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synced 2024-12-20 05:28:21 +00:00
Corda Behave: compendium of minor changes and improvements (#3008)
* Compendium of minor changes and improvements: - build fat behave-jar so can run scenarios from shell scripts (from TC) - additional run script to execute basic scenarios (for TC) - default staging path shortened to "corda" (removed deps) - toned down logging (info -> debug) - fixed all compiler warnings - fixed couple of bugs in startup checking steps - base scenarios use variables declared using Examples parameterization * Added missing braces * Changes to address PR feedback. * Mark underlying Cucumber libraries for future de-coupling.
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
<module name="bank-of-corda-demo_integrationTest" target="1.8" />
<module name="bank-of-corda-demo_main" target="1.8" />
<module name="bank-of-corda-demo_test" target="1.8" />
<module name="behave_behave" target="1.8" />
<module name="behave_main" target="1.8" />
<module name="behave_scenario" target="1.8" />
<module name="behave_test" target="1.8" />
@ -29,19 +29,19 @@ repositories {
sourceSets {
scenario {
behave {
java {
compileClasspath += main.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output
srcDir file('src/scenario/kotlin')
srcDirs = ["src/main/kotlin", "src/scenario/kotlin"]
resources.srcDir file('src/scenario/resources')
configurations {
scenarioCompile.extendsFrom testCompile
scenarioRuntime.extendsFrom testRuntime
behaveCompile.extendsFrom testCompile
behaveRuntime.extendsFrom testRuntime
dependencies {
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ dependencies {
// Scenarios / End-to-End Tests
scenarioCompile "info.cukes:cucumber-java8:$cucumber_version"
scenarioCompile "info.cukes:cucumber-junit:$cucumber_version"
scenarioCompile "info.cukes:cucumber-picocontainer:$cucumber_version"
behaveCompile "info.cukes:cucumber-java8:$cucumber_version"
behaveCompile "info.cukes:cucumber-junit:$cucumber_version"
behaveCompile "info.cukes:cucumber-picocontainer:$cucumber_version"
compileKotlin {
@ -101,24 +101,25 @@ compileTestKotlin {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"
compileScenarioKotlin {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"
test {
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
task scenarios(type: Test) {
setTestClassesDirs sourceSets.scenario.output.getClassesDirs()
classpath = sourceSets.scenario.runtimeClasspath
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
if (project.hasProperty("tags")) {
systemProperty "cucumber.options", "--tags $tags"
logger.warn("Only running tests tagged with: $tags ...")
task behaveJar(type: Jar) {
baseName "corda-behave"
from sourceSets.behave.output
from {
configurations.behaveCompile.collect {
it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)
zip64 true
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'net.corda.behave.scenarios.ScenarioRunner'
//scenarios.mustRunAfter test
//scenarios.dependsOn test
@ -6,26 +6,30 @@ set -x
# For example:
# corda-master => git clone https://github.com/corda/corda
# r3corda-master => git clone https://github.com/corda/enterprise
# Set up directories
mkdir -p ${STAGING_DIR}/apps
mkdir -p ${STAGING_DIR}
mkdir -p ${CORDA_DIR}
mkdir -p ${CORDAPP_DIR}
mkdir -p ${DRIVERS_DIR}
# Copy Corda capsule into deps
cd ../..
./gradlew clean :node:capsule:buildCordaJar :finance:jar
cp -v $(ls node/capsule/build/libs/corda-*.jar | tail -n1) experimental/behave/${STAGING_DIR}/corda.jar
cp -v $(ls node/capsule/build/libs/corda-*.jar | tail -n1) ${CORDA_DIR}/corda.jar
# Copy finance library
cp -v $(ls finance/build/libs/corda-finance-*.jar | tail -n1) experimental/behave/${STAGING_DIR}/apps
cp -v $(ls finance/build/libs/corda-finance-*.jar | tail -n1) ${CORDAPP_DIR}
# Download database drivers
curl "https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/h2database/h2/1.4.196/h2-1.4.196.jar" > experimental/behave/${DRIVERS_DIR}/h2-1.4.196.jar
curl -L "http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/postgresql/postgresql/42.1.4/postgresql-42.1.4.jar" > experimental/behave/${DRIVERS_DIR}/postgresql-42.1.4.jar
curl "https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/h2database/h2/1.4.196/h2-1.4.196.jar" > ${DRIVERS_DIR}/h2-1.4.196.jar
curl -L "http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/postgresql/postgresql/42.1.4/postgresql-42.1.4.jar" > ${DRIVERS_DIR}/postgresql-42.1.4.jar
# Build Network Bootstrapper
./gradlew buildBootstrapperJar
cp -v $(ls tools/bootstrapper/build/libs/*.jar | tail -n1) experimental/behave/${STAGING_DIR}/network-bootstrapper.jar
cp -v $(ls tools/bootstrapper/build/libs/*.jar | tail -n1) ${CORDA_DIR}/network-bootstrapper.jar
@ -93,11 +93,8 @@ class Network private constructor(
fun copyDatabaseDrivers() {
val driverDirectory = (targetDirectory / "libs").createDirectories()
log.info("Copying database drivers from $stagingRoot/deps/drivers to $driverDirectory")
(stagingRoot / "deps" / "drivers").toFile(),
log.info("Copying database drivers from $stagingRoot/drivers to $driverDirectory")
FileUtils.copyDirectory((stagingRoot / "drivers").toFile(), driverDirectory.toFile())
fun configureNodes(): Boolean {
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class Distribution private constructor(
private val distributions = mutableListOf<Distribution>()
private val nodePrefix = stagingRoot / "deps/corda"
private val nodePrefix = stagingRoot / "corda"
val MASTER = fromJarFile("corda-master")
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ class Node(
private fun installApps() {
val version = config.distribution.version
val appDirectory = stagingRoot / "deps" / "corda" / version / "apps"
val appDirectory = stagingRoot / "corda" / version / "apps"
if (appDirectory.exists()) {
val targetAppDirectory = runtimeDirectory / "cordapps"
FileUtils.copyDirectory(appDirectory.toFile(), targetAppDirectory.toFile())
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class Configuration(
fun writeToFile(file: Path) {
private fun generate() = listOf(basicConfig, database.config(), extraConfig)
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
package net.corda.behave.process
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.time.Duration
class JarCommand(
jarFile: Path,
arguments: Array<String>,
arguments: Array<out String>,
directory: Path,
timeout: Duration,
enableRemoteDebugging: Boolean = false
@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ class Cash(state: ScenarioState) : Substeps(state) {
fun numberOfIssuableCurrencies(nodeName: String): Int {
return withClient(nodeName) {
for (flow in it.registeredFlows()) {
try {
val config = it.startFlow(::CashConfigDataFlow).returnValue.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
for (supportedCurrency in config.supportedCurrencies) {
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class Startup(state: ScenarioState) : Substeps(state) {
fun hasLoggingInformation(nodeName: String) {
withNetwork {
log.info("Retrieving logging information for node '$nodeName' ...")
if (!node(nodeName).nodeInfoGenerationOutput.find("Logs can be found in.*").any()) {
if (!node(nodeName).logOutput.find("Logs can be found in.*").any()) {
fail("Unable to find logging information for node $nodeName")
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class Startup(state: ScenarioState) : Substeps(state) {
fun hasDatabaseDetails(nodeName: String) {
withNetwork {
log.info("Retrieving database details for node '$nodeName' ...")
if (!node(nodeName).nodeInfoGenerationOutput.find("Database connection url is.*").any()) {
if (!node(nodeName).logOutput.find("Database connection url is.*").any()) {
fail("Unable to find database details for node $nodeName")
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class Startup(state: ScenarioState) : Substeps(state) {
val cordappDirectory = node(nodeName).config.distribution.cordappDirectory
val cordappJar = cordappDirectory / "$cordapp.jar"
// Execute
val command = JarCommand(cordappJar, args as Array<String>, cordappDirectory, 1.minutes)
val command = JarCommand(cordappJar, args, cordappDirectory, 1.minutes)
if (!command.waitFor())
fail("Failed to successfully run the CorDapp jar: $cordaApp")
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ class VaultSteps : StepsBlock {
Then<String, Int, String>("^node (\\w+) vault contains (\\d+) (\\w+) states$") { node, count, contractType ->
try {
val contractStateTypeClass = Class.forName(contractType) as Class<ContractState>
if (vault.query(node, contractStateTypeClass).size == count)
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ class VaultSteps : StepsBlock {
Then<String, Long, String>("^node (\\w+) vault contains total cash of (\\d+) (\\w+)$") { node, total, currency ->
val cashStates = vault.query(node, Cash.State::class.java)
val sumCashStates = cashStates.filter { it.state.data.amount.token.product.currencyCode == currency }?.sumByLong { it.state.data.amount.quantity }
val sumCashStates = cashStates.filter { it.state.data.amount.token.product.currencyCode == currency }.sumByLong { it.state.data.amount.quantity }
if (sumCashStates == total)
@ -2,22 +2,34 @@
Feature: Cash - Issuable Currencies
To have cash on ledger, certain nodes must have the ability to issue cash of various currencies.
Scenario: Node can issue no currencies by default
Given a node PartyA of version master
Scenario Outline: Node can issue no currencies by default
Given a node PartyA of version <Node-Version>
And node PartyA has the finance app installed
When the network is ready
Then node PartyA has 0 issuable currencies
Scenario: Node has an issuable currency
Given a node PartyA of version master
| Node-Version |
| master |
Scenario Outline: Node has an issuable currency
Given a node PartyA of version <Node-Version>
And node PartyA can issue currencies of denomination USD
And node PartyA has the finance app installed
When the network is ready
Then node PartyA has 1 issuable currency
Scenario: Node can issue a currency
Given a node PartyA of version master
And a nonvalidating notary Notary of version master
| Node-Version |
| master |
Scenario Outline: Node can issue a currency
Given a node PartyA of version <Node-Version>
And a nonvalidating notary Notary of version <Node-Version>
And node PartyA has the finance app installed
When the network is ready
Then node PartyA can issue 100 USD
| Node-Version |
| master |
@ -11,4 +11,6 @@ Feature: Database - Connection
| Node-Version | Database-Type |
| master | H2 |
# To run this scenario using postgreSQL you must ensure that Docker is running locally
# | master | postgreSQL |
@ -3,19 +3,32 @@ Feature: Startup Information - Logging
A Corda node should inform the user of important parameters during startup so that he/she can confirm the setup and
configure / connect relevant software to said node.
Scenario: Node shows logging information on startup
Given a node PartyA of version master
And node PartyA uses database of type H2
Scenario Outline: Node shows logging information on startup
Given a node PartyA of version <Node-Version>
And node PartyA uses database of type <Database-Type>
And node PartyA is located in London, GB
When the network is ready
Then user can retrieve logging information for node PartyA
Scenario: Node shows database details on startup
Given a node PartyA of version master
| Node-Version | Database-Type |
| master | H2 |
Scenario Outline: Node shows database details on startup
Given a node PartyA of version <Node-Version>
And node PartyA uses database of type <Database-Type>
When the network is ready
Then user can retrieve database details for node PartyA
Scenario: Node shows version information on startup
Given a node PartyA of version master
Then node PartyA is on platform version 4
And node PartyA is on release version corda-4.0-snapshot
| Node-Version | Database-Type |
| master | H2 |
Scenario Outline: Node shows version information on startup
Given a node PartyA of version <Node-Version>
Then node PartyA is on platform version <Platform-Version>
And node PartyA is on release version <Release-Version>
| Node-Version | Platform-Version | Release-Version |
| master | 4 | corda-4.0-snapshot |
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Run this script from the experimental/behave directory
# $ pwd
# ./IdeaProjects/corda-reviews/experimental/behave
# $ src/scenario/resources/scripts/run-behave-features.sh
# Note: please ensure you have configured your staging environment by running the top-level script: prepare.sh
../../gradlew behaveJar
BEHAVE_JAR=$(ls build/libs/corda-behave-*.jar | tail -n1)
# startup
java -DSTAGING_ROOT=${STAGING_ROOT} -jar ${BEHAVE_JAR} --glue net.corda.behave.scenarios -path ./src/scenario/resources/features/startup/logging.feature
# cash
java -DSTAGING_ROOT=${STAGING_ROOT} -jar ${BEHAVE_JAR} --glue net.corda.behave.scenarios -path ./src/scenario/resources/features/cash/currencies.feature
# database
java -DSTAGING_ROOT=${STAGING_ROOT} -jar ${BEHAVE_JAR} --glue net.corda.behave.scenarios -path ./src/scenario/resources/features/cash/currencies.feature
Reference in New Issue
Block a user