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synced 2025-02-21 01:42:24 +00:00
Messaging: more huge simplifications to the state machine framework.
The usage now looks straightforward enough to document and put into a tutorial.
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,20 +16,23 @@ import core.messaging.*
import core.serialization.deserialize
import core.utilities.trace
import java.security.KeyPair
import java.security.PrivateKey
import java.security.PublicKey
import java.security.SecureRandom
* This asset trading protocol has two parties (B and S for buyer and seller) and the following steps:
* 1. B sends the [StateAndRef] pointing to what they want to sell to S, along with info about the price.
* 2. S sends to B a [SignedWireTransaction] that includes the state as input, S's cash as input, the state with the new
* owner key as output, and any change cash as output. It contains a single signature from S but isn't valid because
* it lacks a signature from B authorising movement of the asset.
* 3. B signs it and hands the now finalised SignedWireTransaction back to S.
* 1. S sends the [StateAndRef] pointing to what they want to sell to B, along with info about the price they require
* B to pay. For example this has probably been agreed on an exchange.
* 2. B sends to S a [SignedWireTransaction] that includes the state as input, B's cash as input, the state with the new
* owner key as output, and any change cash as output. It contains a single signature from B but isn't valid because
* it lacks a signature from S authorising movement of the asset.
* 3. S signs it and hands the now finalised SignedWireTransaction back to B.
* They both end the protocol being in posession of a validly signed contract.
* Assuming no malicious termination, they both end the protocol being in posession of a valid, signed transaction
* that represents an atomic asset swap.
* Note that it's the *seller* who initiates contact with the buyer, not vice-versa as you might imagine.
* To get an implementation of this class, use the static [TwoPartyTradeProtocol.create] method. Then use either
* the [runBuyer] or [runSeller] methods, depending on which side of the trade your node is taking. These methods
@ -40,58 +43,27 @@ import java.security.SecureRandom
* To see an example of how to use this class, look at the unit tests.
abstract class TwoPartyTradeProtocol {
// TODO: Replace some args with the context objects
abstract fun runSeller(
otherSide: SingleMessageRecipient,
assetToSell: StateAndRef<OwnableState>,
price: Amount,
myKey: KeyPair,
partyKeyMap: Map<PublicKey, Party>,
timestamper: TimestamperService
): ListenableFuture<out Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>>
abstract fun runBuyer(
otherSide: SingleMessageRecipient,
acceptablePrice: Amount,
typeToSell: Class<out OwnableState>,
wallet: List<StateAndRef<Cash.State>>,
myKeys: Map<PublicKey, PrivateKey>,
timestamper: TimestamperService,
partyKeyMap: Map<PublicKey, Party>
): ListenableFuture<out Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>>
class BuyerInitialArgs(
val acceptablePrice: Amount,
val typeToSell: String
class BuyerContext(
val wallet: List<StateAndRef<Cash.State>>,
val myKeys: Map<PublicKey, PrivateKey>,
val timestamper: TimestamperService,
val partyKeyMap: Map<PublicKey, Party>,
val initialArgs: BuyerInitialArgs?
// This wraps some of the arguments passed to runSeller that are persistent across the lifetime of the trade and
// can be serialised.
class SellerInitialArgs(
val assetToSell: StateAndRef<OwnableState>,
val price: Amount,
val myKeyPair: KeyPair
// This wraps the things which the seller needs, but which might change whilst the continuation is suspended,
// e.g. due to a VM restart, networking issue, configuration file reload etc. It also contains the initial args
// and the future that the code will fill out when done.
class SellerContext(
val timestamper: TimestamperService,
val partyKeyMap: Map<PublicKey, Party>,
val initialArgs: SellerInitialArgs?
abstract fun runSeller(otherSide: SingleMessageRecipient,
args: SellerInitialArgs): ListenableFuture<out Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>>
class BuyerInitialArgs(
val acceptablePrice: Amount,
val typeToBuy: Class<out OwnableState>
abstract class Buyer : ProtocolStateMachine<BuyerContext, Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>>()
abstract class Seller : ProtocolStateMachine<SellerContext, Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>>()
abstract fun runBuyer(
otherSide: SingleMessageRecipient,
args: BuyerInitialArgs
): ListenableFuture<out Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>>
abstract class Buyer : ProtocolStateMachine<BuyerInitialArgs, Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>>()
abstract class Seller : ProtocolStateMachine<SellerInitialArgs, Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>>()
companion object {
@JvmStatic fun create(smm: StateMachineManager): TwoPartyTradeProtocol {
@ -100,6 +72,7 @@ abstract class TwoPartyTradeProtocol {
/** The implementation of the [TwoPartyTradeProtocol] base class. */
private class TwoPartyTradeProtocolImpl(private val smm: StateMachineManager) : TwoPartyTradeProtocol() {
companion object {
val TRADE_TOPIC = "com.r3cev.protocols.trade"
@ -117,22 +90,22 @@ private class TwoPartyTradeProtocolImpl(private val smm: StateMachineManager) :
// The seller's side of the protocol. IMPORTANT: This class is loaded in a separate classloader and auto-mangled
// by JavaFlow. Therefore, we cannot cast the object to Seller and poke it directly because the class we'd be
// trying to poke at is different to the one we saw at compile time, so we'd get ClassCastExceptions. All
// interaction with this class must be through either interfaces, or objects passed to and from the continuation
// by the state machine framework. Please refer to the documentation website (docs/build/html) to learn more about
// the protocol state machine framework.
// interaction with this class must be through either interfaces, the supertype, or objects passed to and from
// the continuation by the state machine framework. Please refer to the documentation website (docs/build/html) to
// learn more about the protocol state machine framework.
class SellerImpl : Seller() {
override fun call(): Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction> {
override fun call(args: SellerInitialArgs): Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction> {
val sessionID = makeSessionID()
val args = context().initialArgs!!
// Make the first message we'll send to kick off the protocol.
val hello = SellerTradeInfo(args.assetToSell, args.price, args.myKeyPair.public, sessionID)
// Zero is a special session ID that is used to start a trade (i.e. before a session is started).
var (ctx2, offerMsg) = sendAndReceive<SignedWireTransaction, SellerContext>(TRADE_TOPIC, 0, sessionID, hello)
// Zero is a special session ID that is being listened to by the buyer (i.e. before a session is started).
val partialTX = sendAndReceive<SignedWireTransaction>(TRADE_TOPIC, 0, sessionID, hello)
logger().trace { "Received partially signed transaction" }
val partialTx = offerMsg
val wtx = partialTx.txBits.deserialize<WireTransaction>()
val wtx = partialTX.txBits.deserialize<WireTransaction>()
requireThat {
"transaction sends us the right amount of cash" by (wtx.outputStates.sumCashBy(args.myKeyPair.public) == args.price)
@ -149,14 +122,16 @@ private class TwoPartyTradeProtocolImpl(private val smm: StateMachineManager) :
// express protocol state machines on top of the messaging layer.
val ourSignature = args.myKeyPair.signWithECDSA(partialTx.txBits.bits)
val fullySigned: SignedWireTransaction = partialTx.copy(sigs = partialTx.sigs + ourSignature)
val ourSignature = args.myKeyPair.signWithECDSA(partialTX.txBits.bits)
val fullySigned: SignedWireTransaction = partialTX.copy(sigs = partialTX.sigs + ourSignature)
// We should run it through our full TransactionGroup of all transactions here.
val timestamped: TimestampedWireTransaction = fullySigned.toTimestampedTransaction(ctx2.timestamper)
val timestamped: TimestampedWireTransaction = fullySigned.toTimestampedTransaction(serviceHub.timestampingService)
logger().trace { "Built finished transaction, sending back to secondary!" }
send(TRADE_TOPIC, sessionID, timestamped)
return Pair(timestamped, timestamped.verifyToLedgerTransaction(ctx2.timestamper, ctx2.partyKeyMap))
return Pair(timestamped, timestamped.verifyToLedgerTransaction(serviceHub.timestampingService, serviceHub.identityService))
@ -167,75 +142,72 @@ private class TwoPartyTradeProtocolImpl(private val smm: StateMachineManager) :
// The buyer's side of the protocol. See note above Seller to learn about the caveats here.
class BuyerImpl : Buyer() {
override fun call(): Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction> {
val acceptablePrice = context().initialArgs!!.acceptablePrice
val typeToSell = context().initialArgs!!.typeToSell
// Start a new scope here so we can't accidentally reuse 'ctx' after doing the sendAndReceive below,
// as the context object we're meant to use might change each time we suspend (e.g. due to VM restart).
val (stx, theirSessionID) = run {
// Wait for a trade request to come in.
val (ctx, tradeRequest) = receive<SellerTradeInfo, BuyerContext>(TRADE_TOPIC, 0)
val assetTypeName = tradeRequest.assetForSale.state.javaClass.name
override fun call(args: BuyerInitialArgs): Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction> {
// Wait for a trade request to come in on special session ID zero.
val tradeRequest = receive<SellerTradeInfo>(TRADE_TOPIC, 0)
logger().trace { "Got trade request for a $assetTypeName" }
// What is the seller trying to sell us?
val assetTypeName = tradeRequest.assetForSale.state.javaClass.name
logger().trace { "Got trade request for a $assetTypeName" }
// Check the start message for acceptability.
check(tradeRequest.sessionID > 0)
if (tradeRequest.price > acceptablePrice)
throw UnacceptablePriceException(tradeRequest.price)
if (!Class.forName(typeToSell).isInstance(tradeRequest.assetForSale.state))
throw AssetMismatchException(typeToSell, assetTypeName)
// Check the start message for acceptability.
check(tradeRequest.sessionID > 0)
if (tradeRequest.price > args.acceptablePrice)
throw UnacceptablePriceException(tradeRequest.price)
if (!args.typeToBuy.isInstance(tradeRequest.assetForSale.state))
throw AssetMismatchException(args.typeToBuy.name, assetTypeName)
// TODO: Either look up the stateref here in our local db, or accept a long chain of states and
// validate them to audit the other side and ensure it actually owns the state we are being offered!
// For now, just assume validity!
// TODO: Either look up the stateref here in our local db, or accept a long chain of states and
// validate them to audit the other side and ensure it actually owns the state we are being offered!
// For now, just assume validity!
// Generate the shared transaction that both sides will sign, using the data we have.
val ptx = PartialTransaction()
// Add input and output states for the movement of cash.
val cashSigningPubKeys = Cash().craftSpend(ptx, tradeRequest.price, tradeRequest.sellerOwnerKey, ctx.wallet)
// Add inputs/outputs/a command for the movement of the asset.
// Just pick some arbitrary public key for now (this provides poor privacy).
val (command, state) = tradeRequest.assetForSale.state.withNewOwner(ctx.myKeys.keys.first())
ptx.addArg(WireCommand(command, tradeRequest.assetForSale.state.owner))
// Generate the shared transaction that both sides will sign, using the data we have.
val ptx = PartialTransaction()
// Add input and output states for the movement of cash, by using the Cash contract to generate the states.
val wallet = serviceHub.walletService.currentWallet
val cashStates = wallet.statesOfType<Cash.State>()
val cashSigningPubKeys = Cash().craftSpend(ptx, tradeRequest.price, tradeRequest.sellerOwnerKey, cashStates)
// Add inputs/outputs/a command for the movement of the asset.
// Just pick some new public key for now.
val freshKey = serviceHub.keyManagementService.freshKey()
val (command, state) = tradeRequest.assetForSale.state.withNewOwner(freshKey.public)
ptx.addArg(WireCommand(command, tradeRequest.assetForSale.state.owner))
for (k in cashSigningPubKeys) {
// TODO: This error case should be removed through the introduction of a Wallet class.
val priv = ctx.myKeys[k] ?: throw IllegalStateException("Coin in wallet with no known privkey")
ptx.signWith(KeyPair(k, priv))
val stx = ptx.toSignedTransaction(checkSufficientSignatures = false)
stx.verifySignatures() // Verifies that we generated a signed transaction correctly.
Pair(stx, tradeRequest.sessionID)
// Now sign the transaction with whatever keys we need to move the cash.
for (k in cashSigningPubKeys) {
val priv = serviceHub.keyManagementService.toPrivate(k)
ptx.signWith(KeyPair(k, priv))
// TODO: Could run verify() here to make sure the only signature missing is the primaries.
val stx = ptx.toSignedTransaction(checkSufficientSignatures = false)
stx.verifySignatures() // Verifies that we generated a signed transaction correctly.
// TODO: Could run verify() here to make sure the only signature missing is the sellers.
logger().trace { "Sending partially signed transaction to seller" }
// We'll just reuse the session ID the seller selected here for convenience.
val (ctx, fullySigned) = sendAndReceive<TimestampedWireTransaction, BuyerContext>(TRADE_TOPIC, theirSessionID, theirSessionID, stx)
// TODO: Protect against the buyer terminating here and leaving us in the lurch without the final tx.
val fullySigned = sendAndReceive<TimestampedWireTransaction>(TRADE_TOPIC,
tradeRequest.sessionID, tradeRequest.sessionID, stx)
logger().trace { "Got fully signed transaction, verifying ... "}
val ltx = fullySigned.verifyToLedgerTransaction(ctx.timestamper, ctx.partyKeyMap)
val ltx = fullySigned.verifyToLedgerTransaction(serviceHub.timestampingService, serviceHub.identityService)
logger().trace { "Fully signed transaction was valid. Trade complete! :-)" }
return Pair(fullySigned, ltx)
override fun runSeller(otherSide: SingleMessageRecipient, assetToSell: StateAndRef<OwnableState>,
price: Amount, myKey: KeyPair, partyKeyMap: Map<PublicKey, Party>,
timestamper: TimestamperService): ListenableFuture<out Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>> {
val args = SellerInitialArgs(assetToSell, price, myKey)
val context = SellerContext(timestamper, partyKeyMap, args)
return smm.add(otherSide, context, "$TRADE_TOPIC.seller", SellerImpl::class.java)
override fun runSeller(otherSide: SingleMessageRecipient, args: SellerInitialArgs): ListenableFuture<out Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>> {
return smm.add(otherSide, args, "$TRADE_TOPIC.seller", SellerImpl::class.java)
override fun runBuyer(otherSide: SingleMessageRecipient, acceptablePrice: Amount,
typeToSell: Class<out OwnableState>, wallet: List<StateAndRef<Cash.State>>,
myKeys: Map<PublicKey, PrivateKey>, timestamper: TimestamperService,
partyKeyMap: Map<PublicKey, Party>): ListenableFuture<out Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>> {
val context = BuyerContext(wallet, myKeys, timestamper, partyKeyMap, BuyerInitialArgs(acceptablePrice, typeToSell.name))
return smm.add(otherSide, context, "$TRADE_TOPIC.buyer", BuyerImpl::class.java)
override fun runBuyer(otherSide: SingleMessageRecipient, args: BuyerInitialArgs): ListenableFuture<out Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>> {
return smm.add(otherSide, args, "$TRADE_TOPIC.buyer", BuyerImpl::class.java)
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
package core
import core.messaging.MessagingSystem
import java.security.KeyPair
import java.security.PrivateKey
import java.security.PublicKey
import java.time.Instant
@ -18,12 +20,15 @@ import java.time.Instant
* A wallet (name may be temporary) wraps a set of private keys, and a set of states that are known about and that can
* be influenced by those keys, for instance, because we own them. This class represents an immutable, stable state
* of a wallet: it is guaranteed not to change out from underneath you, even though the canonical currently-best-known
* wallet may change as we learn new transactions from our peers.
* A wallet (name may be temporary) wraps a set of states that are useful for us to keep track of, for instance,
* because we own them. This class represents an immutable, stable state of a wallet: it is guaranteed not to
* change out from underneath you, even though the canonical currently-best-known wallet may change as we learn
* about new transactions from our peers and generate new transactiont that consume states ourselves.
data class Wallet(val states: List<StateAndRef<OwnableState>>, val keys: Map<PublicKey, PrivateKey>)
data class Wallet(val states: List<StateAndRef<OwnableState>>) {
inline fun <reified T : OwnableState> statesOfType() = states.filter { it.state is T } as List<StateAndRef<T>>
* A [WalletService] is responsible for securely and safely persisting the current state of a wallet to storage. The
@ -32,16 +37,36 @@ data class Wallet(val states: List<StateAndRef<OwnableState>>, val keys: Map<Pub
* consumed by someone else first!
interface WalletService {
* Returns a read-only snapshot of the wallet at the time the call is made. Note that if you consume states or
* keys in this wallet, you must inform the wallet service so it can update its internal state.
val currentWallet: Wallet
* The KMS is responsible for storing and using private keys to sign things. An implementation of this may, for example,
* call out to a hardware security module that enforces various auditing and frequency-of-use requirements.
* The current interface is obviously not usable for those use cases: this is just where we'd put a real signing
* interface if/when one is developed.
interface KeyManagementService {
val keys: Map<PublicKey, PrivateKey>
fun toPrivate(publicKey: PublicKey) = keys[publicKey] ?: throw IllegalStateException("No private key known for requested public key")
/** Generates a new random key and adds it to the exposed map. */
fun freshKey(): KeyPair
* An identity service maintains an bidirectional map of [Party]s to their associated public keys and thus supports
* lookup of a party given its key. This is obviously very incomplete and does not reflect everything a real identity
* service would provide.
interface IdentityService {
fun partyFromKey(key: PublicKey): Party
fun partyFromKey(key: PublicKey): Party?
@ -56,6 +81,15 @@ interface TimestamperService {
fun verifyTimestamp(hash: SecureHash, signedTimestamp: ByteArray): Instant
* A sketch of an interface to a simple key/value storage system. Intended for persistence of simple blobs like
* transactions, serialised protocol state machines and so on. Again, this isn't intended to imply lack of SQL or
* anything like that, this interface is only big enough to support the prototyping work.
interface StorageService {
fun <K,V> getMap(tableName: String): MutableMap<K, V>
* A service hub simply vends references to the other services a node has. Some of those services may be missing or
* mocked out. This class is useful to pass to chunks of pluggable code that might have need of many different kinds of
@ -63,6 +97,9 @@ interface TimestamperService {
interface ServiceHub {
val walletService: WalletService
val keyManagementService: KeyManagementService
val identityService: IdentityService
val timestampingService: TimestamperService
val storageService: StorageService
val networkService: MessagingSystem // TODO: Rename class to be consistent.
@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ data class WireTransaction(val inputStates: List<ContractStateRef>,
val commands: List<WireCommand>) {
fun serializeForSignature(): ByteArray = serialize()
fun toLedgerTransaction(timestamp: Instant?, partyKeyMap: Map<PublicKey, Party>, originalHash: SecureHash): LedgerTransaction {
fun toLedgerTransaction(timestamp: Instant?, identityService: IdentityService, originalHash: SecureHash): LedgerTransaction {
val authenticatedArgs = commands.map {
val institutions = it.pubkeys.mapNotNull { pk -> partyKeyMap[pk] }
val institutions = it.pubkeys.mapNotNull { pk -> identityService.partyFromKey(pk) }
AuthenticatedObject(it.pubkeys, institutions, it.command)
return LedgerTransaction(inputStates, outputStates, authenticatedArgs, timestamp, originalHash)
@ -191,11 +191,11 @@ data class TimestampedWireTransaction(
) {
val transactionID: SecureHash = serialize().sha256()
fun verifyToLedgerTransaction(timestamper: TimestamperService, partyKeyMap: Map<PublicKey, Party>): LedgerTransaction {
fun verifyToLedgerTransaction(timestamper: TimestamperService, identityService: IdentityService): LedgerTransaction {
val stx: SignedWireTransaction = signedWireTX.deserialize()
val wtx: WireTransaction = stx.verify()
val instant: Instant? = if (timestamp != null) timestamper.verifyTimestamp(signedWireTX.sha256(), timestamp.bits) else null
return wtx.toLedgerTransaction(instant, partyKeyMap, transactionID)
return wtx.toLedgerTransaction(instant, identityService, transactionID)
@ -9,9 +9,7 @@
package core.messaging
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture
import core.serialization.deserialize
import core.serialization.serialize
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.concurrent.Executor
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe
@ -38,9 +36,6 @@ interface MessagingSystem {
* The returned object is an opaque handle that may be used to un-register handlers later with [removeMessageHandler].
* The handle is passed to the callback as well, to avoid race conditions whereby the callback wants to unregister
* itself and yet addMessageHandler hasn't returned the handle yet.
* If the callback throws an exception then the message is discarded and will not be retried, unless the exception
* is a subclass of [RetryMessageLaterException], in which case the message will be queued and attempted later.
fun addMessageHandler(topic: String = "", executor: Executor? = null, callback: (Message, MessageHandlerRegistration) -> Unit): MessageHandlerRegistration
@ -86,19 +81,6 @@ fun MessagingSystem.runOnNextMessage(topic: String = "", executor: Executor? = n
fun MessagingSystem.send(topic: String, to: MessageRecipients, obj: Any) = send(createMessage(topic, obj.serialize()), to)
* Registers a handler for the given topic that runs the given callback with the message content deserialised to the
* given type, and then removes itself.
inline fun <reified T : Any> MessagingSystem.runOnNextMessageWith(topic: String = "",
executor: Executor? = null,
noinline callback: (T) -> Unit) {
addMessageHandler(topic, executor) { msg, reg ->
* This class lets you start up a [MessagingSystem]. Its purpose is to stop you from getting access to the methods
* on the messaging system interface until you have successfully started up the system. One of these objects should
@ -114,11 +96,6 @@ interface MessagingSystemBuilder<out T : MessagingSystem> {
interface MessageHandlerRegistration
class RetryMessageLaterException : Exception() {
/** If set, the message will be re-queued and retried after the requested interval. */
var delayPeriod: Duration? = null
* A message is defined, at this level, to be a (topic, timestamp, byte arrays) triple, where the topic is a string in
* Java-style reverse dns form, with "platform." being a prefix reserved by the platform for its own use. Vendor
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ package core.messaging
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.Input
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture
import core.SecureHash
import core.ServiceHub
import core.serialization.THREAD_LOCAL_KRYO
import core.serialization.createKryo
import core.serialization.deserialize
@ -23,17 +25,25 @@ import org.objenesis.strategy.InstantiatorStrategy
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.Callable
import java.util.concurrent.Executor
* A StateMachineManager is responsible for coordination and persistence of multiple [ProtocolStateMachine] objects.
* Each such object represents an instantiation of a (two-party) protocol that has reached a particular point.
* An implementation of this class will persist state machines to long term storage so they can survive process restarts
* and, if run with a single-threaded executor, will ensure no two state machines run concurrently with each other
* (bad for performance, good for programmer mental health!).
* TODO: The framework should do automatic error handling.
class StateMachineManager(val net: MessagingSystem, val runInThread: Executor) {
class StateMachineManager(val serviceHub: ServiceHub, val runInThread: Executor) {
private val checkpointsMap = serviceHub.storageService.getMap<SecureHash, ByteArray>("state machines")
private val _stateMachines: MutableList<ProtocolStateMachine<*,*>> = ArrayList()
/** Returns a snapshot of the currently registered state machines. */
val stateMachines: List<ProtocolStateMachine<*,*>> get() = ArrayList(_stateMachines)
// This class will be serialised, so everything it points to transitively must also be serialisable (with Kryo).
private class Checkpoint(
val continuation: Continuation,
@ -43,13 +53,17 @@ class StateMachineManager(val net: MessagingSystem, val runInThread: Executor) {
val awaitingObjectOfType: String // java class name
constructor(net: MessagingSystem, runInThread: Executor, restoreCheckpoints: List<ByteArray>, resumeStateMachine: (ProtocolStateMachine<*,*>) -> Any) : this(net, runInThread) {
for (bytes in restoreCheckpoints) {
init {
private fun restoreCheckpoints() {
for (bytes in checkpointsMap.values) {
val kryo = createKryo()
// Set up Kryo to use the JavaFlow classloader when deserialising, so the magical continuation bytecode
// rewriting is performed correctly.
var psm: ProtocolStateMachine<*,*>? = null
var psm: ProtocolStateMachine<*, *>? = null
kryo.instantiatorStrategy = object : InstantiatorStrategy {
val forwardingTo = kryo.instantiatorStrategy
@ -58,7 +72,9 @@ class StateMachineManager(val net: MessagingSystem, val runInThread: Executor) {
// The messing around with types we do here confuses the compiler/IDE a bit and it warns us.
return ObjectInstantiator<T> {
psm = loadContinuationClass(type as Class<out ProtocolStateMachine<*, Any>>).first
val p = loadContinuationClass(type as Class<out ProtocolStateMachine<*, *>>).first
p.serviceHub = serviceHub
psm = p
psm as T
} else {
@ -69,55 +85,47 @@ class StateMachineManager(val net: MessagingSystem, val runInThread: Executor) {
val checkpoint = bytes.deserialize<Checkpoint>(kryo)
val continuation = checkpoint.continuation
val transientContext = resumeStateMachine(psm!!)
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(checkpoint.loggerName)
val awaitingObjectOfType = Class.forName(checkpoint.awaitingObjectOfType)
// The act of calling this method re-persists the bytes into the in-memory hashmap so re-saving the
// StateMachineManager to disk will work even if some state machines didn't wake up in the intervening time.
setupNextMessageHandler(logger, net, continuation, checkpoint.otherSide, awaitingObjectOfType,
checkpoint.awaitingTopic, transientContext, bytes)
setupNextMessageHandler(logger, serviceHub.networkService, continuation, checkpoint.otherSide,
awaitingObjectOfType, checkpoint.awaitingTopic, bytes)
fun <R> add(otherSide: MessageRecipients, transientContext: Any, loggerName: String, continuationClass: Class<out ProtocolStateMachine<*, R>>): ListenableFuture<out R> {
fun <T, R> add(otherSide: MessageRecipients, initialArgs: T, loggerName: String,
continuationClass: Class<out ProtocolStateMachine<*, R>>): ListenableFuture<out R> {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(loggerName)
val (sm, continuation) = loadContinuationClass<R>(continuationClass)
val (sm, continuation) = loadContinuationClass(continuationClass)
sm.serviceHub = serviceHub
runInThread.execute {
// The current state of the continuation is held in the closure attached to the messaging system whenever
// the continuation suspends and tells us it expects a response.
iterateStateMachine(continuation, net, otherSide, transientContext, transientContext, logger, null)
iterateStateMachine(continuation, serviceHub.networkService, otherSide, initialArgs, logger, null)
return sm.resultFuture
return (sm as ProtocolStateMachine<T, R>).resultFuture
private fun <R> loadContinuationClass(continuationClass: Class<out ProtocolStateMachine<*, R>>): Pair<ProtocolStateMachine<*,R>, Continuation> {
private fun loadContinuationClass(continuationClass: Class<out ProtocolStateMachine<*, *>>): Pair<ProtocolStateMachine<*, *>, Continuation> {
val url = continuationClass.protectionDomain.codeSource.location
val cl = ContinuationClassLoader(arrayOf(url), this.javaClass.classLoader)
val obj = cl.forceLoadClass(continuationClass.name).newInstance() as ProtocolStateMachine<*, R>
val obj = cl.forceLoadClass(continuationClass.name).newInstance() as ProtocolStateMachine<*, *>
return Pair(obj, Continuation.startSuspendedWith(obj))
private val checkpoints: LinkedList<ByteArray> = LinkedList()
private fun persistCheckpoint(prev: ByteArray?, new: ByteArray) {
synchronized(checkpoints) {
if (prev == null) {
for (i in checkpoints.size - 1 downTo 0) {
val b = checkpoints[i]
if (Arrays.equals(b, prev)) {
checkpoints[i] = new
if (prev != null)
checkpointsMap[SecureHash.sha256(new)] = new
fun saveToBytes(): LinkedList<ByteArray> = synchronized(checkpoints) { LinkedList(checkpoints) }
private fun iterateStateMachine(c: Continuation, net: MessagingSystem, otherSide: MessageRecipients,
transientContext: Any, continuationInput: Any?, logger: Logger,
continuationInput: Any?, logger: Logger,
prevPersistedBytes: ByteArray?): Continuation {
// This will resume execution of the run() function inside the continuation at the place it left off.
val oldLogger = CONTINUATION_LOGGER.get()
@ -141,7 +149,7 @@ class StateMachineManager(val net: MessagingSystem, val runInThread: Executor) {
if (req is ContinuationResult.ExpectingResponse<*>) {
// Prepare a listener on the network that runs in the background thread when we received a message.
val topic = "${req.topic}.${req.sessionIDForReceive}"
setupNextMessageHandler(logger, net, nextState, otherSide, req.responseType, topic, transientContext, prevPersistedBytes)
setupNextMessageHandler(logger, net, nextState, otherSide, req.responseType, topic, prevPersistedBytes)
// If an object to send was provided (not null), send it now.
req.obj?.let {
@ -151,7 +159,7 @@ class StateMachineManager(val net: MessagingSystem, val runInThread: Executor) {
if (req is ContinuationResult.NotExpectingResponse) {
// We sent a message, but don't expect a response, so re-enter the continuation to let it keep going.
return iterateStateMachine(nextState, net, otherSide, transientContext, transientContext, logger, prevPersistedBytes)
return iterateStateMachine(nextState, net, otherSide, null, logger, prevPersistedBytes)
} else {
return nextState
@ -159,13 +167,14 @@ class StateMachineManager(val net: MessagingSystem, val runInThread: Executor) {
private fun setupNextMessageHandler(logger: Logger, net: MessagingSystem, nextState: Continuation,
otherSide: MessageRecipients, responseType: Class<*>,
topic: String, transientContext: Any, prevPersistedBytes: ByteArray?) {
topic: String, prevPersistedBytes: ByteArray?) {
val checkpoint = Checkpoint(nextState, otherSide, logger.name, topic, responseType.name)
persistCheckpoint(prevPersistedBytes, checkpoint.serialize())
val curPersistedBytes = checkpoint.serialize()
persistCheckpoint(prevPersistedBytes, curPersistedBytes)
net.runOnNextMessage(topic, runInThread) { netMsg ->
val obj: Any = THREAD_LOCAL_KRYO.get().readObject(Input(netMsg.data), responseType)
logger.trace { "<- $topic : message of type ${obj.javaClass.name}" }
iterateStateMachine(nextState, net, otherSide, transientContext, Pair(transientContext, obj), logger, prevPersistedBytes)
iterateStateMachine(nextState, net, otherSide, obj, logger, curPersistedBytes)
@ -173,45 +182,57 @@ class StateMachineManager(val net: MessagingSystem, val runInThread: Executor) {
val CONTINUATION_LOGGER = ThreadLocal<Logger>()
* A convenience mixin interface that can be implemented by an object that will act as a continuation.
* The base class that should be used by any object that wishes to act as a protocol state machine. Sub-classes should
* override the [call] method and return whatever the final result of the protocol is. Inside the call method,
* the rules of normal object oriented programming are a little different:
* A ProtocolStateMachine must implement the run method from [Runnable], and the rest of what this interface
* provides are pre-defined utility methods to ease implementation of such machines.
* - You can call send/receive/sendAndReceive in order to suspend the state machine and request network interaction.
* This does not block a thread and when a state machine is suspended like this, it will be serialised and written
* to stable storage. That means all objects on the stack and referenced from fields must be serialisable as well
* (with Kryo, so they don't have to implement the Java Serializable interface). The state machine may be resumed
* at some arbitrary later point.
* - Because of this, if you need access to data that might change over time, you should request it just-in-time
* via the [serviceHub] property which is provided. Don't try and keep data you got from a service across calls to
* send/receive/sendAndReceive because the world might change in arbitrary ways out from underneath you, for instance,
* if the node is restarted or reconfigured!
* - Don't pass initial data in using a constructor. This object will be instantiated using reflection so you cannot
* define your own constructor. Instead define a separate class that holds your initial arguments, and take it as
* the argument to [call].
abstract class ProtocolStateMachine<CONTEXT_TYPE : Any, R> : Callable<R>, Runnable {
protected fun context(): CONTEXT_TYPE = Continuation.getContext() as CONTEXT_TYPE
abstract class ProtocolStateMachine<T, R> : Runnable {
protected fun logger(): Logger = CONTINUATION_LOGGER.get()
// These fields shouldn't be serialised.
@Transient private var _resultFuture: SettableFuture<R> = SettableFuture.create<R>()
val resultFuture: ListenableFuture<R> get() = _resultFuture
@Transient lateinit var serviceHub: ServiceHub
abstract fun call(args: T): R
override fun run() {
val r = call()
val r = call(Continuation.getContext() as T)
if (r != null)
inline fun <S : Any, CONTEXT_TYPE : Any> ProtocolStateMachine<CONTEXT_TYPE, *>.send(topic: String, sessionID: Long, obj: S) =
Continuation.suspend(ContinuationResult.NotExpectingResponse(topic, sessionID, obj)) as CONTEXT_TYPE
inline fun <S : Any> ProtocolStateMachine<*, *>.send(topic: String, sessionID: Long, obj: S) =
Continuation.suspend(ContinuationResult.NotExpectingResponse(topic, sessionID, obj))
inline fun <reified R : Any, CONTEXT_TYPE : Any> ProtocolStateMachine<CONTEXT_TYPE, *>.sendAndReceive(
topic: String, sessionIDForSend: Long, sessionIDForReceive: Long, obj: Any): Pair<CONTEXT_TYPE, R> {
inline fun <reified R : Any> ProtocolStateMachine<*, *>.sendAndReceive(
topic: String, sessionIDForSend: Long, sessionIDForReceive: Long, obj: Any): R {
return Continuation.suspend(ContinuationResult.ExpectingResponse(topic, sessionIDForSend, sessionIDForReceive,
obj, R::class.java)) as Pair<CONTEXT_TYPE, R>
obj, R::class.java)) as R
inline fun <reified R : Any, CONTEXT_TYPE : Any> ProtocolStateMachine<CONTEXT_TYPE, *>.receive(
topic: String, sessionIDForReceive: Long): Pair<CONTEXT_TYPE, R> {
return Continuation.suspend(ContinuationResult.ExpectingResponse(topic, -1, sessionIDForReceive, null,
R::class.java)) as Pair<CONTEXT_TYPE, R>
inline fun <reified R : Any> ProtocolStateMachine<*, *>.receive(
topic: String, sessionIDForReceive: Long): R {
return Continuation.suspend(ContinuationResult.ExpectingResponse(topic, -1, sessionIDForReceive, null, R::class.java)) as R
open class ContinuationResult(val topic: String, val sessionIDForSend: Long, val sessionIDForReceive: Long, val obj: Any?) {
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class CommercialPaperTests {
val ptx = CommercialPaper().craftIssue(MINI_CORP.ref(123), 10000.DOLLARS, TEST_TX_TIME + 30.days)
val stx = ptx.toSignedTransaction()
stx.verify().toLedgerTransaction(TEST_TX_TIME, TEST_KEYS_TO_CORP_MAP, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
stx.verify().toLedgerTransaction(TEST_TX_TIME, MockIdentityService, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
val (alicesWalletTX, alicesWallet) = cashOutputsToWallet(
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class CommercialPaperTests {
val stx = ptx.toSignedTransaction()
stx.verify().toLedgerTransaction(TEST_TX_TIME, TEST_KEYS_TO_CORP_MAP, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
stx.verify().toLedgerTransaction(TEST_TX_TIME, MockIdentityService, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
// Won't be validated.
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class CommercialPaperTests {
CommercialPaper().craftRedeem(ptx, moveTX.outRef(1), corpWallet)
return ptx.toSignedTransaction().verify().toLedgerTransaction(time, TEST_KEYS_TO_CORP_MAP, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
return ptx.toSignedTransaction().verify().toLedgerTransaction(time, MockIdentityService, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
val tooEarlyRedemption = makeRedeemTX(TEST_TX_TIME + 10.days)
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class CrowdFundTests {
val ptx = CrowdFund().craftRegister(MINI_CORP.ref(123), 1000.DOLLARS, "crowd funding", TEST_TX_TIME + 7.days)
val stx = ptx.toSignedTransaction()
stx.verify().toLedgerTransaction(TEST_TX_TIME, TEST_KEYS_TO_CORP_MAP, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
stx.verify().toLedgerTransaction(TEST_TX_TIME, MockIdentityService, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
// let's give Alice some funds that she can invest
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class CrowdFundTests {
val stx = ptx.toSignedTransaction()
// this verify passes - the transaction contains an output cash, necessary to verify the fund command
stx.verify().toLedgerTransaction(TEST_TX_TIME, TEST_KEYS_TO_CORP_MAP, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
stx.verify().toLedgerTransaction(TEST_TX_TIME, MockIdentityService, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
// Won't be validated.
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class CrowdFundTests {
CrowdFund().craftClose(ptx, pledgeTX.outRef(0), miniCorpWallet)
val stx = ptx.toSignedTransaction()
return stx.verify().toLedgerTransaction(time, TEST_KEYS_TO_CORP_MAP, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
return stx.verify().toLedgerTransaction(time, MockIdentityService, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
val tooEarlyClose = makeFundedTX(TEST_TX_TIME + 6.days)
@ -8,12 +8,14 @@
package core.messaging
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors
import contracts.Cash
import contracts.CommercialPaper
import contracts.protocols.TwoPartyTradeProtocol
import core.*
import core.ContractState
import core.DOLLARS
import core.StateAndRef
import core.days
import core.testutils.*
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Before
@ -25,13 +27,12 @@ import java.util.logging.LogRecord
import java.util.logging.Logger
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
import kotlin.test.fail
* In this example, Alessia wishes to sell her commercial paper to Boris in return for $1,000,000 and they wish to do
* In this example, Alice wishes to sell her commercial paper to Bob in return for $1,000,000 and they wish to do
* it on the ledger atomically. Therefore they must work together to build a transaction.
* We assume that Alessia and Boris already found each other via some market, and have agreed the details already.
* We assume that Alice and Bob already found each other via some market, and have agreed the details already.
class TwoPartyTradeProtocolTests : TestWithInMemoryNetwork() {
@ -50,15 +51,10 @@ class TwoPartyTradeProtocolTests : TestWithInMemoryNetwork() {
fun cashForCP() {
val (addr1, node1) = makeNode(inBackground = true)
val (addr2, node2) = makeNode(inBackground = true)
val backgroundThread = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
val tpSeller = TwoPartyTradeProtocol.create(StateMachineManager(node1, backgroundThread))
val tpBuyer = TwoPartyTradeProtocol.create(StateMachineManager(node2, backgroundThread))
transactionGroupFor<ContractState> {
// Bob (S) has some cash, Alice (P) has some commercial paper she wants to sell to Bob.
// Bob (Buyer) has some cash, Alice (Seller) has some commercial paper she wants to sell to Bob.
roots {
transaction(CommercialPaper.State(MEGA_CORP.ref(1, 2, 3), ALICE, 1200.DOLLARS, TEST_TX_TIME + 7.days) label "alice's paper")
transaction(800.DOLLARS.CASH `owned by` BOB label "bob cash1")
@ -67,22 +63,33 @@ class TwoPartyTradeProtocolTests : TestWithInMemoryNetwork() {
val bobsWallet = listOf<StateAndRef<Cash.State>>(lookup("bob cash1"), lookup("bob cash2"))
val (alicesAddress, alicesNode) = makeNode(inBackground = true)
val (bobsAddress, bobsNode) = makeNode(inBackground = true)
val alicesServices = MockServices(wallet = null, keyManagement = null, net = alicesNode)
val bobsServices = MockServices(
wallet = MockWalletService(bobsWallet),
keyManagement = MockKeyManagementService(mapOf(BOB to BOB_KEY.private)),
net = bobsNode
val tpSeller = TwoPartyTradeProtocol.create(StateMachineManager(alicesServices, backgroundThread))
val tpBuyer = TwoPartyTradeProtocol.create(StateMachineManager(bobsServices, backgroundThread))
val aliceResult = tpSeller.runSeller(
lookup("alice's paper"),
lookup("alice's paper"),
val bobResult = tpBuyer.runBuyer(
mapOf(BOB to BOB_KEY.private),
assertEquals(aliceResult.get(), bobResult.get())
@ -95,14 +102,6 @@ class TwoPartyTradeProtocolTests : TestWithInMemoryNetwork() {
fun serializeAndRestore() {
val (addr1, node1) = makeNode(inBackground = false)
var (addr2, node2) = makeNode(inBackground = false)
val smmSeller = StateMachineManager(node1, MoreExecutors.directExecutor())
val tpSeller = TwoPartyTradeProtocol.create(smmSeller)
val smmBuyer = StateMachineManager(node2, MoreExecutors.directExecutor())
val tpBuyer = TwoPartyTradeProtocol.create(smmBuyer)
transactionGroupFor<ContractState> {
// Buyer Bob has some cash, Seller Alice has some commercial paper she wants to sell to Bob.
roots {
@ -113,56 +112,71 @@ class TwoPartyTradeProtocolTests : TestWithInMemoryNetwork() {
val bobsWallet = listOf<StateAndRef<Cash.State>>(lookup("bob cash1"), lookup("bob cash2"))
val (alicesAddress, alicesNode) = makeNode(inBackground = false)
var (bobsAddress, bobsNode) = makeNode(inBackground = false)
val bobsStorage = MockStorageService()
val alicesServices = MockServices(wallet = null, keyManagement = null, net = alicesNode)
var bobsServices = MockServices(
wallet = MockWalletService(bobsWallet),
keyManagement = MockKeyManagementService(mapOf(BOB to BOB_KEY.private)),
net = bobsNode,
storage = bobsStorage
val tpSeller = TwoPartyTradeProtocol.create(StateMachineManager(alicesServices, MoreExecutors.directExecutor()))
val smmBuyer = StateMachineManager(bobsServices, MoreExecutors.directExecutor())
val tpBuyer = TwoPartyTradeProtocol.create(smmBuyer)
lookup("alice's paper"),
lookup("alice's paper"),
mapOf(BOB to BOB_KEY.private),
// Everything is on this thread so we can now step through the protocol one step at a time.
// Seller Alice already sent a message to Buyer Bob. Pump once:
// OK, now Bob has sent the partial transaction back to Alice and is waiting for Alice's signature.
val storageBob = smmBuyer.saveToBytes()
// Save the state machine to "disk" (i.e. a variable, here)
assertEquals(1, bobsStorage.getMap<Any, Any>("state machines").size)
// .. and let's imagine that Bob's computer has a power cut. He now has nothing now beyond what was on disk.
// Alice doesn't know that and sends Bob the now finalised transaction. Alice sends a message to a node
// that has gone offline.
// ... bring the network back up ...
node2 = network.createNodeWithID(true, addr2.id).start().get()
// ... bring the node back up ... the act of constructing the SMM will re-register the message handlers
// that Bob was waiting on before the reboot occurred.
bobsNode = network.createNodeWithID(true, bobsAddress.id).start().get()
val smm = StateMachineManager(
MockServices(wallet = null, keyManagement = null, net = bobsNode, storage = bobsStorage),
// Find the future representing the result of this state machine again.
assertEquals(1, smm.stateMachines.size)
var bobFuture = smm.stateMachines.filterIsInstance<TwoPartyTradeProtocol.Buyer>().first().resultFuture
// Let Bob process his mailbox.
// We must provide the state machines with all the stuff that couldn't be saved to disk.
var bobFuture: ListenableFuture<Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction>>? = null
fun resumeStateMachine(forObj: ProtocolStateMachine<*,*>): Any {
return when (forObj) {
is TwoPartyTradeProtocol.Buyer -> {
bobFuture = forObj.resultFuture
return TwoPartyTradeProtocol.BuyerContext(bobsWallet, mapOf(BOB to BOB_KEY.private), DUMMY_TIMESTAMPER, TEST_KEYS_TO_CORP_MAP, null)
else -> fail()
// The act of constructing this object will re-register the message handlers that Bob was waiting on before
// the reboot occurred.
StateMachineManager(node2, MoreExecutors.directExecutor(), storageBob, ::resumeStateMachine)
// Bob is now finished and has the same transaction as Alice.
val tx: Pair<TimestampedWireTransaction, LedgerTransaction> = bobFuture!!.get()
val tx = bobFuture.get()
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class TransactionSerializationTests {
fun timestamp() {
val ttx = tx.toSignedTransaction().toTimestampedTransactionWithoutTime()
val ltx = ttx.verifyToLedgerTransaction(DUMMY_TIMESTAMPER, TEST_KEYS_TO_CORP_MAP)
val ltx = ttx.verifyToLedgerTransaction(DUMMY_TIMESTAMPER, MockIdentityService)
assertEquals(tx.commands().map { it.command }, ltx.commands.map { it.value })
assertEquals(tx.inputStates(), ltx.inStateRefs)
assertEquals(tx.outputStates(), ltx.outStates)
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class TransactionSerializationTests {
val ltx2: LedgerTransaction = tx.
verifyToLedgerTransaction(DUMMY_TIMESTAMPER, MockIdentityService)
assertEquals(TEST_TX_TIME, ltx2.time)
@ -13,15 +13,19 @@ package core.testutils
import com.google.common.io.BaseEncoding
import contracts.*
import core.*
import core.messaging.MessagingSystem
import core.visualiser.GraphVisualiser
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
import java.io.DataInputStream
import java.io.DataOutputStream
import java.security.KeyPair
import java.security.KeyPairGenerator
import java.security.PrivateKey
import java.security.PublicKey
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.*
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
import kotlin.test.fail
@ -89,6 +93,53 @@ class DummyTimestamper(private val time: Instant = TEST_TX_TIME) : TimestamperSe
val DUMMY_TIMESTAMPER = DummyTimestamper()
object MockIdentityService : IdentityService {
override fun partyFromKey(key: PublicKey): Party? = TEST_KEYS_TO_CORP_MAP[key]
class MockKeyManagementService(
override val keys: Map<PublicKey, PrivateKey>,
val nextKeys: MutableList<KeyPair> = arrayListOf(KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("EC").genKeyPair())
) : KeyManagementService {
override fun freshKey() = nextKeys.removeAt(nextKeys.lastIndex)
class MockWalletService(val states: List<StateAndRef<OwnableState>>) : WalletService {
override val currentWallet = Wallet(states)
class MockStorageService : StorageService {
private val mapOfMaps = HashMap<String, MutableMap<Any, Any>>()
override fun <K, V> getMap(tableName: String): MutableMap<K, V> {
return mapOfMaps.getOrPut(tableName) { Collections.synchronizedMap(HashMap<Any, Any>()) } as MutableMap<K, V>
class MockServices(
val wallet: WalletService?,
val keyManagement: KeyManagementService?,
val net: MessagingSystem?,
val identity: IdentityService? = MockIdentityService,
val storage: StorageService? = MockStorageService(),
val timestamping: TimestamperService? = DUMMY_TIMESTAMPER
) : ServiceHub {
override val walletService: WalletService
get() = wallet ?: throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override val keyManagementService: KeyManagementService
get() = keyManagement ?: throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override val identityService: IdentityService
get() = identity ?: throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override val timestampingService: TimestamperService
get() = timestamping ?: throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override val networkService: MessagingSystem
get() = net ?: throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override val storageService: StorageService
get() = storage ?: throw UnsupportedOperationException()
// Defines a simple DSL for building pseudo-transactions (not the same as the wire protocol) for testing purposes.
@ -230,7 +281,7 @@ class TransactionGroupDSL<T : ContractState>(private val stateType: Class<T>) {
fun toLedgerTransaction(time: Instant): LedgerTransaction {
val wireCmds = commands.map { WireCommand(it.value, it.signers) }
return WireTransaction(inStates, outStates.map { it.state }, wireCmds).toLedgerTransaction(time, TEST_KEYS_TO_CORP_MAP, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
return WireTransaction(inStates, outStates.map { it.state }, wireCmds).toLedgerTransaction(time, MockIdentityService, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
@ -266,7 +317,7 @@ class TransactionGroupDSL<T : ContractState>(private val stateType: Class<T>) {
fun transaction(vararg outputStates: LabeledOutput) {
val outs = outputStates.map { it.state }
val wtx = WireTransaction(emptyList(), outs, emptyList())
val ltx = wtx.toLedgerTransaction(TEST_TX_TIME, TEST_KEYS_TO_CORP_MAP, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
val ltx = wtx.toLedgerTransaction(TEST_TX_TIME, MockIdentityService, SecureHash.randomSHA256())
for ((index, state) in outputStates.withIndex()) {
val label = state.label!!
labelToRefs[label] = ContractStateRef(ltx.hash, index)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user