mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 08:16:32 +00:00
comment out for testing
This commit is contained in:
@ -133,33 +133,33 @@ pipeline {
options {
skipDefaultCheckout true
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.log', fingerprint: false
junit testResults: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml', keepLongStdio: true
* Copy all JUnit results files into a single top level directory.
* This is necessary to stop the allure plugin from hitting out
* of memory errors due to being passed many directories with
* long paths.
* File names are pre-pended with a prefix when
* copied to avoid collisions between files where the same test
* classes have run on multiple agents.
includes: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml',
targetLocation: 'allure-input',
flattenFiles: true,
renameFiles: true,
sourceCaptureExpression: '.*/([^/]+)$',
targetNameExpression: 'other-agent-$1')])
stash name: 'allure-input', includes: 'allure-input/**', useDefaultExcludes: false
cleanup {
deleteDir() /* clean up our workspace */
// post {
// always {
// archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.log', fingerprint: false
// junit testResults: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml', keepLongStdio: true
// /*
// * Copy all JUnit results files into a single top level directory.
// * This is necessary to stop the allure plugin from hitting out
// * of memory errors due to being passed many directories with
// * long paths.
// *
// * File names are pre-pended with a prefix when
// * copied to avoid collisions between files where the same test
// * classes have run on multiple agents.
// */
// fileOperations([fileCopyOperation(
// includes: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml',
// targetLocation: 'allure-input',
// flattenFiles: true,
// renameFiles: true,
// sourceCaptureExpression: '.*/([^/]+)$',
// targetNameExpression: 'other-agent-$1')])
// stash name: 'allure-input', includes: 'allure-input/**', useDefaultExcludes: false
// }
// cleanup {
// deleteDir() /* clean up our workspace */
// }
// }
stages {
stage('Unstash') {
steps {
@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ pipeline {
steps {
sh script: [
].join(' ')
@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ pipeline {
steps {
sh script: [
].join(' ')
@ -198,44 +198,44 @@ pipeline {
steps {
sh script: [
].join(' ')
stage('Same agent') {
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.log', fingerprint: false
junit testResults: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml', keepLongStdio: true
* Copy all JUnit results files into a single top level directory.
* This is necessary to stop the allure plugin from hitting out
* of memory errors due to being passed many directories with
* long paths.
* File names are pre-pended with a prefix when
* copied to avoid collisions between files where the same test
* classes have run on multiple agents.
includes: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml',
targetLocation: 'allure-input',
flattenFiles: true,
renameFiles: true,
sourceCaptureExpression: '.*/([^/]+)$',
targetNameExpression: 'same-agent-$1')])
// post {
// always {
// archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.log', fingerprint: false
// junit testResults: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml', keepLongStdio: true
// /*
// * Copy all JUnit results files into a single top level directory.
// * This is necessary to stop the allure plugin from hitting out
// * of memory errors due to being passed many directories with
// * long paths.
// *
// * File names are pre-pended with a prefix when
// * copied to avoid collisions between files where the same test
// * classes have run on multiple agents.
// */
// fileOperations([fileCopyOperation(
// includes: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml',
// targetLocation: 'allure-input',
// flattenFiles: true,
// renameFiles: true,
// sourceCaptureExpression: '.*/([^/]+)$',
// targetNameExpression: 'same-agent-$1')])
// }
// }
stages {
stage('Integration Test') {
steps {
sh script: [
].join(' ')
@ -284,146 +284,146 @@ pipeline {
stage('Publish Release Candidate to Internal Repository') {
when {
expression { isReleaseCandidate }
steps {
usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'docker-image-pusher-os',
usernameVariable: 'DOCKER_USERNAME',
passwordVariable: 'DOCKER_PASSWORD')
]) {
sh script: [
'--image OFFICIAL',
].join(' ')
// stage('Publish Release Candidate to Internal Repository') {
// when {
// expression { isReleaseCandidate }
// }
// steps {
// withCredentials([
// usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'docker-image-pusher-os',
// usernameVariable: 'DOCKER_USERNAME',
// passwordVariable: 'DOCKER_PASSWORD')
// ]) {
// sh script: [
// './gradlew',
// '-Pdocker.image.repository=entdocker.software.r3.com/corda',
// 'docker:pushDockerImage',
// '--image OFFICIAL',
// '--registry-url=entdocker.software.r3.com'
// ].join(' ')
// }
// }
// }
stage('Publish Release to Docker Hub') {
when {
expression { isReleaseTag && !isInternalRelease && !isReleaseCandidate}
steps {
usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'corda-publisher-docker-hub-credentials',
usernameVariable: 'DOCKER_USERNAME',
passwordVariable: 'DOCKER_PASSWORD')
]) {
sh script: [
'--image OFFICIAL'
].join(' ')
// stage('Publish Release to Docker Hub') {
// when {
// expression { isReleaseTag && !isInternalRelease && !isReleaseCandidate}
// }
// steps {
// withCredentials([
// usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'corda-publisher-docker-hub-credentials',
// usernameVariable: 'DOCKER_USERNAME',
// passwordVariable: 'DOCKER_PASSWORD')
// ]) {
// sh script: [
// './gradlew',
// 'docker:pushDockerImage',
// '-Pdocker.image.repository=corda/community',
// '--image OFFICIAL'
// ].join(' ')
// }
// }
// }
post {
always {
script {
if (gitUtils.isReleaseTag()) {
gitUtils.getGitLog(env.TAG_NAME, env.GIT_URL.replace('https://github.com/corda/', ''))
try {
if (params.DO_TEST) {
unstash 'allure-input'
allure includeProperties: false,
jdk: '',
results: [[path: '**/allure-input']]
} catch (err) {
echo("Allure report generation failed: $err")
// post {
// always {
// script {
// if (gitUtils.isReleaseTag()) {
// gitUtils.getGitLog(env.TAG_NAME, env.GIT_URL.replace('https://github.com/corda/', ''))
// }
// try {
// if (params.DO_TEST) {
// unstash 'allure-input'
// allure includeProperties: false,
// jdk: '',
// results: [[path: '**/allure-input']]
// }
// } catch (err) {
// echo("Allure report generation failed: $err")
if (currentBuild.resultIsBetterOrEqualTo('SUCCESS')) {
currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
// if (currentBuild.resultIsBetterOrEqualTo('SUCCESS')) {
// currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
// }
// }
// }
if (!isReleaseTag) {
// We want to send a summary email, but want to limit to once per day.
// Comparing the dates of the previous and current builds achieves this,
// i.e. we will only send an email for the first build on a given day.
def prevBuildDate = new Date(
currentBuild.previousBuild?.timeInMillis ?: 0).clearTime()
def currentBuildDate = new Date(
// script
// {
// if (!isReleaseTag) {
// // We want to send a summary email, but want to limit to once per day.
// // Comparing the dates of the previous and current builds achieves this,
// // i.e. we will only send an email for the first build on a given day.
// def prevBuildDate = new Date(
// currentBuild.previousBuild?.timeInMillis ?: 0).clearTime()
// def currentBuildDate = new Date(
// currentBuild.timeInMillis).clearTime()
if (prevBuildDate != currentBuildDate) {
def statusSymbol = '\u2753'
switch(currentBuild.result) {
case 'SUCCESS':
statusSymbol = '\u2705'
case 'UNSTABLE':
statusSymbol = '\u26A0'
case 'FAILURE':
statusSymbol = '\u274c'
// if (prevBuildDate != currentBuildDate) {
// def statusSymbol = '\u2753'
// switch(currentBuild.result) {
// case 'SUCCESS':
// statusSymbol = '\u2705'
// break;
// case 'UNSTABLE':
// statusSymbol = '\u26A0'
// break;
// case 'FAILURE':
// statusSymbol = '\u274c'
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
echo('First build for this date, sending summary email')
emailext to: '$DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS',
subject: "$statusSymbol" + '$BRANCH_NAME regression tests - $BUILD_STATUS',
mimeType: 'text/html',
body: '${SCRIPT, template="groovy-html.template"}'
} else {
echo('Already sent summary email today, suppressing')
success {
script {
sendSlackNotifications("good", "BUILD PASSED", false, "#corda-corda4-open-source-build-notifications")
if (isReleaseTag || isReleaseCandidate || isReleaseBranch) {
// echo('First build for this date, sending summary email')
// emailext to: '$DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS',
// subject: "$statusSymbol" + '$BRANCH_NAME regression tests - $BUILD_STATUS',
// mimeType: 'text/html',
// body: '${SCRIPT, template="groovy-html.template"}'
// } else {
// echo('Already sent summary email today, suppressing')
// }
// }
// }
// }
// success {
// script {
// sendSlackNotifications("good", "BUILD PASSED", false, "#corda-corda4-open-source-build-notifications")
// if (isReleaseTag || isReleaseCandidate || isReleaseBranch) {
// snykSecurityScan.generateHtmlElements()
// }
if (isReleaseTag || isReleaseCandidate) {
// auto import and scanning of Docker images tag is dictated by below properties, so retrieve these first to scan the approproate tag
String cordaVersion = sh(script: 'grep "cordaVersion" constants.properties | awk -F= \'{print $2}\'', returnStdout: true).trim()
String versionSuffix = sh(script: 'grep "versionSuffix" constants.properties | awk -F= \'{print $2}\'', returnStdout: true).trim()
snykUtils.SnykApiImport(!versionSuffix.isEmpty() ? "${cordaVersion}-${versionSuffix}" : cordaVersion, SnykOrganisation.CORDA_4_OS, env.C4_OS_SNYK_ORG_ID)
unstable {
script {
sendSlackNotifications("warning", "BUILD UNSTABLE", false, "#corda-corda4-open-source-build-notifications")
if (isReleaseTag || isReleaseCandidate || isReleaseBranch) {
if (isReleaseTag || isReleaseCandidate || isReleaseBranch) {
failure {
script {
sendSlackNotifications("danger", "BUILD FAILURE", true, "#corda-corda4-open-source-build-notifications")
if (isReleaseTag || isReleaseBranch || isReleaseCandidate) {
cleanup {
deleteDir() /* clean up our workspace */
// if (isReleaseTag || isReleaseCandidate) {
// // auto import and scanning of Docker images tag is dictated by below properties, so retrieve these first to scan the approproate tag
// String cordaVersion = sh(script: 'grep "cordaVersion" constants.properties | awk -F= \'{print $2}\'', returnStdout: true).trim()
// String versionSuffix = sh(script: 'grep "versionSuffix" constants.properties | awk -F= \'{print $2}\'', returnStdout: true).trim()
// snykUtils.SnykApiImport(!versionSuffix.isEmpty() ? "${cordaVersion}-${versionSuffix}" : cordaVersion, SnykOrganisation.CORDA_4_OS, env.C4_OS_SNYK_ORG_ID)
// }
// }
// }
// unstable {
// script {
// sendSlackNotifications("warning", "BUILD UNSTABLE", false, "#corda-corda4-open-source-build-notifications")
// if (isReleaseTag || isReleaseCandidate || isReleaseBranch) {
// snykSecurityScan.generateHtmlElements()
// }
// if (isReleaseTag || isReleaseCandidate || isReleaseBranch) {
// snykSecurityScan.generateHtmlElements()
// }
// }
// }
// failure {
// script {
// sendSlackNotifications("danger", "BUILD FAILURE", true, "#corda-corda4-open-source-build-notifications")
// if (isReleaseTag || isReleaseBranch || isReleaseCandidate) {
// sendEmailNotifications("${env.EMAIL_RECIPIENTS}")
// }
// }
// }
// cleanup {
// deleteDir() /* clean up our workspace */
// }
// }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user