mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 04:25:19 +00:00
CORDA-3068: Pass base directory when resolving relative paths (#5297)
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,8 +49,10 @@ interface ConfigParser<T> {
const val CUSTOM_NODE_PROPERTIES_ROOT = "custom"
// TODO Move other config parsing to use parseAs and remove this
// This is to enable constructs like:
// `val keyStorePassword: String by config`
operator fun <T : Any> Config.getValue(receiver: Any, metadata: KProperty<*>): T {
return getValueInternal(metadata.name, metadata.returnType, UnknownConfigKeysPolicy.IGNORE::handle)
return getValueInternal(metadata.name, metadata.returnType, UnknownConfigKeysPolicy.IGNORE::handle, nestedPath = null, baseDirectory = null)
// Problems:
@ -59,7 +61,8 @@ operator fun <T : Any> Config.getValue(receiver: Any, metadata: KProperty<*>): T
// - Cannot support a many-to-one relationship between configuration file structures and configuration domain type. This is essential for versioning of the configuration files.
// - It's complicated and based on reflection, meaning problems with it are typically found at runtime.
// - It doesn't support validation errors in a structured way. If something goes wrong, it throws exceptions, which doesn't support good usability practices like displaying all the errors at once.
fun <T : Any> Config.parseAs(clazz: KClass<T>, onUnknownKeys: ((Set<String>, logger: Logger) -> Unit) = UnknownConfigKeysPolicy.FAIL::handle, nestedPath: String? = null): T {
fun <T : Any> Config.parseAs(clazz: KClass<T>, onUnknownKeys: ((Set<String>, logger: Logger) -> Unit) = UnknownConfigKeysPolicy.FAIL::handle,
nestedPath: String? = null, baseDirectory: Path? = null): T {
// Use custom parser if provided, instead of treating the object as data class.
clazz.findAnnotation<CustomConfigParser>()?.let { return uncheckedCast(it.parser.createInstance().parse(this)) }
@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ fun <T : Any> Config.parseAs(clazz: KClass<T>, onUnknownKeys: ((Set<String>, log
// Get the matching property for this parameter
val property = clazz.memberProperties.first { it.name == param.name }
val path = defaultToOldPath(property)
getValueInternal<Any>(path, param.type, onUnknownKeys, nestedPath)
getValueInternal<Any>(path, param.type, onUnknownKeys, nestedPath, baseDirectory)
try {
return constructor.callBy(args)
@ -114,11 +117,11 @@ fun Config.toProperties(): Properties {
{ it.value.unwrapped().toString() })
private fun <T : Any> Config.getValueInternal(path: String, type: KType, onUnknownKeys: ((Set<String>, logger: Logger) -> Unit), nestedPath: String? = null): T {
return uncheckedCast(if (type.arguments.isEmpty()) getSingleValue(path, type, onUnknownKeys, nestedPath) else getCollectionValue(path, type, onUnknownKeys, nestedPath))
private fun <T : Any> Config.getValueInternal(path: String, type: KType, onUnknownKeys: ((Set<String>, logger: Logger) -> Unit), nestedPath: String?, baseDirectory: Path?): T {
return uncheckedCast(if (type.arguments.isEmpty()) getSingleValue(path, type, onUnknownKeys, nestedPath, baseDirectory) else getCollectionValue(path, type, onUnknownKeys, nestedPath, baseDirectory))
private fun Config.getSingleValue(path: String, type: KType, onUnknownKeys: (Set<String>, logger: Logger) -> Unit, nestedPath: String? = null): Any? {
private fun Config.getSingleValue(path: String, type: KType, onUnknownKeys: (Set<String>, logger: Logger) -> Unit, nestedPath: String?, baseDirectory: Path?): Any? {
if (type.isMarkedNullable && !hasPath(path)) return null
val typeClass = type.jvmErasure
return try {
@ -132,7 +135,10 @@ private fun Config.getSingleValue(path: String, type: KType, onUnknownKeys: (Set
Duration::class -> getDuration(path)
Instant::class -> Instant.parse(getString(path))
NetworkHostAndPort::class -> NetworkHostAndPort.parse(getString(path))
Path::class -> Paths.get(getString(path))
Path::class -> {
val pathAsString = getString(path)
resolvePath(pathAsString, baseDirectory)
URL::class -> URL(getString(path))
UUID::class -> UUID.fromString(getString(path))
X500Principal::class -> X500Principal(getString(path))
@ -147,7 +153,7 @@ private fun Config.getSingleValue(path: String, type: KType, onUnknownKeys: (Set
else -> if (typeClass.java.isEnum) {
parseEnum(typeClass.java, getString(path))
} else {
getConfig(path).parseAs(typeClass, onUnknownKeys, nestedPath?.let { "$it.$path" } ?: path)
getConfig(path).parseAs(typeClass, onUnknownKeys, nestedPath?.let { "$it.$path" } ?: path, baseDirectory = baseDirectory)
} catch (e: ConfigException.Missing) {
@ -155,6 +161,16 @@ private fun Config.getSingleValue(path: String, type: KType, onUnknownKeys: (Set
private fun resolvePath(pathAsString: String, baseDirectory: Path?): Path {
val path = Paths.get(pathAsString)
return if (baseDirectory != null) {
// if baseDirectory been specified try resolving path against it. Note if `pathFromConfig` is an absolute path - this instruction has no effect.
} else {
private fun ConfigException.Missing.relative(path: String, nestedPath: String?): ConfigException.Missing {
return when {
nestedPath != null -> throw ConfigException.Missing("$nestedPath.$path", this)
@ -162,7 +178,7 @@ private fun ConfigException.Missing.relative(path: String, nestedPath: String?):
private fun Config.getCollectionValue(path: String, type: KType, onUnknownKeys: (Set<String>, logger: Logger) -> Unit, nestedPath: String? = null): Collection<Any> {
private fun Config.getCollectionValue(path: String, type: KType, onUnknownKeys: (Set<String>, logger: Logger) -> Unit, nestedPath: String?, baseDirectory: Path?): Collection<Any> {
val typeClass = type.jvmErasure
require(typeClass == List::class || typeClass == Set::class) { "$typeClass is not supported" }
val elementClass = type.arguments[0].type?.jvmErasure ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot work with star projection: $type")
@ -179,7 +195,7 @@ private fun Config.getCollectionValue(path: String, type: KType, onUnknownKeys:
LocalDate::class -> getStringList(path).map(LocalDate::parse)
Instant::class -> getStringList(path).map(Instant::parse)
NetworkHostAndPort::class -> getStringList(path).map(NetworkHostAndPort.Companion::parse)
Path::class -> getStringList(path).map { Paths.get(it) }
Path::class -> getStringList(path).map { resolvePath(it, baseDirectory) }
URL::class -> getStringList(path).map(::URL)
X500Principal::class -> getStringList(path).map(::X500Principal)
UUID::class -> getStringList(path).map { UUID.fromString(it) }
@ -188,7 +204,7 @@ private fun Config.getCollectionValue(path: String, type: KType, onUnknownKeys:
else -> if (elementClass.java.isEnum) {
getStringList(path).map { parseEnum(elementClass.java, it) }
} else {
getConfigList(path).map { it.parseAs(elementClass, onUnknownKeys) }
getConfigList(path).map { it.parseAs(elementClass, onUnknownKeys, baseDirectory = baseDirectory) }
} catch (e: ConfigException.Missing) {
@ -69,10 +69,11 @@ internal object V1NodeConfigurationSpec : Configuration.Specification<NodeConfig
val messagingServerExternal = configuration[messagingServerExternal] ?: Defaults.messagingServerExternal(configuration[messagingServerAddress])
val database = configuration[database] ?: Defaults.database(configuration[devMode])
val cordappDirectories = configuration[cordappDirectories] ?: Defaults.cordappsDirectories(configuration[baseDirectory])
val baseDirectoryPath = configuration[baseDirectory]
val cordappDirectories = configuration[cordappDirectories] ?: Defaults.cordappsDirectories(baseDirectoryPath)
val result = try {
valid<NodeConfigurationImpl, Configuration.Validation.Error>(NodeConfigurationImpl(
baseDirectory = configuration[baseDirectory],
baseDirectory = baseDirectoryPath,
myLegalName = configuration[myLegalName],
emailAddress = configuration[emailAddress],
p2pAddress = configuration[p2pAddress],
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ internal object V1NodeConfigurationSpec : Configuration.Specification<NodeConfig
attachmentContentCacheSizeMegaBytes = configuration[attachmentContentCacheSizeMegaBytes],
h2port = configuration[h2port],
jarDirs = configuration[jarDirs],
cordappDirectories = cordappDirectories,
cordappDirectories = cordappDirectories.map { baseDirectoryPath.resolve(it) },
cordappSignerKeyFingerprintBlacklist = configuration[cordappSignerKeyFingerprintBlacklist]
} catch (e: Exception) {
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigParseOptions
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigValueFactory
import net.corda.common.configuration.parsing.internal.Configuration
import net.corda.core.internal.div
import net.corda.core.internal.toPath
import net.corda.core.utilities.NetworkHostAndPort
import net.corda.core.utilities.seconds
@ -16,7 +17,9 @@ import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder
import java.net.URI
import java.net.URL
import java.nio.file.Paths
@ -25,6 +28,11 @@ import kotlin.test.assertFalse
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
class NodeConfigurationImplTest {
val tempFolder = TemporaryFolder()
fun `can't have dev mode options if not in dev mode`() {
val debugOptions = DevModeOptions()
@ -192,6 +200,24 @@ class NodeConfigurationImplTest {
fun `relative path correctly parsed`() {
val rawConfig = ConfigFactory.parseResources("working-config.conf", ConfigParseOptions.defaults().setAllowMissing(false))
// Override base directory to have predictable experience on diff OSes
val finalConfig = configOf(
// Add substitution values here
"baseDirectory" to tempFolder.root.canonicalPath)
val nodeConfiguration = finalConfig.parseAsNodeConfiguration()
val baseDirPath = tempFolder.root.toPath()
assertEquals(listOf(baseDirPath / "./myCorDapps1", baseDirPath / "./myCorDapps2"), nodeConfiguration.value().cordappDirectories)
fun `missing rpcSettings_adminAddress cause a graceful failure`() {
var rawConfig = ConfigFactory.parseResources("working-config.conf", ConfigParseOptions.defaults().setAllowMissing(false))
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ keyStorePassword = "cordacadevpass"
trustStorePassword = "trustpass"
crlCheckSoftFail = true
baseDirectory = "/opt/corda"
cordappDirectories = ["./myCorDapps1", "./myCorDapps2"]
dataSourceProperties = {
dataSourceClassName = org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource
dataSource.url = "jdbc:h2:file:blah"
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