mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 11:35:57 +00:00
fix OpenJDK JCE support
This primarily required additions to classpath-openjdk.cpp to intercept ZipFile, ZipEntry, and JarFile native methods to consult embedded encryption policy jars when required.
This commit is contained in:
@ -90,7 +90,9 @@ ifneq ($(openjdk),)
openjdk-jar-dep = $(build)/openjdk-jar.dep
classpath-jar-dep = $(openjdk-jar-dep)
javahome = $(embed-prefix)/javahomeJar
javahome-files = lib/zi lib/currency.data
javahome-files = lib/zi lib/currency.data lib/security/java.security \
lib/security/java.policy lib/security/cacerts \
lib/security/local_policy.jar lib/security/US_export_policy.jar
ifeq ($(platform),windows)
javahome-files += lib/tzmappings
@ -905,5 +907,6 @@ $(openjdk-jar-dep):
$(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/rt.jar")" && \
$(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/jsse.jar")" && \
$(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/jce.jar")" && \
$(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar")" && \
$(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/resources.jar")")
@touch $(@)
@ -224,6 +224,9 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
@ -400,6 +403,13 @@ class MyClasspath : public Classpath {
unsigned filePathField;
unsigned fileDescriptorFdField;
unsigned fileInputStreamFdField;
unsigned zipFileJzfileField;
unsigned zipEntryNameField;
unsigned zipEntryTimeField;
unsigned zipEntryCrcField;
unsigned zipEntrySizeField;
unsigned zipEntryCsizeField;
unsigned zipEntryMethodField;
bool ranNetOnLoad;
char buffer[BufferSize];
@ -925,6 +935,438 @@ closeFile(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
class ZipFile {
class Entry {
Entry(unsigned hash, const uint8_t* start, Entry* next):
hash(hash), start(start), next(next), entry(0)
{ }
Entry(int64_t entry):
hash(0), start(0), next(0), entry(entry)
{ }
unsigned hash;
const uint8_t* start;
Entry* next;
int64_t entry;
ZipFile(Thread* t, System::Region* region, unsigned entryCount):
(t->m->heap->allocate(sizeof(ZipFile::Entry*) * indexSize))),
memset(index, 0, sizeof(ZipFile::Entry*) * indexSize);
ZipFile(int64_t file):
region(0), entryCount(0), indexSize(0), index(0), file(file)
{ }
System::Region* region;
unsigned entryCount;
unsigned indexSize;
Entry** index;
int64_t file;
Entry entries[0];
int64_t JNICALL
openZipFile(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
object path = reinterpret_cast<object>(arguments[0]);
int mode = arguments[1];
int64_t lastModified; memcpy(&lastModified, arguments + 2, 8);
MyClasspath* cp = static_cast<MyClasspath*>(t->m->classpath);
THREAD_RUNTIME_ARRAY(t, char, p, stringLength(t, path) + 1);
stringChars(t, path, RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(p));
replace('\\', '/', RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(p));
EmbeddedFile ef(cp, RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(p), stringLength(t, path));
if (ef.jar) {
if (ef.jarLength == 0 or ef.pathLength == 0) {
throwNew(t, Machine::FileNotFoundExceptionType);
Finder* finder = getFinder(t, ef.jar, ef.jarLength);
if (finder == 0) {
throwNew(t, Machine::FileNotFoundExceptionType);
System::Region* r = finder->find(ef.path);
if (r == 0) {
throwNew(t, Machine::FileNotFoundExceptionType);
const uint8_t* start = r->start();
const uint8_t* end = start + r->length();
unsigned entryCount = 0;
for (const uint8_t* p = end - CentralDirectorySearchStart; p > start;) {
if (get4(p) == CentralDirectorySignature) {
p = start + centralDirectoryOffset(p);
while (p < end) {
if (get4(p) == EntrySignature) {
++ entryCount;
p = endOfEntry(p);
} else {
goto make;
} else {
-- p;
ZipFile* file = new
(sizeof(ZipFile) + (sizeof(ZipFile::Entry) * entryCount)))
ZipFile(t, r, entryCount);
{ unsigned position = 0;
for (const uint8_t* p = end - CentralDirectorySearchStart; p > start;) {
if (get4(p) == CentralDirectorySignature) {
p = start + centralDirectoryOffset(p);
while (p < end) {
if (get4(p) == EntrySignature) {
unsigned h = hash(fileName(p), fileNameLength(p));
unsigned i = h & (file->indexSize - 1);
file->index[i] = new (file->entries + (position++))
ZipFile::Entry(h, p, file->index[i]);
p = endOfEntry(p);
} else {
goto exit;
} else {
-- p;
return reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(file);
} else {
return reinterpret_cast<int64_t>
(new (t->m->heap->allocate(sizeof(ZipFile))) ZipFile
(t, t->m->processor->invoke
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
0, path, mode, lastModified))));
int64_t JNICALL
getZipFileEntryCount(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
int64_t peer; memcpy(&peer, arguments, 8);
ZipFile* file = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile*>(peer);
if (file->region) {
return file->entryCount;
} else {
return intValue
(t, t->m->processor->invoke
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
0, file->file));
find(ZipFile* file, const char* path, unsigned pathLength)
unsigned i = hash(path) & (file->indexSize - 1);
for (ZipFile::Entry* e = file->index[i]; e; e = e->next) {
const uint8_t* p = e->start;
if (equal(path, pathLength, fileName(p), fileNameLength(p))) {
return e;
return 0;
int64_t JNICALL
getZipFileEntry(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
int64_t peer; memcpy(&peer, arguments, 8);
object path = reinterpret_cast<object>(arguments[2]);
bool addSlash = arguments[3];
ZipFile* file = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile*>(peer);
if (file->region) {
THREAD_RUNTIME_ARRAY(t, char, p, stringLength(t, path) + 2);
stringChars(t, path, RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(p));
replace('\\', '/', RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(p));
if (addSlash) {
RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(p)[stringLength(t, path)] = '/';
RUNTIME_ARRAY_BODY(p)[stringLength(t, path) + 1] = 0;
return reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(find(file, p, stringLength(t, path)));
} else {
int64_t entry = longValue
(t, t->m->processor->invoke
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
0, file->file, path, addSlash));
return entry ? reinterpret_cast<int64_t>
(new (t->m->heap->allocate(sizeof(ZipFile::Entry)))
ZipFile::Entry(entry)) : 0;
int64_t JNICALL
getNextZipFileEntry(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
int64_t peer; memcpy(&peer, arguments, 8);
int index = arguments[2];
ZipFile* file = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile*>(peer);
if (file->region) {
return reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(file->entries + index);
} else {
int64_t entry = longValue
(t, t->m->processor->invoke
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
0, file->file, index));
return entry ? reinterpret_cast<int64_t>
(new (t->m->heap->allocate(sizeof(ZipFile::Entry)))
ZipFile::Entry(entry)) : 0;
initializeZipEntryFields(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
object this_ = reinterpret_cast<object>(arguments[0]);
int64_t peer; memcpy(&peer, arguments + 1, 8);
ZipFile::Entry* entry = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile::Entry*>(peer);
if (entry->start) {
PROTECT(t, this_);
MyClasspath* cp = static_cast<MyClasspath*>(t->m->classpath);
unsigned nameLength = fileNameLength(entry->start);
object array = makeByteArray(t, nameLength + 1);
memcpy(&byteArrayBody(t, array, 0), fileName(entry->start), nameLength);
byteArrayBody(t, array, nameLength) = 0;
object name = t->m->classpath->makeString
(t, array, 0, byteArrayLength(t, array) - 1);
set(t, this_, cp->zipEntryNameField, name);
cast<int64_t>(this_, cp->zipEntryTimeField)
= fileTime(entry->start);
cast<int64_t>(this_, cp->zipEntryCrcField)
= fileCRC(entry->start);
cast<int64_t>(this_, cp->zipEntrySizeField)
= uncompressedSize(entry->start);
cast<int64_t>(this_, cp->zipEntryCsizeField)
= compressedSize(entry->start);
cast<int64_t>(this_, cp->zipEntryMethodField)
= compressionMethod(entry->start);
} else {
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
this_, entry->entry);
int64_t JNICALL
getZipFileEntryMethod(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
int64_t peer; memcpy(&peer, arguments, 8);
ZipFile::Entry* entry = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile::Entry*>(peer);
if (entry->start) {
return compressionMethod(entry->start);
} else {
return intValue
(t, t->m->processor->invoke
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
0, entry->entry));
int64_t JNICALL
getZipFileEntryCompressedSize(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
int64_t peer; memcpy(&peer, arguments, 8);
ZipFile::Entry* entry = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile::Entry*>(peer);
if (entry->start) {
return compressedSize(entry->start);
} else {
return longValue
(t, t->m->processor->invoke
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
0, entry->entry));
int64_t JNICALL
getZipFileEntryUncompressedSize(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
int64_t peer; memcpy(&peer, arguments, 8);
ZipFile::Entry* entry = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile::Entry*>(peer);
if (entry->start) {
return uncompressedSize(entry->start);
} else {
return longValue
(t, t->m->processor->invoke
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
0, entry->entry));
freeZipFileEntry(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
int64_t filePeer; memcpy(&filePeer, arguments, 8);
int64_t entryPeer; memcpy(&entryPeer, arguments + 2, 8);
ZipFile* file = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile*>(filePeer);
ZipFile::Entry* entry = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile::Entry*>(entryPeer);
if (file->region == 0) {
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
0, file->file, entry->entry);
int64_t JNICALL
readZipFileEntry(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
int64_t filePeer; memcpy(&filePeer, arguments, 8);
int64_t entryPeer; memcpy(&entryPeer, arguments + 2, 8);
int64_t position; memcpy(&position, arguments + 4, 8);
object buffer = reinterpret_cast<object>(arguments[6]);
int offset = arguments[7];
int length = arguments[8];
ZipFile* file = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile*>(filePeer);
ZipFile::Entry* entry = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile::Entry*>(entryPeer);
if (file->region) {
unsigned size = uncompressedSize(entry->start);
if (position >= size) {
return -1;
if (position + length > size) {
length = size - position;
memcpy(&byteArrayBody(t, buffer, offset),
fileData(file->region->start() + localHeaderOffset(entry->start))
+ position,
return length;
} else {
return intValue
(t, t->m->processor->invoke
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
0, file->file, entry->entry, position, buffer, offset, length));
int64_t JNICALL
getZipMessage(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
int64_t peer; memcpy(&peer, arguments, 8);
ZipFile* file = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile*>(peer);
if (file->region) {
return 0;
} else {
return reinterpret_cast<int64_t>
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
0, file->file));
int64_t JNICALL
getJarFileMetaInfEntryNames(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
object this_ = reinterpret_cast<object>(arguments[0]);
MyClasspath* cp = static_cast<MyClasspath*>(t->m->classpath);
int64_t peer = cast<int64_t>(this_, cp->zipFileJzfileField);
ZipFile* file = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile*>(peer);
if (file->region) {
return 0;
} else {
PROTECT(t, method);
// OpenJDK's Java_java_util_jar_JarFile_getMetaInfEntryNames
// implementation expects to find a pointer to an instance of its
// jzfile structure in the ZipFile.jzfile field of the object we
// pass in. However, we can't pass this_ in, because its
// ZipFile.jzfile field points to a ZipFile instance, not a
// jzfile. So we pass in a temporary object instead which has the
// desired pointer at the same offset. We assume here that
// ZipFile.jzfile is the first field in that class and that
// Java_java_util_jar_JarFile_getMetaInfEntryNames will not look
// for any other fields in the object.
object pseudoThis = makeLong(t, file->file);
return reinterpret_cast<int64_t>
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
closeZipFile(Thread* t, object method, uintptr_t* arguments)
int64_t peer; memcpy(&peer, arguments, 8);
ZipFile* file = reinterpret_cast<ZipFile*>(peer);
if (file->region) {
t->m->heap->free(file, sizeof(ZipFile)
+ (sizeof(ZipFile::Entry) * file->entryCount));
} else {
(t, nativeInterceptOriginal
(t, methodRuntimeDataNative(t, getMethodRuntimeData(t, method))),
0, file->file);
t->m->heap->free(file, sizeof(ZipFile));
int64_t JNICALL
getBootstrapResource(Thread* t, object, uintptr_t* arguments)
@ -1092,6 +1534,102 @@ interceptFileOperations(Thread* t)
{ object zipEntryClass = resolveClass
(t, root(t, Machine::BootLoader), "java/util/zip/ZipEntry");
if (zipEntryClass == 0) return;
object zipEntryNameField = findFieldInClass2
(t, zipEntryClass, "name", "Ljava/lang/String;");
if (zipEntryNameField == 0) return;
cp->zipEntryNameField = fieldOffset(t, zipEntryNameField);
object zipEntryTimeField = findFieldInClass2
(t, zipEntryClass, "time", "J");
if (zipEntryTimeField == 0) return;
cp->zipEntryTimeField = fieldOffset(t, zipEntryTimeField);
object zipEntryCrcField = findFieldInClass2
(t, zipEntryClass, "crc", "J");
if (zipEntryCrcField == 0) return;
cp->zipEntryCrcField = fieldOffset(t, zipEntryCrcField);
object zipEntrySizeField = findFieldInClass2
(t, zipEntryClass, "size", "J");
if (zipEntrySizeField == 0) return;
cp->zipEntrySizeField = fieldOffset(t, zipEntrySizeField);
object zipEntryCsizeField = findFieldInClass2
(t, zipEntryClass, "csize", "J");
if (zipEntryCsizeField == 0) return;
cp->zipEntryCsizeField = fieldOffset(t, zipEntryCsizeField);
object zipEntryMethodField = findFieldInClass2
(t, zipEntryClass, "method", "I");
if (zipEntryMethodField == 0) return;
cp->zipEntryMethodField = fieldOffset(t, zipEntryMethodField);
intercept(t, zipEntryClass, "initFields", "(J)V",
{ object zipFileClass = resolveClass
(t, root(t, Machine::BootLoader), "java/util/zip/ZipFile");
if (zipFileClass == 0) return;
object zipFileJzfileField = findFieldInClass2
(t, zipFileClass, "jzfile", "J");
if (zipFileJzfileField == 0) return;
cp->zipFileJzfileField = fieldOffset(t, zipFileJzfileField);
intercept(t, zipFileClass, "open", "(Ljava/lang/String;IJ)J",
intercept(t, zipFileClass, "getTotal", "(J)I",
intercept(t, zipFileClass, "getEntry", "(JLjava/lang/String;Z)J",
intercept(t, zipFileClass, "getNextEntry", "(JI)J",
intercept(t, zipFileClass, "getMethod", "(J)I",
intercept(t, zipFileClass, "freeEntry", "(JJ)V",
intercept(t, zipFileClass, "read", "(JJJ[BII)I",
intercept(t, zipFileClass, "getCSize", "(J)J",
intercept(t, zipFileClass, "getSize", "(J)J",
intercept(t, zipFileClass, "getZipMessage", "(J)Ljava/lang/String;",
intercept(t, zipFileClass, "close", "(J)V",
{ object jarFileClass = resolveClass
(t, root(t, Machine::BootLoader), "java/util/jar/JarFile");
if (jarFileClass == 0) return;
intercept(t, jarFileClass, "getMetaInfEntryNames", "()[Ljava/lang/String;",
const char* const fsClassName = "java/io/WinNTFileSystem";
@ -537,6 +537,16 @@ replace(char a, char b, char* dst, const char* src)
dst[i] = 0;
inline bool
equal(const void* a, unsigned al, const void* b, unsigned bl)
if (al == bl) {
return memcmp(a, b, al) == 0;
} else {
return false;
class Machine;
class Thread;
@ -41,16 +41,6 @@ copy(Allocator* allocator, const char* a)
return p;
equal(const void* a, unsigned al, const void* b, unsigned bl)
if (al == bl) {
return memcmp(a, b, al) == 0;
} else {
return false;
class Element {
class Iterator {
@ -233,9 +223,6 @@ class DataRegion: public System::Region {
class JarIndex {
static const unsigned LocalHeaderSize = 30;
static const unsigned HeaderSize = 46;
enum CompressionMethod {
Stored = 0,
Deflated = 8
@ -262,78 +249,6 @@ class JarIndex {
memset(table, 0, sizeof(Node*) * capacity);
static uint16_t get2(const uint8_t* p) {
(static_cast<uint16_t>(p[1]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint16_t>(p[0]) );
static uint32_t get4(const uint8_t* p) {
(static_cast<uint32_t>(p[3]) << 24) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(p[2]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(p[1]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(p[0]) );
static uint32_t signature(const uint8_t* p) {
return get4(p);
static uint16_t compressionMethod(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get2(centralHeader + 10);
static uint32_t compressedSize(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get4(centralHeader + 20);
static uint32_t uncompressedSize(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get4(centralHeader + 24);
static uint16_t fileNameLength(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get2(centralHeader + 28);
static uint16_t extraFieldLength(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get2(centralHeader + 30);
static uint16_t commentFieldLength(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get2(centralHeader + 32);
static uint32_t localHeaderOffset(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get4(centralHeader + 42);
static uint16_t localFileNameLength(const uint8_t* localHeader) {
return get2(localHeader + 26);
static uint16_t localExtraFieldLength(const uint8_t* localHeader) {
return get2(localHeader + 28);
static uint32_t centralDirectoryOffset(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get4(centralHeader + 16);
static const uint8_t* fileName(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return centralHeader + 46;
static const uint8_t* fileData(const uint8_t* localHeader) {
return localHeader + LocalHeaderSize + localFileNameLength(localHeader) +
static const uint8_t* endOfEntry(const uint8_t* p) {
return p + HeaderSize + fileNameLength(p) + extraFieldLength(p) +
static JarIndex* make(System* s, Allocator* allocator, unsigned capacity) {
return new
(allocator->allocate(sizeof(JarIndex) + (sizeof(Node*) * capacity)))
@ -347,14 +262,14 @@ class JarIndex {
const uint8_t* start = region->start();
const uint8_t* end = start + region->length();
const uint8_t* p = end - 22;
const uint8_t* p = end - CentralDirectorySearchStart;
// Find end of central directory record
while (p > start) {
if (signature(p) == 0x06054b50) {
if (signature(p) == CentralDirectorySignature) {
p = region->start() + centralDirectoryOffset(p);
while (p < end) {
if (signature(p) == 0x02014b50) {
if (signature(p) == EntrySignature) {
index = index->add(hash(fileName(p), fileNameLength(p)), p);
p = endOfEntry(p);
@ -495,8 +410,8 @@ class JarElement: public Element {
virtual const char* next(unsigned* size) {
if (position < index->position) {
JarIndex::Node* n = index->nodes + (position++);
*size = JarIndex::fileNameLength(n->entry);
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(JarIndex::fileName(n->entry));
*size = fileNameLength(n->entry);
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(fileName(n->entry));
} else {
return 0;
@ -17,6 +17,94 @@
namespace vm {
const unsigned LocalHeaderSize = 30;
const unsigned HeaderSize = 46;
const unsigned CentralDirectorySignature = 0x06054b50;
const unsigned EntrySignature = 0x02014b50;
const unsigned CentralDirectorySearchStart = 22;
inline uint16_t get2(const uint8_t* p) {
(static_cast<uint16_t>(p[1]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint16_t>(p[0]) );
inline uint32_t get4(const uint8_t* p) {
(static_cast<uint32_t>(p[3]) << 24) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(p[2]) << 16) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(p[1]) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(p[0]) );
inline uint32_t signature(const uint8_t* p) {
return get4(p);
inline uint16_t compressionMethod(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get2(centralHeader + 10);
inline uint32_t fileTime(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get4(centralHeader + 12);
inline uint32_t fileCRC(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get4(centralHeader + 16);
inline uint32_t compressedSize(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get4(centralHeader + 20);
inline uint32_t uncompressedSize(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get4(centralHeader + 24);
inline uint16_t fileNameLength(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get2(centralHeader + 28);
inline uint16_t extraFieldLength(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get2(centralHeader + 30);
inline uint16_t commentFieldLength(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get2(centralHeader + 32);
inline uint32_t localHeaderOffset(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get4(centralHeader + 42);
inline uint16_t localFileNameLength(const uint8_t* localHeader) {
return get2(localHeader + 26);
inline uint16_t localExtraFieldLength(const uint8_t* localHeader) {
return get2(localHeader + 28);
inline uint32_t centralDirectoryOffset(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return get4(centralHeader + 16);
inline const uint8_t* fileName(const uint8_t* centralHeader) {
return centralHeader + 46;
inline const uint8_t* fileData(const uint8_t* localHeader) {
return localHeader + LocalHeaderSize + localFileNameLength(localHeader) +
inline const uint8_t* endOfEntry(const uint8_t* p) {
return p + HeaderSize + fileNameLength(p) + extraFieldLength(p) +
inline bool
readLine(const uint8_t* base, unsigned total, unsigned* start,
unsigned* length)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user