mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 12:57:29 +00:00
finish using setters
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ public class ClassAddendum extends Addendum {
* extended by that class.
public int declaredMethodCount;
// Either a byte[] or a Pair, apparently...
// TODO: make it monomorphic
public Object enclosingClass;
public Object enclosingMethod;
@ -1539,7 +1539,7 @@ class GcJfield;
class Classpath {
virtual object
virtual GcJclass*
makeJclass(Thread* t, GcClass* class_) = 0;
virtual GcString*
@ -1871,14 +1871,14 @@ mark(Thread* t, object o, unsigned offset)
inline void
set(Thread* t, object target, unsigned offset, object value)
setField(Thread* t, object target, unsigned offset, object value)
fieldAtOffset<object>(target, offset) = value;
mark(t, target, offset);
inline void
set(Thread* t, GcObject* target, unsigned offset, GcObject* value)
setField(Thread* t, GcObject* target, unsigned offset, GcObject* value)
fieldAtOffset<GcObject*>(target, offset) = value;
mark(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(target), offset);
@ -1887,7 +1887,7 @@ set(Thread* t, GcObject* target, unsigned offset, GcObject* value)
inline void
setObject(Thread* t, GcObject* target, unsigned offset, GcObject* value)
set(t, target, offset, value);
setField(t, target, offset, value);
inline void
@ -3612,7 +3612,7 @@ resolveClassInObject(Thread* t, GcClassLoader* loader, object container,
if (c) {
set(t, container, classOffset, reinterpret_cast<object>(c));
setField(t, container, classOffset, reinterpret_cast<object>(c));
return c;
@ -3894,7 +3894,7 @@ getJClass(Thread* t, GcClass* c)
jclass = cast<GcJclass>(t, getClassRuntimeData(t, c)->jclass());
if (jclass == 0) {
jclass = cast<GcJclass>(t, t->m->classpath->makeJclass(t, c));
jclass = t->m->classpath->makeJclass(t, c);
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ hashMapInsertOrReplace(Thread* t, GcHashMap* map, object key, object value,
hashMapInsert(t, map, key, value, hash);
return true;
} else {
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(n), TripleSecond, value);
n->setSecond(t, value);
return false;
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ Avian_sun_misc_Unsafe_putObject
int64_t offset; memcpy(&offset, arguments + 2, 8);
uintptr_t value = arguments[4];
set(t, o, offset, reinterpret_cast<object>(value));
setField(t, o, offset, reinterpret_cast<object>(value));
@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ Avian_sun_misc_Unsafe_putObjectVolatile
object value = reinterpret_cast<object>(arguments[4]);
set(t, o, offset, reinterpret_cast<object>(value));
setField(t, o, offset, reinterpret_cast<object>(value));
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
: allocator(allocator), tzdata(0), mayInitClasses_(false)
{ }
virtual object
virtual GcJclass*
makeJclass(Thread* t, GcClass* class_)
PROTECT(t, class_);
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
setObjectClass(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(c), type(t, GcJclass::Type));
c->setVmClass(t, class_);
return reinterpret_cast<object>(c);
return c;
virtual GcString*
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
{ }
virtual object
virtual GcJclass*
makeJclass(Thread* t, GcClass* class_)
return reinterpret_cast<object>(vm::makeJclass(t, class_));
return vm::makeJclass(t, class_);
virtual GcString*
@ -228,11 +228,11 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
enumerateThreads(Thread* t, Thread* x, object array, unsigned* index,
enumerateThreads(Thread* t, Thread* x, GcArray* array, unsigned* index,
unsigned limit)
if (*index < limit) {
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (*index * BytesPerWord), reinterpret_cast<object>(x->javaThread));
array->setBodyElement(t, *index, reinterpret_cast<object>(x->javaThread));
++ (*index);
if (x->peer) enumerateThreads(t, x->peer, array, index, limit);
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ Avian_java_lang_reflect_Field_setObject
int offset = arguments[1];
object value = reinterpret_cast<object>(arguments[2]);
set(t, instance, offset, value);
setField(t, instance, offset, value);
extern "C" AVIAN_EXPORT int64_t JNICALL
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ extern "C" AVIAN_EXPORT int64_t JNICALL
for (unsigned i = 0; i < t->m->propertyCount; ++i) {
GcString* s = makeString(t, "%s", t->m->properties[i]);
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), reinterpret_cast<object>(s));
reinterpret_cast<GcArray*>(array)->setBodyElement(t, i, reinterpret_cast<object>(s));
return reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(array);
@ -619,7 +619,8 @@ Avian_java_lang_Runtime_addShutdownHook
ACQUIRE(t, t->m->shutdownLock);
GcPair* p = makePair(t, hook, reinterpret_cast<object>(roots(t)->shutdownHooks()));
set(t, roots(t), RootsShutdownHooks, p);
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
roots(t)->setShutdownHooks(t, p);
extern "C" AVIAN_EXPORT int64_t JNICALL
@ -643,7 +644,7 @@ Avian_java_lang_Throwable_resolveTrace
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
GcStackTraceElement* ste = makeStackTraceElement(t, cast<GcTraceElement>(t, objectArrayBody(t, trace, i)));
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), reinterpret_cast<object>(ste));
reinterpret_cast<GcArray*>(array)->setBodyElement(t, i, reinterpret_cast<object>(ste));
return reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(array);
@ -714,7 +715,7 @@ Avian_java_lang_Thread_enumerate
unsigned count = min(t->m->liveCount, objectArrayLength(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(array)));
unsigned index = 0;
local::enumerateThreads(t, t->m->rootThread, reinterpret_cast<object>(array), &index, count);
local::enumerateThreads(t, t->m->rootThread, array, &index, count);
return count;
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ getClassName(Thread* t, GcClass* c)
GcByteArray* name = makeByteArray(t, primitiveName(t, c));
set(t, c, ClassName, name);
c->setName(t, name);
} else {
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
this->bufferSize = sb.bufferSize;
virtual object
virtual GcJclass*
makeJclass(Thread* t, GcClass* class_)
PROTECT(t, class_);
@ -489,10 +489,10 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
GcString* name = makeClassNameString(t, getClassName(t, class_));
PROTECT(t, name);
object c = allocate(t, GcJclass::FixedSize, true);
setObjectClass(t, c, type(t, GcJclass::Type));
set(t, c, JclassName, reinterpret_cast<object>(name));
set(t, c, JclassVmClass, reinterpret_cast<object>(class_));
GcJclass* c = reinterpret_cast<GcJclass*>(allocate(t, GcJclass::FixedSize, true));
setObjectClass(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(c), type(t, GcJclass::Type));
c->setName(t, name);
c->setVmClass(t, class_);
return c;
@ -556,16 +556,14 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
setObjectClass(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(thread), type(t, GcThread::Type));
thread->priority() = NormalPriority;
// TODO: use set / write barrier?
thread->group() = group;
thread->setGroup(t, group);
// TODO: use set / write barrier?
thread->contextClassLoader() = roots(t)->appLoader();
thread->setContextClassLoader(t, roots(t)->appLoader());
PROTECT(t, thread);
GcJobject* blockerLock = makeJobject(t);
set(t, thread, ThreadBlockerLock, blockerLock);
thread->setBlockerLock(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(blockerLock));
const unsigned BufferSize = 256;
char buffer[BufferSize];
@ -574,7 +572,7 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
name->body()[i] = buffer[i];
set(t, thread, ThreadName, name);
thread->setName(t, name);
return thread;
@ -710,7 +708,7 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
(t, roots(t)->bootLoader(), "java/lang/ThreadGroup",
"threadTerminated", "(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V");
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
set(t, roots(t), RootsThreadTerminated, method);
roots(t)->setThreadTerminated(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(method));
interceptFileOperations(t, true);
@ -723,7 +721,7 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
(t, type(t, GcClassLoader::Type), "assertionLock",
set(t, roots(t)->bootLoader(), assertionLock->offset(),
setField(t, roots(t)->bootLoader(), assertionLock->offset(),
@ -768,7 +766,7 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
GcField* sclSet = resolveField
(t, type(t, GcClassLoader::Type), "sclSet", "Z");
set(t, type(t, GcClassLoader::Type)->staticTable(),
setField(t, type(t, GcClassLoader::Type)->staticTable(),
scl->offset(), roots(t)->appLoader());
fieldAtOffset<uint8_t>(type(t, GcClassLoader::Type)->staticTable(),
@ -783,8 +781,7 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
(t, roots(t)->bootLoader(), "sun/misc/Launcher",
"getLauncher", "()Lsun/misc/Launcher;", 0);
set(t, t->javaThread, ThreadContextClassLoader,
t->javaThread->setContextClassLoader(t, roots(t)->appLoader());
virtual const char*
@ -2292,8 +2289,8 @@ makeJmethod(Thread* t, GcMethod* vmMethod, int index)
if (annotationTable or parameterAnnotationTable or annotationDefault) {
GcClassRuntimeData* runtimeData = getClassRuntimeData(t, vmMethod->class_());
set(t, runtimeData, ClassRuntimeDataPool,
if (index == -1) {
@ -2361,8 +2358,8 @@ makeJconstructor(Thread* t, GcMethod* vmMethod, int index)
if (annotationTable or parameterAnnotationTable) {
GcClassRuntimeData* runtimeData = getClassRuntimeData(t, vmMethod->class_());
set(t, runtimeData, ClassRuntimeDataPool,
if (index == -1) {
@ -2440,8 +2437,8 @@ makeJfield(Thread* t, GcField* vmField, int index)
if (annotationTable) {
GcClassRuntimeData* runtimeData = getClassRuntimeData(t, vmField->class_());
set(t, runtimeData, ClassRuntimeDataPool,
if (index == -1) {
@ -3199,10 +3196,10 @@ EXPORT(JVM_IsNaN)(jdouble) { abort(); }
jvmFillInStackTrace(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
jobject throwable = reinterpret_cast<jobject>(arguments[0]);
GcThrowable* throwable = cast<GcThrowable>(t, *reinterpret_cast<jobject>(arguments[0]));
object trace = getTrace(t, 2);
set(t, *throwable, ThrowableTrace, trace);
throwable->setTrace(t, trace);
return 1;
@ -3337,7 +3334,7 @@ jvmSleep(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
if (t->javaThread->sleepLock() == 0) {
GcJobject* lock = makeJobject(t);
set(t, t->javaThread, ThreadSleepLock, lock);
t->javaThread->setSleepLock(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(lock));
acquire(t, t->javaThread->sleepLock());
@ -3452,10 +3449,10 @@ jvmDumpThreads(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
for (unsigned traceIndex = 0; traceIndex < traceLength; ++ traceIndex) {
object ste = reinterpret_cast<object>(makeStackTraceElement
(t, cast<GcTraceElement>(t, objectArrayBody(t, trace, traceIndex))));
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (traceIndex * BytesPerWord), ste);
setField(t, array, ArrayBody + (traceIndex * BytesPerWord), ste);
set(t, result, ArrayBody + (threadsIndex * BytesPerWord), array);
setField(t, result, ArrayBody + (threadsIndex * BytesPerWord), array);
@ -3497,7 +3494,7 @@ jvmGetClassContext(Thread* t, uintptr_t*)
cast<GcMethod>(t, cast<GcTraceElement>(t, objectArrayBody(t, trace, i))->method())->class_()));
set(t, context, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), c);
setField(t, context, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), c);
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(makeLocalReference(t, context));
@ -3716,7 +3713,7 @@ EXPORT(JVM_SetArrayElement)(Thread* t, jobject array, jint index,
case 'L':
case '[':
set(t, *array, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), (value ? *value : 0));
setField(t, *array, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), (value ? *value : 0));
@ -4021,7 +4018,7 @@ jvmGetClassInterfaces(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < table->length(); ++i) {
object c = reinterpret_cast<object>(getJClass(t, cast<GcClass>(t, table->body()[i])));
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), c);
setField(t, array, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), c);
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(makeLocalReference(t, array));
@ -4111,7 +4108,7 @@ EXPORT(JVM_SetClassSigners)(Thread* t, jclass c, jobjectArray signers)
GcClassRuntimeData* runtimeData = getClassRuntimeData(t, (*c)->vmClass());
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(runtimeData), ClassRuntimeDataSigners, reinterpret_cast<object>(*signers));
runtimeData->setSigners(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(*signers));
@ -4297,7 +4294,7 @@ jvmGetClassDeclaredMethods(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
assertT(t, ai < objectArrayLength(t, array));
set(t, array, ArrayBody + ((ai++) * BytesPerWord), method);
setField(t, array, ArrayBody + ((ai++) * BytesPerWord), method);
@ -4342,7 +4339,7 @@ jvmGetClassDeclaredFields(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
assertT(t, ai < objectArrayLength(t, array));
set(t, array, ArrayBody + ((ai++) * BytesPerWord), field);
setField(t, array, ArrayBody + ((ai++) * BytesPerWord), field);
assertT(t, ai == objectArrayLength(t, array));
@ -4395,7 +4392,7 @@ jvmGetClassDeclaredConstructors(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
assertT(t, ai < objectArrayLength(t, array));
set(t, array, ArrayBody + ((ai++) * BytesPerWord), method);
setField(t, array, ArrayBody + ((ai++) * BytesPerWord), method);
@ -5142,7 +5139,7 @@ getInputArgumentArray(Thread* t, uintptr_t*)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < t->m->argumentCount; ++i) {
GcString* argument = makeString(t, t->m->arguments[i]);
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), reinterpret_cast<object>(argument));
setField(t, array, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), reinterpret_cast<object>(argument));
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(makeLocalReference(t, array));
@ -5273,7 +5270,7 @@ getEnclosingMethodInfo(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
enclosingClass = reinterpret_cast<object>(getJClass
(t, resolveClass(t, class_->loader(), cast<GcByteArray>(t, enclosingClass))));
set(t, array, ArrayBody, enclosingClass);
setField(t, array, ArrayBody, enclosingClass);
GcPair* enclosingMethod = cast<GcPair>(t, addendum->enclosingMethod());
@ -5284,13 +5281,13 @@ getEnclosingMethodInfo(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
(t, enclosingMethod->first(), 0,
cast<GcByteArray>(t, enclosingMethod->first())->length() - 1);
set(t, array, ArrayBody + BytesPerWord, reinterpret_cast<object>(name));
setField(t, array, ArrayBody + BytesPerWord, reinterpret_cast<object>(name));
GcString* spec = t->m->classpath->makeString
(t, enclosingMethod->second(), 0,
cast<GcByteArray>(t, enclosingMethod->second())->length() - 1);
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (2 * BytesPerWord), reinterpret_cast<object>(spec));
setField(t, array, ArrayBody + (2 * BytesPerWord), reinterpret_cast<object>(spec));
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(makeLocalReference(t, array));
@ -2560,7 +2560,7 @@ void
setMaybeNull(MyThread* t, object o, unsigned offset, object value)
if (LIKELY(o)) {
set(t, o, offset, value);
setField(t, o, offset, value);
} else {
throwNew(t, GcNullPointerException::Type);
@ -2813,7 +2813,7 @@ setStaticObjectFieldValueFromReference(MyThread* t, GcPair* pair, object value)
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(field->class_()->staticTable()), field->offset(),
setField(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(field->class_()->staticTable()), field->offset(),
@ -2829,7 +2829,7 @@ setObjectFieldValueFromReference(MyThread* t, GcPair* pair, object instance,
set(t, instance, field->offset(), value);
setField(t, instance, field->offset(), value);
@ -6800,7 +6800,7 @@ finish(MyThread* t, FixedAllocator* allocator, Context* context)
initArray(t, reinterpret_cast<GcArray*>(pool), context->objectPoolCount + 1);
mark(t, pool, 0);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody, compileRoots(t)->objectPools());
setField(t, pool, ArrayBody, compileRoots(t)->objectPools());
compileRoots(t)->setObjectPools(t, pool);
unsigned i = 1;
@ -6809,7 +6809,7 @@ finish(MyThread* t, FixedAllocator* allocator, Context* context)
p->address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pool) + offset;
set(t, pool, offset, p->target);
setField(t, pool, offset, p->target);
@ -8097,7 +8097,7 @@ invoke(Thread* thread, GcMethod* method, ArgumentList* arguments)
class SignalHandler: public SignalRegistrar::Handler {
typedef GcThrowable*& (GcRoots::*ExceptionGetter)();
typedef GcThrowable* (GcRoots::*ExceptionGetter)();
SignalHandler(Gc::Type type, ExceptionGetter exc, unsigned fixedSize):
m(0), type(type), exc(exc), fixedSize(fixedSize) { }
@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ interpret3(Thread* t, const int base)
if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and
static_cast<uintptr_t>(index) < objectArrayLength(t, array)))
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), value);
setField(t, array, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), value);
} else {
exception = makeThrowable
(t, GcArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException::Type, "%d not in [0,%d)",
@ -2498,7 +2498,7 @@ interpret3(Thread* t, const int base)
object value = popObject(t);
object o = popObject(t);
if (LIKELY(o)) {
set(t, o, field->offset(), value);
setField(t, o, field->offset(), value);
} else {
exception = makeThrowable(t, GcNullPointerException::Type);
@ -2560,7 +2560,7 @@ interpret3(Thread* t, const int base)
} break;
case ObjectField: {
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(table), field->offset(), popObject(t));
setField(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(table), field->offset(), popObject(t));
} break;
default: abort(t);
@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ throwNew(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
PROTECT(t, trace);
t->exception = cast<GcThrowable>(t, make(t, (*c)->vmClass()));
set(t, t->exception, ThrowableMessage, m);
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(t->exception), ThrowableTrace, trace);
t->exception->setMessage(t, m);
t->exception->setTrace(t, trace);
return 1;
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ methodID(Thread* t, GcMethod* method)
GcVector* v = vectorAppend(
t, roots(t)->jNIMethodTable(), reinterpret_cast<object>(method));
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
set(t, roots(t), RootsJNIMethodTable, v);
roots(t)->setJNIMethodTable(t, v);
@ -1505,7 +1505,7 @@ fieldID(Thread* t, GcField* field)
GcVector* v = vectorAppend(
t, roots(t)->jNIFieldTable(), reinterpret_cast<object>(field));
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
set(t, roots(t), RootsJNIFieldTable, v);
roots(t)->setJNIFieldTable(t, v);
@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ setObjectField(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
PROTECT(t, field);
set(t, *o, field->offset(), (v ? *v : 0));
setField(t, *o, field->offset(), (v ? *v : 0));
return 1;
@ -2229,7 +2229,7 @@ setStaticObjectField(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
PROTECT(t, field);
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(c->vmClass()->staticTable()), field->offset(),
setField(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(c->vmClass()->staticTable()), field->offset(),
(v ? *v : 0));
return 1;
@ -2576,7 +2576,7 @@ newObjectArray(Thread* t, uintptr_t* arguments)
object a = makeObjectArray(t, (*class_)->vmClass(), length);
object value = (init ? *init : 0);
for (jsize i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(a), ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
reinterpret_cast<GcArray*>(a)->setBodyElement(t, i, value);
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(makeLocalReference(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(a)));
@ -2605,7 +2605,7 @@ SetObjectArrayElement(Thread* t, jobjectArray array, jsize index,
ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState);
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(*array), ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), (value ? *value : 0));
setField(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(*array), ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), (value ? *value : 0));
@ -3541,23 +3541,23 @@ boot(Thread* t, uintptr_t*)
GcThrowable* throwable = makeThrowable(t, GcNullPointerException::Type);
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
set(t, roots(t), RootsNullPointerException, throwable);
roots(t)->setNullPointerException(t, throwable);
throwable = makeThrowable(t, GcArithmeticException::Type);
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
set(t, roots(t), RootsArithmeticException, throwable);
roots(t)->setArithmeticException(t, throwable);
throwable = makeThrowable(t, GcArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException::Type);
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
set(t, roots(t), RootsArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, throwable);
roots(t)->setArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(t, throwable);
throwable = makeThrowable(t, GcOutOfMemoryError::Type);
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
set(t, roots(t), RootsOutOfMemoryError, throwable);
roots(t)->setOutOfMemoryError(t, throwable);
throwable = makeThrowable(t, GcThrowable::Type);
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
set(t, roots(t), RootsShutdownInProgress, throwable);
roots(t)->setShutdownInProgress(t, throwable);
@ -3567,7 +3567,7 @@ boot(Thread* t, uintptr_t*)
GcThread* jthread = t->m->classpath->makeThread(t, t);
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
set(t, roots(t), RootsFinalizerThread, jthread);
roots(t)->setFinalizerThread(t, jthread);
roots(t)->finalizerThread()->daemon() = true;
@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@ getClassAddendum(Thread* t, GcClass* class_, GcSingleton* pool)
PROTECT(t, class_);
addendum = makeClassAddendum(t, pool, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0);
@ -2824,23 +2824,23 @@ boot(Thread* t)
#include "type-initializations.cpp"
GcClass* arrayClass = type(t, GcArray::Type);
set(t, m->types, 0, arrayClass);
setField(t, m->types, 0, arrayClass);
GcClass* rootsClass = type(t, GcRoots::Type);
set(t, m->roots, 0, rootsClass);
setField(t, m->roots, 0, rootsClass);
GcClass* loaderClass = type(t, GcSystemClassLoader::Type);
set(t, roots(t)->bootLoader(), 0, loaderClass);
set(t, roots(t)->appLoader(), 0, loaderClass);
setField(t, roots(t)->bootLoader(), 0, loaderClass);
setField(t, roots(t)->appLoader(), 0, loaderClass);
GcClass* objectClass = type(t, GcJobject::Type);
GcClass* classClass = type(t, GcClass::Type);
set(t, classClass, 0, classClass);
setField(t, classClass, 0, classClass);
classClass->setSuper(t, objectClass);
GcClass* intArrayClass = type(t, GcIntArray::Type);
set(t, intArrayClass, 0, classClass);
setField(t, intArrayClass, 0, classClass);
intArrayClass->setSuper(t, objectClass);
m->unsafe = false;
@ -4810,19 +4810,19 @@ makeObjectArray(Thread* t, GcClass* elementClass, unsigned count)
static GcByteArray* getFieldName(Thread* t, object obj) {
return reinterpret_cast<GcByteArray*&>(cast<GcField>(t, obj)->name());
return reinterpret_cast<GcByteArray*>(cast<GcField>(t, obj)->name());
static GcByteArray* getFieldSpec(Thread* t, object obj) {
return reinterpret_cast<GcByteArray*&>(cast<GcField>(t, obj)->spec());
return reinterpret_cast<GcByteArray*>(cast<GcField>(t, obj)->spec());
static GcByteArray* getMethodName(Thread* t, object obj) {
return reinterpret_cast<GcByteArray*&>(cast<GcMethod>(t, obj)->name());
return reinterpret_cast<GcByteArray*>(cast<GcMethod>(t, obj)->name());
static GcByteArray* getMethodSpec(Thread* t, object obj) {
return reinterpret_cast<GcByteArray*&>(cast<GcMethod>(t, obj)->spec());
return reinterpret_cast<GcByteArray*>(cast<GcMethod>(t, obj)->spec());
@ -5400,7 +5400,7 @@ populateMultiArray(Thread* t, object array, int32_t* counts,
(counts[index + 1] * class_->arrayElementSize(), BytesPerWord));
a->length() = counts[index + 1];
setObjectClass(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(a), class_);
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), reinterpret_cast<object>(a));
setField(t, array, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), reinterpret_cast<object>(a));
populateMultiArray(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(a), counts, index + 1, dimensions);
@ -205,17 +205,17 @@ resolveNativeMethod(Thread* t, GcMethod* method, const char* prefix,
return 0;
resolveNativeMethod(Thread* t, GcMethod* method)
void* p = resolveNativeMethod(t, method, "Avian_", 6, 3);
if (p) {
return reinterpret_cast<object>(makeNative(t, p, true));
return makeNative(t, p, true);
p = resolveNativeMethod(t, method, "Java_", 5, -1);
if (p) {
return reinterpret_cast<object>(makeNative(t, p, false));
return makeNative(t, p, false);
return 0;
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ resolveNative(Thread* t, GcMethod* method)
initClass(t, method->class_());
if (getMethodRuntimeData(t, method)->native() == 0) {
object native = resolveNativeMethod(t, method);
GcNative* native = resolveNativeMethod(t, method);
if (UNLIKELY(native == 0)) {
throwNew(t, GcUnsatisfiedLinkError::Type, "%s.%s%s",
@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ resolveNative(Thread* t, GcMethod* method)
// populated once the object it points to has been populated:
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(runtimeData), MethodRuntimeDataNative, native);
runtimeData->setNative(t, native);
@ -659,8 +659,7 @@ makeCodeImage(Thread* t, Zone* zone, BootImage* image, uint8_t* code,
o = reinterpret_cast<object>(resolveClass
(t, roots(t)->bootLoader(), cast<GcReference>(t, o)->name()));
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(addendum->pool()),
SingletonBody + (index * BytesPerWord), o);
addendum->pool()->setBodyElement(t, index, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(o));
@ -1290,7 +1289,7 @@ writeBootImage2(Thread* t, OutputStream* bootimageOutput, OutputStream* codeOutp
GcThrowable* throwable = cast<GcThrowable>(t, make(t, type(t, GcOutOfMemoryError::Type)));
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
set(t, roots(t), RootsOutOfMemoryError, throwable);
roots(t)->setOutOfMemoryError(t, throwable);
Zone zone(t->m->system, t->m->heap, 64 * 1024);
@ -1332,7 +1331,7 @@ writeBootImage2(Thread* t, OutputStream* bootimageOutput, OutputStream* codeOutp
{ classPoolMap = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0);
PROTECT(t, classPoolMap);
set(t, roots(t), RootsPoolMap, classPoolMap);
roots(t)->setPoolMap(t, classPoolMap);
typeMaps = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0);
PROTECT(t, typeMaps);
@ -1494,40 +1493,49 @@ writeBootImage2(Thread* t, OutputStream* bootimageOutput, OutputStream* codeOutp
// these roots will not be used when the bootimage is loaded, so
// there's no need to preserve them:
set(t, roots(t), RootsPoolMap, 0);
roots(t)->setPoolMap(t, 0);
GcWeakHashMap* map = makeWeakHashMap(t, 0, 0);
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
set(t, roots(t), RootsByteArrayMap, map);
roots(t)->setByteArrayMap(t, map->as<GcHashMap>(t));
// name all primitive classes so we don't try to update immutable
// references at runtime:
{ object name = reinterpret_cast<object>(makeByteArray(t, "void"));
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(type(t, GcJvoid::Type)), ClassName, name);
{ GcByteArray* name = makeByteArray(t, "void");
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
type(t, GcJvoid::Type)->setName(t, name);
name = reinterpret_cast<object>(makeByteArray(t, "boolean"));
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(type(t, GcJboolean::Type)), ClassName, name);
name = makeByteArray(t, "boolean");
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
type(t, GcJboolean::Type)->setName(t, name);
name = reinterpret_cast<object>(makeByteArray(t, "byte"));
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(type(t, GcJbyte::Type)), ClassName, name);
name = makeByteArray(t, "byte");
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
type(t, GcJbyte::Type)->setName(t, name);
name = reinterpret_cast<object>(makeByteArray(t, "short"));
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(type(t, GcJshort::Type)), ClassName, name);
name = makeByteArray(t, "short");
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
type(t, GcJshort::Type)->setName(t, name);
name = reinterpret_cast<object>(makeByteArray(t, "char"));
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(type(t, GcJchar::Type)), ClassName, name);
name = makeByteArray(t, "char");
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
type(t, GcJchar::Type)->setName(t, name);
name = reinterpret_cast<object>(makeByteArray(t, "int"));
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(type(t, GcJint::Type)), ClassName, name);
name = makeByteArray(t, "int");
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
type(t, GcJint::Type)->setName(t, name);
name = reinterpret_cast<object>(makeByteArray(t, "float"));
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(type(t, GcJfloat::Type)), ClassName, name);
name = makeByteArray(t, "float");
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
type(t, GcJfloat::Type)->setName(t, name);
name = reinterpret_cast<object>(makeByteArray(t, "long"));
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(type(t, GcJlong::Type)), ClassName, name);
name = makeByteArray(t, "long");
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
type(t, GcJlong::Type)->setName(t, name);
name = reinterpret_cast<object>(makeByteArray(t, "double"));
set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(type(t, GcJdouble::Type)), ClassName, name);
name = makeByteArray(t, "double");
// sequence point, for gc (don't recombine statements)
type(t, GcJdouble::Type)->setName(t, name);
// resolve primitive array classes in case they are needed at
@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ void writeClassAccessors(Output* out, Module& module, Class* cl)
out->write(cppFieldType(module, f));
out->write(" value) { ");
if(isFieldGcMarkable(module, f)) {
out->write("set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(this), ");
out->write("setField(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(this), ");
out->write(", reinterpret_cast<object>(value));");
@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ void writeClassAccessors(Output* out, Module& module, Class* cl)
out->write(" ");
out->write(cppFieldType(module, f));
if(!f.polyfill) {
if(!f.polyfill && !isFieldGcMarkable(module, f)) {
out->write(" ");
@ -1076,21 +1076,21 @@ void writeClassAccessors(Output* out, Module& module, Class* cl)
if(cl->arrayField) {
Field& f = *cl->arrayField;
out->write(" avian::util::Slice<");
// if(f.typeName != "maybe_object" && isFieldGcMarkable(module, f)) {
// out->write("const ");
// }
if(isFieldGcVisible(module, f)) {
out->write("const ");
out->write(cppFieldType(module, f));
out->write("> ");
out->write("() { return avian::util::Slice<");
// if(f.typeName != "maybe_object" && isFieldGcMarkable(module, f)) {
// out->write("const ");
// }
if(isFieldGcVisible(module, f)) {
out->write("const ");
out->write(cppFieldType(module, f));
out->write("> (&field_at<");
// if(f.typeName != "maybe_object" && isFieldGcMarkable(module, f)) {
// out->write("const ");
// }
if(isFieldGcVisible(module, f)) {
out->write("const ");
out->write(cppFieldType(module, f));
@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ void writeClassAccessors(Output* out, Module& module, Class* cl)
out->write(cppFieldType(module, f));
out->write(" value) { ");
if(isFieldGcMarkable(module, f)) {
out->write("set(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(this), ");
out->write("setField(t, reinterpret_cast<object>(this), ");
out->write(" + index * (");
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