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synced 2025-03-03 04:49:46 +00:00
There's a bug with the ServiceLoader which leaks a file handle to the app jar on shutdown. This causes an issue if a mock node is restarted in Windows. To avoid the problem completely we no longer overwrite any existing jars, as the jar to be copied will be same anyway. (cherry picked from commit 0038a864817d331d7e48d741770b7acc40af2574)
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,12 +25,14 @@ import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.coreContractClasses
import net.corda.serialization.internal.DefaultWhitelist
import org.apache.commons.collections4.map.LRUMap
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.net.URL
import java.net.URLClassLoader
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.*
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream
import java.util.jar.Manifest
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.streams.toList
@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ class JarScanningCordappLoader private constructor(private val cordappJarPaths:
@ -265,7 +267,7 @@ class JarScanningCordappLoader private constructor(private val cordappJarPaths:
return contractClasses
private fun findPlugins(cordappJarPath: RestrictedURL): List<SerializationWhitelist> {
private fun findWhitelists(cordappJarPath: RestrictedURL): List<SerializationWhitelist> {
val whitelists = URLClassLoader(arrayOf(cordappJarPath.url)).use {
ServiceLoader.load(SerializationWhitelist::class.java, it).toList()
@ -292,8 +294,6 @@ class JarScanningCordappLoader private constructor(private val cordappJarPaths:
private fun <T : Any> loadClass(className: String, type: KClass<T>): Class<out T>? {
return try {
@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ class JarScanningCordappLoader private constructor(private val cordappJarPaths:
// TODO Remove this class as rootPackageName is never non-null.
/** @property rootPackageName only this package and subpackages may be extracted from [url], or null to allow all packages. */
private data class RestrictedURL(val url: URL, val rootPackageName: String?) {
val qualifiedNamePrefix: String get() = rootPackageName?.let { "$it." } ?: ""
@ -359,14 +360,14 @@ class JarScanningCordappLoader private constructor(private val cordappJarPaths:
fun getAllStandardClasses(): List<String> {
return scanResult
.filter { it.startsWith(qualifiedNamePrefix) }
fun getAllInterfaces(): List<String> {
return scanResult
.filter { it.startsWith(qualifiedNamePrefix) }
@ -386,13 +387,32 @@ class MultipleCordappsForFlowException(message: String) : Exception(message)
class CordappInvalidVersionException(msg: String) : Exception(msg)
abstract class CordappLoaderTemplate : CordappLoader {
companion object {
private val logger = contextLogger()
override val flowCordappMap: Map<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>, Cordapp> by lazy {
cordapps.flatMap { corDapp -> corDapp.allFlows.map { flow -> flow to corDapp } }
.groupBy { it.first }
.mapValues { entry ->
if (entry.value.size > 1) {
logger.error("There are multiple CorDapp JARs on the classpath for flow " +
"${entry.value.first().first.name}: [ ${entry.value.joinToString { it.second.jarPath.toString() }} ].")
entry.value.forEach { (_, cordapp) ->
ZipInputStream(cordapp.jarPath.openStream()).use { zip ->
val ident = BigInteger(64, Random()).toString(36)
logger.error("Contents of: ${cordapp.jarPath} will be prefaced with: $ident")
var e = zip.nextEntry
while (e != null) {
logger.error("$ident\t ${e.name}")
e = zip.nextEntry
throw MultipleCordappsForFlowException("There are multiple CorDapp JARs on the classpath for flow " +
"${entry.value.first().first.name}: [ ${entry.value.joinToString { it.second.name }} ].")
"${entry.value.first().first.name}: [ ${entry.value.joinToString { it.second.jarPath.toString() }} ].")
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import net.corda.core.internal.createDirectories
import net.corda.core.internal.div
import net.corda.core.internal.writeText
import net.corda.testing.node.TestCordapp
import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING
* Extends the public [TestCordapp] API with internal extensions for use within the testing framework and for internal testing of the platform.
@ -36,7 +36,11 @@ abstract class TestCordappInternal : TestCordapp() {
val configDir = (cordappsDir / "config").createDirectories()
jarToCordapp.forEach { jar, cordapp ->
jar.copyToDirectory(cordappsDir, REPLACE_EXISTING)
try {
} catch (e: FileAlreadyExistsException) {
// Ignore if the node already has the same CorDapp jar. This can happen if the node is being restarted.
val configString = ConfigValueFactory.fromMap(cordapp.config).toConfig().root().render()
(configDir / "${jar.fileName.toString().removeSuffix(".jar")}.conf").writeText(configString)
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