This commit is contained in:
Joel Dice 2007-06-23 19:39:49 -06:00
parent f68f455d59
commit 9dc8b0529d
3 changed files with 316 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -27,6 +27,13 @@ class System {
virtual void dispose() = 0;
class Library {
virtual ~Library() { }
virtual void* resolve(const char* function) = 0;
virtual Library* next() = 0;
virtual ~System() { }
virtual bool success(Status) = 0;
@ -34,6 +41,10 @@ class System {
virtual void free(const void*) = 0;
virtual Status start(Thread*) = 0;
virtual Status make(Monitor**) = 0;
virtual uint64_t call(void* function, unsigned argumentCount,
uint32_t* argumentTable, uint8_t* argumentSizeTable,
unsigned returnSize);
virtual Status load(Library**, const char* name, Library* next);
virtual void abort() = 0;
void* allocate(unsigned size) {

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
(type field
(uint16_t flags)
(uint16_t offset)
(uint8_t code)
(object name)
(object spec)
(object class))
@ -31,6 +32,12 @@
(object class)
(object code))
(type nativeMethodData
(void* pointer)
(uint16_t argumentTableSize)
(uint8_t returnCode)
(array uint8_t parameterCodes))
(pod exceptionHandler
(uint16_t start)
(uint16_t end)

View File

@ -20,11 +20,14 @@ static const bool Debug = true;
class Thread;
void (*Initializer)(Thread*, object);
void assert(Thread*, bool);
object resolveClass(Thread*, object);
object allocate(Thread*, unsigned);
object& arrayBodyUnsafe(Thread*, object, unsigned);
void set(Thread*, object&, object);
object bootstrapInitializers(Thread*);
objectClass(object o)
@ -32,6 +35,18 @@ objectClass(object o)
return cast<object>(o, 0);
enum FieldCode {
class Machine {
enum {
@ -250,9 +265,11 @@ Thread::Thread(Machine* m):
object intArrayClass = arrayBody(t, m->types, Machine::IntArrayType);
set(t, objectClass(intArrayClass), classClass);
m->unsafe = false;
m->classMap = makeHashMap(this, 0, 0);
m->unsafe = false;
m->bootstrapInitializers = bootstrapInitializers(this);
@ -725,64 +742,161 @@ isLongOrDouble(Thread* t, object o)
or objectClass(o) == arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::DoubleType);
inline object
getField(Thread* t, object instance, object field)
fieldCode(unsigned javaCode)
switch (byteArrayBody(t, fieldSpec(t, field), 0)) {
switch (javaCode) {
case 'B':
return makeByte(t, cast<int8_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
return ByteField;
case 'C':
return makeChar(t, cast<int16_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
return CharField;
case 'D':
return makeDouble(t, cast<int64_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
return DoubleField;
case 'F':
return makeFloat(t, cast<int32_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
return FloatField;
case 'I':
return makeInt(t, cast<int32_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
return IntField;
case 'J':
return makeLong(t, cast<int64_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
return LongField;
case 'S':
return makeShort(t, cast<int16_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
return ShortField;
case 'Z':
return makeBoolean(t, cast<int8_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
return BooleanField;
case 'L':
case '[':
return ObjectField;
default: abort(t);
primitiveValue(Thread* t, unsigned code, object o)
switch (code) {
case ByteField:
return byteValue(t, o);
case CharField:
return charValue(t, o);
case DoubleField:
return doubleValue(t, o);
case FloatField:
return floatValue(t, o);
case IntField:
return intValue(t, o);
case LongField:
return longValue(t, o);
case ShortField:
return shortValue(t, o);
case BooleanField:
return booleanValue(t, o);
default: abort(t);
makePrimitive(Thread* t, unsigned code, uint64_t value)
switch (code) {
case ByteField:
return makeByte(t, value);
case CharField:
return makeChar(t, value);
case DoubleField:
return makeDouble(t, value);
case FloatField:
return makeFloat(t, value);
case IntField:
return makeInt(t, value);
case LongField:
return makeLong(t, value);
case ShortField:
return makeShort(t, value);
case BooleanField:
return makeBoolean(t, value);
default: abort(t);
primitiveSize(unsigned code)
switch (code) {
case ByteField:
case BooleanField:
return 1;
case CharField:
case ShortField:
return 2;
case DoubleField:
case LongField:
return 8;
case FloatField:
case IntField:
return 4;
default: abort(t);
getField(Thread* t, object instance, object field)
switch (fieldCode(t, field)) {
case ByteField:
return makeByte(t, cast<int8_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case CharField:
return makeChar(t, cast<int16_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case DoubleField:
return makeDouble(t, cast<int64_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case FloatField:
return makeFloat(t, cast<int32_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case IntField:
return makeInt(t, cast<int32_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case LongField:
return makeLong(t, cast<int64_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case ShortField:
return makeShort(t, cast<int16_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case BooleanField:
return makeBoolean(t, cast<int8_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case ObjectField:
return cast<object>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field));
default: abort(t);
inline void
setField(Thread* t, object o, object field, object value)
switch (byteArrayBody(t, fieldSpec(t, field), 0)) {
case 'B':
switch (fieldCode(t, field)) {
case ByteField:
cast<int8_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = byteValue(t, value);
case 'C':
case CharField:
cast<int16_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = charValue(t, value);
case 'D':
case DoubleField:
cast<int64_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = doubleValue(t, value);
case 'F':
case FloatField:
cast<int32_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = floatValue(t, value);
case 'I':
case IntField:
cast<int32_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = intValue(t, value);
case 'J':
case LongField:
cast<int64_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = longValue(t, value);
case 'S':
case ShortField:
cast<int16_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = shortValue(t, value);
case 'Z':
case BooleanField:
cast<int8_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = booleanValue(t, value);
case 'L':
case '[':
case ObjectField:
set(t, cast<object>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)), value);
default: abort(t);
@ -1277,40 +1391,14 @@ parseInterfaceTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
set(t, classInterfaceTable(t, class_), interfaceTable);
isReferenceField(Thread* t, object field)
switch (byteArrayBody(t, fieldSpec(t, field), 0)) {
case 'L':
case '[':
return true;
return false;
inline unsigned
fieldSize(Thread* t, object field)
switch (byteArrayBody(t, fieldSpec(t, field), 0)) {
case 'B':
return 1;
case 'C':
case 'S':
case 'Z':
return 2;
case 'D':
case 'J':
return 8;
case 'F':
case 'I':
return 4;
case 'L':
case '[':
unsigned code = fieldCode(t, field);
if (code == ObjectField) {
return BytesPerWord;
default: abort(t);
} else {
return primitiveSize(code);
@ -1343,18 +1431,20 @@ parseFieldTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
object value = makeField(t,
0, // offset
arrayBody(t, pool, name - 1),
arrayBody(t, pool, spec - 1),
object value = makeField
0, // offset
fieldCode(byteArrayBody(t, arrayBody(t, pool, spec - 1), 0)),
arrayBody(t, pool, name - 1),
arrayBody(t, pool, spec - 1),
if (flags & ACC_STATIC) {
fieldOffset(t, value) = staticOffset++;
} else {
unsigned excess = memberOffset % BytesPerWord;
if (excess and isReferenceField(t, value)) {
if (excess and fieldCode(t, value) == ObjectField) {
memberOffset += BytesPerWord - excess;
@ -1385,7 +1475,7 @@ parseFieldTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
if (fieldTable) {
for (int i = arrayLength(t, fieldTable) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
object field = arrayBody(t, fieldTable, i);
if (isReferenceField(t, field)) {
if (fieldCode(t, field) == ObjectField) {
unsigned index = fieldOffset(t, field) / BytesPerWord;
intArrayBody(t, mask, (index / 32)) |= 1 << (index % 32);
sawReferenceField = true;
@ -1682,6 +1772,12 @@ resolveClass(Thread* t, object spec)
PROTECT(t, class_);
object initializer = hashMapFind
(t, t->vm->bootstrapInitializers, spec, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual);
if (initializer) {
static_cast<Initializer>(pointerValue(t, initializer))(t, class_);
hashMapInsert(t, t->vm->classMap, spec, class_, byteArrayHash);
} else {
object message = makeString(t, "%s", &byteArrayBody(t, spec, 0));
@ -1752,6 +1848,89 @@ resolveMethod(Thread* t, object pool, unsigned index)
return resolve(t, pool, index, findMethodInClass);
inline object
resolveNativeMethodData(Thread* t, object method)
if (objectClass(methodCode(t, method))
== arrayBody(t, t->vm->types, Machine::ByteArrayType))
for (System::Library lib = t->vm->libraries; lib; lib = lib->next()) {
void* p = lib->resolve(reinterpret_cast<const char*>
(&byteArrayBody(t, methodCode(t, method), 0)));
if (p) {
PROTECT(t, method);
object data = makeNativeMethodData(t,
0, // argument table size
0, // return code
unsigned argumentTableSize = 0;
unsigned index = 0;
const char* s = reinterpret_cast<const char*>
(&byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, method), 0));
++ s; // skip '('
while (*s and *s != ')') {
unsigned code = fieldCode(*s);
nativeMethodDataParameterCodes(t, data, index++) = code;
switch (*s) {
case 'L':
argumentTableSize += 1;
while (*s and *s != ';') ++ s;
++ s;
case '[':
argumentTableSize += 1;
while (*s == '[') ++ s;
argumentTableSize += divide(primitiveSize(code), 4);
++ s;
nativeMethodDataArgumentTableSize(t, data) = argumentTableSize;
nativeMethodReturnCode(t, data) = fieldCode(s[1]);
set(t, methodCode(t, method), data);
return data;
return 0;
} else {
return methodCode(t, method);
bsiVM(Thread* t, object class_)
// todo
bootstrapInitializers(Thread* t)
object map = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0);
PROTECT(t, map);
object key = 0;
PROTECT(t, key);
object value;
key = makeByteArray(t, "vm/VM");
value = makePointer(t, bsiVM);
hashMapInsert(t, map, key, value, hashByteArray);
return map;
run(Thread* t)
@ -3119,25 +3298,74 @@ run(Thread* t)
exception = makeStackOverflowError(t);
goto throw_;
unsigned base = sp - parameterCount;
if (methodFlags(t, code) & ACC_NATIVE) {
// todo
object data = resolveNativeMethodData(t, code);
if (UNLIKELY(data == 0)) {
object message = makeString
(t, "%s.%s:%s",
&byteArrayBody(t, className(t, methodClass(t, code)), 0),
&byteArrayBody(t, methodName(t, code), 0),
&byteArrayBody(t, methodSpec(t, code), 0));
exception = makeUnsatifiedLinkError(t, message);
goto throw_;
uint32_t* args[nativeMethodDataArgumentTableSize(t, data)];
uint8_t sizes[parameterCount];
unsigned offset = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < parameterCount; ++i) {
unsigned code = nativeMethodDataParameterCodes(t, data);
if (code == ObjectField) {
size[i] = 4;
args[offset++] = sp + i + 1;
} else {
size[i] = primitiveSize(code);
uint64_t v = primitiveValue(t, code, stack[sp + i]);
if (size[i] == 8) {
args[offset++] = v & 0xFFFFFFFF;
args[offset++] = v >> 32;
} else {
args[offset++] = v;
unsigned returnCode = nativeMethodDataReturnCode(t, data);
unsigned returnSize
= (code == ObjectField ? 4 : primitiveSize(returnCode));
uint64_t rv = t->vm->system->call(nativeMethodDataPointer(t, data),
sp = base;
if (returnCode == ObjectField) {
push(t, (rv == 0 ? 0 : stack[rv - 1]));
} else {
push(t, makePrimitive(t, returnCode, rv));
} else {
frameIp(t, frame) = ip;
ip = 0;
sp -= parameterCount;
frame = makeFrame(t, code, frame, 0, sp,
frame = makeFrame(t, code, frame, 0, base,
codeMaxLocals(t, methodCode(t, code)), false);
code = methodCode(t, code);
memcpy(&frameLocals(t, frame, 0), stack + sp,
memcpy(&frameLocals(t, frame, 0), stack + base,
parameterCount * BytesPerWord);
memset(&frameLocals(t, frame, 0) + parameterCount, 0,
(frameLength(t, frame) - parameterCount) * BytesPerWord);
sp = base;
goto loop;