Merged in rnicoll-cash-generate-exit (pull request #233)

Add Cash.generateExit() function
This commit is contained in:
Ross Nicoll 2016-07-20 13:21:29 +01:00
commit f866c4689e
2 changed files with 129 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -125,6 +125,75 @@ class Cash : ClauseVerifier() {
data class Exit(override val amount: Amount<Issued<Currency>>) : Commands, FungibleAsset.Commands.Exit<Currency>
* Generate an transaction exiting cash from the ledger.
* @param tx transaction builder to add states and commands to.
* @param amountIssued the amount to be exited, represented as a quantity of issued currency.
* @param changeKey the key to send any change to. This needs to be explicitly stated as the input states are not
* necessarily owned by us.
* @param cashStates the cash states to take funds from. No checks are done about ownership of these states, it is
* the responsibility of the caller to check that they do not exit funds held by others.
* @return the public key of the cash issuer, who must sign the transaction for it to be valid.
// TODO: I'm not at all sure we should support exiting funds others hold, but that's a bigger discussion around the
// contract logic, not just this function.
fun generateExit(tx: TransactionBuilder, amountIssued: Amount<Issued<Currency>>,
changeKey: PublicKey, cashStates: List<StateAndRef<State>>): PublicKey {
val currency = amountIssued.token.product
val issuer =
val amount = Amount(amountIssued.quantity, currency)
var acceptableCoins = cashStates.filter { ref -> == amountIssued.token }
val notary = acceptableCoins.firstOrNull()?.state?.notary
// TODO: We should be prepared to produce multiple transactions exiting inputs from
// different notaries, or at least group states by notary and take the set with the
// highest total value
acceptableCoins = acceptableCoins.filter { it.state.notary == notary }
val (gathered, gatheredAmount) = gatherCoins(acceptableCoins, Amount(amount.quantity, currency))
val takeChangeFrom = gathered.lastOrNull()
val change = if (takeChangeFrom != null && gatheredAmount > amount) {
Amount<Issued<Currency>>(gatheredAmount.quantity - amount.quantity,
} else {
val outputs: List<TransactionState<Cash.State>> = if (change != null) {
// Add a change output and adjust the last output downwards.
listOf(TransactionState(State(amountIssued.token.issuer, Amount(change.quantity, currency), changeKey),
} else emptyList()
for (state in gathered) tx.addInputState(state)
for (state in outputs) tx.addOutputState(state)
* Gather coins from the given list of states, sufficient to match or exceed the given amount.
* @param acceptableCoins list of states to use as inputs.
* @param amount the amount to gather states up to.
* @throws InsufficientBalanceException if there isn't enough value in the states to cover the requested amount.
private fun gatherCoins(acceptableCoins: List<StateAndRef<State>>,
amount: Amount<Currency>): Pair<ArrayList<StateAndRef<State>>, Amount<Currency>> {
val gathered = arrayListOf<StateAndRef<State>>()
var gatheredAmount = Amount(0, amount.token)
for (c in acceptableCoins) {
if (gatheredAmount >= amount) break
gatheredAmount += Amount(, amount.token)
if (gatheredAmount < amount)
throw InsufficientBalanceException(amount - gatheredAmount)
return Pair(gathered, gatheredAmount)
* Puts together an issuance transaction from the given template, that starts out being owned by the given pubkey.
@ -192,19 +261,8 @@ class Cash : ClauseVerifier() {
val gathered = arrayListOf<StateAndRef<State>>()
var gatheredAmount = Amount(0, currency)
var takeChangeFrom: StateAndRef<State>? = null
for (c in acceptableCoins) {
if (gatheredAmount >= amount) break
gatheredAmount += Amount(, currency)
takeChangeFrom = c
if (gatheredAmount < amount)
throw InsufficientBalanceException(amount - gatheredAmount)
val (gathered, gatheredAmount) = gatherCoins(acceptableCoins, amount)
val takeChangeFrom = gathered.firstOrNull()
val change = if (takeChangeFrom != null && gatheredAmount > amount) {
Amount<Issued<Currency>>(gatheredAmount.quantity - amount.quantity,
} else {

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@ -380,12 +380,70 @@ class CashTests {
* Generate an exit transaction, removing some amount of cash from the ledger.
fun makeExit(amount: Amount<Currency>, corp: Party, depositRef: Byte = 1): WireTransaction {
val tx = TransactionType.General.Builder()
Cash().generateExit(tx, Amount(amount.quantity, Issued(corp.ref(depositRef), amount.token)), OUR_PUBKEY_1, WALLET)
return tx.toWireTransaction()
fun makeSpend(amount: Amount<Currency>, dest: PublicKey): WireTransaction {
val tx = TransactionType.General.Builder()
Cash().generateSpend(tx, amount, dest, WALLET)
return tx.toWireTransaction()
* Try exiting an amount which matches a single state.
fun generateSimpleExit() {
val wtx = makeExit(100.DOLLARS, MEGA_CORP, 1)
assertEquals(WALLET[0].ref, wtx.inputs[0])
assertEquals(0, wtx.outputs.size)
val expected = Cash.Commands.Exit(Amount(10000, Issued(MEGA_CORP.ref(1), USD)))
val actual = wtx.commands.single().value
assertEquals(expected, actual)
* Try exiting an amount smaller than the smallest available input state, and confirm change is generated correctly.
fun generatePartialExit() {
val wtx = makeExit(50.DOLLARS, MEGA_CORP, 1)
assertEquals(WALLET[0].ref, wtx.inputs[0])
assertEquals(1, wtx.outputs.size)
assertEquals(WALLET[0] = WALLET[0] / 2), wtx.outputs[0].data)
* Try exiting a currency we don't have.
fun generateAbsentExit() {
assertFailsWith<InsufficientBalanceException> { makeExit(100.POUNDS, MEGA_CORP, 1) }
* Try exiting with a reference mis-match.
fun generateInvalidReferenceExit() {
assertFailsWith<InsufficientBalanceException> { makeExit(100.POUNDS, MEGA_CORP, 2) }
* Try exiting an amount greater than the maximum available.
fun generateInsufficientExit() {
assertFailsWith<InsufficientBalanceException> { makeExit(1000.DOLLARS, MEGA_CORP, 1) }
fun generateSimpleDirectSpend() {
val wtx = makeSpend(100.DOLLARS, THEIR_PUBKEY_1)