Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/open/master' into merges/june-28-09-45

This commit is contained in:
sollecitom 2018-06-28 11:25:53 +01:00
commit 7d6f08d578

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@ -118,19 +118,21 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
if (value) field = value else throw IllegalArgumentException("Can only set to true")
* Processes an event by creating the associated transition and executing it using the given executor.
* Try to avoid using this directly, instead use [processEventsUntilFlowIsResumed] or [processEventImmediately]
* instead.
private fun processEvent(transitionExecutor: TransitionExecutor, event: Event): FlowContinuation {
val stateMachine = getTransientField(TransientValues::stateMachine)
val oldState = transientState!!.value
val actionExecutor = getTransientField(TransientValues::actionExecutor)
val transition = stateMachine.transition(event, oldState)
val (continuation, newState) = transitionExecutor.executeTransition(this, oldState, event, transition, actionExecutor)
transientState = TransientReference(newState)
return continuation
@ -206,6 +208,7 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
MDC.put("flow-id", id.uuid.toString())
MDC.put("fiber-id", this.getId().toString())
MDC.put("thread-id", Thread.currentThread().id.toString())
@ -363,6 +366,7 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
val serializationContext = TransientReference(getTransientField(TransientValues::checkpointSerializationContext))
val transaction = extractThreadLocalTransaction()
parkAndSerialize { _, _ ->
logger.trace { "Suspended on $ioRequest" }
// Will skip checkpoint if there are any idempotent flows in the subflow stack.
@ -389,7 +393,6 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
require(continuation == FlowContinuation.ProcessEvents)
return uncheckedCast(processEventsUntilFlowIsResumed(
isDbTransactionOpenOnEntry = false,
isDbTransactionOpenOnExit = true