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synced 2025-03-23 04:25:19 +00:00
Replace references to cash, with (fungible) asset
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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package com.r3corda.contracts
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting
import com.r3corda.contracts.cash.*
import com.r3corda.contracts.cash.FungibleAssetState
import com.r3corda.contracts.cash.sumFungibleOrNull
import com.r3corda.core.contracts.*
import com.r3corda.core.crypto.Party
import com.r3corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
@ -18,12 +19,10 @@ import java.util.*
val OBLIGATION_PROGRAM_ID = Obligation<Currency>()
* A cash settlement contract commits the obligor to delivering a specified amount of cash (represented as the [Cash]
* contract) at a specified future point in time. Similarly to cash, settlement transactions may split and merge
* contracts across multiple input and output states.
* The goal of this design is to handle money owed, and these contracts are expected to be netted/merged, with
* settlement only for any remainder amount.
* An obligation contract commits the obligor to delivering a specified amount of a fungible asset (for example the
* [Cash] contract) at a specified future point in time. Settlement transactions may split and merge contracts across
* multiple input and output states. The goal of this design is to handle amounts owed, and these contracts are expected
* to be netted/merged, with settlement only for any remainder amount.
* @param P the product the obligation is for payment of.
@ -92,9 +91,9 @@ class Obligation<P> : Contract {
* @param P the product the obligation is for payment of.
data class StateTemplate<P>(
/** The hash of the cash contract we're willing to accept in payment for this debt. */
/** The hash of the asset contract we're willing to accept in payment for this debt. */
val acceptableContracts: NonEmptySet<SecureHash>,
/** The parties whose cash we are willing to accept in payment for this debt. */
/** The parties whose assets we are willing to accept in payment for this debt. */
val acceptableIssuedProducts: NonEmptySet<Issued<P>>,
/** When the contract must be settled by. */
@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ class Obligation<P> : Contract {
* A state representing the obligation of one party (obligor) to deliver a specified number of
* units of an underlying asset (described as issuanceDef.acceptableCashIssuance) to the beneficiary
* units of an underlying asset (described as issuanceDef.acceptableIssuedProducts) to the beneficiary
* no later than the specified time.
* @param P the product the obligation is for payment of.
@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ class Obligation<P> : Contract {
// Just for grouping
interface Commands : CommandData {
* Net two or more cash settlement states together in a close-out netting style. Limited to bilateral netting
* Net two or more obligation states together in a close-out netting style. Limited to bilateral netting
* as only the beneficiary (not the obligor) needs to sign.
data class Net(val type: NetType) : Commands
@ -222,7 +221,7 @@ class Obligation<P> : Contract {
* A command stating that the obligor is settling some or all of the amount owed by transferring a suitable
* state object to the beneficiary. If this reduces the balance to zero, the state object is destroyed.
* @see [Cash.Commands.Move]
* @see [MoveCommand]
data class Settle<P>(override val aggregateState: IssuanceDefinition<P>,
val amount: Amount<P>) : Commands, IssuanceCommands<P>
@ -288,9 +287,9 @@ class Obligation<P> : Contract {
outputs: List<State<P>>,
obligor: Party,
key: IssuanceDefinition<P>) {
// We've already pre-grouped by currency amongst other fields, and verified above that every state specifies
// We've already pre-grouped by product amongst other fields, and verified above that every state specifies
// at least one acceptable issuance definition, so we can just use the first issuance definition to
// determine currency
// determine product
val issued = key.template.acceptableIssuedProducts.first()
// Issue, default, net and settle commands are all single commands (there's only ever one of them, and
@ -482,13 +481,13 @@ class Obligation<P> : Contract {
val inputAmount: Amount<P> = inputs.sumObligationsOrNull<P>() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("there is at least one obligation input for this group")
val outputAmount: Amount<P> = outputs.sumObligationsOrZero(issued.product)
// Sum up all cash state objects that are moving and fulfil our requirements
// Sum up all asset state objects that are moving and fulfil our requirements
// The cash contract verification handles ensuring there's inputs enough to cover the output states, we only
// care about counting how much cash is output in this transaction. We then calculate the difference in
// The fungible asset contract verification handles ensuring there's inputs enough to cover the output states,
// we only care about counting how much is output in this transaction. We then calculate the difference in
// settlement amounts between the transaction inputs and outputs, and the two must match. No elimination is
// done of amounts paid in by each beneficiary, as it's presumed the beneficiarys have enough sense to do that themselves.
// Therefore if someone actually signed the following transaction:
// done of amounts paid in by each beneficiary, as it's presumed the beneficiaries have enough sense to do that
// themselves. Therefore if someone actually signed the following transaction (using cash just for an example):
// Inputs:
// £1m cash owned by B
@ -500,23 +499,23 @@ class Obligation<P> : Contract {
// Move (signed by B)
// That would pass this check. Ensuring they do not is best addressed in the transaction generation stage.
val cashStates = tx.outputs.filterIsInstance<FungibleAssetState<*, *>>()
val acceptableCashStates = cashStates
// TODO: This filter is nonsense, because it just checks there is a cash contract loaded, we need to
// verify the cash contract is the cash contract we expect.
val assetStates = tx.outputs.filterIsInstance<FungibleAssetState<*, *>>()
val acceptableAssetStates = assetStates
// TODO: This filter is nonsense, because it just checks there is an asset contract loaded, we need to
// verify the asset contract is the asset contract we expect.
// Something like:
// attachments.mustHaveOneOf(key.acceptableCashContract)
// attachments.mustHaveOneOf(key.acceptableAssetContract)
.filter { it.contract.legalContractReference in template.acceptableContracts }
// Restrict the states to those of the correct issuance definition (this normally
// covers currency and obligor, but is opaque to us)
// covers issued product and obligor, but is opaque to us)
.filter { it.issuanceDef in template.acceptableIssuedProducts }
// Catch that there's nothing useful here, so we can dump out a useful error
requireThat {
"there are cash state outputs" by (cashStates.size > 0)
"there are defined acceptable cash states" by (acceptableCashStates.size > 0)
"there are fungible asset state outputs" by (assetStates.size > 0)
"there are defined acceptable fungible asset states" by (acceptableAssetStates.size > 0)
val amountReceivedByOwner = acceptableCashStates.groupBy { it.owner }
val amountReceivedByOwner = acceptableAssetStates.groupBy { it.owner }
// Note we really do want to search all commands, because we want move commands of other contracts, not just
// this one.
val moveCommands = tx.commands.select<MoveCommand>()
@ -524,7 +523,7 @@ class Obligation<P> : Contract {
val requiredSigners = inputs.map { it.obligor.owningKey }.toSet()
for ((beneficiary, obligations) in inputs.groupBy { it.beneficiary }) {
val settled = amountReceivedByOwner[beneficiary]?.sumCashOrNull()
val settled = amountReceivedByOwner[beneficiary]?.sumFungibleOrNull<P>()
if (settled != null) {
val debt = obligations.sumObligationsOrZero(issued)
require(settled.quantity <= debt.quantity) { "Payment of $settled must not exceed debt $debt" }
@ -655,20 +654,22 @@ class Obligation<P> : Contract {
* @param statesAndRefs a list of state objects, which MUST all have the same aggregate state. This is done as
* only a single settlement command can be present in a transaction, to avoid potential problems with allocating
* cash to different obligation issuances.
* @param cashStatesAndRefs a list of cash state objects, which MUST all be in the same currency. It is strongly
* encouraged that these all have the same beneficiary.
* assets to different obligation issuances.
* @param assetStatesAndRefs a list of fungible asset state objects, which MUST all be of the same issued product.
* It is strongly encouraged that these all have the same beneficiary.
* @param moveCommand the command used to move the asset state objects to their new owner.
fun generateSettle(tx: TransactionBuilder,
statesAndRefs: Iterable<StateAndRef<State<P>>>,
cashStatesAndRefs: Iterable<StateAndRef<FungibleAssetState<P, *>>>,
assetStatesAndRefs: Iterable<StateAndRef<FungibleAssetState<P, *>>>,
moveCommand: MoveCommand,
notary: Party) {
val states = statesAndRefs.map { it.state }
val obligationIssuer = states.first().data.obligor
val obligationOwner = states.first().data.beneficiary
requireThat {
"all cash states use the same notary" by (cashStatesAndRefs.all { it.state.notary == notary })
"all fungible asset states use the same notary" by (assetStatesAndRefs.all { it.state.notary == notary })
"all obligation states are in the normal state" by (statesAndRefs.all { it.state.data.lifecycle == Lifecycle.NORMAL })
"all obligation states use the same notary" by (statesAndRefs.all { it.state.notary == notary })
"all obligation states have the same obligor" by (statesAndRefs.all { it.state.data.obligor == obligationIssuer })
@ -676,32 +677,32 @@ class Obligation<P> : Contract {
// TODO: A much better (but more complex) solution would be to have two iterators, one for obligations,
// one for cash, and step through each in a semi-synced manner. For now however we just bundle all the states
// one for the assets, and step through each in a semi-synced manner. For now however we just bundle all the states
// on each side together
val issuanceDef = getIssuanceDefinitionOrThrow(statesAndRefs.map { it.state.data })
val template = issuanceDef.template
val obligationTotal: Amount<P> = states.map { it.data }.sumObligations<P>()
var obligationRemaining: Amount<P> = obligationTotal
val cashSigners = HashSet<PublicKey>()
val assetSigners = HashSet<PublicKey>()
statesAndRefs.forEach { tx.addInputState(it) }
// Move the cash to the new beneficiary
cashStatesAndRefs.forEach {
// Move the assets to the new beneficiary
assetStatesAndRefs.forEach {
if (obligationRemaining.quantity > 0L) {
val cashState = it.state
val assetState = it.state
if (obligationRemaining >= cashState.data.productAmount) {
tx.addOutputState(cashState.data.move(cashState.data.productAmount, obligationOwner), notary)
obligationRemaining -= cashState.data.productAmount
if (obligationRemaining >= assetState.data.productAmount) {
tx.addOutputState(assetState.data.move(assetState.data.productAmount, obligationOwner), notary)
obligationRemaining -= assetState.data.productAmount
} else {
// Split the state in two, sending the change back to the previous beneficiary
tx.addOutputState(cashState.data.move(obligationRemaining, obligationOwner), notary)
tx.addOutputState(cashState.data.move(cashState.data.productAmount - obligationRemaining, cashState.data.owner), notary)
tx.addOutputState(assetState.data.move(obligationRemaining, obligationOwner), notary)
tx.addOutputState(assetState.data.move(assetState.data.productAmount - obligationRemaining, assetState.data.owner), notary)
obligationRemaining -= Amount(0L, obligationRemaining.token)
@ -712,8 +713,8 @@ class Obligation<P> : Contract {
// Destroy all of the states
// Add the cash move command and obligation settle
tx.addCommand(Cash.Commands.Move(), cashSigners.toList())
// Add the asset move command and obligation settle
tx.addCommand(moveCommand, assetSigners.toList())
tx.addCommand(Commands.Settle(issuanceDef, obligationTotal - obligationRemaining), obligationOwner)
@ -801,17 +802,15 @@ fun <P> sumAmountsDue(balances: Map<Pair<PublicKey, PublicKey>, Amount<P>>): Map
return sum
/** Sums the cash states in the list, throwing an exception if there are none.
* All cash states in the list are presumed to be nettable.
/** Sums the obligation states in the list, throwing an exception if there are none. All state objects in the list are presumed to be nettable. */
fun <P> Iterable<ContractState>.sumObligations(): Amount<P>
= filterIsInstance<Obligation.State<P>>().map { it.amount }.sumOrThrow()
/** Sums the cash settlement states in the list, returning null if there are none. */
/** Sums the obligation states in the list, returning null if there are none. */
fun <P> Iterable<ContractState>.sumObligationsOrNull(): Amount<P>?
= filterIsInstance<Obligation.State<P>>().filter { it.lifecycle == Obligation.Lifecycle.NORMAL }.map { it.amount }.sumOrNull()
/** Sums the cash settlement states in the list, returning zero of the given currency if there are none. */
/** Sums the obligation states in the list, returning zero of the given product if there are none. */
fun <P> Iterable<ContractState>.sumObligationsOrZero(product: P): Amount<P>
= filterIsInstance<Obligation.State<P>>().filter { it.lifecycle == Obligation.Lifecycle.NORMAL }.map { it.amount }.sumOrZero(product)
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ class ObligationTests {
// Now generate a transaction settling the obligation
val settleTx = TransactionType.General.Builder(DUMMY_NOTARY).apply {
Obligation<Currency>().generateSettle(this, listOf(obligationTx.outRef(0)), listOf(cashTx.outRef(0)), DUMMY_NOTARY)
Obligation<Currency>().generateSettle(this, listOf(obligationTx.outRef(0)), listOf(cashTx.outRef(0)), Cash.Commands.Move(), DUMMY_NOTARY)
Reference in New Issue
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