mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 06:01:56 +00:00
Merged in cor-344-persistent-map (pull request #338)
JDBC/Exposure table backed persistent map
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
package com.r3corda.node.utilities
import com.r3corda.testing.node.makeTestDataSourceProperties
import junit.framework.TestSuite
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Transaction
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.TransactionManager
import org.junit.AfterClass
import org.junit.BeforeClass
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.Suite
import java.io.Closeable
import java.sql.Connection
class JDBCHashMapTestSuite {
companion object {
lateinit var dataSource: Closeable
lateinit var transaction: Transaction
fun before() {
dataSource = configureDatabase(makeTestDataSourceProperties()).first
fun after() {
fun createMapTestSuite(loadOnInit: Boolean): TestSuite = com.google.common.collect.testing.MapTestSuiteBuilder
.using(JDBCHashMapTestGenerator(loadOnInit = loadOnInit))
.named("test JDBCHashMap with loadOnInit=$loadOnInit")
// putAll(null) not supported by Kotlin MutableMap interface
.withSetUp { setUpDatabaseTx() }
.withTearDown { closeDatabaseTx() }
fun createSetTestSuite(loadOnInit: Boolean): TestSuite = com.google.common.collect.testing.SetTestSuiteBuilder
.using(JDBCHashSetTestGenerator(loadOnInit = loadOnInit))
.named("test JDBCHashSet with loadOnInit=$loadOnInit")
// add/remove/retainAll(null) not supported by Kotlin MutableSet interface
.withSetUp { setUpDatabaseTx() }
.withTearDown { closeDatabaseTx() }
private fun setUpDatabaseTx() {
transaction = TransactionManager.currentOrNew(Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ)
private fun closeDatabaseTx() {
* Guava test suite generator for JDBCHashMap(loadOnInit=false).
class MapLoadOnInitFalse {
companion object {
fun suite(): TestSuite = createMapTestSuite(false)
* Guava test suite generator for JDBCHashMap(loadOnInit=true).
class MapLoadOnInitTrue {
companion object {
fun suite(): TestSuite = createMapTestSuite(true)
* Generator of map instances needed for testing.
class JDBCHashMapTestGenerator(val loadOnInit: Boolean) : com.google.common.collect.testing.TestStringMapGenerator() {
override fun create(elements: Array<Map.Entry<String, String>>): Map<String, String> {
val map = JDBCHashMap<String, String>("test_map_${System.nanoTime()}", loadOnInit = loadOnInit)
map.putAll(elements.associate { Pair(it.key, it.value) })
return map
* Guava test suite generator for JDBCHashSet(loadOnInit=false).
class SetLoadOnInitFalse {
companion object {
fun suite(): TestSuite = createSetTestSuite(false)
* Guava test suite generator for JDBCHashSet(loadOnInit=true).
class SetLoadOnInitTrue {
companion object {
fun suite(): TestSuite = createSetTestSuite(true)
* Generator of set instances needed for testing.
class JDBCHashSetTestGenerator(val loadOnInit: Boolean) : com.google.common.collect.testing.TestStringSetGenerator() {
override fun create(elements: Array<String>): Set<String> {
val set = JDBCHashSet<String>("test_set_${System.nanoTime()}", loadOnInit = loadOnInit)
return set
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
package com.r3corda.node.utilities
import com.r3corda.core.serialization.deserialize
import com.r3corda.core.serialization.serialize
import com.r3corda.core.utilities.loggerFor
import com.r3corda.core.utilities.trace
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.*
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.statements.InsertStatement
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.TransactionManager
import java.sql.Blob
import java.util.*
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
* The classes in this file provide a convenient way to quickly implement persistence for map- and set-like
* collections of data. These might not be sufficient for the eventual implementations of persistence dependent on
* access patterns and performance requirements.
* A convenient JDBC table backed hash map with iteration order based on insertion order.
* See [AbstractJDBCHashMap] for further implementation details.
* In this subclass, keys and values are represented by Blobs of Kryo serialized forms of the key and value objects.
* If you can extend [AbstractJDBCHashMap] and implement less Kryo dependent key and/or value mappings then that is
* likely preferrable.
class JDBCHashMap<K : Any, V : Any>(tableName: String, loadOnInit: Boolean = false) : AbstractJDBCHashMap<K, V, JDBCHashMap.BlobMapTable>(BlobMapTable(tableName), loadOnInit) {
class BlobMapTable(tableName: String) : JDBCHashedTable(tableName) {
val key = blob("key")
val value = blob("value")
override fun keyFromRow(it: ResultRow): K = deserializeFromBlob(it[table.key])
override fun valueFromRow(it: ResultRow): V = deserializeFromBlob(it[table.value])
override fun addKeyToInsert(it: InsertStatement, entry: Map.Entry<K, V>, finalizables: MutableList<() -> Unit>) {
it[table.key] = serializeToBlob(entry.key, finalizables)
override fun addValueToInsert(it: InsertStatement, entry: Map.Entry<K, V>, finalizables: MutableList<() -> Unit>) {
it[table.value] = serializeToBlob(entry.value, finalizables)
fun <T: Any> serializeToBlob(value: T, finalizables: MutableList<() -> Unit>): Blob {
val blob = TransactionManager.currentOrNull()!!.connection.createBlob()
finalizables += { blob.free() }
blob.setBytes(1, value.serialize().bits)
return blob
fun <T : Any> deserializeFromBlob(blob: Blob): T {
try {
val bytes = blob.getBytes(0, blob.length().toInt())
return bytes.deserialize()
} finally {
* A convenient JDBC table backed hash set with iteration order based on insertion order.
* See [AbstractJDBCHashSet] and [AbstractJDBCHashMap] for further implementation details.
* In this subclass, elements are represented by Blobs of Kryo serialized forms of the element objects.
* If you can extend [AbstractJDBCHashSet] and implement less Kryo dependent element mappings then that is
* likely preferrable.
class JDBCHashSet<K : Any>(tableName: String, loadOnInit: Boolean = false) : AbstractJDBCHashSet<K, JDBCHashSet.BlobSetTable>(BlobSetTable(tableName), loadOnInit) {
class BlobSetTable(tableName: String) : JDBCHashedTable(tableName) {
val key = blob("key")
override fun elementFromRow(it: ResultRow): K = deserializeFromBlob(it[table.key])
override fun addElementToInsert(it: InsertStatement, entry: K, finalizables: MutableList<() -> Unit>) {
it[table.key] = serializeToBlob(entry, finalizables)
* Base class for JDBC backed hash set that delegates to a JDBC backed hash map where the values are all
* [Unit] and not actually persisted. Iteration order is order of insertion. Iterators can remove().
* See [AbstractJDBCHashMap] for implementation details.
abstract class AbstractJDBCHashSet<K : Any, T : JDBCHashedTable>(table: T, loadOnInit: Boolean = false) : MutableSet<K>, AbstractSet<K>() {
protected val innerMap = object : AbstractJDBCHashMap<K, Unit, T>(table, loadOnInit) {
override fun keyFromRow(it: ResultRow): K = this@AbstractJDBCHashSet.elementFromRow(it)
// Return constant.
override fun valueFromRow(it: ResultRow) = Unit
override fun addKeyToInsert(it: InsertStatement, entry: Map.Entry<K, Unit>, finalizables: MutableList<() -> Unit>) =
this@AbstractJDBCHashSet.addElementToInsert(it, entry.key, finalizables)
// No op as not actually persisted.
override fun addValueToInsert(it: InsertStatement, entry: Map.Entry<K, Unit>, finalizables: MutableList<() -> Unit>) {
protected val table: T
get() = innerMap.table
override fun add(element: K): Boolean {
if (innerMap.containsKey(element)) {
return false
} else {
innerMap.put(element, Unit)
return true
override fun clear() {
override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<K> = innerMap.keys.iterator()
override fun remove(element: K): Boolean = (innerMap.remove(element) != null)
override val size: Int
get() = innerMap.size
override fun contains(element: K): Boolean = innerMap.containsKey(element)
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = innerMap.isEmpty()
* Implementation should return the element object marshalled from the database table row.
* See example implementations in [JDBCHashSet].
protected abstract fun elementFromRow(it: ResultRow): K
* Implementation should marshall the element to the insert statement.
* If some cleanup is required after the insert statement is executed, such as closing a Blob, then add a closure
* to the finalizables to do so.
* See example implementations in [JDBCHashSet].
protected abstract fun addElementToInsert(it: InsertStatement, entry: K, finalizables: MutableList<() -> Unit>)
* A base class for a JDBC table backed hash map that iterates in insertion order by using
* an ever increasing sequence number on entries. Iterators supports remove() but entries are not really mutable and
* do not support setValue() method from [MutableMap.MutableEntry].
* You should only use keys that have overridden [Object.hashCode] and that have a good hash code distribution. Beware
* changing the hashCode() implementation once objects have been persisted. A process to re-hash the entries persisted
* would be necessary if you do this.
* Subclasses must provide their own mapping to and from keys/values and the database table columns, but there are
* inherited columns that all tables must provide to support iteration order and hashing.
* The map operates in one of two modes.
* 1. loadOnInit=true where the entire table is materialised in the JVM and only writes need to perform database access.
* 2. loadOnInit=false where all entries with the same key hash code are materialised in the JVM on demand when accessed
* via any method other than via keys/values/entries properties, and thus the whole map is not materialised.
* All operations require a [databaseTransaction] to be started.
* The keys/values/entries collections are really designed just for iterating and other uses might turn out to be
* costly in terms of performance. Beware when loadOnInit=true, the iterator first sorts the entries which could be
* costly too.
* This class is *not* thread safe.
* TODO: buckets grows forever. Support some form of LRU cache option (e.g. use [LinkedHashMap.removeEldestEntry] feature).
* TODO: consider caching size once calculated for the first time.
* TODO: buckets just use a list and so are vulnerable to poor hash code implementations with collisions.
* TODO: if iterators are used extensively when loadOnInit=true, consider maintaining a collection of keys in iteration order to avoid sorting each time.
* TODO: revisit whether we need the loadOnInit==true functionality and remove if not.
abstract class AbstractJDBCHashMap<K : Any, V : Any, T : JDBCHashedTable>(val table: T, val loadOnInit: Boolean = false) : MutableMap<K, V>, AbstractMap<K,V>() {
companion object {
protected val log = loggerFor<AbstractJDBCHashMap<*,*,*>>()
// Hash code -> entries mapping. Lazy when loadOnInit=false.
private val buckets = HashMap<Int, MutableList<NotReallyMutableEntry<K, V>>>()
init {
// TODO: Move this to schema version managment tool.
if (loadOnInit) {
log.trace { "Loading all entries on init for ${table.tableName}" }
val elapsedMillis = measureTimeMillis {
// load from database.
table.selectAll().map {
val entry = createEntry(it)
val bucket = getBucket(entry.key)
log.trace { "Loaded ${size} entries on init for ${table.tableName} in ${elapsedMillis} millis." }
private fun createTablesIfNecessary() {
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean {
for (bucket in buckets.values) {
if (!bucket.isEmpty()) {
return false
return size == 0
override fun remove(key: K): V? {
val bucket = getBucket(key)
var removed: V? = null
buckets.computeIfPresent(key.hashCode()) { hashCode, value ->
for (entry in value) {
if (entry.key == key) {
removed = entry.value
return removed
override fun containsKey(key: K): Boolean = (get(key) != null)
// We haven't implemented setValue. We could implement if necessary.
private class NotReallyMutableEntry<K, V>(key: K, value: V, val seqNo: Int) : AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K, V>(key, value), MutableMap.MutableEntry<K, V> {
override fun setValue(newValue: V): V {
throw UnsupportedOperationException("Not really mutable. Implement if really required.")
private inner class EntryIterator : MutableIterator<MutableMap.MutableEntry<K, V>> {
private val iterator = if (loadOnInit) {
buckets.values.flatten().sortedBy { it.seqNo }.iterator()
} else {
// This uses a Sequence to make the mapping lazy.
table.selectAll().orderBy(table.seqNo).asSequence().map {
val bucket = buckets[it[table.keyHash]]
if (bucket != null) {
val seqNo = it[table.seqNo]
for (entry in bucket) {
if (entry.seqNo == seqNo) {
return@map entry
return@map createEntry(it)
private var current: MutableMap.MutableEntry<K, V>? = null
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = iterator.hasNext()
override fun next(): MutableMap.MutableEntry<K, V> {
val extractedNext = iterator.next()
current = extractedNext
return extractedNext
override fun remove() {
val savedCurrent = current
if (savedCurrent == null) {
throw IllegalStateException("Not called next() yet or already removed.")
current = null
override val keys: MutableSet<K> get() {
return object : AbstractSet<K>() {
override val size: Int get() = this@AbstractJDBCHashMap.size
override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<K> {
return object : MutableIterator<K> {
private val entryIterator = EntryIterator()
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = entryIterator.hasNext()
override fun next(): K = entryIterator.next().key
override fun remove() {
override val values: MutableCollection<V> get() {
return object : AbstractCollection<V>() {
override val size: Int get() = this@AbstractJDBCHashMap.size
override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<V> {
return object : MutableIterator<V> {
private val entryIterator = EntryIterator()
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = entryIterator.hasNext()
override fun next(): V = entryIterator.next().value
override fun remove() {
override val entries: MutableSet<MutableMap.MutableEntry<K, V>> get() {
return object : AbstractSet<MutableMap.MutableEntry<K, V>>() {
override val size: Int get() = this@AbstractJDBCHashMap.size
override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<MutableMap.MutableEntry<K, V>> {
return object : MutableIterator<MutableMap.MutableEntry<K, V>> {
private val entryIterator = EntryIterator()
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = entryIterator.hasNext()
override fun next(): MutableMap.MutableEntry<K, V> = entryIterator.next()
override fun remove() {
override fun put(key: K, value: V): V? {
var oldValue: V? = null
buckets.compute(key.hashCode()) { hashCode, list ->
val newList = list ?: newBucket()
val iterator = newList.listIterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val entry = iterator.next()
if (entry.key == key) {
oldValue = entry.value
val seqNo = addRecord(key, value)
val newEntry = NotReallyMutableEntry<K, V>(key, value, seqNo)
return oldValue
override fun containsValue(value: V): Boolean {
for (storedValue in values) {
if (storedValue == value) {
return true
return false
override val size: Int get() {
return if (loadOnInit) {
buckets.values.map { it.size }.sum()
} else {
override fun clear() {
if (!loadOnInit || !isEmpty()) {
override fun get(key: K): V? {
for (entry in getBucket(key)) {
if (entry.key == key) {
return entry.value
return null
private fun getBucket(key: Any): MutableList<NotReallyMutableEntry<K, V>> {
return buckets.computeIfAbsent(key.hashCode()) { hashCode ->
if (!loadOnInit) {
} else {
private fun newBucket(): MutableList<NotReallyMutableEntry<K, V>> = mutableListOf()
private fun loadBucket(hashCode: Int): MutableList<NotReallyMutableEntry<K, V>> {
return table.select { table.keyHash.eq(hashCode) }.map {
}.toMutableList<NotReallyMutableEntry<K, V>>()
* Implementation should return the key object marshalled from the database table row.
* See example implementations in [JDBCHashMap].
protected abstract fun keyFromRow(it: ResultRow): K
* Implementation should return the value object marshalled from the database table row.
* See example implementations in [JDBCHashMap].
protected abstract fun valueFromRow(it: ResultRow): V
* Implementation should marshall the key to the insert statement.
* If some cleanup is required after the insert statement is executed, such as closing a Blob, then add a closure
* to the finalizables to do so.
* See example implementations in [JDBCHashMap].
protected abstract fun addKeyToInsert(it: InsertStatement, entry: Map.Entry<K, V>, finalizables: MutableList<() -> Unit>)
* Implementation should marshall the value to the insert statement.
* If some cleanup is required after the insert statement is executed, such as closing a Blob, then add a closure
* to the finalizables to do so.
* See example implementations in [JDBCHashMap].
protected abstract fun addValueToInsert(it: InsertStatement, entry: Map.Entry<K, V>, finalizables: MutableList<() -> Unit>)
private fun createEntry(it: ResultRow) = NotReallyMutableEntry<K, V>(keyFromRow(it), valueFromRow(it), it[table.seqNo])
private fun deleteRecord(entry: NotReallyMutableEntry<K, V>) {
table.deleteWhere {
table.seqNo eq entry.seqNo
private fun addRecord(key: K, value: V): Int {
val finalizables = mutableListOf<() -> Unit>()
try {
return table.insert {
it[keyHash] = key.hashCode()
val entry = SimpleEntry<K, V>(key, value)
addKeyToInsert(it, entry, finalizables)
addValueToInsert(it, entry, finalizables)
} get table.seqNo
} finally {
finalizables.forEach { it() }
open class JDBCHashedTable(tableName: String) : Table(tableName) {
val keyHash = integer("key_hash").index()
val seqNo = integer("seq_no").autoIncrement().index().primaryKey()
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ dependencies {
// Unit testing helpers.
compile 'junit:junit:4.12'
// Guava: Google test library (collections test suite)
compile "com.google.guava:guava-testlib:19.0"
quasarScan.dependsOn('classes', ':core:classes', ':contracts:classes')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user