more compiler work

This commit is contained in:
Joel Dice 2008-04-17 14:48:26 -06:00
parent 3f45d39582
commit f8a5d02f67

View File

@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ pick(Context* c, Site* sites, Site* target = 0, unsigned* cost = 0)
syncStack(Context* c, Stack* start, unsigned count)
stackSync(Context* c, Stack* start, unsigned count)
Stack* segment[count];
unsigned index = count;
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ acquire(Context* c, int r, Stack* stack, unsigned newSize, Value* newValue,
assert(c, start);
syncStack(c, start, count);
stackSync(c, start, count);
for (Site** p = &(oldValue->sites); *p;) {
@ -464,14 +464,17 @@ expect(Context* c, bool v)
class Read {
Read(unsigned size, Value* value, Site* target, Read* next, Read* eventNext):
size(size), value(value), target(target), next(next), eventNext(eventNext)
Read(unsigned size, Value* value, Site* target, Read* next, Event* event,
Read* eventNext):
size(size), value(value), target(target), next(next), event(event),
{ }
unsigned size;
Value* value;
Site* target;
Read* next;
Event* event;
Read* eventNext;
@ -499,6 +502,12 @@ class Value: public Compiler::Operand {
Site* target;
value(Context* c, Site* site = 0)
return new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(Value))) Value(site);
apply(Context* c, UnaryOperation op, unsigned size, Value* a)
@ -626,18 +635,39 @@ class Stack {
addRead(Context* c, Value* v, unsigned size, Site* target)
insertRead(Context* c, Event* thisEvent, Event* before, Value* v,
unsigned size, Site* target)
Read* r = new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(Read)))
Read(v, size, target, 0, c->event-reads);
c->event->reads = r;
Read(v, size, target, 0, thisEvent, thisEvent-reads);
thisEvent->reads = r;
if (v->lastRead) {
r->lastRead->next = r;
} else {
v->reads = r;
if (before) {
for (Read** p = &(v->reads); *p;) {
if ((*p)->event->sequence >= before->sequence) {
r->next = *p;
*p = r;
} else {
p = &((*p)->next);
v->lastRead = r;
if (r->next == 0) {
if (v->lastRead) {
v->lastRead->next = r;
} else {
v->reads = r;
v->lastRead = r;
addRead(Context* c, Value* v, unsigned size, Site* target)
insertRead(c, c->event, 0, v, size, target);
@ -651,28 +681,41 @@ class CallEvent: public Event {
CallEvent(Context* c, Value* address, void* indirection, unsigned flags,
TraceHandler* traceHandler, Value* result, unsigned resultSize,
Value** arguments, unsigned* argumentSizes,
unsigned argumentCount):
addRead(c, address, BytesPerWord,
(indirection ? registerSite(c, c->assembler->returnLow()) : 0));
Stack* oldStack = c.state->stack;
for (int i = argumentCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
::push(c, argumentSizes[i], arguments[i]);
unsigned index = 0;
Stack* s = stack;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < argumentCount; ++i) {
addRead(c, s->value, s->size * BytesPerWord,
index < c->assembler->argumentRegisterCount() ?
registerSite(c, c->assembler->argumentRegister(index)) :
stackSite(c, s));
for (int i = 0; i < argumentCount; ++i) {
Site* target;
if (index < c->assembler->argumentRegisterCount()) {
target = registerSite(c, c->assembler->argumentRegister(index));
} else {
target = stackSite(c, s);
footprint += s->size;
addRead(c, s->value, s->size * BytesPerWord, target);
index += s->size;
s = s->next;
c.state->stack = oldStack;
if (result) {
addWrite(c, result, resultSize);
@ -694,13 +737,21 @@ class CallEvent: public Event {
(new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(CodePromise)))
CodePromise(c, c->assembler->length()));
if (footprint) {
Assembler::Register stack(c->assembler->stack());
Assembler::Constant offset(resolved(c, footprint * BytesPerWord));
(Add, BytesPerWord, Constant, &offset, Register, &stack);
Value* address;
void* indirection;
unsigned flags;
TraceHandler* traceHandler;
Value* result;
unsigned flags;
unsigned footprint;
@ -899,28 +950,88 @@ appendTranslate(Context* c, UnaryOperation type, unsigned size, Value* value,
class MemoryEvent: public Event {
MemoryEvent(Context* c, Value* base, Value* index, Value* result):
Event(c), base(base), index(index), result(result)
MemoryEvent(Context* c, Value* base, int displacement, Value* index,
unsigned scale, Value* result):
Event(c), base(base), displacement(displacement), index(index),
scale(scale), result(result)
addRead(c, base, BytesPerWord, anyRegisterSite(c));
if (index) addRead(c, index, BytesPerWord, anyRegisterSite(c));
addWrite(c, BytesPerWord, size);
virtual void compile(Context*) {
fprintf(stderr, "MemoryEvent.compile\n");
int baseRegister;
int indexRegister;
Read* read = reads;
if (index) {
assert(c, read->target->type(c) == RegisterOperand);
indexRegister = static_cast<RegisterSite*>(read->target)->register_.low;
read = read->eventNext;
} else {
indexRegister = NoRegister;
assert(c, read->target->type(c) == RegisterOperand);
baseRegister = static_cast<RegisterSite*>(read->target)->register_.low;
addSite(c, 0, 0, result, memorySite
(c, baseRegister, displacement, indexRegister, scale));
Value* base;
int displacement;
Value* index;
unsigned scale;
Value* result;
appendMemory(Context* c, Value* base, Value* index, Value* result)
appendMemory(Context* c, Value* base, int displacement, Value* index,
unsigned scale, Value* result)
new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(MemoryEvent)))
MemoryEvent(c, base, index, result);
MemoryEvent(c, base, displacement, index, scale, result);
class StackSyncEvent: public Event {
StackSyncEvent(Context* c, bool forCall):
unsigned i = 0;
for (Stack* s = stack; s; s = s->next) {
addRead(c, s->value, s->size * BytesPerWord,
forCall ? stackSite(c, s) : stackSyncSite(c, i, s->size));
i += s->size;
StackSyncEvent(Context* c, Event* next):
Event(c, next)
unsigned i = 0;
for (Stack* s = stack; s; s = s->next) {
insertRead(c, this, next, s->value, s->size * BytesPerWord,
stackSyncSite(c, i, s->size));
i += s->size;
virtual void compile(Context* c) {
fprintf(stderr, "StackSyncEvent.compile\n");
for (Read* r = reads; r; r = r->eventNext) {
r->value->sites = r->target;
r->target->next = 0;
appendStackSync(Context* c, bool forCall)
new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(StackSyncEvent))) StackSyncEvent(c, forCall);
@ -1073,22 +1184,6 @@ pop(Context* c, unsigned size UNUSED)
c->state->stack = s->next;
return s->value;
// tbc
markStack(Context* c, Stack* stack)
for (Stack* s = stack; s; s = s->next) {
if (s->operand->push) {
markStack(Context* c)
markStack(c, c->state->stack);
updateJunctions(Context* c)
@ -1099,7 +1194,9 @@ updateJunctions(Context* c)
if (i->predecessor >= 0) {
LogicalInstruction* p = c->logicalCode + i->predecessor;
markStack(c, p->lastEvent->stack);
p->lastEvent = p->lastEvent->next
= new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(StackSyncEvent)))
StackSyncEvent(c, p->lastEvent->next);
@ -1239,11 +1336,11 @@ class MyCompiler: public Compiler {
virtual Operand* promiseConstant(Promise* value) {
return operand(&c, ::constant(&c, value));
return ::value(&c, ::constantSite(&c, value));
virtual Operand* address(Promise* address) {
return operand(&c, ::address(&c, address));
return value(&c, ::addressSite(&c, address));
virtual Operand* memory(Operand* base,
@ -1251,41 +1348,38 @@ class MyCompiler: public Compiler {
Operand* index = 0,
unsigned scale = 1)
MyOperand* result = operand
(&c, ::memory
(&c, static_cast<MyOperand*>(base), displacement,
static_cast<MyOperand*>(index), scale));
MyOperand* result = value(&c);
appendMemory(&c, static_cast<MyOperand*>(base),
static_cast<MyOperand*>(index), result);
appendMemory(&c, static_cast<Value*>(base), displacement,
static_cast<Value*>(index), scale, result);
return result;
virtual Operand* stack() {
return operand(&c, register_(&c, c.assembler->stack()));
return value(&c, registerSite(&c, c.assembler->stack()));
virtual Operand* base() {
return operand(&c, register_(&c, c.assembler->base()));
return value(&c, registerSite(&c, c.assembler->base()));
virtual Operand* thread() {
return operand(&c, register_(&c, c.assembler->thread()));
return value(&c, registerSite(&c, c.assembler->thread()));
virtual bool isConstant(Operand* a) {
return static_cast<MyOperand*>(a)->value
and static_cast<MyOperand*>(a)->value->type(&c) == Constant;
return static_cast<Value*>(a)->value
and static_cast<Value*>(a)->value->type(&c) == ConstantOperand;
virtual int64_t constantValue(Operand* a) {
assert(&c, isConstant(a));
return static_cast<MyOperand*>(a)->value->constantValue(&c);
return static_cast<Value*>(a)->value->constantValue(&c);
virtual Operand* label() {
return operand(&c, ::constant(&c, static_cast<Promise*>(0)));
return value(&c, ::constantSite(&c, static_cast<Promise*>(0)));
Promise* machineIp() {
@ -1294,14 +1388,14 @@ class MyCompiler: public Compiler {
virtual void mark(Operand* label) {
= machineIp();
virtual void push(unsigned size, Operand* value) {
::push(&c, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(value));
::push(&c, size, static_cast<Value*>(value));
virtual Operand* pop(unsigned size) {
@ -1310,9 +1404,9 @@ class MyCompiler: public Compiler {
virtual void pushed(unsigned count) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
MyOperand* a = operand(&c);
Value* a = value(&c);
::push(&c, BytesPerWord, a);
a->value = stackValue(&c, c.state->stack);
a->sites = stackSite(&c, c.state->stack);
@ -1333,14 +1427,14 @@ class MyCompiler: public Compiler {
i -= s->size;
assert(&c, s->size == ceiling(size, BytesPerWord));
return s->operand;
return s->value;
virtual Operand* call(Operand* address,
void* indirection,
unsigned flags,
TraceHandler* traceHandler,
unsigned resultSize,
unsigned argumentCount,
@ -1348,11 +1442,16 @@ class MyCompiler: public Compiler {
unsigned footprint = 0;
unsigned size = BytesPerWord;
Value* arguments[argumentCount];
unsigned argumentSizes[argumentCount];
unsigned index = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < argumentCount; ++i) {
MyOperand* o = va_arg(a, MyOperand*);
Value* o = va_arg(a, Value*);
if (o) {
appendArgument(&c, size, o, footprint);
arguments[index] = o;
argumentSizes[index] = size;
size = BytesPerWord;
++ index;
} else {
size = 8;
@ -1361,174 +1460,176 @@ class MyCompiler: public Compiler {
appendStackSync(&c, true);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendCall(&c, static_cast<Value*>(address), indirection, flags,
traceHandler, result, resultSize, arguments, argumentSizes,
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendCall(&c, static_cast<MyOperand*>(address), indirection, flags,
traceHandler, result);
return result;
virtual void return_(unsigned size, Operand* value) {
appendReturn(&c, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(value));
appendReturn(&c, size, static_cast<Value*>(value));
virtual void store(unsigned size, Operand* src, Operand* dst) {
appendMove(&c, Move, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(src),
appendMove(&c, Move, size, static_cast<Value*>(src),
virtual Operand* load(unsigned size, Operand* src) {
MyOperand* dst = operand(&c);
appendMove(&c, Move, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(src), dst);
Value* dst = value(&c);
appendMove(&c, Move, size, static_cast<Value*>(src), dst);
return dst;
virtual Operand* loadz(unsigned size, Operand* src) {
MyOperand* dst = operand(&c);
appendMove(&c, MoveZ, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(src), dst);
Value* dst = value(&c);
appendMove(&c, MoveZ, size, static_cast<Value*>(src), dst);
return dst;
virtual Operand* load4To8(Operand* src) {
MyOperand* dst = operand(&c);
appendMove(&c, Move4To8, 0, static_cast<MyOperand*>(src), dst);
Value* dst = value(&c);
appendMove(&c, Move4To8, 0, static_cast<Value*>(src), dst);
return dst;
virtual Operand* dup(unsigned size, Operand* src) {
MyOperand* dst = operand(&c);
appendDup(&c, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(src), dst);
Value* dst = value(&c);
appendDup(&c, size, static_cast<Value*>(src), dst);
return dst;
virtual void cmp(unsigned size, Operand* a, Operand* b) {
appendCompare(&c, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a),
appendCompare(&c, size, static_cast<Value*>(a),
virtual void jl(Operand* address) {
appendBranch(&c, JumpIfLess, static_cast<MyOperand*>(address));
appendBranch(&c, JumpIfLess, static_cast<Value*>(address));
virtual void jg(Operand* address) {
appendBranch(&c, JumpIfGreater, static_cast<MyOperand*>(address));
appendBranch(&c, JumpIfGreater, static_cast<Value*>(address));
virtual void jle(Operand* address) {
appendBranch(&c, JumpIfLessOrEqual, static_cast<MyOperand*>(address));
appendBranch(&c, JumpIfLessOrEqual, static_cast<Value*>(address));
virtual void jge(Operand* address) {
appendBranch(&c, JumpIfGreaterOrEqual, static_cast<MyOperand*>(address));
appendBranch(&c, JumpIfGreaterOrEqual, static_cast<Value*>(address));
virtual void je(Operand* address) {
appendBranch(&c, JumpIfEqual, static_cast<MyOperand*>(address));
appendBranch(&c, JumpIfEqual, static_cast<Value*>(address));
virtual void jne(Operand* address) {
appendBranch(&c, JumpIfNotEqual, static_cast<MyOperand*>(address));
appendBranch(&c, JumpIfNotEqual, static_cast<Value*>(address));
virtual void jmp(Operand* address) {
appendJump(&c, static_cast<MyOperand*>(address));
appendBranch(&c, Branch, static_cast<Value*>(address));
virtual Operand* add(unsigned size, Operand* a, Operand* b) {
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Add, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a),
static_cast<MyOperand*>(b), result);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Add, size, static_cast<Value*>(a),
static_cast<Value*>(b), result);
return result;
virtual Operand* sub(unsigned size, Operand* a, Operand* b) {
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Subtract, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a),
static_cast<MyOperand*>(b), result);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Subtract, size, static_cast<Value*>(a),
static_cast<Value*>(b), result);
return result;
virtual Operand* mul(unsigned size, Operand* a, Operand* b) {
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Multiply, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a),
static_cast<MyOperand*>(b), result);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Multiply, size, static_cast<Value*>(a),
static_cast<Value*>(b), result);
return result;
virtual Operand* div(unsigned size, Operand* a, Operand* b) {
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Divide, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a),
static_cast<MyOperand*>(b), result);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Divide, size, static_cast<Value*>(a),
static_cast<Value*>(b), result);
return result;
virtual Operand* rem(unsigned size, Operand* a, Operand* b) {
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Remainder, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a),
static_cast<MyOperand*>(b), result);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Remainder, size, static_cast<Value*>(a),
static_cast<Value*>(b), result);
return result;
virtual Operand* shl(unsigned size, Operand* a, Operand* b) {
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendCombine(&c, ShiftLeft, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a),
static_cast<MyOperand*>(b), result);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendCombine(&c, ShiftLeft, size, static_cast<Value*>(a),
static_cast<Value*>(b), result);
return result;
virtual Operand* shr(unsigned size, Operand* a, Operand* b) {
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendCombine(&c, ShiftRight, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a),
static_cast<MyOperand*>(b), result);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendCombine(&c, ShiftRight, size, static_cast<Value*>(a),
static_cast<Value*>(b), result);
return result;
virtual Operand* ushr(unsigned size, Operand* a, Operand* b) {
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendCombine(&c, UnsignedShiftRight, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a),
static_cast<MyOperand*>(b), result);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendCombine(&c, UnsignedShiftRight, size, static_cast<Value*>(a),
static_cast<Value*>(b), result);
return result;
virtual Operand* and_(unsigned size, Operand* a, Operand* b) {
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendCombine(&c, And, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a),
static_cast<MyOperand*>(b), result);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendCombine(&c, And, size, static_cast<Value*>(a),
static_cast<Value*>(b), result);
return result;
virtual Operand* or_(unsigned size, Operand* a, Operand* b) {
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Or, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a),
static_cast<MyOperand*>(b), result);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Or, size, static_cast<Value*>(a),
static_cast<Value*>(b), result);
return result;
virtual Operand* xor_(unsigned size, Operand* a, Operand* b) {
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Xor, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a),
static_cast<MyOperand*>(b), result);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendCombine(&c, Xor, size, static_cast<Value*>(a),
static_cast<Value*>(b), result);
return result;
virtual Operand* neg(unsigned size, Operand* a) {
MyOperand* result = operand(&c);
appendTranslate(&c, Negate, size, static_cast<MyOperand*>(a), result);
Value* result = value(&c);
appendTranslate(&c, Negate, size, static_cast<Value*>(a), result);
return result;