mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 23:13:58 +00:00
rename ceiling -> ceilingDivide
This commit is contained in:
@ -2562,7 +2562,7 @@ class MyAssembler: public Assembler {
arguments[i].size = va_arg(a, unsigned);
arguments[i].type = static_cast<OperandType>(va_arg(a, int));
arguments[i].operand = va_arg(a, Operand*);
footprint += ceiling(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
footprint += ceilingDivide(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
@ -2578,7 +2578,7 @@ class MyAssembler: public Assembler {
pad(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord), RegisterOperand,
offset += ceiling(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
offset += ceilingDivide(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
} else {
Memory dst(StackRegister, offset * TargetBytesPerWord);
@ -2586,7 +2586,7 @@ class MyAssembler: public Assembler {
arguments[i].size, arguments[i].type, arguments[i].operand,
pad(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord), MemoryOperand, &dst);
offset += ceiling(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
offset += ceilingDivide(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ const unsigned NAME(BootHeapOffset) = 1 << (NAME(BootShift) + 1);
inline unsigned
LABEL(codeMapSize)(unsigned codeSize)
return ceiling(codeSize, TargetBitsPerWord) * TargetBytesPerWord;
return ceilingDivide(codeSize, TargetBitsPerWord) * TargetBytesPerWord;
inline unsigned
LABEL(heapMapSize)(unsigned heapSize)
return ceiling(heapSize, TargetBitsPerWord * TargetBytesPerWord)
return ceilingDivide(heapSize, TargetBitsPerWord * TargetBytesPerWord)
* TargetBytesPerWord;
@ -542,11 +542,11 @@ makeCodeImage(Thread* t, Zone* zone, BootImage* image, uint8_t* code,
if (hashMapFind(t, typeMaps, c, objectHash, objectEqual) == 0) {
object array = makeByteArray
(t, TypeMap::sizeInBytes
(ceiling(classFixedSize(t, c), BytesPerWord), memberIndex));
(ceilingDivide(classFixedSize(t, c), BytesPerWord), memberIndex));
TypeMap* map = new (&byteArrayBody(t, array, 0)) TypeMap
(ceiling(classFixedSize(t, c), BytesPerWord),
ceiling(targetMemberOffset, TargetBytesPerWord), memberIndex);
(ceilingDivide(classFixedSize(t, c), BytesPerWord),
ceilingDivide(targetMemberOffset, TargetBytesPerWord), memberIndex);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < memberIndex; ++i) {
Field* f = memberFields + i;
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ makeCodeImage(Thread* t, Zone* zone, BootImage* image, uint8_t* code,
TypeMap* map = new (&byteArrayBody(t, array, 0)) TypeMap
(singletonCount(t, classStaticTable(t, c)) + 2,
ceiling(targetStaticOffset, TargetBytesPerWord), staticIndex,
ceilingDivide(targetStaticOffset, TargetBytesPerWord), staticIndex,
for (unsigned i = 0; i < staticIndex; ++i) {
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ targetSize(Thread* t, object typeMaps, object p)
if (map->targetArrayElementSizeInBytes) {
return map->targetFixedSizeInWords
+ ceiling(map->targetArrayElementSizeInBytes
+ ceilingDivide(map->targetArrayElementSizeInBytes
* cast<uintptr_t>
(p, (map->buildFixedSizeInWords - 1) * BytesPerWord),
@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ copy(Thread* t, object typeMaps, object referer, unsigned refererOffset,
memset(dst, 0, TargetBytesPerWord);
unsigned length = ceiling(objectMaskCount(map), 32);
unsigned length = ceilingDivide(objectMaskCount(map), 32);
target_uintptr_t targetLength = targetVW(length);
@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ makeHeapImage(Thread* t, BootImage* image, target_uintptr_t* heap,
target_uintptr_t* dst = heap + position + TargetFixieSizeInWords;
unsigned maskSize = ceiling(size, TargetBitsPerWord);
unsigned maskSize = ceilingDivide(size, TargetBitsPerWord);
unsigned total = TargetFixieSizeInWords + size + maskSize;
@ -1440,11 +1440,11 @@ writeBootImage2(Thread* t, OutputStream* bootimageOutput, OutputStream* codeOutp
object array = makeByteArray
(t, TypeMap::sizeInBytes
(ceiling(buildOffset, BytesPerWord), fixedFieldCount));
(ceilingDivide(buildOffset, BytesPerWord), fixedFieldCount));
TypeMap* map = new (&byteArrayBody(t, array, 0)) TypeMap
(ceiling(buildOffset, BytesPerWord),
ceiling(targetOffset, TargetBytesPerWord),
(ceilingDivide(buildOffset, BytesPerWord),
ceilingDivide(targetOffset, TargetBytesPerWord),
fixedFieldCount, TypeMap::NormalKind, buildArrayElementSize,
targetArrayElementSize, arrayElementType);
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ padWord(uintptr_t n)
inline unsigned
ceiling(unsigned n, unsigned d)
ceilingDivide(unsigned n, unsigned d)
return (n + d - 1) / d;
@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ frameMapSizeInBits(MyThread* t, object method)
frameMapSizeInWords(MyThread* t, object method)
return ceiling(frameMapSizeInBits(t, method), BitsPerWord);
return ceilingDivide(frameMapSizeInBits(t, method), BitsPerWord);
@ -6928,7 +6928,7 @@ unsigned
simpleFrameMapTableSize(MyThread* t, object method, object map)
int size = frameMapSizeInBits(t, method);
return ceiling(intArrayLength(t, map) * size, 32 + size);
return ceilingDivide(intArrayLength(t, map) * size, 32 + size);
@ -6965,7 +6965,7 @@ copyFrameMap(int32_t* dst, uintptr_t* src, unsigned mapSizeInBits,
if (DebugFrameMaps) {
fprintf(stderr, " orig roots at ip %3d: ", p->ip);
printSet(src, ceiling(mapSizeInBits, BitsPerWord));
printSet(src, ceilingDivide(mapSizeInBits, BitsPerWord));
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
@ -7068,7 +7068,7 @@ makeGeneralFrameMapTable(MyThread* t, Context* context, uint8_t* start,
unsigned indexOffset = sizeof(FrameMapTableHeader);
unsigned mapsOffset = indexOffset
+ (elementCount * sizeof(FrameMapTableIndexElement));
unsigned pathsOffset = mapsOffset + (ceiling(mapCount * mapSize, 32) * 4);
unsigned pathsOffset = mapsOffset + (ceilingDivide(mapCount * mapSize, 32) * 4);
object table = makeByteArray(t, pathsOffset + pathFootprint);
@ -7143,7 +7143,7 @@ makeGeneralFrameMapTable(MyThread* t, Context* context, uint8_t* start,
sizeof(SubroutineTrace*), compareSubroutineTracePointers);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p->subroutineTraceCount; ++i) {
assert(t, mapsOffset + ceiling(nextMapIndex + mapSize, 32) * 4
assert(t, mapsOffset + ceilingDivide(nextMapIndex + mapSize, 32) * 4
<= pathsOffset);
copyFrameMap(reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(body + mapsOffset),
@ -7155,7 +7155,7 @@ makeGeneralFrameMapTable(MyThread* t, Context* context, uint8_t* start,
} else {
pathIndex = 0;
assert(t, mapsOffset + ceiling(nextMapIndex + mapSize, 32) * 4
assert(t, mapsOffset + ceilingDivide(nextMapIndex + mapSize, 32) * 4
<= pathsOffset);
copyFrameMap(reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(body + mapsOffset), p->map,
@ -7185,7 +7185,7 @@ makeSimpleFrameMapTable(MyThread* t, Context* context, uint8_t* start,
unsigned mapSize = frameMapSizeInBits(t, context->method);
object table = makeIntArray
(t, elementCount + ceiling(elementCount * mapSize, 32));
(t, elementCount + ceilingDivide(elementCount * mapSize, 32));
assert(t, intArrayLength(t, table) == elementCount
+ simpleFrameMapTableSize(t, context->method, table));
@ -7196,7 +7196,7 @@ makeSimpleFrameMapTable(MyThread* t, Context* context, uint8_t* start,
intArrayBody(t, table, i) = static_cast<intptr_t>(p->address->value())
- reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(start);
assert(t, elementCount + ceiling((i + 1) * mapSize, 32)
assert(t, elementCount + ceilingDivide((i + 1) * mapSize, 32)
<= intArrayLength(t, table));
if (mapSize) {
@ -9925,7 +9925,7 @@ boot(MyThread* t, BootImage* image, uint8_t* code)
uintptr_t* heapMap = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>
(padWord(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(callTable + (image->callCount * 2))));
unsigned heapMapSizeInWords = ceiling
unsigned heapMapSizeInWords = ceilingDivide
(heapMapSize(image->heapSize), BytesPerWord);
uintptr_t* heap = heapMap + heapMapSizeInWords;
@ -9934,7 +9934,7 @@ boot(MyThread* t, BootImage* image, uint8_t* code)
t->heapImage = p->heapImage = heap;
// fprintf(stderr, "heap from %p to %p\n",
// heap, heap + ceiling(image->heapSize, BytesPerWord));
// heap, heap + ceilingDivide(image->heapSize, BytesPerWord));
t->codeImage = p->codeImage = code;
p->codeImageSize = image->codeSize;
@ -4417,11 +4417,11 @@ appendCombine(Context* c, TernaryOperation type,
intptr_t handler = c->client->getThunk
(type, firstSize, resultSize, &threadParameter);
unsigned stackSize = ceiling(secondSize, TargetBytesPerWord)
+ ceiling(firstSize, TargetBytesPerWord);
unsigned stackSize = ceilingDivide(secondSize, TargetBytesPerWord)
+ ceilingDivide(firstSize, TargetBytesPerWord);
local::push(c, ceiling(secondSize, TargetBytesPerWord), second);
local::push(c, ceiling(firstSize, TargetBytesPerWord), first);
local::push(c, ceilingDivide(secondSize, TargetBytesPerWord), second);
local::push(c, ceilingDivide(firstSize, TargetBytesPerWord), first);
if (threadParameter) {
++ stackSize;
@ -4543,7 +4543,7 @@ appendTranslate(Context* c, BinaryOperation type, unsigned firstSize,
if (thunk) {
Stack* oldStack = c->stack;
local::push(c, ceiling(firstSize, TargetBytesPerWord), first);
local::push(c, ceilingDivide(firstSize, TargetBytesPerWord), first);
Stack* argumentStack = c->stack;
c->stack = oldStack;
@ -4553,7 +4553,7 @@ appendTranslate(Context* c, BinaryOperation type, unsigned firstSize,
(c, ValueGeneral, constantSite
(c, c->client->getThunk(type, firstSize, resultSize))),
0, 0, result, resultSize, argumentStack,
ceiling(firstSize, TargetBytesPerWord), 0);
ceilingDivide(firstSize, TargetBytesPerWord), 0);
} else {
append(c, new(c->zone)
@ -4892,8 +4892,8 @@ appendBranch(Context* c, TernaryOperation type, unsigned size, Value* first,
assert(c, not threadParameter);
local::push(c, ceiling(size, TargetBytesPerWord), second);
local::push(c, ceiling(size, TargetBytesPerWord), first);
local::push(c, ceilingDivide(size, TargetBytesPerWord), second);
local::push(c, ceilingDivide(size, TargetBytesPerWord), first);
Stack* argumentStack = c->stack;
c->stack = oldStack;
@ -4902,7 +4902,7 @@ appendBranch(Context* c, TernaryOperation type, unsigned size, Value* first,
(c, value
(c, ValueGeneral, constantSite(c, handler)), 0, 0, result, 4,
argumentStack, ceiling(size, TargetBytesPerWord) * 2, 0);
argumentStack, ceilingDivide(size, TargetBytesPerWord) * 2, 0);
appendBranch(c, thunkBranch(c, type), 4, value
(c, ValueGeneral, constantSite(c, static_cast<int64_t>(0))),
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class Segment {
unsigned scale, unsigned bitsPerRecord)
unsigned result
= ceiling(ceiling(capacity, scale) * bitsPerRecord, BitsPerWord);
= ceilingDivide(ceilingDivide(capacity, scale) * bitsPerRecord, BitsPerWord);
assert(c, result);
return result;
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ class Fixie {
static unsigned maskSize(unsigned size, bool hasMask) {
return hasMask * ceiling(size, BitsPerWord) * BytesPerWord;
return hasMask * ceilingDivide(size, BitsPerWord) * BytesPerWord;
static unsigned totalSize(unsigned size, bool hasMask) {
@ -307,9 +307,9 @@ bool
walk(Thread*, Heap::Walker* w, uint32_t* mask, unsigned fixedSize,
unsigned arrayElementSize, unsigned arrayLength, unsigned start)
unsigned fixedSizeInWords = ceiling(fixedSize, BytesPerWord);
unsigned fixedSizeInWords = ceilingDivide(fixedSize, BytesPerWord);
unsigned arrayElementSizeInWords
= ceiling(arrayElementSize, BytesPerWord);
= ceilingDivide(arrayElementSize, BytesPerWord);
for (unsigned i = start; i < fixedSizeInWords; ++i) {
if (mask[i / 32] & (static_cast<uint32_t>(1) << (i % 32))) {
@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ parseFieldTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
set(t, class_, ClassFieldTable, fieldTable);
if (staticCount) {
unsigned footprint = ceiling(staticOffset - (BytesPerWord * 2),
unsigned footprint = ceilingDivide(staticOffset - (BytesPerWord * 2),
object staticTable = makeSingletonOfSize(t, footprint);
@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ parseFieldTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
classObjectMask(t, classSuper(t, class_)));
} else {
object mask = makeIntArray
(t, ceiling(classFixedSize(t, class_), 32 * BytesPerWord));
(t, ceilingDivide(classFixedSize(t, class_), 32 * BytesPerWord));
intArrayBody(t, mask, 0) = 1;
object superMask = 0;
@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ parseFieldTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
if (superMask) {
memcpy(&intArrayBody(t, mask, 0),
&intArrayBody(t, superMask, 0),
ceiling(classFixedSize(t, classSuper(t, class_)),
ceilingDivide(classFixedSize(t, classSuper(t, class_)),
32 * BytesPerWord)
* 4);
@ -3449,7 +3449,7 @@ allocate2(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes, bool objectMask)
return allocate3
(t, t->m->heap,
ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord) > ThreadHeapSizeInWords ?
ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord) > ThreadHeapSizeInWords ?
Machine::FixedAllocation : Machine::MovableAllocation,
sizeInBytes, objectMask);
@ -3461,15 +3461,15 @@ allocate3(Thread* t, Allocator* allocator, Machine::AllocationType type,
expect(t, t->criticalLevel == 0);
if (UNLIKELY(t->flags & Thread::UseBackupHeapFlag)) {
expect(t, t->backupHeapIndex + ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
expect(t, t->backupHeapIndex + ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
<= ThreadBackupHeapSizeInWords);
object o = reinterpret_cast<object>(t->backupHeap + t->backupHeapIndex);
t->backupHeapIndex += ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord);
t->backupHeapIndex += ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord);
cast<object>(o, 0) = 0;
return o;
} else if (UNLIKELY(t->flags & Thread::TracingFlag)) {
expect(t, t->heapIndex + ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
expect(t, t->heapIndex + ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
<= ThreadHeapSizeInWords);
return allocateSmall(t, sizeInBytes);
@ -3489,7 +3489,7 @@ allocate3(Thread* t, Allocator* allocator, Machine::AllocationType type,
do {
switch (type) {
case Machine::MovableAllocation:
if (t->heapIndex + ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
if (t->heapIndex + ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
> ThreadHeapSizeInWords)
t->heap = 0;
@ -3531,7 +3531,7 @@ allocate3(Thread* t, Allocator* allocator, Machine::AllocationType type,
throw_(t, root(t, Machine::OutOfMemoryError));
} while (type == Machine::MovableAllocation
and t->heapIndex + ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
and t->heapIndex + ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
> ThreadHeapSizeInWords);
switch (type) {
@ -3543,7 +3543,7 @@ allocate3(Thread* t, Allocator* allocator, Machine::AllocationType type,
unsigned total;
object o = static_cast<object>
(allocator, ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord), objectMask, &total));
(allocator, ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord), objectMask, &total));
if (o) {
memset(o, 0, sizeInBytes);
@ -3562,7 +3562,7 @@ allocate3(Thread* t, Allocator* allocator, Machine::AllocationType type,
unsigned total;
object o = static_cast<object>
(allocator, ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord), objectMask, &total));
(allocator, ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord), objectMask, &total));
if (o) {
memset(o, 0, sizeInBytes);
@ -5054,7 +5054,7 @@ populateMultiArray(Thread* t, object array, int32_t* counts,
for (int32_t i = 0; i < counts[index]; ++i) {
object a = makeArray
(t, ceiling
(t, ceilingDivide
(counts[index + 1] * classArrayElementSize(t, class_), BytesPerWord));
arrayLength(t, a) = counts[index + 1];
setObjectClass(t, a, class_);
@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ class FixedAllocator: public Allocator {
inline bool
ensure(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes)
if (t->heapIndex + ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
if (t->heapIndex + ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
> ThreadHeapSizeInWords)
if (sizeInBytes <= ThreadBackupHeapSizeInBytes) {
@ -1845,11 +1845,11 @@ allocate3(Thread* t, Allocator* allocator, Machine::AllocationType type,
inline object
allocateSmall(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes)
assert(t, t->heapIndex + ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
assert(t, t->heapIndex + ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
<= ThreadHeapSizeInWords);
object o = reinterpret_cast<object>(t->heap + t->heapIndex);
t->heapIndex += ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord);
t->heapIndex += ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord);
return o;
@ -1858,7 +1858,7 @@ allocate(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes, bool objectMask)
if (UNLIKELY(t->heapIndex + ceiling(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
if (UNLIKELY(t->heapIndex + ceilingDivide(sizeInBytes, BytesPerWord)
> ThreadHeapSizeInWords
or t->m->exclusive))
@ -2149,8 +2149,8 @@ baseSize(Thread* t, object o, object class_)
assert(t, classFixedSize(t, class_) >= BytesPerWord);
return ceiling(classFixedSize(t, class_), BytesPerWord)
+ ceiling(classArrayElementSize(t, class_)
return ceilingDivide(classFixedSize(t, class_), BytesPerWord)
+ ceilingDivide(classArrayElementSize(t, class_)
* cast<uintptr_t>(o, classFixedSize(t, class_) - BytesPerWord),
@ -3349,7 +3349,7 @@ inline unsigned
singletonMaskSize(unsigned count, unsigned bitsPerWord)
if (count) {
return ceiling(count + 2, bitsPerWord);
return ceilingDivide(count + 2, bitsPerWord);
return 0;
@ -3365,7 +3365,7 @@ singletonMaskSize(Thread* t, object singleton)
unsigned length = singletonLength(t, singleton);
if (length) {
return ceiling(length + 2, BitsPerWord + 1);
return ceilingDivide(length + 2, BitsPerWord + 1);
return 0;
@ -3448,7 +3448,7 @@ singletonBit(Thread* t, object singleton, unsigned start, unsigned index)
inline unsigned
poolMaskSize(unsigned count, unsigned bitsPerWord)
return ceiling(count, bitsPerWord);
return ceilingDivide(count, bitsPerWord);
inline unsigned
@ -3460,7 +3460,7 @@ poolMaskSize(unsigned count)
inline unsigned
poolMaskSize(Thread* t, object pool)
return ceiling(singletonCount(t, pool), BitsPerWord + 1);
return ceilingDivide(singletonCount(t, pool), BitsPerWord + 1);
inline unsigned
@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ class MySystem: public System {
// been unable to track it down so far. The workaround is to give
// it 8 words more than it should need, where 8 is a number I just
// made up and seems to work.
void* array[ceiling(sizeof(struct stat), sizeof(void*)) + 8];
void* array[ceilingDivide(sizeof(struct stat), sizeof(void*)) + 8];
struct stat* s = reinterpret_cast<struct stat*>(array);
@ -2238,7 +2238,7 @@ class MyArchitecture: public Assembler::Architecture {
virtual unsigned alignFrameSize(unsigned sizeInWords) {
const unsigned alignment = StackAlignmentInWords;
return (ceiling(sizeInWords + FrameFooterSize, alignment) * alignment);
return (ceilingDivide(sizeInWords + FrameFooterSize, alignment) * alignment);
virtual void nextFrame(void* start, unsigned size, unsigned footprint,
@ -2513,7 +2513,7 @@ class MyAssembler: public Assembler {
arguments[i].size = va_arg(a, unsigned);
arguments[i].type = static_cast<OperandType>(va_arg(a, int));
arguments[i].operand = va_arg(a, Operand*);
footprint += ceiling(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
footprint += ceilingDivide(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
@ -2529,7 +2529,7 @@ class MyAssembler: public Assembler {
pad(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord), RegisterOperand,
offset += ceiling(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
offset += ceilingDivide(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
} else {
Memory dst
(ThreadRegister, (offset + FrameFooterSize) * TargetBytesPerWord);
@ -2538,7 +2538,7 @@ class MyAssembler: public Assembler {
arguments[i].size, arguments[i].type, arguments[i].operand,
pad(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord), MemoryOperand, &dst);
offset += ceiling(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
offset += ceilingDivide(arguments[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
@ -3444,7 +3444,7 @@ class MyAssembler: public Assembler {
= static_cast<OperandType>(va_arg(a, int));
RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(arguments)[i].operand = va_arg(a, Operand*);
footprint += ceiling
footprint += ceilingDivide
(RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(arguments)[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
@ -3471,7 +3471,7 @@ class MyAssembler: public Assembler {
pad(RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(arguments)[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord),
offset += ceiling
offset += ceilingDivide
(RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(arguments)[i].size, TargetBytesPerWord);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user