Add documentation of transaction data types

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Ross Nicoll 2016-06-07 17:47:16 +01:00
parent 58d5162782
commit 9cdcaaa606
2 changed files with 76 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Read on to learn:

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
Transaction Data Types
There is a large library of data types used in Corda transactions and contract state objects.
The ``Amount`` class is used to represent an amount of some fungible asset. It is a generic class which wraps around
a type used to define the underlying asset, for example a ``TokenDefinition``, or this can be a more complex type
such as an obligation contract issuance definition (which in turn contains a token definition for whatever the obligation
is to be settled in).
.. note:: Fungible means that instances of an asset is interchangeable for any other identical instance, for example a
£5 note can reasonably be exchanged for any other £5 note.
Contract State
A Corda contract is composed of three parts; the executable code, the legal prose, and the state object that represents
the details of the contract. States essentially convert the generic template (code and legal prose) into a specific
instance. In a ``WireTransaction``, outputs are provided as ``ContractState`` implementations, while the inputs are
references to the outputs of a previous transaction. These references are then stored as ``StateRef`` objects, which are
converted to ``StateAndRef`` on demand.
A number of interfaces then extend ``ContractState``, representing standardised functionality for states:
* ``OwnableState``
* ``LinearState``
* ``DealState``
* ``FixableDealState``
Things (such as attachments) which are identified by their hash should implement the ``NamedByHash`` interface,
which standardises how the ID is extracted.
FungibleAssets and Cash
There is a common ``FungibleAsset`` superclass for contracts which model fungible assets, with ``Cash`` being the obvious
example. This is intended to be readily extensible to cover other assets, for example commodities could be modelled by
using a state object that included further details such as location of the commodity.
Transaction Types
The core of a transaction (see :doc:`data-model` for detailed discussion of the transaction data model) without
signatures or attachments is represented using the ``WireTransaction`` class, which once signed is encapsulated in the
``SignedTransaction`` class. For processing a transaction (i.e. to verify it) it is first converted to a
``LedgerTransaction``, which involves verifying the signatures and attaching them to the relevant command(s). Commands
with valid signatures are encapsulated in the ``AuthenticatedObject`` type.
Party and PublicKey
Identities of parties involved in signing a transaction can be represented simply by their ``PublicKey``, or by further
information (such as name) using the ``Party`` class. An ``AuthenticatedObject`` contains a list of the public keys
for signatures present on the transaction, as well as list of parties for those public keys (where known).
Date Support
There are a number of supporting interfaces and classes for use by contract which deal with dates (especially in the
context of deadlines). As contract negotiation typically deals with deadlines in terms such as "overnight", "T+3",
etc., it's desirable to allow conversion of these terms to their equivalent deadline. ``Tenor`` models the interval
before a deadline, such as 3 days, etc., while ``DateRollConvention`` describes how deadlines are modified to take
into account bank holidays or other events that modify normal working days.
Business Calendar
Calculating the rollover of a deadline based on working days requires information on the bank holidays involved
(and where a contract's parties are in different countries, for example, this can involve multiple separate sets of
bank holidays). The ``BusinessCalendar`` class models these calendars of business holidays; currently it loads these
from files on disk, but in future this is likely to involve reference data oracles in order to ensure consensus on the
dates used.