mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 19:46:38 +00:00
Make flow initiator view code more generic.
This commit is contained in:
@ -135,200 +135,160 @@ class StateMachineViewer : CordaView("Flow Triage") {
private inner class StateMachineDetailsView(val smmData: StateMachineData) : Fragment() {
override val root by fxml<Parent>()
private val flowNamePane by fxid<TitledPane>()
private val flowNameLabel by fxid<Label>()
private val flowProgressPane by fxid<TitledPane>()
private val flowInitiatorPane by fxid<TitledPane>()
private val flowResultPane by fxid<TitledPane>()
private val flowInitiatorGrid by fxid<GridPane>()
private val flowResultVBox by fxid<VBox>()
init {
flowNamePane.apply {
content = label {
text = FlowNameFormatter.boring.format(smmData.stateMachineName)
flowNameLabel.apply {
text = FlowNameFormatter.boring.format(smmData.stateMachineName)
flowProgressPane.apply {
content = label {
text = smmData.stateMachineStatus.value?.status // TODO later we can do some magic with showing progress steps with subflows
flowInitiatorPane.apply {
//TODO use fxml to access initiatorGridPane
// initiatorGridPane.apply {when...
content = when (smmData.flowInitiator) {
is FlowInitiator.Shell -> ShellNode() // TODO Extend this when we will have more information on shell user.
is FlowInitiator.Peer -> PeerNode(smmData.flowInitiator as FlowInitiator.Peer)
is FlowInitiator.RPC -> RPCNode(smmData.flowInitiator as FlowInitiator.RPC)
is FlowInitiator.Scheduled -> ScheduledNode(smmData.flowInitiator as FlowInitiator.Scheduled)
when (smmData.flowInitiator) {
is FlowInitiator.Shell -> makeShellGrid(flowInitiatorGrid) // TODO Extend this when we will have more information on shell user.
is FlowInitiator.Peer -> makePeerGrid(flowInitiatorGrid, smmData.flowInitiator as FlowInitiator.Peer)
is FlowInitiator.RPC -> makeRPCGrid(flowInitiatorGrid, smmData.flowInitiator as FlowInitiator.RPC)
is FlowInitiator.Scheduled -> makeScheduledGrid(flowInitiatorGrid, smmData.flowInitiator as FlowInitiator.Scheduled)
flowResultPane.apply {
val status = smmData.addRmStatus.value
if (status is StateMachineStatus.Removed) {
content = status.result.match(onValue = { ResultNode(it) }, onError = { ErrorNode(it) })
val status = smmData.addRmStatus.value
if (status is StateMachineStatus.Removed) {
status.result.match(onValue = { makeResultVBox(flowResultVBox, it) }, onError = { makeErrorVBox(flowResultVBox, it) })
// TODO make that Vbox part of FXML
private inner class ResultNode<T>(result: T) : VBox() {
init {
spacing = 10.0
padding = Insets(5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0)
if (result == null) {
label("No return value from flow.")
} else if (result is SignedTransaction) {
private fun <T>makeResultVBox(vbox: VBox, result: T) {
if (result == null) {
vbox.apply { label("No return value from flow.") }
} else if (result is SignedTransaction) {
// scrollpane {
// hbarPolicy = ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED
// vbarPolicy = ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER
// TODO Make link to transaction view
label("Signed transaction")
label {
text = result.id.toString()
graphic = identicon(result.id, 30.0)
tooltip = identiconToolTip(result.id)
// TODO Make link to transaction view
vbox.apply {
label("Signed transaction")
label {
text = result.id.toString()
graphic = identicon(result.id, 30.0)
tooltip = identiconToolTip(result.id)
// }
} else if (result is Unit) {
label("Flow completed with success.")
else {
// TODO Here we could have sth different than SignedTransaction
} else if (result is Unit) {
vbox.apply { label("Flow completed with success.") }
else {
// TODO Here we could have sth different than SignedTransaction
vbox.apply { label(result.toString()) }
// TODO make that Vbox part of FXML
private inner class ErrorNode(val error: Throwable) : VBox() {
init {
private fun makeErrorVBox(vbox: VBox, error: Throwable) {
vbox.apply {
label("Error") {
graphic = FontAwesomeIconView(FontAwesomeIcon.BOLT).apply {
glyphSize = 30
textAlignment = TextAlignment.CENTER
style = "-fx-fill: -color-4"
// TODO border styling?
vbox.apply {
vbox {
spacing = 10.0
padding = Insets(5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0)
label("Error") {
graphic = FontAwesomeIconView(FontAwesomeIcon.BOLT).apply {
glyphSize = 30
textAlignment = TextAlignment.CENTER
style = "-fx-fill: -color-4"
// TODO think of border styling
vbox {
spacing = 10.0
label { text = error::class.simpleName }
scrollpane {
hbarPolicy = ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED
vbarPolicy = ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER
label { text = error.message }
private inner class ShellNode : Label() {
init {
label("Flow started by shell user")
// TODO make it more generic, reuse gridpane definition - to fxml
private inner class PeerNode(val initiator: FlowInitiator.Peer): GridPane() {
init {
gridpane {
padding = Insets(0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0)
vgap = 10.0
hgap = 10.0
row {
label("Flow started by a peer node") {
gridpaneConstraints {
columnSpan = 2
hAlignment = HPos.CENTER
// scrollpane { // TODO scrollbar vbox + hbox
// hbarPolicy = ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED
// vbarPolicy = ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER
row {
label("Legal name: ") {
gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT }
style { fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD }
minWidth = 150.0
prefWidth = 150.0
label(initiator.party.name) { gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT } }
row {
label("Owning key: ") {
gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT }
style { fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD }
minWidth = 150.0
prefWidth = 150.0
label(initiator.party.owningKey.toBase58String()) { gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT } }
private inner class RPCNode(val initiator: FlowInitiator.RPC) : GridPane() {
init {
gridpane {
padding = Insets(0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0)
vgap = 10.0
hgap = 10.0
row {
label("Flow started by a RPC user") {
gridpaneConstraints {
columnSpan = 2
hAlignment = HPos.CENTER
row {
label("User name: ") {
gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT }
style { fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD }
prefWidth = 150.0
label(initiator.username) { gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT } }
label { text = error::class.simpleName }
scrollpane { //TODO do that error scroll pane nicely
hbarPolicy = ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED
vbarPolicy = ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER
label { text = error.message }
// TODO test
private inner class ScheduledNode(val initiator: FlowInitiator.Scheduled) : GridPane() {
init {
gridpane {
padding = Insets(0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0)
vgap = 10.0
hgap = 10.0
row {
label("Flow started as scheduled activity")
gridpaneConstraints {
columnSpan = 2
hAlignment = HPos.CENTER
private fun makeShellGrid(gridPane: GridPane) {
val title = gridPane.lookup("#flowInitiatorTitle") as Label
title.apply {
text = "Flow started by shell user"
private fun makePeerGrid(gridPane: GridPane, initiator: FlowInitiator.Peer) {
val title = gridPane.lookup("#flowInitiatorTitle") as Label
title.apply {
text = "Flow started by a peer node"
// scrollpane { // TODO scrollbar vbox + hbox
// hbarPolicy = ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED
// vbarPolicy = ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER
row {
label("Legal name: ") {
gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT }
style { fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD }
minWidth = 150.0
prefWidth = 150.0
row {
label("Scheduled state: ") {
gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT }
style { fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD }
prefWidth = 150.0
label(initiator.scheduledState.ref.toString()) { gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT } } //TODO format
label(initiator.party.name) { gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT } }
row {
label("Owning key: ") {
gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT }
style { fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD }
minWidth = 150.0
prefWidth = 150.0
row {
label("Scheduled at: ") {
gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT }
style { fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD }
prefWidth = 150.0
label(initiator.scheduledState.scheduledAt.toString()) { gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT } } //TODO format
label(initiator.party.owningKey.toBase58String()) { gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT } }
private fun makeRPCGrid(gridPane: GridPane, initiator: FlowInitiator.RPC) {
val title = gridPane.lookup("#flowInitiatorTitle") as Label
title.apply {
text = "Flow started by a RPC user"
gridPane.apply {
row {
label("User name: ") {
gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT }
style { fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD }
prefWidth = 150.0
label(initiator.username) { gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT } }
// TODO test
private fun makeScheduledGrid(gridPane: GridPane, initiator: FlowInitiator.Scheduled) {
val title = gridPane.lookup("flowInitiatorTitle") as Label
title.apply {
text = "Flow started as scheduled activity"
gridPane.apply {
row {
label("Scheduled state: ") {
gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT }
style { fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD }
prefWidth = 150.0
label(initiator.scheduledState.ref.toString()) { gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT } } //TODO format
row {
label("Scheduled at: ") {
gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT }
style { fontWeight = FontWeight.BOLD }
prefWidth = 150.0
label(initiator.scheduledState.scheduledAt.toString()) { gridpaneConstraints { hAlignment = HPos.LEFT } } //TODO format
@ -4,24 +4,37 @@
<?import javafx.scene.control.Label?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.TitledPane?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.ColumnConstraints?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.RowConstraints?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.VBox?>
<GridPane stylesheets="@../css/corda.css" xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/8.0.112" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml/1">
<Insets bottom="5" left="5" right="5" top="5" />
<TitledPane fx:id="flowNamePane" collapsible="false" text="Flow name" GridPane.columnSpan="2" GridPane.fillWidth="true" GridPane.rowIndex="0">
<!--TODO text styling-->
<Label fx:id="flowNameLabel"/>
<TitledPane fx:id="flowInitiatorPane" collapsible="false" maxHeight="Infinity" text="Flow initiator"
GridPane.columnIndex="0" GridPane.fillWidth="true" GridPane.rowIndex="1">
<!-- todo add gridpane - from code! -->
<GridPane fx:id="flowInitiatorGrid" vgap="10.0" hgap="10.0">
<Insets bottom="5.0" left="5.0" right="10.0" top="10.0" />
<!--TODO text styling-->
<Label fx:id="flowInitiatorTitle" GridPane.columnSpan="2" GridPane.rowIndex="0" GridPane.columnIndex="1" GridPane.halignment="LEFT"/>
<TitledPane fx:id="flowResultPane" collapsible="false" maxHeight="Infinity" text="Result" GridPane.columnIndex="1" GridPane.rowIndex="1">
<!-- todo add vbox - from code! -->
<VBox fx:id="flowResultVBox" spacing="10.0">
<Insets bottom="5" left="5" right="5" top="5"/>
<TitledPane fx:id="flowProgressPane" collapsible="false" maxWidth="Infinity" text="Progress steps" GridPane.columnSpan="2" GridPane.rowIndex="2">
<!--TODO add progress graph-->
<ColumnConstraints minWidth="450.0"/>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user