
Change the legal name of parties to be an X500 name. This ensures that we aren't converting between
common names and X500 names in various places, eliminating substantial scope for error in the conversion
process. As a result, all node names must now be full X500 names, which has impact on most configurations.
* Added queryBy(QueryCriteria) Vault API and Junit tests.
* Minor fix following rebase.
* Spit out Vault Query tests into separate source file.
* Enable composition of QueryCriteria specifications.
Additional JUnit test cases to validate API.
* Added Deprecating annotations.
Added QueryCriteria for set of contractStateTypes
* Minor tweaks and additional JUnit test cases (chain of linear id)
* Added Java Junit tests and QueryCriteria builder support.
* Added API documentation (including coding snippets and examples).
* Added @JvmOverloads to QueryCriteria classes for easy of use from Java.
* Refactored QueryCriteria API to use composition via sealed data classes.
* Enable infix notation.
* Fixed typo.
* Clarified future work to enforce DB level permissioning.
* Moved PageSpec and Order from QueryCriteria to become parameters of Query itself.
* Moved PageSpec and Order from QueryCriteria to become parameters of Query itself.
* TokenType now specified as set of <Class> (was non extensible enum).
* Exposed new Vault Query API functions via RPC.
* Fixed compiler error in java test.
* Addressed a couple of minor PR review scomments from MH.
* Major updates following PR discussion and recommendations.
* All pagination and sorting arguments are optional (and constructed with sensible defaults).
Added Java helper functions for queryBy and trackBy interfaces.
Added Java trackBy unit tests.
Miscellaneous cleanup.
* Added Generic Index schema mapping and query support.
* Query criteria referencing Party now references a String (until Identity framework built out).
Added participants attribute to general query criteria.
* Fleshed our IndexCriteria including PR recommendation to define column aliases for index mappings.
* Removed all directly exposed API dependencies on requery.
* Updated documentation.
* Provide sensible defaults for all Query arguments.
Add RPC Java helpers and increase range of Vault Service helpers.
* Further improvements (upgrading notes) and updates to documentation.
* RST documentation updates.
* Updates to address RP latest set of review comments.
* Updates to address MH latest set of review comments.
* Updated to highlight use of VaultIndexQueryCriteria to directly reference a JPA-annotated entity (versus the indirect, explicitly mapped attribute to GenericIndexSchema approach)
* Aesthetic updates requested by MH
* Reverted Indexing approach: removed all references to VaultIndexedQueryCriteria and GenericVaultIndexSchemaV1 scheme.
* Final clean-up and minor updates prior to merge.
* Fixed compiler warnings (except deprecation warnings)
* Reverted all changes to Vault Schemas (except simple illustrative VaultLinearState used in VaultQueryTests)
* Reverted all changes to Vault Schemas (except simple illustrative VaultLinearState used in VaultQueryTests)
* Commented out @Deprecated annotations (as a hedge against us releasing M12 with the work half-done)
* Renamed RPC JavaHelper functions as RPCDispatcher does not allow more than one method with same name.
This is an intermediary step to introducing X500Names in all Party instances, which adds:
* Party constructor which accepts X500Name and then converts it to string.
* startNode() function which takes in X500Name instead of String
* Numerous legal name fixes to use full distinguished names
Core flows, which are baked into the platform, are also versioned using the platform version of the node. Several core flows, such as the data vending ones, which were provided via plugins are now instead baked into the node.
* Add information on why state machine was removed from StateMachineManager.
There are two cases: normal end of flow or error.
Return flow result as part of state machine remove data.
Make Change a sealed class with Add and Remove.
fiber.actionOnEnd takes ErrorOr<R> parameter.
* Remove unnecessary fields from StateMachineManager.Change.
* Add information on who started flow on a node with name where possible.
Add sealed class holding information on different ways of starting a flow: RPC, peer, shell, scheduled.
* Remove invokeFlowAsync from ServiceHub, move it to ServiceHubInternal.
We shouldn't be able to start new state machines from inside flows.
* Remove progress Observable from FlowHandle, unless explicitly requested.
* Refactor FlowHandle creation into FlowStateMachine.
* Prevent server-side queue subscription for dummy Observable.
* Refactor so that RPC client does not receive any unused progress Observables. This is the simplest way of ensuring we have no dangling "hot" Observables when the RPC client closes.
* Test flow has correct handle.
* Resolve some compiler warnings.
* Document how starting a flow does not involve progress tracking by default.
* Update changelog and release notes for RPC API.
* Rename new RPC API to startTrackedFlow().
* Remove optimisation because of its affect on the client-side.
* Update documentation.
Add CompositeSignature and CompositeSignatureWithKeys classes as part of preliminary work to make CompositeKey signature validation compatible with java.security classes, so that these keys and signatures can be used readily in X.509 certificates.
Standaridise the identity names of Alice, Bob and Charlie, notary, map service, etc. in order
to ensure consistency across the code base and reduce number of places that have to be changed
to introduce proper X.500 names.
Move Alice, Bob & Charlie identities into the utilities package so they can be used in demos
* Make CompositeKey implement PublicKey
The initial implementation of composite keys as their own distinct class separate from PublicKey
means that the keys cannot be used on standard classes such as Certificate. This work is a beginning
to modifying CompositeKey to being a PublicKey implementation, although significant further work
is required to integrate this properly with the standard Java APIs, especially around verifying
signatures using the new key type.
* First stage of making CompositeKey implement PublicKey interface. Revert to using PublicKey everywhere we expect a key.
* Move algorithm and format into companion object (#432)
Move algorithm and format into companion object so that they can be referenced from other
classes (i.e. the upcoming signature class).
* Add simple invariants to construction of CompositeKey.
Builder emits CompositeKeys in simplified normalised form. Forbid keys with single child node, force ordering on children and forbid duplicates on the same level. It's not full semantical normalisation.
* Make constructor of CompositeKey private, move NodeWeight inside the class.
Add utility function for Kryo deserialization to read list with length constraints.