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synced 2025-02-05 18:49:14 +00:00
CORDA-1159 Node attempts duplicate CSR if process terminates before receiving Request ID (#723)
* CORDA-1159 Node attempts duplicate CSR if process terminates before receiving Request ID
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,25 +60,27 @@ class PersistentCertificateSigningRequestStorage(private val database: CordaPers
override fun saveRequest(request: PKCS10CertificationRequest): String {
val requestId = SecureHash.randomSHA256().toString()
database.transaction(TransactionIsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE) {
val legalNameOrRejectMessage = try {
return database.transaction(TransactionIsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE) {
val (legalName, exception) = try {
val legalName = parseLegalName(request)
// Return existing request ID, if request already exists for the same request.
validateRequest(legalName, request)?.let { return@transaction it }
Pair(legalName, null)
} catch (e: RequestValidationException) {
Pair(e.legalName, e)
val requestEntity = CertificateSigningRequestEntity(
requestId = requestId,
legalName = legalNameOrRejectMessage as? CordaX500Name,
requestId = SecureHash.randomSHA256().toString(),
legalName = legalName,
publicKeyHash = toSupportedPublicKey(request.subjectPublicKeyInfo).hash,
request = request,
remark = legalNameOrRejectMessage as? String,
remark = exception?.rejectMessage,
modifiedBy = CertificateSigningRequestStorage.DOORMAN_SIGNATURE,
status = if (legalNameOrRejectMessage is CordaX500Name) RequestStatus.NEW else RequestStatus.REJECTED
status = if (exception == null) RequestStatus.NEW else RequestStatus.REJECTED
session.save(requestEntity) as String
return requestId
private fun DatabaseTransaction.findRequest(requestId: String,
@ -159,41 +161,56 @@ class PersistentCertificateSigningRequestStorage(private val database: CordaPers
private fun DatabaseTransaction.validateRequestAndParseLegalName(request: PKCS10CertificationRequest): CordaX500Name {
// It's important that we always use the toString() output of CordaX500Name as it standardises the string format
// to make querying possible.
val legalName = try {
private fun parseLegalName(request: PKCS10CertificationRequest): CordaX500Name {
return try {
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
throw RequestValidationException(request.subject.toString(), "Name validation failed: ${e.message}")
return when {
// Check if requested role is valid.
request.getCertRole() !in allowedCertRoles -> throw RequestValidationException(legalName.toString(), "Requested certificate role ${request.getCertRole()} is not allowed.")
// TODO consider scenario: There is a CSR that is signed but the certificate itself has expired or was revoked
// Also, at the moment we assume that once the CSR is approved it cannot be rejected.
// What if we approved something by mistake.
nonRejectedRequestExists(CertificateSigningRequestEntity::legalName.name, legalName) -> throw RequestValidationException(legalName.toString(), "Duplicate legal name")
//TODO Consider following scenario: There is a CSR that is signed but the certificate itself has expired or was revoked
nonRejectedRequestExists(CertificateSigningRequestEntity::publicKeyHash.name, toSupportedPublicKey(request.subjectPublicKeyInfo).hash) -> throw RequestValidationException(legalName.toString(), "Duplicate public key")
else -> legalName
throw RequestValidationException(null, request.subject.toString(), rejectMessage = "Name validation failed: ${e.message}")
* Check if "non-rejected" request exists with provided column and value.
* Validate certificate signing request, returns request ID if same request already exists.
private fun DatabaseTransaction.nonRejectedRequestExists(columnName: String, value: Any): Boolean {
private fun DatabaseTransaction.validateRequest(legalName: CordaX500Name, request: PKCS10CertificationRequest): String? {
// Check if the same request exists and returns the request id.
val existingRequestByPubKeyHash = nonRejectedRequest(CertificateSigningRequestEntity::publicKeyHash.name, toSupportedPublicKey(request.subjectPublicKeyInfo).hash)
existingRequestByPubKeyHash?.let {
// Compare subject, attribute.
// We cannot compare the request directly because it contains nonce.
if (it.request.subject == request.subject && it.request.attributes.asList() == request.attributes.asList()) {
return it.requestId
} else {
//TODO Consider following scenario: There is a CSR that is signed but the certificate itself has expired or was revoked
throw RequestValidationException(legalName, rejectMessage = "Duplicate public key")
// Check if requested role is valid.
if (request.getCertRole() !in allowedCertRoles)
throw RequestValidationException(legalName, rejectMessage = "Requested certificate role ${request.getCertRole()} is not allowed.")
// TODO consider scenario: There is a CSR that is signed but the certificate itself has expired or was revoked
// Also, at the moment we assume that once the CSR is approved it cannot be rejected.
// What if we approved something by mistake.
if (nonRejectedRequest(CertificateSigningRequestEntity::legalName.name, legalName) != null) throw RequestValidationException(legalName, rejectMessage = "Duplicate legal name")
return null
* Retrieve "non-rejected" request which matches provided column and value predicate.
private fun <T : Any> DatabaseTransaction.nonRejectedRequest(columnName: String, value: T): CertificateSigningRequestEntity? {
val query = session.criteriaBuilder.run {
val criteriaQuery = createQuery(CertificateSigningRequestEntity::class.java)
criteriaQuery.from(CertificateSigningRequestEntity::class.java).run {
val valueQuery = equal(get<CordaX500Name>(columnName), value)
val valueQuery = equal(get<T>(columnName), value)
val statusQuery = notEqual(get<RequestStatus>(CertificateSigningRequestEntity::status.name), RequestStatus.REJECTED)
criteriaQuery.where(and(valueQuery, statusQuery))
return session.createQuery(query).setMaxResults(1).resultList.isNotEmpty()
return session.createQuery(query).setMaxResults(1).uniqueResult()
private class RequestValidationException(subjectName: String, val rejectMessage: String) : Exception("Validation failed for $subjectName. $rejectMessage.")
private data class RequestValidationException(val legalName: CordaX500Name?, val subjectName: String = legalName.toString(), val rejectMessage: String) : Exception("Validation failed for $subjectName. $rejectMessage.")
@ -69,6 +69,28 @@ class PersistentCertificateRequestStorageTest : TestBase() {
assertThat(storage.getRequests(RequestStatus.NEW).map { it.requestId }).containsOnly(requestId)
fun `submit same request twice returns the first request ID`() {
val keyPair = Crypto.generateKeyPair(X509Utilities.DEFAULT_TLS_SIGNATURE_SCHEME)
val request = createRequest("LegalName", keyPair, certRole = CertRole. NODE_CA).first
val firstRequestId = storage.saveRequest(request)
assertNotNull(storage.getRequest(firstRequestId)).apply {
assertEquals(request, this.request)
assertThat(storage.getRequests(RequestStatus.NEW).map { it.requestId }).containsOnly(firstRequestId)
val request2 = createRequest("LegalName", keyPair, certRole = CertRole.NODE_CA).first
val secondRequestId = storage.saveRequest(request2)
assertEquals(firstRequestId, secondRequestId)
assertNotNull(storage.getRequest(secondRequestId)).apply {
assertEquals(request, this.request)
assertThat(storage.getRequests(RequestStatus.NEW).map { it.requestId }).containsOnly(firstRequestId)
fun `invalid cert role request`() {
val request = createRequest("LegalName", certRole = CertRole.INTERMEDIATE_CA).first
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