Convert NodeVaultService states to return Iterable (backed by Sequence) Vs the old way using a List. Worth noting this relieves memory pressure as the number of vault states grows.
* remove toList in ContractUpgradeFlowTest
Basic crypto API to support 5 signature schemes and MetaData-ed signatures.
Supported schemes: (1) RSA_SHA256, (2) ECDSA_SECP256K1_SHA256, (3) ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256, (4) EDDSA_ED25519_SHA512, (5) SPHINCS-256_SHA512.
To sign a transaction, a signer should create a MetaData wrapper that contains transaction's merkle root and some extra information, such as signer's public key, timestamp and visibleInputs. Actually, MetaData is utilised to support a practical partial, blind and extra-data attached signature model.
When a MetaData object is signed, the signer sends a TransactionSignature object that contains the signed output and the corresponding MetaData object.
This is an temporary solution for signature algorithmic agility. Further development is required for a robust and extensible Crypto Manager/Provider PKI that will support certificate creation, key generation, signing/verifying, deterministic key derivation, encoding formats, SGX/HSM support, identity and key management, versioning, revocation, asynchronicity, metadata, partial sig. policies etc.
* QueuedObservable could not leak due to hard references. Have made it weak referenced but also had to reference count a hard reference to prevent early GC. Explained in comments.
* Improved comments.
* Fixed typo
* Fixed another typo
* CORDA-265: Implement "ALL" permission for RPC users. Users with this permission in node.conf can use any flow.
* CORDA-265: Ensure that we always close the RPC proxy object after each test.
* CORDA-265: Refactor construction of dummy RPC client into an abstract base class.
* CORDA-265: Document RPC "ALL" permission.
* BFT notary prototype: add a non-validating service.
Each replica now validates the transaction timestamp and returns an individual signature to the BFT client. The client then returns a list of signatures back to the notary service flow.
The validating variant is still incomplete - it requires the ability to suspend flows on arbitrary function calls.
* Exclude old version of Javassist in favour of Hibernate's version.
* Comment why we are excluding javassist:javassist, and add TODO for when junit-quickcheck 0.8 is released.
Make notary flow return a collection of signatures to support the BFT notary. For a single-node or RAFT notary it would just contain a single signature.
* Make the network registration process more verbose
* removed gradle task for building standalone jar for the certificate signing request utility
* Added a flag "--initial-registration" to the corda jar to start the registration
* Initial prototyping with Requery as a persistence replacement for Exposed/Hibernate
Applied changes following PR review by RP
Updated timestamp naming (removed committedTimestamp) and StateStatus (removed AWAITING_CONSENSUS) after discussion with RP.
Removed FungibleState and LinearState schemas (and associated tests) - awaiting Requery uni-directional relationship fix.
Added Transaction propagation such that requery re-uses any existing transaction context.
Made requery default logging configurable (disabled by default)
Nullable fields are now truly nullable (in the Kotlin and DDL sense)
Fix for SimmValuation integration test.
Workarounds applied to resolve Requery issues when sharing Transactional context.
Addressed PR review comments from MH.
Further updates following re-review by RP/MH
Further updates following additional PR review comments by RP
Minor update following additional PR review comments by RP
Optimised makeUpdate state processing code.
Resolved conflicts after rebase.
Additional Unit tests and bug fix for correct spending of multiple contract state types within a single transaction.
Required interface change to states() API to take a setOf (ContractStateClassTypes)
Minor code clean-up.
Re-write NodeVaultService consumed state makeUpdate function using SQL.
* Resolve conflict after rebase from master
* Added missing out modifier to UpgradedContract class
* Added ContractUpgradeFlow.Instigator to whitelist in AbstractNode
* Added test for contract upgrade using RPC