progress towards general stack trace support

This commit is contained in:
Joel Dice 2008-04-07 17:47:41 -06:00
parent 3915371897
commit 7ee29d4939
4 changed files with 606 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace {
const bool Verbose = false;
const bool DebugNatives = false;
const bool DebugTraces = false;
const bool DebugCallTable = false;
const bool DebugFrameMaps = false;
const bool CheckArrayBounds = true;
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ class MyThread: public Thread {
t->trace = this;
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ class MyThread: public Thread {
void* ip;
void* base;
void* stack;
object nativeMethod;
CallTrace* next;
@ -70,8 +72,7 @@ class MyThread: public Thread {
{ }
void* ip;
@ -79,41 +80,60 @@ class MyThread: public Thread {
void* stack;
CallTrace* trace;
Reference* reference;
object methodInvoked;
resolveThisPointer(MyThread* t, void* stack, object method)
return reinterpret_cast<object*>(stack)[methodParameterFootprint(t, method)];
resolveTarget(MyThread* t, void* stack, object method)
if (method) {
unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method);
object class_ = objectClass(t, resolveThisPointer(t, stack, method));
object class_ = objectClass
(t, reinterpret_cast<object*>(stack)[parameterFootprint]);
if (classVmFlags(t, class_) & BootstrapFlag) {
PROTECT(t, method);
PROTECT(t, class_);
if (classVmFlags(t, class_) & BootstrapFlag) {
PROTECT(t, method);
PROTECT(t, class_);
resolveClass(t, className(t, class_));
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
if (classFlags(t, methodClass(t, method)) & ACC_INTERFACE) {
return findInterfaceMethod(t, method, class_);
} else {
return findMethod(t, method, class_);
resolveClass(t, className(t, class_));
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
return method;
if (classFlags(t, methodClass(t, method)) & ACC_INTERFACE) {
return findInterfaceMethod(t, method, class_);
} else {
return findMethod(t, method, class_);
methodTree(MyThread* t);
methodTreeSentinal(MyThread* t);
compareIpToMethodBounds(Thread* t, intptr_t ip, object method)
intptr_t start = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>
(&singletonValue(t, methodCompiled(t, method), 0));
if (ip < start) {
return -1;
} else if (ip < start + singletonCount(t, methodCompiled(t, method))) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
findTraceNode(MyThread* t, void* address);
insertTraceNode(MyThread* t, object node);
methodForIp(MyThread* t, void* ip)
return treeQuery(t, methodTree(t), reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(ip),
methodTreeSentinal(t), compareIpToMethodBounds);
class MyStackWalker: public Processor::StackWalker {
@ -124,7 +144,7 @@ class MyStackWalker: public Processor::StackWalker {
{ }
virtual void visit(Heap::Visitor* v) {
@ -133,13 +153,12 @@ class MyStackWalker: public Processor::StackWalker {
MyStackWalker(MyThread* t):
ip_(t->ip ? t->ip : (stack ? *static_cast<void**>(stack) : 0)),
node(t->ip ? findTraceNode(t, t->ip) :
(stack ? findTraceNode(t, *static_cast<void**>(stack)) :
nativeMethod(resolveNativeMethod(t, stack, node)),
method_(ip_ ? methodForIp(t, ip_) : 0),
{ }
@ -148,24 +167,11 @@ class MyStackWalker: public Processor::StackWalker {
{ }
static object resolveNativeMethod(MyThread* t, void* stack, object node) {
if (node) {
object target = traceNodeTarget(t, node);
if (traceNodeVirtualCall(t, node)) {
target = resolveTarget(t, stack, target);
if (target and methodFlags(t, target) & ACC_NATIVE) {
return target;
return 0;
virtual void walk(Processor::StackVisitor* v) {
if (stack == 0) {
@ -189,14 +195,13 @@ class MyStackWalker: public Processor::StackWalker {
} else {
stack = static_cast<void**>(base) + 1;
base = *static_cast<void**>(base);
node = findTraceNode(t, *static_cast<void**>(stack));
if (node == 0) {
method_ = methodForIp(t, *static_cast<void**>(stack));
if (method_ == 0) {
if (trace and trace->stack) {
base = trace->base;
stack = static_cast<void**>(trace->stack);
nativeMethod = trace->nativeMethod;
trace = trace->next;
node = findTraceNode(t, *static_cast<void**>(stack));
nativeMethod = resolveNativeMethod(t, stack, node);
} else {
return false;
@ -209,7 +214,7 @@ class MyStackWalker: public Processor::StackWalker {
if (nativeMethod) {
return nativeMethod;
} else {
return traceNodeMethod(t, node);
return method_;
@ -217,9 +222,8 @@ class MyStackWalker: public Processor::StackWalker {
if (nativeMethod) {
return 0;
} else {
intptr_t start = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>
(&singletonValue(t, methodCompiled(t, traceNodeMethod(t, node)), 0));
return traceNodeAddress(t, node) - start;
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(ip_) - reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>
(&singletonValue(t, methodCompiled(t, method_), 0));
@ -243,11 +247,12 @@ class MyStackWalker: public Processor::StackWalker {
MyThread* t;
void* ip_;
void* base;
void* stack;
MyThread::CallTrace* trace;
object node;
object nativeMethod;
object method_;
MyProtector protector;
@ -303,6 +308,7 @@ class TraceElement: public Compiler::TraceHandler {
Context* context;
Promise* address;
intptr_t addressValue;
object target;
bool virtualCall;
TraceElement* next;
@ -467,6 +473,7 @@ class Context {
visitTable(makeVisitTable(t, &zone, method)),
rootTable(makeRootTable(t, &zone, method)),
eventLog(t->m->system, t->m->heap, 1024),
@ -480,6 +487,7 @@ class Context {
eventLog(t->m->system, t->m->heap, 0),
@ -496,6 +504,7 @@ class Context {
object method;
PoolElement* objectPool;
TraceElement* traceLog;
unsigned traceLogCount;
uint16_t* visitTable;
uintptr_t* rootTable;
bool dirtyRoots;
@ -1075,6 +1084,8 @@ class Frame {
(context->zone.allocate(sizeof(TraceElement) + (mapSize * BytesPerWord)))
TraceElement(context, target, virtualCall, context->traceLog);
++ context->traceLogCount;
@ -1097,6 +1108,15 @@ savedTargetIndex(MyThread* t, object method)
return codeMaxLocals(t, methodCode(t, method));
findCallNode(MyThread* t, void* address);
insertCallNode(MyThread* t, object node);
removeCallNode(MyThread* t, object node);
findUnwindTarget(MyThread* t, void** targetIp, void** targetBase,
void** targetStack)
@ -1112,9 +1132,8 @@ findUnwindTarget(MyThread* t, void** targetIp, void** targetBase,
*targetIp = 0;
while (*targetIp == 0) {
object node = findTraceNode(t, ip);
if (node) {
object method = traceNodeMethod(t, node);
object method = methodForIp(t, ip);
if (method) {
PROTECT(t, method);
uint8_t* compiled = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>
@ -3659,6 +3678,29 @@ calculateFrameMaps(MyThread* t, Context* context, uintptr_t* originalRoots,
codeAllocator(MyThread* t);
compareTraceElementPointers(const void* va, const void* vb)
TraceElement* a = *static_cast<TraceElement* const*>(va);
TraceElement* b = *static_cast<TraceElement* const*>(vb);
if (a->addressValue > b->addressValue) {
return 1;
} else if (a->addressValue < b->addressValue) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
compareMethodBounds(Thread* t, object a, object b)
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>
(&singletonValue(t, methodCompiled(t, a), 0))
- reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>
(&singletonValue(t, methodCompiled(t, b), 0));
finish(MyThread* t, Context* context, const char* name)
@ -3680,18 +3722,61 @@ finish(MyThread* t, Context* context, const char* name)
if (context->method) {
PROTECT(t, result);
unsigned mapSize = frameMapSizeInWords(t, context->method);
{ object code = methodCode(t, context->method);
for (TraceElement* p = context->traceLog; p; p = p->next) {
object node = makeTraceNode
(t, p->address->value(c), 0, context->method, p->target,
p->virtualCall, mapSize, false);
code = makeCode(t, 0,
codeExceptionHandlerTable(t, code),
codeLineNumberTable(t, code),
codeMaxStack(t, code),
codeMaxLocals(t, code),
0, false);
if (mapSize) {
memcpy(&traceNodeMap(t, node, 0), p->map, mapSize * BytesPerWord);
set(t, context->method, MethodCode, code);
if (context->traceLogCount) {
TraceElement* elements[context->traceLogCount];
unsigned index = 0;
for (TraceElement* p = context->traceLog; p; p = p->next) {
elements[index++] = p;
p->addressValue = p->address->value(c);
if (p->target) {
(t, makeCallNode
(t, p->address->value(c), p->target, p->virtualCall, 0));
insertTraceNode(t, node);
qsort(elements, context->traceLogCount, sizeof(TraceElement*),
unsigned size = frameSize(t, context->method);
object map = makeIntArray
(t, context->traceLogCount
+ ceiling(context->traceLogCount * size, 32),
for (unsigned i = 0; i < context->traceLogCount; ++i) {
TraceElement* p = elements[i];
intArrayBody(t, map, i) = static_cast<intptr_t>(p->addressValue)
- reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(start);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
unsigned index = ((i * size) + j);
int32_t* v = &intArrayBody
(t, map, context->traceLogCount + (index / 32));
if (getBit(p->map, j)) {
*v |= static_cast<int32_t>(1) << (index % 32);
} else {
*v &= ~(static_cast<int32_t>(1) << (index % 32));
set(t, methodCode(t, context->method), CodePool, map);
for (PoolElement* p = context->objectPool; p; p = p->next) {
@ -3709,6 +3794,13 @@ finish(MyThread* t, Context* context, const char* name)
updateLineNumberTable(t, c, methodCode(t, context->method),
{ object node = makeTreeNode
(t, context->method, methodTreeSentinal(t), methodTreeSentinal(t));
methodTree(t) = treeInsert
(t, methodTree(t), node, methodTreeSentinal(t), compareMethodBounds);
if (Verbose) {
(start, c->codeSize(),
@ -3864,13 +3956,13 @@ compile(MyThread* t, object method);
compileMethod2(MyThread* t)
object node = findTraceNode(t, *static_cast<void**>(t->stack));
object node = findCallNode(t, *static_cast<void**>(t->stack));
PROTECT(t, node);
object target = traceNodeTarget(t, node);
object target = callNodeTarget(t, node);
PROTECT(t, target);
if (traceNodeVirtualCall(t, node)) {
if (callNodeVirtualCall(t, node)) {
target = resolveTarget(t, t->stack, target);
@ -3881,10 +3973,19 @@ compileMethod2(MyThread* t)
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) {
return 0;
} else {
if (not traceNodeVirtualCall(t, node)) {
if (callNodeVirtualCall(t, node)) {
(t, objectClass
(t, resolveThisPointer(t, t->stack, target)), methodOffset(t, target))
= &singletonValue(t, methodCompiled(t, target), 0);
} else {
ACQUIRE(t, t->m->classLock);
removeCallNode(t, node);
Context context(t);
(reinterpret_cast<void*>(traceNodeAddress(t, node)),
(reinterpret_cast<void*>(callNodeAddress(t, node)),
&singletonValue(t, methodCompiled(t, target), 0));
return &singletonValue(t, methodCompiled(t, target), 0);
@ -4088,22 +4189,19 @@ invokeNative2(MyThread* t, object method)
uint64_t FORCE_ALIGN
invokeNative(MyThread* t)
object node = findTraceNode(t, *static_cast<void**>(t->stack));
object target;
if (node) {
target = traceNodeTarget(t, node);
if (traceNodeVirtualCall(t, node)) {
target = resolveTarget(t, t->stack, target);
if (t->trace->nativeMethod == 0) {
object node = findCallNode(t, *static_cast<void**>(t->stack));
t->trace->nativeMethod = callNodeTarget(t, node);
if (callNodeVirtualCall(t, node)) {
t->trace->nativeMethod = resolveTarget
(t, t->stack, t->trace->nativeMethod);
} else {
target = t->methodInvoked;
t->methodInvoked = 0;
uint64_t result = 0;
if (LIKELY(t->exception == 0)) {
result = invokeNative2(t, target);
result = invokeNative2(t, t->trace->nativeMethod);
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) {
@ -4112,13 +4210,36 @@ invokeNative(MyThread* t)
return result;
frameMapIndex(MyThread* t, object method, int32_t offset)
object map = codePool(t, methodCode(t, method));
unsigned mapSize = ceiling
(intArrayLength(t, map), (32 / frameSize(t, method)) + 1);
unsigned indexSize = intArrayLength(t, map) - mapSize;
unsigned bottom = 0;
unsigned top = indexSize;
for (unsigned span = top - bottom; span; span = top - bottom) {
unsigned middle = bottom + (span / 2);
int32_t v = intArrayBody(t, map, middle);
if (offset == v) {
return (indexSize * 32) + (frameSize(t, method) * middle);
} else if (offset < v) {
top = middle;
} else {
bottom = middle + 1;
visitStackAndLocals(MyThread* t, Heap::Visitor* v, void* base, object node,
void* calleeBase, unsigned argumentFootprint)
visitStackAndLocals(MyThread* t, Heap::Visitor* v, void* base, object method,
void* ip, void* calleeBase, unsigned argumentFootprint)
object method = traceNodeMethod(t, node);
unsigned count;
if (calleeBase) {
unsigned parameterFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method);
@ -4131,11 +4252,17 @@ visitStackAndLocals(MyThread* t, Heap::Visitor* v, void* base, object node,
if (count) {
uintptr_t* map = &traceNodeMap(t, node, 0);
object map = codePool(t, methodCode(t, method));
int index = frameMapIndex
(t, method, difference
(ip, &singletonValue(t, methodCompiled(t, method), 0)));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (getBit(map, i)) {
v->visit(localObject(t, base, method, i));
int j = index + i;
if ((intArrayBody(t, map, j / 32)
& (static_cast<int32_t>(1) << (j % 32))))
v->visit(localObject(t, base, method, i));
@ -4156,15 +4283,15 @@ visitStack(MyThread* t, Heap::Visitor* v)
unsigned argumentFootprint = 0;
while (stack) {
object node = findTraceNode(t, ip);
if (node) {
PROTECT(t, node);
object method = methodForIp(t, ip);
if (method) {
PROTECT(t, method);
visitStackAndLocals(t, v, base, node, calleeBase, argumentFootprint);
(t, v, base, method, ip, calleeBase, argumentFootprint);
calleeBase = base;
argumentFootprint = methodParameterFootprint
(t, traceNodeMethod(t, node));
argumentFootprint = methodParameterFootprint(t, method);
stack = static_cast<void**>(base) + 1;
if (stack) {
@ -4348,21 +4475,19 @@ invoke(Thread* thread, object method, ArgumentList* arguments)
unsigned returnCode = methodReturnCode(t, method);
unsigned returnType = fieldType(t, returnCode);
if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_NATIVE) {
t->methodInvoked = method;
uint64_t result;
{ MyThread::CallTrace trace(t);
if (methodFlags(t, method) & ACC_NATIVE) {
trace.nativeMethod = method;
result = vmInvoke
(t, &singletonValue(t, methodCompiled(t, method), 0), arguments->array,
arguments->position, returnType);
assert(t, t->methodInvoked == 0);
object r;
switch (returnCode) {
case ByteField:
@ -4403,7 +4528,7 @@ class SegFaultHandler: public System::SignalHandler {
MyThread* t = static_cast<MyThread*>(m->localThread->get());
if (t->state == Thread::ActiveState) {
object node = findTraceNode(t, *ip);
object node = findCallNode(t, *ip);
if (node) {
t->ip = *ip;
t->base = *base;
@ -4428,8 +4553,10 @@ class MyProcessor: public Processor {
codeAllocator(s, allocator, true, 64 * 1024)
@ -4540,10 +4667,14 @@ class MyProcessor: public Processor {
if (t == t->m->rootThread) {
for (MyThread::CallTrace* trace = t->trace; trace; trace = trace->next) {
for (Reference* r = t->reference; r; r = r->next) {
@ -4704,8 +4835,10 @@ class MyProcessor: public Processor {
Allocator* allocator;
object defaultCompiled;
object nativeCompiled;
object addressTable;
unsigned addressCount;
object callTable;
unsigned callTableSize;
object methodTree;
object methodTreeSentinal;
uint8_t* indirectCaller;
unsigned indirectCallerSize;
SegFaultHandler segFaultHandler;
@ -4716,11 +4849,15 @@ MyProcessor*
processor(MyThread* t)
MyProcessor* p = static_cast<MyProcessor*>(t->m->processor);
if (p->addressTable == 0) {
if (p->callTable == 0) {
ACQUIRE(t, t->m->classLock);
if (p->addressTable == 0) {
p->addressTable = makeArray(t, 128, true);
if (p->callTable == 0) {
p->callTable = makeArray(t, 128, true);
p->methodTree = p->methodTreeSentinal = makeTreeNode(t, 0, 0, 0);
set(t, p->methodTree, TreeNodeLeft, p->methodTreeSentinal);
set(t, p->methodTree, TreeNodeRight, p->methodTreeSentinal);
Context context(t);
Compiler* c = context.c;
@ -4782,23 +4919,23 @@ compile(MyThread* t, object method)
findTraceNode(MyThread* t, void* address)
findCallNode(MyThread* t, void* address)
if (DebugTraces) {
if (DebugCallTable) {
fprintf(stderr, "find trace node %p\n", address);
MyProcessor* p = processor(t);
object table = p->addressTable;
object table = p->callTable;
intptr_t key = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(address);
unsigned index = static_cast<uintptr_t>(key)
& (arrayLength(t, table) - 1);
for (object n = arrayBody(t, table, index);
n; n = traceNodeNext(t, n))
n; n = callNodeNext(t, n))
intptr_t k = traceNodeAddress(t, n);
intptr_t k = callNodeAddress(t, n);
if (k == key) {
return n;
@ -4822,26 +4959,17 @@ resizeTable(MyThread* t, object oldTable, unsigned newLength)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, oldTable); ++i) {
for (oldNode = arrayBody(t, oldTable, i);
oldNode = traceNodeNext(t, oldNode))
oldNode = callNodeNext(t, oldNode))
intptr_t k = traceNodeAddress(t, oldNode);
intptr_t k = callNodeAddress(t, oldNode);
unsigned index = k & (newLength - 1);
object newNode = makeTraceNode
(t, traceNodeAddress(t, oldNode),
arrayBody(t, newTable, index),
traceNodeMethod(t, oldNode),
traceNodeTarget(t, oldNode),
traceNodeVirtualCall(t, oldNode),
traceNodeLength(t, oldNode),
if (traceNodeLength(t, oldNode)) {
memcpy(&traceNodeMap(t, newNode, 0),
&traceNodeMap(t, oldNode, 0),
traceNodeLength(t, oldNode) * BytesPerWord);
object newNode = makeCallNode
(t, callNodeAddress(t, oldNode),
callNodeTarget(t, oldNode),
callNodeVirtualCall(t, oldNode),
arrayBody(t, newTable, index));
set(t, newTable, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), newNode);
@ -4851,29 +4979,85 @@ resizeTable(MyThread* t, object oldTable, unsigned newLength)
insertTraceNode(MyThread* t, object node)
insertCallNode(MyThread* t, object node)
if (DebugTraces) {
if (DebugCallTable) {
fprintf(stderr, "insert trace node %p\n",
reinterpret_cast<void*>(traceNodeAddress(t, node)));
reinterpret_cast<void*>(callNodeAddress(t, node)));
MyProcessor* p = processor(t);
PROTECT(t, node);
++ p->addressCount;
++ p->callTableSize;
if (p->addressCount >= arrayLength(t, p->addressTable) * 2) {
p->addressTable = resizeTable
(t, p->addressTable, arrayLength(t, p->addressTable) * 2);
if (p->callTableSize >= arrayLength(t, p->callTable) * 2) {
p->callTable = resizeTable
(t, p->callTable, arrayLength(t, p->callTable) * 2);
intptr_t key = traceNodeAddress(t, node);
intptr_t key = callNodeAddress(t, node);
unsigned index = static_cast<uintptr_t>(key)
& (arrayLength(t, p->addressTable) - 1);
& (arrayLength(t, p->callTable) - 1);
set(t, node, TraceNodeNext, arrayBody(t, p->addressTable, index));
set(t, p->addressTable, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), node);
set(t, node, CallNodeNext, arrayBody(t, p->callTable, index));
set(t, p->callTable, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), node);
removeCallNode(MyThread* t, object node)
if (DebugCallTable) {
fprintf(stderr, "remove call node %p\n",
reinterpret_cast<void*>(callNodeAddress(t, node)));
MyProcessor* p = processor(t);
PROTECT(t, node);
object oldNode = 0;
PROTECT(t, oldNode);
object newNode = 0;
PROTECT(t, newNode);
intptr_t key = callNodeAddress(t, node);
unsigned index = static_cast<uintptr_t>(key)
& (arrayLength(t, p->callTable) - 1);
for (oldNode = arrayBody(t, p->callTable, index);
oldNode = callNodeNext(t, oldNode))
if (oldNode != node) {
newNode = makeCallNode
(t, callNodeAddress(t, oldNode),
callNodeTarget(t, oldNode),
callNodeVirtualCall(t, oldNode),
set(t, p->callTable, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), newNode);
-- p->callTableSize;
if (p->callTableSize <= arrayLength(t, p->callTable) / 3) {
p->callTable = resizeTable
(t, p->callTable, arrayLength(t, p->callTable) / 2);
methodTree(MyThread* t)
return processor(t)->methodTree;
methodTreeSentinal(MyThread* t)
return processor(t)->methodTreeSentinal;

View File

@ -91,13 +91,22 @@
(object method)
(int ip))
(type traceNode
(type treeNode
(object value)
(object left)
(object right))
(type treePath
(uintptr_t fresh)
(object node)
(object root)
(object ancestors))
(type callNode
(intptr_t address)
(object next)
(object method)
(object target)
(uintptr_t virtualCall)
(array uintptr_t map))
(object next))
(type array
(noassert array object body))

View File

@ -12,6 +12,235 @@
using namespace vm;
namespace {
inline object
cloneTreeNode(Thread* t, object n)
return makeTreeNode
(t, treeNodeValue(t, n), treeNodeLeft(t, n), treeNodeRight(t, n));
inline object
getTreeNodeValue(Thread*, object n)
return reinterpret_cast<object>
(cast<intptr_t>(n, TreeNodeValue) & PointerMask);
inline void
setTreeNodeValue(Thread* t, object n, object value)
intptr_t red = cast<intptr_t>(n, TreeNodeValue) & (~PointerMask);
set(t, n, TreeNodeValue, value);
cast<intptr_t>(n, TreeNodeValue) |= red;
inline bool
treeNodeRed(Thread*, object n)
return (cast<intptr_t>(n, TreeNodeValue) & (~PointerMask)) != 1;
inline void
setTreeNodeRed(Thread*, object n, intptr_t red)
cast<intptr_t>(n, TreeNodeValue) |= red;
treeFind(Thread* t, object old, object node, object sentinal,
intptr_t (*compare)(Thread* t, object a, object b))
PROTECT(t, old);
PROTECT(t, node);
PROTECT(t, sentinal);
object newRoot = cloneTreeNode(t, old);
PROTECT(t, newRoot);
object new_ = newRoot;
PROTECT(t, new_);
object ancestors = 0;
PROTECT(t, ancestors);
while (old != sentinal) {
ancestors = makePair(t, new_, ancestors);
intptr_t difference = compare
(t, getTreeNodeValue(t, node), getTreeNodeValue(t, node));
if (difference < 0) {
old = treeNodeLeft(t, old);
object n = cloneTreeNode(t, old);
set(t, new_, TreeNodeLeft, n);
new_ = n;
} else if (difference > 0) {
old = treeNodeRight(t, old);
object n = cloneTreeNode(t, old);
set(t, new_, TreeNodeRight, n);
new_ = n;
} else {
return makeTreePath(t, false, new_, newRoot, pairSecond(t, ancestors));
setTreeNodeValue(t, new_, getTreeNodeValue(t, node));
return makeTreePath(t, true, new_, newRoot, ancestors);
leftRotate(Thread* t, object n)
object child = cloneTreeNode(t, treeNodeRight(t, n));
set(t, n, TreeNodeRight, treeNodeLeft(t, child));
set(t, child, TreeNodeLeft, n);
return child;
rightRotate(Thread* t, object n)
object child = cloneTreeNode(t, treeNodeLeft(t, n));
set(t, n, TreeNodeLeft, treeNodeRight(t, child));
set(t, child, TreeNodeRight, n);
return child;
treeAdd(Thread* t, object path)
object new_ = treePathNode(t, path);
PROTECT(t, new_);
object newRoot = treePathRoot(t, path);
PROTECT(t, newRoot);
object ancestors = treePathAncestors(t, path);
PROTECT(t, ancestors);
// rebalance
setTreeNodeRed(t, new_, 1);
while (ancestors != 0 and treeNodeRed(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors))) {
if (pairFirst(t, ancestors)
== treeNodeLeft(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors))))
if (treeNodeRed
(t, treeNodeRight(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)))))
setTreeNodeRed(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors), 1);
object n = cloneTreeNode
(t, treeNodeRight(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors))));
set(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)), TreeNodeRight, n);
(t, treeNodeRight
(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors))), 0);
setTreeNodeRed(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)), 0);
new_ = pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors));
ancestors = pairSecond(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors));
} else {
if (new_ == treeNodeRight(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors))) {
new_ = pairFirst(t, ancestors);
ancestors = pairSecond(t, ancestors);
object n = leftRotate(t, new_);
if (new_ == treeNodeRight(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors))) {
set(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors), TreeNodeRight, n);
} else {
set(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors), TreeNodeLeft, n);
ancestors = makePair(t, n, ancestors);
setTreeNodeRed(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors), 0);
setTreeNodeRed(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)), 1);
object n = rightRotate(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)));
if (pairSecond(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)) == 0) {
newRoot = n;
} else if (treeNodeRight
(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors))))
== pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)))
set(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors))),
TreeNodeRight, n);
} else {
set(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors))),
TreeNodeLeft, n);
// done
} else { // this is just the reverse of the code above (right and
// left swapped):
if (treeNodeRed
(t, treeNodeLeft(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)))))
setTreeNodeRed(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors), 1);
object n = cloneTreeNode
(t, treeNodeLeft(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors))));
set(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)), TreeNodeLeft, n);
(t, treeNodeLeft
(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors))), 0);
setTreeNodeRed(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)), 0);
new_ = pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors));
ancestors = pairSecond(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors));
} else {
if (new_ == treeNodeLeft(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors))) {
new_ = pairFirst(t, ancestors);
ancestors = pairSecond(t, ancestors);
object n = rightRotate(t, new_);
if (new_ == treeNodeLeft(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors))) {
set(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors), TreeNodeLeft, n);
} else {
set(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors), TreeNodeRight, n);
ancestors = makePair(t, n, ancestors);
setTreeNodeRed(t, pairFirst(t, ancestors), 0);
setTreeNodeRed(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)), 1);
object n = leftRotate(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)));
if (pairSecond(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)) == 0) {
newRoot = n;
} else if (treeNodeLeft
(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors))))
== pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors)))
set(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors))),
TreeNodeLeft, n);
} else {
set(t, pairFirst(t, pairSecond(t, pairSecond(t, ancestors))),
TreeNodeRight, n);
// done
setTreeNodeRed(t, newRoot, 0);
return newRoot;
} // namespace
namespace vm {
@ -275,4 +504,35 @@ vectorAppend(Thread* t, object vector, object value)
return vector;
treeQuery(Thread* t, object tree, intptr_t key, object sentinal,
intptr_t (*compare)(Thread* t, intptr_t key, object b))
object node = tree;
while (node != sentinal) {
intptr_t difference = compare(t, key, getTreeNodeValue(t, node));
if (difference < 0) {
node = treeNodeLeft(t, node);
} else if (difference > 0) {
node = treeNodeRight(t, node);
} else {
return node;
return 0;
treeInsert(Thread* t, object tree, object node, object sentinal,
intptr_t (*compare)(Thread* t, object a, object b))
object path = treeFind(t, tree, node, sentinal, compare);
if (treePathFresh(t, path)) {
return treeAdd(t, path);
} else {
return tree;
} // namespace vm

View File

@ -83,6 +83,14 @@ listAppend(Thread* t, object list, object value);
vectorAppend(Thread* t, object vector, object value);
treeQuery(Thread* t, object tree, intptr_t key, object sentinal,
intptr_t (*compare)(Thread* t, intptr_t key, object b));
treeInsert(Thread* t, object tree, object node, object sentinal,
intptr_t (*compare)(Thread* t, object a, object b));
} // vm