Due to a change in how messaging works, `ActionExecutorImpl
.executeSendInitial` was no longer being called. Changing the byteman
script to throw exception on hits to `ActionExecutorImpl
.executeSendMultiple` allowed the tests to pass.
* [CORDA-3628] - Implement sendAll API
* detekt
* Some minor refactorings and docs
* Eliminate warnings
* Address Rick's comments
* Switch sendAll to use a set
* CORDA-3651: addManifest now uses separate files for reading and writing.
* CORDA-3651: The jar scanning loader now closes itsself.
Co-authored-by: Adel El-Beik <adelel-beik@19LDN-MAC108.local>
* Split out node-api tests that require test-utils/node-driver
* Add node-api test artefacts to publication list.
* Make test-common a transient dependency - downstream tests assume that it's available.
* Switch dependencies to java-library
* Fix magic package name for cordapp scanning in test
* CORDA-3644: Scan the CorDapp classloader directly for SerializationWhitelist.
* CORDA-3644: Filter CorDapps from out-of-process node classpaths by their manifest attributes. Also exclude directories and blatant test artifacts.
* Fix IRS Demo - its "tests" artifact had a non-standard classifier of "test".
* Remove unused dependencies from test-common
* Explicit imports and formatting
* Add core-test-utils project
* Add dependency
* Move Kryo serialization context to node-api (not serialization as we do not want to pull kryo into the serialization lib)
* Move AMQP server serialization scheme to node api
* Move serialization tests to node-api
* Move internal test helpers without further dependencies.
* Move out some types from RPCClientProxyHandler to node-api in preparation for moving the AMQP scheme
* Move client AMQP context to node-api so we can move the test serialization rule out.
* Move InternalSerializationTestHelpers to core-test-utils
* Moved testing.core to core-test-utils
* Make detekt happy
* Add api-scanner to core-test-utils
* Remove inlined package names introduced by IntelliJ refactoring
* Update api-current.txt to account for reordering.
* Add core-test-utils to list of published artifacts.
* Add missing import
* Location of things in api text has moved again (publish name of artefact?)
* Revert all additions to the API, leaving just the reordering
* Code review: fix up core-test-utils build.gradle and introduce kryo version constant.
* Remove OpenSsl flag from ssl config stub (can't be used from node-api)
* Suppress detekt warning
* Move core test util tests to the right module
* Expose kotlin test as a transient dependency - projects have come to rely on that.
* Fix typo in package name
* CORDA-3484: Now cope with 2 contract jars with same hash but different name, we just select one and use that.
* ENT-3584: Contract jars are now generated on the fly.
* CORDA-3584: Reverted changes to CordappProviderImpl. Exception is raised if node started with multiple jars with same hash.
* ENT-3584: Fixing test failure.
* CORDA-3584: Switch to test extension method instead of reflection to access internal member.
* ENT-3584: Address review comment. Dont fully qualify exception.
* CORDA-3584: Address review comment and converted lazy to a resettable one.
* CORDA-3584: Removed unused logger.
* CORDA-3584: Fixed visibility.
* CORDA-3584: Removed synchronized
* CORDA-3584: Removed CordappResolver
* CORDA-3584: Reverted change in gradle file and fixed test.
* CORDA-3584: Removed V3 from test description as it wasn't actually V3 specific.
* CORDA-3584: Address review comment. Let classes be garbage collected.
* Throw SQLException or PersistenceException plain, that may come out of an unsafe subscriber
* Add explanatory comment about why we changed Observer.tee to use unsafe subscribe
* Introducing not unsubscribing version of Rx.Subscriber
* Wrap PublishSubjects with FlowSafeSubjects in all tests that test Observer.tee
* Minor code formatting
* Make rawUpdates Rx.Observers not unsubscribe when accessed from CordaServices - Do not allow rawUpdates subscribing from flows
* Warning fix: Add else block to when statement
* Revert "Wrap PublishSubjects with FlowSafeSubjects in all tests that test Observer.tee"
This reverts commit e419af86
* Correcting log message
* Improve log message
* Add fiber's id to log message and exception message
* Added test, asserting FlowSafeSubscriber is alive and re-accessed upon flow retry
* Logging flow name instead of flow id at VaultService.rawUpdates subscribing error
* Add kdoc to OnNextFailedException
* Minor text correction
* Update kdocs of FlowSafeSubject/ PreventSubscriptionsSubject
* Moved FlowSafeSubject under package node.internal as it is only used by NodeVaultService
* Add comment and update kdoc explaining how to subscribe with SafeSubscriber to FlowSafeSubject
* Change PreventSubscriptionsSubject#errorAction to be more specific; to return an Exception
* Minor text update
* Update messy comment
* Replace assertThat with assertEquals
* Splitting heartBeat to heartBeat1 and hearBeat2 for more clear asserting
* Correcting comment
* Update messy comment
* Splitting heartBeat into heartBeatOnNext and heartBeatOnError
* Update test name
* Add explanatory comment to test
* Update test name
* Update test and add test comment
* Moving NotarisedTxs from SendStateFlow to VaultObserverExceptionTest inside NodeHandle.getNotarisedTransactionIds
* Moving SubscribingRawUpdatesFlow from ErrorHandling to VaultObserverExceptionTest
* Update kdoc of FlowSafeSubscriber and FlowSafeSubscriber.onNext
* Make kdoc more clear
* Throw exception upon accessing VaultService.rawUpdates from within a flow
* Changing exception thrown when accessing VaultService.rawUpdates from within a flow to a CordaRuntimeException
* Minor kdoc update
* Update test comment
* Update kdoc of FlowSafeSubscriber
* Introducing Observable.flowSafeSubscribe public API method to subscribe with -non unsubscribing- Rx.Subscribers to Observables. It also replaced FlowSafeSubject
* Move CustomSafeSubscriber outside test methods
* Minor text update
* Add timeout to tests
* Update kdoc of flowSafeSubscribe
* Update kdoc of flowSafeSubscribe
* Update kdoc of flowSafeSubscribe
* Move FlowSafeSubscriber and flowSafeSubscribe under their own package
* Fix detekt issue
* Update Detekt baseline
* Revert "Update Detekt baseline"
This reverts commit 793a8ed9
* Fix Detekt issue
* Moved strictMode flag from flowSafeSubscribe to OnFlowSafeSubscribe
Moved OnFlowSafeSubscribe into internal package
Integration tested flowSafeLooseSubscribe
* Suppress Rx Deprecation
* Rename flowSafeSubscribe to flowSafeObservable
* Renaming flowSafeObservable to continueOnError and FlowSafeSubscriber to ResilientSubscriber
* [NOTICK] Add a custom detekt rule for tests with no timeout, and fix remaining missing timeouts
* [NOTICK] Add a test for custom detekt rules and tidying
* add timeout annotation to new test
Co-authored-by: Stefano Franz <roastario@gmail.com>
* [EG-140] Allow system property paths with multiple keys to be specified in node.conf
* [EG-140] Split property paths to remove quotes
* [EG-140] Quote system properties in docs
* [EG-140] Rename path to key
* TM-197 Setting bouncy castle provider in order for the test to pass
* TM-197 setting timeout for all builds at 3 hours
* TM-197 ignoring unstable tests
* CORDA-3565: `ServiceStateSupport` and supporting classes
* CORDA-3565:Plug `ServiceLifecycleSupport` into `MessagingService`
* CORDA-3565: Detekt baseline update
* CORDA-3565: React to MessagingServer going up and addition logging for up/down
Co-authored-by: Matthew Nesbit <matthew.nesbit@r3.com>
* Make tee not wrap PublishSubjects in SafeSubscribers, otherwise a non Rx exception from an unsafe observer shuts down all other observers under the same PublishSubject
* Throw SQLException or PersistenceException plain, that may come out of an unsafe subscriber
* Revert "Throw SQLException or PersistenceException plain, that may come out of an unsafe subscriber"
This reverts commit c7b8af3fa6f94c5451924f5ba8c287e6472a39a7.
* Update Detekt baseline
* Just passing in the exception was printing the entire stacktrace to the log, now we just pring the exception and message
* Updating exception message
Observers registered on NodeVaultService#rawUpdates, if they throw an exception when called from serviceHub#recordTransactions and if this exception is not handled by the flow hospital, then this leads to the transaction not being recorded in the local vault. This could get the ledger in an out of sync state.
In the specific case this happens within FinalityFlow#notariseAndRecord this leads to the transaction being notarized but not recorded in the local vault nor broadcasted in any counter party. The -failed to be recorded locally- transaction and its output states are not visible to any vault, and its input states not able to consumed by a new transaction, since they are recorded as consumed within the Notary. In this specific case we need not loose, by any means, the current transaction.
We will handle all cases by catching all exceptions thrown from serviceHub#recordTransactions, wrapping them with a HospitalizeFlowException and throwing it instead. The flow will get to the hospital for observation to be retried from previous checkpoint on next node restart.
Use `flowId` from `ExternalMessageEvent` when failing to init sessions instead of generating
a new random UUID. The a `flowId` is generated and stored inside the event after the
state machine work that done previously.
Cap the default size of the external operation thread pool to 10 or
the maximum number of available processors, whichever is smaller.
Set the minimum size of the thread pool to 1. Meaning that only a
single thread is used unless the node actually starts to use
`FlowExternalOperation` which consumes threads from this pool.
* CORDA-2942: Allow exception from `CordaService` creation to propagate
It will ultimately be thrown from Node's `start()` method terminating the node start-up sequence.
* CORDA-2942: Be lenient when retrievign the name of the Notary
Some tests setup such that they do nto have Notary running.
* CORDA-3549: Improve stability of `CordaServiceLifecycleFatalTests`
* CORDA-3549: Bump-up reps count to ensure that test is definitely not flaky when executed by CI
(once proved the number of reps will be reduced)
* CORDA-3549: Making Detekt happier
* CORDA-2942: Ensure `NodeLifecycleEventsDistributor` cleans-up smoothly when node shuts down
Deprecate FlowAsyncOperation and reimplement public versions FlowExternalOperation and FlowExternalAsyncOperation.
await added to FlowLogic to allow easy calling from both Java and Kotlin. There are two overrides of await (one for FlowExternalOperation and FlowExternalAsyncOperation).
Implementations of FlowExternalOperation return a result (written as blocking code) from their execute function. This operation will then be executed using a thread provided by the externalOperationExecutor.
Implementations of FlowExternalAsyncOperation return a future from their execute function. This operation must be executed on a newly spawned thread or one provided by a thread pool. It is up to developers to handle threading in this scenario.
The default thread pool (externalOperationExecutor) can be configured through the flowExternalOperationThreadPoolSize node config.
The current implementation leaves FlowAsyncOperation alone, meaning that any developers that have used it (even though it is internal) won't need to change their apps. If this was not concern I would delete it completely and replumb the state machine code. Instead, it has been marked with @DoNotImplement and executeAsync is annotated with @Deprecated