ENT-3141 - Improve jar verification. (#4841)

ENT-3141 Address code review comments
This commit is contained in:
Tudor Malene 2019-03-05 13:26:06 +00:00 committed by Gavin Thomas
parent 1337c35ee6
commit 9ab4a3e24c
7 changed files with 96 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ object JarSignatureCollector {
private val unsignableEntryName = "META-INF/(?:(?:.*[.](?:SF|DSA|RSA|EC)|SIG-.*)|INDEX\\.LIST)".toRegex()
* @return if the [entry] [JarEntry] can be signed.
fun isNotSignable(entry: JarEntry): Boolean = entry.isDirectory || unsignableEntryName.matches(entry.name)
* Returns an ordered list of every [PublicKey] which has signed every signable item in the given [JarInputStream].
@ -57,8 +62,7 @@ object JarSignatureCollector {
private val JarInputStream.fileSignerSets: List<Pair<String, Set<CodeSigner>>> get() =
private val Sequence<JarEntry>.thatAreSignable: Sequence<JarEntry> get() =
filterNot { entry -> entry.isDirectory || unsignableEntryName.matches(entry.name) }
private val Sequence<JarEntry>.thatAreSignable: Sequence<JarEntry> get() = filterNot { isNotSignable(it) }
private fun Sequence<JarEntry>.shreddedFrom(jar: JarInputStream): Sequence<JarEntry> = map { entry ->
val shredder = ByteArray(1024) // can't share or re-use this, as it's used to compute CRCs during shredding

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@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.security.PublicKey
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.*
import java.util.jar.JarEntry
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe
import javax.persistence.*
@ -71,11 +72,24 @@ class NodeAttachmentService(
// Note that JarInputStream won't throw any kind of error at all if the file stream is in fact not
// a ZIP! It'll just pretend it's an empty archive, which is kind of stupid but that's how it works.
// So we have to check to ensure we found at least one item.
private fun checkIsAValidJAR(stream: InputStream) {
// For signed Jars add additional checks to close security holes left by the default jarSigner verifier:
// - All entries listed in the Manifest are in the JAR file.
// - No extra files in the JAR that were not listed in the Manifest.
// Together with the check that all entries need to be signed by the same signers that is performed when the signers are read,
// it should close any possibility of foul play.
internal fun checkIsAValidJAR(stream: InputStream) {
val jar = JarInputStream(stream, true)
var count = 0
// Can be null for not-signed JARs.
val allManifestEntries = jar.manifest?.entries?.keys?.toMutableList()
val extraFilesNotFoundInEntries = mutableListOf<JarEntry>()
val manifestHasEntries= allManifestEntries != null && allManifestEntries.isNotEmpty()
while (true) {
val cursor = jar.nextJarEntry ?: break
if (manifestHasEntries && !allManifestEntries!!.remove(cursor.name)) extraFilesNotFoundInEntries.add(cursor)
val entryPath = Paths.get(cursor.name)
// Security check to stop zips trying to escape their rightful place.
require(!entryPath.isAbsolute) { "Path $entryPath is absolute" }
@ -83,6 +97,17 @@ class NodeAttachmentService(
require(!('\\' in cursor.name || cursor.name == "." || cursor.name == "..")) { "Bad character in $entryPath" }
// Only perform these checks if the JAR was signed.
if (manifestHasEntries) {
if (allManifestEntries!!.size > 0) {
throw SecurityException("Signed jar has been tampered with. Files ${allManifestEntries} have been removed.")
val extraSignableFiles = extraFilesNotFoundInEntries.filterNot { JarSignatureCollector.isNotSignable(it) }
if (extraSignableFiles.size > 0) {
throw SecurityException("Signed jar has been tampered with. Files ${extraSignableFiles} have been added to the JAR.")
require(count > 0) { "Stream is either empty or not a JAR/ZIP" }
@ -311,7 +336,7 @@ class NodeAttachmentService(
currentDBSession().find(NodeAttachmentService.DBAttachment::class.java, attachmentId.toString()) != null
private fun verifyVersionUniquenessForSignedAttachments(contractClassNames: List<ContractClassName>, contractVersion: Int, signers: List<PublicKey>?){
private fun verifyVersionUniquenessForSignedAttachments(contractClassNames: List<ContractClassName>, contractVersion: Int, signers: List<PublicKey>?) {
if (signers != null && signers.isNotEmpty()) {
contractClassNames.forEach {
val existingContractsImplementations = queryAttachments(AttachmentQueryCriteria.AttachmentsQueryCriteria(
@ -327,20 +352,20 @@ class NodeAttachmentService(
private fun increaseDefaultVersionIfWhitelistedAttachment(contractClassNames: List<ContractClassName>, contractVersionFromFile: Int, attachmentId : AttachmentId) =
if (contractVersionFromFile == DEFAULT_CORDAPP_VERSION) {
val versions = contractClassNames.mapNotNull { servicesForResolution.networkParameters.whitelistedContractImplementations[it]?.indexOf(attachmentId) }.filter { it >= 0 }.map { it + 1 } // +1 as versions starts from 1 not 0
val max = versions.max()
if (max != null && max > contractVersionFromFile) {
val msg = "Updating version of attachment $attachmentId from '$contractVersionFromFile' to '$max'"
if (versions.toSet().size > 1)
log.warn("Several versions based on whitelistedContractImplementations position are available: ${versions.toSet()}. $msg")
private fun increaseDefaultVersionIfWhitelistedAttachment(contractClassNames: List<ContractClassName>, contractVersionFromFile: Int, attachmentId: AttachmentId) =
if (contractVersionFromFile == DEFAULT_CORDAPP_VERSION) {
val versions = contractClassNames.mapNotNull { servicesForResolution.networkParameters.whitelistedContractImplementations[it]?.indexOf(attachmentId) }
.filter { it >= 0 }.map { it + 1 } // +1 as versions starts from 1 not 0
val max = versions.max()
if (max != null && max > contractVersionFromFile) {
val msg = "Updating version of attachment $attachmentId from '$contractVersionFromFile' to '$max'"
if (versions.toSet().size > 1)
log.warn("Several versions based on whitelistedContractImplementations position are available: ${versions.toSet()}. $msg")
} else contractVersionFromFile
} else contractVersionFromFile
else contractVersionFromFile
// TODO: PLT-147: The attachment should be randomised to prevent brute force guessing and thus privacy leaks.
private fun import(jar: InputStream, uploader: String?, filename: String?): AttachmentId {
@ -495,7 +520,7 @@ class NodeAttachmentService(
private fun makeAttachmentIds(it: Map.Entry<Int, List<DBAttachment>>, contractClassName: String): Pair<Version, AttachmentIds> {
val signed = it.value.filter { it.signers?.isNotEmpty() ?: false }.map { AttachmentId.parse(it.attId) }
if (!devMode)
check (signed.size <= 1) //sanity check
check(signed.size <= 1) //sanity check
log.warn("(Dev Mode) Multiple signed attachments ${signed.map { it.toString() }} for contract $contractClassName version '${it.key}'.")
val unsigned = it.value.filter { it.signers?.isEmpty() ?: true }.map { AttachmentId.parse(it.attId) }

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@ -40,11 +40,14 @@ import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Ignore
import org.junit.Test
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
import java.io.InputStream
import java.net.URL
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException
import java.nio.file.FileSystem
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.*
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
import kotlin.test.assertNotEquals
@ -722,6 +725,52 @@ class NodeAttachmentServiceTest {
fun `The strict JAR verification function fails signed JARs with removed or extra files that are valid according to the usual jarsigner`() {
// Signed jar that has a modified file.
val changedFileJAR = this::class.java.getResource("/changed-file-signed-jar.jar")
// Signed jar with removed files.
val removedFilesJAR = this::class.java.getResource("/removed-files-signed-jar.jar")
// Signed jar with extra files.
val extraFilesJAR = this::class.java.getResource("/extra-files-signed-jar.jar")
// Valid signed jar with all files.
val legalJAR = this::class.java.getResource("/legal-signed-jar.jar")
fun URL.standardVerifyJar() = JarInputStream(this.openStream(), true).use { jar ->
while (true) {
jar.nextJarEntry ?: break
// A compliant signed JAR will pass both the standard and the improved validation.
// Signed JAR with removed files passes the non-strict check but fails the strict check.
assertFailsWith(SecurityException::class) {
// Signed JAR with a changed file fails both the usual and the strict test.
assertFailsWith(SecurityException::class) {
assertFailsWith(SecurityException::class) {
// Signed JAR with an extra file passes the usual but fails the strict test.
assertFailsWith(SecurityException::class) {
// Not the real FetchAttachmentsFlow!
private class FetchAttachmentsFlow : FlowLogic<Unit>() {

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