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synced 2025-02-21 01:42:24 +00:00
Merged in rnicoll-nodeinfo-services (pull request #54)
Infrastructure work for network map service
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import java.security.PublicKey
* service would provide.
interface IdentityService {
object Type : ServiceType("corda.identity")
fun partyFromKey(key: PublicKey): Party?
fun partyFromName(name: String): Party?
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Copyright 2016 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package core.node.services
* Identifier for service types a node can expose.
abstract class ServiceType(val id: String) {
init {
// Enforce:
// * IDs must start with a lower case letter
// * IDs can only contain alphanumeric, full stop and underscore ASCII characters
override operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
if (other is ServiceType) {
id == other.id
} else {
override fun hashCode(): Int = id.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String = id.toString()
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import core.serialization.SerializedBytes
* themselves.
interface TimestamperService {
object Type : ServiceType("corda.timestamper")
fun timestamp(wtxBytes: SerializedBytes<WireTransaction>): DigitalSignature.LegallyIdentifiable
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import core.messaging.StateMachineManager
import core.node.services.*
import core.serialization.deserialize
import core.serialization.serialize
import core.testing.MockNetworkMapCache
import org.slf4j.Logger
import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException
import java.nio.file.Files
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(val dir: Path, val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
val info: NodeInfo by lazy {
NodeInfo(net.myAddress, storage.myLegalIdentity, findMyLocation())
NodeInfo(net.myAddress, storage.myLegalIdentity, emptySet(), findMyLocation())
protected open fun findMyLocation(): PhysicalLocation? = CityDatabase[configuration.nearestCity]
@ -90,6 +91,8 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(val dir: Path, val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
lateinit var api: APIServer
open fun start(): AbstractNode {
require(timestamperAddress == null || timestamperAddress.advertisedServices.contains(TimestamperService.Type))
{"Timestamper address must indicate a node that provides timestamping services"}
log.info("Node starting up ...")
storage = initialiseStorageService(dir)
@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(val dir: Path, val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
} else {
inNodeTimestampingService = NodeTimestamperService(net, storage.myLegalIdentity, storage.myLegalIdentityKey, platformClock)
NodeInfo(net.myAddress, storage.myLegalIdentity)
NodeInfo(net.myAddress, storage.myLegalIdentity, setOf(TimestamperService.Type))
(services.networkMapCache as MockNetworkMapCache).timestampingNodes.add(tsid)
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import com.codahale.metrics.JmxReporter
import com.google.common.net.HostAndPort
import core.messaging.MessagingService
import core.node.services.ArtemisMessagingService
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.servlets.AttachmentDownloadServlet
import core.node.servlets.DataUploadServlet
import core.utilities.loggerFor
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* Copyright 2015 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package core.node
import core.Party
import core.messaging.SingleMessageRecipient
import core.node.services.ServiceType
* Info about a network node that acts on behalf of some form of contract party.
data class NodeInfo(val address: SingleMessageRecipient, val identity: Party,
var advertisedServices: Set<ServiceType> = emptySet(),
val physicalLocation: PhysicalLocation? = null)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
* Copyright 2015 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package core.node
import java.util.*
/** A latitude/longitude pair. */
data class WorldCoordinate(val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double) {
init {
require(latitude in -90..90)
require(longitude in -180..180)
* Convert to screen coordinates using the Mercator projection. You should have a world map image that
* you know the precise extents of for this function to work.
* Note that no world map ever has latitude extents of -90 to 90 because at these extremes the mapping tends
* to infinity. Google Maps, for example, uses a square map image, and square maps yield latitude extents
* of 85.0511 to -85.0511 = arctan(sinh(π)).
fun project(screenWidth: Double, screenHeight: Double, topLatitude: Double, bottomLatitude: Double,
leftLongitude: Double, rightLongitude: Double): Pair<Double, Double> {
require(latitude in bottomLatitude..topLatitude)
require(longitude in leftLongitude..rightLongitude)
fun deg2rad(deg: Double) = deg * Math.PI / 180.0
val leftLngRad = deg2rad(leftLongitude)
val rightLngRad = deg2rad(rightLongitude)
fun longitudeToScreenX(lng: Double) = screenWidth * (deg2rad(lng) - leftLngRad) / (rightLngRad - leftLngRad)
fun screenYRelative(latDeg: Double) = Math.log(Math.tan(latDeg / 360.0 * Math.PI + Math.PI / 4))
val topLatRel = screenYRelative(topLatitude)
val bottomLatRel = screenYRelative(bottomLatitude)
fun latitudeToScreenY(lat: Double) = screenHeight * (screenYRelative(lat) - topLatRel) / (bottomLatRel - topLatRel)
return Pair(longitudeToScreenX(longitude), latitudeToScreenY(latitude))
* A labelled [WorldCoordinate], where the label is human meaningful. For example, the name of the nearest city.
* Labels should not refer to non-landmarks, for example, they should not contain the names of organisations.
data class PhysicalLocation(val coordinate: WorldCoordinate, val description: String)
* A simple lookup table of city names to their coordinates. Lookups are case insensitive.
object CityDatabase {
private val cityMap = HashMap<String, PhysicalLocation>()
init {
javaClass.getResourceAsStream("cities.txt").bufferedReader().useLines { lines ->
for (line in lines) {
if (line.startsWith("#")) continue
val (name, lng, lat) = line.split('\t')
cityMap[name.toLowerCase()] = PhysicalLocation(WorldCoordinate(lat.toDouble(), lng.toDouble()), name)
operator fun get(name: String) = cityMap[name.toLowerCase()]
@ -3,14 +3,10 @@ package core.node.services
import core.Party
import core.crypto.DummyPublicKey
import core.messaging.SingleMessageRecipient
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.node.PhysicalLocation
import java.util.*
* Info about a network node that acts on behalf of some sort of verified identity.
data class NodeInfo(val address: SingleMessageRecipient, val identity: Party,
val physicalLocation: PhysicalLocation? = null)
* A network map contains lists of nodes on the network along with information about their identity keys, services
* they provide and host names or IP addresses where they can be connected to. A reasonable architecture for the
@ -21,6 +17,7 @@ data class NodeInfo(val address: SingleMessageRecipient, val identity: Party,
* This interface assumes fast, synchronous access to an in-memory map.
interface NetworkMapCache {
object Type : ServiceType("corda.network_map")
val timestampingNodes: List<NodeInfo>
val ratesOracleNodes: List<NodeInfo>
val partyNodes: List<NodeInfo>
@ -29,74 +26,3 @@ interface NetworkMapCache {
fun nodeForPartyName(name: String): NodeInfo? = partyNodes.singleOrNull { it.identity.name == name }
// TODO: Move this to the test tree once a real network map is implemented and this scaffolding is no longer needed.
class MockNetworkMapCache : NetworkMapCache {
data class MockAddress(val id: String) : SingleMessageRecipient
override val timestampingNodes = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<NodeInfo>())
override val ratesOracleNodes = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<NodeInfo>())
override val partyNodes = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<NodeInfo>())
override val regulators = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<NodeInfo>())
init {
partyNodes.add(NodeInfo(MockAddress("bankC:8080"), Party("Bank C", DummyPublicKey("Bank C"))))
partyNodes.add(NodeInfo(MockAddress("bankD:8080"), Party("Bank D", DummyPublicKey("Bank D"))))
/** A latitude/longitude pair. */
data class WorldCoordinate(val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double) {
init {
require(latitude in -90..90)
require(longitude in -180..180)
* Convert to screen coordinates using the Mercator projection. You should have a world map image that
* you know the precise extents of for this function to work.
* Note that no world map ever has latitude extents of -90 to 90 because at these extremes the mapping tends
* to infinity. Google Maps, for example, uses a square map image, and square maps yield latitude extents
* of 85.0511 to -85.0511 = arctan(sinh(π)).
fun project(screenWidth: Double, screenHeight: Double, topLatitude: Double, bottomLatitude: Double,
leftLongitude: Double, rightLongitude: Double): Pair<Double, Double> {
require(latitude in bottomLatitude..topLatitude)
require(longitude in leftLongitude..rightLongitude)
fun deg2rad(deg: Double) = deg * Math.PI / 180.0
val leftLngRad = deg2rad(leftLongitude)
val rightLngRad = deg2rad(rightLongitude)
fun longitudeToScreenX(lng: Double) = screenWidth * (deg2rad(lng) - leftLngRad) / (rightLngRad - leftLngRad)
fun screenYRelative(latDeg: Double) = Math.log(Math.tan(latDeg / 360.0 * Math.PI + Math.PI / 4))
val topLatRel = screenYRelative(topLatitude)
val bottomLatRel = screenYRelative(bottomLatitude)
fun latitudeToScreenY(lat: Double) = screenHeight * (screenYRelative(lat) - topLatRel) / (bottomLatRel - topLatRel)
return Pair(longitudeToScreenX(longitude), latitudeToScreenY(latitude))
* A labelled [WorldCoordinate], where the label is human meaningful. For example, the name of the nearest city.
* Labels should not refer to non-landmarks, for example, they should not contain the names of organisations.
data class PhysicalLocation(val coordinate: WorldCoordinate, val description: String)
* A simple lookup table of city names to their coordinates. Lookups are case insensitive.
object CityDatabase {
private val cityMap = HashMap<String, PhysicalLocation>()
init {
javaClass.getResourceAsStream("cities.txt").bufferedReader().useLines { lines ->
for (line in lines) {
if (line.startsWith("#")) continue
val (name, lng, lat) = line.split('\t')
cityMap[name.toLowerCase()] = PhysicalLocation(WorldCoordinate(lat.toDouble(), lng.toDouble()), name)
operator fun get(name: String) = cityMap[name.toLowerCase()]
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe
* for signing.
object NodeInterestRates {
object Type : ServiceType("corda.interest_rates")
/** Parses a string of the form "LIBOR 16-March-2016 1M = 0.678" into a [FixOf] and [Fix] */
fun parseOneRate(s: String): Pair<FixOf, Fix> {
val (key, value) = s.split('=').map { it.trim() }
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ data class Wallet(val states: List<StateAndRef<ContractState>>) {
* consumed by someone else first!
interface WalletService {
object Type : ServiceType("corda.wallet")
* Returns a read-only snapshot of the wallet at the time the call is made. Note that if you consume states or
* keys in this wallet, you must inform the wallet service so it can update its internal state.
@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ inline fun <reified T : LinearState> WalletService.linearHeadsOfType() = linearH
* interface if/when one is developed.
interface KeyManagementService {
object Type : ServiceType("corda.key_management")
/** Returns a snapshot of the current pubkey->privkey mapping. */
val keys: Map<PublicKey, PrivateKey>
@ -116,6 +118,7 @@ interface KeyManagementService {
* anything like that, this interface is only big enough to support the prototyping work.
interface StorageService {
object Type : ServiceType("corda.storage")
* A map of hash->tx where tx has been signature/contract validated and the states are known to be correct.
* The signatures aren't technically needed after that point, but we keep them around so that we can relay
@ -172,7 +175,9 @@ interface AttachmentStorage {
* Provides access to various metrics and ways to notify monitoring services of things, for sysadmin purposes.
* This is not an interface because it is too lightweight to bother mocking out.
class MonitoringService(val metrics: MetricRegistry)
class MonitoringService(val metrics: MetricRegistry) {
object Type : ServiceType("corda.monitoring")
* A service hub simply vends references to the other services a node has. Some of those services may be missing or
@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ import com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors
import core.ThreadBox
import core.crypto.sha256
import core.messaging.*
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.DummyTimestampingAuthority
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.NodeTimestamperService
import core.node.services.ServiceType
import core.node.services.TimestamperService
import core.utilities.loggerFor
import rx.Observable
import rx.subjects.PublishSubject
@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ class InMemoryMessagingNetwork {
val (handle, builder) = createNode(manuallyPumped)
val node = builder.start().get()
NodeTimestamperService(node, DummyTimestampingAuthority.identity, DummyTimestampingAuthority.key)
timestampingAdvert = NodeInfo(handle, DummyTimestampingAuthority.identity)
timestampingAdvert = NodeInfo(handle, DummyTimestampingAuthority.identity, setOf(TimestamperService.Type))
return Pair(timestampingAdvert!!, node)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Copyright 2016 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package core.testing
import core.Party
import core.crypto.DummyPublicKey
import core.messaging.SingleMessageRecipient
import core.node.services.NetworkMapCache
import core.node.NodeInfo
import java.util.*
class MockNetworkMapCache : NetworkMapCache {
data class MockAddress(val id: String) : SingleMessageRecipient
override val timestampingNodes = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<NodeInfo>())
override val ratesOracleNodes = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<NodeInfo>())
override val partyNodes = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<NodeInfo>())
override val regulators = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<NodeInfo>())
init {
partyNodes.add(NodeInfo(MockAddress("bankC:8080"), Party("Bank C", DummyPublicKey("Bank C"))))
partyNodes.add(NodeInfo(MockAddress("bankD:8080"), Party("Bank D", DummyPublicKey("Bank D"))))
@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ import core.messaging.MessagingService
import core.messaging.SingleMessageRecipient
import core.node.AbstractNode
import core.node.NodeConfiguration
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.node.PhysicalLocation
import core.node.services.FixedIdentityService
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.PhysicalLocation
import core.node.services.ServiceType
import core.node.services.TimestamperService
import core.utilities.loggerFor
import org.slf4j.Logger
import java.nio.file.Files
@ -90,7 +92,8 @@ class MockNetwork(private val threadPerNode: Boolean = false,
/** Returns a started node, optionally created by the passed factory method */
fun createNode(withTimestamper: NodeInfo?, forcedID: Int = -1, nodeFactory: Factory = defaultFactory): MockNode {
fun createNode(withTimestamper: NodeInfo?, forcedID: Int = -1, nodeFactory: Factory = defaultFactory,
advertisedServices: Set<ServiceType> = emptySet()): MockNode {
val newNode = forcedID == -1
val id = if (newNode) counter++ else forcedID
@ -103,6 +106,7 @@ class MockNetwork(private val threadPerNode: Boolean = false,
override val nearestCity: String = "Atlantis"
val node = nodeFactory.create(path, config, this, withTimestamper).start()
node.info.advertisedServices = advertisedServices
return node
@ -127,7 +131,10 @@ class MockNetwork(private val threadPerNode: Boolean = false,
fun createTwoNodes(nodeFactory: Factory = defaultFactory): Pair<MockNode, MockNode> {
return Pair(createNode(null, -1, nodeFactory), createNode(nodes[0].info, -1, nodeFactory))
return Pair(
createNode(null, -1, nodeFactory, setOf(TimestamperService.Type)),
createNode(nodes[0].info, -1, nodeFactory)
fun addressToNode(address: SingleMessageRecipient): MockNode = nodes.single { it.net.myAddress == address }
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
package core.testing
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture
import core.node.CityDatabase
import core.node.NodeConfiguration
import core.node.services.CityDatabase
import core.node.services.MockNetworkMapCache
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.PhysicalLocation
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.node.PhysicalLocation
import core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import core.then
import core.utilities.ProgressTracker
@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ import core.logElapsedTime
import core.node.Node
import core.node.NodeConfiguration
import core.node.NodeConfigurationFromConfig
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.ArtemisMessagingService
import core.node.services.MockNetworkMapCache
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.NodeInterestRates
import core.node.services.ServiceType
import core.node.services.TimestamperService
import core.testing.MockNetworkMapCache
import core.serialization.deserialize
import core.utilities.BriefLogFormatter
import demos.protocols.AutoOfferProtocol
@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ fun main(args: Array<String>) {
} else {
try {
nodeInfo(options.valueOf(timestamperNetAddr), options.valueOf(timestamperIdentityFile))
nodeInfo(options.valueOf(timestamperNetAddr), options.valueOf(timestamperIdentityFile), setOf(TimestamperService.Type))
} catch (e: Exception) {
@ -82,7 +85,7 @@ fun main(args: Array<String>) {
} else {
try {
nodeInfo(options.valueOf(rateOracleNetAddr), options.valueOf(rateOracleIdentityFile))
nodeInfo(options.valueOf(rateOracleNetAddr), options.valueOf(rateOracleIdentityFile), setOf(NodeInterestRates.Type))
} catch (e: Exception) {
@ -122,12 +125,12 @@ fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun nodeInfo(hostAndPortString: String, identityFile: String): NodeInfo {
fun nodeInfo(hostAndPortString: String, identityFile: String, advertisedServices: Set<ServiceType> = emptySet()): NodeInfo {
try {
val addr = HostAndPort.fromString(hostAndPortString).withDefaultPort(Node.DEFAULT_PORT)
val path = Paths.get(identityFile)
val party = Files.readAllBytes(path).deserialize<Party>(includeClassName = true)
return NodeInfo(ArtemisMessagingService.makeRecipient(addr), party)
return NodeInfo(ArtemisMessagingService.makeRecipient(addr), party, advertisedServices)
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Could not find identify file $identityFile. If the file has just been created as part of starting the demo, please restart this node")
throw e
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import core.*
import core.node.Node
import core.node.NodeConfiguration
import core.node.services.ArtemisMessagingService
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.NodeInterestRates
import core.serialization.deserialize
import core.utilities.ANSIProgressRenderer
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import core.node.Node
import core.node.NodeConfiguration
import core.node.NodeConfigurationFromConfig
import core.node.services.ArtemisMessagingService
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.NodeAttachmentService
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.NodeWalletService
import core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import core.serialization.deserialize
@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package demos.protocols
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import co.paralleluniverse.strands.Strand
import core.node.Node
import core.node.services.MockNetworkMapCache
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import core.serialization.deserialize
import core.testing.MockNetworkMapCache
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ import contracts.DealState
import contracts.InterestRateSwap
import core.StateAndRef
import core.node.Node
import core.node.services.MockNetworkMapCache
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.linearHeadsOfType
import core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import core.random63BitValue
import core.serialization.deserialize
import core.testing.MockNetworkMapCache
import core.utilities.ANSIProgressRenderer
import core.utilities.ProgressTracker
import demos.DemoClock
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import core.*
import core.crypto.DigitalSignature
import core.messaging.SingleMessageRecipient
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import core.utilities.ProgressTracker
import java.math.BigDecimal
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import core.WireTransaction
import core.crypto.DigitalSignature
import core.messaging.MessageRecipients
import core.messaging.StateMachineManager
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.NodeTimestamperService
import core.node.services.TimestamperService
import core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import core.*
import core.crypto.DigitalSignature
import core.crypto.signWithECDSA
import core.messaging.SingleMessageRecipient
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import core.utilities.ProgressTracker
import core.utilities.UntrustworthyData
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import core.crypto.DigitalSignature
import core.crypto.signWithECDSA
import core.messaging.SingleMessageRecipient
import core.messaging.StateMachineManager
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import core.utilities.ProgressTracker
import core.utilities.trace
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import core.messaging.MessagingService
import core.node.services.*
import core.serialization.SerializedBytes
import core.serialization.deserialize
import core.testing.MockNetworkMapCache
import core.testutils.MockIdentityService
import core.testutils.TEST_PROGRAM_MAP
import core.testutils.TEST_TX_TIME
@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ import core.Attachment
import core.crypto.SecureHash
import core.crypto.sha256
import core.node.NodeConfiguration
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.NodeAttachmentService
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.TimestamperService
import core.serialization.OpaqueBytes
import core.testing.MockNetwork
import core.testutils.rootCauseExceptions
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ class AttachmentTests {
}, advertisedServices = setOf(TimestamperService.Type))
val n1 = network.createNode(n0.info)
// Insert an attachment into node zero's store directly.
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import contracts.CommercialPaper
import core.*
import core.crypto.SecureHash
import core.node.NodeConfiguration
import core.node.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.*
import core.testing.InMemoryMessagingNetwork
import core.testing.MockNetwork
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import core.node.services.*
import core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import core.serialization.serialize
import core.testing.InMemoryMessagingNetwork
import core.testing.MockNetworkMapCache
import core.testutils.ALICE
import core.testutils.ALICE_KEY
import core.testutils.CASH
Reference in New Issue
Block a user