move Reads out of compile.cpp

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Warner 2013-02-13 18:18:51 -07:00
parent b0abc4e1e5
commit 6d265374ec
7 changed files with 609 additions and 496 deletions

View File

@ -958,6 +958,7 @@ ifeq ($(process),compile)
$(src)/codegen/compiler/site.cpp \
$(src)/codegen/compiler/regalloc.cpp \
$(src)/codegen/compiler/value.cpp \
$(src)/codegen/compiler/read.cpp \
$(src)/codegen/registers.cpp \

View File

@ -45,11 +45,6 @@ const unsigned StealRegisterReserveCount = 2;
const unsigned ResolveRegisterReserveCount = (TargetBytesPerWord == 8 ? 2 : 4);
class Stack;
class Site;
class ConstantSite;
class AddressSite;
class RegisterSite;
class MemorySite;
class Event;
class PushEvent;
class Read;
@ -73,14 +68,6 @@ apply(Context* c, lir::TernaryOperation op,
unsigned s2Size, Site* s2Low, Site* s2High,
unsigned s3Size, Site* s3Low, Site* s3High);
class Cell {
Cell(Cell* next, void* value): next(next), value(value) { }
Cell* next;
void* value;
class Local {
Value* value;
@ -106,7 +93,7 @@ class ForkElement {
class ForkState: public Compiler::State {
ForkState(Stack* stack, Local* locals, Cell* saved, Event* predecessor,
ForkState(Stack* stack, Local* locals, Cell<Value>* saved, Event* predecessor,
unsigned logicalIp):
@ -118,7 +105,7 @@ class ForkState: public Compiler::State {
Stack* stack;
Local* locals;
Cell* saved;
Cell<Value>* saved;
Event* predecessor;
unsigned logicalIp;
unsigned readCount;
@ -157,23 +144,6 @@ class ConstantPoolNode {
ConstantPoolNode* next;
intersectFrameIndexes(int a, int b)
if (a == NoFrameIndex or b == NoFrameIndex) return NoFrameIndex;
if (a == AnyFrameIndex) return b;
if (b == AnyFrameIndex) return a;
if (a == b) return a;
return NoFrameIndex;
intersect(const SiteMask& a, const SiteMask& b)
return SiteMask(a.typeMask & b.typeMask, a.registerMask & b.registerMask,
intersectFrameIndexes(a.frameIndex, b.frameIndex));
class PoolPromise: public Promise {
PoolPromise(Context* c, int key): c(c), key(key) { }
@ -254,29 +224,11 @@ class IpPromise: public Promise {
int logicalIp;
count(Cell* c)
unsigned count = 0;
while (c) {
++ count;
c = c->next;
return count;
cons(Context* c, void* value, Cell* next)
return new (c->zone) Cell(next, value);
reverseDestroy(Cell* cell)
Cell* previous = 0;
template<class T>
Cell<T>* reverseDestroy(Cell<T>* cell) {
Cell<T>* previous = 0;
while (cell) {
Cell* next = cell->next;
Cell<T>* next = cell->next;
cell->next = previous;
previous = cell;
cell = next;
@ -377,7 +329,7 @@ class Event {
Snapshot* snapshots;
Link* predecessors;
Link* successors;
Cell* visitLinks;
Cell<Link>* visitLinks;
Block* block;
LogicalInstruction* logicalInstruction;
unsigned readCount;
@ -759,254 +711,6 @@ Promise* resolved(Context* c, int64_t value) {
return new(c->zone) ResolvedPromise(value);
memorySite(Context* c, int base, int offset = 0, int index = lir::NoRegister,
unsigned scale = 1);
class MemorySite: public Site {
MemorySite(int base, int offset, int index, unsigned scale):
acquired(false), base(base), offset(offset), index(index), scale(scale)
{ }
virtual unsigned toString(Context*, char* buffer, unsigned bufferSize) {
if (acquired) {
return vm::snprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "memory %d 0x%x %d %d",
base, offset, index, scale);
} else {
return vm::snprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "memory unacquired");
virtual unsigned copyCost(Context* c, Site* s) {
assert(c, acquired);
if (s and
(this == s or
(s->type(c) == lir::MemoryOperand
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(s)->base == base
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(s)->offset == offset
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(s)->index == index
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(s)->scale == scale)))
return 0;
} else {
return MemoryCopyCost;
bool conflicts(const SiteMask& mask) {
return (mask.typeMask & (1 << lir::RegisterOperand)) != 0
and (((1 << base) & mask.registerMask) == 0
or (index != lir::NoRegister
and ((1 << index) & mask.registerMask) == 0));
virtual bool match(Context* c, const SiteMask& mask) {
assert(c, acquired);
if (mask.typeMask & (1 << lir::MemoryOperand)) {
if (mask.frameIndex >= 0) {
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
assert(c, index == lir::NoRegister);
return static_cast<int>(frameIndexToOffset(c, mask.frameIndex))
== offset;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
virtual bool loneMatch(Context* c, const SiteMask& mask) {
assert(c, acquired);
if (mask.typeMask & (1 << lir::MemoryOperand)) {
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
assert(c, index == lir::NoRegister);
if (mask.frameIndex == AnyFrameIndex) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
return false;
virtual bool matchNextWord(Context* c, Site* s, unsigned index) {
if (s->type(c) == lir::MemoryOperand) {
MemorySite* ms = static_cast<MemorySite*>(s);
return ms->base == this->base
and ((index == 1 and ms->offset == static_cast<int>
(this->offset + TargetBytesPerWord))
or (index == 0 and this->offset == static_cast<int>
(ms->offset + TargetBytesPerWord)))
and ms->index == this->index
and ms->scale == this->scale;
} else {
return false;
virtual void acquire(Context* c, Value* v) {
if (index != lir::NoRegister) {
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
assert(c, index == lir::NoRegister);
(c, not c->frameResources[offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset)].reserved);
(c, c->frameResources + offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset), v, this);
acquired = true;
virtual void release(Context* c, Value* v) {
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
assert(c, index == lir::NoRegister);
(c, not c->frameResources[offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset)].reserved);
(c, c->frameResources + offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset), v, this);
if (index != lir::NoRegister) {
acquired = false;
virtual void freeze(Context* c, Value* v) {
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
c->frameResources[offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset)].freeze(c, v);
} else {
if (index != lir::NoRegister) {
virtual void thaw(Context* c, Value* v) {
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
c->frameResources[offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset)].thaw(c, v);
} else {
if (index != lir::NoRegister) {
virtual bool frozen(Context* c) {
return base == c->arch->stack()
and c->frameResources[offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset)].freezeCount != 0;
virtual lir::OperandType type(Context*) {
return lir::MemoryOperand;
virtual void asAssemblerOperand(Context* c UNUSED, Site* high UNUSED,
lir::Operand* result)
// todo: endianness?
assert(c, high == this
or (static_cast<MemorySite*>(high)->base == base
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(high)->offset
== static_cast<int>(offset + TargetBytesPerWord)
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(high)->index == index
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(high)->scale == scale));
assert(c, acquired);
new (result) lir::Memory(base, offset, index, scale);
virtual Site* copy(Context* c) {
return memorySite(c, base, offset, index, scale);
Site* copyHalf(Context* c, bool add) {
if (add) {
return memorySite(c, base, offset + TargetBytesPerWord, index, scale);
} else {
return copy(c);
virtual Site* copyLow(Context* c) {
return copyHalf(c, c->arch->bigEndian());
virtual Site* copyHigh(Context* c) {
return copyHalf(c, not c->arch->bigEndian());
virtual Site* makeNextWord(Context* c, unsigned index) {
return memorySite
(c, base, offset + ((index == 1) xor c->arch->bigEndian()
? TargetBytesPerWord : -TargetBytesPerWord),
this->index, scale);
virtual SiteMask mask(Context* c) {
return SiteMask(1 << lir::MemoryOperand, 0, (base == c->arch->stack())
? static_cast<int>(offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset))
: NoFrameIndex);
virtual SiteMask nextWordMask(Context* c, unsigned index) {
int frameIndex;
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
assert(c, this->index == lir::NoRegister);
frameIndex = static_cast<int>(offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset))
+ ((index == 1) xor c->arch->bigEndian() ? 1 : -1);
} else {
frameIndex = NoFrameIndex;
return SiteMask(1 << lir::MemoryOperand, 0, frameIndex);
virtual bool isVolatile(Context* c) {
return base != c->arch->stack();
bool acquired;
int base;
int offset;
int index;
unsigned scale;
memorySite(Context* c, int base, int offset, int index, unsigned scale)
return new(c->zone) MemorySite(base, offset, index, scale);
frameSite(Context* c, int frameIndex)
assert(c, frameIndex >= 0);
return memorySite
(c, c->arch->stack(), frameIndexToOffset(c, frameIndex), lir::NoRegister, 0);
move(Context* c, Value* value, Site* src, Site* dst);
@ -1073,45 +777,6 @@ pickTargetSite(Context* c, Read* read, bool intersectRead = false,
class SingleRead: public Read {
SingleRead(const SiteMask& mask, Value* successor):
next_(0), mask(mask), high_(0), successor_(successor)
{ }
virtual bool intersect(SiteMask* mask, unsigned) {
*mask = compiler::intersect(*mask, this->mask);
return true;
virtual Value* high(Context*) {
return high_;
virtual Value* successor() {
return successor_;
virtual bool valid() {
return true;
virtual void append(Context* c UNUSED, Read* r) {
assert(c, next_ == 0);
next_ = r;
virtual Read* next(Context*) {
return next_;
Read* next_;
SiteMask mask;
Value* high_;
Value* successor_;
read(Context* c, const SiteMask& mask, Value* successor = 0)
@ -1137,7 +802,7 @@ pickSourceSite(Context* c, Read* read, Site* target = 0,
SiteMask mask;
if (extraMask) {
mask = intersect(mask, *extraMask);
mask = mask.intersectionWith(*extraMask);
if (intersectRead) {
@ -1368,104 +1033,6 @@ fixedRegisterMask(int number)
return SiteMask(1 << lir::RegisterOperand, 1 << number, NoFrameIndex);
class MultiRead: public Read {
reads(0), lastRead(0), firstTarget(0), lastTarget(0), visited(false)
{ }
virtual bool intersect(SiteMask* mask, unsigned depth) {
if (depth > 0) {
// short-circuit recursion to avoid poor performance in
// deeply-nested branches
return reads != 0;
bool result = false;
if (not visited) {
visited = true;
for (Cell** cell = &reads; *cell;) {
Read* r = static_cast<Read*>((*cell)->value);
bool valid = r->intersect(mask, depth + 1);
if (valid) {
result = true;
cell = &((*cell)->next);
} else {
*cell = (*cell)->next;
visited = false;
return result;
virtual Value* successor() {
return 0;
virtual bool valid() {
bool result = false;
if (not visited) {
visited = true;
for (Cell** cell = &reads; *cell;) {
Read* r = static_cast<Read*>((*cell)->value);
if (r->valid()) {
result = true;
cell = &((*cell)->next);
} else {
*cell = (*cell)->next;
visited = false;
return result;
virtual void append(Context* c, Read* r) {
Cell* cell = cons(c, r, 0);
if (lastRead == 0) {
reads = cell;
} else {
lastRead->next = cell;
lastRead = cell;
// fprintf(stderr, "append %p to %p for %p\n", r, lastTarget, this);
lastTarget->value = r;
virtual Read* next(Context* c) {
void allocateTarget(Context* c) {
Cell* cell = cons(c, 0, 0);
// fprintf(stderr, "allocate target for %p: %p\n", this, cell);
if (lastTarget) {
lastTarget->next = cell;
} else {
firstTarget = cell;
lastTarget = cell;
Read* nextTarget() {
// fprintf(stderr, "next target for %p: %p\n", this, firstTarget);
Read* r = static_cast<Read*>(firstTarget->value);
firstTarget = firstTarget->next;
return r;
Cell* reads;
Cell* lastRead;
Cell* firstTarget;
Cell* lastTarget;
bool visited;
multiRead(Context* c)
@ -1473,49 +1040,6 @@ multiRead(Context* c)
return new(c->zone) MultiRead;
class StubRead: public Read {
next_(0), read(0), visited(false), valid_(true)
{ }
virtual bool intersect(SiteMask* mask, unsigned depth) {
if (not visited) {
visited = true;
if (read) {
bool valid = read->intersect(mask, depth);
if (not valid) {
read = 0;
visited = false;
return valid_;
virtual Value* successor() {
return 0;
virtual bool valid() {
return valid_;
virtual void append(Context* c UNUSED, Read* r) {
assert(c, next_ == 0);
next_ = r;
virtual Read* next(Context*) {
return next_;
Read* next_;
Read* read;
bool visited;
bool valid_;
stubRead(Context* c)
@ -2385,7 +1909,7 @@ pickMatchOrMove(Context* c, Read* r, Site* nextWord, unsigned index,
return pickSiteOrMove
(c, r->value, intersect(mask, nextWord->nextWordMask(c, index)),
(c, r->value, mask.intersectionWith(nextWord->nextWordMask(c, index)),
true, true);
@ -4257,9 +3781,8 @@ captureBranchSnapshots(Context* c, Event* e)
e->snapshots = makeSnapshots(c, el.value, e->snapshots);
for (Cell* sv = e->successors->forkState->saved; sv; sv = sv->next) {
e->snapshots = makeSnapshots
(c, static_cast<Value*>(sv->value), e->snapshots);
for (Cell<Value>* sv = e->successors->forkState->saved; sv; sv = sv->next) {
e->snapshots = makeSnapshots(c, sv->value, e->snapshots);
if (DebugControl) {
@ -4577,9 +4100,8 @@ compile(Context* c, uintptr_t stackOverflowHandler, unsigned stackLimitOffset)
if (e->visitLinks) {
for (Cell* cell = reverseDestroy(e->visitLinks); cell; cell = cell->next)
visit(c, static_cast<Link*>(cell->value));
for (Cell<Link>* cell = reverseDestroy(e->visitLinks); cell; cell = cell->next) {
visit(c, cell->value);
e->visitLinks = 0;
@ -4666,8 +4188,8 @@ saveState(Context* c)
addForkElement(c, e.value, state, count++);
for (Cell* sv = c->saved; sv; sv = sv->next) {
addForkElement(c, static_cast<Value*>(sv->value), state, count++);
for (Cell<Value>* sv = c->saved; sv; sv = sv->next) {
addForkElement(c, sv->value, state, count++);
state->readCount = count;

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ namespace compiler {
class Stack;
class Local;
class Cell;
class Event;
class LogicalInstruction;
@ -36,6 +35,25 @@ class ForkState;
class MySubroutine;
class Block;
template<class T>
class Cell {
Cell(Cell<T>* next, T* value): next(next), value(value) { }
Cell<T>* next;
T* value;
template<class T>
unsigned count(Cell<T>* c) {
unsigned count = 0;
while (c) {
++ count;
c = c->next;
return count;
class Context {
Context(vm::System* system, Assembler* assembler, vm::Zone* zone,
@ -48,7 +66,7 @@ class Context {
Compiler::Client* client;
Stack* stack;
Local* locals;
Cell* saved;
Cell<Value>* saved;
Event* predecessor;
LogicalInstruction** logicalCode;
const RegisterFile* regFile;
@ -78,6 +96,11 @@ inline Aborter* getAborter(Context* c) {
return c->system;
template<class T>
Cell<T>* cons(Context* c, T* value, Cell<T>* next) {
return new (c->zone) Cell<T>(next, value);
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace codegen
} // namespace avian

View File

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Avian Contributors
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software
for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided
that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear
in all copies.
There is NO WARRANTY for this software. See license.txt for
details. */
#include "target.h"
#include "codegen/compiler/context.h"
#include "codegen/compiler/value.h"
#include "codegen/compiler/site.h"
#include "codegen/compiler/resource.h"
#include "codegen/compiler/read.h"
namespace avian {
namespace codegen {
namespace compiler {
SingleRead::SingleRead(const SiteMask& mask, Value* successor):
next_(0), mask(mask), high_(0), successor_(successor)
{ }
bool SingleRead::intersect(SiteMask* mask, unsigned) {
*mask = mask->intersectionWith(this->mask);
return true;
Value* SingleRead::high(Context*) {
return high_;
Value* SingleRead::successor() {
return successor_;
bool SingleRead::valid() {
return true;
void SingleRead::append(Context* c UNUSED, Read* r) {
assert(c, next_ == 0);
next_ = r;
Read* SingleRead::next(Context*) {
return next_;
reads(0), lastRead(0), firstTarget(0), lastTarget(0), visited(false)
{ }
bool MultiRead::intersect(SiteMask* mask, unsigned depth) {
if (depth > 0) {
// short-circuit recursion to avoid poor performance in
// deeply-nested branches
return reads != 0;
bool result = false;
if (not visited) {
visited = true;
for (Cell<Read>** cell = &reads; *cell;) {
Read* r = (*cell)->value;
bool valid = r->intersect(mask, depth + 1);
if (valid) {
result = true;
cell = &((*cell)->next);
} else {
*cell = (*cell)->next;
visited = false;
return result;
Value* MultiRead::successor() {
return 0;
bool MultiRead::valid() {
bool result = false;
if (not visited) {
visited = true;
for (Cell<Read>** cell = &reads; *cell;) {
Read* r = (*cell)->value;
if (r->valid()) {
result = true;
cell = &((*cell)->next);
} else {
*cell = (*cell)->next;
visited = false;
return result;
void MultiRead::append(Context* c, Read* r) {
Cell<Read>* cell = cons<Read>(c, r, 0);
if (lastRead == 0) {
reads = cell;
} else {
lastRead->next = cell;
lastRead = cell;
// fprintf(stderr, "append %p to %p for %p\n", r, lastTarget, this);
lastTarget->value = r;
Read* MultiRead::next(Context* c) {
void MultiRead::allocateTarget(Context* c) {
Cell<Read>* cell = cons<Read>(c, 0, 0);
// fprintf(stderr, "allocate target for %p: %p\n", this, cell);
if (lastTarget) {
lastTarget->next = cell;
} else {
firstTarget = cell;
lastTarget = cell;
Read* MultiRead::nextTarget() {
// fprintf(stderr, "next target for %p: %p\n", this, firstTarget);
Read* r = firstTarget->value;
firstTarget = firstTarget->next;
return r;
next_(0), read(0), visited(false), valid_(true)
{ }
bool StubRead::intersect(SiteMask* mask, unsigned depth) {
if (not visited) {
visited = true;
if (read) {
bool valid = read->intersect(mask, depth);
if (not valid) {
read = 0;
visited = false;
return valid_;
Value* StubRead::successor() {
return 0;
bool StubRead::valid() {
return valid_;
void StubRead::append(Context* c UNUSED, Read* r) {
assert(c, next_ == 0);
next_ = r;
Read* StubRead::next(Context*) {
return next_;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace codegen
} // namespace avian

View File

@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ namespace avian {
namespace codegen {
namespace compiler {
class Context;
class SiteMask;
class Value;
class Event;
class Read {
@ -38,6 +43,74 @@ class Read {
Read* eventNext;
class SingleRead: public Read {
SingleRead(const SiteMask& mask, Value* successor);
virtual bool intersect(SiteMask* mask, unsigned);
virtual Value* high(Context*);
virtual Value* successor();
virtual bool valid();
virtual void append(Context* c UNUSED, Read* r);
virtual Read* next(Context*);
Read* next_;
SiteMask mask;
Value* high_;
Value* successor_;
class MultiRead: public Read {
virtual bool intersect(SiteMask* mask, unsigned depth);
virtual Value* successor();
virtual bool valid();
virtual void append(Context* c, Read* r);
virtual Read* next(Context* c);
void allocateTarget(Context* c);
Read* nextTarget();
Cell<Read>* reads;
Cell<Read>* lastRead;
Cell<Read>* firstTarget;
Cell<Read>* lastTarget;
bool visited;
class StubRead: public Read {
virtual bool intersect(SiteMask* mask, unsigned depth);
virtual Value* successor();
virtual bool valid();
virtual void append(Context* c UNUSED, Read* r);
virtual Read* next(Context*);
Read* next_;
Read* read;
bool visited;
bool valid_;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace codegen

View File

@ -20,8 +20,27 @@ namespace codegen {
namespace compiler {
unsigned frameIndexToOffset(Context* c, unsigned frameIndex);
unsigned offsetToFrameIndex(Context* c, unsigned offset);
ResolvedPromise* resolved(Context* c, int64_t value);
int intersectFrameIndexes(int a, int b) {
if (a == NoFrameIndex or b == NoFrameIndex) return NoFrameIndex;
if (a == AnyFrameIndex) return b;
if (b == AnyFrameIndex) return a;
if (a == b) return a;
return NoFrameIndex;
SiteMask SiteMask::intersectionWith(const SiteMask& b) {
return SiteMask(typeMask & b.typeMask, registerMask & b.registerMask,
intersectFrameIndexes(frameIndex, b.frameIndex));
SiteIterator::SiteIterator(Context* c, Value* v, bool includeBuddies,
bool includeNextWord):
@ -370,6 +389,238 @@ Site* freeRegisterSite(Context* c, uint32_t mask) {
return new(c->zone) RegisterSite(mask, lir::NoRegister);
MemorySite::MemorySite(int base, int offset, int index, unsigned scale):
acquired(false), base(base), offset(offset), index(index), scale(scale)
{ }
unsigned MemorySite::toString(Context*, char* buffer, unsigned bufferSize) {
if (acquired) {
return vm::snprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "memory %d 0x%x %d %d",
base, offset, index, scale);
} else {
return vm::snprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "memory unacquired");
unsigned MemorySite::copyCost(Context* c, Site* s) {
assert(c, acquired);
if (s and
(this == s or
(s->type(c) == lir::MemoryOperand
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(s)->base == base
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(s)->offset == offset
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(s)->index == index
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(s)->scale == scale)))
return 0;
} else {
return MemoryCopyCost;
bool MemorySite::conflicts(const SiteMask& mask) {
return (mask.typeMask & (1 << lir::RegisterOperand)) != 0
and (((1 << base) & mask.registerMask) == 0
or (index != lir::NoRegister
and ((1 << index) & mask.registerMask) == 0));
bool MemorySite::match(Context* c, const SiteMask& mask) {
assert(c, acquired);
if (mask.typeMask & (1 << lir::MemoryOperand)) {
if (mask.frameIndex >= 0) {
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
assert(c, index == lir::NoRegister);
return static_cast<int>(frameIndexToOffset(c, mask.frameIndex))
== offset;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool MemorySite::loneMatch(Context* c, const SiteMask& mask) {
assert(c, acquired);
if (mask.typeMask & (1 << lir::MemoryOperand)) {
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
assert(c, index == lir::NoRegister);
if (mask.frameIndex == AnyFrameIndex) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
return false;
bool MemorySite::matchNextWord(Context* c, Site* s, unsigned index) {
if (s->type(c) == lir::MemoryOperand) {
MemorySite* ms = static_cast<MemorySite*>(s);
return ms->base == this->base
and ((index == 1 and ms->offset == static_cast<int>
(this->offset + vm::TargetBytesPerWord))
or (index == 0 and this->offset == static_cast<int>
(ms->offset + vm::TargetBytesPerWord)))
and ms->index == this->index
and ms->scale == this->scale;
} else {
return false;
void MemorySite::acquire(Context* c, Value* v) {
if (index != lir::NoRegister) {
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
assert(c, index == lir::NoRegister);
(c, not c->frameResources[offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset)].reserved);
(c, c->frameResources + offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset), v, this);
acquired = true;
void MemorySite::release(Context* c, Value* v) {
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
assert(c, index == lir::NoRegister);
(c, not c->frameResources[offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset)].reserved);
(c, c->frameResources + offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset), v, this);
if (index != lir::NoRegister) {
acquired = false;
void MemorySite::freeze(Context* c, Value* v) {
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
c->frameResources[offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset)].freeze(c, v);
} else {
if (index != lir::NoRegister) {
void MemorySite::thaw(Context* c, Value* v) {
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
c->frameResources[offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset)].thaw(c, v);
} else {
if (index != lir::NoRegister) {
bool MemorySite::frozen(Context* c) {
return base == c->arch->stack()
and c->frameResources[offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset)].freezeCount != 0;
lir::OperandType MemorySite::type(Context*) {
return lir::MemoryOperand;
void MemorySite::asAssemblerOperand(Context* c UNUSED, Site* high UNUSED,
lir::Operand* result)
// todo: endianness?
assert(c, high == this
or (static_cast<MemorySite*>(high)->base == base
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(high)->offset
== static_cast<int>(offset + vm::TargetBytesPerWord)
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(high)->index == index
and static_cast<MemorySite*>(high)->scale == scale));
assert(c, acquired);
new (result) lir::Memory(base, offset, index, scale);
Site* MemorySite::copy(Context* c) {
return memorySite(c, base, offset, index, scale);
Site* MemorySite::copyHalf(Context* c, bool add) {
if (add) {
return memorySite(c, base, offset + vm::TargetBytesPerWord, index, scale);
} else {
return copy(c);
Site* MemorySite::copyLow(Context* c) {
return copyHalf(c, c->arch->bigEndian());
Site* MemorySite::copyHigh(Context* c) {
return copyHalf(c, not c->arch->bigEndian());
Site* MemorySite::makeNextWord(Context* c, unsigned index) {
return memorySite
(c, base, offset + ((index == 1) xor c->arch->bigEndian()
? vm::TargetBytesPerWord : -vm::TargetBytesPerWord),
this->index, scale);
SiteMask MemorySite::mask(Context* c) {
return SiteMask(1 << lir::MemoryOperand, 0, (base == c->arch->stack())
? static_cast<int>(offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset))
: NoFrameIndex);
SiteMask MemorySite::nextWordMask(Context* c, unsigned index) {
int frameIndex;
if (base == c->arch->stack()) {
assert(c, this->index == lir::NoRegister);
frameIndex = static_cast<int>(offsetToFrameIndex(c, offset))
+ ((index == 1) xor c->arch->bigEndian() ? 1 : -1);
} else {
frameIndex = NoFrameIndex;
return SiteMask(1 << lir::MemoryOperand, 0, frameIndex);
bool MemorySite::isVolatile(Context* c) {
return base != c->arch->stack();
MemorySite* memorySite(Context* c, int base, int offset, int index, unsigned scale) {
return new(c->zone) MemorySite(base, offset, index, scale);
MemorySite* frameSite(Context* c, int frameIndex) {
assert(c, frameIndex >= 0);
return memorySite
(c, c->arch->stack(), frameIndexToOffset(c, frameIndex), lir::NoRegister, 0);
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace codegen
} // namespace avian

View File

@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ class SiteMask {
typeMask(typeMask), registerMask(registerMask), frameIndex(frameIndex)
{ }
SiteMask intersectionWith(const SiteMask& b);
uint8_t typeMask;
uint32_t registerMask;
int frameIndex;
@ -240,6 +242,64 @@ class RegisterSite: public Site {
Site* registerSite(Context* c, int number);
Site* freeRegisterSite(Context* c, uint32_t mask);
class MemorySite: public Site {
MemorySite(int base, int offset, int index, unsigned scale);
virtual unsigned toString(Context*, char* buffer, unsigned bufferSize);
virtual unsigned copyCost(Context* c, Site* s);
bool conflicts(const SiteMask& mask);
virtual bool match(Context* c, const SiteMask& mask);
virtual bool loneMatch(Context* c, const SiteMask& mask);
virtual bool matchNextWord(Context* c, Site* s, unsigned index);
virtual void acquire(Context* c, Value* v);
virtual void release(Context* c, Value* v);
virtual void freeze(Context* c, Value* v);
virtual void thaw(Context* c, Value* v);
virtual bool frozen(Context* c);
virtual lir::OperandType type(Context*);
virtual void asAssemblerOperand(Context* c UNUSED, Site* high UNUSED,
lir::Operand* result);
virtual Site* copy(Context* c);
Site* copyHalf(Context* c, bool add);
virtual Site* copyLow(Context* c);
virtual Site* copyHigh(Context* c);
virtual Site* makeNextWord(Context* c, unsigned index);
virtual SiteMask mask(Context* c);
virtual SiteMask nextWordMask(Context* c, unsigned index);
virtual bool isVolatile(Context* c);
bool acquired;
int base;
int offset;
int index;
unsigned scale;
MemorySite* memorySite(Context* c, int base, int offset = 0, int index = lir::NoRegister, unsigned scale = 1);
MemorySite* frameSite(Context* c, int frameIndex);
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace codegen
} // namespace avian