Minor: rename SMM._stateMachines to remove underscore.

This commit is contained in:
Mike Hearn 2016-04-25 17:39:56 +02:00
parent 9904d5bb6e
commit f3ed5fc9cb

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@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ class StateMachineManager(val serviceHub: ServiceHub, val executor: AffinityExec
private val checkpointsMap = serviceHub.storageService.stateMachines
// A list of all the state machines being managed by this class. We expose snapshots of it via the stateMachines
// property.
private val _stateMachines = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<ProtocolLogic<*>>())
private val stateMachines = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<ProtocolLogic<*>>())
// Monitoring support.
private val metrics = serviceHub.monitoringService.metrics
init {
metrics.register("Protocols.InFlight", Gauge<kotlin.Int> { _stateMachines.size })
metrics.register("Protocols.InFlight", Gauge<kotlin.Int> { stateMachines.size })
private val checkpointingMeter = metrics.meter("Protocols.Checkpointing Rate")
@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ class StateMachineManager(val serviceHub: ServiceHub, val executor: AffinityExec
/** Returns a list of all state machines executing the given protocol logic at the top level (subprotocols do not count) */
fun <T> findStateMachines(klass: Class<out ProtocolLogic<T>>): List<Pair<ProtocolLogic<T>, ListenableFuture<T>>> {
synchronized(_stateMachines) {
synchronized(stateMachines) {
return _stateMachines.filterIsInstance(klass).map { it to (it.psm as ProtocolStateMachine<T>).resultFuture }
return stateMachines.filterIsInstance(klass).map { it to (it.psm as ProtocolStateMachine<T>).resultFuture }
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class StateMachineManager(val serviceHub: ServiceHub, val executor: AffinityExec
// Grab the Kryo engine configured by Quasar for its own stuff, and then do our own configuration on top
// so we can deserialised the nested stream that holds the fiber.
val psm = deserializeFiber(checkpoint.serialisedFiber)
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(checkpoint.loggerName)
val awaitingObjectOfType = Class.forName(checkpoint.awaitingObjectOfType)
val topic = checkpoint.awaitingTopic
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class StateMachineManager(val serviceHub: ServiceHub, val executor: AffinityExec
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(loggerName)
val fiber = ProtocolStateMachine(logic, scheduler)
// Need to add before iterating in case of immediate completion
executor.executeASAP {
iterateStateMachine(fiber, serviceHub.networkService, logger, null, null) {
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class StateMachineManager(val serviceHub: ServiceHub, val executor: AffinityExec
// We're back! Check if the fiber is finished and if so, clean up.
if (psm.isTerminated) {
psm.logic.progressTracker?.currentStep = ProgressTracker.DONE