CORDA-1497 enum evolution (#4343)

* Get enum transforms during type info building

* Eliminate transforms cache

* Allow combined renaming and defaulting for enums

* Comments and moving build method to EnumTransforms

* Force validation on EnumTransforms creation

* Remove commented code

* Cope with multiple renames
This commit is contained in:
Dominic Fox 2018-12-03 13:44:23 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 5f02425ef5
commit be16603edf
No known key found for this signature in database
11 changed files with 302 additions and 231 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp
import net.corda.serialization.internal.NotSerializableDetailedException
import net.corda.serialization.internal.model.*
import java.util.*
import kotlin.collections.LinkedHashMap
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class AMQPRemoteTypeModel {
val notationLookup = schema.types.associateBy { }
val byTypeDescriptor = schema.types.associateBy { it.typeDescriptor }
val enumTransformsLookup = transforms.types.asSequence().map { (name, transformSet) ->
name.typeIdentifier to interpretTransformSet(transformSet)
name.typeIdentifier to transformSet
val interpretationState = InterpretationState(notationLookup, enumTransformsLookup, cache, emptySet())
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class AMQPRemoteTypeModel {
data class InterpretationState(val notationLookup: Map<TypeIdentifier, TypeNotation>,
val enumTransformsLookup: Map<TypeIdentifier, EnumTransforms>,
val enumTransformsLookup: Map<TypeIdentifier, TransformsMap>,
val cache: MutableMap<TypeDescriptor, RemoteTypeInformation>,
val seen: Set<TypeIdentifier>) {
@ -131,14 +131,25 @@ class AMQPRemoteTypeModel {
} else RemoteTypeInformation.AnEnum(
identifier, { },
enumTransformsLookup[identifier] ?: EnumTransforms.empty)
} else interpretEnum(identifier)
else -> throw NotSerializableException("Cannot interpret restricted type $this")
private fun RestrictedType.interpretEnum(identifier: TypeIdentifier): RemoteTypeInformation.AnEnum {
val constants = choices.asSequence().mapIndexed { index, choice -> to index }.toMap(LinkedHashMap())
val transforms = try {
enumTransformsLookup[identifier]?.let {, constants) } ?: EnumTransforms.empty
} catch (e: InvalidEnumTransformsException) {
throw NotSerializableDetailedException(name, e.message!!)
return RemoteTypeInformation.AnEnum(
* Interpret a [Field] into a name/[RemotePropertyInformation] pair.
@ -181,20 +192,6 @@ class AMQPRemoteTypeModel {
fun LocalTypeInformation.getEnumTransforms(factory: LocalSerializerFactory): EnumTransforms {
val transformsSchema = TransformsSchema.get(, factory)
return interpretTransformSet(transformsSchema)
private fun interpretTransformSet(transformSet: EnumMap<TransformTypes, MutableList<Transform>>): EnumTransforms {
val defaultTransforms = transformSet[TransformTypes.EnumDefault]?.toList() ?: emptyList()
val defaults = defaultTransforms.associate { transform -> (transform as EnumDefaultSchemaTransform).new to transform.old }
val renameTransforms = transformSet[TransformTypes.Rename]?.toList() ?: emptyList()
val renames = renameTransforms.associate { transform -> (transform as RenameSchemaTransform).to to transform.from }
return EnumTransforms(defaults, renames)
private val TypeNotation.typeDescriptor: String get() = ?:
throw NotSerializableException("Type notation has no type descriptor: $this")

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@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class DefaultEvolutionSerializerFactory(
if (members == localTypeInformation.members) return null
val remoteTransforms = transforms
val localTransforms = localTypeInformation.getEnumTransforms(localSerializerFactory)
val localTransforms = localTypeInformation.transforms
val transforms = if (remoteTransforms.size > localTransforms.size) remoteTransforms else localTransforms
val localOrdinals = localTypeInformation.members.asSequence().mapIndexed { ord, member -> member to ord }.toMap()

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@ -62,14 +62,6 @@ interface LocalSerializerFactory {
* Use the [FingerPrinter] to create a type descriptor for the given [typeInformation].
fun createDescriptor(typeInformation: LocalTypeInformation): Symbol
* Obtain or register [Transform]s for the given class [name].
* Eventually this information should be moved into the [LocalTypeInformation] for the type.
fun getOrBuildTransform(name: String, builder: () -> EnumMap<TransformTypes, MutableList<Transform>>):
EnumMap<TransformTypes, MutableList<Transform>>
@ -91,7 +83,6 @@ class DefaultLocalSerializerFactory(
val logger = contextLogger()
private val transformsCache: MutableMap<String, EnumMap<TransformTypes, MutableList<Transform>>> = DefaultCacheProvider.createCache()
private val serializersByType: MutableMap<TypeIdentifier, AMQPSerializer<Any>> = DefaultCacheProvider.createCache()
override fun createDescriptor(typeInformation: LocalTypeInformation): Symbol =
@ -99,10 +90,6 @@ class DefaultLocalSerializerFactory(
override fun getTypeInformation(type: Type): LocalTypeInformation = typeModel.inspect(type)
override fun getOrBuildTransform(name: String, builder: () -> EnumMap<TransformTypes, MutableList<Transform>>):
EnumMap<TransformTypes, MutableList<Transform>> =
transformsCache.computeIfAbsent(name) { _ -> builder() }
override fun get(typeInformation: LocalTypeInformation): AMQPSerializer<Any> =
get(typeInformation.observedType, typeInformation)

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp
import net.corda.core.KeepForDJVM
import net.corda.core.internal.uncheckedCast
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializationTransformEnumDefault
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializationTransformEnumDefaults
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializationTransformRename
@ -30,109 +29,24 @@ enum class TransformTypes(val build: (Annotation) -> Transform) : DescribedType
Unknown({ UnknownTransform() }) {
override fun getDescriptor(): Any = DESCRIPTOR
override fun getDescribed(): Any = ordinal
override fun validate(list: List<Transform>, constants: Map<String, Int>) {}
EnumDefault({ a -> EnumDefaultSchemaTransform((a as CordaSerializationTransformEnumDefault).old, }) {
override fun getDescriptor(): Any = DESCRIPTOR
override fun getDescribed(): Any = ordinal
* Validates a list of constant additions to an enumerated type. To be valid a default (the value
* that should be used when we cannot use the new value) must refer to a constant that exists in the
* enum class as it exists now and it cannot refer to itself.
* @param list The list of transforms representing new constants and the mapping from that constant to an
* existing value
* @param constants The list of enum constants on the type the transforms are being applied to
override fun validate(list: List<Transform>, constants: Map<String, Int>) {
uncheckedCast<List<Transform>, List<EnumDefaultSchemaTransform>>(list).forEach {
requireThat(constants.contains( {"Unknown enum constant ${}"}
requireThat(constants.contains(it.old)) { "Enum extension defaults must be to a valid constant: ${} -> ${it.old}. ${it.old} " +
"doesn't exist in constant set $constants" }
requireThat(it.old != { "Enum extension ${} cannot default to itself" }
requireThat(constants[it.old]!! < constants[]!!) { "Enum extensions must default to older constants. ${}[${constants[]}] " +
"defaults to ${it.old}[${constants[it.old]}] which is greater" }
Rename({ a -> RenameSchemaTransform((a as CordaSerializationTransformRename).from, }) {
override fun getDescriptor(): Any = DESCRIPTOR
override fun getDescribed(): Any = ordinal
* Validates a list of rename transforms is valid. Such a list isn't valid if we detect a cyclic chain,
* that is a constant is renamed to something that used to exist in the enum. We do this for both
* the same constant (i.e. C -> D -> C) and multiple constants (C->D, B->C)
* @param list The list of transforms representing the renamed constants and the mapping between their new
* and old values
* @param constants The list of enum constants on the type the transforms are being applied to
override fun validate(list: List<Transform>, constants: Map<String, Int>) {
data class Node(val transform: RenameSchemaTransform, var next: Node?, var prev: Node?, var visitedBy: Node? = null) {
fun visit(visitedBy: Node) {
this.visitedBy = visitedBy
val visited get() = visitedBy != null
val graph = mutableListOf<Node>()
// Keep two maps of forward links and back links in order to build the graph in one pass
val forwardLinks = hashMapOf<String, Node>()
val reverseLinks = hashMapOf<String, Node>()
// build a dependency graph
val transforms: List<RenameSchemaTransform> = uncheckedCast(list)
transforms.forEach { rename ->
requireThat(!forwardLinks.contains(rename.from)) { "There are multiple transformations from ${rename.from}, which is not allowed" }
requireThat(!reverseLinks.contains( { "There are multiple transformations to ${}, which is not allowed" }
val node = Node(rename, forwardLinks[], reverseLinks[rename.from])
graph.add(node) = node
node.prev?.next = node
forwardLinks[rename.from] = node
reverseLinks[] = node
// Check that every property in the current type is at the end of a renaming chain, if it is in one
constants.keys.forEach {
requireThat(reverseLinks[it]?.next == null) { "$it is specified as a previously evolved type, but it also exists in the current type" }
// Check for cyclic dependencies
graph.forEach {
if (it.visited) return@forEach
// Find an unvisited node
var currentNode = it
while ( != null) {
currentNode =!!
if (currentNode.visited) {
requireThat(currentNode.visitedBy != it) { "Cyclic renames are not allowed (${currentNode.transform.from})" }
// we have found the start of another non-cyclic chain of dependencies
// if they were cyclic we would have gone round in a loop and already thrown
// Transform used to test the unknown handler, leave this at as the final constant, uncomment
// when regenerating test cases - if Java had a pre-processor this would be much neater
//,UnknownTest({ a -> UnknownTestTransform((a as UnknownTransformAnnotation).a, a.b, a.c)}) {
// override fun getDescriptor(): Any = DESCRIPTOR
// override fun getDescribed(): Any = ordinal
// override fun validate(list: List<Transform>, constants: Map<String, Int>) = Unit
abstract fun validate(list: List<Transform>, constants: Map<String, Int>)
companion object : DescribedTypeConstructor<TransformTypes> {
val DESCRIPTOR = AMQPDescriptorRegistry.TRANSFORM_ELEMENT_KEY.amqpDescriptor
@ -144,7 +58,9 @@ enum class TransformTypes(val build: (Annotation) -> Transform) : DescribedType
override fun newInstance(obj: Any?): TransformTypes {
val describedType = obj as DescribedType
requireThat(describedType.descriptor == DESCRIPTOR) { "Unexpected descriptor ${describedType.descriptor}." }
if (describedType.descriptor != DESCRIPTOR) {
throw NotSerializableWithReasonException("Unexpected descriptor ${describedType.descriptor}.")
return try {
values()[describedType.described as Int]
@ -154,11 +70,5 @@ enum class TransformTypes(val build: (Annotation) -> Transform) : DescribedType
override fun getTypeClass(): Class<*> =
protected inline fun requireThat(expr: Boolean, errorMessage: () -> String) {
if (!expr) {
throw NotSerializableWithReasonException(errorMessage())

View File

@ -3,11 +3,10 @@ package net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp
import net.corda.core.KeepForDJVM
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializationTransformEnumDefault
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializationTransformRename
import net.corda.core.utilities.contextLogger
import net.corda.core.utilities.trace
import net.corda.serialization.internal.NotSerializableDetailedException
import net.corda.serialization.internal.NotSerializableWithReasonException
import net.corda.serialization.internal.model.DefaultCacheProvider
import net.corda.serialization.internal.model.EnumTransforms
import net.corda.serialization.internal.model.InvalidEnumTransformsException
import net.corda.serialization.internal.model.LocalTypeInformation
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.DescribedType
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.DescribedTypeConstructor
@ -188,6 +187,55 @@ class RenameSchemaTransform(val from: String, val to: String) : Transform() {
override val name: String get() = typeName
typealias TransformsMap = EnumMap<TransformTypes, MutableList<Transform>>
* Processes the annotations applied to classes intended for serialisation, to get the transforms that can be applied to them.
object TransformsAnnotationProcessor {
* Obtain all of the transforms applied for the given [Class].
fun getTransformsSchema(type: Class<*>): TransformsMap {
val result = TransformsMap(
// We only have transforms for enums at present.
if (!type.isEnum) return result
supportedTransforms.forEach { supportedTransform ->
val annotationContainer = type.getAnnotation(supportedTransform.type) ?: return@forEach
return result
private fun TransformsMap.processAnnotations(type: Class<*>, transformType: TransformTypes, annotations: List<Annotation>) {
annotations.forEach { annotation ->
addTransform(type, transformType,
private fun TransformsMap.addTransform(type: Class<*>, transformType: TransformTypes, transform: Transform) {
// we're explicitly rejecting repeated annotations, whilst it's fine and we'd just
// ignore them it feels like a good thing to alert the user to since this is
// more than likely a typo in their code so best make it an actual error
compute(transformType) { _, transforms ->
when {
transforms == null -> mutableListOf(transform)
transform in transforms -> throw AMQPNotSerializableException(
"Repeated unique transformation annotation of type ${}")
else -> transforms.apply { this += transform }
* Represents the set of all transforms that can be a applied to all classes represented as part of
* an AMQP schema. It forms a part of the AMQP envelope alongside the [Schema] and the serialized bytes
@ -198,69 +246,6 @@ class RenameSchemaTransform(val from: String, val to: String) : Transform() {
data class TransformsSchema(val types: Map<String, EnumMap<TransformTypes, MutableList<Transform>>>) : DescribedType {
companion object : DescribedTypeConstructor<TransformsSchema> {
val DESCRIPTOR = AMQPDescriptorRegistry.TRANSFORM_SCHEMA.amqpDescriptor
private val logger = contextLogger()
* Takes a class name and either returns a cached instance of the TransformSet for it or, on a cache miss,
* instantiates the transform set before inserting into the cache and returning it.
* @param name fully qualified class name to lookup transforms for
* @param sf the [SerializerFactory] building this transform set. Needed as each can define it's own
* class loader and this dictates which classes we can and cannot see
fun get(name: String, sf: LocalSerializerFactory) =
sf.getOrBuildTransform(name) {
val transforms = EnumMap<TransformTypes, MutableList<Transform>>(
try {
val clazz = sf.classloader.loadClass(name)
supportedTransforms.forEach { transform ->
clazz.getAnnotation(transform.type)?.let { list ->
transform.getAnnotations(list).forEach { annotation ->
val t =
// we're explicitly rejecting repeated annotations, whilst it's fine and we'd just
// ignore them it feels like a good thing to alert the user to since this is
// more than likely a typo in their code so best make it an actual error
if (transforms.computeIfAbsent(transform.enum) { mutableListOf() }.any { t == it }) {
throw AMQPNotSerializableException(
"Repeated unique transformation annotation of type ${}")
transforms[transform.enum] ?: emptyList(),
clazz.enumConstants.mapIndexed { i, s -> Pair(s.toString(), i) }.toMap())
} catch (_: ClassNotFoundException) {
// if we can't load the class we'll end up caching an empty list which is fine as that
// list, on lookup, won't be included in the schema because it's empty
private fun getAndAdd(
type: String,
sf: LocalSerializerFactory,
map: MutableMap<String, EnumMap<TransformTypes, MutableList<Transform>>>) {
try {
get(type, sf).apply {
if (isNotEmpty()) {
map[type] = this
} catch (e: NotSerializableWithReasonException) {
val message = "Error running transforms for $type: ${e.message}"
logger.trace { e.toString() }
throw NotSerializableDetailedException(type, e.message ?: "")
* Prepare a schema for encoding, takes all of the types being transmitted and inspects each
@ -270,10 +255,23 @@ data class TransformsSchema(val types: Map<String, EnumMap<TransformTypes, Mutab
* @param schema should be a [Schema] generated for a serialised data structure
* @param sf should be provided by the same serialization context that generated the schema
fun build(schema: Schema, sf: LocalSerializerFactory) = TransformsSchema(
mutableMapOf<String, EnumMap<TransformTypes, MutableList<Transform>>>().apply {
schema.types.forEach { type -> getAndAdd(, sf, this) }
fun build(schema: Schema, sf: LocalSerializerFactory): TransformsSchema {
val transformsMap = schema.types.asSequence().mapNotNull { type ->
val localType = try {
} catch (_: ClassNotFoundException) {
return@mapNotNull null
val localTypeInformation = sf.getTypeInformation(localType)
if (localTypeInformation is LocalTypeInformation.AnEnum) {
localTypeInformation.transforms.source.let {
if (it.isEmpty()) null else to it
else null
return TransformsSchema(transformsMap)
override fun getTypeClass(): Class<*> =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
package net.corda.serialization.internal.model
import net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp.EnumDefaultSchemaTransform
import net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp.RenameSchemaTransform
import net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp.TransformTypes
import net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp.TransformsMap
class InvalidEnumTransformsException(message: String): Exception(message)
* Contains all of the transforms that have been defined against an enum.
* @param defaults A [Map] of "new" to "old" for enum constant defaults
* @param renames A [Map] of "to" to "from" for enum constant renames.
* @param source The [TransformsMap] from which this data was derived.
data class EnumTransforms(
val defaults: Map<String, String>,
val renames: Map<String, String>,
val source: TransformsMap) {
val size: Int get() = defaults.size + renames.size
companion object {
* Build a set of [EnumTransforms] from a [TransformsMap], and validate it against the supplied constants.
fun build(source: TransformsMap, constants: Map<String, Int>): EnumTransforms {
val defaultTransforms = source[TransformTypes.EnumDefault]?.asSequence()
?.toList() ?: emptyList()
val renameTransforms = source[TransformTypes.Rename]?.asSequence()
?.toList() ?: emptyList()
// We have to do this validation here, because duplicate keys are discarded in EnumTransforms.
renameTransforms.groupingBy { it.from }.eachCount().forEach { from, count ->
if (count > 1) throw InvalidEnumTransformsException(
"There are multiple transformations from $from, which is not allowed")
renameTransforms.groupingBy { }.eachCount().forEach { to, count ->
if (count > 1) throw InvalidEnumTransformsException(
"There are multiple transformations to $to, which is not allowed")
val defaults = defaultTransforms.associate { transform -> to transform.old }
val renames = renameTransforms.associate { transform -> to transform.from }
return EnumTransforms(defaults, renames, source).validate(constants)
val empty = EnumTransforms(emptyMap(), emptyMap(), TransformsMap(
private fun validate(constants: Map<String, Int>): EnumTransforms {
// For any name in the enum's constants, get all its previous names
fun renameChain(newName: String): Sequence<String> = generateSequence(newName) { renames[it] }
// Map all previous names to the current name's index.
val constantsBeforeRenaming = constants.asSequence().flatMap { (name, index) ->
renameChain(name).map { it to index }
validateDefaults(constantsBeforeRenaming + constants)
return this
* Verify that there are no rename cycles, i.e. C -> D -> C, or A -> B -> C -> A.
* This algorithm depends on the precondition (which is validated during construction of [EnumTransforms]) that there is at
* most one edge (a rename "from" one constant "to" another) between any two nodes (the constants themselves) in the rename
* graph. It makes a single pass over the set of edges, attempting to add each new edge to any existing chain of edges, or
* starting a new chain if there is no existing chain.
* For each new edge, one of the following must true:
* 1) There is no existing chain to which the edge can be connected, in which case it starts a new chain.
* 2) The edge can be added to one existing chain, either at the start or the end of the chain.
* 3) The edge is the "missing link" between two unconnected chains.
* 4) The edge is the "missing link" between the start of a chain and the end of that same chain, in which case we have a cycle.
* By detecting each condition, and updating the chains accordingly, we can perform cycle-detection in O(n) time.
private fun validateNoCycles() {
// We keep track of chains in both directions
val chainStartsToEnds = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
val chainEndsToStarts = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
for ((from, to) in renames) {
// If there is an existing chain, starting at the "to" node of this edge, then there is a chain from this edge's
// "from" to that chain's end.
val newEnd = chainStartsToEnds[to] ?: to
// If there is an existing chain, ending at the "from" node of this edge, then there is a chain from that chain's start
// to this edge's "to".
val newStart = chainEndsToStarts[from] ?: from
// If either chain ends where it begins, we have closed a loop, and detected a cycle.
if (newEnd == from || newStart == to) {
throw InvalidEnumTransformsException("Rename cycle detected in rename map starting from $newStart")
// Either update, or create, the chains in both directions.
chainStartsToEnds[from] = newEnd
chainEndsToStarts[to] = newStart
// If we have joined two previously unconnected chains, update their starts and ends accordingly.
chainStartsToEnds[newStart] = newEnd
chainEndsToStarts[newEnd] = newStart
* Verify that defaults match up to existing constants (prior to their renaming).
private fun validateDefaults(constantsBeforeRenaming: Map<String, Int>) {
defaults.forEach { (new, old) ->
requireThat(constantsBeforeRenaming.contains(new)) { "Unknown enum constant $new" }
requireThat(constantsBeforeRenaming.contains(old)) {
"Enum extension defaults must be to a valid constant: $new -> $old. $old " +
"doesn't exist in constant set $constantsBeforeRenaming"
requireThat(old != new) { "Enum extension $new cannot default to itself" }
requireThat(constantsBeforeRenaming[old]!! < constantsBeforeRenaming[new]!!) {
"Enum extensions must default to older constants. $new[${constantsBeforeRenaming[new]}] " +
"defaults to $old[${constantsBeforeRenaming[old]}] which is greater"
private inline fun requireThat(expr: Boolean, errorMessage: () -> String) {
if (!expr) {
throw InvalidEnumTransformsException(errorMessage())

View File

@ -179,7 +179,8 @@ sealed class LocalTypeInformation {
override val observedType: Class<*>,
override val typeIdentifier: TypeIdentifier,
val members: List<String>,
val interfaces: List<LocalTypeInformation>): LocalTypeInformation()
val interfaces: List<LocalTypeInformation>,
val transforms: EnumTransforms): LocalTypeInformation()
* Represents a type whose underlying class is an interface.

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import net.corda.core.internal.kotlinObjectInstance
import net.corda.core.serialization.ConstructorForDeserialization
import net.corda.core.serialization.DeprecatedConstructorForDeserialization
import net.corda.core.utilities.contextLogger
import net.corda.serialization.internal.NotSerializableDetailedException
import net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp.*
import java.lang.reflect.Method
@ -107,7 +108,8 @@ internal data class LocalTypeInformationBuilder(val lookup: LocalTypeLookup,
typeIdentifier, { it.toString() },
type.kotlinObjectInstance != null -> LocalTypeInformation.Singleton(
@ -126,6 +128,15 @@ internal data class LocalTypeInformationBuilder(val lookup: LocalTypeLookup,
private fun getEnumTransforms(type: Class<*>): EnumTransforms {
try {
val constants = type.enumConstants.asSequence().mapIndexed { index, constant -> constant.toString() to index }.toMap()
return, constants)
} catch (e: InvalidEnumTransformsException) {
throw NotSerializableDetailedException(, e.message!!)
private fun buildForParameterised(
rawType: Class<*>,
type: ParameterizedType,

View File

@ -182,11 +182,3 @@ private data class RemoteTypeInformationPrettyPrinter(private val simplifyClassN
": " + prettyPrint(value.type)
data class EnumTransforms(val defaults: Map<String, String>, val renames: Map<String, String>) {
val size: Int get() = defaults.size + renames.size
companion object {
val empty = EnumTransforms(emptyMap(), emptyMap())

View File

@ -516,27 +516,6 @@ class EnumEvolvabilityTests {
// In this test, like the above, we're looking to ensure repeated renames are rejected as
// unserailzble. However, in this case, it isn't a struct cycle, rather one element
// is renamed to match what a different element used to be called
CordaSerializationTransformRename(from = "B", to = "C"),
CordaSerializationTransformRename(from = "C", to = "D")
enum class RejectCyclicRenameAlt { A, C, D }
fun rejectCyclicRenameAlt() {
data class C(val e: RejectCyclicRenameAlt)
val sf = testDefaultFactory()
assertThatThrownBy {
CordaSerializationTransformRename("G", "C"),
CordaSerializationTransformRename("F", "G"),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializationTransformEnumDefault
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializationTransformEnumDefaults
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializationTransformRename
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializationTransformRenames
import net.corda.serialization.internal.model.EnumTransforms
import net.corda.serialization.internal.model.InvalidEnumTransformsException
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Test
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
class EnumTransformationTests {
CordaSerializationTransformEnumDefault(old = "C", new = "D"),
CordaSerializationTransformEnumDefault(old = "D", new = "E")
CordaSerializationTransformRename(to = "BOB", from = "FRED"),
CordaSerializationTransformRename(to = "FRED", from = "E")
enum class MultiOperations { A, B, C, D, BOB }
// See
fun defaultAndRename() {
val transforms =
assertEquals(mapOf("BOB" to "FRED", "FRED" to "E"), transforms.renames)
assertEquals(mapOf("D" to "C", "E" to "D"), transforms.defaults)
CordaSerializationTransformRename(from = "A", to = "C"),
CordaSerializationTransformRename(from = "B", to = "D"),
CordaSerializationTransformRename(from = "C", to = "E"),
CordaSerializationTransformRename(from = "E", to = "B"),
CordaSerializationTransformRename(from = "D", to = "A")
enum class RenameCycle { A, B, C, D, E}
fun cycleDetection() {
assertFailsWith<InvalidEnumTransformsException> {
private val Class<*>.constants: Map<String, Int> get() =
enumConstants.asSequence().mapIndexed { index, constant -> constant.toString() to index }.toMap()