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synced 2025-03-15 16:46:12 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'open/master' into anthony-os-merge-20180406
# Conflicts: # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockServices.kt
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,6 +58,61 @@ interface NetworkMapCacheBaseInternal : NetworkMapCacheBase {
interface ServiceHubInternal : ServiceHub {
companion object {
private val log = contextLogger()
fun recordTransactions(statesToRecord: StatesToRecord, txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>,
validatedTransactions: WritableTransactionStorage,
stateMachineRecordedTransactionMapping: StateMachineRecordedTransactionMappingStorage,
vaultService: VaultServiceInternal) {
require(txs.any()) { "No transactions passed in for recording" }
val recordedTransactions = txs.filter { validatedTransactions.addTransaction(it) }
val stateMachineRunId = FlowStateMachineImpl.currentStateMachine()?.id
if (stateMachineRunId != null) {
recordedTransactions.forEach {
stateMachineRecordedTransactionMapping.addMapping(stateMachineRunId, it.id)
} else {
log.warn("Transactions recorded from outside of a state machine")
if (statesToRecord != StatesToRecord.NONE) {
// When the user has requested StatesToRecord.ALL we may end up recording and relationally mapping states
// that do not involve us and that we cannot sign for. This will break coin selection and thus a warning
// is present in the documentation for this feature (see the "Observer nodes" tutorial on docs.corda.net).
// The reason for this is three-fold:
// 1) We are putting in place the observer mode feature relatively quickly to meet specific customer
// launch target dates.
// 2) The right design for vaults which mix observations and relevant states isn't entirely clear yet.
// 3) If we get the design wrong it could create security problems and business confusions.
// Back in the bitcoinj days I did add support for "watching addresses" to the wallet code, which is the
// Bitcoin equivalent of observer nodes:
// https://bitcoinj.github.io/working-with-the-wallet#watching-wallets
// The ability to have a wallet containing both irrelevant and relevant states complicated everything quite
// dramatically, even methods as basic as the getBalance() API which required additional modes to let you
// query "balance I can spend" vs "balance I am observing". In the end it might have been better to just
// require the user to create an entirely separate wallet for observing with.
// In Corda we don't support a single node having multiple vaults (at the time of writing), and it's not
// clear that's the right way to go: perhaps adding an "origin" column to the VAULT_STATES table is a better
// solution. Then you could select subsets of states depending on where the report came from.
// The risk of doing this is that apps/developers may use 'canned SQL queries' not written by us that forget
// to add a WHERE clause for the origin column. Those queries will seem to work most of the time until
// they're run on an observer node and mix in irrelevant data. In the worst case this may result in
// erroneous data being reported to the user, which could cause security problems.
// Because the primary use case for recording irrelevant states is observer/regulator nodes, who are unlikely
// to make writes to the ledger very often or at all, we choose to punt this issue for the time being.
vaultService.notifyAll(statesToRecord, recordedTransactions.map { it.coreTransaction })
override val vaultService: VaultServiceInternal
@ -80,54 +135,7 @@ interface ServiceHubInternal : ServiceHub {
val networkMapUpdater: NetworkMapUpdater
override val cordappProvider: CordappProviderInternal
override fun recordTransactions(statesToRecord: StatesToRecord, txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
require(txs.any()) { "No transactions passed in for recording" }
val recordedTransactions = txs.filter { validatedTransactions.addTransaction(it) }
val stateMachineRunId = FlowStateMachineImpl.currentStateMachine()?.id
if (stateMachineRunId != null) {
recordedTransactions.forEach {
stateMachineRecordedTransactionMapping.addMapping(stateMachineRunId, it.id)
} else {
log.warn("Transactions recorded from outside of a state machine")
if (statesToRecord != StatesToRecord.NONE) {
// When the user has requested StatesToRecord.ALL we may end up recording and relationally mapping states
// that do not involve us and that we cannot sign for. This will break coin selection and thus a warning
// is present in the documentation for this feature (see the "Observer nodes" tutorial on docs.corda.net).
// The reason for this is three-fold:
// 1) We are putting in place the observer mode feature relatively quickly to meet specific customer
// launch target dates.
// 2) The right design for vaults which mix observations and relevant states isn't entirely clear yet.
// 3) If we get the design wrong it could create security problems and business confusions.
// Back in the bitcoinj days I did add support for "watching addresses" to the wallet code, which is the
// Bitcoin equivalent of observer nodes:
// https://bitcoinj.github.io/working-with-the-wallet#watching-wallets
// The ability to have a wallet containing both irrelevant and relevant states complicated everything quite
// dramatically, even methods as basic as the getBalance() API which required additional modes to let you
// query "balance I can spend" vs "balance I am observing". In the end it might have been better to just
// require the user to create an entirely separate wallet for observing with.
// In Corda we don't support a single node having multiple vaults (at the time of writing), and it's not
// clear that's the right way to go: perhaps adding an "origin" column to the VAULT_STATES table is a better
// solution. Then you could select subsets of states depending on where the report came from.
// The risk of doing this is that apps/developers may use 'canned SQL queries' not written by us that forget
// to add a WHERE clause for the origin column. Those queries will seem to work most of the time until
// they're run on an observer node and mix in irrelevant data. In the worst case this may result in
// erroneous data being reported to the user, which could cause security problems.
// Because the primary use case for recording irrelevant states is observer/regulator nodes, who are unlikely
// to make writes to the ledger very often or at all, we choose to punt this issue for the time being.
vaultService.notifyAll(statesToRecord, txs.map { it.coreTransaction })
recordTransactions(statesToRecord, txs, validatedTransactions, stateMachineRecordedTransactionMapping, vaultService)
fun getFlowFactory(initiatingFlowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>): InitiatedFlowFactory<*>?
@ -140,6 +140,18 @@ class NodeVaultServiceTest {
return tryLockFungibleStatesForSpending(lockId, baseCriteria, amount, Cash.State::class.java)
fun `duplicate insert of transaction does not fail`() {
database.transaction {
val cash = Cash()
val howMuch = 100.DOLLARS
val issuance = TransactionBuilder(null as Party?)
cash.generateIssue(issuance, Amount(howMuch.quantity, Issued(DUMMY_CASH_ISSUER, howMuch.token)), services.myInfo.singleIdentity(), dummyNotary.party)
val transaction = issuerServices.signInitialTransaction(issuance, DUMMY_CASH_ISSUER.party.owningKey)
fun `states not local to instance`() {
@ -19,10 +19,13 @@ import net.corda.core.contracts.StateRef
import net.corda.core.cordapp.CordappProvider
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowLogic
import net.corda.core.flows.StateMachineRunId
import net.corda.core.identity.CordaX500Name
import net.corda.core.identity.PartyAndCertificate
import net.corda.core.messaging.DataFeed
import net.corda.core.messaging.FlowHandle
import net.corda.core.messaging.FlowProgressHandle
import net.corda.core.messaging.StateMachineTransactionMapping
import net.corda.core.node.*
import net.corda.core.node.services.*
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializeAsToken
@ -37,6 +40,7 @@ import net.corda.node.services.api.WritableTransactionStorage
import net.corda.node.services.config.ConfigHelper
import net.corda.node.services.config.configOf
import net.corda.node.services.config.parseToDbSchemaFriendlyName
import net.corda.node.services.api.*
import net.corda.node.services.identity.InMemoryIdentityService
import net.corda.node.services.schema.HibernateObserver
import net.corda.node.services.schema.NodeSchemaService
@ -148,9 +152,10 @@ open class MockServices private constructor(
override val vaultService: VaultService = makeVaultService(database.hibernateConfig, schemaService)
override fun recordTransactions(statesToRecord: StatesToRecord, txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
super.recordTransactions(statesToRecord, txs)
// Refactored to use notifyAll() as we have no other unit test for that method with multiple transactions.
(vaultService as VaultServiceInternal).notifyAll(statesToRecord, txs.map { it.coreTransaction })
ServiceHubInternal.recordTransactions(statesToRecord, txs,
validatedTransactions as WritableTransactionStorage,
vaultService as VaultServiceInternal)
override fun jdbcSession(): Connection = database.createSession()
@ -166,6 +171,19 @@ open class MockServices private constructor(
// compiler and then the c'tor itself.
return Throwable().stackTrace[3].className.split('.').dropLast(1).joinToString(".")
// Because Kotlin is dumb and makes not publicly visible objects public, thus changing the public API.
private val mockStateMachineRecordedTransactionMappingStorage = MockStateMachineRecordedTransactionMappingStorage()
private class MockStateMachineRecordedTransactionMappingStorage : StateMachineRecordedTransactionMappingStorage {
override fun addMapping(stateMachineRunId: StateMachineRunId, transactionId: SecureHash) {
throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun track(): DataFeed<List<StateMachineTransactionMapping>, StateMachineTransactionMapping> {
throw UnsupportedOperationException()
private constructor(cordappLoader: CordappLoader, identityService: IdentityService, networkParameters: NetworkParameters,
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