NOTICK Delete duplicate class after merge

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Kyriakos Tharrouniatis 2020-09-22 18:58:56 +01:00
parent 98bf8a7996
commit a274655e7b

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@ -123,67 +123,6 @@ internal class RPCPermission : DomainPermission {
constructor() : super()
* A [org.apache.shiro.authz.permission.PermissionResolver] implementation for RPC permissions.
* Provides a method to construct an [RPCPermission] instance from its string representation
* in the form used by a Node admin.
* Currently valid permission strings have the forms:
* - `ALL`: allowing all type of RPC calls
* - `InvokeRpc.$RPCMethodName`: allowing to call a given RPC method without restrictions on its arguments.
* - `StartFlow.$FlowClassName`: allowing to call a `startFlow*` RPC method targeting a Flow instance
* of a given class
private object RPCPermissionResolver : PermissionResolver {
private const val SEPARATOR = '.'
private const val ACTION_START_FLOW = "startflow"
private const val ACTION_INVOKE_RPC = "invokerpc"
private const val ACTION_ALL = "all"
private val FLOW_RPC_CALLS = setOf(
private val FLOW_RPC_PERMITTED_START_FLOW_CALLS = setOf("startFlow", "startFlowDynamic")
private val FLOW_RPC_PERMITTED_TRACKED_START_FLOW_CALLS = setOf("startTrackedFlow", "startTrackedFlowDynamic")
private val FLOW_RPC_PERMITTED_START_FLOW_WITH_CLIENT_ID_CALLS = setOf("startFlowWithClientId", "startFlowDynamicWithClientId")
override fun resolvePermission(representation: String): Permission {
val action = representation.substringBefore(SEPARATOR).toLowerCase()
when (action) {
val rpcCall = representation.substringAfter(SEPARATOR, "")
require(representation.count { it == SEPARATOR } == 1 && rpcCall.isNotEmpty()) { "Malformed permission string" }
val permitted = when (rpcCall) {
else -> setOf(rpcCall)
return RPCPermission(permitted)
val targetFlow = representation.substringAfter(SEPARATOR, "")
require(targetFlow.isNotEmpty()) { "Missing target flow after StartFlow" }
return RPCPermission(FLOW_RPC_CALLS, targetFlow)
// Leaving empty set of targets and actions to match everything
return RPCPermission()
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown permission action specifier: $action")
class ShiroAuthorizingSubject(
private val subjectId: PrincipalCollection,
private val manager: DefaultSecurityManager) : AuthorizingSubject {