From f6f56797cea18b1ba343c5bcea2a1a08fca77a4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthew Nesbit
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 10:25:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor code into clear core, contracts and node namespaces.
Move services into clear implementation and api sides. Push unit tests down
to lowest level of dependency hierarchy possible.
contracts/build.gradle | 3 +
.../kotlin/contracts/testing/TestUtils.kt | 53 ++
.../main}/resources/core/node/isolated.jar | Bin
.../src/test/kotlin/contracts/CashTests.kt | 5 +-
.../kotlin/contracts/CommercialPaperTests.kt | 14 +-
.../test/kotlin/contracts/CrowdFundTests.kt | 14 +-
.../src/test/kotlin/contracts/IRSTests.kt | 9 +-
.../core/contracts}/TransactionGroupTests.kt | 9 +-
.../core/node/AttachmentClassLoaderTests.kt | 12 +-
.../TransactionSerializationTests.kt | 5 +-
core/build.gradle | 1 +
core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/ServiceHub.kt | 4 +-
.../NetworkMapCache.kt | 10 +-
.../node/{subsystems => services}/Services.kt | 8 +-
.../node/services/testing/MockServices.kt | 113 +++
.../main/kotlin/core/serialization/Kryo.kt | 1 -
.../main/kotlin/core/testing}/TestUtils.kt | 54 +-
core/src/main/resources/core/node/cities.txt | 756 +++++++++++++++++
.../kotlin/core/serialization/KryoTests.kt | 0
.../utilities/CollectionExtensionTests.kt | 0
docs/build/html/api/alltypes/index.html | 120 +--
.../api/api/-a-p-i-server-impl/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-a-p-i-server-impl/build-transaction.html | 4 +-
.../commit-transaction.html | 4 +-
.../fetch-protocols-requiring-attention.html | 4 +-
.../api/-a-p-i-server-impl/fetch-states.html | 4 +-
.../fetch-transactions.html | 4 +-
.../generate-transaction-signature.html | 4 +-
.../api/api/-a-p-i-server-impl/index.html | 20 +-
.../invoke-protocol-sync.html | 4 +-
.../html/api/api/-a-p-i-server-impl/node.html | 2 +-
.../provide-protocol-response.html | 4 +-
.../api/-a-p-i-server-impl/query-states.html | 4 +-
.../api/-a-p-i-server-impl/server-time.html | 2 +-
.../api/-a-p-i-server/build-transaction.html | 4 +-
.../api/-a-p-i-server/commit-transaction.html | 4 +-
.../fetch-protocols-requiring-attention.html | 4 +-
.../api/api/-a-p-i-server/fetch-states.html | 4 +-
.../api/-a-p-i-server/fetch-transactions.html | 4 +-
.../generate-transaction-signature.html | 4 +-
.../html/api/api/-a-p-i-server/index.html | 18 +-
.../-a-p-i-server/invoke-protocol-sync.html | 4 +-
.../provide-protocol-response.html | 4 +-
.../api/api/-a-p-i-server/query-states.html | 4 +-
.../api/api/-a-p-i-server/server-time.html | 2 +-
docs/build/html/api/api/-config/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../api/-config/default-object-mapper.html | 2 +-
.../html/api/api/-config/get-context.html | 4 +-
docs/build/html/api/api/-config/index.html | 4 +-
docs/build/html/api/api/-config/services.html | 2 +-
.../api/api/-contract-class-ref/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../api/-contract-class-ref/class-name.html | 2 +-
.../api/api/-contract-class-ref/index.html | 2 +-
.../api/api/-contract-ledger-ref/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../api/api/-contract-ledger-ref/hash.html | 2 +-
.../api/api/-contract-ledger-ref/index.html | 2 +-
.../api/-interest-rate-swap-a-p-i/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../api/-interest-rate-swap-a-p-i/index.html | 2 +-
.../api/api/-protocol-class-ref/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../api/-protocol-class-ref/class-name.html | 2 +-
.../api/api/-protocol-class-ref/index.html | 2 +-
.../api/-protocol-instance-ref/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../api/api/-protocol-instance-ref/index.html | 2 +-
.../protocol-class.html | 2 +-
.../protocol-instance.html | 2 +-
.../protocol-step-id.html | 2 +-
.../-protocol-requiring-attention/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../choice-ids-to-messages.html | 2 +-
.../-protocol-requiring-attention/due-by.html | 2 +-
.../-protocol-requiring-attention/index.html | 2 +-
.../-protocol-requiring-attention/prompt.html | 2 +-
.../-protocol-requiring-attention/ref.html | 2 +-
.../html/api/api/-response-filter/filter.html | 4 +-
.../html/api/api/-response-filter/index.html | 2 +-
.../-states-query/-criteria/-deal/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-states-query/-criteria/-deal/index.html | 2 +-
.../-states-query/-criteria/-deal/ref.html | 2 +-
.../api/-states-query/-selection/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-states-query/-selection/criteria.html | 2 +-
.../api/-states-query/-selection/index.html | 2 +-
.../html/api/api/-states-query/index.html | 4 +-
.../api/-states-query/select-all-deals.html | 2 +-
.../api/api/-states-query/select-deal.html | 4 +-
.../html/api/api/-states-query/select.html | 4 +-
.../api/-transaction-build-step/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../api/api/-transaction-build-step/args.html | 2 +-
.../generate-method-name.html | 2 +-
.../api/-transaction-build-step/index.html | 2 +-
.../-expecting-response/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-expecting-response/index.html | 2 +-
.../-expecting-response/response-type.html | 2 +-
.../-fiber-request/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-not-expecting-response/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-not-expecting-response/index.html | 2 +-
.../-fiber-request/destination.html | 2 +-
.../-fiber-request/index.html | 2 +-
.../-fiber-request/obj.html | 2 +-
.../session-i-d-for-receive.html | 2 +-
.../-fiber-request/session-i-d-for-send.html | 2 +-
.../stack-trace-in-case-of-problems.html | 2 +-
.../-fiber-request/topic.html | 2 +-
.../-state-machine-manager/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-state-machine-manager/add.html | 4 +-
.../-state-machine-manager/executor.html | 2 +-
.../find-state-machines.html | 4 +-
.../-state-machine-manager/index.html | 6 +-
.../-state-machine-manager/scheduler.html | 2 +-
.../-state-machine-manager/service-hub.html | 2 +-
.../-abstract-node-service/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../add-message-handler.html | 8 +-
.../-abstract-node-service/index.html | 6 +-
.../-abstract-node-service/net.html | 2 +-
.../-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-in-memory-network-map-service/cache.html | 2 +-
.../get-unacknowledged-count.html | 4 +-
.../-in-memory-network-map-service/index.html | 20 +-
.../max-size-registration-request-bytes.html | 2 +-
.../max-unacknowledged-updates.html | 2 +-
.../-in-memory-network-map-service/nodes.html | 2 +-
.../notify-subscribers.html | 4 +-
.../process-acknowledge.html | 4 +-
.../process-fetch-all-request.html | 4 +-
.../process-query-request.html | 4 +-
.../process-registration-change-request.html | 4 +-
.../process-subscription-request.html | 4 +-
...l-t_-e-x-p-i-r-a-t-i-o-n_-p-e-r-i-o-d.html | 2 +-
...f-e-t-c-h_-p-r-o-t-o-c-o-l_-t-o-p-i-c.html | 2 +-
.../-fetch-map-request/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../if-changed-since-version.html | 2 +-
.../-fetch-map-request/index.html | 2 +-
.../-fetch-map-request/subscribe.html | 2 +-
.../-fetch-map-response/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-fetch-map-response/index.html | 2 +-
.../-fetch-map-response/nodes.html | 2 +-
.../-fetch-map-response/version.html | 2 +-
...-h_-a-c-k_-p-r-o-t-o-c-o-l_-t-o-p-i-c.html | 2 +-
.../-p-u-s-h_-p-r-o-t-o-c-o-l_-t-o-p-i-c.html | 2 +-
...q-u-e-r-y_-p-r-o-t-o-c-o-l_-t-o-p-i-c.html | 2 +-
.../-query-identity-request/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-query-identity-request/identity.html | 2 +-
.../-query-identity-request/index.html | 2 +-
.../-query-identity-response/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-query-identity-response/index.html | 2 +-
.../-query-identity-response/node.html | 2 +-
...i-s-t-e-r_-p-r-o-t-o-c-o-l_-t-o-p-i-c.html | 2 +-
.../-registration-request/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-registration-request/index.html | 2 +-
.../-registration-request/wire-reg.html | 2 +-
.../-registration-response/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-registration-response/index.html | 2 +-
.../-registration-response/success.html | 2 +-
...p-t-i-o-n_-p-r-o-t-o-c-o-l_-t-o-p-i-c.html | 2 +-
.../-subscribe-request/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-subscribe-request/index.html | 2 +-
.../-subscribe-request/subscribe.html | 2 +-
.../-subscribe-response/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-subscribe-response/confirmed.html | 2 +-
.../-subscribe-response/index.html | 2 +-
.../-update-acknowledge/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-update-acknowledge/index.html | 2 +-
.../-update-acknowledge/reply-to.html | 2 +-
.../-update-acknowledge/wire-reg-hash.html | 2 +-
.../-network-map-service/-update/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-network-map-service/-update/index.html | 2 +-
.../-update/reply-to.html | 2 +-
.../-update/wire-reg.html | 2 +-
.../-network-map-service/logger.html | 2 +-
.../-network-map-service/nodes.html | 2 +-
.../-node-attachment-service/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-on-disk-hash-mismatch/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-on-disk-hash-mismatch/actual.html | 2 +-
.../-on-disk-hash-mismatch/file.html | 2 +-
.../-on-disk-hash-mismatch/index.html | 2 +-
.../-on-disk-hash-mismatch/to-string.html | 2 +-
.../acceptable-file-extensions.html | 2 +-
.../automatically-extract-attachments.html | 2 +-
.../check-attachments-on-load.html | 2 +-
.../data-type-prefix.html | 2 +-
.../import-attachment.html | 4 +-
.../-node-attachment-service/index.html | 8 +-
.../-node-attachment-service/metrics.html | 2 +-
.../open-attachment.html | 4 +-
.../-node-attachment-service/store-path.html | 2 +-
.../-node-attachment-service/upload.html | 4 +-
.../-fix-container/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-fix-container/factory.html | 2 +-
.../-fix-container/fixes.html | 2 +-
.../-fix-container/get.html | 4 +-
.../-fix-container/index.html | 4 +-
.../-fix-container/size.html | 2 +-
.../-interpolating-rate-map/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-interpolating-rate-map/calendar.html | 2 +-
.../-interpolating-rate-map/date.html | 2 +-
.../-interpolating-rate-map/factory.html | 2 +-
.../-interpolating-rate-map/get-rate.html | 4 +-
.../-interpolating-rate-map/index.html | 4 +-
.../-interpolating-rate-map/input-rates.html | 2 +-
.../-interpolating-rate-map/size.html | 2 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/-oracle/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-oracle/identity.html | 2 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/-oracle/index.html | 6 +-
.../-oracle/known-fixes.html | 2 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/-oracle/query.html | 4 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/-oracle/sign.html | 4 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/-service/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-service/acceptable-file-extensions.html | 2 +-
.../-service/data-type-prefix.html | 2 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/-service/index.html | 8 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/-service/oracle.html | 2 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/-service/ss.html | 2 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/-service/upload.html | 4 +-
.../-unknown-fix/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-unknown-fix/fix.html | 2 +-
.../-unknown-fix/index.html | 2 +-
.../-unknown-fix/to-string.html | 2 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/index.html | 6 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/parse-file.html | 4 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/parse-fix-of.html | 4 +-
.../-node-interest-rates/parse-fix.html | 4 +-
.../-node-registration/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-node-registration/expires.html | 2 +-
.../-node-registration/index.html | 4 +-
.../-node-registration/node.html | 2 +-
.../-node-registration/serial.html | 2 +-
.../-node-registration/to-string.html | 2 +-
.../-node-registration/to-wire.html | 4 +-
.../-node-registration/type.html | 2 +-
.../-node-timestamper-service/index.html | 4 +-
.../-wire-node-registration/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-wire-node-registration/index.html | 4 +-
.../-wire-node-registration/verify-data.html | 4 +-
.../-attachment-download-servlet/do-get.html | 4 +-
.../-attachment-download-servlet/index.html | 2 +-
.../-data-upload-servlet/do-post.html | 4 +-
.../-data-upload-servlet/index.html | 2 +-
.../-checkpoint-storage/add-checkpoint.html | 4 +-
.../-checkpoint-storage/checkpoints.html | 2 +-
.../-checkpoint-storage/index.html | 4 +-
.../remove-checkpoint.html | 4 +-
.../ | 2 +-
.../-checkpoint/awaiting-object-of-type.html | 2 +-
.../-checkpoint/awaiting-topic.html | 2 +-
.../ | 2 +-
.../-checkpoint/serialised-fiber.html | 2 +-
.../-checkpoint/to-string.html | 2 +-
.../-per-file-checkpoint-storage/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../add-checkpoint.html | 4 +-
.../checkpoints.html | 2 +-
.../-per-file-checkpoint-storage/index.html | 6 +-
.../remove-checkpoint.html | 4 +-
.../store-dir.html | 2 +-
.../-handler/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-handler/callback.html | 2 +-
.../-handler/executor.html | 2 +-
.../-handler/index.html | 2 +-
.../-handler/topic.html | 2 +-
.../-artemis-messaging-service/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-t-o-p-i-c_-p-r-o-p-e-r-t-y.html | 2 +-
.../add-message-handler.html | 4 +-
.../create-message.html | 4 +-
.../default-executor.html | 2 +-
.../-artemis-messaging-service/directory.html | 2 +-
.../-artemis-messaging-service/index.html | 16 +-
.../-artemis-messaging-service/log.html | 2 +-
.../make-recipient.html | 8 +-
.../my-address.html | 2 +-
.../my-host-port.html | 2 +-
.../remove-message-handler.html | 4 +-
.../-artemis-messaging-service/send.html | 4 +-
.../-artemis-messaging-service/start.html | 2 +-
.../-artemis-messaging-service/stop.html | 2 +-
.../to-host-and-port.html | 4 +-
.../-data-vending-service/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-request/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-request/hashes.html | 2 +-
.../-data-vending-service/-request/index.html | 2 +-
.../-data-vending-service/index.html | 6 +-
.../-data-vending-service/logger.html | 2 +-
.../fresh-key.html | 2 +-
.../index.html | 4 +-
.../keys.html | 2 +-
.../-in-memory-identity-service/index.html | 6 +-
.../party-from-key.html | 4 +-
.../party-from-name.html | 4 +-
.../register-identity.html | 4 +-
.../add-map-service.html | 4 +-
.../add-node.html | 4 +-
.../deregister-for-updates.html | 4 +-
.../get-recommended.html | 4 +-
.../-in-memory-network-map-cache/get.html | 6 +-
.../-in-memory-network-map-cache/index.html | 16 +-
.../network-map-nodes.html | 2 +-
.../party-nodes.html | 2 +-
.../process-update-push.html | 4 +-
.../rates-oracle-nodes.html | 2 +-
.../registered-nodes.html | 2 +-
.../regulators.html | 2 +-
.../remove-node.html | 4 +-
.../timestamping-nodes.html | 2 +-
.../-key-management-service/fresh-key.html | 2 +-
.../-key-management-service/index.html | 4 +-
.../-key-management-service/keys.html | 2 +-
.../-key-management-service/to-key-pair.html | 4 +-
.../-key-management-service/to-private.html | 4 +-
.../-network-map-cache/add-map-service.html | 4 +-
.../-network-map-cache/add-node.html | 4 +-
.../deregister-for-updates.html | 4 +-
.../-network-map-cache/get-recommended.html | 4 +-
.../-network-map-cache/get.html | 6 +-
.../-network-map-cache/index.html | 14 +-
.../-network-map-cache/logger.html | 2 +-
.../-network-map-cache/network-map-nodes.html | 2 +-
.../node-for-party-name.html | 4 +-
.../-network-map-cache/party-nodes.html | 2 +-
.../rates-oracle-nodes.html | 2 +-
.../-network-map-cache/regulators.html | 2 +-
.../-network-map-cache/remove-node.html | 4 +-
.../timestamping-nodes.html | 2 +-
.../-node-wallet-service/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-node-wallet-service/cash-balances.html | 2 +-
.../-node-wallet-service/current-wallet.html | 2 +-
.../fill-with-some-test-cash.html | 4 +-
.../-node-wallet-service/index.html | 12 +-
.../-node-wallet-service/linear-heads.html | 2 +-
.../-node-wallet-service/notify-all.html | 4 +-
.../-storage-service-impl/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-storage-service-impl/attachments.html | 2 +-
.../checkpoint-storage.html | 2 +-
.../-storage-service-impl/index.html | 2 +-
.../my-legal-identity-key.html | 2 +-
.../my-legal-identity.html | 2 +-
.../-storage-service-impl/recording-as.html | 2 +-
.../-storage-service-impl/state-machines.html | 2 +-
.../-storage-service-impl/tables.html | 2 +-
.../validated-transactions.html | 2 +-
.../-storage-service/attachments.html | 2 +-
.../-storage-service/checkpoint-storage.html | 2 +-
.../my-legal-identity-key.html | 2 +-
.../-storage-service/my-legal-identity.html | 2 +-
.../-storage-service/state-machines.html | 2 +-
.../validated-transactions.html | 2 +-
.../-wallet-impl/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-wallet-impl/cash-balances.html | 2 +-
.../-wallet-impl/index.html | 2 +-
.../-wallet-impl/states.html | 2 +-
.../-wallet-service/cash-balances.html | 2 +-
.../-wallet-service/current-wallet.html | 2 +-
.../-wallet-service/index.html | 8 +-
.../linear-heads-of-type_.html | 4 +-
.../-wallet-service/linear-heads.html | 2 +-
.../-wallet-service/notify-all.html | 4 +-
.../-wallet-service/notify.html | 4 +-
.../-wallet-service/states-for-refs.html | 4 +-
.../-wallet/cash-balances.html | 2 +-
.../-wallet/states-of-type.html | 2 +-
.../core.node.subsystems/-wallet/states.html | 2 +-
.../linear-heads-of-type.html | 2 +-
.../api/core.node/-abstract-node/-init-.html | 2 +-
...-r-i-v-a-t-e_-k-e-y_-f-i-l-e_-n-a-m-e.html | 2 +-
...-c_-i-d-e-n-t-i-t-y_-f-i-l-e_-n-a-m-e.html | 2 +-
.../_services-that-accept-uploads.html | 2 +-
.../-abstract-node/advertised-services.html | 2 +-
.../api/core.node/-abstract-node/api.html | 2 +-
.../-abstract-node/configuration.html | 2 +-
.../construct-storage-service.html | 4 +-
.../api/core.node/-abstract-node/dir.html | 2 +-
.../-abstract-node/find-my-location.html | 2 +-
.../core.node/-abstract-node/identity.html | 2 +-
.../in-node-network-map-service.html | 2 +-
.../in-node-timestamping-service.html | 2 +-
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.../api/core.node/-abstract-node/info.html | 2 +-
.../initial-network-map-address.html | 2 +-
.../initialise-storage-service.html | 4 +-
.../interest-rates-service.html | 2 +-
.../-abstract-node/key-management.html | 2 +-
.../api/core.node/-abstract-node/log.html | 2 +-
.../-abstract-node/make-identity-service.html | 2 +-
.../make-interest-rates-oracle-service.html | 2 +-
.../make-messaging-service.html | 2 +-
.../make-network-map-service.html | 2 +-
.../make-timestamping-service.html | 2 +-
.../api/core.node/-abstract-node/net.html | 2 +-
.../-abstract-node/network-map-seq.html | 2 +-
.../network-map-service-call-timeout.html | 2 +-
.../-abstract-node/platform-clock.html | 2 +-
.../-abstract-node/server-thread.html | 2 +-
.../services-that-accept-uploads.html | 2 +-
.../core.node/-abstract-node/services.html | 2 +-
.../api/core.node/-abstract-node/smm.html | 2 +-
.../start-messaging-service.html | 2 +-
.../api/core.node/-abstract-node/start.html | 2 +-
.../api/core.node/-abstract-node/stop.html | 2 +-
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.../api/core.node/-abstract-node/wallet.html | 2 +-
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.../-accepts-file-upload/upload.html | 4 +-
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.../-configuration-exception/index.html | 2 +-
.../-init-.html | 2 +-
.../config.html | 2 +-
.../export-j-m-xto.html | 2 +-
.../index.html | 2 +-
.../my-legal-name.html | 2 +-
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.../-node-configuration/my-legal-name.html | 2 +-
.../-node-configuration/nearest-city.html | 2 +-
.../-node/-d-e-f-a-u-l-t_-p-o-r-t.html | 2 +-
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.../-node/make-messaging-service.html | 2 +-
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.../api/core.node/-node/server-thread.html | 2 +-
.../-node/start-messaging-service.html | 2 +-
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.../html/api/core.node/-node/web-server.html | 2 +-
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.../-protocol-state-machine/index.html | 2 +-
.../prepare-for-resume-with.html | 4 +-
.../-i-r-s-simulation/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../core.testing/-i-r-s-simulation/index.html | 8 +-
.../-i-r-s-simulation/iterate.html | 2 +-
.../core.testing/-i-r-s-simulation/om.html | 2 +-
.../core.testing/-i-r-s-simulation/start.html | 2 +-
.../-builder/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-builder/id.html | 2 +-
.../-builder/index.html | 2 +-
.../-builder/manually-pumped.html | 2 +-
.../-builder/start.html | 2 +-
.../-handle/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-handle/equals.html | 4 +-
.../-handle/hash-code.html | 2 +-
.../-handle/id.html | 2 +-
.../-handle/index.html | 4 +-
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.../-in-memory-messaging/index.html | 12 +-
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.../-in-memory-messaging/send.html | 4 +-
.../-in-memory-messaging/state.html | 2 +-
.../-in-memory-messaging/stop.html | 2 +-
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.../-latency-calculator/index.html | 2 +-
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.../-mock-address/index.html | 2 +-
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.../-mock-network/-mock-node/mock-net.html | 2 +-
.../-mock-network/-mock-node/place.html | 2 +-
.../-mock-node/server-thread.html | 2 +-
.../-mock-node/start-messaging-service.html | 2 +-
.../-mock-network/-mock-node/start.html | 2 +-
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.../-mock-network/create-node.html | 4 +-
.../-mock-network/create-two-nodes.html | 4 +-
.../-mock-network/filesystem.html | 2 +-
.../-mock-network/identities.html | 2 +-
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.../-simulation/-bank-factory/create-all.html | 2 +-
.../-simulation/-bank-factory/create.html | 4 +-
.../-simulation/-bank-factory/index.html | 2 +-
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.../-rates-oracle-factory/index.html | 2 +-
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.../-timestamping-node-factory/create.html | 4 +-
.../-timestamping-node-factory/index.html | 2 +-
.../-simulation/all-protocol-steps.html | 2 +-
.../-simulation/bank-factory.html | 2 +-
.../-simulation/bank-locations.html | 2 +-
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.../-simulation/date-changes.html | 2 +-
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.../-simulation/latency-injector.html | 2 +-
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.../-simulation/rates-oracle.html | 2 +-
.../core.testing/-simulation/regulators.html | 2 +-
.../core.testing/-simulation/run-async.html | 2 +-
.../-simulation/service-providers.html | 2 +-
.../-simulation/start-trading-circle.html | 4 +-
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.../progress-tracker.html | 2 +-
.../-affinity-executor/-gate/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-affinity-executor/-gate/execute.html | 4 +-
.../-affinity-executor/-gate/index.html | 8 +-
.../-gate/is-on-thread.html | 2 +-
.../-gate/task-queue-size.html | 2 +-
.../-gate/wait-and-run.html | 2 +-
.../-s-a-m-e_-t-h-r-e-a-d.html | 2 +-
.../-service-affinity-executor/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../after-execute.html | 4 +-
.../-service-affinity-executor/index.html | 8 +-
.../is-on-thread.html | 2 +-
.../-service-affinity-executor/logger.html | 2 +-
.../-service-affinity-executor/threads.html | 2 +-
.../-affinity-executor/check-on-thread.html | 2 +-
.../-affinity-executor/execute-a-s-a-p.html | 4 +-
.../-affinity-executor/fetch-from.html | 4 +-
.../-affinity-executor/flush.html | 2 +-
.../-affinity-executor/index.html | 4 +-
.../-affinity-executor/is-on-thread.html | 2 +-
.../-calendar-deserializer/deserialize.html | 4 +-
.../-calendar-deserializer/index.html | 2 +-
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.../-local-date-deserializer/index.html | 2 +-
.../deserialize-key.html | 4 +-
.../-local-date-key-deserializer/index.html | 2 +-
.../-party-deserializer/deserialize.html | 4 +-
.../-party-deserializer/index.html | 2 +-
.../-party-serializer/index.html | 2 +-
.../-party-serializer/serialize.html | 4 +-
.../deserialize.html | 4 +-
.../-secure-hash-deserializer/index.html | 2 +-
.../-secure-hash-serializer/index.html | 2 +-
.../-secure-hash-serializer/serialize.html | 4 +-
.../-service-hub-object-mapper/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../identities.html | 2 +-
.../-service-hub-object-mapper/index.html | 2 +-
.../-to-string-serializer/index.html | 2 +-
.../-to-string-serializer/serialize.html | 4 +-
.../-json-support/create-default-mapper.html | 4 +-
.../core.utilities/-json-support/index.html | 2 +-
.../-auto-offer-protocol/-handler/index.html | 2 +-
.../-handler/register.html | 4 +-
.../-exit-server-protocol/-handler/index.html | 2 +-
.../-handler/register.html | 4 +-
.../-handler/index.html | 2 +-
.../-handler/register.html | 4 +-
docs/build/html/api/index-outline.html | 802 +++++++++---------
.../-client/-init-.html | 2 +-
.../-timestamping-protocol/-client/index.html | 2 +-
.../-two-party-trade-protocol/index.html | 4 +-
.../-two-party-trade-protocol/run-buyer.html | 4 +-
.../-two-party-trade-protocol/run-seller.html | 4 +-
.../core/testing/MockIdentityService.kt | 24 -
.../main/kotlin/{ => node}/api/APIServer.kt | 3 +-
node/src/main/kotlin/{ => node}/api/Query.kt | 2 +-
.../{api => node/core}/APIServerImpl.kt | 9 +-
.../{core/node => node/core}/AbstractNode.kt | 41 +-
.../kotlin/{core/node => node/core}/Node.kt | 21 +-
.../{ => node}/core/testing/IRSSimulation.kt | 13 +-
.../{ => node}/core/testing/MockNode.kt | 17 +-
.../{ => node}/core/testing/Simulation.kt | 11 +-
.../kotlin/node/core/testing/TestUtils.kt | 20 +
.../core/testing/TradeSimulation.kt | 5 +-
.../services/api}/AbstractNodeService.kt | 4 +-
.../services/api}/AcceptsFileUpload.kt | 2 +-
.../services/api}/CheckpointStorage.kt | 2 +-
.../node/services/api/MonitoringService.kt | 10 +
.../services/api}/RegulatorService.kt | 4 +-
.../node/services/api/ServiceHubInternal.kt | 7 +
.../services/clientapi}/NodeInterestRates.kt | 19 +-
.../services/config}/NodeConfiguration.kt | 2 +-
.../identity}/InMemoryIdentityService.kt | 2 +-
.../keys}/E2ETestKeyManagementService.kt | 4 +-
.../messaging}/ArtemisMessagingService.kt | 4 +-
.../network}/InMemoryMessagingNetwork.kt | 2 +-
.../network}/InMemoryNetworkMapCache.kt | 12 +-
.../services/network}/MockNetworkMapCache.kt | 3 +-
.../services/network}/NetworkMapService.kt | 19 +-
.../persistence}/DataVendingService.kt | 5 +-
.../persistence}/NodeAttachmentService.kt | 8 +-
.../persistence}/PerFileCheckpointStorage.kt | 6 +-
.../persistence}/StorageServiceImpl.kt | 4 +-
.../statemachine}/ProtocolStateMachineImpl.kt | 11 +-
.../statemachine}/StateMachineManager.kt | 16 +-
.../InMemoryUniquenessProvider.kt | 8 +-
.../services/transactions}/NotaryService.kt | 8 +-
.../transactions}/TimestampChecker.kt | 2 +-
.../services/wallet}/NodeWalletService.kt | 10 +-
.../services/wallet}/WalletImpl.kt | 3 +-
.../servlets/AttachmentDownloadServlet.kt | 4 +-
.../kotlin/{api => node/servlets}/Config.kt | 6 +-
.../node/servlets/DataUploadServlet.kt | 6 +-
.../{api => node/servlets}/ResponseFilter.kt | 2 +-
.../utilities/ANSIProgressRenderer.kt | 5 +-
.../{core => node}/utilities/AddOrRemove.kt | 2 +-
.../utilities/AffinityExecutor.kt | 3 +-
.../{core => node}/utilities/JsonSupport.kt | 2 +-
.../{ => node}/core/testing/example.rates.txt | 0
.../{ => node}/core/testing/trade.json | 0
node/src/test/kotlin/core/MockServices.kt | 130 ---
.../messaging/AttachmentTests.kt | 14 +-
.../messaging/InMemoryMessagingTests.kt | 7 +-
.../messaging/TwoPartyTradeProtocolTests.kt | 59 +-
.../services}/ArtemisMessagingServiceTests.kt | 5 +-
.../services}/InMemoryNetworkMapCacheTest.kt | 4 +-
.../services/InMemoryNetworkMapServiceTest.kt | 13 +-
.../test/kotlin/node/services/MockServices.kt | 69 ++
.../services}/NodeAttachmentStorageTest.kt | 7 +-
.../node/services/NodeInterestRatesTest.kt | 13 +-
.../services}/NodeWalletServiceTest.kt | 10 +-
.../node/services/NotaryServiceTests.kt | 16 +-
.../PerFileCheckpointStorageTests.kt | 4 +-
.../node/services/TimestampCheckerTests.kt | 3 +-
.../node/services/UniquenessProviderTests.kt | 8 +-
.../utilities/AffinityExecutorTests.kt | 2 +-
.../{core => node}/visualiser/GraphStream.kt | 4 +-
.../visualiser/GroupToGraphConversion.kt | 4 +-
.../visualiser/StateViewer.form | 2 +-
.../visualiser/ | 2 +-
.../{core => node}/visualiser/graph.css | 0
src/main/kotlin/demos/IRSDemo.kt | 19 +-
src/main/kotlin/demos/RateFixDemo.kt | 17 +-
src/main/kotlin/demos/TraderDemo.kt | 18 +-
.../kotlin/demos/api/InterestRateSwapAPI.kt | 4 +-
.../demos/protocols/AutoOfferProtocol.kt | 4 +-
.../demos/protocols/ExitServerProtocol.kt | 4 +-
.../protocols/UpdateBusinessDayProtocol.kt | 8 +-
.../kotlin/core/testing/IRSSimulationTest.kt | 1 +
680 files changed, 2727 insertions(+), 1800 deletions(-)
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rename {node => contracts}/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CommercialPaperTests.kt (96%)
rename {node => contracts}/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CrowdFundTests.kt (95%)
rename {node => contracts}/src/test/kotlin/contracts/IRSTests.kt (99%)
rename {node/src/test/kotlin/core => contracts/src/test/kotlin/core/contracts}/TransactionGroupTests.kt (95%)
rename {node => contracts}/src/test/kotlin/core/node/AttachmentClassLoaderTests.kt (96%)
rename {node => contracts}/src/test/kotlin/core/serialization/TransactionSerializationTests.kt (93%)
rename core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/{subsystems => services}/NetworkMapCache.kt (93%)
rename core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/{subsystems => services}/Services.kt (94%)
create mode 100644 core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/services/testing/MockServices.kt
rename {node/src/test/kotlin/core/testutils => core/src/main/kotlin/core/testing}/TestUtils.kt (84%)
create mode 100644 core/src/main/resources/core/node/cities.txt
rename {node => core}/src/test/kotlin/core/serialization/KryoTests.kt (100%)
rename {node => core}/src/test/kotlin/core/utilities/CollectionExtensionTests.kt (100%)
delete mode 100644 node/src/main/kotlin/core/testing/MockIdentityService.kt
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{ => node}/api/APIServer.kt (99%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{ => node}/api/Query.kt (97%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{api => node/core}/APIServerImpl.kt (97%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node => node/core}/AbstractNode.kt (90%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node => node/core}/Node.kt (93%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{ => node}/core/testing/IRSSimulation.kt (95%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{ => node}/core/testing/MockNode.kt (94%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{ => node}/core/testing/Simulation.kt (97%)
create mode 100644 node/src/main/kotlin/node/core/testing/TestUtils.kt
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{ => node}/core/testing/TradeSimulation.kt (95%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/services => node/services/api}/AbstractNodeService.kt (97%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node => node/services/api}/AcceptsFileUpload.kt (96%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/storage => node/services/api}/CheckpointStorage.kt (98%)
create mode 100644 node/src/main/kotlin/node/services/api/MonitoringService.kt
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/services => node/services/api}/RegulatorService.kt (67%)
create mode 100644 node/src/main/kotlin/node/services/api/ServiceHubInternal.kt
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/services => node/services/clientapi}/NodeInterestRates.kt (95%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node => node/services/config}/NodeConfiguration.kt (95%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/subsystems => node/services/identity}/InMemoryIdentityService.kt (96%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/subsystems => node/services/keys}/E2ETestKeyManagementService.kt (94%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/subsystems => node/services/messaging}/ArtemisMessagingService.kt (99%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/testing => node/services/network}/InMemoryMessagingNetwork.kt (99%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/subsystems => node/services/network}/InMemoryNetworkMapCache.kt (94%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/testing => node/services/network}/MockNetworkMapCache.kt (95%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/services => node/services/network}/NetworkMapService.kt (97%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/subsystems => node/services/persistence}/DataVendingService.kt (95%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/services => node/services/persistence}/NodeAttachmentService.kt (96%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/storage => node/services/persistence}/PerFileCheckpointStorage.kt (94%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/subsystems => node/services/persistence}/StorageServiceImpl.kt (95%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/protocols => node/services/statemachine}/ProtocolStateMachineImpl.kt (93%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/messaging => node/services/statemachine}/StateMachineManager.kt (97%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/services => node/services/transactions}/InMemoryUniquenessProvider.kt (91%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/services => node/services/transactions}/NotaryService.kt (95%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/services => node/services/transactions}/TimestampChecker.kt (96%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/subsystems => node/services/wallet}/NodeWalletService.kt (96%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core/node/subsystems => node/services/wallet}/WalletImpl.kt (95%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core => }/node/servlets/AttachmentDownloadServlet.kt (97%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{api => node/servlets}/Config.kt (80%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core => }/node/servlets/DataUploadServlet.kt (96%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{api => node/servlets}/ResponseFilter.kt (98%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core => node}/utilities/ANSIProgressRenderer.kt (97%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core => node}/utilities/AddOrRemove.kt (86%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core => node}/utilities/AffinityExecutor.kt (98%)
rename node/src/main/kotlin/{core => node}/utilities/JsonSupport.kt (99%)
rename node/src/main/resources/{ => node}/core/testing/example.rates.txt (100%)
rename node/src/main/resources/{ => node}/core/testing/trade.json (100%)
delete mode 100644 node/src/test/kotlin/core/MockServices.kt
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => node}/messaging/AttachmentTests.kt (93%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => node}/messaging/InMemoryMessagingTests.kt (96%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => node}/messaging/TwoPartyTradeProtocolTests.kt (94%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core/node/subsystems => node/services}/ArtemisMessagingServiceTests.kt (92%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core/node/subsystems => node/services}/InMemoryNetworkMapCacheTest.kt (87%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => }/node/services/InMemoryNetworkMapServiceTest.kt (97%)
create mode 100644 node/src/test/kotlin/node/services/MockServices.kt
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core/node => node/services}/NodeAttachmentStorageTest.kt (94%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => }/node/services/NodeInterestRatesTest.kt (93%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core/node/subsystems => node/services}/NodeWalletServiceTest.kt (89%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => }/node/services/NotaryServiceTests.kt (88%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core/node/storage => node/services}/PerFileCheckpointStorageTests.kt (96%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => }/node/services/TimestampCheckerTests.kt (94%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => }/node/services/UniquenessProviderTests.kt (86%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => node}/utilities/AffinityExecutorTests.kt (99%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => node}/visualiser/GraphStream.kt (96%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => node}/visualiser/GroupToGraphConversion.kt (98%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => node}/visualiser/StateViewer.form (96%)
rename node/src/test/kotlin/{core => node}/visualiser/ (99%)
rename node/src/test/resources/{core => node}/visualiser/graph.css (100%)
diff --git a/contracts/build.gradle b/contracts/build.gradle
index 486bdb9a6d..015e12b818 100644
--- a/contracts/build.gradle
+++ b/contracts/build.gradle
@@ -78,4 +78,7 @@ repositories {
dependencies {
compile project(':core')
+ testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
+ testCompile "commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:1.3.1"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contracts/src/main/kotlin/contracts/testing/TestUtils.kt b/contracts/src/main/kotlin/contracts/testing/TestUtils.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..febd5941b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contracts/src/main/kotlin/contracts/testing/TestUtils.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package contracts.testing
+import contracts.*
+import core.contracts.Amount
+import core.contracts.Contract
+import core.crypto.NullPublicKey
+import core.crypto.Party
+import core.testing.DUMMY_NOTARY
+import core.testing.MINI_CORP
+import java.util.*
+// In a real system this would be a persistent map of hash to bytecode and we'd instantiate the object as needed inside
+// a sandbox. For unit tests we just have a hard-coded list.
+val TEST_PROGRAM_MAP: Map> = mapOf(
+ JavaCommercialPaper.JCP_PROGRAM_ID to,
+fun generateState(notary: Party = DUMMY_NOTARY) = DummyContract.State(Random().nextInt(), notary)
+// Defines a simple DSL for building pseudo-transactions (not the same as the wire protocol) for testing purposes.
+// Define a transaction like this:
+// transaction {
+// input { someExpression }
+// output { someExpression }
+// arg { someExpression }
+// tweak {
+// ... same thing but works with a copy of the parent, can add inputs/outputs/args just within this scope.
+// }
+// contract.accepts() -> should pass
+// contract `fails requirement` "some substring of the error message"
+// }
+// TODO: Make it impossible to forget to test either a failure or an accept for each transaction{} block
+infix fun Cash.State.`owned by`(owner: PublicKey) = copy(owner = owner)
+infix fun Cash.State.`issued by`(party: Party) = copy(deposit = deposit.copy(party = party))
+infix fun CommercialPaper.State.`owned by`(owner: PublicKey) = this.copy(owner = owner)
+infix fun ICommercialPaperState.`owned by`(new_owner: PublicKey) = this.withOwner(new_owner)
+// Allows you to write 100.DOLLARS.CASH
+val Amount.CASH: Cash.State get() = Cash.State(MINI_CORP.ref(1, 2, 3), this, NullPublicKey, DUMMY_NOTARY)
diff --git a/node/src/test/resources/core/node/isolated.jar b/contracts/src/main/resources/core/node/isolated.jar
similarity index 100%
rename from node/src/test/resources/core/node/isolated.jar
rename to contracts/src/main/resources/core/node/isolated.jar
diff --git a/node/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CashTests.kt b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CashTests.kt
similarity index 99%
rename from node/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CashTests.kt
rename to contracts/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CashTests.kt
index 6ebfb55e52..864274c8d7 100644
--- a/node/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CashTests.kt
+++ b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CashTests.kt
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import contracts.Cash
import contracts.DummyContract
import contracts.InsufficientBalanceException
-import core.*
+import contracts.testing.`issued by`
+import contracts.testing.`owned by`
import core.contracts.*
import core.crypto.Party
import core.crypto.SecureHash
import core.serialization.OpaqueBytes
-import core.testutils.*
+import core.testing.*
import org.junit.Test
import java.util.*
diff --git a/node/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CommercialPaperTests.kt b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CommercialPaperTests.kt
similarity index 96%
rename from node/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CommercialPaperTests.kt
rename to contracts/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CommercialPaperTests.kt
index cb70b1f969..3b59e4dbfd 100644
--- a/node/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CommercialPaperTests.kt
+++ b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CommercialPaperTests.kt
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
package contracts
-import core.*
+import contracts.testing.CASH
+import contracts.testing.`owned by`
import core.contracts.*
import core.crypto.SecureHash
-import core.testutils.*
+import core.days
+import core.seconds
+import core.testing.*
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized
@@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ class CommercialPaperTestsGeneric {
val stx = ptx.toSignedTransaction()
- stx.verifyToLedgerTransaction(MockIdentityService, attachments)
+ stx.verifyToLedgerTransaction(MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE, attachments)
val (alicesWalletTX, alicesWallet) = cashOutputsToWallet(
@@ -166,7 +170,7 @@ class CommercialPaperTestsGeneric {
- ptx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MockIdentityService, attachments)
+ ptx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE, attachments)
// Won't be validated.
@@ -182,7 +186,7 @@ class CommercialPaperTestsGeneric {
- return ptx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MockIdentityService, attachments)
+ return ptx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE, attachments)
val tooEarlyRedemption = makeRedeemTX(TEST_TX_TIME + 10.days)
diff --git a/node/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CrowdFundTests.kt b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CrowdFundTests.kt
similarity index 95%
rename from node/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CrowdFundTests.kt
rename to contracts/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CrowdFundTests.kt
index 2b9a044bb8..eeba0593ae 100644
--- a/node/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CrowdFundTests.kt
+++ b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/contracts/CrowdFundTests.kt
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
package contracts
-import core.*
+import contracts.testing.CASH
+import contracts.testing.`owned by`
import core.contracts.*
import core.crypto.SecureHash
-import core.testutils.*
+import core.days
+import core.seconds
+import core.testing.*
import org.junit.Test
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.*
@@ -109,7 +113,7 @@ class CrowdFundTests {
- ptx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MockIdentityService, attachments)
+ ptx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE, attachments)
// let's give Alice some funds that she can invest
@@ -128,7 +132,7 @@ class CrowdFundTests {
// this verify passes - the transaction contains an output cash, necessary to verify the fund command
- ptx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MockIdentityService, attachments)
+ ptx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE, attachments)
// Won't be validated.
@@ -143,7 +147,7 @@ class CrowdFundTests {
CrowdFund().generateClose(ptx, pledgeTX.outRef(0), miniCorpWallet)
- return ptx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MockIdentityService, attachments)
+ return ptx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE, attachments)
val tooEarlyClose = makeFundedTX(TEST_TX_TIME + 6.days)
diff --git a/node/src/test/kotlin/contracts/IRSTests.kt b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/contracts/IRSTests.kt
similarity index 99%
rename from node/src/test/kotlin/contracts/IRSTests.kt
rename to contracts/src/test/kotlin/contracts/IRSTests.kt
index 981fb9055c..ce5ebc7bb6 100644
--- a/node/src/test/kotlin/contracts/IRSTests.kt
+++ b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/contracts/IRSTests.kt
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
package contracts
-import core.*
import core.contracts.*
-import core.testutils.*
+import core.seconds
+import core.testing.*
import org.junit.Test
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.time.LocalDate
@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ class IRSTests {
- gtx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MockIdentityService, attachments)
+ gtx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE, attachments)
return genTX
@@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ class IRSTests {
- tx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MockIdentityService, attachments)
+ tx.toSignedTransaction().verifyToLedgerTransaction(MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE, attachments)
currentIRS = previousTXN.outputs.filterIsInstance().single()
diff --git a/node/src/test/kotlin/core/TransactionGroupTests.kt b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/core/contracts/TransactionGroupTests.kt
similarity index 95%
rename from node/src/test/kotlin/core/TransactionGroupTests.kt
rename to contracts/src/test/kotlin/core/contracts/TransactionGroupTests.kt
index f14e0097fb..b11cf5b9b7 100644
--- a/node/src/test/kotlin/core/TransactionGroupTests.kt
+++ b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/core/contracts/TransactionGroupTests.kt
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-package core
+package core.contracts
import contracts.Cash
-import core.contracts.*
-import core.testutils.*
+import contracts.testing.`owned by`
+import core.testing.*
import org.junit.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ class TransactionGroupTests {
// Now go through the conversion -> verification path with them.
val ltxns = {
- it.verifyToLedgerTransaction(MockIdentityService, MockStorageService().attachments)
+ it.verifyToLedgerTransaction(MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE, MockStorageService().attachments)
TransactionGroup(ltxns, emptySet()).verify()
diff --git a/node/src/test/kotlin/core/node/AttachmentClassLoaderTests.kt b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/core/node/AttachmentClassLoaderTests.kt
similarity index 96%
rename from node/src/test/kotlin/core/node/AttachmentClassLoaderTests.kt
rename to contracts/src/test/kotlin/core/node/AttachmentClassLoaderTests.kt
index df29092342..4238b17d80 100644
--- a/node/src/test/kotlin/core/node/AttachmentClassLoaderTests.kt
+++ b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/core/node/AttachmentClassLoaderTests.kt
@@ -2,14 +2,18 @@ package core.node
import contracts.DUMMY_PROGRAM_ID
import contracts.DummyContract
-import core.*
-import core.contracts.*
+import core.contracts.Contract
+import core.contracts.ContractState
+import core.contracts.PartyAndReference
+import core.contracts.TransactionBuilder
import core.crypto.Party
import core.crypto.SecureHash
+import core.node.AttachmentsClassLoader
import core.serialization.*
-import core.testutils.DUMMY_NOTARY
-import core.testutils.MEGA_CORP
+import core.testing.DUMMY_NOTARY
+import core.testing.MEGA_CORP
import org.junit.Test
diff --git a/node/src/test/kotlin/core/serialization/TransactionSerializationTests.kt b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/core/serialization/TransactionSerializationTests.kt
similarity index 93%
rename from node/src/test/kotlin/core/serialization/TransactionSerializationTests.kt
rename to contracts/src/test/kotlin/core/serialization/TransactionSerializationTests.kt
index 5c4999daa1..d336663026 100644
--- a/node/src/test/kotlin/core/serialization/TransactionSerializationTests.kt
+++ b/contracts/src/test/kotlin/core/serialization/TransactionSerializationTests.kt
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ package core.serialization
import contracts.Cash
import core.*
import core.contracts.*
-import core.testutils.*
+import core.testing.*
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ class TransactionSerializationTests {
val stx = tx.toSignedTransaction()
- val ltx = stx.verifyToLedgerTransaction(MockIdentityService, MockStorageService().attachments)
+ val ltx = stx.verifyToLedgerTransaction(MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE, MockStorageService().attachments)
assertEquals(tx.commands().map { it.value }, { it.value })
assertEquals(tx.inputStates(), ltx.inputs)
assertEquals(tx.outputStates(), ltx.outputs)
diff --git a/core/build.gradle b/core/build.gradle
index 5894f309fe..7ff2f26c6c 100644
--- a/core/build.gradle
+++ b/core/build.gradle
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ repositories {
dependencies {
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
+ testCompile 'org.assertj:assertj-core:3.4.1'
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlin_version"
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlin_version"
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/ServiceHub.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/ServiceHub.kt
index ec36bb412c..73e491486b 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/ServiceHub.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/ServiceHub.kt
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ package core.node
import core.contracts.*
import core.crypto.SecureHash
import core.messaging.MessagingService
-import core.node.subsystems.*
import core.utilities.RecordingMap
import java.time.Clock
@@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ interface ServiceHub {
val storageService: StorageService
val networkService: MessagingService
val networkMapCache: NetworkMapCache
- val monitoringService: MonitoringService
val clock: Clock
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/subsystems/NetworkMapCache.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/services/NetworkMapCache.kt
similarity index 93%
rename from core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/subsystems/NetworkMapCache.kt
rename to core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/services/NetworkMapCache.kt
index f1e7e3f9e4..992198b3d0 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/subsystems/NetworkMapCache.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/services/NetworkMapCache.kt
@@ -1,19 +1,13 @@
-package core.node.subsystems
import core.contracts.Contract
import core.crypto.Party
-import core.crypto.SecureHash
import core.messaging.MessagingService
import core.node.NodeInfo
-import core.serialization.deserialize
-import core.serialization.serialize
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
-import java.util.*
-import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe
* A network map contains lists of nodes on the network along with information about their identity keys, services
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/subsystems/Services.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/services/Services.kt
similarity index 94%
rename from core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/subsystems/Services.kt
rename to core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/services/Services.kt
index 5de89fdb5e..1f4fdf70eb 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/subsystems/Services.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/services/Services.kt
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-package core.node.subsystems
-import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry
import core.contracts.*
import core.crypto.Party
import core.crypto.SecureHash
@@ -137,9 +136,4 @@ interface StorageService {
val myLegalIdentityKey: KeyPair
- * Provides access to various metrics and ways to notify monitoring services of things, for sysadmin purposes.
- * This is not an interface because it is too lightweight to bother mocking out.
- */
-class MonitoringService(val metrics: MetricRegistry)
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/services/testing/MockServices.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/services/testing/MockServices.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..737be869af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/core/node/services/testing/MockServices.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import core.contracts.Attachment
+import core.contracts.SignedTransaction
+import core.crypto.Party
+import core.crypto.SecureHash
+import core.crypto.generateKeyPair
+import core.crypto.sha256
+import core.utilities.RecordingMap
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
+import java.util.*
+import java.util.jar.JarInputStream
+import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe
+class MockIdentityService(val identities: List) : IdentityService {
+ private val keyToParties: Map
+ get() = synchronized(identities) { identities.associateBy { it.owningKey } }
+ private val nameToParties: Map
+ get() = synchronized(identities) { identities.associateBy { } }
+ override fun registerIdentity(party: Party) { throw UnsupportedOperationException() }
+ override fun partyFromKey(key: PublicKey): Party? = keyToParties[key]
+ override fun partyFromName(name: String): Party? = nameToParties[name]
+class MockKeyManagementService(vararg initialKeys: KeyPair) : KeyManagementService {
+ override val keys: MutableMap
+ init {
+ keys = { it.public to it.private }.toMap(HashMap())
+ }
+ val nextKeys = LinkedList()
+ override fun freshKey(): KeyPair {
+ val k = nextKeys.poll() ?: generateKeyPair()
+ keys[k.public] = k.private
+ return k
+ }
+class MockAttachmentStorage : AttachmentStorage {
+ val files = HashMap()
+ override fun openAttachment(id: SecureHash): Attachment? {
+ val f = files[id] ?: return null
+ return object : Attachment {
+ override fun open(): InputStream = ByteArrayInputStream(f)
+ override val id: SecureHash = id
+ }
+ }
+ override fun importAttachment(jar: InputStream): SecureHash {
+ // JIS makes read()/readBytes() return bytes of the current file, but we want to hash the entire container here.
+ require(jar !is JarInputStream)
+ val bytes = run {
+ val s = ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ jar.copyTo(s)
+ s.close()
+ s.toByteArray()
+ }
+ val sha256 = bytes.sha256()
+ if (files.containsKey(sha256))
+ throw FileAlreadyExistsException(File("!! MOCK FILE NAME"))
+ files[sha256] = bytes
+ return sha256
+ }
+class MockStorageService(override val attachments: AttachmentStorage = MockAttachmentStorage(),
+ override val myLegalIdentityKey: KeyPair = generateKeyPair(),
+ override val myLegalIdentity: Party = Party("Unit test party", myLegalIdentityKey.public),
+// This parameter is for unit tests that want to observe operation details.
+ val recordingAs: (String) -> String = { tableName -> "" })
+: StorageService {
+ protected val tables = HashMap>()
+ private fun getMapOriginal(tableName: String): MutableMap {
+ synchronized(tables) {
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+ return tables.getOrPut(tableName) {
+ recorderWrap(Collections.synchronizedMap(HashMap()), tableName)
+ } as MutableMap
+ }
+ }
+ private fun recorderWrap(map: MutableMap, tableName: String): MutableMap {
+ if (recordingAs(tableName) != "")
+ return RecordingMap(map, LoggerFactory.getLogger("recordingmap.${recordingAs(tableName)}"))
+ else
+ return map
+ }
+ override val validatedTransactions: MutableMap
+ get() = getMapOriginal("validated-transactions")
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/core/serialization/Kryo.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/core/serialization/Kryo.kt
index bf20a92881..37acca91ae 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/core/serialization/Kryo.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/core/serialization/Kryo.kt
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Serializer
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.JavaSerializer
-import core.*
import core.contracts.*
import core.crypto.SecureHash
import core.crypto.generateKeyPair
diff --git a/node/src/test/kotlin/core/testutils/TestUtils.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/core/testing/TestUtils.kt
similarity index 84%
rename from node/src/test/kotlin/core/testutils/TestUtils.kt
rename to core/src/main/kotlin/core/testing/TestUtils.kt
index 76a7c193dc..e34c79c0e2 100644
--- a/node/src/test/kotlin/core/testutils/TestUtils.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/core/testing/TestUtils.kt
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
-package core.testutils
+package core.testing
-import contracts.*
import core.*
import core.contracts.*
import core.crypto.*
-import core.node.AbstractNode
import core.serialization.serialize
-import core.testing.MockIdentityService
-import core.visualiser.GraphVisualiser
@@ -73,30 +71,9 @@ val DUMMY_NOTARY = Party("Notary Service", DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY.public)
-val MockIdentityService = MockIdentityService(listOf(MEGA_CORP, MINI_CORP, DUMMY_NOTARY))
-// In a real system this would be a persistent map of hash to bytecode and we'd instantiate the object as needed inside
-// a sandbox. For unit tests we just have a hard-coded list.
-val TEST_PROGRAM_MAP: Map> = mapOf(
- JavaCommercialPaper.JCP_PROGRAM_ID to,
-fun generateState(notary: Party = DUMMY_NOTARY) = DummyContract.State(Random().nextInt(), notary)
-fun generateStateRef() = StateRef(SecureHash.randomSHA256(), 0)
-fun issueState(node: AbstractNode, notary: Party = DUMMY_NOTARY): StateRef {
- val tx = DummyContract().generateInitial(, Random().nextInt(), DUMMY_NOTARY)
- tx.signWith(
- tx.signWith(DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY)
- val stx = tx.toSignedTransaction()
- return StateRef(, 0)
+fun generateStateRef() = StateRef(SecureHash.Companion.randomSHA256(), 0)
@@ -119,14 +96,6 @@ fun issueState(node: AbstractNode, notary: Party = DUMMY_NOTARY): StateRef {
// TODO: Make it impossible to forget to test either a failure or an accept for each transaction{} block
-infix fun Cash.State.`owned by`(owner: PublicKey) = copy(owner = owner)
-infix fun Cash.State.`issued by`(party: Party) = copy(deposit = deposit.copy(party = party))
-infix fun CommercialPaper.State.`owned by`(owner: PublicKey) = this.copy(owner = owner)
-infix fun ICommercialPaperState.`owned by`(new_owner: PublicKey) = this.withOwner(new_owner)
-// Allows you to write 100.DOLLARS.CASH
-val Amount.CASH: Cash.State get() = Cash.State(MINI_CORP.ref(1, 2, 3), this, NullPublicKey, DUMMY_NOTARY)
class LabeledOutput(val label: String?, val state: ContractState) {
override fun toString() = state.toString() + (if (label != null) " ($label)" else "")
override fun equals(other: Any?) = other is LabeledOutput && state.equals(other.state)
@@ -143,7 +112,7 @@ abstract class AbstractTransactionForTest {
open fun output(label: String? = null, s: () -> ContractState) = LabeledOutput(label, s()).apply { outStates.add(this) }
protected fun commandsToAuthenticatedObjects(): List> {
- return { AuthenticatedObject(it.signers, it.signers.mapNotNull { MockIdentityService.partyFromKey(it) }, it.value) }
+ return { AuthenticatedObject(it.signers, it.signers.mapNotNull { MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE.partyFromKey(it) }, it.value) }
fun attachment(attachmentID: SecureHash) {
@@ -177,7 +146,7 @@ open class TransactionForTest : AbstractTransactionForTest() {
protected fun runCommandsAndVerify(time: Instant) {
val cmds = commandsToAuthenticatedObjects()
- val tx = TransactionForVerification(inStates, { it.state }, emptyList(), cmds, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
+ val tx = TransactionForVerification(inStates, { it.state }, emptyList(), cmds, SecureHash.Companion.randomSHA256())
@@ -334,8 +303,8 @@ class TransactionGroupDSL(private val stateType: Class) {
fun toTransactionGroup() = TransactionGroup(
- { it.toLedgerTransaction(MockIdentityService, MockStorageService().attachments) }.toSet(),
- { it.toLedgerTransaction(MockIdentityService, MockStorageService().attachments) }.toSet()
+ { it.toLedgerTransaction(MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE, MockStorageService().attachments) }.toSet(),
+ { it.toLedgerTransaction(MOCK_IDENTITY_SERVICE, MockStorageService().attachments) }.toSet()
class Failed(val index: Int, cause: Throwable) : Exception("Transaction $index didn't verify", cause)
@@ -361,11 +330,6 @@ class TransactionGroupDSL(private val stateType: Class) {
return e
- fun visualise() {
- GraphVisualiser(this as TransactionGroupDSL).display()
- }
fun signAll(txnsToSign: List = txns, vararg extraKeys: KeyPair): List {
return { wtx ->
val allPubKeys = wtx.commands.flatMap { it.signers }.toMutableSet()
diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/core/node/cities.txt b/core/src/main/resources/core/node/cities.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02051a2af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/resources/core/node/cities.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+# name longitude latitude
+Shanghai 121.47 31.23
+Bombay 72.82 18.96
+Karachi 67.01 24.86
+Buenos Aires -58.37 -34.61
+Delhi 77.21 28.67
+Istanbul 29 41.1
+Manila 120.97 14.62
+Sao Paulo -46.63 -23.53
+Moscow 37.62 55.75
+Dhaka 90.39 23.7
+Soul 126.99 37.56
+Lagos 3.35 6.5
+Kinshasa 15.32 -4.31
+Tokyo 139.77 35.67
+Mexico City -99.14 19.43
+Jakarta 106.83 -6.18
+New York -73.94 40.67
+Tehran 51.43 35.67
+Cairo 31.25 30.06
+Lima -77.05 -12.07
+Peking 116.4 39.93
+London -0.1 51.52
+Bogota -74.09 4.63
+Lahore 74.35 31.56
+Rio de Janeiro -43.2 -22.91
+Bangkok 100.5 13.73
+Bagdad 44.44 33.33
+Bangalore 77.56 12.97
+Santiago -70.64 -33.46
+Calcutta 88.36 22.57
+Singapore 103.85 1.3
+Toronto -79.38 43.65
+Rangoon 96.15 16.79
+Ibadan 3.93 7.38
+Riyadh 46.77 24.65
+Madras 80.27 13.09
+Chongqing 106.58 29.57
+Ho Chi Minh City 106.69 10.78
+Xian 108.9 34.27
+Wuhan 114.27 30.58
+Alexandria 29.95 31.22
+Saint Petersburg 30.32 59.93
+Hyderabad 78.48 17.4
+Chengdu 104.07 30.67
+Abidjan -4.03 5.33
+Ankara 32.85 39.93
+Ahmadabad 72.58 23.03
+Los Angeles -118.41 34.11
+Tianjin 117.2 39.13
+Chattagam 91.81 22.33
+Sydney 151.21 -33.87
+Yokohama 139.62 35.47
+Melbourne 144.96 -37.81
+Shenyang 123.45 41.8
+Cape Town 18.46 -33.93
+Berlin 13.38 52.52
+Pusan 129.03 35.11
+Montreal -73.57 45.52
+Harbin 126.65 45.75
+Durban 30.99 -29.87
+Gizeh 31.21 30.01
+Nanjing 118.78 32.05
+Casablanca -7.62 33.6
+Pune 73.84 18.53
+Addis Abeba 38.74 9.03
+Pyongyang 125.75 39.02
+Surat 72.82 21.2
+Madrid -3.71 40.42
+Guangzhou 113.25 23.12
+Jiddah 39.17 21.5
+Kanpur 80.33 26.47
+Nairobi 36.82 -1.29
+Jaipur 75.8 26.92
+Dar es Salaam 39.28 -6.82
+Salvador -38.5 -12.97
+Chicago -87.68 41.84
+Taiyuan 112.55 37.87
+al-Mawsil 43.14 36.34
+Faisalabad 73.11 31.41
+Changchun 125.35 43.87
+Izmir 27.15 38.43
+Taibei 121.45 25.02
+Osaka 135.5 34.68
+Lakhnau 80.92 26.85
+Kiev 30.52 50.43
+Luanda 13.24 -8.82
+Inchon 126.64 37.48
+Rome 12.5 41.89
+Dakar -17.48 14.72
+Belo Horizonte -43.94 -19.92
+Fortaleza -38.59 -3.78
+Mashhad 59.57 36.27
+Maracaibo -71.66 10.73
+Kabul 69.17 34.53
+Santo Domingo -69.91 18.48
+Taegu 128.6 35.87
+Brasilia -47.91 -15.78
+Umm Durman 32.48 15.65
+Nagpur 79.08 21.16
+Surabaya 112.74 -7.24
+Kano 8.52 12
+Medellin -75.54 6.29
+Accra -0.2 5.56
+Nagoya 136.91 35.15
+Benin 5.62 6.34
+Shijiazhuang 114.48 38.05
+Guayaquil -79.9 -2.21
+Changsha 112.97 28.2
+Houston -95.39 29.77
+Khartoum 32.52 15.58
+Paris 2.34 48.86
+Cali -76.52 3.44
+Algiers 3.04 36.77
+Jinan 117 36.67
+Havanna -82.39 23.13
+Tashkent 69.3 41.31
+Dalian 121.65 38.92
+Jilin 126.55 43.85
+Nanchang 115.88 28.68
+Zhengzhou 113.67 34.75
+Vancouver -123.13 49.28
+Johannesburg 28.04 -26.19
+Bayrut 35.5 33.89
+Douala 9.71 4.06
+Jiulong 114.17 22.32
+Caracas -66.93 10.54
+Kaduna 7.44 10.52
+Bucharest 26.1 44.44
+Ecatepec -99.05 19.6
+Sapporo 141.34 43.06
+Port Harcourt 7.01 4.81
+Hangzhou 120.17 30.25
+Rawalpindi 73.04 33.6
+San'a 44.21 15.38
+Conakry -13.67 9.55
+Curitiba -49.29 -25.42
+al-Basrah 47.82 30.53
+Brisbane 153.02 -27.46
+Xinyang 114.07 32.13
+Medan 98.67 3.59
+Indore 75.86 22.72
+Manaus -60.02 -3.12
+Kumasi -1.63 6.69
+Hamburg 10 53.55
+Rabat -6.84 34.02
+Minsk 27.55 53.91
+Patna 85.13 25.62
+Valencia -67.98 10.23
+Bhopal 77.4 23.24
+Soweto 27.84 -26.28
+Warsaw 21.02 52.26
+Qingdao 120.32 36.07
+Vienna 16.37 48.22
+Yaounde 11.52 3.87
+Dubai 55.33 25.27
+Thana 72.97 19.2
+Aleppo 37.17 36.23
+Bekasi 106.97 -6.22
+Budapest 19.08 47.51
+Bamako -7.99 12.65
+Ludhiana 75.84 30.91
+Harare 31.05 -17.82
+Esfahan 51.68 32.68
+Pretoria 28.22 -25.73
+Barcelona 2.17 41.4
+Lubumbashi 27.48 -11.66
+Bandung 107.6 -6.91
+Guadalajara -103.35 20.67
+Tangshan 118.19 39.62
+Muqdisho 45.33 2.05
+Phoenix -112.07 33.54
+Damascus 36.32 33.5
+Quito -78.5 -0.19
+Agra 78.01 27.19
+Urumqi 87.58 43.8
+Davao 125.63 7.11
+Santa Cruz -63.21 -17.77
+Antananarivo 47.51 -18.89
+Kobe 135.17 34.68
+Juarez -106.49 31.74
+Tijuana -117.02 32.53
+Recife -34.92 -8.08
+Multan 71.45 30.2
+Ha Noi 105.84 21.03
+Gaoxiong 120.27 22.63
+Belem -48.5 -1.44
+Cordoba -64.19 -31.4
+Kampala 32.58 0.32
+Lome 1.35 6.17
+Hyderabad 68.37 25.38
+Suzhou 120.62 31.3
+Vadodara 73.18 22.31
+Gujranwala 74.18 32.16
+Bursa 29.08 40.2
+Mbuji-Mayi 23.59 -6.13
+Pimpri 73.8 18.62
+Karaj 50.97 35.8
+Kyoto 135.75 35.01
+Tangerang 106.63 -6.18
+Aba 7.35 5.1
+Kharkiv 36.22 49.98
+Puebla -98.22 19.05
+Nashik 73.78 20.01
+Kuala Lumpur 101.71 3.16
+Philadelphia -75.13 40.01
+Fukuoka 130.41 33.59
+Taejon 127.43 36.33
+Lanzhou 103.68 36.05
+Mecca 39.82 21.43
+Shantou 116.67 23.37
+Koyang 126.93 37.7
+Hefei 117.28 31.85
+Novosibirsk 82.93 55.04
+Porto Alegre -51.22 -30.04
+Adana 35.32 37
+Makasar 119.41 -5.14
+Tabriz 46.3 38.08
+Narayanganj 90.5 23.62
+Faridabad 77.3 28.38
+Fushun 123.88 41.87
+Phnum Penh 104.92 11.57
+Luoyang 112.47 34.68
+Khulna 89.56 22.84
+Depok 106.83 -6.39
+Lusaka 28.29 -15.42
+Ghaziabad 77.41 28.66
+Handan 114.48 36.58
+San Antonio -98.51 29.46
+Kawasaki 139.7 35.53
+Kwangju 126.91 35.16
+Peshawar 71.54 34.01
+Rajkot 70.79 22.31
+Suwon 127.01 37.26
+Mandalay 96.09 21.98
+Almaty 76.92 43.32
+Munich 11.58 48.14
+Mirat 77.7 28.99
+Baotou 110.05 40.6
+Milan 9.19 45.48
+Rongcheng 116.34 23.54
+Kalyan 73.16 19.25
+Montevideo -56.17 -34.87
+Xianggangdao 114.14 22.27
+Yekaterinburg 60.6 56.85
+Ouagadougou -1.53 12.37
+Guarulhos -46.49 -23.46
+Semarang 110.42 -6.97
+Xuzhou 117.18 34.27
+Perth 115.84 -31.96
+Dallas -96.77 32.79
+Stockholm 18.07 59.33
+Palembang 104.75 -2.99
+San Diego -117.14 32.81
+Goiania -49.26 -16.72
+Gaziantep 37.39 37.07
+Nizhniy Novgorod 44 56.33
+Shiraz 52.57 29.63
+Rosario -60.67 -32.94
+Fuzhou 119.3 26.08
+Nezahualcoyotl -99.03 19.41
+Saitama 139.64 35.87
+Shenzhen 114.13 22.53
+Yerevan 44.52 40.17
+Tripoli 13.18 32.87
+Anshan 122.95 41.12
+Varanasi 83.01 25.32
+Guiyang 106.72 26.58
+Baku 49.86 40.39
+Wuxi 120.3 31.58
+Prague 14.43 50.08
+Brazzaville 15.26 -4.25
+Subang Jaya 101.53 3.15
+Leon -101.69 21.12
+Hiroshima 132.44 34.39
+Amritsar 74.87 31.64
+Huainan 116.98 32.63
+Barranquilla -74.8 10.96
+Monrovia -10.8 6.31
+'Amman 35.93 31.95
+Tbilisi 44.79 41.72
+Abuja 7.49 9.06
+Aurangabad 75.32 19.89
+Sofia 23.31 42.69
+Omsk 73.4 55
+Monterrey -100.32 25.67
+Port Elizabeth 25.59 -33.96
+Navi Mumbai 73.06 19.11
+Maputo 32.57 -25.95
+Allahabad 81.84 25.45
+Samara 50.15 53.2
+Belgrade 20.5 44.83
+Campinas -47.08 -22.91
+Sholapur 75.89 17.67
+Kazan 49.13 55.75
+Irbil 44.01 36.18
+Barquisimeto -69.3 10.05
+K?benhavn 12.58 55.67
+Xianyang 108.7 34.37
+Baoding 115.48 38.87
+Guatemala -90.55 14.63
+Maceio -35.75 -9.65
+Nova Iguacu -43.47 -22.74
+Kunming 102.7 25.05
+Taizhong 120.68 24.15
+Maiduguri 13.16 11.85
+Datong 113.3 40.08
+Dublin -6.25 53.33
+Jabalpur 79.94 23.17
+Visakhapatnam 83.3 17.73
+Rostov-na-Donu 39.71 47.24
+Dnipropetrovs'k 34.98 48.45
+Shubra-El-Khema 31.25 30.11
+Srinagar 74.79 34.09
+Benxi 123.75 41.33
+Brussels 4.33 50.83
+al-Madinah 39.59 24.48
+Adelaide 138.6 -34.93
+Zapopan -103.4 20.72
+Chelyabinsk 61.43 55.15
+Haora 88.33 22.58
+Calgary -114.06 51.05
+Sendai 140.89 38.26
+Tegucigalpa -87.22 14.09
+Ranchi 85.33 23.36
+Songnam 127.15 37.44
+Ilorin 4.55 8.49
+Fez -5 34.05
+Ufa 56.04 54.78
+Klang 101.45 3.04
+Chandigarh 76.78 30.75
+Ahvaz 48.72 31.28
+Koyampattur 76.96 11.01
+Cologne 6.97 50.95
+Qom 50.95 34.65
+Odesa 30.73 46.47
+Donetsk 37.82 48
+Jodhpur 73.02 26.29
+Sao Luis -44.3 -2.5
+Sao Goncalo -43.07 -22.84
+Kitakyushu 130.86 33.88
+Huaibei 116.75 33.95
+Perm 56.25 58
+Changzhou 119.97 31.78
+Maisuru 76.65 12.31
+Guwahati 91.75 26.19
+Volgograd 44.48 48.71
+Konya 32.48 37.88
+Naples 14.27 40.85
+Vijayawada 80.63 16.52
+Ulsan 129.31 35.55
+San Jose -121.85 37.3
+Birmingham -1.91 52.48
+Chiba 140.11 35.61
+Ciudad Guayana -62.62 8.37
+Kolwezi 25.66 -10.7
+Padang 100.35 -0.95
+Managua -86.27 12.15
+Mendoza -68.83 -32.89
+Gwalior 78.17 26.23
+Biskek 74.57 42.87
+Kathmandu 85.31 27.71
+El Alto -68.17 -16.5
+Niamey 2.12 13.52
+Kigali 30.06 -1.94
+Qiqihar 124 47.35
+Ulaanbaatar 106.91 47.93
+Krasnoyarsk 93.06 56.02
+Madurai 78.12 9.92
+Edmonton -113.54 53.57
+Asgabat 58.38 37.95
+al-H?artum Bah?ri 32.52 15.64
+Arequipa -71.53 -16.39
+Marrakesh -8 31.63
+Bandar Lampung 105.27 -5.44
+Pingdingshan 113.3 33.73
+Cartagena -75.5 10.4
+Hubli 75.13 15.36
+La Paz -68.15 -16.5
+Wenzhou 120.65 28.02
+Ottawa -75.71 45.42
+Johor Bahru 103.75 1.48
+Mombasa 39.66 -4.04
+Lilongwe 33.8 -13.97
+Turin 7.68 45.08
+Duque de Caxias -43.31 -22.77
+Abu Dhabi 54.37 24.48
+Jalandhar 75.57 31.33
+Warri 5.76 5.52
+Valencia -0.39 39.48
+Oslo 10.75 59.91
+Taian 117.12 36.2
+ad-Dammam 50.1 26.43
+Mira Bhayandar 72.85 19.29
+Salem 78.16 11.67
+Pietermaritzburg 30.39 -29.61
+Naucalpan -99.23 19.48
+H?ims 36.72 34.73
+Bhubaneswar 85.84 20.27
+Hamamatsu 137.73 34.72
+Saratov 46.03 51.57
+Detroit -83.1 42.38
+Kirkuk 44.39 35.47
+Sakai 135.48 34.57
+Onitsha 6.78 6.14
+Quetta 67.02 30.21
+Aligarh 78.06 27.89
+Voronezh 39.26 51.72
+Freetown -13.24 8.49
+Tucuman -65.22 -26.83
+Bogor 106.79 -6.58
+Niigata 139.04 37.92
+Thiruvananthapuram 76.95 8.51
+Jacksonville -81.66 30.33
+Bareli 79.41 28.36
+Cebu 123.9 10.32
+Kota 75.83 25.18
+Natal -35.22 -5.8
+Shihung 126.89 37.46
+Puchon 126.77 37.48
+Tiruchchirappalli 78.69 10.81
+Trujillo -79.03 -8.11
+Sharjah 55.41 25.37
+Kermanshah 47.06 34.38
+Qinhuangdao 119.62 39.93
+Anyang 114.35 36.08
+Bhiwandi 73.05 19.3
+an-Najaf 44.34 32
+Sao Bernardo do Campo -46.54 -23.71
+Teresina -42.8 -5.1
+Nanning 108.32 22.82
+Antalya 30.71 36.89
+Campo Grande -54.63 -20.45
+Indianapolis -86.15 39.78
+Jaboatao -35.02 -8.11
+Zaporizhzhya 35.17 47.85
+Hohhot 111.64 40.82
+Marseille 5.37 43.31
+Moradabad 78.76 28.84
+Zhangjiakou 114.93 40.83
+Liuzhou 109.25 24.28
+Nouakchott -15.98 18.09
+Rajshahi 88.59 24.37
+Yantai 121.4 37.53
+Tainan 120.19 23
+Xining 101.77 36.62
+Port-au-Prince -72.34 18.54
+Hegang 130.37 47.4
+Akure 5.19 7.25
+N'Djamena 15.05 12.11
+Guadalupe -100.26 25.68
+Cracow 19.96 50.06
+Malang 112.62 -7.98
+Hengyang 112.62 26.89
+Athens 23.73 37.98
+Puyang 114.98 35.7
+San Francisco -122.45 37.77
+Jerusalem 35.22 31.78
+Amsterdam 4.89 52.37
+?odz 19.46 51.77
+Merida -89.62 20.97
+Austin -97.75 30.31
+Abeokuta 3.35 7.16
+Xinxiang 113.87 35.32
+Raipur 81.63 21.24
+Tunis 10.22 36.84
+Columbus -82.99 39.99
+Chihuahua -106.08 28.63
+L'viv 24 49.83
+Cotonou 2.44 6.36
+Pekan Baru 101.43 0.56
+Blantyre 34.99 -15.79
+La Plata -57.96 -34.92
+Bulawayo 28.58 -20.17
+Tangier -5.81 35.79
+Kayseri 35.48 38.74
+Tolyatti 49.51 53.48
+Foshan 113.12 23.03
+Ningbo 121.55 29.88
+Langfang 116.68 39.52
+Ampang Jaya 101.77 3.15
+Liaoyang 123.18 41.28
+Riga 24.13 56.97
+Changzhi 111.75 35.22
+Kryvyy Rih 33.35 47.92
+Libreville 9.45 0.39
+Chonju 127.14 35.83
+Fort Worth -97.34 32.75
+as-Sulaymaniyah 45.43 35.56
+Osasco -46.78 -23.53
+Zamboanga 122.08 6.92
+Tlalnepantla -99.19 19.54
+Gorakhpur 83.36 26.76
+San Luis Potosi -100.98 22.16
+Sevilla -5.98 37.4
+Zhuzhou 113.15 27.83
+Zagreb 15.97 45.8
+Huangshi 115.1 30.22
+Puente Alto -70.57 -33.61
+Shaoguan 113.58 24.8
+Matola 32.46 -25.97
+Guilin 110.28 25.28
+Aguascalientes -102.3 21.88
+Shizuoka 138.39 34.98
+Benghazi 20.07 32.12
+Fuxin 121.65 42.01
+Joao Pessoa -34.86 -7.12
+Ipoh 101.07 4.6
+Contagem -44.1 -19.91
+Dushanbe 68.78 38.57
+Zhanjiang 110.38 21.2
+Xingtai 114.49 37.07
+Okayama 133.92 34.67
+Yogyakarta 110.37 -7.78
+Bhilai 81.38 21.21
+Zigong 104.78 29.4
+Mudanjiang 129.6 44.58
+Wahran -0.62 35.7
+Enugu 7.51 6.44
+Santo Andre -46.53 -23.65
+Colombo 79.85 6.93
+Chimalhuacan -98.96 19.44
+Shatian 114.19 22.38
+Memphis -90.01 35.11
+Kumamoto 130.71 32.8
+Sao Jose dos Campos -45.88 -23.2
+Zhangdian 118.06 36.8
+Acapulco -99.92 16.85
+Xiangtan 112.9 27.85
+Quebec -71.23 46.82
+Dasmarinas 120.93 14.33
+Zaria 7.71 11.08
+Nantong 120.82 32.02
+Charlotte -80.83 35.2
+Pointe Noire 11.87 -4.77
+Shaoyang 111.2 27
+Queretaro -100.4 20.59
+Hamilton -79.85 43.26
+Islamabad 73.06 33.72
+Panjin 122.05 41.18
+Saltillo -101 25.42
+Ansan 126.86 37.35
+Jamshedpur 86.2 22.79
+Zaragoza -0.89 41.65
+Cancun -86.83 21.17
+Dandong 124.4 40.13
+Frankfurt 8.68 50.12
+Palermo 13.36 38.12
+Haikou 110.32 20.05
+'Adan 45.03 12.79
+Amravati 77.76 20.95
+Winnipeg -97.17 49.88
+Sagamihara 139.38 35.58
+Zhangzhou 117.67 24.52
+Gazzah 34.44 31.53
+Kataka 85.88 20.47
+El Paso -106.44 31.85
+Krasnodar 38.98 45.03
+Kuching 110.34 1.55
+Wroc?aw 17.03 51.11
+Asmara 38.94 15.33
+Zhenjiang 119.43 32.22
+Baltimore -76.61 39.3
+Benoni 28.33 -26.15
+Mersin 34.63 36.81
+Izhevsk 53.23 56.85
+Yancheng 120.12 33.39
+Hermosillo -110.97 29.07
+Yuanlong 114.02 22.44
+Uberlandia -48.28 -18.9
+Ulyanovsk 48.4 54.33
+Bouake -5.03 7.69
+Santiago -70.69 19.48
+Mexicali -115.47 32.65
+Hai Phong 106.68 20.86
+Anyang 126.92 37.39
+Dadiangas 125.25 6.1
+Morelia -101.18 19.72
+Oshogbo 4.56 7.77
+Chongju 127.5 36.64
+Jos 8.89 9.93
+al-'Ayn 55.74 24.23
+Sorocaba -47.47 -23.49
+Bikaner 73.32 28.03
+Taizhou 119.9 32.49
+Antipolo 121.18 14.59
+Xiamen 118.08 24.45
+Cochabamba -66.17 -17.38
+Culiacan -107.39 24.8
+Yingkou 122.28 40.67
+Kagoshima 130.56 31.59
+Siping 124.33 43.17
+Orumiyeh 45 37.53
+Luancheng 114.65 37.88
+Diyarbak?r 40.23 37.92
+Yaroslavl 39.87 57.62
+Mixco -90.6 14.64
+Banjarmasin 114.59 -3.33
+Chisinau 28.83 47.03
+Djibouti 43.15 11.59
+Seattle -122.35 47.62
+Stuttgart 9.19 48.79
+Khabarovsk 135.12 48.42
+Rotterdam 4.48 51.93
+Jinzhou 121.1 41.12
+Kisangani 25.19 0.53
+San Pedro Sula -88.03 15.47
+Bengbu 117.33 32.95
+Irkutsk 104.24 52.33
+Shihezi 86.03 44.3
+Maracay -67.47 10.33
+Cucuta -72.51 7.88
+Bhavnagar 72.13 21.79
+Port Said 32.29 31.26
+Denver -104.87 39.77
+Genoa 8.93 44.42
+Jiangmen 113.08 22.58
+Dortmund 7.48 51.51
+Barnaul 83.75 53.36
+Washington -77.02 38.91
+Veracruz -96.14 19.19
+Ribeirao Preto -47.8 -21.17
+Vladivostok 131.9 43.13
+Mar del Plata -57.58 -38
+Boston -71.02 42.34
+Eskisehir 30.52 39.79
+Warangal 79.58 18.01
+Zahedan 60.83 29.5
+Essen 7 51.47
+Dusseldorf 6.79 51.24
+Kaifeng 114.35 34.85
+Kingston -76.8 17.99
+Glasgow -4.27 55.87
+Funabashi 139.99 35.7
+Shah Alam 101.56 3.07
+Maoming 110.87 21.92
+Hachioji 139.33 35.66
+Meknes -5.56 33.9
+Hamhung 127.54 39.91
+Villa Nueva -90.59 14.53
+Sargodha 72.67 32.08
+Las Vegas -115.22 36.21
+Resht 49.63 37.3
+Cangzhou 116.87 38.32
+Tanggu 117.67 39
+Helsinki 24.94 60.17
+Malaga -4.42 36.72
+Milwaukee -87.97 43.06
+Nashville -86.78 36.17
+Ife 4.56 7.48
+Changde 111.68 29.03
+at-Ta'if 40.38 21.26
+Surakarta 110.82 -7.57
+Poznan 16.9 52.4
+Barcelona -64.72 10.13
+Bloemfontein 26.23 -29.15
+Lopez Mateos -99.26 19.57
+Bangui 18.56 4.36
+Reynosa -98.28 26.08
+Xigong 114.25 22.33
+Cuiaba -56.09 -15.61
+Shiliguri 88.42 26.73
+Oklahoma City -97.51 35.47
+Louisville -85.74 38.22
+Jiamusi 130.35 46.83
+Huaiyin 119.03 33.58
+Welkom 26.73 -27.97
+Kolhapur 74.22 16.7
+Ulhasnagar 73.15 19.23
+Rajpur 88.44 22.44
+Bremen 8.81 53.08
+San Salvador -89.19 13.69
+Maanshan 118.48 31.73
+Tembisa 28.22 -25.99
+Banqiao 121.44 25.02
+Toluca -99.67 19.29
+Portland -122.66 45.54
+Gold Coast 153.44 -28.07
+Kota Kinabalu 116.07 5.97
+Vilnius 25.27 54.7
+Agadir -9.61 30.42
+Ajmer 74.64 26.45
+Orenburg 55.1 51.78
+Neijiang 105.05 29.58
+Salta -65.41 -24.79
+Guntur 80.44 16.31
+Novokuznetsk 87.1 53.75
+Yangzhou 119.43 32.4
+Durgapur 87.31 23.5
+Shashi 112.23 30.32
+Asuncion -57.63 -25.3
+Aparecida de Goiania -49.24 -16.82
+Ribeirao das Neves -44.08 -19.76
+Petaling Jaya 101.62 3.1
+Sangli-Miraj 74.57 16.86
+Dehra Dun 78.05 30.34
+Maturin -63.17 9.75
+Torreon -103.43 25.55
+Jiaozuo 113.22 35.25
+Zhuhai 113.57 22.28
+Nanded 77.29 19.17
+Suez 32.54 29.98
+Tyumen 65.53 57.15
+Albuquerque -106.62 35.12
+Cagayan 124.67 8.45
+Mwanza 32.89 -2.52
+Petare -66.83 10.52
+Soledad -74.77 10.92
+Uijongbu 127.04 37.74
+Yueyang 113.1 29.38
+Feira de Santana -38.97 -12.25
+Ta'izz 44.04 13.6
+Tucson -110.89 32.2
+Naberezhnyye Chelny 52.32 55.69
+Kerman 57.08 30.3
+Matsuyama 132.77 33.84
+Garoua 13.39 9.3
+Tlaquepaque -103.32 20.64
+Tuxtla Gutierrez -93.12 16.75
+Jamnagar 70.07 22.47
+Jammu 74.85 32.71
+Gulbarga 76.82 17.34
+Chiclayo -79.84 -6.76
+Hanover 9.73 52.4
+Bucaramanga -73.13 7.13
+Bahawalpur 71.67 29.39
+Goteborg 12.01 57.72
+Zhunmen 113.98 22.41
+Bhatpara 88.42 22.89
+Ryazan 39.74 54.62
+Calamba 121.15 14.21
+Changwon 128.62 35.27
+Aracaju -37.07 -10.91
+Zunyi 106.92 27.7
+Lipetsk 39.62 52.62
+Dresden 13.74 51.05
+Saharanpur 77.54 29.97
+H?amah 36.73 35.15
+Niyala 24.89 12.06
+San Nicolas de los Garza -100.3 25.75
+Higashiosaka 135.59 34.67
+al-H?illah 44.43 32.48
+Leipzig 12.4 51.35
+Xuchang 113.82 34.02
+Wuhu 118.37 31.35
+Boma 13.05 -5.85
+Kananga 22.4 -5.89
+Mykolayiv 32 46.97
+Atlanta -84.42 33.76
+Londrina -51.18 -23.3
+Tabuk 36.57 28.39
+Cuautitlan Izcalli -99.25 19.65
+Nuremberg 11.05 49.45
+Santa Fe -60.69 -31.6
+Joinville -48.84 -26.32
+Zurich 8.55 47.36
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similarity index 100%
rename from node/src/test/kotlin/core/utilities/CollectionExtensionTests.kt
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--- a/docs/build/html/api/alltypes/index.html
+++ b/docs/build/html/api/alltypes/index.html
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-core.utilities.ANSIProgressRenderer |
Knows how to render a ProgressTracker to the terminal using coloured, emoji-fied output. Useful when writing small
command line tools, demos, tests etc. Just set the progressTracker field and it will go ahead and start drawing
@@ -18,20 +18,20 @@ if the terminal supports it. Otherwise it just prints out the name of the step w
-api.APIServer |
Top level interface to external interaction with the distributed ledger.
-api.APIServerImpl |
-core.node.AbstractNode |
A base node implementation that can be customised either for production (with real implementations that do real
I/O), or a mock implementation suitable for unit test environments.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ I/O), or a mock implementation suitable for unit test environments.
| |
Abstract superclass for services that a node can host, which provides helper functions.
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ fields such as replyTo and replyToTopic.
-core.node.AcceptsFileUpload |
A service that implements AcceptsFileUpload can have new binary data provided to it via an HTTP upload.
@@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ We dont actually do anything with this yet though, so its ignored for now.
-core.utilities.AddOrRemove |
Enum for when adding/removing something, for example adding or removing an entry in a directory.
-core.utilities.AffinityExecutor |
An extended executor interface that supports thread affinity assertions and short circuiting. This can be useful
for ensuring code runs on the right thread, and also for unit testing.
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ for ensuring code runs on the right thread, and also for unit testing.
-core.node.subsystems.ArtemisMessagingService |
This class implements the MessagingService API using Apache Artemis, the successor to their ActiveMQ product.
Artemis is a message queue broker and here, we embed the entire server inside our own process. Nodes communicate
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ of how attachments are meant to be used include:
-core.node.servlets.AttachmentDownloadServlet |
Allows the node administrator to either download full attachment zips, or individual files within those zips.
@@ -195,13 +195,13 @@ the same transaction. |
| |
Thread-safe storage of fiber checkpoints.
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ the same transaction.
-api.Config |
Primary purpose is to install Kotlin extensions for Jackson ObjectMapper so data classes work
and to organise serializers / deserializers for java.time.* classes as necessary
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ and to organise serializers / deserializers for java.time.* classes as necessary
-core.node.ConfigurationException |
@@ -259,20 +259,20 @@ timestamp attached to the transaction itself i.e. it is NOT necessarily the curr
-api.ContractClassRef |
-api.ContractDefRef |
Encapsulates the contract type. e.g. Cash or CommercialPaper etc.
-api.ContractLedgerRef |
@@ -303,14 +303,14 @@ return the funds to the pledge-makers (if the target has not been reached).
-core.node.servlets.DataUploadServlet |
Accepts binary streams, finds the right AcceptsFileUpload implementor and hands the stream off to it.
-core.node.subsystems.DataVendingService |
This class sets up network message handlers for requests from peers for data keyed by hash. It is a piece of simple
glue that sits between the network layer and the database layer.
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ building partially signed transactions.
-core.node.subsystems.E2ETestKeyManagementService |
A simple in-memory KMS that doesnt bother saving keys to disk. A real implementation would:
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ that would divide into (eg annually = 1, semiannual = 2, monthly = 12 etc).
-core.testing.IRSSimulation |
A simulation in which banks execute interest rate swaps with each other, including the fixing events.
@@ -558,14 +558,14 @@ set via the constructor and the class is immutable.
-core.node.subsystems.InMemoryIdentityService |
Simple identity service which caches parties and provides functionality for efficient lookup.
-core.testing.InMemoryMessagingNetwork |
An in-memory network allows you to manufacture InMemoryMessagings for a set of participants. Each
InMemoryMessaging maintains a queue of messages it has received, and a background thread that dispatches
@@ -576,14 +576,14 @@ testing).
-core.node.subsystems.InMemoryNetworkMapCache |
Extremely simple in-memory cache of the network map.
| |
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ This is just a representation of a vanilla Fixed vs Floating (same currency) IRS
-core.utilities.JsonSupport |
Utilities and serialisers for working with JSON representations of basic types. This adds Jackson support for
the java.time API, some core types, and Kotlin data classes.
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ the java.time API, some core types, and Kotlin data classes.
-core.node.subsystems.KeyManagementService |
The KMS is responsible for storing and using private keys to sign things. An implementation of this may, for example,
call out to a hardware security module that enforces various auditing and frequency-of-use requirements.
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ may let you cast the returned future to an object that lets you get status info.
-core.testing.MockIdentityService |
Scaffolding: a dummy identity service that just expects to have identities loaded off disk or found elsewhere.
This class allows the provided list of identities to be mutated after construction, so it takes the list lock
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ MockNetwork code.
-core.testing.MockNetwork |
A mock node brings up a suite of in-memory services in a fast manner suitable for unit testing.
Components that do IO are either swapped out for mocks, or pointed to a Jimfs in memory filesystem.
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ Components that do IO are either swapped out for mocks, or pointed to a
-core.testing.MockNetworkMapCache |
Network map cache with no backing map service.
@@ -805,13 +805,13 @@ This is not an interface because it is too lightweight to bother mocking out.
-core.node.subsystems.NetworkCacheError |
-core.node.subsystems.NetworkMapCache |
A network map contains lists of nodes on the network along with information about their identity keys, services
they provide and host names or IP addresses where they can be connected to. The cache wraps around a map fetched
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ with a specified network map service, which it fetches data from and then subscr
| |
A network map contains lists of nodes on the network along with information about their identity keys, services
they provide and host names or IP addresses where they can be connected to. This information is cached locally within
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ replace each other based on a serial number present in the change.
-core.node.Node |
A Node manages a standalone server that takes part in the P2P network. It creates the services found in ServiceHub,
loads important data off disk and starts listening for connections.
@@ -839,20 +839,20 @@ loads important data off disk and starts listening for connections.
| |
Stores attachments in the specified local directory, which must exist. Doesnt allow new attachments to be uploaded.
-core.node.NodeConfiguration |
-core.node.NodeConfigurationFromConfig |
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ loads important data off disk and starts listening for connections.
| |
An interest rates service is an oracle that signs transactions which contain embedded assertions about an interest
rate fix (e.g. LIBOR, EURIBOR ...).
@@ -873,13 +873,13 @@ rate fix (e.g. LIBOR, EURIBOR ...).
| |
| |
A node registration state in the network map.
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ add features like checking against other NTP servers to make sure the clock hasn
-core.node.subsystems.NodeWalletService |
This class implements a simple, in memory wallet that tracks states that are owned by us, and also has a convenience
method to auto-generate some self-issued cash states that can be used for test trading. A real wallet would persist
@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ ledger. The reference is intended to be encrypted so its meaningless to anyone o
| |
File-based checkpoint storage, storing checkpoints per file.
@@ -1003,13 +1003,13 @@ a singleton).
-api.ProtocolClassRef |
-api.ProtocolInstanceRef |
@@ -1024,14 +1024,14 @@ a node crash, how many instances of your protocol there are running and so on.
-api.ProtocolRef |
Encapsulates the protocol to be instantiated. e.g. TwoPartyTradeProtocol.Buyer.
-api.ProtocolRequiringAttention |
Thinking that Instant is OK for short lived protocol deadlines.
@@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ e.g. LIBOR 6M as of 17 March 2016. Hence it requires a source (name) and a value |
Placeholder interface for regulator services.
@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ all the transactions have been successfully verified and inserted into the local
-api.ResponseFilter |
This adds headers needed for cross site scripting on API clients
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ contained within.
-core.testing.Simulation |
Base class for network simulations that are based on the unit test / mock environment.
@@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ Points at which polynomial pieces connect are known as knots.
-core.messaging.StackSnapshot |
@@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ Points at which polynomial pieces connect are known as knots.
-core.messaging.StateMachineManager |
A StateMachineManager is responsible for coordination and persistence of multiple ProtocolStateMachine objects.
Each such object represents an instantiation of a (two-party) protocol that has reached a particular point.
@@ -1238,14 +1238,14 @@ transaction defined the state and where in that transaction it was.
-api.StatesQuery |
Extremely rudimentary query language which should most likely be replaced with a product
-core.node.subsystems.StorageService |
A sketch of an interface to a simple key/value storage system. Intended for persistence of simple blobs like
transactions, serialised protocol state machines and so on. Again, this isnt intended to imply lack of SQL or
@@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ anything like that, this interface is only big enough to support the prototyping
-core.node.subsystems.StorageServiceImpl |
@@ -1335,7 +1335,7 @@ themselves.
-core.testing.TradeSimulation |
Simulates a never ending series of trades that go pair-wise through the banks (e.g. A and B trade with each other,
then B and C trade with each other, then C and A etc).
@@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ then B and C trade with each other, then C and A etc).
-api.TransactionBuildStep |
Encapsulate a generateXXX method call on a contract.
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ intended as the way things will necessarily be done longer term
-core.node.subsystems.Wallet |
A wallet (name may be temporary) wraps a set of states that are useful for us to keep track of, for instance,
because we own them. This class represents an immutable, stable state of a wallet: it is guaranteed not to
@@ -1479,7 +1479,7 @@ about new transactions from our peers and generate new transactions that consume
-core.node.subsystems.WalletImpl |
A wallet (name may be temporary) wraps a set of states that are useful for us to keep track of, for instance,
because we own them. This class represents an immutable, stable state of a wallet: it is guaranteed not to
@@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@ about new transactions from our peers and generate new transactions that consume
-core.node.subsystems.WalletService |
A WalletService is responsible for securely and safely persisting the current state of a wallet to storage. The
wallet service vends immutable snapshots of the current wallet for working with: if you build a transaction based
@@ -1499,7 +1499,7 @@ consumed by someone else first
| |
A node registration and its signature as a pair.
diff --git a/docs/build/html/api/api/-a-p-i-server-impl/-init-.html b/docs/build/html/api/api/-a-p-i-server-impl/-init-.html
index 18200d6124..f3c40d288c 100644
--- a/docs/build/html/api/api/-a-p-i-server-impl/-init-.html
+++ b/docs/build/html/api/api/-a-p-i-server-impl/-init-.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
api / APIServerImpl / <init>
-APIServerImpl(node: AbstractNode)
+APIServerImpl(node: AbstractNode)
-abstract fun buildTransaction(type: ContractDefRef, steps: List<TransactionBuildStep>): SerializedBytes<WireTransaction>
-abstract fun commitTransaction(tx: SerializedBytes<WireTransaction>, signatures: List<WithKey>): SecureHash
-abstract fun fetchProtocolsRequiringAttention(query: StatesQuery): Map<StateRef, ProtocolRequiringAttention>
-abstract fun fetchStates(states: List<StateRef>): Map<StateRef, ContractState?>
-abstract fun fetchTransactions(txs: List<SecureHash>): Map<SecureHash, SignedTransaction?>
-abstract fun generateTransactionSignature(tx: SerializedBytes<WireTransaction>): WithKey
-abstract fun invokeProtocolSync(type: ProtocolRef, args: Map<String, Any?>): Any?
-abstract fun provideProtocolResponse(protocol: ProtocolInstanceRef, choice: SecureHash, args: Map<String, Any?>): Unit
-abstract fun queryStates(query: StatesQuery): List<StateRef>
+abstract fun buildTransaction(type: ContractDefRef, steps: List<TransactionBuildStep>): SerializedBytes<WireTransaction>
+abstract fun commitTransaction(tx: SerializedBytes<WireTransaction>, signatures: List<WithKey>): SecureHash
+abstract fun fetchProtocolsRequiringAttention(query: StatesQuery): Map<StateRef, ProtocolRequiringAttention>
+abstract fun fetchStates(states: List<StateRef>): Map<StateRef, ContractState?>
+abstract fun fetchTransactions(txs: List<SecureHash>): Map<SecureHash, SignedTransaction?>
+abstract fun generateTransactionSignature(tx: SerializedBytes<WireTransaction>): WithKey
+abstract fun invokeProtocolSync(type: ProtocolRef, args: Map<String, Any?>): Any?
+abstract fun provideProtocolResponse(protocol: ProtocolInstanceRef, choice: SecureHash, args: Map<String, Any?>): Unit
+abstract fun queryStates(query: StatesQuery): List<StateRef>
abstract fun serverTime(): LocalDateTime