Merge for V2
* CORDA-351: force update dependencies and suppress vulnerabilities not affecting corda
* CORDA-351: force update dependencies and suppress vulnerabilities not affecting corda
* Skeleton plugin.
* Implement Gradle api-scanner plugin, and apply it.
* Generate API documentation for any jar without a classifier.
* Fix usage of smokeTests classifier.
* Tweak Gradle API usage.
* Upgrade to fast-classpath-scanner 2.7.0
* Include interfaces and more modifiers in the class description.
* Allow system classes to be supertypes and implemented interfaces.
* Make API Scanner plugin configuration tweakable via build.gradle.
* Add a miserable amount of unit testing.
* Sort methods and fields using their natural comparators. Way easier!
* Add README for api-scanner plugin.
* Add @OutputFiles to ScanApiTask.
* Rename ScanApiTask to ScanApi.
* Allow the ScanApi task to be disabled.
* WIP: Create a top-level GenerateApi task to collate the ScanApi output.
* Exclude package-private classes, as well as bridge/synthetic methods.
* Replace "End of Class" delimiter with '##'.
* Don't scan modules whose API is still "in flux".
* Include constructors in the API definitions.
* Finish implementation of GenerateApi task.
* Update README to include GenerateApi task.
* Filter out Kotlin's "internal" methods.
* Assign "fatjar" classifier to the fat jar artifact.
* Enhance README for GenerateApi.
* Explain effect of api-scanner plugin, and link to Corda's API strategy.
* Tweak README
* Exclude synthetic Kotlin classes by analysing @Metadata.
* Allow us to exclude some classes explicitly from the API.
* POMs generated by publishing are now correct. The publish extension now requires an explicit call to configure the publishing instead of waiting until after evaluation. This prevents evaluation order issues with the artifact renaming code that causes the POM to have the original, incorrect, artifact names.
* Fixed new test compile issues caused by removal of some dependencies in test utils that caused webserver code to be automatically included in any project also compiling test utils.
Core corda publications and JARs now have cord or corda at the start (excluding gradle plugins). Removed an unnecessary dependency on test-utils in node-schemas to prevent an evaluation order bug in gradle.
* CORDA-305: Refactor CordaRPCClient into :client:rpc module
* CORDA-305: Remove the Kotlin test framework from the artifacts.
* CORDA-305: Migrate serialisation whitelist into node-api module.
* CORDA-305: Clean up unused RPC observables.
* CORDA-305: Add :client:rpc module to documentation tasks.
* CORDA-305: Include :finance into :client:rpc for its serialisable classes.
* CORDA-305: Move test classes into the correct directory.
* CORDA-305: Migrate :finance dependency from :client:rpc into DemoBench.
* CORDA-305: Update wording of TODO about handling Observables.
* CORDA-304: Refactor :client modules into :client:javafx and :client:mock.
* CORDA-304: Add :client:mock to Dokka tasks, and remove unused integrationTest task.
* CORDA-304: Migrate DriverBasedTest from node into test-utils.
* CORDA-304: Rename .fx. package to .jfx. to prevent confusion with "exchange rate".
* CORDA-304: Rename module to ':client:jfx'.