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synced 2025-03-21 11:35:57 +00:00
Review Comments
Refactor generator calls to use a visitor type pattern to avoid duplicating the class writer boiler plate. Each generate<Type> call passes its own function to the wrapping class that writes the boiler plate and then calls back into the type specific methods before returning bacl to finlaise the class writer and load it into the class loader Remove unkotlinesq spaces
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,8 +77,13 @@ class ClassCarpenter {
fun fieldsIncludingSuperclasses(): Map<String, Class<out Any?>> = (superclass?.fieldsIncludingSuperclasses() ?: emptyMap()) + LinkedHashMap(fields)
fun descriptorsIncludingSuperclasses(): Map<String, String> = (superclass?.descriptorsIncludingSuperclasses() ?: emptyMap()) + LinkedHashMap(descriptors)
val jvmName : String
get() = name.replace (".", "/")
private val String.jvm: String get() = replace(".", "/")
class ClassSchema(
name: String,
fields: Map<String, Class<out Any?>>,
@ -106,8 +111,6 @@ class ClassCarpenter {
/** Returns a snapshot of the currently loaded classes as a map of full class name (package names+dots) -> class object */
val loaded: Map<String, Class<*>> = HashMap(_loaded)
private val String.jvm: String get() = replace(".", "/")
* Generate bytecode for the given schema and load into the JVM. The returned class object can be used to
* construct instances of the generated class.
@ -125,52 +128,59 @@ class ClassCarpenter {
hierarchy += cursor
cursor = cursor.superclass
hierarchy.reversed().forEach {
when (it) {
is ClassSchema -> generateClass(it)
is InterfaceSchema -> generateInterface(it)
is ClassSchema -> generateClass(it)
return _loaded[schema.name]!!
private fun generateClass(schema: ClassSchema): Class<*> {
val jvmName = schema.name.jvm
// Lazy: we could compute max locals/max stack ourselves, it'd be faster.
val cw = ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES or ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS)
with(cw) {
// public class Name implements SimpleFieldAccess {
val superName = schema.superclass?.name?.jvm ?: "java/lang/Object"
val interfaces = arrayOf(SimpleFieldAccess::class.java.name.jvm) + schema.interfaces.map { it.name.jvm }
visit(52, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER, jvmName, null, superName, interfaces)
generateConstructor(jvmName, schema)
generateGetters(jvmName, schema)
if (schema.superclass == null)
generateGetMethod() // From SimplePropertyAccess
generateToString(jvmName, schema)
val clazz = classloader.load(schema.name, cw.toByteArray())
_loaded[schema.name] = clazz
return clazz
private fun generateInterface(schema: InterfaceSchema): Class<*> {
val jvmName = schema.name.jvm
// Lazy: we could compute max locals/max stack ourselves, it'd be faster.
val cw = ClassWriter (ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES or ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS)
with(cw) {
private fun generateInterface (schema: Schema): Class<*> {
return generate (schema) { cw, schema ->
val interfaces = schema.interfaces.map { it.name.jvm }.toTypedArray()
visit(V1_8, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_ABSTRACT + ACC_INTERFACE, jvmName, null, "java/lang/Object", interfaces)
with (cw) {
visit(V1_8, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_ABSTRACT + ACC_INTERFACE, schema.jvmName, null, "java/lang/Object", interfaces)
val clazz = classloader.load(schema.name, cw.toByteArray())
private fun generateClass (schema: Schema): Class<*> {
return generate (schema) { cw, schema ->
val superName = schema.superclass?.jvmName ?: "java/lang/Object"
val interfaces = arrayOf(SimpleFieldAccess::class.java.name.jvm) + schema.interfaces.map { it.name.jvm }
with (cw) {
visit(V1_8, ACC_PUBLIC + ACC_SUPER, schema.jvmName, null, superName, interfaces)
if (schema.superclass == null)
generateGetMethod() // From SimplePropertyAccess
private fun generate(schema: Schema, generator : (ClassWriter, Schema) -> Unit): Class<*> {
// Lazy: we could compute max locals/max stack ourselves, it'd be faster.
val cw = ClassWriter (ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES or ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS)
generator (cw, schema)
val clazz = classloader.load(schema.name, cw.toByteArray())
_loaded[schema.name] = clazz
return clazz
@ -181,7 +191,7 @@ class ClassCarpenter {
private fun ClassWriter.generateToString(jvmName: String, schema: Schema) {
private fun ClassWriter.generateToString(schema: Schema) {
val toStringHelper = "com/google/common/base/MoreObjects\$ToStringHelper"
with(visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;", "", null)) {
@ -192,7 +202,7 @@ class ClassCarpenter {
for ((name, type) in schema.fieldsIncludingSuperclasses().entries) {
visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0) // this
visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, jvmName, name, schema.descriptorsIncludingSuperclasses()[name])
visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, schema.jvmName, name, schema.descriptorsIncludingSuperclasses()[name])
val desc = if (type.isPrimitive) schema.descriptors[name] else "Ljava/lang/Object;"
visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, toStringHelper, "add", "(Ljava/lang/String;$desc)L$toStringHelper;", false)
@ -220,13 +230,13 @@ class ClassCarpenter {
private fun ClassWriter.generateGetters(jvmName: String, schema: Schema) {
private fun ClassWriter.generateGetters(schema: Schema) {
for ((name, type) in schema.fields) {
val descriptor = schema.descriptors[name]
with(visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "get" + name.capitalize(), "()" + descriptor, null, null)) {
visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0) // Load 'this'
visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, jvmName, name, descriptor)
visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, schema.jvmName, name, descriptor)
when (type) {
java.lang.Boolean.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, java.lang.Short.TYPE, java.lang.Byte.TYPE, TYPE -> visitInsn(IRETURN)
java.lang.Long.TYPE -> visitInsn(LRETURN)
@ -240,7 +250,7 @@ class ClassCarpenter {
private fun ClassWriter.generateAbstractGetters(schema: InterfaceSchema) {
private fun ClassWriter.generateAbstractGetters(schema: Schema) {
for ((name, type) in schema.fields) {
val descriptor = schema.descriptors[name]
@ -251,7 +261,7 @@ class ClassCarpenter {
private fun ClassWriter.generateConstructor(jvmName: String, schema: Schema) {
private fun ClassWriter.generateConstructor(schema: Schema) {
with(visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", "(" + schema.descriptorsIncludingSuperclasses().values.joinToString("") + ")V", null, null)) {
// Calculate the super call.
@ -273,7 +283,7 @@ class ClassCarpenter {
throw UnsupportedOperationException("Array types are not implemented yet")
visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0) // Load 'this' onto the stack
slot += load(slot, type) // Load the contents of the parameter onto the stack.
visitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, jvmName, name, schema.descriptors[name])
visitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, schema.jvmName, name, schema.descriptors[name])
visitMaxs(0, 0)
@ -137,12 +137,12 @@ class ClassCarpenterTest {
val schema1 = ClassCarpenter.InterfaceSchema("gen.Interface", mapOf("a" to Int::class.java))
val iface = cc.build(schema1)
assert (iface.isInterface())
assert (iface.constructors.isEmpty())
assertEquals (iface.declaredMethods.size, 1)
assertEquals (iface.declaredMethods[0].name, "getA")
assertEquals(iface.declaredMethods.size, 1)
assertEquals(iface.declaredMethods[0].name, "getA")
val schema2 = ClassCarpenter.ClassSchema("gen.Derived", mapOf("a" to Int::class.java), interfaces = listOf (iface))
val schema2 = ClassCarpenter.ClassSchema("gen.Derived", mapOf("a" to Int::class.java), interfaces = listOf(iface))
val clazz = cc.build(schema2)
val testA = 42
val i = clazz.constructors[0].newInstance(testA) as SimpleFieldAccess
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class ClassCarpenterTest {
"b" to String::class.java,
"c" to Int::class.java,
"d" to String::class.java),
interfaces = listOf (cc.build (iFace1), cc.build (iFace2)))
interfaces = listOf(cc.build(iFace1), cc.build(iFace2)))
val clazz = cc.build(class1)
val testA = 42
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class ClassCarpenterTest {
fun `interface implementing interface`() {
val iFace1 = ClassCarpenter.InterfaceSchema(
mapOf (
"a" to Int::class.java,
"b" to String::class.java))
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class ClassCarpenterTest {
"c" to Int::class.java,
"d" to String::class.java),
interfaces = listOf (cc.build (iFace1)))
interfaces = listOf(cc.build(iFace1)))
val class1 = ClassCarpenter.ClassSchema(
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class ClassCarpenterTest {
"b" to String::class.java,
"c" to Int::class.java,
"d" to String::class.java),
interfaces = listOf (cc.build (iFace2)))
interfaces = listOf(cc.build(iFace2)))
val clazz = cc.build(class1)
val testA = 99
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