mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 04:25:19 +00:00
CORDA-2129: Attempts to initiate a flow that's unknown is paused and instead sent to the flow hospital (#4181)
This allows for the case of a missing CorDapp to be installed on node restart and recover the original flow initiate request.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
package net.corda.node.services.statemachine
import net.corda.core.CordaException
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowLogic
* An exception propagated and thrown in case a session initiation fails.
class SessionRejectException(message: String) : CordaException(message)
open class SessionRejectException(message: String) : CordaException(message) {
class UnknownClass(val initiatorFlowClassName: String) : SessionRejectException("Don't know $initiatorFlowClassName")
class NotAFlow(val initiatorClass: Class<*>) : SessionRejectException("${initiatorClass.name} is not a flow")
class NotRegistered(val initiatorFlowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>) : SessionRejectException("${initiatorFlowClass.name} is not registered")
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ import net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.OpenFuture
import net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.map
import net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.openFuture
import net.corda.core.messaging.DataFeed
import net.corda.core.serialization.*
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializedBytes
import net.corda.core.serialization.deserialize
import net.corda.core.serialization.internal.CheckpointSerializationContext
import net.corda.core.serialization.internal.CheckpointSerializationDefaults
import net.corda.core.serialization.internal.checkpointDeserialize
@ -32,7 +33,6 @@ import net.corda.node.services.api.CheckpointStorage
import net.corda.node.services.api.ServiceHubInternal
import net.corda.node.services.config.shouldCheckCheckpoints
import net.corda.node.services.messaging.DeduplicationHandler
import net.corda.node.services.messaging.ReceivedMessage
import net.corda.node.services.statemachine.FlowStateMachineImpl.Companion.createSubFlowVersion
import net.corda.node.services.statemachine.interceptors.*
import net.corda.node.services.statemachine.transitions.StateMachine
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@ class SingleThreadedStateMachineManager(
val timedFlows = HashMap<StateMachineRunId, ScheduledTimeout>()
override val flowHospital: StaffedFlowHospital = StaffedFlowHospital()
private val mutex = ThreadBox(InnerState())
private val scheduler = FiberExecutorScheduler("Same thread scheduler", executor)
private val timeoutScheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1)
@ -104,12 +102,14 @@ class SingleThreadedStateMachineManager(
private val sessionToFlow = ConcurrentHashMap<SessionId, StateMachineRunId>()
private val flowMessaging: FlowMessaging = FlowMessagingImpl(serviceHub)
private val fiberDeserializationChecker = if (serviceHub.configuration.shouldCheckCheckpoints()) FiberDeserializationChecker() else null
private val transitionExecutor = makeTransitionExecutor()
private val ourSenderUUID = serviceHub.networkService.ourSenderUUID
private var checkpointSerializationContext: CheckpointSerializationContext? = null
private var actionExecutor: ActionExecutor? = null
override val flowHospital: StaffedFlowHospital = StaffedFlowHospital(flowMessaging, ourSenderUUID)
private val transitionExecutor = makeTransitionExecutor()
override val allStateMachines: List<FlowLogic<*>>
get() = mutex.locked { flows.values.map { it.fiber.logic } }
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class SingleThreadedStateMachineManager(
invocationContext = context,
flowLogic = flowLogic,
flowStart = FlowStart.Explicit,
ourIdentity = ourIdentity ?: getOurFirstIdentity(),
ourIdentity = ourIdentity ?: ourFirstIdentity,
deduplicationHandler = deduplicationHandler,
isStartIdempotent = false
@ -402,23 +402,23 @@ class SingleThreadedStateMachineManager(
private fun onSessionMessage(event: ExternalEvent.ExternalMessageEvent) {
val message: ReceivedMessage = event.receivedMessage
val deduplicationHandler: DeduplicationHandler = event.deduplicationHandler
val peer = message.peer
val peer = event.receivedMessage.peer
val sessionMessage = try {
} catch (ex: Exception) {
logger.error("Received corrupt SessionMessage data from $peer")
val sender = serviceHub.networkMapCache.getPeerByLegalName(peer)
if (sender != null) {
when (sessionMessage) {
is ExistingSessionMessage -> onExistingSessionMessage(sessionMessage, deduplicationHandler, sender)
is InitialSessionMessage -> onSessionInit(sessionMessage, message.platformVersion, deduplicationHandler, sender)
is ExistingSessionMessage -> onExistingSessionMessage(sessionMessage, event.deduplicationHandler, sender)
is InitialSessionMessage -> onSessionInit(sessionMessage, sender, event)
} else {
// TODO Send the event to the flow hospital to be retried on network map update
// TODO Test that restarting the node attempts to retry
logger.error("Unknown peer $peer in $sessionMessage")
@ -448,14 +448,8 @@ class SingleThreadedStateMachineManager(
private fun onSessionInit(sessionMessage: InitialSessionMessage, senderPlatformVersion: Int, deduplicationHandler: DeduplicationHandler, sender: Party) {
fun createErrorMessage(initiatorSessionId: SessionId, message: String): ExistingSessionMessage {
val errorId = secureRandom.nextLong()
val payload = RejectSessionMessage(message, errorId)
return ExistingSessionMessage(initiatorSessionId, payload)
val replyError = try {
private fun onSessionInit(sessionMessage: InitialSessionMessage, sender: Party, event: ExternalEvent.ExternalMessageEvent) {
try {
val initiatedFlowFactory = getInitiatedFlowFactory(sessionMessage)
val initiatedSessionId = SessionId.createRandom(secureRandom)
val senderSession = FlowSessionImpl(sender, initiatedSessionId)
@ -465,40 +459,34 @@ class SingleThreadedStateMachineManager(
is InitiatedFlowFactory.CorDapp -> FlowInfo(initiatedFlowFactory.flowVersion, initiatedFlowFactory.appName)
val senderCoreFlowVersion = when (initiatedFlowFactory) {
is InitiatedFlowFactory.Core -> senderPlatformVersion
is InitiatedFlowFactory.Core -> event.receivedMessage.platformVersion
is InitiatedFlowFactory.CorDapp -> null
startInitiatedFlow(flowLogic, deduplicationHandler, senderSession, initiatedSessionId, sessionMessage, senderCoreFlowVersion, initiatedFlowInfo)
} catch (exception: Exception) {
logger.warn("Exception while creating initiated flow", exception)
(exception as? SessionRejectException)?.message ?: "Unable to establish session"
if (replyError != null) {
flowMessaging.sendSessionMessage(sender, replyError, SenderDeduplicationId(DeduplicationId.createRandom(secureRandom), ourSenderUUID))
startInitiatedFlow(flowLogic, event.deduplicationHandler, senderSession, initiatedSessionId, sessionMessage, senderCoreFlowVersion, initiatedFlowInfo)
} catch (t: Throwable) {
logger.warn("Unable to initiate flow from $sender (appName=${sessionMessage.appName} " +
"flowVersion=${sessionMessage.flowVersion}), sending to the flow hospital", t)
flowHospital.sessionInitErrored(sessionMessage, sender, event, t)
// TODO this is a temporary hack until we figure out multiple identities
private fun getOurFirstIdentity(): Party {
return serviceHub.myInfo.legalIdentities[0]
private val ourFirstIdentity: Party get() = serviceHub.myInfo.legalIdentities[0]
private fun getInitiatedFlowFactory(message: InitialSessionMessage): InitiatedFlowFactory<*> {
val initiatingFlowClass = try {
Class.forName(message.initiatorFlowClassName, true, classloader).asSubclass(FlowLogic::class.java)
val initiatorClass = try {
Class.forName(message.initiatorFlowClassName, true, classloader)
} catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) {
throw SessionRejectException("Don't know ${message.initiatorFlowClassName}")
} catch (e: ClassCastException) {
throw SessionRejectException("${message.initiatorFlowClassName} is not a flow")
throw SessionRejectException.UnknownClass(message.initiatorFlowClassName)
return serviceHub.getFlowFactory(initiatingFlowClass)
?: throw SessionRejectException("$initiatingFlowClass is not registered")
val initiatorFlowClass = try {
} catch (e: ClassCastException) {
throw SessionRejectException.NotAFlow(initiatorClass)
return serviceHub.getFlowFactory(initiatorFlowClass) ?: throw SessionRejectException.NotRegistered(initiatorFlowClass)
private fun <A> startInitiatedFlow(
@ -511,7 +499,7 @@ class SingleThreadedStateMachineManager(
initiatedFlowInfo: FlowInfo
) {
val flowStart = FlowStart.Initiated(peerSession, initiatedSessionId, initiatingMessage, senderCoreFlowVersion, initiatedFlowInfo)
val ourIdentity = getOurFirstIdentity()
val ourIdentity = ourFirstIdentity
InvocationContext.peer(peerSession.counterparty.name), flowLogic, flowStart, ourIdentity,
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package net.corda.node.services.statemachine
import net.corda.core.crypto.newSecureRandom
import net.corda.core.flows.StateMachineRunId
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.ThreadBox
import net.corda.core.internal.TimedFlow
import net.corda.core.internal.bufferUntilSubscribed
@ -16,65 +18,101 @@ import java.util.*
* This hospital consults "staff" to see if they can automatically diagnose and treat flows.
class StaffedFlowHospital {
class StaffedFlowHospital(private val flowMessaging: FlowMessaging, private val ourSenderUUID: String) {
private companion object {
private val log = contextLogger()
private val staff = listOf(DeadlockNurse, DuplicateInsertSpecialist, DoctorTimeout, FinalityDoctor)
private val mutex = ThreadBox(object {
val patients = HashMap<StateMachineRunId, MedicalHistory>()
val flowPatients = HashMap<StateMachineRunId, FlowMedicalHistory>()
val treatableSessionInits = HashMap<UUID, InternalSessionInitRecord>()
val recordsPublisher = PublishSubject.create<MedicalRecord>()
private val secureRandom = newSecureRandom()
class MedicalHistory {
internal val records: MutableList<MedicalRecord> = mutableListOf()
fun notDischargedForTheSameThingMoreThan(max: Int, by: Staff): Boolean {
val lastAdmittanceSuspendCount = (records.last() as MedicalRecord.Admitted).suspendCount
return records
.count { by in it.by && it.suspendCount == lastAdmittanceSuspendCount } <= max
* The node was unable to initiate the [InitialSessionMessage] from [sender].
fun sessionInitErrored(sessionMessage: InitialSessionMessage, sender: Party, event: ExternalEvent.ExternalMessageEvent, error: Throwable) {
val time = Instant.now()
val id = UUID.randomUUID()
val outcome = if (error is SessionRejectException.UnknownClass) {
// We probably don't have the CorDapp installed so let's pause the message in the hopes that the CorDapp is
// installed on restart, at which point the message will be able proceed as normal. If not then it will need
// to be dropped manually.
} else {
override fun toString(): String = "${this.javaClass.simpleName}(records = $records)"
val record = sessionMessage.run { MedicalRecord.SessionInit(id, time, outcome, initiatorFlowClassName, flowVersion, appName, sender, error) }
mutex.locked {
if (outcome != Outcome.UNTREATABLE) {
treatableSessionInits[id] = InternalSessionInitRecord(sessionMessage, event, record)
if (outcome == Outcome.UNTREATABLE) {
sendBackError(error, sessionMessage, sender, event)
private fun sendBackError(error: Throwable, sessionMessage: InitialSessionMessage, sender: Party, event: ExternalEvent.ExternalMessageEvent) {
val message = (error as? SessionRejectException)?.message ?: "Unable to establish session"
val payload = RejectSessionMessage(message, secureRandom.nextLong())
val replyError = ExistingSessionMessage(sessionMessage.initiatorSessionId, payload)
flowMessaging.sendSessionMessage(sender, replyError, SenderDeduplicationId(DeduplicationId.createRandom(secureRandom), ourSenderUUID))
* Drop the errored session-init message with the given ID ([MedicalRecord.SessionInit.id]). This will cause the node
* to send back the relevant session error to the initiator party and acknowledge its receipt from the message broker
* so that it never gets redelivered.
fun dropSessionInit(id: UUID) {
val (sessionMessage, event, publicRecord) = mutex.locked {
requireNotNull(treatableSessionInits.remove(id)) { "$id does not refer to any session init message" }
log.info("Errored session-init permanently dropped: $publicRecord")
sendBackError(publicRecord.error, sessionMessage, publicRecord.sender, event)
* The flow running in [flowFiber] has errored.
fun flowErrored(flowFiber: FlowFiber, currentState: StateMachineState, errors: List<Throwable>) {
val time = Instant.now()
log.info("Flow ${flowFiber.id} admitted to hospital in state $currentState")
val suspendCount = currentState.checkpoint.numberOfSuspends
val event = mutex.locked {
val medicalHistory = patients.computeIfAbsent(flowFiber.id) { MedicalHistory() }
val admitted = MedicalRecord.Admitted(flowFiber.id, Instant.now(), suspendCount)
medicalHistory.records += admitted
val medicalHistory = flowPatients.computeIfAbsent(flowFiber.id) { FlowMedicalHistory() }
val report = consultStaff(flowFiber, currentState, errors, medicalHistory)
val (newRecord, event) = when (report.diagnosis) {
val (outcome, event) = when (report.diagnosis) {
Diagnosis.DISCHARGE -> {
log.info("Flow ${flowFiber.id} error discharged from hospital by ${report.by}")
Pair(MedicalRecord.Discharged(flowFiber.id, Instant.now(), suspendCount, report.by, errors), Event.RetryFlowFromSafePoint)
Pair(Outcome.DISCHARGE, Event.RetryFlowFromSafePoint)
log.info("Flow ${flowFiber.id} error kept for overnight observation by ${report.by}")
// We don't schedule a next event for the flow - it will automatically retry from its checkpoint on node restart
Pair(MedicalRecord.KeptInForObservation(flowFiber.id, Instant.now(), suspendCount, report.by, errors), null)
Diagnosis.NOT_MY_SPECIALTY -> {
// None of the staff care for these errors so we let them propagate
log.info("Flow ${flowFiber.id} error allowed to propagate")
Pair(MedicalRecord.NothingWeCanDo(flowFiber.id, Instant.now(), suspendCount), Event.StartErrorPropagation)
Pair(Outcome.UNTREATABLE, Event.StartErrorPropagation)
medicalHistory.records += newRecord
val record = MedicalRecord.Flow(time, flowFiber.id, currentState.checkpoint.numberOfSuspends, errors, report.by, outcome)
medicalHistory.records += record
@ -86,8 +124,9 @@ class StaffedFlowHospital {
private fun consultStaff(flowFiber: FlowFiber,
currentState: StateMachineState,
errors: List<Throwable>,
medicalHistory: MedicalHistory): ConsultationReport {
medicalHistory: FlowMedicalHistory): ConsultationReport {
return errors
.mapIndexed { index, error ->
log.info("Flow ${flowFiber.id} has error [$index]", error)
val diagnoses: Map<Diagnosis, List<Staff>> = staff.groupBy { it.consult(flowFiber, currentState, error, medicalHistory) }
@ -105,43 +144,61 @@ class StaffedFlowHospital {
* The flow has been removed from the state machine.
fun flowRemoved(flowId: StateMachineRunId) {
mutex.locked { patients.remove(flowId) }
mutex.locked { flowPatients.remove(flowId) }
// TODO MedicalRecord subtypes can expose the Staff class, something which we probably don't want when wiring this method to RPC
/** Returns a stream of medical records as flows pass through the hospital. */
fun track(): DataFeed<List<MedicalRecord>, MedicalRecord> {
return mutex.locked {
DataFeed(patients.values.flatMap { it.records }, recordsPublisher.bufferUntilSubscribed())
val snapshot = (flowPatients.values.flatMap { it.records } + treatableSessionInits.values.map { it.publicRecord }).sortedBy { it.time }
DataFeed(snapshot, recordsPublisher.bufferUntilSubscribed())
sealed class MedicalRecord {
abstract val flowId: StateMachineRunId
abstract val at: Instant
abstract val suspendCount: Int
class FlowMedicalHistory {
internal val records: MutableList<MedicalRecord.Flow> = mutableListOf()
data class Admitted(override val flowId: StateMachineRunId,
override val at: Instant,
override val suspendCount: Int) : MedicalRecord()
fun notDischargedForTheSameThingMoreThan(max: Int, by: Staff, currentState: StateMachineState): Boolean {
val lastAdmittanceSuspendCount = currentState.checkpoint.numberOfSuspends
return records.count { it.outcome == Outcome.DISCHARGE && by in it.by && it.suspendCount == lastAdmittanceSuspendCount } <= max
data class Discharged(override val flowId: StateMachineRunId,
override val at: Instant,
override val suspendCount: Int,
val by: List<Staff>,
val errors: List<Throwable>) : MedicalRecord()
data class KeptInForObservation(override val flowId: StateMachineRunId,
override val at: Instant,
override val suspendCount: Int,
val by: List<Staff>,
val errors: List<Throwable>) : MedicalRecord()
data class NothingWeCanDo(override val flowId: StateMachineRunId,
override val at: Instant,
override val suspendCount: Int) : MedicalRecord()
override fun toString(): String = "${this.javaClass.simpleName}(records = $records)"
private data class InternalSessionInitRecord(val sessionMessage: InitialSessionMessage,
val event: ExternalEvent.ExternalMessageEvent,
val publicRecord: MedicalRecord.SessionInit)
sealed class MedicalRecord {
abstract val time: Instant
abstract val outcome: Outcome
abstract val errors: List<Throwable>
/** Medical record for a flow that has errored. */
data class Flow(override val time: Instant,
val flowId: StateMachineRunId,
val suspendCount: Int,
override val errors: List<Throwable>,
val by: List<Staff>,
override val outcome: Outcome) : MedicalRecord()
/** Medical record for a session initiation that was unsuccessful. */
data class SessionInit(val id: UUID,
override val time: Instant,
override val outcome: Outcome,
val initiatorFlowClassName: String,
val flowVersion: Int,
val appName: String,
val sender: Party,
val error: Throwable) : MedicalRecord() {
override val errors: List<Throwable> get() = listOf(error)
/** The order of the enum values are in priority order. */
enum class Diagnosis {
/** Retry from last safe point. */
@ -153,14 +210,14 @@ class StaffedFlowHospital {
interface Staff {
fun consult(flowFiber: FlowFiber, currentState: StateMachineState, newError: Throwable, history: MedicalHistory): Diagnosis
fun consult(flowFiber: FlowFiber, currentState: StateMachineState, newError: Throwable, history: FlowMedicalHistory): Diagnosis
* SQL Deadlock detection.
object DeadlockNurse : Staff {
override fun consult(flowFiber: FlowFiber, currentState: StateMachineState, newError: Throwable, history: MedicalHistory): Diagnosis {
override fun consult(flowFiber: FlowFiber, currentState: StateMachineState, newError: Throwable, history: FlowMedicalHistory): Diagnosis {
return if (mentionsDeadlock(newError)) {
} else {
@ -178,8 +235,8 @@ class StaffedFlowHospital {
* Primary key violation detection for duplicate inserts. Will detect other constraint violations too.
object DuplicateInsertSpecialist : Staff {
override fun consult(flowFiber: FlowFiber, currentState: StateMachineState, newError: Throwable, history: MedicalHistory): Diagnosis {
return if (mentionsConstraintViolation(newError) && history.notDischargedForTheSameThingMoreThan(3, this)) {
override fun consult(flowFiber: FlowFiber, currentState: StateMachineState, newError: Throwable, history: FlowMedicalHistory): Diagnosis {
return if (mentionsConstraintViolation(newError) && history.notDischargedForTheSameThingMoreThan(3, this, currentState)) {
} else {
@ -196,9 +253,9 @@ class StaffedFlowHospital {
* exceed the limit specified by the [FlowTimeoutException].
object DoctorTimeout : Staff {
override fun consult(flowFiber: FlowFiber, currentState: StateMachineState, newError: Throwable, history: MedicalHistory): Diagnosis {
override fun consult(flowFiber: FlowFiber, currentState: StateMachineState, newError: Throwable, history: FlowMedicalHistory): Diagnosis {
if (newError is FlowTimeoutException) {
if (history.notDischargedForTheSameThingMoreThan(newError.maxRetries, this)) {
if (history.notDischargedForTheSameThingMoreThan(newError.maxRetries, this, currentState)) {
return Diagnosis.DISCHARGE
} else {
val errorMsg = "Maximum number of retries reached for flow ${flowFiber.snapshot().flowLogic.javaClass}. " +
@ -216,12 +273,18 @@ class StaffedFlowHospital {
* Parks [FinalityHandler]s for observation.
object FinalityDoctor : Staff {
override fun consult(flowFiber: FlowFiber, currentState: StateMachineState, newError: Throwable, history: MedicalHistory): Diagnosis {
return (currentState.flowLogic as? FinalityHandler)?.let { logic -> Diagnosis.OVERNIGHT_OBSERVATION.also { warn(logic, flowFiber, currentState) } } ?: Diagnosis.NOT_MY_SPECIALTY
override fun consult(flowFiber: FlowFiber, currentState: StateMachineState, newError: Throwable, history: FlowMedicalHistory): Diagnosis {
return if (currentState.flowLogic is FinalityHandler) {
warn(currentState.flowLogic, flowFiber, currentState)
} else {
private fun warn(flowLogic: FinalityHandler, flowFiber: FlowFiber, currentState: StateMachineState) {
log.warn("Flow ${flowFiber.id} failed to be finalised. Manual intervention may be required before retrying the flow by re-starting the node. State machine state: $currentState, initiating party was: ${flowLogic.sender().name}")
log.warn("Flow ${flowFiber.id} failed to be finalised. Manual intervention may be required before retrying " +
"the flow by re-starting the node. State machine state: $currentState, initiating party was: ${flowLogic.sender().name}")
@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ import net.corda.core.utilities.getOrThrow
import net.corda.finance.POUNDS
import net.corda.finance.contracts.asset.Cash
import net.corda.finance.issuedBy
import net.corda.node.services.statemachine.StaffedFlowHospital
import net.corda.node.services.statemachine.StaffedFlowHospital.MedicalRecord.KeptInForObservation
import net.corda.node.services.statemachine.StaffedFlowHospital.*
import net.corda.testing.core.ALICE_NAME
import net.corda.testing.core.BOB_NAME
import net.corda.testing.core.singleIdentity
@ -72,11 +71,11 @@ class FinalityHandlerTest {
val keptInForObservation = smm.flowHospital
.let { it.updates.startWith(it.snapshot) }
.filter { it.flowId == runId }
.filter { it.flowId == runId && it.outcome == Outcome.OVERNIGHT_OBSERVATION }
private fun TestStartedNode.getTransaction(id: SecureHash): SignedTransaction? {
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Fiber
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import co.paralleluniverse.strands.Strand
import co.paralleluniverse.strands.concurrent.Semaphore
import net.corda.client.rpc.notUsed
import net.corda.core.concurrent.CordaFuture
import net.corda.core.contracts.ContractState
import net.corda.core.contracts.StateAndRef
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ class FlowFrameworkTests {
fun setUpMockNet() {
mockNet = InternalMockNetwork(
cordappsForAllNodes = cordappsForPackages("net.corda.finance.contracts", "net.corda.testing.contracts"),
cordappsForAllNodes = cordappsForPackages("net.corda.testing.contracts"),
servicePeerAllocationStrategy = RoundRobin()
@ -100,8 +101,8 @@ class FlowFrameworkTests {
class SuspendThrowingActionExecutor(private val exception: Exception, val delegate: ActionExecutor) : ActionExecutor {
var thrown = false
class SuspendThrowingActionExecutor(private val exception: Exception, private val delegate: ActionExecutor) : ActionExecutor {
private var thrown = false
override fun executeAction(fiber: FlowFiber, action: Action) {
if (action is Action.CommitTransaction && !thrown) {
@ -367,10 +368,17 @@ class FlowFrameworkTests {
fun `unknown class in session init`() {
fun `session init with unknown class is sent to the flow hospital, from where it's dropped`() {
aliceNode.sendSessionMessage(InitialSessionMessage(SessionId(random63BitValue()), 0, "not.a.real.Class", 1, "", null), bob)
assertThat(receivedSessionMessages).hasSize(2) // Only the session-init and session-reject are expected
assertThat(receivedSessionMessages).hasSize(1) // Only the session-init is expected as the session-reject is blocked by the flow hospital
val medicalRecords = bobNode.smm.flowHospital.track().apply { updates.notUsed() }.snapshot
val sessionInitRecord = medicalRecords[0] as StaffedFlowHospital.MedicalRecord.SessionInit
bobNode.smm.flowHospital.dropSessionInit(sessionInitRecord.id) // Drop the message which is processed as an error back to sender
assertThat(receivedSessionMessages).hasSize(2) // Now the session-reject is expected
val lastMessage = receivedSessionMessages.last().message as ExistingSessionMessage
assertThat((lastMessage.payload as RejectSessionMessage).message).isEqualTo("Don't know not.a.real.Class")
@ -603,10 +611,6 @@ class FlowFrameworkTripartyTests {
private val normalEnd = ExistingSessionMessage(SessionId(0), EndSessionMessage) // NormalSessionEnd(0)
private fun assertSessionTransfers(vararg expected: SessionTransfer) {
private fun assertSessionTransfers(node: TestStartedNode, vararg expected: SessionTransfer): List<SessionTransfer> {
val actualForNode = receivedSessionMessages.filter { it.from == node.internals.id || it.to == node.network.myAddress }
@ -749,16 +753,6 @@ class FlowFrameworkPersistenceTests {
return newNode.getSingleFlow<P>().first
private fun assertSessionTransfers(vararg expected: SessionTransfer) {
private fun assertSessionTransfers(node: TestStartedNode, vararg expected: SessionTransfer): List<SessionTransfer> {
val actualForNode = receivedSessionMessages.filter { it.from == node.internals.id || it.to == node.network.myAddress }
return actualForNode
private fun receivedSessionMessagesObservable(): Observable<SessionTransfer> {
return mockNet.messagingNetwork.receivedMessages.toSessionTransfers()
@ -832,19 +826,6 @@ private val FlowLogic<*>.progressSteps: CordaFuture<List<Notification<ProgressTr
class ThrowingActionExecutor(private val exception: Exception, val delegate: ActionExecutor) : ActionExecutor {
var thrown = false
override fun executeAction(fiber: FlowFiber, action: Action) {
if (thrown) {
delegate.executeAction(fiber, action)
} else {
thrown = true
throw exception
private class WaitForOtherSideEndBeforeSendAndReceive(val otherParty: Party,
@Transient val receivedOtherFlowEnd: Semaphore) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
@ -175,8 +175,6 @@ class RetryFlowMockTest {
TODO("not implemented")
}), nodeA.services.newContext()).get()
// Should be 2 records, one for admission and one for keep in.
// Killing it should remove it.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user