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synced 2025-03-22 12:05:59 +00:00
Merge pull request #2383 from corda/kat/feature/deterministicSerilaizer
CORDA-914 - Deterministic property ordering for AMQP serialization
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ class CorDappCustomSerializer(
data.withDescribed(descriptor) {
data.withList {
for (property in proxySerializer.propertySerializers.getters) {
property.writeProperty(proxy, this, output)
proxySerializer.propertySerializers.serializationOrder.forEach {
it.getter.writeProperty(proxy, this, output)
@ -61,7 +61,14 @@ abstract class CustomSerializer<T : Any> : AMQPSerializer<T>, SerializerFor {
override fun isSerializerFor(clazz: Class<*>): Boolean = clazz == this.clazz
override val type: Type get() = clazz
override val typeDescriptor = Symbol.valueOf("$DESCRIPTOR_DOMAIN:${fingerprintForDescriptors(superClassSerializer.typeDescriptor.toString(), nameForType(clazz))}")
private val typeNotation: TypeNotation = RestrictedType(SerializerFactory.nameForType(clazz), null, emptyList(), SerializerFactory.nameForType(superClassSerializer.type), Descriptor(typeDescriptor), emptyList())
private val typeNotation: TypeNotation = RestrictedType(
override fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput) {
@ -132,8 +139,8 @@ abstract class CustomSerializer<T : Any> : AMQPSerializer<T>, SerializerFor {
override fun writeDescribedObject(obj: T, data: Data, type: Type, output: SerializationOutput) {
val proxy = toProxy(obj)
data.withList {
for (property in proxySerializer.propertySerializers.getters) {
property.writeProperty(proxy, this, output)
proxySerializer.propertySerializers.serializationOrder.forEach {
it.getter.writeProperty(proxy, this, output)
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class EvolutionSerializer(
override val kotlinConstructor: KFunction<Any>?) : ObjectSerializer(clazz, factory) {
// explicitly set as empty to indicate it's unused by this type of serializer
override val propertySerializers = ConstructorDestructorMethods (emptyList(), emptyList())
override val propertySerializers = PropertySerializersEvolution()
* Represents a parameter as would be passed to the constructor of the class as it was
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Type
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaConstructor
* Responsible for serializing and deserializing a regular object instance via a series of properties (matched with a constructor).
* Responsible for serializing and deserializing a regular object instance via a series of properties
* (matched with a constructor).
open class ObjectSerializer(val clazz: Type, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPSerializer<Any> {
override val type: Type get() = clazz
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ open class ObjectSerializer(val clazz: Type, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPS
private val logger = contextLogger()
open internal val propertySerializers: ConstructorDestructorMethods by lazy {
open internal val propertySerializers: PropertySerializers by lazy {
propertiesForSerialization(kotlinConstructor, clazz, factory)
@ -31,17 +32,22 @@ open class ObjectSerializer(val clazz: Type, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPS
private val typeName = nameForType(clazz)
override val typeDescriptor = Symbol.valueOf("$DESCRIPTOR_DOMAIN:${fingerprintForType(type, factory)}")
private val interfaces = interfacesForSerialization(clazz, factory) // We restrict to only those annotated or whitelisted
open internal val typeNotation: TypeNotation by lazy { CompositeType(typeName, null, generateProvides(), Descriptor(typeDescriptor), generateFields()) }
// We restrict to only those annotated or whitelisted
private val interfaces = interfacesForSerialization(clazz, factory)
open internal val typeNotation: TypeNotation by lazy {
CompositeType(typeName, null, generateProvides(), Descriptor(typeDescriptor), generateFields())
override fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput) {
if (output.writeTypeNotations(typeNotation)) {
for (iface in interfaces) {
for (property in propertySerializers.getters) {
propertySerializers.serializationOrder.forEach { property ->
@ -51,8 +57,8 @@ open class ObjectSerializer(val clazz: Type, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPS
data.withDescribed(typeNotation.descriptor) {
// Write list
withList {
for (property in propertySerializers.getters) {
property.writeProperty(obj, this, output)
propertySerializers.serializationOrder.forEach { property ->
property.getter.writeProperty(obj, this, output)
@ -63,16 +69,18 @@ open class ObjectSerializer(val clazz: Type, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPS
schemas: SerializationSchemas,
input: DeserializationInput): Any = ifThrowsAppend({ clazz.typeName }) {
if (obj is List<*>) {
if (obj.size > propertySerializers.getters.size) {
if (obj.size > propertySerializers.size) {
throw NotSerializableException("Too many properties in described type $typeName")
return if (propertySerializers.setters.isEmpty()) {
return if (propertySerializers.byConstructor) {
readObjectBuildViaConstructor(obj, schemas, input)
} else {
readObjectBuildViaSetters(obj, schemas, input)
} else throw NotSerializableException("Body of described type is unexpected $obj")
} else {
throw NotSerializableException("Body of described type is unexpected $obj")
private fun readObjectBuildViaConstructor(
@ -81,7 +89,11 @@ open class ObjectSerializer(val clazz: Type, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPS
input: DeserializationInput) : Any = ifThrowsAppend({ clazz.typeName }){
logger.trace { "Calling construction based construction for ${clazz.typeName}" }
return construct(obj.zip(propertySerializers.getters).map { it.second.readProperty(it.first, schemas, input) })
return construct (propertySerializers.serializationOrder
.map { Pair(it.first.initialPosition, it.first.getter.readProperty(it.second, schemas, input)) }
.map { it.second })
private fun readObjectBuildViaSetters(
@ -93,22 +105,23 @@ open class ObjectSerializer(val clazz: Type, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPS
val instance : Any = javaConstructor?.newInstance() ?: throw NotSerializableException (
"Failed to instantiate instance of object $clazz")
// read the properties out of the serialised form
// read the properties out of the serialised form, since we're invoking the setters the order we
// do it in doesn't matter
val propertiesFromBlob = obj
.map { it.second.readProperty(it.first, schemas, input) }
.map { it.second.getter.readProperty(it.first, schemas, input) }
// one by one take a property and invoke the setter on the class
propertySerializers.setters.zip(propertiesFromBlob).forEach {
it.first?.invoke(instance, *listOf(it.second).toTypedArray())
propertySerializers.serializationOrder.zip(propertiesFromBlob).forEach {
it.first.set(instance, it.second)
return instance
private fun generateFields(): List<Field> {
return propertySerializers.getters.map {
Field(it.name, it.type, it.requires, it.default, null, it.mandatory, false)
return propertySerializers.serializationOrder.map {
Field(it.getter.name, it.getter.type, it.getter.requires, it.getter.default, null, it.getter.mandatory, false)
@ -1,69 +1,8 @@
package net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.amqp
import net.corda.core.utilities.loggerFor
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.Binary
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.Data
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.lang.reflect.Type
import java.lang.reflect.Field
import kotlin.reflect.full.memberProperties
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaGetter
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.kotlinProperty
abstract class PropertyReader {
abstract fun read(obj: Any?): Any?
abstract fun isNullable(): Boolean
class PublicPropertyReader(private val readMethod: Method?) : PropertyReader() {
init {
readMethod?.isAccessible = true
private fun Method.returnsNullable(): Boolean {
try {
val returnTypeString = this.declaringClass.kotlin.memberProperties.firstOrNull { it.javaGetter == this }?.returnType?.toString() ?: "?"
return returnTypeString.endsWith('?') || returnTypeString.endsWith('!')
} catch (e: kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KotlinReflectionInternalError) {
// This might happen for some types, e.g. kotlin.Throwable? - the root cause of the issue is: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-13077
// TODO: Revisit this when Kotlin issue is fixed.
loggerFor<PropertySerializer>().error("Unexpected internal Kotlin error", e)
return true
override fun read(obj: Any?): Any? {
return readMethod!!.invoke(obj)
override fun isNullable(): Boolean = readMethod?.returnsNullable() ?: false
class PrivatePropertyReader(val field: Field, parentType: Type) : PropertyReader() {
init {
loggerFor<PropertySerializer>().warn("Create property Serializer for private property '${field.name}' not "
+ "exposed by a getter on class '$parentType'\n"
+ "\tNOTE: This behaviour will be deprecated at some point in the future and a getter required")
override fun read(obj: Any?): Any? {
field.isAccessible = true
val rtn = field.get(obj)
field.isAccessible = false
return rtn
override fun isNullable() = try {
field.kotlinProperty?.returnType?.isMarkedNullable ?: false
} catch (e: kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KotlinReflectionInternalError) {
// This might happen for some types, e.g. kotlin.Throwable? - the root cause of the issue is: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-13077
// TODO: Revisit this when Kotlin issue is fixed.
loggerFor<PropertySerializer>().error("Unexpected internal Kotlin error", e)
* Base class for serialization of a property of an object.
@ -106,13 +45,13 @@ sealed class PropertySerializer(val name: String, val propertyReader: PropertyRe
companion object {
fun make(name: String, readMethod: PropertyReader, resolvedType: Type, factory: SerializerFactory): PropertySerializer {
if (SerializerFactory.isPrimitive(resolvedType)) {
return when (resolvedType) {
return if (SerializerFactory.isPrimitive(resolvedType)) {
when (resolvedType) {
Char::class.java, Character::class.java -> AMQPCharPropertySerializer(name, readMethod)
else -> AMQPPrimitivePropertySerializer(name, readMethod, resolvedType)
} else {
return DescribedTypePropertySerializer(name, readMethod, resolvedType) { factory.get(null, resolvedType) }
DescribedTypePropertySerializer(name, readMethod, resolvedType) { factory.get(null, resolvedType) }
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
package net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.amqp
import net.corda.core.utilities.loggerFor
import java.io.NotSerializableException
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.lang.reflect.Type
import kotlin.reflect.full.memberProperties
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaGetter
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.kotlinProperty
import java.lang.reflect.Field
abstract class PropertyReader {
abstract fun read(obj: Any?): Any?
abstract fun isNullable(): Boolean
class PublicPropertyReader(private val readMethod: Method?) : PropertyReader() {
init {
readMethod?.isAccessible = true
private fun Method.returnsNullable(): Boolean {
try {
val returnTypeString = this.declaringClass.kotlin.memberProperties.firstOrNull {
it.javaGetter == this
}?.returnType?.toString() ?: "?"
return returnTypeString.endsWith('?') || returnTypeString.endsWith('!')
} catch (e: kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KotlinReflectionInternalError) {
// This might happen for some types, e.g. kotlin.Throwable? - the root cause of the issue
// is: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-13077
// TODO: Revisit this when Kotlin issue is fixed.
loggerFor<PropertySerializer>().error("Unexpected internal Kotlin error", e)
return true
override fun read(obj: Any?): Any? {
return readMethod!!.invoke(obj)
override fun isNullable(): Boolean = readMethod?.returnsNullable() ?: false
class PrivatePropertyReader(val field: Field, parentType: Type) : PropertyReader() {
init {
loggerFor<PropertySerializer>().warn("Create property Serializer for private property '${field.name}' not "
+ "exposed by a getter on class '$parentType'\n"
+ "\tNOTE: This behaviour will be deprecated at some point in the future and a getter required")
override fun read(obj: Any?): Any? {
field.isAccessible = true
val rtn = field.get(obj)
field.isAccessible = false
return rtn
override fun isNullable() = try {
field.kotlinProperty?.returnType?.isMarkedNullable ?: false
} catch (e: kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KotlinReflectionInternalError) {
// This might happen for some types, e.g. kotlin.Throwable? - the root cause of the issue
// is: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-13077
// TODO: Revisit this when Kotlin issue is fixed.
loggerFor<PropertySerializer>().error("Unexpected internal Kotlin error", e)
* Represents a generic interface to a serializable property of an object.
* @property initialPosition where in the constructor used for serialization the property occurs.
* @property getter a [PropertySerializer] wrapping access to the property. This will either be a
* method invocation on the getter or, if not publicly accessible, reflection based by temporally
* making the property accessible.
abstract class PropertyAccessor(
val initialPosition: Int,
open val getter: PropertySerializer) {
companion object : Comparator<PropertyAccessor> {
override fun compare(p0: PropertyAccessor?, p1: PropertyAccessor?): Int {
return p0?.getter?.name?.compareTo(p1?.getter?.name ?: "") ?: 0
* Override to control how the property is set on the object.
abstract fun set(instance: Any, obj: Any?)
override fun toString(): String {
return "${getter.name}($initialPosition)"
* Implementation of [PropertyAccessor] representing a property of an object that
* is serialized and deserialized via JavaBean getter and setter style methods.
class PropertyAccessorGetterSetter(
initialPosition: Int,
getter: PropertySerializer,
private val setter: Method?) : PropertyAccessor(initialPosition, getter) {
* Invokes the setter on the underlying object passing in the serialized value.
override fun set(instance: Any, obj: Any?) {
setter?.invoke(instance, *listOf(obj).toTypedArray())
* Implementation of [PropertyAccessor] representing a property of an object that
* is serialized via a JavaBean getter but deserialized using the constructor
* of the object the property belongs to.
class PropertyAccessorConstructor(
initialPosition: Int,
override val getter: PropertySerializer) : PropertyAccessor(initialPosition, getter) {
* Because the property should be being set on the obejct through the constructor any
* calls to the explicit setter should be an error.
override fun set(instance: Any, obj: Any?) {
NotSerializableException ("Attempting to access a setter on an object being instantiated " +
"via its constructor.")
* Represents a collection of [PropertyAccessor]s that represent the serialized form
* of an object.
* @property serializationOrder a list of [PropertyAccessor]. For deterministic serialization
* should be sorted.
* @property size how many properties are being serialized.
* @property byConstructor are the properties of the class represented by this set of properties populated
* on deserialization via the object's constructor or the corresponding setter functions. Should be
* overridden and set appropriately by child types.
abstract class PropertySerializers(
val serializationOrder: List<PropertyAccessor>) {
companion object {
fun make(serializationOrder: List<PropertyAccessor>) =
when (serializationOrder.firstOrNull()) {
is PropertyAccessorConstructor -> PropertySerializersConstructor(serializationOrder)
is PropertyAccessorGetterSetter -> PropertySerializersSetter(serializationOrder)
null -> PropertySerializersNoProperties()
else -> {
throw NotSerializableException ("Unknown Property Accessor type, cannot create set")
val size get() = serializationOrder.size
abstract val byConstructor: Boolean
class PropertySerializersNoProperties : PropertySerializers (emptyList()) {
override val byConstructor get() = true
class PropertySerializersConstructor(
serializationOrder: List<PropertyAccessor>) : PropertySerializers(serializationOrder) {
override val byConstructor get() = true
class PropertySerializersSetter(
serializationOrder: List<PropertyAccessor>) : PropertySerializers(serializationOrder) {
override val byConstructor get() = false
class PropertySerializersEvolution : PropertySerializers(emptyList()) {
override val byConstructor get() = false
@ -446,11 +446,12 @@ private fun fingerprintForObject(
offset: Int = 0): Hasher {
// Hash the class + properties + interfaces
val name = type.asClass()?.name ?: throw NotSerializableException("Expected only Class or ParameterizedType but found $type")
propertiesForSerialization(constructorForDeserialization(type), contextType ?: type, factory).getters
propertiesForSerialization(constructorForDeserialization(type), contextType ?: type, factory)
.fold(hasher.putUnencodedChars(name)) { orig, prop ->
fingerprintForType(prop.resolvedType, type, alreadySeen, orig, factory, offset+4)
.putUnencodedChars(if (prop.mandatory) NOT_NULLABLE_HASH else NULLABLE_HASH)
fingerprintForType(prop.getter.resolvedType, type, alreadySeen, orig, factory, offset+4)
.putUnencodedChars(if (prop.getter.mandatory) NOT_NULLABLE_HASH else NULLABLE_HASH)
interfacesForSerialization(type, factory).map { fingerprintForType(it, type, alreadySeen, hasher, factory, offset+4) }
return hasher
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.amqp
import com.google.common.primitives.Primitives
import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken
import io.netty.util.internal.EmptyArrays
import net.corda.core.serialization.ClassWhitelist
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext
@ -20,7 +19,6 @@ import kotlin.reflect.full.findAnnotation
import kotlin.reflect.full.primaryConstructor
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.isAccessible
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaType
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.kotlinProperty
* Annotation indicating a constructor to be used to reconstruct instances of a class during deserialization.
@ -29,10 +27,6 @@ import kotlin.reflect.jvm.kotlinProperty
annotation class ConstructorForDeserialization
data class ConstructorDestructorMethods(
val getters: Collection<PropertySerializer>,
val setters: Collection<Method?>)
* Code for finding the constructor we will use for deserialization.
@ -74,17 +68,22 @@ internal fun constructorForDeserialization(type: Type): KFunction<Any>? {
* Note, you will need any Java classes to be compiled with the `-parameters` option to ensure constructor parameters have
* names accessible via reflection.
internal fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerialization(kotlinConstructor: KFunction<T>?, type: Type, factory: SerializerFactory): ConstructorDestructorMethods {
val clazz = type.asClass()!!
return if (kotlinConstructor != null) propertiesForSerializationFromConstructor(kotlinConstructor, type, factory) else propertiesForSerializationFromAbstract(clazz, type, factory)
internal fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerialization(
kotlinConstructor: KFunction<T>?,
type: Type,
factory: SerializerFactory) = PropertySerializers.make (
if (kotlinConstructor != null) {
propertiesForSerializationFromConstructor(kotlinConstructor, type, factory)
} else {
propertiesForSerializationFromAbstract(type.asClass()!!, type, factory)
fun isConcrete(clazz: Class<*>): Boolean = !(clazz.isInterface || Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.modifiers))
private fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerializationFromConstructor(
internal fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerializationFromConstructor(
kotlinConstructor: KFunction<T>,
type: Type,
factory: SerializerFactory): ConstructorDestructorMethods {
factory: SerializerFactory): List<PropertyAccessor> {
val clazz = (kotlinConstructor.returnType.classifier as KClass<*>).javaObjectType
// Kotlin reflection doesn't work with Java getters the way you might expect, so we drop back to good ol' beans.
val properties = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz).propertyDescriptors
@ -96,39 +95,45 @@ private fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerializationFromConstructor(
return propertiesForSerializationFromSetters(properties, type, factory)
val rc: MutableList<PropertySerializer> = ArrayList(kotlinConstructor.parameters.size)
return mutableListOf<PropertyAccessor>().apply {
kotlinConstructor.parameters.withIndex().forEach { param ->
val name = param.value.name ?: throw NotSerializableException("Constructor parameter of $clazz has no name.")
for (param in kotlinConstructor.parameters) {
val name = param.name ?: throw NotSerializableException("Constructor parameter of $clazz has no name.")
val propertyReader = if (name in properties) {
// it's a publicly accessible property
val matchingProperty = properties[name]!!
if (name in properties) {
val matchingProperty = properties[name]!!
// Check that the method has a getter in java.
val getter = matchingProperty.readMethod ?: throw NotSerializableException(
"Property has no getter method for $name of $clazz. If using Java and the parameter name"
+ "looks anonymous, check that you have the -parameters option specified in the Java compiler."
+ "Alternately, provide a proxy serializer (SerializationCustomSerializer) if "
+ "recompiling isn't an option.")
// Check that the method has a getter in java.
val getter = matchingProperty.readMethod ?: throw NotSerializableException("Property has no getter method for $name of $clazz. " +
"If using Java and the parameter name looks anonymous, check that you have the -parameters option specified in the Java compiler." +
"Alternately, provide a proxy serializer (SerializationCustomSerializer) if recompiling isn't an option")
val returnType = resolveTypeVariables(getter.genericReturnType, type)
if (constructorParamTakesReturnTypeOfGetter(returnType, getter.genericReturnType, param)) {
rc += PropertySerializer.make(name, PublicPropertyReader(getter), returnType, factory)
val returnType = resolveTypeVariables(getter.genericReturnType, type)
if (!constructorParamTakesReturnTypeOfGetter(returnType, getter.genericReturnType, param.value)) {
throw NotSerializableException(
"Property type $returnType for $name of $clazz differs from constructor parameter "
+ "type ${param.value.type.javaType}")
Pair(PublicPropertyReader(getter), returnType)
} else {
throw NotSerializableException("Property type $returnType for $name of $clazz differs from constructor parameter type ${param.type.javaType}")
try {
val field = clazz.getDeclaredField(param.value.name)
Pair(PrivatePropertyReader(field, type), field.genericType)
} catch (e: NoSuchFieldException) {
throw NotSerializableException("No property matching constructor parameter named '$name' of '$clazz'. " +
"If using Java, check that you have the -parameters option specified in the Java compiler. " +
"Alternately, provide a proxy serializer (SerializationCustomSerializer) if recompiling isn't an option")
} else {
try {
val field = (clazz.getDeclaredField(param.name))
rc += PropertySerializer.make(name, PrivatePropertyReader(field, type), field.genericType, factory)
} catch (e: NoSuchFieldException) {
throw NotSerializableException("No property matching constructor parameter named '$name' of '$clazz'. " +
"If using Java, check that you have the -parameters option specified in the Java compiler. " +
"Alternately, provide a proxy serializer (SerializationCustomSerializer) if recompiling isn't an option")
this += PropertyAccessorConstructor(
PropertySerializer.make(name, propertyReader.first, propertyReader.second, factory))
return ConstructorDestructorMethods(rc, emptyList())
@ -138,26 +143,26 @@ private fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerializationFromConstructor(
private fun propertiesForSerializationFromSetters(
properties: Map<String, PropertyDescriptor>,
type: Type,
factory: SerializerFactory): ConstructorDestructorMethods {
val getters: MutableList<PropertySerializer> = ArrayList(properties.size)
val setters: MutableList<Method?> = ArrayList(properties.size)
factory: SerializerFactory): List<PropertyAccessor> {
return mutableListOf<PropertyAccessorGetterSetter>().apply {
var idx = 0
properties.forEach { property ->
val getter: Method? = property.value.readMethod
val setter: Method? = property.value.writeMethod
properties.forEach { property ->
val getter: Method? = property.value.readMethod
val setter: Method? = property.value.writeMethod
if (getter == null || setter == null) return@forEach
if (getter == null || setter == null) return@forEach
// NOTE: There is no need to check return and parameter types vs the underlying type for
// the getter / setter vs property as if there is a difference then that property isn't reported
// by the BEAN inspector and thus we don't consider that case here
// NOTE: There is no need to check return and parameter types vs the underlying type for
// the getter / setter vs property as if there is a difference then that property isn't reported
// by the BEAN inspector and thus we don't consider that case here
getters += PropertySerializer.make(property.key, PublicPropertyReader(getter),
resolveTypeVariables(getter.genericReturnType, type), factory)
setters += setter
this += PropertyAccessorGetterSetter (
PropertySerializer.make(property.key, PublicPropertyReader(getter),
resolveTypeVariables(getter.genericReturnType, type), factory),
return ConstructorDestructorMethods(getters, setters)
private fun constructorParamTakesReturnTypeOfGetter(getterReturnType: Type, rawGetterReturnType: Type, param: KParameter): Boolean {
@ -168,21 +173,24 @@ private fun constructorParamTakesReturnTypeOfGetter(getterReturnType: Type, rawG
private fun propertiesForSerializationFromAbstract(
clazz: Class<*>,
type: Type,
factory: SerializerFactory): ConstructorDestructorMethods {
factory: SerializerFactory): List<PropertyAccessor> {
// Kotlin reflection doesn't work with Java getters the way you might expect, so we drop back to good ol' beans.
val properties = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz).propertyDescriptors
.filter { it.name != "class" }
.sortedBy { it.name }
.filterNot { it is IndexedPropertyDescriptor }
val rc: MutableList<PropertySerializer> = ArrayList(properties.size)
for (property in properties) {
// Check that the method has a getter in java.
val getter = property.readMethod ?: throw NotSerializableException(
"Property has no getter method for ${property.name} of $clazz.")
val returnType = resolveTypeVariables(getter.genericReturnType, type)
rc += PropertySerializer.make(property.name, PublicPropertyReader(getter), returnType, factory)
return ConstructorDestructorMethods(rc, emptyList())
return mutableListOf<PropertyAccessorConstructor>().apply {
properties.withIndex().forEach { property ->
// Check that the method has a getter in java.
val getter = property.value.readMethod ?: throw NotSerializableException(
"Property has no getter method for ${property.value.name} of $clazz.")
val returnType = resolveTypeVariables(getter.genericReturnType, type)
this += PropertyAccessorConstructor(
PropertySerializer.make(property.value.name, PublicPropertyReader(getter), returnType, factory))
internal fun interfacesForSerialization(type: Type, serializerFactory: SerializerFactory): List<Type> {
@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ class ThrowableSerializer(factory: SerializerFactory) : CustomSerializer.Proxy<T
// Try and find a constructor
try {
val constructor = constructorForDeserialization(obj.javaClass)
val props = propertiesForSerialization(constructor, obj.javaClass, factory)
for (prop in props.getters) {
extraProperties[prop.name] = prop.propertyReader.read(obj)
propertiesForSerializationFromConstructor(constructor!!, obj.javaClass, factory).forEach { property ->
extraProperties[property.getter.name] = property.getter.propertyReader.read(obj)
} catch (e: NotSerializableException) {
logger.warn("Unexpected exception", e)
@ -90,4 +89,4 @@ class StackTraceElementSerializer(factory: SerializerFactory) : CustomSerializer
override fun fromProxy(proxy: StackTraceElementProxy): StackTraceElement = StackTraceElement(proxy.declaringClass, proxy.methodName, proxy.fileName, proxy.lineNumber)
data class StackTraceElementProxy(val declaringClass: String, val methodName: String, val fileName: String?, val lineNumber: Int)
@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ public class JavaPrivatePropertyTests {
assertEquals(1, serializersByDescriptor.size());
ObjectSerializer cSerializer = ((ObjectSerializer)serializersByDescriptor.values().toArray()[0]);
assertEquals(1, cSerializer.getPropertySerializers().component1().size());
Object[] propertyReaders = cSerializer.getPropertySerializers().component1().toArray();
assertTrue (((PropertySerializer)propertyReaders[0]).getPropertyReader() instanceof PrivatePropertyReader);
assertEquals(1, cSerializer.getPropertySerializers().getSerializationOrder().size());
Object[] propertyReaders = cSerializer.getPropertySerializers().getSerializationOrder().toArray();
assertTrue (((PropertyAccessor)propertyReaders[0]).getGetter().getPropertyReader() instanceof PrivatePropertyReader);
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ public class JavaPrivatePropertyTests {
assertEquals(1, serializersByDescriptor.size());
ObjectSerializer cSerializer = ((ObjectSerializer)serializersByDescriptor.values().toArray()[0]);
assertEquals(1, cSerializer.getPropertySerializers().component1().size());
Object[] propertyReaders = cSerializer.getPropertySerializers().component1().toArray();
assertTrue (((PropertySerializer)propertyReaders[0]).getPropertyReader() instanceof PublicPropertyReader);
assertEquals(1, cSerializer.getPropertySerializers().getSerializationOrder().size());
Object[] propertyReaders = cSerializer.getPropertySerializers().getSerializationOrder().toArray();
assertTrue (((PropertyAccessor)propertyReaders[0]).getGetter().getPropertyReader() instanceof PublicPropertyReader);
@ -2,12 +2,23 @@ package net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.amqp
import junit.framework.TestCase.assertTrue
import junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.junit.Test
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.Symbol
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
class PrivatePropertyTests {
private val factory = testDefaultFactory()
private val factory = testDefaultFactoryNoEvolution()
companion object {
val fields : Map<String, java.lang.reflect.Field> = mapOf (
"serializersByDesc" to SerializerFactory::class.java.getDeclaredField("serializersByDescriptor")).apply {
this.values.forEach {
it.isAccessible = true
fun testWithOnePrivateProperty() {
@ -53,16 +64,14 @@ class PrivatePropertyTests {
val schemaAndBlob = SerializationOutput(factory).serializeAndReturnSchema(c1)
assertEquals(1, schemaAndBlob.schema.types.size)
val field = SerializerFactory::class.java.getDeclaredField("serializersByDescriptor")
field.isAccessible = true
val serializersByDescriptor = field.get(factory) as ConcurrentHashMap<Any, AMQPSerializer<Any>>
val serializersByDescriptor = fields["serializersByDesc"]?.get(factory) as ConcurrentHashMap<Any, AMQPSerializer<Any>>
val schemaDescriptor = schemaAndBlob.schema.types.first().descriptor.name
serializersByDescriptor.filterKeys { (it as Symbol) == schemaDescriptor }.values.apply {
assertEquals(1, this.size)
assertTrue(this.first() is ObjectSerializer)
val propertySerializers = (this.first() as ObjectSerializer).propertySerializers.getters.toList()
val propertySerializers = (this.first() as ObjectSerializer).propertySerializers.serializationOrder.map { it.getter }
assertEquals(2, propertySerializers.size)
// a was public so should have a synthesised getter
assertTrue(propertySerializers[0].propertyReader is PublicPropertyReader)
@ -84,16 +93,14 @@ class PrivatePropertyTests {
val schemaAndBlob = SerializationOutput(factory).serializeAndReturnSchema(c1)
assertEquals(1, schemaAndBlob.schema.types.size)
val field = SerializerFactory::class.java.getDeclaredField("serializersByDescriptor")
field.isAccessible = true
val serializersByDescriptor = field.get(factory) as ConcurrentHashMap<Any, AMQPSerializer<Any>>
val serializersByDescriptor = fields["serializersByDesc"]?.get(factory) as ConcurrentHashMap<Any, AMQPSerializer<Any>>
val schemaDescriptor = schemaAndBlob.schema.types.first().descriptor.name
serializersByDescriptor.filterKeys { (it as Symbol) == schemaDescriptor }.values.apply {
assertEquals(1, this.size)
assertTrue(this.first() is ObjectSerializer)
val propertySerializers = (this.first() as ObjectSerializer).propertySerializers.getters.toList()
val propertySerializers = (this.first() as ObjectSerializer).propertySerializers.serializationOrder.map { it.getter }
assertEquals(2, propertySerializers.size)
// as before, a is public so we'll use the getter method
@ -105,13 +112,24 @@ class PrivatePropertyTests {
fun testNested() {
data class Inner(private val a: Int)
data class Outer(private val i: Inner)
val c1 = Outer(Inner(1010101))
val c2 = DeserializationInput(factory).deserialize(SerializationOutput(factory).serialize(c1))
val output = SerializationOutput(factory).serializeAndReturnSchema(c1)
println (output.schema)
val serializersByDescriptor = fields["serializersByDesc"]!!.get(factory) as ConcurrentHashMap<Any, AMQPSerializer<Any>>
// Inner and Outer
assertEquals(2, serializersByDescriptor.size)
val schemaDescriptor = output.schema.types.first().descriptor.name
val c2 = DeserializationInput(factory).deserialize(output.obj)
assertEquals(c1, c2)
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
package net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.amqp
import org.junit.Test
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.Symbol
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import kotlin.test.assertNotNull
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
class SerializationPropertyOrdering {
companion object {
val VERBOSE get() = false
val sf = testDefaultFactoryNoEvolution()
// Force object references to be ued to ensure we go through that code path
// this test shows (not now it's fixed) a bug whereby deserializing objects
// would break where refferenced objects were accessed before they'd been
// processed thanks to the way the blob was deserialized
fun refferenceOrdering() {
data class Reffed(val c: String, val b: String, val a: String)
data class User(val b: List<Reffed>, val a: List<Reffed>)
val r1 = Reffed("do not", "or", "do")
val r2 = Reffed("do not", "or", "do")
val l = listOf(r1, r2, r1, r2, r1, r2)
val u = User(l,l)
val output = TestSerializationOutput(VERBOSE, sf).serializeAndReturnSchema(u)
val input = DeserializationInput(sf).deserialize(output.obj)
fun randomOrder() {
data class C(val c: Int, val d: Int, val b: Int, val e: Int, val a: Int)
val c = C(3,4,2,5,1)
val output = TestSerializationOutput(VERBOSE, sf).serializeAndReturnSchema(c)
// the schema should reflect the serialized order of properties, not the
// construction order
assertEquals(1, output.schema.types.size)
output.schema.types.firstOrNull()?.apply {
assertEquals(5, (this as CompositeType).fields.size)
assertEquals("a", this.fields[0].name)
assertEquals("b", this.fields[1].name)
assertEquals("c", this.fields[2].name)
assertEquals("d", this.fields[3].name)
assertEquals("e", this.fields[4].name)
// and deserializing it should construct the object as it was and not in the order prescribed
// by the serialized form
val input = DeserializationInput(sf).deserialize(output.obj)
assertEquals(1, input.a)
assertEquals(2, input.b)
assertEquals(3, input.c)
assertEquals(4, input.d)
assertEquals(5, input.e)
fun randomOrderSetter() {
data class C(var c: Int, var d: Int, var b: Int, var e: Int, var a: Int) {
// This will force the serialization engine to use getter / setter
// instantiation for the object rather than construction
constructor() : this(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
val c = C()
c.a = 100
c.b = 200
c.c = 300
c.d = 400
c.e = 500
val output = TestSerializationOutput(VERBOSE, sf).serializeAndReturnSchema(c)
// the schema should reflect the serialized order of properties, not the
// construction order
assertEquals(1, output.schema.types.size)
output.schema.types.firstOrNull()?.apply {
assertEquals(5, (this as CompositeType).fields.size)
assertEquals("a", this.fields[0].name)
assertEquals("b", this.fields[1].name)
assertEquals("c", this.fields[2].name)
assertEquals("d", this.fields[3].name)
assertEquals("e", this.fields[4].name)
// Test needs to look at a bunch of private variables, change the access semantics for them
val fields : Map<String, java.lang.reflect.Field> = mapOf (
"serializersByDesc" to SerializerFactory::class.java.getDeclaredField("serializersByDescriptor"),
"setter" to PropertyAccessorGetterSetter::class.java.getDeclaredField("setter")).apply {
this.values.forEach {
it.isAccessible = true
val serializersByDescriptor = fields["serializersByDesc"]!!.get(sf) as ConcurrentHashMap<Any, AMQPSerializer<Any>>
val schemaDescriptor = output.schema.types.first().descriptor.name
// make sure that each property accessor has a setter to ensure we're using getter / setter instantiation
serializersByDescriptor.filterKeys { (it as Symbol) == schemaDescriptor }.values.apply {
assertEquals(1, this.size)
assertTrue(this.first() is ObjectSerializer)
val propertyAccessors = (this.first() as ObjectSerializer).propertySerializers.serializationOrder as List<PropertyAccessorGetterSetter>
propertyAccessors.forEach { property -> assertNotNull(fields["setter"]!!.get(property) as Method?) }
val input = DeserializationInput(sf).deserialize(output.obj)
assertEquals(100, input.a)
assertEquals(200, input.b)
assertEquals(300, input.c)
assertEquals(400, input.d)
assertEquals(500, input.e)
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