mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 03:55:26 +00:00
AMQP serialization part 3: some custom serializers, integration with Kryo (disabled) (#859)
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,11 @@ fun makeAllButBlacklistedClassResolver(): ClassResolver {
return CordaClassResolver(AllButBlacklisted)
class CordaClassResolver(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist) : DefaultClassResolver() {
* @param amqpEnabled Setting this to true turns on experimental AMQP serialization for any class annotated with
* [CordaSerializable].
class CordaClassResolver(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist, val amqpEnabled: Boolean = false) : DefaultClassResolver() {
/** Returns the registration for the specified class, or null if the class is not registered. */
override fun getRegistration(type: Class<*>): Registration? {
return super.getRegistration(type) ?: checkClass(type)
@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ class CordaClassResolver(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist) : DefaultClassResolver()
return checkClass(type.superclass)
// It's safe to have the Class already, since Kryo loads it with initialisation off.
// If we use a whitelist with blacklisting capabilities, whitelist.hasListed(type) may throw a NotSerializableException if input class is blacklisted.
// If we use a whitelist with blacklisting capabilities, whitelist.hasListed(type) may throw an IllegalStateException if input class is blacklisted.
// Thus, blacklisting precedes annotation checking.
if (!whitelist.hasListed(type) && !checkForAnnotation(type)) {
throw KryoException("Class ${Util.className(type)} is not annotated or on the whitelist, so cannot be used in serialization")
@ -68,13 +72,22 @@ class CordaClassResolver(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist) : DefaultClassResolver()
override fun registerImplicit(type: Class<*>): Registration {
// We have to set reference to true, since the flag influences how String fields are treated and we want it to be consistent.
val references = kryo.references
try {
kryo.references = true
return register(Registration(type, kryo.getDefaultSerializer(type), NAME.toInt()))
} finally {
kryo.references = references
val hasAnnotation = checkForAnnotation(type)
// If something is not annotated, or AMQP is disabled, we stay serializing with Kryo. This will typically be the
// case for flow checkpoints (ignoring all cases where AMQP is disabled) since our top level messaging data structures
// are annotated and once we enter AMQP serialisation we stay with it for the entire object subgraph.
if (!hasAnnotation || !amqpEnabled) {
// We have to set reference to true, since the flag influences how String fields are treated and we want it to be consistent.
val references = kryo.references
try {
kryo.references = true
return register(Registration(type, kryo.getDefaultSerializer(type), NAME.toInt()))
} finally {
kryo.references = references
} else {
// Build AMQP serializer
return register(Registration(type, KryoAMQPSerializer, NAME.toInt()))
@ -85,13 +98,13 @@ class CordaClassResolver(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist) : DefaultClassResolver()
return (type.classLoader !is AttachmentsClassLoader)
&& !KryoSerializable::class.java.isAssignableFrom(type)
&& !type.isAnnotationPresent(DefaultSerializer::class.java)
&& (type.isAnnotationPresent(CordaSerializable::class.java) || hasAnnotationOnInterface(type))
&& (type.isAnnotationPresent(CordaSerializable::class.java) || hasInheritedAnnotation(type))
// Recursively check interfaces for our annotation.
private fun hasAnnotationOnInterface(type: Class<*>): Boolean {
return type.interfaces.any { it.isAnnotationPresent(CordaSerializable::class.java) || hasAnnotationOnInterface(it) }
|| (type.superclass != null && hasAnnotationOnInterface(type.superclass))
private fun hasInheritedAnnotation(type: Class<*>): Boolean {
return type.interfaces.any { it.isAnnotationPresent(CordaSerializable::class.java) || hasInheritedAnnotation(it) }
|| (type.superclass != null && hasInheritedAnnotation(type.superclass))
// Need to clear out class names from attachments.
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Serializer
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.Input
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.io.Output
import net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.DeserializationInput
import net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.SerializationOutput
import net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.SerializerFactory
* This [Kryo] custom [Serializer] switches the object graph of anything annotated with `@CordaSerializable`
* to using the AMQP serialization wire format, and simply writes that out as bytes to the wire.
* There is no need to write out the length, since this can be peeked out of the first few bytes of the stream.
object KryoAMQPSerializer : Serializer<Any>() {
internal fun registerCustomSerializers(factory: SerializerFactory) {
factory.apply {
// TODO: need to sort out the whitelist... we currently do not apply the whitelist attached to the [Kryo]
// instance to the factory. We need to do this before turning on AMQP serialization.
private val serializerFactory = SerializerFactory().apply {
override fun write(kryo: Kryo, output: Output, obj: Any) {
val amqpOutput = SerializationOutput(serializerFactory)
val bytes = amqpOutput.serialize(obj).bytes
// No need to write out the size since it's encoded within the AMQP.
override fun read(kryo: Kryo, input: Input, type: Class<Any>): Any {
val amqpInput = DeserializationInput(serializerFactory)
// Use our helper functions to peek the size of the serialized object out of the AMQP byte stream.
val peekedBytes = input.readBytes(DeserializationInput.BYTES_NEEDED_TO_PEEK)
val size = DeserializationInput.peekSize(peekedBytes)
val allBytes = peekedBytes.copyOf(size)
input.readBytes(allBytes, peekedBytes.size, size - peekedBytes.size)
return amqpInput.deserialize(SerializedBytes<Any>(allBytes), type)
@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp
import com.google.common.primitives.Primitives
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.Binary
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.Data
import java.lang.reflect.Type
* Serializer / deserializer for native AMQP types (Int, Float, String etc).
* [ByteArray] is automatically marshalled to/from the Proton-J wrapper, [Binary].
class AMQPPrimitiveSerializer(clazz: Class<*>) : AMQPSerializer<Any> {
override val typeDescriptor: String = SerializerFactory.primitiveTypeName(Primitives.wrap(clazz))!!
override val typeDescriptor: String = SerializerFactory.primitiveTypeName(clazz)!!
override val type: Type = clazz
// NOOP since this is a primitive type.
@ -16,8 +18,12 @@ class AMQPPrimitiveSerializer(clazz: Class<*>) : AMQPSerializer<Any> {
override fun writeObject(obj: Any, data: Data, type: Type, output: SerializationOutput) {
if (obj is ByteArray) {
} else {
override fun readObject(obj: Any, schema: Schema, input: DeserializationInput): Any = obj
override fun readObject(obj: Any, schema: Schema, input: DeserializationInput): Any = (obj as? Binary)?.array ?: obj
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.Data
import java.io.NotSerializableException
import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
import java.lang.reflect.Type
@ -12,14 +10,10 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Type
class ArraySerializer(override val type: Type, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPSerializer<Any> {
override val typeDescriptor = "$DESCRIPTOR_DOMAIN:${fingerprintForType(type, factory)}"
internal val elementType: Type = makeElementType()
internal val elementType: Type = type.componentType()
private val typeNotation: TypeNotation = RestrictedType(type.typeName, null, emptyList(), "list", Descriptor(typeDescriptor, null), emptyList())
private fun makeElementType(): Type {
return (type as? Class<*>)?.componentType ?: (type as GenericArrayType).genericComponentType
override fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput) {
if (output.writeTypeNotations(typeNotation)) {
@ -44,13 +38,7 @@ class ArraySerializer(override val type: Type, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQ
private fun <T> List<T>.toArrayOfType(type: Type): Any {
val elementType: Class<*> = if (type is Class<*>) {
} else if (type is ParameterizedType) {
type.rawType as Class<*>
} else {
throw NotSerializableException("Unexpected array element type $type")
val elementType = type.asClass() ?: throw NotSerializableException("Unexpected array element type $type")
val list = this
return java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(elementType, this.size).apply {
val array = this
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class CollectionSerializer(val declaredType: ParameterizedType, factory: Seriali
private val concreteBuilder: (List<*>) -> Collection<*> = findConcreteType(declaredType.rawType as Class<*>)
private val typeNotation: TypeNotation = RestrictedType(declaredType.toString(), null, emptyList(), "list", Descriptor(typeDescriptor, null), emptyList())
private val typeNotation: TypeNotation = RestrictedType(SerializerFactory.nameForType(declaredType), null, emptyList(), "list", Descriptor(typeDescriptor, null), emptyList())
override fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput) {
if (output.writeTypeNotations(typeNotation)) {
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp
import net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.SerializerFactory.Companion.nameForType
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.Data
import java.lang.reflect.Type
@ -10,11 +11,16 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Type
abstract class CustomSerializer<T> : AMQPSerializer<T> {
* This is a collection of custom serializers that this custom serializer depends on. e.g. for proxy objects
* that refer to arrays of types etc.
* that refer to other custom types etc.
abstract val additionalSerializers: Iterable<CustomSerializer<out Any>>
* This method should return true if the custom serializer can serialize an instance of the class passed as the
* parameter.
abstract fun isSerializerFor(clazz: Class<*>): Boolean
protected abstract val descriptor: Descriptor
* This exists purely for documentation and cross-platform purposes. It is not used by our serialization / deserialization
@ -32,12 +38,42 @@ abstract class CustomSerializer<T> : AMQPSerializer<T> {
abstract fun writeDescribedObject(obj: T, data: Data, type: Type, output: SerializationOutput)
* Additional base features for a custom serializer that is a particular class.
* This custom serializer represents a sort of symbolic link from a subclass to a super class, where the super
* class custom serializer is responsible for the "on the wire" format but we want to create a reference to the
* subclass in the schema, so that we can distinguish between subclasses.
// TODO: should this be a custom serializer at all, or should it just be a plain AMQPSerializer?
class SubClass<T>(protected val clazz: Class<*>, protected val superClassSerializer: CustomSerializer<T>) : CustomSerializer<T>() {
override val additionalSerializers: Iterable<CustomSerializer<out Any>> = emptyList()
// TODO: should this be empty or contain the schema of the super?
override val schemaForDocumentation = Schema(emptyList())
override fun isSerializerFor(clazz: Class<*>): Boolean = clazz == this.clazz
override val type: Type get() = clazz
override val typeDescriptor: String = "$DESCRIPTOR_DOMAIN:${fingerprintForDescriptors(superClassSerializer.typeDescriptor, nameForType(clazz))}"
private val typeNotation: TypeNotation = RestrictedType(SerializerFactory.nameForType(clazz), null, emptyList(), SerializerFactory.nameForType(superClassSerializer.type), Descriptor(typeDescriptor, null), emptyList())
override fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput) {
override val descriptor: Descriptor = Descriptor(typeDescriptor)
override fun writeDescribedObject(obj: T, data: Data, type: Type, output: SerializationOutput) {
superClassSerializer.writeDescribedObject(obj, data, type, output)
override fun readObject(obj: Any, schema: Schema, input: DeserializationInput): T {
return superClassSerializer.readObject(obj, schema, input)
* Additional base features for a custom serializer for a particular class, that excludes subclasses.
abstract class Is<T>(protected val clazz: Class<T>) : CustomSerializer<T>() {
override fun isSerializerFor(clazz: Class<*>): Boolean = clazz == this.clazz
override val type: Type get() = clazz
override val typeDescriptor: String = "$DESCRIPTOR_DOMAIN:${clazz.name}"
override val typeDescriptor: String = "$DESCRIPTOR_DOMAIN:${nameForType(clazz)}"
override fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput) {}
override val descriptor: Descriptor = Descriptor(typeDescriptor)
@ -48,13 +84,13 @@ abstract class CustomSerializer<T> : AMQPSerializer<T> {
abstract class Implements<T>(protected val clazz: Class<T>) : CustomSerializer<T>() {
override fun isSerializerFor(clazz: Class<*>): Boolean = this.clazz.isAssignableFrom(clazz)
override val type: Type get() = clazz
override val typeDescriptor: String = "$DESCRIPTOR_DOMAIN:${clazz.name}"
override val typeDescriptor: String = "$DESCRIPTOR_DOMAIN:${nameForType(clazz)}"
override fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput) {}
override val descriptor: Descriptor = Descriptor(typeDescriptor)
* Addition base features over and above [Implements] or [Is] custom serializer for when the serialize form should be
* Additional base features over and above [Implements] or [Is] custom serializer for when the serialized form should be
* the serialized form of a proxy class, and the object can be re-created from that proxy on deserialization.
* The proxy class must use only types which are either native AMQP or other types for which there are pre-registered
@ -66,14 +102,14 @@ abstract class CustomSerializer<T> : AMQPSerializer<T> {
val withInheritance: Boolean = true) : CustomSerializer<T>() {
override fun isSerializerFor(clazz: Class<*>): Boolean = if (withInheritance) this.clazz.isAssignableFrom(clazz) else this.clazz == clazz
override val type: Type get() = clazz
override val typeDescriptor: String = "$DESCRIPTOR_DOMAIN:${clazz.name}"
override val typeDescriptor: String = "$DESCRIPTOR_DOMAIN:${nameForType(clazz)}"
override fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput) {}
override val descriptor: Descriptor = Descriptor(typeDescriptor)
private val proxySerializer: ObjectSerializer by lazy { ObjectSerializer(proxyClass, factory) }
override val schemaForDocumentation: Schema by lazy {
val typeNotations = mutableSetOf<TypeNotation>(CompositeType(type.typeName, null, emptyList(), descriptor, (proxySerializer.typeNotation as CompositeType).fields))
val typeNotations = mutableSetOf<TypeNotation>(CompositeType(nameForType(type), null, emptyList(), descriptor, (proxySerializer.typeNotation as CompositeType).fields))
for (additional in additionalSerializers) {
@ -102,4 +138,38 @@ abstract class CustomSerializer<T> : AMQPSerializer<T> {
return fromProxy(proxy)
* A custom serializer where the on-wire representation is a string. For example, a [Currency] might be represented
* as a 3 character currency code, and converted to and from that string. By default, it is assumed that the
* [toString] method will generate the string representation and that there is a constructor that takes such a
* string as an argument to reconstruct.
* @param clazz The type to be marshalled
* @param withInheritance Whether subclasses of the class can also be marshalled.
* @param make A lambda for constructing an instance, that defaults to calling a constructor that expects a string.
* @param unmake A lambda that extracts the string value for an instance, that defaults to the [toString] method.
abstract class ToString<T>(clazz: Class<T>, withInheritance: Boolean = false,
private val maker: (String) -> T = clazz.getConstructor(String::class.java).let { `constructor` -> { string -> `constructor`.newInstance(string) } },
private val unmaker: (T) -> String = { obj -> obj.toString() }) : Proxy<T, String>(clazz, String::class.java, /* Unused */ SerializerFactory(), withInheritance) {
override val additionalSerializers: Iterable<CustomSerializer<out Any>> = emptyList()
override val schemaForDocumentation = Schema(listOf(RestrictedType(nameForType(type), "", listOf(nameForType(type)), SerializerFactory.primitiveTypeName(String::class.java)!!, descriptor, emptyList())))
override fun toProxy(obj: T): String = unmaker(obj)
override fun fromProxy(proxy: String): T = maker(proxy)
override fun writeDescribedObject(obj: T, data: Data, type: Type, output: SerializationOutput) {
val proxy = toProxy(obj)
override fun readObject(obj: Any, schema: Schema, input: DeserializationInput): T {
val proxy = input.readObject(obj, schema, String::class.java) as String
return fromProxy(proxy)
@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp
import com.google.common.base.Throwables
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializedBytes
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.Binary
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.DescribedType
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.UnsignedByte
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.Data
import java.io.NotSerializableException
import java.lang.reflect.Type
@ -19,6 +21,41 @@ class DeserializationInput(internal val serializerFactory: SerializerFactory = S
// TODO: we're not supporting object refs yet
private val objectHistory: MutableList<Any> = ArrayList()
internal companion object {
private fun subArraysEqual(a: ByteArray, aOffset: Int, length: Int, b: ByteArray, bOffset: Int): Boolean {
if (aOffset + length > a.size || bOffset + length > b.size) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException()
var bytesRemaining = length
var aPos = aOffset
var bPos = bOffset
while (bytesRemaining-- > 0) {
if (a[aPos++] != b[bPos++]) return false
return true
fun peekSize(bytes: ByteArray): Int {
// There's an 8 byte header, and then a 0 byte plus descriptor followed by constructor
val eighth = bytes[8].toInt()
check(eighth == 0x0) { "Expected to find a descriptor in the AMQP stream" }
// We should always have an Envelope, so the descriptor should be a 64-bit long (0x80)
val ninth = UnsignedByte.valueOf(bytes[9]).toInt()
check(ninth == 0x80) { "Expected to find a ulong in the AMQP stream" }
// Skip 8 bytes
val eighteenth = UnsignedByte.valueOf(bytes[18]).toInt()
check(eighteenth == 0xd0 || eighteenth == 0xc0) { "Expected to find a list8 or list32 in the AMQP stream" }
val size = if (eighteenth == 0xc0) {
// Next byte is size
UnsignedByte.valueOf(bytes[19]).toInt() - 3 // Minus three as PEEK_SIZE assumes 4 byte unsigned integer.
} else {
// Next 4 bytes is size
UnsignedByte.valueOf(bytes[19]).toInt().shl(24) + UnsignedByte.valueOf(bytes[20]).toInt().shl(16) + UnsignedByte.valueOf(bytes[21]).toInt().shl(8) + UnsignedByte.valueOf(bytes[22]).toInt()
return size + BYTES_NEEDED_TO_PEEK
inline fun <reified T : Any> deserialize(bytes: SerializedBytes<T>): T = deserialize(bytes, T::class.java)
@ -66,25 +103,10 @@ class DeserializationInput(internal val serializerFactory: SerializerFactory = S
if (serializer.type != type && !serializer.type.isSubClassOf(type))
throw NotSerializableException("Described type with descriptor ${obj.descriptor} was expected to be of type $type")
return serializer.readObject(obj.described, schema, this)
} else if (obj is Binary) {
return obj.array
} else {
return obj
private fun Type.isSubClassOf(type: Type): Boolean {
return type == Object::class.java ||
(this is Class<*> && type is Class<*> && type.isAssignableFrom(this)) ||
(this is DeserializedParameterizedType && type is Class<*> && this.rawType == type && this.isFullyWildcarded)
private fun subArraysEqual(a: ByteArray, aOffset: Int, length: Int, b: ByteArray, bOffset: Int): Boolean {
if (aOffset + length > a.size || bOffset + length > b.size) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException()
var bytesRemaining = length
var aPos = aOffset
var bPos = bOffset
while (bytesRemaining-- > 0) {
if (a[aPos++] != b[bPos++]) return false
return true
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp
import com.google.common.primitives.Primitives
import java.io.NotSerializableException
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
import java.lang.reflect.Type
@ -119,7 +120,9 @@ class DeserializedParameterizedType(private val rawType: Class<*>, private val p
private fun makeType(typeName: String, cl: ClassLoader): Type {
// Not generic
return if (typeName == "?") SerializerFactory.AnyType else Class.forName(typeName, false, cl)
return if (typeName == "?") SerializerFactory.AnyType else {
Primitives.wrap(SerializerFactory.primitiveType(typeName) ?: Class.forName(typeName, false, cl))
private fun makeParameterizedType(rawTypeName: String, args: MutableList<Type>, cl: ClassLoader): Type {
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class MapSerializer(val declaredType: ParameterizedType, factory: SerializerFact
private val concreteBuilder: (Map<*, *>) -> Map<*, *> = findConcreteType(declaredType.rawType as Class<*>)
private val typeNotation: TypeNotation = RestrictedType(declaredType.toString(), null, emptyList(), "map", Descriptor(typeDescriptor, null), emptyList())
private val typeNotation: TypeNotation = RestrictedType(SerializerFactory.nameForType(declaredType), null, emptyList(), "map", Descriptor(typeDescriptor, null), emptyList())
override fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput) {
if (output.writeTypeNotations(typeNotation)) {
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp
import net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.SerializerFactory.Companion.nameForType
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.UnsignedInteger
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.Data
import java.io.NotSerializableException
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaConstructor
* Responsible for serializing and deserializing a regular object instance via a series of properties (matched with a constructor).
class ObjectSerializer(val clazz: Class<*>, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPSerializer<Any> {
class ObjectSerializer(val clazz: Type, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPSerializer<Any> {
override val type: Type get() = clazz
private val javaConstructor: Constructor<Any>?
internal val propertySerializers: Collection<PropertySerializer>
@ -20,7 +21,9 @@ class ObjectSerializer(val clazz: Class<*>, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPSe
javaConstructor = kotlinConstructor?.javaConstructor
propertySerializers = propertiesForSerialization(kotlinConstructor, clazz, factory)
private val typeName = clazz.name
private val typeName = nameForType(clazz)
override val typeDescriptor = "$DESCRIPTOR_DOMAIN:${fingerprintForType(type, factory)}"
private val interfaces = interfacesForSerialization(clazz) // TODO maybe this proves too much and we need annotations to restrict.
@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ class ObjectSerializer(val clazz: Class<*>, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPSe
private fun generateProvides(): List<String> {
return interfaces.map { it.typeName }
return interfaces.map { nameForType(it) }
@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.Binary
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.Data
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.lang.reflect.Type
import kotlin.reflect.full.memberProperties
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaGetter
* Base class for serialization of a property of an object.
sealed class PropertySerializer(val name: String, val readMethod: Method) {
sealed class PropertySerializer(val name: String, val readMethod: Method, val resolvedType: Type) {
abstract fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput)
abstract fun writeProperty(obj: Any?, data: Data, output: SerializationOutput)
abstract fun readProperty(obj: Any?, schema: Schema, input: DeserializationInput): Any?
@ -18,23 +20,20 @@ sealed class PropertySerializer(val name: String, val readMethod: Method) {
val default: String? = generateDefault()
val mandatory: Boolean = generateMandatory()
private val isInterface: Boolean get() = (readMethod.genericReturnType as? Class<*>)?.isInterface ?: false
private val isJVMPrimitive: Boolean get() = (readMethod.genericReturnType as? Class<*>)?.isPrimitive ?: false
private val isInterface: Boolean get() = resolvedType.asClass()?.isInterface ?: false
private val isJVMPrimitive: Boolean get() = resolvedType.asClass()?.isPrimitive ?: false
private fun generateType(): String {
return if (isInterface) "*" else {
val primitiveName = SerializerFactory.primitiveTypeName(readMethod.genericReturnType)
return primitiveName ?: readMethod.genericReturnType.typeName
return if (isInterface || resolvedType == Any::class.java) "*" else SerializerFactory.nameForType(resolvedType)
private fun generateRequires(): List<String> {
return if (isInterface) listOf(readMethod.genericReturnType.typeName) else emptyList()
return if (isInterface) listOf(SerializerFactory.nameForType(resolvedType)) else emptyList()
private fun generateDefault(): String? {
if (isJVMPrimitive) {
return when (readMethod.genericReturnType) {
return when (resolvedType) {
java.lang.Boolean.TYPE -> "false"
java.lang.Character.TYPE -> "�"
else -> "0"
@ -54,13 +53,12 @@ sealed class PropertySerializer(val name: String, val readMethod: Method) {
companion object {
fun make(name: String, readMethod: Method, factory: SerializerFactory): PropertySerializer {
val type = readMethod.genericReturnType
if (SerializerFactory.isPrimitive(type)) {
fun make(name: String, readMethod: Method, resolvedType: Type, factory: SerializerFactory): PropertySerializer {
if (SerializerFactory.isPrimitive(resolvedType)) {
// This is a little inefficient for performance since it does a runtime check of type. We could do build time check with lots of subclasses here.
return AMQPPrimitivePropertySerializer(name, readMethod)
return AMQPPrimitivePropertySerializer(name, readMethod, resolvedType)
} else {
return DescribedTypePropertySerializer(name, readMethod) { factory.get(null, type) }
return DescribedTypePropertySerializer(name, readMethod, resolvedType) { factory.get(null, resolvedType) }
@ -68,35 +66,43 @@ sealed class PropertySerializer(val name: String, val readMethod: Method) {
* A property serializer for a complex type (another object).
class DescribedTypePropertySerializer(name: String, readMethod: Method, private val lazyTypeSerializer: () -> AMQPSerializer<Any>) : PropertySerializer(name, readMethod) {
class DescribedTypePropertySerializer(name: String, readMethod: Method, resolvedType: Type, private val lazyTypeSerializer: () -> AMQPSerializer<*>) : PropertySerializer(name, readMethod, resolvedType) {
// This is lazy so we don't get an infinite loop when a method returns an instance of the class.
private val typeSerializer: AMQPSerializer<Any> by lazy { lazyTypeSerializer() }
private val typeSerializer: AMQPSerializer<*> by lazy { lazyTypeSerializer() }
override fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput) {
if (resolvedType != Any::class.java) {
override fun readProperty(obj: Any?, schema: Schema, input: DeserializationInput): Any? {
return input.readObjectOrNull(obj, schema, readMethod.genericReturnType)
return input.readObjectOrNull(obj, schema, resolvedType)
override fun writeProperty(obj: Any?, data: Data, output: SerializationOutput) {
output.writeObjectOrNull(readMethod.invoke(obj), data, readMethod.genericReturnType)
output.writeObjectOrNull(readMethod.invoke(obj), data, resolvedType)
* A property serializer for an AMQP primitive type (Int, String, etc).
class AMQPPrimitivePropertySerializer(name: String, readMethod: Method) : PropertySerializer(name, readMethod) {
class AMQPPrimitivePropertySerializer(name: String, readMethod: Method, resolvedType: Type) : PropertySerializer(name, readMethod, resolvedType) {
override fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput) {}
override fun readProperty(obj: Any?, schema: Schema, input: DeserializationInput): Any? {
return obj
return if (obj is Binary) obj.array else obj
override fun writeProperty(obj: Any?, data: Data, output: SerializationOutput) {
val value = readMethod.invoke(obj)
if (value is ByteArray) {
} else {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp
import com.google.common.hash.Hasher
import com.google.common.hash.Hashing
import net.corda.core.crypto.Base58
import net.corda.core.crypto.toBase64
import net.corda.core.serialization.OpaqueBytes
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.DescribedType
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.UnsignedLong
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import java.io.NotSerializableException
import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
import java.lang.reflect.Type
import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable
import java.util.*
// TODO: get an assigned number as per AMQP spec
val DESCRIPTOR_TOP_32BITS: Long = 0xc0da0000
@ -310,6 +312,7 @@ private val ALREADY_SEEN_HASH: String = "Already seen = true"
private val NULLABLE_HASH: String = "Nullable = true"
private val NOT_NULLABLE_HASH: String = "Nullable = false"
private val ANY_TYPE_HASH: String = "Any type = true"
private val TYPE_VARIABLE_HASH: String = "Type variable = true"
* The method generates a fingerprint for a given JVM [Type] that should be unique to the schema representation.
@ -320,44 +323,83 @@ private val ANY_TYPE_HASH: String = "Any type = true"
* different.
// TODO: write tests
internal fun fingerprintForType(type: Type, factory: SerializerFactory): String = Base58.encode(fingerprintForType(type, HashSet(), Hashing.murmur3_128().newHasher(), factory).hash().asBytes())
internal fun fingerprintForType(type: Type, factory: SerializerFactory): String {
return fingerprintForType(type, null, HashSet(), Hashing.murmur3_128().newHasher(), factory).hash().asBytes().toBase64()
private fun fingerprintForType(type: Type, alreadySeen: MutableSet<Type>, hasher: Hasher, factory: SerializerFactory): Hasher {
internal fun fingerprintForDescriptors(vararg typeDescriptors: String): String {
val hasher = Hashing.murmur3_128().newHasher()
for (typeDescriptor in typeDescriptors) {
return hasher.hash().asBytes().toBase64()
// This method concatentates various elements of the types recursively as unencoded strings into the hasher, effectively
// creating a unique string for a type which we then hash in the calling function above.
private fun fingerprintForType(type: Type, contextType: Type?, alreadySeen: MutableSet<Type>, hasher: Hasher, factory: SerializerFactory): Hasher {
return if (type in alreadySeen) {
} else {
alreadySeen += type
if (type is SerializerFactory.AnyType) {
} else if (type is Class<*>) {
if (type.isArray) {
fingerprintForType(type.componentType, alreadySeen, hasher, factory).putUnencodedChars(ARRAY_HASH)
} else if (SerializerFactory.isPrimitive(type)) {
} else if (Collection::class.java.isAssignableFrom(type) || Map::class.java.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
} else {
// Need to check if a custom serializer is applicable
val customSerializer = factory.findCustomSerializer(type)
if (customSerializer == null) {
// Hash the class + properties + interfaces
propertiesForSerialization(constructorForDeserialization(type), type, factory).fold(hasher.putUnencodedChars(type.name)) { orig, param ->
fingerprintForType(param.readMethod.genericReturnType, alreadySeen, orig, factory).putUnencodedChars(param.name).putUnencodedChars(if (param.mandatory) NOT_NULLABLE_HASH else NULLABLE_HASH)
interfacesForSerialization(type).map { fingerprintForType(it, alreadySeen, hasher, factory) }
try {
if (type is SerializerFactory.AnyType) {
} else if (type is Class<*>) {
if (type.isArray) {
fingerprintForType(type.componentType, contextType, alreadySeen, hasher, factory).putUnencodedChars(ARRAY_HASH)
} else if (SerializerFactory.isPrimitive(type)) {
} else if (isCollectionOrMap(type)) {
} else {
// Need to check if a custom serializer is applicable
val customSerializer = factory.findCustomSerializer(type, type)
if (customSerializer == null) {
if (type.kotlin.objectInstance != null) {
// TODO: name collision is too likely for kotlin objects, we need to introduce some reference
// to the CorDapp but maybe reference to the JAR in the short term.
} else {
fingerprintForObject(type, contextType, alreadySeen, hasher, factory)
} else {
} else if (type is ParameterizedType) {
// Hash the rawType + params
val clazz = type.rawType as Class<*>
val startingHash = if (isCollectionOrMap(clazz)) {
} else {
fingerprintForObject(type, type, alreadySeen, hasher, factory)
// ... and concatentate the type data for each parameter type.
type.actualTypeArguments.fold(startingHash) { orig, paramType -> fingerprintForType(paramType, type, alreadySeen, orig, factory) }
} else if (type is GenericArrayType) {
// Hash the element type + some array hash
fingerprintForType(type.genericComponentType, contextType, alreadySeen, hasher, factory).putUnencodedChars(ARRAY_HASH)
} else if (type is TypeVariable<*>) {
// TODO: include bounds
} else {
throw NotSerializableException("Don't know how to hash")
} else if (type is ParameterizedType) {
// Hash the rawType + params
type.actualTypeArguments.fold(fingerprintForType(type.rawType, alreadySeen, hasher, factory)) { orig, paramType -> fingerprintForType(paramType, alreadySeen, orig, factory) }
} else if (type is GenericArrayType) {
// Hash the element type + some array hash
fingerprintForType(type.genericComponentType, alreadySeen, hasher, factory).putUnencodedChars(ARRAY_HASH)
} else {
throw NotSerializableException("Don't know how to hash $type")
} catch(e: NotSerializableException) {
throw NotSerializableException("${e.message} -> $type")
private fun isCollectionOrMap(type: Class<*>) = Collection::class.java.isAssignableFrom(type) || Map::class.java.isAssignableFrom(type)
private fun fingerprintForObject(type: Type, contextType: Type?, alreadySeen: MutableSet<Type>, hasher: Hasher, factory: SerializerFactory): Hasher {
// Hash the class + properties + interfaces
val name = type.asClass()?.name ?: throw NotSerializableException("Expected only Class or ParameterizedType but found $type")
propertiesForSerialization(constructorForDeserialization(type), contextType ?: type, factory).fold(hasher.putUnencodedChars(name)) { orig, prop ->
fingerprintForType(prop.resolvedType, type, alreadySeen, orig, factory).putUnencodedChars(prop.name).putUnencodedChars(if (prop.mandatory) NOT_NULLABLE_HASH else NULLABLE_HASH)
interfacesForSerialization(type).map { fingerprintForType(it, type, alreadySeen, hasher, factory) }
return hasher
@ -4,10 +4,8 @@ import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.Data
import java.beans.Introspector
import java.io.NotSerializableException
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
import java.lang.reflect.Type
import java.lang.reflect.*
import java.util.*
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.KFunction
import kotlin.reflect.KParameter
@ -29,9 +27,10 @@ annotation class ConstructorForDeserialization
* Otherwise it starts with the primary constructor in kotlin, if there is one, and then will override this with any that is
* annotated with [@CordaConstructor]. It will report an error if more than one constructor is annotated.
internal fun <T : Any> constructorForDeserialization(clazz: Class<T>): KFunction<T>? {
internal fun constructorForDeserialization(type: Type): KFunction<Any>? {
val clazz: Class<*> = type.asClass()!!
if (isConcrete(clazz)) {
var preferredCandidate: KFunction<T>? = clazz.kotlin.primaryConstructor
var preferredCandidate: KFunction<Any>? = clazz.kotlin.primaryConstructor
var annotatedCount = 0
val kotlinConstructors = clazz.kotlin.constructors
val hasDefault = kotlinConstructors.any { it.parameters.isEmpty() }
@ -60,13 +59,14 @@ internal fun <T : Any> constructorForDeserialization(clazz: Class<T>): KFunction
* Note, you will need any Java classes to be compiled with the `-parameters` option to ensure constructor parameters have
* names accessible via reflection.
internal fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerialization(kotlinConstructor: KFunction<T>?, clazz: Class<*>, factory: SerializerFactory): Collection<PropertySerializer> {
return if (kotlinConstructor != null) propertiesForSerialization(kotlinConstructor, factory) else propertiesForSerialization(clazz, factory)
internal fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerialization(kotlinConstructor: KFunction<T>?, type: Type, factory: SerializerFactory): Collection<PropertySerializer> {
val clazz = type.asClass()!!
return if (kotlinConstructor != null) propertiesForSerializationFromConstructor(kotlinConstructor, type, factory) else propertiesForSerializationFromAbstract(clazz, type, factory)
private fun isConcrete(clazz: Class<*>): Boolean = !(clazz.isInterface || Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.modifiers))
private fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerialization(kotlinConstructor: KFunction<T>, factory: SerializerFactory): Collection<PropertySerializer> {
private fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerializationFromConstructor(kotlinConstructor: KFunction<T>, type: Type, factory: SerializerFactory): Collection<PropertySerializer> {
val clazz = (kotlinConstructor.returnType.classifier as KClass<*>).javaObjectType
// Kotlin reflection doesn't work with Java getters the way you might expect, so we drop back to good ol' beans.
val properties = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz).propertyDescriptors.filter { it.name != "class" }.groupBy { it.name }.mapValues { it.value[0] }
@ -78,10 +78,11 @@ private fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerialization(kotlinConstructor: KFunction<T>
// Check that the method has a getter in java.
val getter = matchingProperty.readMethod ?: throw NotSerializableException("Property has no getter method for $name of $clazz." +
" If using Java and the parameter name looks anonymous, check that you have the -parameters option specified in the Java compiler.")
val returnType = resolveTypeVariables(getter.genericReturnType, type)
if (constructorParamTakesReturnTypeOfGetter(getter, param)) {
rc += PropertySerializer.make(name, getter, factory)
rc += PropertySerializer.make(name, getter, returnType, factory)
} else {
throw NotSerializableException("Property type ${getter.genericReturnType} for $name of $clazz differs from constructor parameter type ${param.type.javaType}")
throw NotSerializableException("Property type $returnType for $name of $clazz differs from constructor parameter type ${param.type.javaType}")
return rc
@ -89,35 +90,36 @@ private fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerialization(kotlinConstructor: KFunction<T>
private fun constructorParamTakesReturnTypeOfGetter(getter: Method, param: KParameter): Boolean = TypeToken.of(param.type.javaType).isSupertypeOf(getter.genericReturnType)
private fun propertiesForSerialization(clazz: Class<*>, factory: SerializerFactory): Collection<PropertySerializer> {
private fun propertiesForSerializationFromAbstract(clazz: Class<*>, type: Type, factory: SerializerFactory): Collection<PropertySerializer> {
// Kotlin reflection doesn't work with Java getters the way you might expect, so we drop back to good ol' beans.
val properties = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz).propertyDescriptors.filter { it.name != "class" }.sortedBy { it.name }
val rc: MutableList<PropertySerializer> = ArrayList(properties.size)
for (property in properties) {
// Check that the method has a getter in java.
val getter = property.readMethod ?: throw NotSerializableException("Property has no getter method for ${property.name} of $clazz.")
rc += PropertySerializer.make(property.name, getter, factory)
val returnType = resolveTypeVariables(getter.genericReturnType, type)
rc += PropertySerializer.make(property.name, getter, returnType, factory)
return rc
internal fun interfacesForSerialization(clazz: Class<*>): List<Type> {
internal fun interfacesForSerialization(type: Type): List<Type> {
val interfaces = LinkedHashSet<Type>()
exploreType(clazz, interfaces)
exploreType(type, interfaces)
return interfaces.toList()
private fun exploreType(type: Type?, interfaces: MutableSet<Type>) {
val clazz = (type as? Class<*>) ?: (type as? ParameterizedType)?.rawType as? Class<*>
val clazz = type?.asClass()
if (clazz != null) {
if (clazz.isInterface) interfaces += clazz
if (clazz.isInterface) interfaces += type!!
for (newInterface in clazz.genericInterfaces) {
if (newInterface !in interfaces) {
interfaces += newInterface
exploreType(newInterface, interfaces)
exploreType(resolveTypeVariables(newInterface, type), interfaces)
exploreType(clazz.genericSuperclass, interfaces)
val superClass = clazz.genericSuperclass ?: return
exploreType(resolveTypeVariables(superClass, type), interfaces)
@ -143,4 +145,58 @@ fun Data.withList(block: Data.() -> Unit) {
exit() // exit list
private fun resolveTypeVariables(actualType: Type, contextType: Type?): Type {
val resolvedType = if (contextType != null) TypeToken.of(contextType).resolveType(actualType).type else actualType
// TODO: surely we check it is concrete at this point with no TypeVariables
return if (resolvedType is TypeVariable<*>) {
val bounds = resolvedType.bounds
return if (bounds.isEmpty()) SerializerFactory.AnyType else if (bounds.size == 1) resolveTypeVariables(bounds[0], contextType) else throw NotSerializableException("Got bounded type $actualType but only support single bound.")
} else {
internal fun Type.asClass(): Class<*>? {
return if (this is Class<*>) {
} else if (this is ParameterizedType) {
} else if (this is GenericArrayType) {
} else null
internal fun Type.asArray(): Type? {
return if (this is Class<*>) {
} else if (this is ParameterizedType) {
} else null
internal fun Class<*>.arrayClass(): Class<*> = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(this, 0).javaClass
internal fun Type.isArray(): Boolean = (this is Class<*> && this.isArray) || (this is GenericArrayType)
internal fun Type.componentType(): Type {
check(this.isArray()) { "$this is not an array type." }
return (this as? Class<*>)?.componentType ?: (this as GenericArrayType).genericComponentType
internal fun Class<*>.asParameterizedType(): ParameterizedType {
return DeserializedParameterizedType(this, this.typeParameters)
internal fun Type.asParameterizedType(): ParameterizedType {
return when (this) {
is Class<*> -> this.asParameterizedType()
is ParameterizedType -> this
else -> throw NotSerializableException("Don't know how to convert to ParameterizedType")
internal fun Type.isSubClassOf(type: Type): Boolean {
return TypeToken.of(this).isSubtypeOf(type)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp
import com.google.common.primitives.Primitives
import com.google.common.reflect.TypeResolver
import net.corda.core.checkNotUnorderedHashMap
import net.corda.core.serialization.AllWhitelist
import net.corda.core.serialization.ClassWhitelist
@ -20,9 +21,9 @@ import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe
* Factory of serializers designed to be shared across threads and invocations.
// TODO: enums
// TODO: object references
// TODO: object references - need better fingerprinting?
// TODO: class references? (e.g. cheat with repeated descriptors using a long encoding, like object ref proposal)
// TODO: Inner classes etc
// TODO: Inner classes etc. Should we allow? Currently not considered.
// TODO: support for intern-ing of deserialized objects for some core types (e.g. PublicKey) for memory efficiency
// TODO: maybe support for caching of serialized form of some core types for performance
// TODO: profile for performance in general
@ -32,7 +33,13 @@ import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe
// TODO: apply class loader logic and an "app context" throughout this code.
// TODO: schema evolution solution when the fingerprints do not line up.
// TODO: allow definition of well known types that are left out of the schema.
// TODO: automatically support byte[] without having to wrap in [Binary].
// TODO: generally map Object to '*' all over the place in the schema and make sure use of '*' amd '?' is consistent and documented in generics.
// TODO: found a document that states textual descriptors are Symbols. Adjust schema class appropriately.
// TODO: document and alert to the fact that classes cannot default superclass/interface properties otherwise they are "erased" due to matching with constructor.
// TODO: type name prefixes for interfaces and abstract classes? Or use label?
// TODO: generic types should define restricted type alias with source of the wildcarded version, I think, if we're to generate classes from schema
// TODO: need to rethink matching of constructor to properties in relation to implementing interfaces and needing those properties etc.
// TODO: need to support super classes as well as interfaces with our current code base... what's involved? If we continue to ban, what is the impact?
class SerializerFactory(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist = AllWhitelist) {
private val serializersByType = ConcurrentHashMap<Type, AMQPSerializer<Any>>()
@ -42,44 +49,99 @@ class SerializerFactory(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist = AllWhitelist) {
* Look up, and manufacture if necessary, a serializer for the given type.
* @param actualType Will be null if there isn't an actual object instance available (e.g. for
* @param actualClass Will be null if there isn't an actual object instance available (e.g. for
* restricted type processing).
fun get(actualType: Class<*>?, declaredType: Type): AMQPSerializer<Any> {
if (declaredType is ParameterizedType) {
return serializersByType.computeIfAbsent(declaredType) {
// We allow only Collection and Map.
val rawType = declaredType.rawType
if (rawType is Class<*>) {
if (Collection::class.java.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
CollectionSerializer(declaredType, this)
} else if (Map::class.java.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
} else {
throw NotSerializableException("Declared types of $declaredType are not supported.")
} else {
throw NotSerializableException("Declared types of $declaredType are not supported.")
fun get(actualClass: Class<*>?, declaredType: Type): AMQPSerializer<Any> {
val declaredClass = declaredType.asClass()
if (declaredClass != null) {
val actualType: Type = inferTypeVariables(actualClass, declaredClass, declaredType) ?: declaredType
if (Collection::class.java.isAssignableFrom(declaredClass)) {
return serializersByType.computeIfAbsent(declaredType) {
CollectionSerializer(declaredType as? ParameterizedType ?: DeserializedParameterizedType(declaredClass, arrayOf(AnyType), null), this)
} else if (Map::class.java.isAssignableFrom(declaredClass)) {
return serializersByType.computeIfAbsent(declaredClass) {
makeMapSerializer(declaredType as? ParameterizedType ?: DeserializedParameterizedType(declaredClass, arrayOf(AnyType, AnyType), null))
} else if (declaredType is Class<*>) {
// Simple classes allowed
if (Collection::class.java.isAssignableFrom(declaredType)) {
return serializersByType.computeIfAbsent(declaredType) { CollectionSerializer(DeserializedParameterizedType(declaredType, arrayOf(AnyType), null), this) }
} else if (Map::class.java.isAssignableFrom(declaredType)) {
return serializersByType.computeIfAbsent(declaredType) { makeMapSerializer(DeserializedParameterizedType(declaredType, arrayOf(AnyType, AnyType), null)) }
} else {
return makeClassSerializer(actualType ?: declaredType)
return makeClassSerializer(actualClass ?: declaredClass, actualType, declaredType)
} else if (declaredType is GenericArrayType) {
return serializersByType.computeIfAbsent(declaredType) { ArraySerializer(declaredType, this) }
} else {
throw NotSerializableException("Declared types of $declaredType are not supported.")
* Try and infer concrete types for any generics type variables for the actual class encountered, based on the declared
* type.
// TODO: test GenericArrayType
private fun inferTypeVariables(actualClass: Class<*>?, declaredClass: Class<*>, declaredType: Type): Type? {
if (declaredType is ParameterizedType) {
return inferTypeVariables(actualClass, declaredClass, declaredType)
} else if (declaredType is Class<*>) {
// Nothing to infer, otherwise we'd have ParameterizedType
return actualClass
} else if (declaredType is GenericArrayType) {
val declaredComponent = declaredType.genericComponentType
return inferTypeVariables(actualClass?.componentType, declaredComponent.asClass()!!, declaredComponent)?.asArray()
} else return null
* Try and infer concrete types for any generics type variables for the actual class encountered, based on the declared
* type, which must be a [ParameterizedType].
private fun inferTypeVariables(actualClass: Class<*>?, declaredClass: Class<*>, declaredType: ParameterizedType): Type? {
if (actualClass == null || declaredClass == actualClass) {
return null
} else if (declaredClass.isAssignableFrom(actualClass)) {
return if (actualClass.typeParameters.isNotEmpty()) {
// The actual class can never have type variables resolved, due to the JVM's use of type erasure, so let's try and resolve them
// Search for declared type in the inheritance hierarchy and then see if that fills in all the variables
val implementationChain: List<Type>? = findPathToDeclared(actualClass, declaredType, mutableListOf<Type>())
if (implementationChain != null) {
val start = implementationChain.last()
val rest = implementationChain.dropLast(1).drop(1)
val resolver = rest.reversed().fold(TypeResolver().where(start, declaredType)) {
resolved, chainEntry ->
val newResolved = resolved.resolveType(chainEntry)
TypeResolver().where(chainEntry, newResolved)
// The end type is a special case as it is a Class, so we need to fake up a ParameterizedType for it to get the TypeResolver to do anything.
val endType = DeserializedParameterizedType(actualClass, actualClass.typeParameters)
val resolvedType = resolver.resolveType(endType)
} else throw NotSerializableException("No inheritance path between actual $actualClass and declared $declaredType.")
} else actualClass
} else throw NotSerializableException("Found object of type $actualClass in a property expecting $declaredType")
// Stop when reach declared type or return null if we don't find it.
private fun findPathToDeclared(startingType: Type, declaredType: Type, chain: MutableList<Type>): List<Type>? {
val startingClass = startingType.asClass()
if (startingClass == declaredType.asClass()) {
// We're done...
return chain
// Now explore potential options of superclass and all interfaces
val superClass = startingClass?.genericSuperclass
val superClassChain = if (superClass != null) {
val resolved = TypeResolver().where(startingClass.asParameterizedType(), startingType.asParameterizedType()).resolveType(superClass)
findPathToDeclared(resolved, declaredType, ArrayList(chain))
} else null
if (superClassChain != null) return superClassChain
for (iface in startingClass?.genericInterfaces ?: emptyArray()) {
val resolved = TypeResolver().where(startingClass!!.asParameterizedType(), startingType.asParameterizedType()).resolveType(iface)
return findPathToDeclared(resolved, declaredType, ArrayList(chain)) ?: continue
return null
* Lookup and manufacture a serializer for the given AMQP type descriptor, assuming we also have the necessary types
* contained in the [Schema].
@ -93,7 +155,8 @@ class SerializerFactory(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist = AllWhitelist) {
* TODO: Add docs
* Register a custom serializer for any type that cannot be serialized or deserialized by the default serializer
* that expects to find getters and a constructor with a parameter for each property.
fun register(customSerializer: CustomSerializer<out Any>) {
if (!serializersByDescriptor.containsKey(customSerializer.typeDescriptor)) {
@ -118,25 +181,10 @@ class SerializerFactory(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist = AllWhitelist) {
private fun restrictedTypeForName(name: String): Type {
return if (name.endsWith("[]")) {
val elementType = restrictedTypeForName(name.substring(0, name.lastIndex - 1))
if (elementType is ParameterizedType || elementType is GenericArrayType) {
} else if (elementType is Class<*>) {
java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(elementType, 0).javaClass
} else {
throw NotSerializableException("Not able to deserialize array type: $name")
} else {
private fun processRestrictedType(typeNotation: RestrictedType) {
serializersByDescriptor.computeIfAbsent(typeNotation.descriptor.name!!) {
// TODO: class loader logic, and compare the schema.
val type = restrictedTypeForName(typeNotation.name)
val type = typeForName(typeNotation.name)
get(null, type)
@ -144,63 +192,61 @@ class SerializerFactory(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist = AllWhitelist) {
private fun processCompositeType(typeNotation: CompositeType) {
serializersByDescriptor.computeIfAbsent(typeNotation.descriptor.name!!) {
// TODO: class loader logic, and compare the schema.
val clazz = Class.forName(typeNotation.name)
get(clazz, clazz)
val type = typeForName(typeNotation.name)
get(type.asClass() ?: throw NotSerializableException("Unable to build composite type for $type"), type)
private fun checkParameterisedTypesConcrete(actualTypeArguments: Array<out Type>) {
for (type in actualTypeArguments) {
// Needs to be another parameterised type or a class, or any type.
if (type !is Class<*>) {
if (type is ParameterizedType) {
} else if (type != AnyType) {
throw NotSerializableException("Declared parameterised types containing $type as a parameter are not supported.")
private fun makeClassSerializer(clazz: Class<*>, type: Type, declaredType: Type): AMQPSerializer<Any> {
return serializersByType.computeIfAbsent(type) {
if (isPrimitive(clazz)) {
} else {
findCustomSerializer(clazz, declaredType) ?: run {
if (type.isArray()) {
ArraySerializer(type, this)
} else if (clazz.kotlin.objectInstance != null) {
SingletonSerializer(clazz, clazz.kotlin.objectInstance!!, this)
} else {
ObjectSerializer(type, this)
private fun makeClassSerializer(clazz: Class<*>): AMQPSerializer<Any> {
return serializersByType.computeIfAbsent(clazz) {
if (isPrimitive(clazz)) {
} else {
findCustomSerializer(clazz) ?: {
if (clazz.isArray) {
ArraySerializer(clazz, this)
} else {
ObjectSerializer(clazz, this)
internal fun findCustomSerializer(clazz: Class<*>): AMQPSerializer<Any>? {
internal fun findCustomSerializer(clazz: Class<*>, declaredType: Type): AMQPSerializer<Any>? {
// e.g. Imagine if we provided a Map serializer this way, then it won't work if the declared type is AbstractMap, only Map.
// Otherwise it needs to inject additional schema for a RestrictedType source of the super type. Could be done, but do we need it?
for (customSerializer in customSerializers) {
if (customSerializer.isSerializerFor(clazz)) {
return customSerializer
val declaredSuperClass = declaredType.asClass()?.superclass
if (declaredSuperClass == null || !customSerializer.isSerializerFor(declaredSuperClass)) {
return customSerializer
} else {
// Make a subclass serializer for the subclass and return that...
return CustomSerializer.SubClass<Any>(clazz, customSerializer as CustomSerializer<Any>)
return null
private fun whitelisted(clazz: Class<*>): Boolean {
if (whitelist.hasListed(clazz) || hasAnnotationInHierarchy(clazz)) {
return true
} else {
throw NotSerializableException("Class $clazz is not on the whitelist or annotated with @CordaSerializable.")
private fun whitelisted(type: Type) {
val clazz = type.asClass()!!
if (!whitelist.hasListed(clazz) && !hasAnnotationInHierarchy(clazz)) {
throw NotSerializableException("Class $type is not on the whitelist or annotated with @CordaSerializable.")
// Recursively check the class, interfaces and superclasses for our annotation.
internal fun hasAnnotationInHierarchy(type: Class<*>): Boolean {
return type.isAnnotationPresent(CordaSerializable::class.java) ||
type.interfaces.any { it.isAnnotationPresent(CordaSerializable::class.java) || hasAnnotationInHierarchy(it) }
type.interfaces.any { hasAnnotationInHierarchy(it) }
|| (type.superclass != null && hasAnnotationInHierarchy(type.superclass))
@ -211,9 +257,16 @@ class SerializerFactory(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist = AllWhitelist) {
companion object {
fun isPrimitive(type: Type): Boolean = type is Class<*> && Primitives.wrap(type) in primitiveTypeNames
fun isPrimitive(type: Type): Boolean = primitiveTypeName(type) != null
fun primitiveTypeName(type: Type): String? = primitiveTypeNames[type as? Class<*>]
fun primitiveTypeName(type: Type): String? {
val clazz = type as? Class<*> ?: return null
return primitiveTypeNames[Primitives.unwrap(clazz)]
fun primitiveType(type: String): Class<*>? {
return namesOfPrimitiveTypes[type]
private val primitiveTypeNames: Map<Class<*>, String> = mapOf(
Boolean::class.java to "boolean",
@ -221,7 +274,7 @@ class SerializerFactory(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist = AllWhitelist) {
UnsignedByte::class.java to "ubyte",
Short::class.java to "short",
UnsignedShort::class.java to "ushort",
Integer::class.java to "int",
Int::class.java to "int",
UnsignedInteger::class.java to "uint",
Long::class.java to "long",
UnsignedLong::class.java to "ulong",
@ -233,9 +286,36 @@ class SerializerFactory(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist = AllWhitelist) {
Char::class.java to "char",
Date::class.java to "timestamp",
UUID::class.java to "uuid",
Binary::class.java to "binary",
ByteArray::class.java to "binary",
String::class.java to "string",
Symbol::class.java to "symbol")
private val namesOfPrimitiveTypes: Map<String, Class<*>> = primitiveTypeNames.map { it.value to it.key }.toMap()
fun nameForType(type: Type): String {
if (type is Class<*>) {
return primitiveTypeName(type) ?: if (type.isArray) "${nameForType(type.componentType)}[]" else type.name
} else if (type is ParameterizedType) {
return "${nameForType(type.rawType)}<${type.actualTypeArguments.joinToString { nameForType(it) }}>"
} else if (type is GenericArrayType) {
return "${nameForType(type.genericComponentType)}[]"
} else throw NotSerializableException("Unable to render type $type to a string.")
private fun typeForName(name: String): Type {
return if (name.endsWith("[]")) {
val elementType = typeForName(name.substring(0, name.lastIndex - 1))
if (elementType is ParameterizedType || elementType is GenericArrayType) {
} else if (elementType is Class<*>) {
java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(elementType, 0).javaClass
} else {
throw NotSerializableException("Not able to deserialize array type: $name")
} else {
object AnyType : WildcardType {
@ -246,4 +326,3 @@ class SerializerFactory(val whitelist: ClassWhitelist = AllWhitelist) {
override fun toString(): String = "?"
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.Data
import java.lang.reflect.Type
* A custom serializer that transports nothing on the wire (except a boolean "false", since AMQP does not support
* absolutely nothing, or null as a described type) when we have a singleton within the node that we just
* want converting back to that singleton instance on the receiving JVM.
class SingletonSerializer(override val type: Class<*>, val singleton: Any, factory: SerializerFactory) : AMQPSerializer<Any> {
override val typeDescriptor = "$DESCRIPTOR_DOMAIN:${fingerprintForType(type, factory)}"
private val interfaces = interfacesForSerialization(type)
private fun generateProvides(): List<String> = interfaces.map { it.typeName }
internal val typeNotation: TypeNotation = RestrictedType(type.typeName, "Singleton", generateProvides(), "boolean", Descriptor(typeDescriptor, null), emptyList())
override fun writeClassInfo(output: SerializationOutput) {
override fun writeObject(obj: Any, data: Data, type: Type, output: SerializationOutput) {
data.withDescribed(typeNotation.descriptor) {
override fun readObject(obj: Any, schema: Schema, input: DeserializationInput): Any {
return singleton
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.custom
import net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.CustomSerializer
import java.math.BigDecimal
* A serializer for [BigDecimal], utilising the string based helper. [BigDecimal] seems to have no import/export
* features that are precision independent other than via a string. The format of the string is discussed in the
* documentation for [BigDecimal.toString].
object BigDecimalSerializer : CustomSerializer.ToString<BigDecimal>(BigDecimal::class.java)
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.custom
import net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.CustomSerializer
import java.util.*
* A custom serializer for the [Currency] class, utilizing the currency code string representation.
object CurrencySerializer : CustomSerializer.ToString<Currency>(Currency::class.java,
withInheritance = false,
maker = { Currency.getInstance(it) },
unmaker = { it.currencyCode })
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.custom
import net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.CustomSerializer
import net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.SerializerFactory
import java.time.Instant
* A serializer for [Instant] that uses a proxy object to write out the seconds since the epoch and the nanos.
class InstantSerializer(factory: SerializerFactory) : CustomSerializer.Proxy<Instant, InstantSerializer.InstantProxy>(Instant::class.java, InstantProxy::class.java, factory) {
override val additionalSerializers: Iterable<CustomSerializer<out Any>> = emptyList()
override fun toProxy(obj: Instant): InstantProxy = InstantProxy(obj.epochSecond, obj.nano)
override fun fromProxy(proxy: InstantProxy): Instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(proxy.epochSeconds, proxy.nanos.toLong())
data class InstantProxy(val epochSeconds: Long, val nanos: Int)
@ -2,23 +2,25 @@ package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.custom
import net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
import net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.*
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.Binary
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.Data
import java.lang.reflect.Type
import java.security.PublicKey
class PublicKeySerializer : CustomSerializer.Implements<PublicKey>(PublicKey::class.java) {
* A serializer that writes out a public key in X.509 format.
object PublicKeySerializer : CustomSerializer.Implements<PublicKey>(PublicKey::class.java) {
override val additionalSerializers: Iterable<CustomSerializer<out Any>> = emptyList()
override val schemaForDocumentation = Schema(listOf(RestrictedType(type.toString(), "", listOf(type.toString()), SerializerFactory.primitiveTypeName(Binary::class.java)!!, descriptor, emptyList())))
override val schemaForDocumentation = Schema(listOf(RestrictedType(type.toString(), "", listOf(type.toString()), SerializerFactory.primitiveTypeName(ByteArray::class.java)!!, descriptor, emptyList())))
override fun writeDescribedObject(obj: PublicKey, data: Data, type: Type, output: SerializationOutput) {
// TODO: Instead of encoding to the default X509 format, we could have a custom per key type (space-efficient) serialiser.
output.writeObject(Binary(obj.encoded), data, clazz)
output.writeObject(obj.encoded, data, clazz)
override fun readObject(obj: Any, schema: Schema, input: DeserializationInput): PublicKey {
val A = input.readObject(obj, schema, ByteArray::class.java) as Binary
return Crypto.decodePublicKey(A.array)
val bits = input.readObject(obj, schema, ByteArray::class.java) as ByteArray
return Crypto.decodePublicKey(bits)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.custom
import net.corda.core.serialization.amqp.*
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.Data
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1InputStream
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name
import java.lang.reflect.Type
* Custom serializer for X500 names that utilizes their ASN.1 encoding on the wire.
object X500NameSerializer : CustomSerializer.Implements<X500Name>(X500Name::class.java) {
override val additionalSerializers: Iterable<CustomSerializer<out Any>> = emptyList()
override val schemaForDocumentation = Schema(listOf(RestrictedType(type.toString(), "", listOf(type.toString()), SerializerFactory.primitiveTypeName(ByteArray::class.java)!!, descriptor, emptyList())))
override fun writeDescribedObject(obj: X500Name, data: Data, type: Type, output: SerializationOutput) {
output.writeObject(obj.encoded, data, clazz)
override fun readObject(obj: Any, schema: Schema, input: DeserializationInput): X500Name {
val binary = input.readObject(obj, schema, ByteArray::class.java) as ByteArray
return X500Name.getInstance(ASN1InputStream(binary).readObject())
@ -1,17 +1,26 @@
package net.corda.core.serialization.amqp
import net.corda.core.contracts.*
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowException
import net.corda.core.identity.AbstractParty
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable
import net.corda.core.serialization.EmptyWhitelist
import net.corda.core.serialization.KryoAMQPSerializer
import net.corda.core.utilities.CordaRuntimeException
import net.corda.nodeapi.RPCException
import net.corda.testing.MEGA_CORP
import net.corda.testing.MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.DecoderImpl
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.EncoderImpl
import org.junit.Test
import java.io.IOException
import java.io.NotSerializableException
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.*
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertNotNull
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
@ -58,12 +67,38 @@ class SerializationOutputTests {
data class GenericFoo<T>(val bar: String, val pub: T)
data class ContainsGenericFoo(val contain: GenericFoo<String>)
data class NestedGenericFoo<T>(val contain: GenericFoo<T>)
data class ContainsNestedGenericFoo(val contain: NestedGenericFoo<String>)
data class TreeMapWrapper(val tree: TreeMap<Int, Foo>)
data class NavigableMapWrapper(val tree: NavigableMap<Int, Foo>)
data class SortedSetWrapper(val set: SortedSet<Int>)
open class InheritedGeneric<X>(val foo: X)
data class ExtendsGeneric(val bar: Int, val pub: String) : InheritedGeneric<String>(pub)
interface GenericInterface<X> {
val pub: X
data class ImplementsGenericString(val bar: Int, override val pub: String) : GenericInterface<String>
data class ImplementsGenericX<Y>(val bar: Int, override val pub: Y) : GenericInterface<Y>
abstract class AbstractGenericX<Z> : GenericInterface<Z>
data class InheritGenericX<A>(val duke: Double, override val pub: A) : AbstractGenericX<A>()
data class CapturesGenericX(val foo: GenericInterface<String>)
object KotlinObject
class Mismatch(fred: Int) {
val ginger: Int = fred
@ -85,7 +120,11 @@ class SerializationOutputTests {
data class PolymorphicProperty(val foo: FooInterface?)
private fun serdes(obj: Any, factory: SerializerFactory = SerializerFactory(), freshDeserializationFactory: SerializerFactory = SerializerFactory(), expectedEqual: Boolean = true): Any {
private fun serdes(obj: Any,
factory: SerializerFactory = SerializerFactory(),
freshDeserializationFactory: SerializerFactory = SerializerFactory(),
expectedEqual: Boolean = true,
expectDeserializedEqual: Boolean = true): Any {
val ser = SerializationOutput(factory)
val bytes = ser.serialize(obj)
@ -103,6 +142,7 @@ class SerializationOutputTests {
// Check that a vanilla AMQP decoder can deserialize without schema.
val result = decoder.readObject() as Envelope
val des = DeserializationInput(freshDeserializationFactory)
val desObj = des.deserialize(bytes)
@ -113,7 +153,7 @@ class SerializationOutputTests {
val des2 = DeserializationInput(factory)
val desObj2 = des2.deserialize(ser2.serialize(obj))
assertTrue(Objects.deepEquals(obj, desObj2) == expectedEqual)
assertTrue(Objects.deepEquals(desObj, desObj2))
assertTrue(Objects.deepEquals(desObj, desObj2) == expectDeserializedEqual)
// TODO: add some schema assertions to check correctly formed.
return desObj2
@ -155,7 +195,7 @@ class SerializationOutputTests {
@Test(expected = NotSerializableException::class)
fun `test top level list array`() {
val obj = arrayOf(listOf("Fred", "Ginger"), listOf("Rogers", "Hammerstein"))
@ -197,12 +237,51 @@ class SerializationOutputTests {
@Test(expected = NotSerializableException::class)
fun `test generic foo`() {
val obj = GenericFoo("Fred", "Ginger")
fun `test generic foo as property`() {
val obj = ContainsGenericFoo(GenericFoo("Fred", "Ginger"))
fun `test nested generic foo as property`() {
val obj = ContainsNestedGenericFoo(NestedGenericFoo(GenericFoo("Fred", "Ginger")))
// TODO: Generic interfaces / superclasses
fun `test extends generic`() {
val obj = ExtendsGeneric(1, "Ginger")
fun `test implements generic`() {
val obj = ImplementsGenericString(1, "Ginger")
fun `test implements generic captured`() {
val obj = CapturesGenericX(ImplementsGenericX(1, "Ginger"))
fun `test inherits generic captured`() {
val obj = CapturesGenericX(InheritGenericX(1.0, "Ginger"))
@Test(expected = NotSerializableException::class)
fun `test TreeMap`() {
val obj = TreeMap<Int, Foo>()
@ -246,9 +325,9 @@ class SerializationOutputTests {
fun `test custom serializers on public key`() {
val factory = SerializerFactory()
val factory2 = SerializerFactory()
serdes(obj, factory, factory2)
@ -267,8 +346,9 @@ class SerializationOutputTests {
val factory2 = SerializerFactory()
val obj = IllegalAccessException("message").fillInStackTrace()
serdes(obj, factory, factory2, false)
val t = IllegalAccessException("message").fillInStackTrace()
val desThrowable = serdes(t, factory, factory2, false) as Throwable
assertSerializedThrowableEquivalent(t, desThrowable)
@ -286,7 +366,19 @@ class SerializationOutputTests {
throw IllegalStateException("Layer 2", t)
} catch(t: Throwable) {
serdes(t, factory, factory2, false)
val desThrowable = serdes(t, factory, factory2, false) as Throwable
assertSerializedThrowableEquivalent(t, desThrowable)
fun assertSerializedThrowableEquivalent(t: Throwable, desThrowable: Throwable) {
assertTrue(desThrowable is CordaRuntimeException) // Since we don't handle the other case(s) yet
if (desThrowable is CordaRuntimeException) {
assertEquals("${t.javaClass.name}: ${t.message}", desThrowable.message)
assertTrue(desThrowable is CordaRuntimeException)
assertTrue(Objects.deepEquals(t.stackTrace, desThrowable.stackTrace))
assertEquals(t.suppressed.size, desThrowable.suppressed.size)
t.suppressed.zip(desThrowable.suppressed).forEach { (before, after) -> assertSerializedThrowableEquivalent(before, after) }
@ -307,7 +399,8 @@ class SerializationOutputTests {
throw e
} catch(t: Throwable) {
serdes(t, factory, factory2, false)
val desThrowable = serdes(t, factory, factory2, false) as Throwable
assertSerializedThrowableEquivalent(t, desThrowable)
@ -347,4 +440,88 @@ class SerializationOutputTests {
fun `test kotlin object`() {
object FooContract : Contract {
override fun verify(tx: TransactionForContract) {
override val legalContractReference: SecureHash = SecureHash.Companion.sha256("FooContractLegal")
class FooState : ContractState {
override val contract: Contract
get() = FooContract
override val participants: List<AbstractParty>
get() = emptyList()
fun `test transaction state`() {
val state = TransactionState<FooState>(FooState(), MEGA_CORP)
val factory = SerializerFactory()
val factory2 = SerializerFactory()
val desState = serdes(state, factory, factory2, expectedEqual = false, expectDeserializedEqual = false)
assertTrue(desState is TransactionState<*>)
assertTrue((desState as TransactionState<*>).data is FooState)
assertTrue(desState.notary == state.notary)
assertTrue(desState.encumbrance == state.encumbrance)
fun `test currencies serialize`() {
val factory = SerializerFactory()
val factory2 = SerializerFactory()
val obj = Currency.getInstance("USD")
serdes(obj, factory, factory2)
fun `test big decimals serialize`() {
val factory = SerializerFactory()
val factory2 = SerializerFactory()
val obj = BigDecimal("100000000000000000000000000000.00")
serdes(obj, factory, factory2)
fun `test instants serialize`() {
val factory = SerializerFactory()
val factory2 = SerializerFactory()
val obj = Instant.now()
serdes(obj, factory, factory2)
fun `test StateRef serialize`() {
val factory = SerializerFactory()
val factory2 = SerializerFactory()
val obj = StateRef(SecureHash.randomSHA256(), 0)
serdes(obj, factory, factory2)
Reference in New Issue
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