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synced 2025-03-21 19:45:21 +00:00
CORDA-3043 RPC Invocation fails when calling classes with defaulted constructors O/S (#5569)
* Fix for defaulted constructor arguments * Code changes from 4.3 applied to O/S * Detekt and code review
This commit is contained in:
@ -2464,7 +2464,6 @@ public interface net.corda.core.flows.IdentifiableException
public Long getErrorId()
public final class net.corda.core.flows.IllegalFlowLogicException extends java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
public <init>(Class<?>, String)
public <init>(String, String)
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ interface FlowLogicRefFactory {
* @property type the fully qualified name of the class that failed checks.
class IllegalFlowLogicException(val type: String, msg: String) :
IllegalArgumentException("A FlowLogicRef cannot be constructed for FlowLogic of type $type: $msg") {
constructor(type: Class<*>, msg: String) : this(type.name, msg)
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import net.corda.core.flows.*
import net.corda.core.internal.VisibleForTesting
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable
import net.corda.core.serialization.SingletonSerializeAsToken
import net.corda.core.utilities.contextLogger
import org.slf4j.Logger
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
import java.lang.reflect.Type
import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable
@ -33,7 +35,12 @@ data class FlowLogicRefImpl internal constructor(val flowLogicClassName: String,
* in response to a potential malicious use or buggy update to an app etc.
// TODO: Replace with a per app classloader/cordapp provider/cordapp loader - this will do for now
@Suppress("ReturnCount", "TooManyFunctions")
open class FlowLogicRefFactoryImpl(private val classloader: ClassLoader) : SingletonSerializeAsToken(), FlowLogicRefFactory {
companion object {
private val log: Logger = contextLogger()
override fun create(flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>, vararg args: Any?): FlowLogicRef {
if (!flowClass.isAnnotationPresent(SchedulableFlow::class.java)) {
throw IllegalFlowLogicException(flowClass, "because it's not a schedulable flow")
@ -76,20 +83,100 @@ open class FlowLogicRefFactoryImpl(private val classloader: ClassLoader) : Singl
return createKotlin(flowClass, argsMap)
protected open fun findConstructor(flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>, argTypes: List<Class<Any>?>): KFunction<FlowLogic<*>> {
private fun matchConstructorArgs(ctorTypes: List<Class<out Any>>, optional: List<Boolean>,
argTypes: List<Class<Any>?>): Pair<Boolean, Int> {
// There must be at least as many constructor arguments as supplied arguments
if (argTypes.size > ctorTypes.size) {
return Pair(false, 0)
// Check if all constructor arguments are assignable for all supplied arguments, then for remaining arguments in constructor
// check that they are optional. If they are it's still a match. Return if matched and the number of default args consumed.
var numDefaultsUsed = 0
var index = 0
for (conArg in ctorTypes) {
if (index < argTypes.size) {
val argType = argTypes[index]
if (argType != null && !conArg.isAssignableFrom(argType)) {
return Pair(false, 0)
} else {
if (index >= optional.size || !optional[index]) {
return Pair(false, 0)
return Pair(true, numDefaultsUsed)
private fun handleNoMatchingConstructor(flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>, argTypes: List<Class<Any>?>) {
log.error("Cannot find Constructor to match arguments: ${argTypes.joinToString()}")
log.info("Candidate constructors are:")
for (ctor in flowClass.kotlin.constructors) {
private fun findConstructorCheckDefaultParams(flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>, argTypes: List<Class<Any>?>):
KFunction<FlowLogic<*>> {
// There may be multiple matches. If there are, we will use the one with the least number of default parameter matches.
var ctorMatch: KFunction<FlowLogic<*>>? = null
var matchNumDefArgs = 0
for (ctor in flowClass.kotlin.constructors) {
// Get the types of the arguments, always boxed (as that's what we get in the invocation).
val ctorTypes = ctor.javaConstructor!!.parameterTypes.map {
if (it == null) { it } else { Primitives.wrap(it) }
val optional = ctor.parameters.map { it.isOptional }
val (matched, numDefaultsUsed) = matchConstructorArgs(ctorTypes, optional, argTypes)
if (matched) {
if (ctorMatch == null || numDefaultsUsed < matchNumDefArgs) {
ctorMatch = ctor
matchNumDefArgs = numDefaultsUsed
if (ctorMatch == null) {
handleNoMatchingConstructor(flowClass, argTypes)
// Must do the throw here, not in handleNoMatchingConstructor(added for Detekt) else we can't return ctorMatch as non-null
throw IllegalFlowLogicException(flowClass, "No constructor found that matches arguments (${argTypes.joinToString()}), "
+ "see log for more information.")
log.info("Matched constructor: ${ctorMatch} (num_default_args_used=$matchNumDefArgs)")
return ctorMatch
private fun findConstructorDirectMatch(flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>, argTypes: List<Class<Any>?>): KFunction<FlowLogic<*>> {
return flowClass.kotlin.constructors.single { ctor ->
// Get the types of the arguments, always boxed (as that's what we get in the invocation).
val ctorTypes = ctor.javaConstructor!!.parameterTypes.map { Primitives.wrap(it) }
if (argTypes.size != ctorTypes.size)
return@single false
for ((argType, ctorType) in argTypes.zip(ctorTypes)) {
if (argType == null) continue // Try and find a match based on the other arguments.
if (argType == null) continue // Try and find a match based on the other arguments.
if (!ctorType.isAssignableFrom(argType)) return@single false
protected open fun findConstructor(flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>, argTypes: List<Class<Any>?>): KFunction<FlowLogic<*>> {
try {
return findConstructorDirectMatch(flowClass, argTypes)
} catch(e: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException) {
log.trace("findConstructorDirectMatch threw IllegalArgumentException (more than 1 matches).")
} catch (e: NoSuchElementException) {
log.trace("findConstructorDirectMatch threw NoSuchElementException (no matches).")
return findConstructorCheckDefaultParams(flowClass, argTypes)
* Create a [FlowLogicRef] by trying to find a Kotlin constructor that matches the given args.
Reference in New Issue
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