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synced 2025-03-23 04:25:19 +00:00
Refactor the trader demo and add comments to make it easier to customise.
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ Trader demo
Open two terminals, and in the first run:::
gradle installDist && ./build/install/r3prototyping/trader-demo.sh --mode=buyer
gradle installDist && ./build/install/r3prototyping/trader-demo.sh --role=BUYER
It will compile things, if necessary, then create a directory named trader-demo/buyer with a bunch of files inside and
start the node. You should see it waiting for a trade to begin.
In the second terminal, run::
./build/install/r3prototyping/trader-demo.sh --mode=seller
./build/install/r3prototyping/trader-demo.sh --role=SELLER
You should see some log lines scroll past, and within a few seconds the messages "Purchase complete - we are a
happy customer!" and "Sale completed - we have a happy customer!" should be printed.
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import core.utilities.BriefLogFormatter
import core.utilities.Emoji
import core.utilities.ProgressTracker
import joptsimple.OptionParser
import joptsimple.OptionSet
import protocols.NotaryProtocol
import protocols.TwoPartyTradeProtocol
import java.nio.file.Files
@ -43,94 +44,163 @@ import kotlin.test.assertEquals
// Please see docs/build/html/running-the-trading-demo.html
// This program is a simple driver for exercising the two party trading protocol. Until Corda has a unified node server
// programs like this are required to wire up the pieces and run a demo scenario end to end.
// If you are creating a new scenario, you can use this program as a template for creating your own driver. Make sure to
// copy/paste the right parts of the build.gradle file to make sure it gets a script to run it deposited in
// build/install/r3prototyping/bin
// In this scenario, a buyer wants to purchase some commercial paper by swapping his cash for the CP. The seller learns
// that the buyer exists, and sends them a message to kick off the trade. The seller, having obtained his CP, then quits
// and the buyer goes back to waiting. The buyer will sell as much CP as he can!
// The different roles in the scenario this program can adopt are:
enum class Role {
// And this is the directory under the current working directory where each node will create its own server directory,
// which holds things like checkpoints, keys, databases, message logs etc.
val DIRNAME = "trader-demo"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val parser = OptionParser()
val modeArg = parser.accepts("mode").withRequiredArg().required()
val roleArg = parser.accepts("role").withRequiredArg().ofType(Role::class.java).required()
val myNetworkAddress = parser.accepts("network-address").withRequiredArg().defaultsTo("localhost")
val theirNetworkAddress = parser.accepts("other-network-address").withRequiredArg().defaultsTo("localhost")
val options = try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
val options = parseOptions(args, parser)
val role = options.valueOf(roleArg)!!
val mode = options.valueOf(modeArg)
val DIRNAME = "trader-demo"
val BUYER = "buyer"
val SELLER = "seller"
if (mode !in setOf(BUYER, SELLER)) {
val myNetAddr = HostAndPort.fromString(options.valueOf(myNetworkAddress)).withDefaultPort(
when (role) {
Role.BUYER -> 31337
Role.SELLER -> 31340
val theirNetAddr = HostAndPort.fromString(options.valueOf(theirNetworkAddress)).withDefaultPort(
when (role) {
Role.BUYER -> 31340
Role.SELLER -> 31337
// Suppress the Artemis MQ noise, and activate the demo logging.
// The first two strings correspond to the first argument to StateMachineManager.add() but the way we handle logging
// for protocols will change in future.
BriefLogFormatter.initVerbose("+demo.buyer", "+demo.seller", "-org.apache.activemq")
val dir = Paths.get(DIRNAME, mode)
val directory = setupDirectory(role)
val advertisedServices: Set<ServiceType>
val myNetAddr = HostAndPort.fromString(options.valueOf(myNetworkAddress)).withDefaultPort(if (mode == BUYER) Node.DEFAULT_PORT else 31340)
val theirNetAddr = HostAndPort.fromString(options.valueOf(theirNetworkAddress)).withDefaultPort(if (mode == SELLER) Node.DEFAULT_PORT else 31340)
val listening = mode == BUYER
// Override the default config file (which you can find in the file "reference.conf") to give each node a name.
val config = run {
val override = ConfigFactory.parseString("""myLegalName = ${ if (mode == BUYER) "Bank A" else "Bank B" }""")
val myLegalName = when (role) {
Role.BUYER -> "Bank A"
Role.SELLER -> "Bank B"
val override = ConfigFactory.parseString("myLegalName = $myLegalName")
val networkMapId = if (mode == SELLER) {
val path = Paths.get(DIRNAME, BUYER, "identity-public")
// Which services will this instance of the node provide to the network?
val advertisedServices: Set<ServiceType>
// One of the two servers needs to run the network map and notary services. In such a trivial two-node network
// the map is not very helpful, but we need one anyway. So just make the buyer side run the network map as it's
// the side that sticks around waiting for the seller.
val networkMapId = if (role == Role.BUYER) {
advertisedServices = setOf(NetworkMapService.Type, NotaryService.Type)
} else {
// In a real system, the identity file of the network map would be shipped with the server software, and there'd
// be a single shared map service (this is analagous to the DNS seeds in Bitcoin).
// TODO: AbstractNode should write out the full NodeInfo object and we should just load it here.
val path = Paths.get(DIRNAME, Role.BUYER.name.toLowerCase(), "identity-public")
val party = Files.readAllBytes(path).deserialize<Party>()
advertisedServices = emptySet()
NodeInfo(ArtemisMessagingService.makeRecipient(theirNetAddr), party, setOf(NetworkMapService.Type))
} else {
// We must be the network map service
advertisedServices = setOf(NetworkMapService.Type, NotaryService.Type)
// TODO: Remove this once checkpoint resume works.
StateMachineManager.restoreCheckpointsOnStart = false
val node = logElapsedTime("Node startup") { Node(dir, myNetAddr, config, networkMapId, advertisedServices).start() }
if (listening) {
// For demo purposes just extract attachment jars when saved to disk, so the user can explore them.
// Buyer will fetch the attachment from the seller.
val attachmentsPath = (node.storage.attachments as NodeAttachmentService).let {
it.automaticallyExtractAttachments = true
// And now construct then start the node object. It takes a little while.
val node = logElapsedTime("Node startup") {
Node(directory, myNetAddr, config, networkMapId, advertisedServices).start()
val buyer = TraderDemoProtocolBuyer(attachmentsPath, node.info.identity)
ANSIProgressRenderer.progressTracker = buyer.progressTracker
node.smm.add("demo.buyer", buyer).get() // This thread will halt forever here.
// What happens next depends on the role. The buyer sits around waiting for a trade to start. The seller role
// will contact the buyer and actually make something happen.
if (role == Role.BUYER) {
} else {
// Make sure we have the transaction prospectus attachment loaded into our store.
if (node.storage.attachments.openAttachment(TraderDemoProtocolSeller.PROSPECTUS_HASH) == null) {
TraderDemoProtocolSeller::class.java.getResourceAsStream("bank-of-london-cp.jar").use {
val id = node.storage.attachments.importAttachment(it)
assertEquals(TraderDemoProtocolSeller.PROSPECTUS_HASH, id)
val otherSide = ArtemisMessagingService.makeRecipient(theirNetAddr)
val seller = TraderDemoProtocolSeller(myNetAddr, otherSide)
ANSIProgressRenderer.progressTracker = seller.progressTracker
node.smm.add("demo.seller", seller).get()
runSeller(myNetAddr, node, theirNetAddr)
fun setupDirectory(mode: Role): Path {
val directory = Paths.get(DIRNAME, mode.name.toLowerCase())
return directory
fun parseOptions(args: Array<String>, parser: OptionParser): OptionSet {
try {
return parser.parse(*args)
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Please refer to the documentation in docs/build/index.html to learn how to run the demo.")
fun runSeller(myNetAddr: HostAndPort, node: Node, theirNetAddr: HostAndPort) {
// The seller will sell some commercial paper to the buyer, who will pay with (self issued) cash.
// The CP sale transaction comes with a prospectus PDF, which will tag along for the ride in an
// attachment. Make sure we have the transaction prospectus attachment loaded into our store.
// This can also be done via an HTTP upload, but here we short-circuit and do it from code.
if (node.storage.attachments.openAttachment(TraderDemoProtocolSeller.PROSPECTUS_HASH) == null) {
TraderDemoProtocolSeller::class.java.getResourceAsStream("bank-of-london-cp.jar").use {
val id = node.storage.attachments.importAttachment(it)
assertEquals(TraderDemoProtocolSeller.PROSPECTUS_HASH, id)
val otherSide = ArtemisMessagingService.makeRecipient(theirNetAddr)
val seller = TraderDemoProtocolSeller(myNetAddr, otherSide)
ANSIProgressRenderer.progressTracker = seller.progressTracker
node.smm.add("demo.seller", seller).get()
fun runBuyer(node: Node) {
// Buyer will fetch the attachment from the seller automatically when it resolves the transaction.
// For demo purposes just extract attachment jars when saved to disk, so the user can explore them.
val attachmentsPath = (node.storage.attachments as NodeAttachmentService).let {
it.automaticallyExtractAttachments = true
// We use a simple scenario-specific wrapper protocol to make things happen.
val buyer = TraderDemoProtocolBuyer(attachmentsPath, node.info.identity)
ANSIProgressRenderer.progressTracker = buyer.progressTracker
// This thread will halt forever here.
node.smm.add("demo.buyer", buyer).get()
// We create a couple of ad-hoc test protocols that wrap the two party trade protocol, to give us the demo logic.
val DEMO_TOPIC = "initiate.demo.trade"
class TraderDemoProtocolBuyer(private val attachmentsPath: Path, val notary: Party) : ProtocolLogic<Unit>() {
companion object {
object WAITING_FOR_SELLER_TO_CONNECT : ProgressTracker.Step("Waiting for seller to connect to us")
@ -142,8 +212,9 @@ class TraderDemoProtocolBuyer(private val attachmentsPath: Path, val notary: Par
override fun call() {
// Give us some cash. Note that as nodes do not currently track forward pointers, we can spend the same cash over
// and over again and the double spends will never be detected! Fixing that is the next step.
// Self issue some cash.
// TODO: At some point this demo should be extended to have a central bank node.
(serviceHub.walletService as NodeWalletService).fillWithSomeTestCash(notary, 1500.DOLLARS)
while (true) {
@ -151,18 +222,22 @@ class TraderDemoProtocolBuyer(private val attachmentsPath: Path, val notary: Par
// via some other system like an exchange or maybe even a manual messaging system like Bloomberg. But for the
// next stage in our building site, we will just auto-generate fake trades to give our nodes something to do.
// As the seller initiates the DVP/two-party trade protocol, here, we will be the buyer.
// As the seller initiates the two-party trade protocol, here, we will be the buyer.
try {
progressTracker.currentStep = WAITING_FOR_SELLER_TO_CONNECT
val hostname = receive<HostAndPort>("test.junktrade", 0).validate { it.withDefaultPort(Node.DEFAULT_PORT) }
val hostname = receive<HostAndPort>(DEMO_TOPIC, 0).validate { it.withDefaultPort(Node.DEFAULT_PORT) }
val newPartnerAddr = ArtemisMessagingService.makeRecipient(hostname)
// The session ID disambiguates the test trade.
val sessionID = random63BitValue()
progressTracker.currentStep = STARTING_BUY
send("test.junktrade", newPartnerAddr, 0, sessionID)
send(DEMO_TOPIC, newPartnerAddr, 0, sessionID)
val notary = serviceHub.networkMapCache.notaryNodes[0]
val buyer = TwoPartyTradeProtocol.Buyer(newPartnerAddr, notary.identity, 1000.DOLLARS,
CommercialPaper.State::class.java, sessionID)
// This invokes the trading protocol and out pops our finished transaction.
val tradeTX: SignedTransaction = subProtocol(buyer)
logger.info("Purchase complete - we are a happy customer! Final transaction is: " +
@ -217,7 +292,7 @@ class TraderDemoProtocolSeller(val myAddress: HostAndPort,
override fun call() {
progressTracker.currentStep = ANNOUNCING
val sessionID = sendAndReceive<Long>("test.junktrade", otherSide, 0, 0, myAddress).validate { it }
val sessionID = sendAndReceive<Long>(DEMO_TOPIC, otherSide, 0, 0, myAddress).validate { it }
progressTracker.currentStep = SELF_ISSUING
@ -240,7 +315,7 @@ class TraderDemoProtocolSeller(val myAddress: HostAndPort,
val keyPair = generateKeyPair()
val party = Party("Bank of London", keyPair.public)
val issuance = run {
val issuance: SignedTransaction = run {
val tx = CommercialPaper().generateIssue(party.ref(1, 2, 3), 1100.DOLLARS, Instant.now() + 10.days, notaryNode.identity)
// TODO: Consider moving these two steps below into generateIssue.
@ -248,32 +323,35 @@ class TraderDemoProtocolSeller(val myAddress: HostAndPort,
// Attach the prospectus.
// Timestamp it, all CP must be timestamped.
// Requesting timestamping, all CP must be timestamped.
tx.setTime(Instant.now(), notaryNode.identity, 30.seconds)
// Sign it as ourselves.
// Get the notary to sign it, thus committing the outputs.
val notarySig = subProtocol(NotaryProtocol(tx.toWireTransaction()))
// Commit it to local storage.
val stx = tx.toSignedTransaction(true)
val move = run {
val tx = TransactionBuilder()
CommercialPaper().generateMove(tx, issuance.tx.outRef(0), ownedBy)
val notarySig = subProtocol(NotaryProtocol(tx.toWireTransaction()))
// Now make a dummy transaction that moves it to a new key, just to show that resolving dependencies works.
val move: SignedTransaction = run {
val builder = TransactionBuilder()
CommercialPaper().generateMove(builder, issuance.tx.outRef(0), ownedBy)
val tx = builder.toSignedTransaction(true)
return move.tx.outRef(0)
private fun printHelp() {
println("Please refer to the documentation in docs/build/index.html to learn how to run the demo.")
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