mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 12:05:59 +00:00
CORDA-1785: Update JarFilter to delete classes whose outer class or enclosing method is removed. (#3562)
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ private const val DUMMY_PASSES = 1
internal abstract class Element(val name: String, val descriptor: String) {
abstract class Element(val name: String, val descriptor: String) {
private var lifetime: Int = DUMMY_PASSES
open val isExpired: Boolean get() = --lifetime < 0
internal class MethodElement(name: String, descriptor: String, val access: Int = 0) : Element(name, descriptor) {
class MethodElement(name: String, descriptor: String, val access: Int = 0) : Element(name, descriptor) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other?.javaClass != javaClass) return false
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ internal class MethodElement(name: String, descriptor: String, val access: Int =
* A class cannot have two fields with the same name but different types. However,
* it can define extension functions and properties.
internal class FieldElement(name: String, descriptor: String = "?", val extension: String = "()") : Element(name, descriptor) {
class FieldElement(name: String, descriptor: String = "?", val extension: String = "()") : Element(name, descriptor) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other?.javaClass != javaClass) return false
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class FilterTransformer private constructor (
private val removeAnnotations: Set<String>,
private val deleteAnnotations: Set<String>,
private val stubAnnotations: Set<String>,
private val unwantedClasses: MutableSet<String>,
private val unwantedElements: UnwantedCache,
private val unwantedFields: MutableSet<FieldElement>,
private val deletedMethods: MutableSet<MethodElement>,
private val stubbedMethods: MutableSet<MethodElement>
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class FilterTransformer private constructor (
removeAnnotations: Set<String>,
deleteAnnotations: Set<String>,
stubAnnotations: Set<String>,
unwantedClasses: MutableSet<String>
unwantedElements: UnwantedCache
) : this(
visitor = visitor,
logger = logger,
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class FilterTransformer private constructor (
removeAnnotations = removeAnnotations,
deleteAnnotations = deleteAnnotations,
stubAnnotations = stubAnnotations,
unwantedClasses = unwantedClasses,
unwantedElements = unwantedElements,
unwantedFields = mutableSetOf(),
deletedMethods = mutableSetOf(),
stubbedMethods = mutableSetOf()
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class FilterTransformer private constructor (
|| stubbedMethods.isNotEmpty()
|| super.hasUnwantedElements
private fun isUnwantedClass(name: String): Boolean = unwantedClasses.contains(name)
private fun isUnwantedClass(name: String): Boolean = unwantedElements.containsClass(name)
private fun hasDeletedSyntheticMethod(name: String): Boolean = deletedMethods.any { method ->
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class FilterTransformer private constructor (
removeAnnotations = removeAnnotations,
deleteAnnotations = deleteAnnotations,
stubAnnotations = stubAnnotations,
unwantedClasses = unwantedClasses,
unwantedElements = unwantedElements,
unwantedFields = unwantedFields,
deletedMethods = deletedMethods,
stubbedMethods = stubbedMethods
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class FilterTransformer private constructor (
logger.info("- Removing annotation {}", descriptor)
return null
} else if (deleteAnnotations.contains(descriptor)) {
if (unwantedClasses.add(className)) {
if (unwantedElements.addClass(className)) {
logger.info("- Identified class {} as unwanted", className)
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ class FilterTransformer private constructor (
logger.debug("--- method ---> {}", method)
if (deletedMethods.contains(method)) {
logger.info("- Deleted method {}{}", method.name, method.descriptor)
unwantedElements.addMethod(className, method)
return null
@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ class FilterTransformer private constructor (
override fun visitInnerClass(clsName: String, outerName: String?, innerName: String?, access: Int) {
logger.debug("--- inner class {} [outer: {}, inner: {}]", clsName, outerName, innerName)
if (isUnwantedClass || hasDeletedSyntheticMethod(clsName)) {
if (unwantedClasses.add(clsName)) {
if (unwantedElements.addClass(clsName)) {
logger.info("- Deleted inner class {}", clsName)
} else if (isUnwantedClass(clsName)) {
@ -143,8 +144,10 @@ class FilterTransformer private constructor (
override fun visitOuterClass(outerName: String, methodName: String?, methodDescriptor: String?) {
logger.debug("--- outer class {} [enclosing method {},{}]", outerName, methodName, methodDescriptor)
if (isUnwantedClass(outerName)) {
logger.info("- Deleted reference to outer class {}", outerName)
if (unwantedElements.containsMethod(outerName, methodName, methodDescriptor)) {
if (unwantedElements.addClass(className)) {
logger.info("- Identified class {} as unwanted by its outer class", className)
} else {
super.visitOuterClass(outerName, methodName, methodDescriptor)
@ -180,8 +183,8 @@ class FilterTransformer private constructor (
deletedFields = unwantedFields,
deletedFunctions = partitioned[false] ?: emptyList(),
deletedConstructors = partitioned[true] ?: emptyList(),
deletedNestedClasses = unwantedClasses.filter { it.startsWith(prefix) }.map { it.drop(prefix.length) },
deletedClasses = unwantedClasses,
deletedNestedClasses = unwantedElements.classes.filter { it.startsWith(prefix) }.map { it.drop(prefix.length) },
deletedClasses = unwantedElements.classes,
handleExtraMethod = ::delete,
d1 = d1,
d2 = d2)
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ open class JarFilterTask : DefaultTask() {
private inner class Filter(inFile: File) {
private val unwantedClasses: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf()
private val unwantedElements = UnwantedCache()
private val source: Path = inFile.toPath()
private val target: Path = toFiltered(inFile).toPath()
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ open class JarFilterTask : DefaultTask() {
removeAnnotations = descriptorsForRemove,
deleteAnnotations = descriptorsForDelete,
stubAnnotations = descriptorsForStub,
unwantedClasses = unwantedClasses
unwantedElements = unwantedElements
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package net.corda.gradle.jarfilter
import java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap
* A persistent cache of all of the classes and methods that JarFilter has
* removed. This cache belongs to the Gradle task itself and so is shared
* by successive filter passes.
* The internal method cache is only required for those classes which are
* being kept. When an entire class is declared as "unwanted", any entry
* it may have in the method cache is removed.
class UnwantedCache {
private val _classes: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf()
private val _classMethods: MutableMap<String, MutableSet<MethodElement>> = mutableMapOf()
val classes: Set<String> get() = _classes
val classMethods: Map<String, Set<MethodElement>> get() = unmodifiableMap(_classMethods)
fun containsClass(className: String): Boolean = _classes.contains(className)
fun addClass(className: String): Boolean {
return _classes.add(className).also { isAdded ->
if (isAdded) {
fun addMethod(className: String, method: MethodElement) {
if (!containsClass(className)) {
_classMethods.getOrPut(className) { mutableSetOf() }.add(method)
private fun containsMethod(className: String, method: MethodElement): Boolean {
return _classMethods[className]?.contains(method) ?: false
fun containsMethod(className: String, methodName: String?, methodDescriptor: String?): Boolean {
return containsClass(className) ||
(methodName != null && methodDescriptor != null && containsMethod(className, MethodElement(methodName, methodDescriptor)))
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package net.corda.gradle.jarfilter
import net.corda.gradle.jarfilter.matcher.isConstructor
import net.corda.gradle.unwanted.HasInt
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.hamcrest.core.IsCollectionContaining.*
import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot.*
import org.junit.Assert.*
import org.junit.BeforeClass
import org.junit.ClassRule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.rules.RuleChain
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder
import org.junit.rules.TestRule
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
class DeleteInnerLambdaTest {
companion object {
private const val LAMBDA_CLASS = "net.corda.gradle.HasInnerLambda"
private const val SIZE = 64
private val testProjectDir = TemporaryFolder()
private val testProject = JarFilterProject(testProjectDir, "delete-inner-lambda")
private val constructInt = isConstructor(LAMBDA_CLASS, Int::class)
private val constructBytes = isConstructor(LAMBDA_CLASS, ByteArray::class)
private lateinit var sourceClasses: List<String>
private lateinit var filteredClasses: List<String>
val rules: TestRule = RuleChain
fun setup() {
sourceClasses = testProject.sourceJar.getClassNames(LAMBDA_CLASS)
filteredClasses = testProject.filteredJar.getClassNames(LAMBDA_CLASS)
fun `test lambda class is deleted`() {
fun `test host class`() {
classLoaderFor(testProject.sourceJar).use { cl ->
cl.load<HasInt>(LAMBDA_CLASS).apply {
getConstructor(Int::class.java).newInstance(SIZE).also { obj ->
assertEquals(SIZE, obj.intData())
kotlin.constructors.also { ctors ->
assertThat("<init>(Int) not found", ctors, hasItem(constructInt))
assertThat("<init>(byte[]) not found", ctors, hasItem(constructBytes))
getConstructor(ByteArray::class.java).newInstance(ByteArray(SIZE)).also { obj ->
assertEquals(SIZE, obj.intData())
classLoaderFor(testProject.filteredJar).use { cl ->
cl.load<HasInt>(LAMBDA_CLASS).apply {
assertFailsWith<NoSuchMethodException> { getConstructor(Int::class.java) }
kotlin.constructors.also { ctors ->
assertThat("<init>(Int) still exists", ctors, not(hasItem(constructInt)))
assertThat("<init>(byte[]) not found", ctors, hasItem(constructBytes))
getConstructor(ByteArray::class.java).newInstance(ByteArray(SIZE)).also { obj ->
assertEquals(SIZE, obj.intData())
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class FieldRemovalTest {
removeAnnotations = emptySet(),
deleteAnnotations = setOf(Deletable::class.jvmName.descriptor),
stubAnnotations = emptySet(),
unwantedClasses = mutableSetOf()
unwantedElements = UnwantedCache()
return bytecode.toClass(type, asType)
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class StaticFieldRemovalTest {
removeAnnotations = emptySet(),
deleteAnnotations = setOf(Deletable::class.jvmName.descriptor),
stubAnnotations = emptySet(),
unwantedClasses = mutableSetOf()
unwantedElements = UnwantedCache()
return bytecode.toClass(type, asType)
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package net.corda.gradle.jarfilter
import org.junit.Assert.*
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
class UnwantedCacheTest {
private companion object {
private const val CLASS_NAME = "org.testing.MyClass"
private const val LONG_ARG = "(J)V"
private const val NO_ARG = "()V"
private lateinit var cache: UnwantedCache
fun setup() {
cache = UnwantedCache()
fun testEmptyCache() {
assertFalse(cache.containsMethod(CLASS_NAME, null, null))
assertFalse(cache.containsMethod(CLASS_NAME, "<init>", NO_ARG))
fun testAddingClass() {
assertTrue(cache.containsMethod(CLASS_NAME, null, null))
assertTrue(cache.containsMethod(CLASS_NAME, "<init>", NO_ARG))
fun testAddingMethod() {
cache.addMethod(CLASS_NAME, MethodElement("<init>", LONG_ARG))
assertTrue(cache.containsMethod(CLASS_NAME, "<init>", LONG_ARG))
assertFalse(cache.containsMethod(CLASS_NAME, "<init>", NO_ARG))
assertFalse(cache.containsMethod(CLASS_NAME, "destroy", LONG_ARG))
assertFalse(cache.containsMethod(CLASS_NAME, null, null))
assertFalse(cache.containsMethod(CLASS_NAME, "nonsense", null))
fun testAddingMethodFollowedByClass() {
cache.addMethod(CLASS_NAME, MethodElement("<init>", LONG_ARG))
assertTrue(cache.containsMethod(CLASS_NAME, "<init>", LONG_ARG))
assertEquals(0, cache.classMethods.size)
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
plugins {
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm' version '$kotlin_version'
id 'net.corda.plugins.jar-filter'
apply from: 'repositories.gradle'
sourceSets {
main {
kotlin {
srcDir files(
dependencies {
compile 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8'
compileOnly files('../../unwanteds/build/libs/unwanteds.jar')
jar {
baseName = 'delete-inner-lambda'
import net.corda.gradle.jarfilter.JarFilterTask
task jarFilter(type: JarFilterTask) {
jars jar
annotations {
forDelete = ["net.corda.gradle.jarfilter.DeleteMe"]
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package net.corda.gradle
import net.corda.gradle.jarfilter.DeleteMe
import net.corda.gradle.unwanted.HasInt
class HasInnerLambda(private val bytes: ByteArray) : HasInt {
constructor(size: Int) : this(ZeroArray { size }.bytes)
override fun intData() = bytes.size
* Do NOT inline this lambda!
class ZeroArray(initialSize: () -> Int) {
val bytes: ByteArray = ByteArray(initialSize()) { 0 }
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