mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 03:52:42 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' of dice:git/vm
Conflicts: src/run.cpp
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package java.lang;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
public final class Class <T> {
private short flags;
private byte vmFlags;
@ -9,16 +12,57 @@ public final class Class <T> {
private int[] objectMask;
private byte[] name;
private Class super_;
private Object interfaceTable;
private Object virtualTable;
private Object fieldTable;
private Object methodTable;
private Object staticTable;
private Object initializer;
private Object[] interfaceTable;
private Method[] virtualTable;
private Field[] fieldTable;
private Method[] methodTable;
private Object[] staticTable;
private Method initializer;
private Class() { }
public String getName() {
return new String(name, 0, name.length - 1, false);
public static native Class forName(String name);
public native boolean isAssignableFrom(Class c);
public Field getDeclaredField(String name) throws NoSuchFieldException {
for (int i = 0; i < fieldTable.length; ++i) {
if (fieldTable[i].getName().equals(name)) {
return fieldTable[i];
throw new NoSuchFieldException(name);
private static boolean match(Class[] a, Class[] b) {
if (a.length == b.length) {
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
if (! a[i].isAssignableFrom(b[i])) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
public Method getDeclaredMethod(String name, Class ... parameterTypes)
throws NoSuchMethodException
for (int i = 0; i < methodTable.length; ++i) {
if (methodTable[i].getName().equals(name)
&& match(parameterTypes, methodTable[i].getParameterTypes()))
return methodTable[i];
throw new NoSuchMethodException(name);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package java.lang;
public class NullPointerException extends RuntimeException {
public NullPointerException(String message, Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause);
public NullPointerException(String message) {
this(message, null);
public NullPointerException(Throwable cause) {
this(null, cause);
public NullPointerException() {
this(null, null);
@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ public final class String implements Comparable<String> {
return new String(data, offset + start, end - start, false);
} else {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException
(start + " not in (0, " + end + ") or " + end + " > " + length);
@ -30,4 +30,6 @@ public class Field<T> extends AccessibleObject {
public String getName() {
return new String(name, 0, name.length - 1, false);
public native Object get(Object instance);
@ -32,4 +32,54 @@ public class Method<T> extends AccessibleObject implements Member {
public String getName() {
return new String(name, 0, name.length - 1, false);
private static int next(char c, String s, int start) {
for (int i = start; i < s.length(); ++i) {
if (s.charAt(i) == c) return i;
throw new RuntimeException();
public Class[] getParameterTypes() {
int count = parameterCount;
if ((flags & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) {
-- count;
Class[] types = new Class[count];
int index = 0;
String spec = new String(this.spec, 1, this.spec.length - 1, false);
for (int i = 0; i < spec.length(); ++i) {
char c = spec.charAt(i);
if (c == ')') {
} else if (c == 'L') {
int start = i + 1;
i = next(';', spec, start);
String name = spec.substring(start, i);
types[index++] = Class.forName(name);
} else if (c == '[') {
int start = i;
while (spec.charAt(i) == '[') ++i;
if (spec.charAt(i) == 'L') {
i = next(';', spec, i + 1);
String name = spec.substring(start, i);
types[index++] = Class.forName(name);
} else {
String name = spec.substring(start, i + 1);
types[index++] = Class.forName(name);
} else {
String name = spec.substring(i, i + 1);
types[index++] = Class.forName(name);
return types;
public native Object invoke(Object instance, Object ... arguments);
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ src = src
classpath = classpath
test = test
input = $(cls)/References.class
input = $(cls)/Threads.class
cxx = g++
cc = gcc
@ -1,7 +1,30 @@
#include "builtin.h"
#include "machine.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "run.h"
using namespace vm;
namespace {
doInvoke(Thread* t, object this_, object instance, object arguments)
object v = pushReference(t, run2(t, this_, instance, arguments));
if (t->exception) {
t->exception = makeInvocationTargetException(t, t->exception);
return v;
inline void
replace(char a, char b, char* c)
for (; *c; ++c) if (*c == a) *c = b;
} // namespace
namespace vm {
namespace builtin {
@ -41,6 +64,148 @@ notifyAll(Thread* t, jobject this_)
vm::notifyAll(t, *this_);
forName(Thread* t, jstring name)
if (LIKELY(name)) {
object n = makeByteArray(t, stringLength(t, *name) + 1, false);
char* s = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&byteArrayBody(t, n, 0));
stringChars(t, *name, s);
replace('.', '/', s);
object c = resolveClass(t, n);
if (t->exception) {
return 0;
object clinit = classInitializer(t, c);
if (clinit) {
PROTECT(t, c);
set(t, classInitializer(t, c), 0);
run(t, clinit, 0);
return pushReference(t, c);
} else {
t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t);
return 0;
isAssignableFrom(Thread* t, jobject this_, jclass that)
if (LIKELY(that)) {
return vm::isAssignableFrom(t, *this_, *that);
} else {
t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t);
return 0;
get(Thread* t, jobject this_, jobject instancep)
object field = *this_;
if (fieldFlags(t, field) & ACC_STATIC) {
return pushReference
(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, fieldClass(t, field)),
fieldOffset(t, field)));
} else if (instancep) {
object instance = *instancep;
if (instanceOf(t, fieldClass(t, this_), instance)) {
switch (fieldCode(t, field)) {
case ByteField:
return pushReference
(t, makeByte(t, cast<int8_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))));
case BooleanField:
return pushReference
(t, makeBoolean(t, cast<uint8_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))));
case CharField:
return pushReference
(t, makeChar(t, cast<uint16_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))));
case ShortField:
return pushReference
(t, makeShort(t, cast<int16_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))));
case FloatField:
return pushReference
(t, makeFloat(t, cast<uint32_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))));
case IntField:
return pushReference
(t, makeInt(t, cast<int32_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))));
case DoubleField:
return pushReference
(t, makeDouble(t, cast<uint64_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))));
case LongField:
return pushReference
(t, makeLong(t, cast<int64_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field))));
case ObjectField:
return pushReference
(t, cast<object>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
} else {
t->exception = makeIllegalArgumentException(t);
return 0;
} else {
t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t);
return 0;
invoke(Thread* t, jobject this_, jobject instancep, jobjectArray argumentsp)
object method = *this_;
if (argumentsp) {
object arguments = *argumentsp;
if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) {
if (objectArrayLength(t, arguments)
== methodParameterCount(t, method))
return pushReference(t, doInvoke(t, method, 0, arguments));
} else {
t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, 0);
} else if (instancep) {
object instance = *instancep;
if (instanceOf(t, methodClass(t, method), instance)) {
if (objectArrayLength(t, arguments)
== static_cast<unsigned>(methodParameterCount(t, method) - 1))
return pushReference(t, doInvoke(t, method, instance, arguments));
} else {
t->exception = makeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, 0);
} else {
t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t);
} else {
t->exception = makeNullPointerException(t);
return 0;
currentThread(Thread* t)
@ -104,15 +269,14 @@ currentTimeMillis(Thread* t)
loadLibrary(Thread* t, jobject, jstring nameString)
loadLibrary(Thread* t, jobject, jstring name)
if (LIKELY(nameString)) {
object n = *nameString;
char name[stringLength(t, n) + 1];
stringChars(t, n, name);
if (LIKELY(name)) {
char n[stringLength(t, *name) + 1];
stringChars(t, *name, n);
for (System::Library* lib = t->vm->libraries; lib; lib = lib->next()) {
if (::strcmp(lib->name(), name) == 0) {
if (::strcmp(lib->name(), n) == 0) {
// already loaded
@ -120,11 +284,11 @@ loadLibrary(Thread* t, jobject, jstring nameString)
System::Library* lib;
if (LIKELY(t->vm->system->success
(t->vm->system->load(&lib, name, t->vm->libraries))))
(t->vm->system->load(&lib, n, t->vm->libraries))))
t->vm->libraries = lib;
} else {
object message = makeString(t, "library not found: %s", name);
object message = makeString(t, "library not found: %s", n);
t->exception = makeRuntimeException(t, message);
} else {
@ -224,6 +388,10 @@ start(Thread* t, jobject this_)
vm::run(t, "java/lang/Thread", "run", "()V", t->javaThread);
if (t->exception) {
printTrace(t, t->exception);
@ -252,6 +420,11 @@ populate(Thread* t, object map)
const char* key;
void* value;
} builtins[] = {
{ "Java_java_lang_Class_forName",
reinterpret_cast<void*>(forName) },
{ "Java_java_lang_Class_isAssignableFrom",
reinterpret_cast<void*>(isAssignableFrom) },
{ "Java_java_lang_System_arraycopy",
reinterpret_cast<void*>(arraycopy) },
@ -285,6 +458,12 @@ populate(Thread* t, object map)
{ "Java_java_lang_Object_wait",
reinterpret_cast<void*>(wait) },
{ "Java_java_lang_reflect_Field_get",
reinterpret_cast<void*>(get) },
{ "Java_java_lang_reflect_Method_invoke",
reinterpret_cast<void*>(invoke) },
{ 0, 0 }
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ enum OpCode {
i2s = 0x93,
iadd = 0x60,
iaload = 0x2e,
iand = 0x73,
iand = 0x7e,
iastore = 0x4f,
iconst_m1 = 0x02,
iconst_0 = 0x03,
@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ enum OpCode {
if_acmpne = 0xa6,
if_icmpeq = 0x9f,
if_icmpne = 0xa0,
if_icmpgt = 0xa1,
if_icmplt = 0xa1,
if_icmpge = 0xa2,
if_icmplt = 0xa3,
if_icmpgt = 0xa3,
if_icmple = 0xa4,
ifeq = 0x99,
ifge = 0x9c,
@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ Thread::Thread(Machine* m, object javaThread, Thread* parent):
builtin::populate(t, m->builtinMap);
javaThread = makeThread(t, 0, 0, reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(t));
t->javaThread = makeThread(t, 0, 0, reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(t));
} else {
threadPeer(this, javaThread) = reinterpret_cast<jlong>(this);
parent->child = this;
@ -1625,6 +1625,39 @@ stringChars(Thread* t, object string, char* chars)
chars[stringLength(t, string)] = 0;
isAssignableFrom(Thread* t, object a, object b)
if (classFlags(t, a) & ACC_INTERFACE) {
for (; b; b = classSuper(t, b)) {
object itable = classInterfaceTable(t, b);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, itable); i += 2) {
if (arrayBody(t, itable, i) == a) {
return true;
} else {
for (; b; b = classSuper(t, b)) {
if (b == a) {
return true;
return false;
instanceOf(Thread* t, object class_, object o)
if (o == 0) {
return false;
} else {
return isAssignableFrom(t, class_, objectClass(t, o));
parameterFootprint(const char* s)
@ -2015,27 +2048,27 @@ resolveClass(Thread* t, object spec)
if (data) {
if (Verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, "parsing %s\n", &byteArrayBody
(t, spec, 0));
fprintf(stderr, "parsing %s\n", &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0));
// parse class file
class_ = parseClass(t, data->start(), data->length());
if (Verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, "done parsing %s\n", &byteArrayBody
(t, className(t, class_), 0));
if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) {
if (Verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, "done parsing %s\n", &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0));
object bootstrapClass = hashMapFind
(t, t->vm->bootstrapClassMap, spec, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual);
object bootstrapClass = hashMapFind
(t, t->vm->bootstrapClassMap, spec, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual);
if (bootstrapClass) {
PROTECT(t, bootstrapClass);
if (bootstrapClass) {
PROTECT(t, bootstrapClass);
updateBootstrapClass(t, bootstrapClass, class_);
class_ = bootstrapClass;
updateBootstrapClass(t, bootstrapClass, class_);
class_ = bootstrapClass;
@ -2313,6 +2346,51 @@ collect(Thread* t, Heap::CollectionType type)
killZombies(t, m->rootThread);
printTrace(Thread* t, object exception)
for (object e = exception; e; e = throwableCauseUnsafe(t, e)) {
if (e != exception) {
fprintf(stderr, "caused by: ");
fprintf(stderr, "%s", &byteArrayBody
(t, className(t, objectClass(t, e)), 0));
if (throwableMessageUnsafe(t, e)) {
object m = throwableMessageUnsafe(t, e);
char message[stringLength(t, m) + 1];
stringChars(t, m, message);
fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", message);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
object trace = throwableTraceUnsafe(t, e);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, trace); ++i) {
object e = arrayBody(t, trace, i);
const int8_t* class_ = &byteArrayBody
(t, className(t, methodClass(t, traceElementMethod(t, e))), 0);
const int8_t* method = &byteArrayBody
(t, methodName(t, traceElementMethod(t, e)), 0);
int line = lineNumber(t, traceElementMethod(t, e), traceElementIp(t, e));
fprintf(stderr, " at %s.%s ", class_, method);
switch (line) {
case NativeLine:
fprintf(stderr, "(native)\n");
case UnknownLine:
fprintf(stderr, "(unknown line)\n");
fprintf(stderr, "(line %d)\n", line);
{ }
@ -1377,6 +1377,12 @@ makeIllegalStateException(Thread* t, object message)
return makeIllegalStateException(t, message, trace, 0);
inline object
makeIllegalArgumentException(Thread* t)
return makeIllegalArgumentException(t, 0, makeTrace(t), 0);
inline object
makeIllegalMonitorStateException(Thread* t)
@ -1427,6 +1433,14 @@ makeNullPointerException(Thread* t)
return makeNullPointerException(t, 0, makeTrace(t), 0);
inline object
makeInvocationTargetException(Thread* t, object targetException)
PROTECT(t, targetException);
object trace = makeTrace(t);
return makeRuntimeException(t, 0, trace, targetException);
inline object
makeStackOverflowError(Thread* t)
@ -1466,6 +1480,12 @@ makeString(Thread* t, const char* format, ...);
stringChars(Thread* t, object string, char* chars);
isAssignableFrom(Thread* t, object a, object b);
instanceOf(Thread* t, object class_, object o);
inline void
pushObject(Thread* t, object o)
@ -1622,9 +1642,13 @@ pokeLong(Thread* t, unsigned index, uint64_t value)
inline object*
pushReference(Thread* t, object o)
expect(t, t->sp + 1 < Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2);
pushObject(t, o);
return reinterpret_cast<object*>(t->stack + ((t->sp - 1) * 2) + 1);
if (o) {
expect(t, t->sp + 1 < Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2);
pushObject(t, o);
return reinterpret_cast<object*>(t->stack + ((t->sp - 1) * 2) + 1);
} else {
return 0;
inline int
@ -2055,6 +2079,9 @@ vmNotifyAll(Thread* t, object o)
notifyAll(t, o);
printTrace(Thread* t, object exception);
exit(Thread* t);
@ -91,8 +91,7 @@ make(Thread* t, object class_)
ACQUIRE(t, t->vm->referenceLock);
// jreferenceNext(t, instance)
cast<object>(instance, BytesPerWord) = t->vm->weakReferences;
jreferenceNextUnsafe(t, instance) = t->vm->weakReferences;
t->vm->weakReferences = instance;
@ -106,33 +105,6 @@ setStatic(Thread* t, object field, object value)
fieldOffset(t, field)), value);
instanceOf(Thread* t, object class_, object o)
if (o == 0) {
return false;
if (classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) {
for (object oc = objectClass(t, o); oc; oc = classSuper(t, oc)) {
object itable = classInterfaceTable(t, oc);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, itable); i += 2) {
if (arrayBody(t, itable, i) == class_) {
return true;
} else {
for (object oc = objectClass(t, o); oc; oc = classSuper(t, oc)) {
if (oc == class_) {
return true;
return false;
findInterfaceMethod(Thread* t, object method, object o)
@ -328,6 +300,16 @@ makeNativeMethodData(Thread* t, object method, void* function, bool builtin)
case '[':
argumentTableSize += BytesPerWord;
while (*s == '[') ++ s;
switch (*s) {
case 'L':
while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s;
++ s;
++ s;
@ -535,6 +517,8 @@ invokeNative(Thread* t, object method)
run(Thread* t)
const int base = t->frame;
unsigned instruction = nop;
unsigned& ip = t->ip;
unsigned& sp = t->sp;
@ -659,8 +643,8 @@ run(Thread* t)
case areturn: {
object result = popObject(t);
if (frame >= 0) {
if (frame > base) {
pushObject(t, result);
goto loop;
} else {
@ -1451,8 +1435,8 @@ run(Thread* t)
case ireturn: {
int32_t result = popInt(t);
if (frame >= 0) {
if (frame > base) {
pushInt(t, result);
goto loop;
} else {
@ -1626,16 +1610,16 @@ run(Thread* t)
if (objectClass(t, v) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::IntType)) {
pushInt(t, intValue(t, v));
} else if (objectClass(t, v)
== arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::StringType))
pushObject(t, v);
} else if (objectClass(t, v)
== arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::FloatType))
pushInt(t, floatValue(t, v));
} else if (objectClass(t, v)
== arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::StringType))
pushObject(t, v);
} else {
pushObject(t, resolveClass(t, v));
} goto loop;
@ -1710,8 +1694,8 @@ run(Thread* t)
case lreturn: {
int64_t result = popLong(t);
if (frame >= 0) {
if (frame > base) {
pushLong(t, result);
goto loop;
} else {
@ -1993,8 +1977,8 @@ run(Thread* t)
} goto loop;
case return_: {
if (frame >= 0) {
if (frame > base) {
goto loop;
} else {
return 0;
@ -2148,7 +2132,7 @@ run(Thread* t)
pokeInt(t, t->frame + FrameIpOffset, t->ip);
for (; frame >= 0; frame = frameNext(t, frame)) {
if (methodFlags(t, frameMethod(t, frame)) & ACC_NATIVE) {
if (frame < base) {
return 0;
@ -2185,49 +2169,6 @@ run(Thread* t)
for (object e = exception; e; e = throwableCause(t, e)) {
if (e == exception) {
fprintf(stderr, "uncaught exception: ");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "caused by: ");
fprintf(stderr, "%s", &byteArrayBody
(t, className(t, objectClass(t, exception)), 0));
if (throwableMessage(t, exception)) {
object m = throwableMessage(t, exception);
char message[stringLength(t, m) + 1];
stringChars(t, m, message);
fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", message);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
object trace = throwableTrace(t, e);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, trace); ++i) {
object e = arrayBody(t, trace, i);
const int8_t* class_ = &byteArrayBody
(t, className(t, methodClass(t, traceElementMethod(t, e))), 0);
const int8_t* method = &byteArrayBody
(t, methodName(t, traceElementMethod(t, e)), 0);
int line = lineNumber(t, traceElementMethod(t, e), traceElementIp(t, e));
fprintf(stderr, " at %s.%s ", class_, method);
switch (line) {
case NativeLine:
fprintf(stderr, "(native)\n");
case UnknownLine:
fprintf(stderr, "(unknown line)\n");
fprintf(stderr, "(line %d)\n", line);
return 0;
@ -2249,32 +2190,14 @@ run(Thread* t, const char* className, int argc, const char** argv)
run(t, className, "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", 0, args);
} // namespace
namespace vm {
run(Thread* t, const char* className, const char* methodName,
const char* methodSpec, object this_, ...)
pushArguments(Thread* t, object this_, const char* spec, va_list a)
assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState
or t->state == Thread::ExclusiveState);
if (UNLIKELY(t->sp + parameterFootprint(methodSpec) + 1
> Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2))
t->exception = makeStackOverflowError(t);
return 0;
if (this_) {
pushObject(t, this_);
va_list a;
va_start(a, this_);
const char* s = methodSpec;
const char* s = spec;
++ s; // skip '('
while (*s and *s != ')') {
switch (*s) {
@ -2311,6 +2234,172 @@ run(Thread* t, const char* className, const char* methodName,
pushArguments(Thread* t, object this_, const char* spec, object a)
if (this_) {
pushObject(t, this_);
unsigned index = 0;
const char* s = spec;
++ s; // skip '('
while (*s and *s != ')') {
switch (*s) {
case 'L':
while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s;
++ s;
pushObject(t, objectArrayBody(t, a, index++));
case '[':
while (*s == '[') ++ s;
switch (*s) {
case 'L':
while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s;
++ s;
++ s;
pushObject(t, objectArrayBody(t, a, index++));
case 'J':
case 'D':
++ s;
pushLong(t, cast<int64_t>(objectArrayBody(t, a, index++), BytesPerWord));
++ s;
pushInt(t, cast<int32_t>(objectArrayBody(t, a, index++), BytesPerWord));
invoke(Thread* t, object method)
object result = 0;
if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_NATIVE) {
unsigned returnCode = invokeNative(t, method);
if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) {
switch (returnCode) {
case ByteField:
case BooleanField:
case CharField:
case ShortField:
case FloatField:
case IntField:
return makeInt(t, popInt(t));
case LongField:
case DoubleField:
return makeLong(t, popLong(t));
case ObjectField:
return popObject(t);
case VoidField:
return 0;
} else {
checkStack(t, method);
if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) {
pushFrame(t, method);
result = ::run(t);
if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) {
return result;
} // namespace
namespace vm {
run(Thread* t, object method, object this_, ...)
assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState
or t->state == Thread::ExclusiveState);
assert(t, ((methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) == 0) xor (this_ == 0));
if (UNLIKELY(t->sp + methodParameterFootprint(t, method) + 1
> Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2))
t->exception = makeStackOverflowError(t);
return 0;
va_list a;
va_start(a, this_);
const char* spec = reinterpret_cast<char*>
(&byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0));
pushArguments(t, this_, spec, a);
return invoke(t, method);
run2(Thread* t, object method, object this_, object arguments)
assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState
or t->state == Thread::ExclusiveState);
assert(t, ((methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) == 0) xor (this_ == 0));
if (UNLIKELY(t->sp + methodParameterFootprint(t, method) + 1
> Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2))
t->exception = makeStackOverflowError(t);
return 0;
const char* spec = reinterpret_cast<char*>
(&byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0));
pushArguments(t, this_, spec, arguments);
return invoke(t, method);
run(Thread* t, const char* className, const char* methodName,
const char* methodSpec, object this_, ...)
assert(t, t->state == Thread::ActiveState
or t->state == Thread::ExclusiveState);
if (UNLIKELY(t->sp + parameterFootprint(methodSpec) + 1
> Thread::StackSizeInWords / 2))
t->exception = makeStackOverflowError(t);
return 0;
va_list a;
va_start(a, this_);
pushArguments(t, this_, methodSpec, a);
@ -2328,43 +2417,11 @@ run(Thread* t, const char* className, const char* methodName,
if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) {
assert(t, ((methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_STATIC) == 0) xor (this_ == 0));
if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_NATIVE) {
unsigned returnCode = invokeNative(t, method);
if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) {
switch (returnCode) {
case ByteField:
case BooleanField:
case CharField:
case ShortField:
case FloatField:
case IntField:
return makeInt(t, popInt(t));
case LongField:
case DoubleField:
return makeLong(t, popLong(t));
case ObjectField:
return popObject(t);
case VoidField:
return 0;
} else {
checkStack(t, method);
if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) {
pushFrame(t, method);
return invoke(t, method);
return ::run(t);
return 0;
@ -2379,7 +2436,10 @@ run(System* system, Heap* heap, ClassFinder* classFinder,
::run(t, className, argc, argv);
int exitCode = 0;
if (t->exception) exitCode = -1;
if (t->exception) {
exitCode = -1;
printTrace(t, t->exception);
@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
namespace vm {
run(Thread* t, object method, object this_, ...);
run2(Thread* t, object method, object this_, object arguments);
run(Thread* t, const char* className, const char* methodName,
const char* methodSpec, object this_, ...);
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class MySystem: public System {
virtual void dispose() {
assert(s, context == 0);
//assert(s, context == 0);
@ -139,9 +139,9 @@
(type throwable java/lang/Throwable
(extends jobject)
(object message)
(object trace)
(object cause))
(noassert object message)
(noassert object trace)
(noassert object cause))
(type exception java/lang/Exception
(extends throwable))
@ -155,6 +155,9 @@
(type illegalStateException java/lang/IllegalStateException
(extends runtimeException))
(type illegalArgumentException java/lang/IllegalArgumentException
(extends runtimeException))
(type illegalMonitorStateException java/lang/IllegalMonitorStateException
(extends runtimeException))
@ -174,6 +177,9 @@
(type classNotFoundException java/lang/ClassNotFoundException
(extends runtimeException))
(type invocationTargetException java/lang/InvocationTargetException
(extends exception))
(type error java/lang/Error
(extends throwable))
@ -231,7 +237,7 @@
(type jreference java/lang/ref/Reference
(extends jobject)
(void* next)
(noassert void* next)
(void* target)
(void* queue)
(object jnext))
@ -273,3 +279,30 @@
(type doubleArray [D
(extends jobject)
(array uint64_t body))
(type jbyte B
(extends jobject))
(type jboolean Z
(extends jobject))
(type jshort S
(extends jobject))
(type jchar C
(extends jobject))
(type jint I
(extends jobject))
(type jlong L
(extends jobject))
(type jfloat F
(extends jobject))
(type jdouble D
(extends jobject))
(type jvoid V
(extends jobject))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
public class Reflection {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Class system = Class.forName("java.lang.System");
Field out = system.getDeclaredField("out");
Class output = Class.forName("java.lang.System$Output");
Method println = output.getDeclaredMethod("println", String.class);
println.invoke(out.get(null), "Hello, World!");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user