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synced 2025-03-25 13:27:58 +00:00
CORDA-2099: Define TypeIdentifier (#4081)
* Corda-2099: Define TypeIdentifier * Comments, naming and formatting tweaks
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
package net.corda.serialization.internal.model
import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken
import java.lang.reflect.*
* Used as a key for retrieving cached type information. We need slightly more information than the bare classname,
* and slightly less information than is captured by Java's [Type] (We drop type variance because in practice we resolve
* wildcards to their upper bounds, e.g. `? extends Foo` to `Foo`). We also need an identifier we can use even when the
* identified type is not visible from the current classloader.
* These identifiers act as the anchor for comparison between remote type information (prior to matching it to an actual
* local class) and local type information.
* [TypeIdentifier] provides a family of type identifiers, together with a [prettyPrint] method for displaying them.
sealed class TypeIdentifier {
* The name of the type.
abstract val name: String
* Obtain a nicely-formatted representation of the identified type, for help with debugging.
fun prettyPrint(simplifyClassNames: Boolean = true): String = when(this) {
is TypeIdentifier.Unknown -> "?"
is TypeIdentifier.Top -> "*"
is TypeIdentifier.Unparameterised -> name.simplifyClassNameIfRequired(simplifyClassNames)
is TypeIdentifier.Erased -> "${name.simplifyClassNameIfRequired(simplifyClassNames)} (erased)"
is TypeIdentifier.ArrayOf -> "${componentType.prettyPrint()}[]"
is TypeIdentifier.Parameterised ->
name.simplifyClassNameIfRequired(simplifyClassNames) + parameters.joinToString(", ", "<", ">") {
private fun String.simplifyClassNameIfRequired(simplifyClassNames: Boolean): String =
if (simplifyClassNames) split(".", "$").last() else this
companion object {
* Obtain the [TypeIdentifier] for an erased Java class.
* @param type The class to get a [TypeIdentifier] for.
fun forClass(type: Class<*>): TypeIdentifier = when {
type.name == "java.lang.Object" -> Top
type.isArray -> ArrayOf(forClass(type.componentType))
type.typeParameters.isEmpty() -> Unparameterised(type.name)
else -> Erased(type.name)
* Obtain the [TypeIdentifier] for a Java [Type] (typically obtained by calling one of
* [java.lang.reflect.Parameter.getAnnotatedType],
* [java.lang.reflect.Field.getGenericType] or
* [java.lang.reflect.Method.getGenericReturnType]). Wildcard types and type variables are converted to [Unknown].
* @param type The [Type] to obtain a [TypeIdentifier] for.
* @param resolutionContext Optionally, a [Type] which can be used to resolve type variables, for example a
* class implementing a parameterised interface and specifying values for type variables which are referred to
* by methods defined in the interface.
fun forGenericType(type: Type, resolutionContext: Type = type): TypeIdentifier = when(type) {
is ParameterizedType -> Parameterised((type.rawType as Class<*>).name, type.actualTypeArguments.map {
is Class<*> -> forClass(type)
is GenericArrayType -> ArrayOf(forGenericType(type.genericComponentType.resolveAgainst(resolutionContext)))
else -> Unknown
* The [TypeIdentifier] of [Any] / [java.lang.Object].
object Top : TypeIdentifier() {
override val name get() = "*"
override fun toString() = "Top"
* The [TypeIdentifier] of an unbounded wildcard.
object Unknown : TypeIdentifier() {
override val name get() = "?"
override fun toString() = "Unknown"
* Identifies a class with no type parameters.
data class Unparameterised(override val name: String) : TypeIdentifier() {
override fun toString() = "Unparameterised($name)"
* Identifies a parameterised class such as List<Int>, for which we cannot obtain the type parameters at runtime
* because they have been erased.
data class Erased(override val name: String) : TypeIdentifier() {
override fun toString() = "Erased($name)"
* Identifies a type which is an array of some other type.
* @param componentType The [TypeIdentifier] of the component type of this array.
data class ArrayOf(val componentType: TypeIdentifier) : TypeIdentifier() {
override val name get() = componentType.name + "[]"
override fun toString() = "ArrayOf(${componentType.prettyPrint()})"
* A parameterised class such as Map<String, String> for which we have resolved type parameter values.
* @param parameters [TypeIdentifier]s for each of the resolved type parameter values of this type.
data class Parameterised(override val name: String, val parameters: List<TypeIdentifier>) : TypeIdentifier() {
override fun toString() = "Parameterised(${prettyPrint()})"
internal fun Type.resolveAgainst(context: Type): Type = when (this) {
is WildcardType -> this.upperBound
is ParameterizedType,
is TypeVariable<*> -> TypeToken.of(context).resolveType(this).type.upperBound
else -> this
private val Type.upperBound: Type
get() = when (this) {
is TypeVariable<*> -> when {
this.bounds.isEmpty() || this.bounds.size > 1 -> this
else -> this.bounds[0]
is WildcardType -> when {
this.upperBounds.isEmpty() || this.upperBounds.size > 1 -> this
else -> this.upperBounds[0]
else -> this
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package net.corda.serialization.internal.model
import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken
import net.corda.serialization.internal.model.TypeIdentifier.*
import org.junit.Test
import java.lang.reflect.Type
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class TypeIdentifierTests {
fun `primitive types and arrays`() {
assertIdentified(Int::class.javaPrimitiveType!!, "int")
fun `erased and unerased`() {
assertIdentified(List::class.java, "List (erased)")
fun `nested parameterised`() {
interface HasArray<T> {
val array: Array<out List<T>>
class HasStringArray(override val array: Array<out List<String>>): HasArray<String>
fun `resolved against an owning type`() {
val fieldType = HasArray::class.java.getDeclaredMethod("getArray").genericReturnType
assertIdentified(fieldType, "List<*>[]")
TypeIdentifier.forGenericType(fieldType, HasStringArray::class.java).prettyPrint())
private fun assertIdentified(type: Type, expected: String) =
assertEquals(expected, TypeIdentifier.forGenericType(type).prettyPrint())
private inline fun <reified T> assertIdentified(expected: String) =
assertEquals(expected, TypeIdentifier.forGenericType(typeOf<T>()).prettyPrint())
private inline fun <reified T> typeOf() = object : TypeToken<T>() {}.type
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