mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 20:15:19 +00:00
Merged irs-oracle into master
This commit is contained in:
@ -118,4 +118,18 @@ tasks.withType(Test) {
tasks.withType(JavaExec) {
jvmArgs "-javaagent:${configurations.quasar.singleFile}"
jvmArgs "-Dco.paralleluniverse.fibers.verifyInstrumentation"
// Package up the other demo programs.
task getRateFixDemo(type: CreateStartScripts) {
mainClassName = "demos.RateFixDemoKt"
applicationName = "get-rate-fix"
defaultJvmOpts = ["-javaagent:${configurations.quasar.singleFile}"]
outputDir = new File(project.buildDir, 'scripts')
classpath = jar.outputs.files + project.configurations.runtime
applicationDistribution.into("bin") {
fileMode = 0755
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
package core
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.security.PublicKey
import java.util.*
@ -47,63 +46,6 @@ class Requirements {
val R = Requirements()
inline fun <R> requireThat(body: Requirements.() -> R) = R.body()
//// Amounts //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Amount represents a positive quantity of currency, measured in pennies, which are the smallest representable units.
* Note that "pennies" are not necessarily 1/100ths of a currency unit, but are the actual smallest amount used in
* whatever currency the amount represents.
* Amounts of different currencies *do not mix* and attempting to add or subtract two amounts of different currencies
* will throw [IllegalArgumentException]. Amounts may not be negative. Amounts are represented internally using a signed
* 64 bit value, therefore, the maximum expressable amount is 2^63 - 1 == Long.MAX_VALUE. Addition, subtraction and
* multiplication are overflow checked and will throw [ArithmeticException] if the operation would have caused integer
* overflow.
* TODO: It may make sense to replace this with convenience extensions over the JSR 354 MonetaryAmount interface
* TODO: Should amount be abstracted to cover things like quantities of a stock, bond, commercial paper etc? Probably.
* TODO: Think about how positive-only vs positive-or-negative amounts can be represented in the type system.
data class Amount(val pennies: Long, val currency: Currency) : Comparable<Amount> {
init {
// Negative amounts are of course a vital part of any ledger, but negative values are only valid in certain
// contexts: you cannot send a negative amount of cash, but you can (sometimes) have a negative balance.
// If you want to express a negative amount, for now, use a long.
require(pennies >= 0) { "Negative amounts are not allowed: $pennies" }
operator fun plus(other: Amount): Amount {
return Amount(Math.addExact(pennies, other.pennies), currency)
operator fun minus(other: Amount): Amount {
return Amount(Math.subtractExact(pennies, other.pennies), currency)
private fun checkCurrency(other: Amount) {
require(other.currency == currency) { "Currency mismatch: ${other.currency} vs $currency" }
operator fun div(other: Long): Amount = Amount(pennies / other, currency)
operator fun times(other: Long): Amount = Amount(Math.multiplyExact(pennies, other), currency)
operator fun div(other: Int): Amount = Amount(pennies / other, currency)
operator fun times(other: Int): Amount = Amount(Math.multiplyExact(pennies, other.toLong()), currency)
override fun toString(): String = currency.currencyCode + " " + (BigDecimal(pennies) / BigDecimal(100)).toPlainString()
override fun compareTo(other: Amount): Int {
return pennies.compareTo(other.pennies)
fun Iterable<Amount>.sumOrNull() = if (!iterator().hasNext()) null else sumOrThrow()
fun Iterable<Amount>.sumOrThrow() = reduce { left, right -> left + right }
fun Iterable<Amount>.sumOrZero(currency: Currency) = if (iterator().hasNext()) sumOrThrow() else Amount(0, currency)
//// Authenticated commands ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** Filters the command list by type, party and public key all at once. */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Copyright 2015 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package core
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.util.*
* Amount represents a positive quantity of currency, measured in pennies, which are the smallest representable units.
* Note that "pennies" are not necessarily 1/100ths of a currency unit, but are the actual smallest amount used in
* whatever currency the amount represents.
* Amounts of different currencies *do not mix* and attempting to add or subtract two amounts of different currencies
* will throw [IllegalArgumentException]. Amounts may not be negative. Amounts are represented internally using a signed
* 64 bit value, therefore, the maximum expressable amount is 2^63 - 1 == Long.MAX_VALUE. Addition, subtraction and
* multiplication are overflow checked and will throw [ArithmeticException] if the operation would have caused integer
* overflow.
* TODO: It may make sense to replace this with convenience extensions over the JSR 354 MonetaryAmount interface
* TODO: Should amount be abstracted to cover things like quantities of a stock, bond, commercial paper etc? Probably.
* TODO: Think about how positive-only vs positive-or-negative amounts can be represented in the type system.
data class Amount(val pennies: Long, val currency: Currency) : Comparable<Amount> {
init {
// Negative amounts are of course a vital part of any ledger, but negative values are only valid in certain
// contexts: you cannot send a negative amount of cash, but you can (sometimes) have a negative balance.
// If you want to express a negative amount, for now, use a long.
require(pennies >= 0) { "Negative amounts are not allowed: $pennies" }
operator fun plus(other: Amount): Amount {
return Amount(Math.addExact(pennies, other.pennies), currency)
operator fun minus(other: Amount): Amount {
return Amount(Math.subtractExact(pennies, other.pennies), currency)
private fun checkCurrency(other: Amount) {
require(other.currency == currency) { "Currency mismatch: ${other.currency} vs $currency" }
operator fun div(other: Long): Amount = Amount(pennies / other, currency)
operator fun times(other: Long): Amount = Amount(Math.multiplyExact(pennies, other), currency)
operator fun div(other: Int): Amount = Amount(pennies / other, currency)
operator fun times(other: Int): Amount = Amount(Math.multiplyExact(pennies, other.toLong()), currency)
override fun toString(): String = currency.currencyCode + " " + (BigDecimal(pennies) / BigDecimal(100)).toPlainString()
override fun compareTo(other: Amount): Int {
return pennies.compareTo(other.pennies)
fun Iterable<Amount>.sumOrNull() = if (!iterator().hasNext()) null else sumOrThrow()
fun Iterable<Amount>.sumOrThrow() = reduce { left, right -> left + right }
fun Iterable<Amount>.sumOrZero(currency: Currency) = if (iterator().hasNext()) sumOrThrow() else Amount(0, currency)
// Interest rate fixes
/** A [FixOf] identifies the question side of a fix: what day, tenor and type of fix ("LIBOR", "EURIBOR" etc) */
data class FixOf(val name: String, val forDay: LocalDate, val ofTenor: Duration)
/** A [Fix] represents a named interest rate, on a given day, for a given duration. It can be embedded in a tx. */
data class Fix(val of: FixOf, val value: BigDecimal) : CommandData
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ you can upload it by running this command from a UNIX terminal:
.. sourcecode:: shell
curl -F myfile=@path/to/my/file.zip http://localhost:31338/attachments/upload
curl -F myfile=@path/to/my/file.zip http://localhost:31338/upload/attachment
The attachment will be identified by the SHA-256 hash of the contents, which you can get by doing:
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ The attachment will be identified by the SHA-256 hash of the contents, which you
shasum -a 256 file.zip
on a Mac or by using ``sha256sum`` on Linux. Alternatively, check the node logs. There is presently no way to manage
attachments from a GUI.
on a Mac or by using ``sha256sum`` on Linux. Alternatively, the hash will be returned to you when you upload the
An attachment may be downloaded by fetching:
@ -39,3 +39,24 @@ containers, you can also fetch a specific file within the attachment by appendin
Uploading interest rate fixes
If you would like to operate an interest rate fixing service (oracle), you can upload fix data by uploading data in
a simple text format to the ``/upload/interest-rates`` path on the web server.
The file looks like this::
# Some pretend noddy rate fixes, for the interest rate oracles.
LIBOR 2016-03-16 30 = 0.678
LIBOR 2016-03-16 60 = 0.655
EURIBOR 2016-03-15 30 = 0.123
EURIBOR 2016-03-15 60 = 0.111
The columns are:
* Name of the fix
* Date of the fix
* The tenor / time to maturity in days
* The interest rate itself
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Some pretend noddy rate fixes, for the interest rate oracles.
LIBOR 2016-03-16 30 = 0.678
LIBOR 2016-03-16 60 = 0.655
EURIBOR 2016-03-15 30 = 0.123
EURIBOR 2016-03-15 60 = 0.111
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This needs the buyer node to be running first.
if [ ! -e ./gradlew ]; then
echo "Run from the root directory please"
exit 1
if [ ! -e $bin ]; then
./gradlew installDist
if [ ! -e buyer/identity-public ]; then
echo "You must run scripts/trade-demo.sh buyer before running this script (and keep it running)"
exit 1
# Upload the rates to the buyer node
curl -F rates=@scripts/example.rates.txt http://localhost:31338/upload/interest-rates
$bin --network-address=localhost:31300 --oracle=localhost --oracle-identity-file=buyer/identity-public
@ -48,6 +48,11 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(val dir: Path, val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
// low-performance prototyping period.
protected open val serverThread = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
// Objects in this list will be scanned by the DataUploadServlet and can be handed new data via HTTP.
// Don't mutate this after startup.
protected val _servicesThatAcceptUploads = ArrayList<AcceptsFileUpload>()
val servicesThatAcceptUploads: List<AcceptsFileUpload> = _servicesThatAcceptUploads
val services = object : ServiceHub {
override val networkService: MessagingService get() = net
override val networkMapService: NetworkMap = MockNetworkMap()
@ -85,11 +90,13 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(val dir: Path, val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
open fun start(): AbstractNode {
log.info("Node starting up ...")
storage = initialiseStorageService(dir)
net = makeMessagingService()
smm = StateMachineManager(services, serverThread)
wallet = NodeWalletService(services)
keyManagement = E2ETestKeyManagementService()
// Insert a network map entry for the timestamper: this is all temp scaffolding and will go away. If we are
// given the details, the timestamping node is somewhere else. Otherwise, we do our own timestamping.
@ -111,6 +118,12 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(val dir: Path, val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
return this
protected fun makeInterestRateOracleService() {
// Constructing the service registers message handlers that ensure the service won't be garbage collected.
// TODO: Once the service has data, automatically register with the network map service (once built).
_servicesThatAcceptUploads += NodeInterestRates.Service(this)
protected open fun makeIdentityService(): IdentityService {
// We don't have any identity infrastructure right now, so we just throw together the only two identities we
// know about: our own, and the identity of the remote timestamper node (if any).
@ -130,6 +143,7 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(val dir: Path, val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
protected open fun initialiseStorageService(dir: Path): StorageService {
val attachments = makeAttachmentStorage(dir)
_servicesThatAcceptUploads += attachments
val (identity, keypair) = obtainKeyPair(dir)
return constructStorageService(attachments, identity, keypair)
@ -195,7 +209,6 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(val dir: Path, val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
} catch (e: FileAlreadyExistsException) {
val attachments = NodeAttachmentService(attachmentsDir)
return attachments
return NodeAttachmentService(attachmentsDir)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* Copyright 2015 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package core.node
import java.io.InputStream
* A service that implements AcceptsFileUpload can have new binary data provided to it via an HTTP upload.
* TODO: In future, also accept uploads over the MQ interface too.
interface AcceptsFileUpload {
/** A string that prefixes the URLs, e.g. "attachments" or "interest-rates". Should be OK for URLs. */
val dataTypePrefix: String
/** What file extensions are acceptable for the file to be handed to upload() */
val acceptableFileExtensions: List<String>
* Accepts the data in the given input stream, and returns some sort of useful return message that will be sent
* back to the user in the response.
fun upload(data: InputStream): String
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import core.messaging.LegallyIdentifiableNode
import core.messaging.MessagingService
import core.node.services.ArtemisMessagingService
import core.node.servlets.AttachmentDownloadServlet
import core.node.servlets.AttachmentUploadServlet
import core.node.servlets.DataUploadServlet
import core.utilities.loggerFor
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server
import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ class Node(dir: Path, val p2pAddr: HostAndPort, configuration: NodeConfiguration
val port = p2pAddr.port + 1 // TODO: Move this into the node config file.
val server = Server(port)
val handler = ServletContextHandler()
handler.setAttribute("storage", storage)
handler.addServlet(AttachmentUploadServlet::class.java, "/attachments/upload")
handler.setAttribute("node", this)
handler.addServlet(DataUploadServlet::class.java, "/upload/*")
handler.addServlet(AttachmentDownloadServlet::class.java, "/attachments/*")
server.handler = handler
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import com.google.common.io.CountingInputStream
import core.Attachment
import core.crypto.SecureHash
import core.extractZipFile
import core.node.AcceptsFileUpload
import core.utilities.loggerFor
import java.io.FilterInputStream
import java.io.InputStream
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe
* Stores attachments in the specified local directory, which must exist. Doesn't allow new attachments to be uploaded.
class NodeAttachmentService(val storePath: Path) : AttachmentStorage {
class NodeAttachmentService(val storePath: Path) : AttachmentStorage, AcceptsFileUpload {
private val log = loggerFor<NodeAttachmentService>()
@ -140,4 +141,9 @@ class NodeAttachmentService(val storePath: Path) : AttachmentStorage {
// Implementations for AcceptsFileUpload
override val dataTypePrefix = "attachment"
override val acceptableFileExtensions = listOf(".jar", ".zip")
override fun upload(data: InputStream) = importAttachment(data).toString()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
* Copyright 2015 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package core.node.services
import core.*
import core.crypto.DigitalSignature
import core.crypto.signWithECDSA
import core.messaging.send
import core.node.AbstractNode
import core.node.AcceptsFileUpload
import core.serialization.deserialize
import protocols.RatesFixProtocol
import java.io.InputStream
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.security.KeyPair
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.util.*
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe
* An interest rates service is an oracle that signs transactions which contain embedded assertions about an interest
* rate fix (e.g. LIBOR, EURIBOR ...).
* The oracle has two functions. It can be queried for a fix for the given day. And it can sign a transaction that
* includes a fix that it finds acceptable. So to use it you would query the oracle, incorporate its answer into the
* transaction you are building, and then (after possibly extra steps) hand the final transaction back to the oracle
* for signing.
object NodeInterestRates {
/** Parses a string of the form "LIBOR 16-March-2016 30 = 0.678" into a [FixOf] and [Fix] */
fun parseOneRate(s: String): Pair<FixOf, Fix> {
val (key, value) = s.split('=').map { it.trim() }
val of = parseFixOf(key)
val rate = BigDecimal(value)
return of to Fix(of, rate)
/** Parses a string of the form "LIBOR 16-March-2016 30" into a [FixOf] */
fun parseFixOf(key: String): FixOf {
val (name, date, days) = key.split(' ')
return FixOf(name, LocalDate.parse(date), days.toInt().days)
/** Parses lines containing fixes */
fun parseFile(s: String): Map<FixOf, Fix> {
val results = HashMap<FixOf, Fix>()
for (line in s.lines()) {
val (fixOf, fix) = parseOneRate(line.trim())
results[fixOf] = fix
return results
* The Service that wraps [Oracle] and handles messages/network interaction/request scrubbing.
class Service(node: AbstractNode) : AcceptsFileUpload {
val ss = node.services.storageService
val oracle = Oracle(ss.myLegalIdentity, ss.myLegalIdentityKey)
val net = node.services.networkService
init {
private fun handleSignRequests() {
net.addMessageHandler(RatesFixProtocol.TOPIC + ".sign.0") { message, registration ->
val request = message.data.deserialize<RatesFixProtocol.SignRequest>()
val sig = oracle.sign(request.tx)
net.send("${RatesFixProtocol.TOPIC}.sign.${request.sessionID}", request.replyTo, sig)
private fun handleQueries() {
net.addMessageHandler(RatesFixProtocol.TOPIC + ".query.0") { message, registration ->
val request = message.data.deserialize<RatesFixProtocol.QueryRequest>()
val answers = oracle.query(request.queries)
net.send("${RatesFixProtocol.TOPIC}.query.${request.sessionID}", request.replyTo, answers)
// File upload support
override val dataTypePrefix = "interest-rates"
override val acceptableFileExtensions = listOf(".rates", ".txt")
override fun upload(data: InputStream): String {
val fixes: Map<FixOf, Fix> = data.
map { it.trim() }.
// Filter out comment and empty lines.
filterNot { it.startsWith("#") || it.isBlank() }.
map { parseOneRate(it) }.
associate { it.first to it.second }
// TODO: Save the uploaded fixes to the storage service and reload on construction.
// This assignment is thread safe because knownFixes is volatile and the oracle code always snapshots
// the pointer to the stack before working with the map.
oracle.knownFixes = fixes
return "Accepted ${fixes.size} new interest rate fixes"
* An implementation of an interest rate fix oracle which is given data in a simple string format.
class Oracle(val identity: Party, private val signingKey: KeyPair) {
init {
require(signingKey.public == identity.owningKey)
/** The fix data being served by this oracle. */
@Transient var knownFixes = emptyMap<FixOf, Fix>()
set(value) {
field = value
fun query(queries: List<FixOf>): List<Fix> {
val knownFixes = knownFixes // Snapshot
val answers: List<Fix?> = queries.map { knownFixes[it] }
val firstNull = answers.indexOf(null)
if (firstNull != -1)
throw UnknownFix(queries[firstNull])
return answers.filterNotNull()
fun sign(wtx: WireTransaction): DigitalSignature.LegallyIdentifiable {
// Extract the fix commands marked as being signable by us.
val fixes: List<Fix> = wtx.commands.
filter { identity.owningKey in it.pubkeys && it.data is Fix }.
map { it.data as Fix }
// Reject this signing attempt if there are no commands of the right kind.
if (fixes.isEmpty())
throw IllegalArgumentException()
// For each fix, verify that the data is correct.
val knownFixes = knownFixes // Snapshot
for (fix in fixes) {
val known = knownFixes[fix.of]
if (known == null || known != fix)
throw UnknownFix(fix.of)
// It all checks out, so we can return a signature.
// Note that we will happily sign an invalid transaction: we don't bother trying to validate the whole
// thing. This is so that later on we can start using tear-offs.
return signingKey.signWithECDSA(wtx.serialized, identity)
class UnknownFix(val fix: FixOf) : Exception() {
override fun toString() = "Unknown fix: $fix"
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
package core.node.servlets
import core.crypto.SecureHash
import core.node.services.StorageService
import core.node.AcceptsFileUpload
import core.node.Node
import core.utilities.loggerFor
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload
import java.util.*
@ -17,43 +17,55 @@ import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
class AttachmentUploadServlet : HttpServlet() {
private val log = loggerFor<AttachmentUploadServlet>()
* Accepts binary streams, finds the right [AcceptsFileUpload] implementor and hands the stream off to it.
class DataUploadServlet : HttpServlet() {
private val log = loggerFor<DataUploadServlet>()
override fun doPost(req: HttpServletRequest, resp: HttpServletResponse) {
val node = servletContext.getAttribute("node") as Node
@Suppress("DEPRECATION") // Bogus warning due to superclass static method being deprecated.
val isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(req)
if (!isMultipart) {
log.error("Got a non-file upload request to the attachments servlet")
resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "This end point is for file uploads only.")
resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "This end point is for data uploads only.")
val acceptor: AcceptsFileUpload? = findAcceptor(node, req)
if (acceptor == null) {
resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Got a file upload request for an unknown data type")
val upload = ServletFileUpload()
val iterator = upload.getItemIterator(req)
val ids = ArrayList<SecureHash>()
val messages = ArrayList<String>()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val item = iterator.next()
if (!item.name.endsWith(".jar")) {
log.error("Attempted upload of a non-JAR attachment: mime=${item.contentType} filename=${item.name}")
if (item.name != null && !acceptor.acceptableFileExtensions.any { item.name.endsWith(it) }) {
"${item.name}: Must be have a MIME type of application/java-archive and a filename ending in .jar")
"${item.name}: Must be have a filename ending in one of: ${acceptor.acceptableFileExtensions}")
log.info("Receiving ${item.name}")
val storage = servletContext.getAttribute("storage") as StorageService
item.openStream().use {
val id = storage.attachments.importAttachment(it)
log.info("${item.name} successfully inserted into the attachment store with id $id")
ids += id
val message = acceptor.upload(it)
log.info("${item.name} successfully accepted: $message")
messages += message
// Send back the hashes as a convenience for the user.
val writer = resp.writer
ids.forEach { writer.println(it) }
messages.forEach { writer.println(it) }
private fun findAcceptor(node: Node, req: HttpServletRequest): AcceptsFileUpload? {
return node.servicesThatAcceptUploads.firstOrNull { req.pathInfo.substring(1).substringBefore('/') == it.dataTypePrefix }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
* Copyright 2015 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package demos
import contracts.Cash
import core.*
import core.messaging.LegallyIdentifiableNode
import core.node.Node
import core.node.NodeConfiguration
import core.node.services.ArtemisMessagingService
import core.node.services.NodeInterestRates
import core.serialization.deserialize
import core.utilities.ANSIProgressRenderer
import core.utilities.BriefLogFormatter
import core.utilities.Emoji
import joptsimple.OptionParser
import protocols.RatesFixProtocol
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import kotlin.system.exitProcess
* Creates a dummy transaction that requires a rate fix within a certain range, and gets it signed by an oracle
* service.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val parser = OptionParser()
val networkAddressArg = parser.accepts("network-address").withRequiredArg().required()
val dirArg = parser.accepts("directory").withRequiredArg().defaultsTo("rate-fix-demo-data")
val oracleAddrArg = parser.accepts("oracle").withRequiredArg().required()
val oracleIdentityArg = parser.accepts("oracle-identity-file").withRequiredArg().required()
val fixOfArg = parser.accepts("fix-of").withRequiredArg().defaultsTo("LIBOR 2016-03-16 30")
val expectedRateArg = parser.accepts("expected-rate").withRequiredArg().defaultsTo("0.67")
val rateToleranceArg = parser.accepts("rate-tolerance").withRequiredArg().defaultsTo("0.1")
val options = try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Suppress the Artemis MQ noise, and activate the demo logging.
BriefLogFormatter.initVerbose("+demo.ratefix", "-org.apache.activemq")
// TODO: Move this into the AbstractNode class.
val dir = Paths.get(options.valueOf(dirArg))
if (!Files.exists(dir)) {
// Load oracle stuff (in lieu of having a network map service)
val oracleAddr = ArtemisMessagingService.makeRecipient(options.valueOf(oracleAddrArg))
val oracleIdentity = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(options.valueOf(oracleIdentityArg))).deserialize<Party>(includeClassName = true)
val oracleNode = LegallyIdentifiableNode(oracleAddr, oracleIdentity)
val fixOf: FixOf = NodeInterestRates.parseFixOf(options.valueOf(fixOfArg))
val expectedRate = BigDecimal(options.valueOf(expectedRateArg))
val rateTolerance = BigDecimal(options.valueOf(rateToleranceArg))
// Bring up node.
val myNetAddr = ArtemisMessagingService.toHostAndPort(options.valueOf(networkAddressArg))
val config = object : NodeConfiguration {
override val myLegalName: String = "Rate fix demo node"
val node = logElapsedTime("Node startup") { Node(dir, myNetAddr, config, null).start() }
// Make a garbage transaction that includes a rate fix.
val tx = TransactionBuilder()
tx.addOutputState(Cash.State(node.storage.myLegalIdentity.ref(1), 1500.DOLLARS, node.keyManagement.freshKey().public))
val protocol = RatesFixProtocol(tx, oracleNode, fixOf, expectedRate, rateTolerance)
ANSIProgressRenderer.progressTracker = protocol.progressTracker
node.smm.add("demo.ratefix", protocol).get()
// Show the user the output.
println("Got rate fix")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
* Copyright 2015 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package protocols
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import core.*
import core.crypto.DigitalSignature
import core.messaging.LegallyIdentifiableNode
import core.messaging.SingleMessageRecipient
import core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import core.utilities.ProgressTracker
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.util.*
// This code is unit tested in NodeInterestRates.kt
* This protocol queries the given oracle for an interest rate fix, and if it is within the given tolerance embeds the
* fix in the transaction and then proceeds to get the oracle to sign it. Although the [call] method combines the query
* and signing step, you can run the steps individually by constructing this object and then using the public methods
* for each step.
* @throws FixOutOfRange if the returned fix was further away from the expected rate by the given amount.
open class RatesFixProtocol(protected val tx: TransactionBuilder,
private val oracle: LegallyIdentifiableNode,
private val fixOf: FixOf,
private val expectedRate: BigDecimal,
private val rateTolerance: BigDecimal) : ProtocolLogic<Unit>() {
companion object {
val TOPIC = "platform.rates.interest.fix"
class QUERYING(val name: String) : ProgressTracker.Step("Querying oracle for $name interest rate")
object WORKING : ProgressTracker.Step("Working with data returned by oracle")
object SIGNING : ProgressTracker.Step("Requesting transaction signature from interest rate oracle")
override val progressTracker = ProgressTracker(QUERYING(fixOf.name), WORKING, SIGNING)
class FixOutOfRange(val byAmount: BigDecimal) : Exception()
data class QueryRequest(val queries: List<FixOf>, val replyTo: SingleMessageRecipient, val sessionID: Long)
data class SignRequest(val tx: WireTransaction, val replyTo: SingleMessageRecipient, val sessionID: Long)
override fun call() {
val fix = query()
tx.addCommand(fix, oracle.identity.owningKey)
* You can override this to perform any additional work needed after the fix is added to the transaction but
* before it's sent back to the oracle for signing (for example, adding output states that depend on the fix).
protected open fun beforeSigning(fix: Fix) {
private fun checkFixIsNearExpected(fix: Fix) {
val delta = (fix.value - expectedRate).abs()
if (delta > rateTolerance) {
// TODO: Kick to a user confirmation / ui flow if it's out of bounds instead of raising an exception.
throw FixOutOfRange(delta)
fun sign(): DigitalSignature.LegallyIdentifiable {
val sessionID = random63BitValue()
val wtx = tx.toWireTransaction()
val req = SignRequest(wtx, serviceHub.networkService.myAddress, sessionID)
val resp = sendAndReceive<DigitalSignature.LegallyIdentifiable>(TOPIC + ".sign", oracle.address, 0, sessionID, req)
return resp.validate { sig ->
check(sig.signer == oracle.identity)
fun query(): Fix {
val sessionID = random63BitValue()
val req = QueryRequest(listOf(fixOf), serviceHub.networkService.myAddress, sessionID)
val resp = sendAndReceive<ArrayList<Fix>>(TOPIC + ".query", oracle.address, 0, sessionID, req)
return resp.validate {
val fix = it.first()
// Check the returned fix is for what we asked for.
check(fix.of == fixOf)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
* Copyright 2015 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package core.node.services
import contracts.Cash
import core.DOLLARS
import core.Fix
import core.TransactionBuilder
import core.d
import core.node.MockNetwork
import core.testutils.*
import core.utilities.BriefLogFormatter
import org.junit.Test
import protocols.RatesFixProtocol
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
class NodeInterestRatesTest {
val TEST_DATA = NodeInterestRates.parseFile("""
LIBOR 2016-03-16 30 = 0.678
LIBOR 2016-03-16 60 = 0.655
EURIBOR 2016-03-15 30 = 0.123
EURIBOR 2016-03-15 60 = 0.111
val service = NodeInterestRates.Oracle(MEGA_CORP, MEGA_CORP_KEY).apply { knownFixes = TEST_DATA }
@Test fun `query successfully`() {
val q = NodeInterestRates.parseFixOf("LIBOR 2016-03-16 30")
val res = service.query(listOf(q))
assertEquals(1, res.size)
assertEquals("0.678".d, res[0].value)
assertEquals(q, res[0].of)
@Test fun `query with one success and one missing`() {
val q1 = NodeInterestRates.parseFixOf("LIBOR 2016-03-16 30")
val q2 = NodeInterestRates.parseFixOf("LIBOR 2016-03-19 30")
val e = assertFailsWith<NodeInterestRates.UnknownFix> { service.query(listOf(q1, q2)) }
assertEquals(e.fix, q2)
@Test fun `empty query`() {
assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> { service.query(emptyList()) }
@Test fun `refuse to sign with no relevant commands`() {
val tx = makeTX()
assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> { service.sign(tx.toWireTransaction()) }
tx.addCommand(Cash.Commands.Move(), ALICE)
assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> { service.sign(tx.toWireTransaction()) }
@Test fun `sign successfully`() {
val tx = makeTX()
val fix = service.query(listOf(NodeInterestRates.parseFixOf("LIBOR 2016-03-16 30"))).first()
tx.addCommand(fix, service.identity.owningKey)
// Sign successfully.
val signature = service.sign(tx.toWireTransaction())
@Test fun `do not sign with unknown fix`() {
val tx = makeTX()
val fixOf = NodeInterestRates.parseFixOf("LIBOR 2016-03-16 30")
val badFix = Fix(fixOf, "0.6789".d)
tx.addCommand(badFix, service.identity.owningKey)
val e1 = assertFailsWith<NodeInterestRates.UnknownFix> { service.sign(tx.toWireTransaction()) }
assertEquals(fixOf, e1.fix)
fun network() {
val net = MockNetwork()
val (n1, n2) = net.createTwoNodes()
NodeInterestRates.Service(n2).oracle.knownFixes = TEST_DATA
val tx = TransactionBuilder()
val fixOf = NodeInterestRates.parseFixOf("LIBOR 2016-03-16 30")
val protocol = RatesFixProtocol(tx, n2.legallyIdentifableAddress, fixOf, "0.675".d, "0.1".d)
val future = n1.smm.add("rates", protocol)
// We should now have a valid signature over our tx from the oracle.
val fix = tx.toSignedTransaction(true).tx.commands.map { it.data as Fix }.first()
assertEquals(fixOf, fix.of)
assertEquals("0.678".d, fix.value)
private fun makeTX() = TransactionBuilder(outputs = mutableListOf(1000.DOLLARS.CASH `owned by` ALICE))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user