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synced 2025-03-18 10:05:28 +00:00
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This commit is contained in:
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class BridgeIntegrationTest {
assertEquals(BridgeMode.SenderReceiver, config.bridgeMode)
assertEquals(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 11005), config.outboundConfig!!.artemisBrokerAddress)
assertEquals(NetworkHostAndPort("", 10005), config.inboundConfig!!.listeningAddress)
val (artemisServer, artemisClient) = createArtemis()
@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ class BridgeIntegrationTest {
fun `Load bridge (float inner) and float outer and stand them up`() {
fun `Load bridge (bridge Inner) and float outer and stand them up`() {
val bridgeFolder = tempFolder.root.toPath()
val bridgeConfigResource = "/net/corda/bridge/withfloat/bridge/bridge.conf"
val bridgeConfig = createAndLoadConfigFromResource(bridgeFolder, bridgeConfigResource)
assertEquals(BridgeMode.FloatInner, bridgeConfig.bridgeMode)
assertEquals(BridgeMode.BridgeInner, bridgeConfig.bridgeMode)
assertEquals(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 11005), bridgeConfig.outboundConfig!!.artemisBrokerAddress)
val floatFolder = tempFolder.root.toPath() / "float"
val floatConfigResource = "/net/corda/bridge/withfloat/float/bridge.conf"
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ class BridgeIntegrationTest {
assertEquals(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 11005), config.outboundConfig!!.artemisBrokerAddress)
assertEquals(listOf(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 12005)), config.outboundConfig!!.alternateArtemisBrokerAddresses)
assertEquals(NetworkHostAndPort("", 10005), config.inboundConfig!!.listeningAddress)
val (artemisServer, artemisClient) = createArtemis()
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ class BridgeIntegrationTest {
val bridgeConfig = createAndLoadConfigFromResource(bridgeFolder, bridgeConfigResource)
assertEquals(BridgeMode.FloatInner, bridgeConfig.bridgeMode)
assertEquals(BridgeMode.BridgeInner, bridgeConfig.bridgeMode)
assertEquals(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 11005), bridgeConfig.outboundConfig!!.artemisBrokerAddress)
assertEquals(listOf(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 12005)), bridgeConfig.outboundConfig!!.alternateArtemisBrokerAddresses)
val floatFolder = tempFolder.root.toPath() / "float"
@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ class BridgeInstance(val conf: BridgeConfiguration,
floatSupervisorService = FloatSupervisorServiceImpl(conf, maxMessageSize, bridgeAuditService)
bridgeSupervisorService = BridgeSupervisorServiceImpl(conf, maxMessageSize, bridgeAuditService, floatSupervisorService!!.amqpListenerService)
// In the FloatInner mode the process runs the full outbound message path as in the SenderReceiver mode, but the inbound path is split.
// This 'Float Inner/Bridge Controller' process runs the more trusted portion of the inbound path.
// In particular the 'Float Inner/Bridge Controller' has access to the persisted TLS KeyStore, which it provisions dynamically into the 'Float Outer'.
// Also the the 'Float Inner' does more complete validation of inbound messages and ensures that they correspond to legitimate
// In the BridgeInner mode the process runs the full outbound message path as in the SenderReceiver mode, but the inbound path is split.
// This 'Bridge Inner/Bridge Controller' process runs the more trusted portion of the inbound path.
// In particular the 'Bridge Inner/Bridge Controller' has access to the persisted TLS KeyStore, which it provisions dynamically into the 'Float Outer'.
// Also the the 'Bridge Inner' does more complete validation of inbound messages and ensures that they correspond to legitimate
// node inboxes, before transferring the message to Artemis. Potentially it might carry out deeper checks of received packets.
// However, the 'Float Inner' is not directly exposed to the internet, or peers and does not host the TLS/AMQP 1.0 server socket.
BridgeMode.FloatInner -> {
// However, the 'Bridge Inner' is not directly exposed to the internet, or peers and does not host the TLS/AMQP 1.0 server socket.
BridgeMode.BridgeInner -> {
bridgeSupervisorService = BridgeSupervisorServiceImpl(conf, maxMessageSize, bridgeAuditService, null)
// In the FloatOuter mode this process runs a minimal AMQP proxy that is designed to run in a DMZ zone.
@ -144,12 +144,12 @@ class BridgeInstance(val conf: BridgeConfiguration,
// to minimise any state. It specifically does not persist the Node TLS keys anywhere, nor does it hold network map information on peers.
// The 'Float Outer' does not initiate socket connection anywhere, so that attackers can be easily blocked by firewalls
// if they try to invade the system from a compromised 'Float Outer' machine. The 'Float Outer' hosts a control TLS/AMQP 1.0 server socket,
// which receives a connection from the 'Float Inner/Bridge controller' in the trusted zone of the organisation.
// which receives a connection from the 'Bridge Inner/Bridge controller' in the trusted zone of the organisation.
// The control channel is ideally authenticated using server/client certificates that are not related to the Corda PKI hierarchy.
// Once the control channel is formed it is used to RPC the methods of the BridgeAMQPListenerService to start the publicly visible
// TLS/AMQP 1.0 server socket of the Corda node. Thus peer connections will directly terminate onto the activate listener socket and
// be validated against the keys/certificates sent across the control tunnel. Inbound messages are given basic checks that do not require
// holding potentially sensitive information and are then forwarded across the control tunnel to the 'Float Inner' process for more
// holding potentially sensitive information and are then forwarded across the control tunnel to the 'Bridge Inner' process for more
// complete validation checks.
BridgeMode.FloatOuter -> {
floatSupervisorService = FloatSupervisorServiceImpl(conf, maxMessageSize, bridgeAuditService)
@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ enum class BridgeMode {
* Runs only the trusted bridge side of the system, which has direct TLS access to Artemis.
* The components handles all outgoing aspects of AMQP bridges directly.
* The inbound messages are initially received onto a different [FloatOuter] process and a
* separate AMQP tunnel is used to ship back the inbound data to this [FloatInner] process.
* separate AMQP tunnel is used to ship back the inbound data to this [BridgeInner] process.
* A minimal process designed to be run inside a DMZ, which acts an AMQP receiver of inbound peer messages.
* The component carries out basic validation of the TLS sources and AMQP packets, before forwarding to the [FloatInner].
* No keys are stored on disk for the component, but must instead be provisioned from the [FloatInner] using a
* separate AMQP link initiated from the [FloatInner] to the [FloatOuter].
* The component carries out basic validation of the TLS sources and AMQP packets, before forwarding to the [BridgeInner].
* No keys are stored on disk for the component, but must instead be provisioned from the [BridgeInner] using a
* separate AMQP link initiated from the [BridgeInner] to the [FloatOuter].
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ interface BridgeSSLConfiguration : SSLConfiguration {
* Details of the local Artemis broker.
* Required in SenderReceiver and FloatInner modes.
* Required in SenderReceiver and BridgeInner modes.
interface BridgeOutboundConfiguration {
val artemisBrokerAddress: NetworkHostAndPort
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ interface BridgeInboundConfiguration {
* Details of the target control ports of available [BridgeMode.FloatOuter] processes from the perspective of the [BridgeMode.FloatInner] process.
* Required for [BridgeMode.FloatInner] mode.
* Details of the target control ports of available [BridgeMode.FloatOuter] processes from the perspective of the [BridgeMode.BridgeInner] process.
* Required for [BridgeMode.BridgeInner] mode.
interface FloatInnerConfiguration {
interface BridgeInnerConfiguration {
val floatAddresses: List<NetworkHostAndPort>
val expectedCertificateSubject: CordaX500Name
// Allows override of [KeyStore] details for the control port, otherwise the general top level details are used.
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ interface BridgeHAConfig {
* Details of the listening port for a [BridgeMode.FloatOuter] process and of the certificate that the [BridgeMode.FloatInner] should present.
* Details of the listening port for a [BridgeMode.FloatOuter] process and of the certificate that the [BridgeMode.BridgeInner] should present.
* Required for [BridgeMode.FloatOuter] mode.
interface FloatOuterConfiguration {
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ interface BridgeConfiguration : NodeSSLConfiguration {
val bridgeMode: BridgeMode
val outboundConfig: BridgeOutboundConfiguration?
val inboundConfig: BridgeInboundConfiguration?
val floatInnerConfig: FloatInnerConfiguration?
val bridgeInnerConfig: BridgeInnerConfiguration?
val floatOuterConfig: FloatOuterConfiguration?
val haConfig: BridgeHAConfig?
val networkParametersPath: Path
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
package net.corda.bridge.services.api
* This is the top level service representing the [BridgeMode.FloatInner] service stack. The primary role of this component is to
* This is the top level service representing the [BridgeMode.BridgeInner] service stack. The primary role of this component is to
* create and wire up concrete implementations of the relevant services according to the [BridgeConfiguration] details.
* The possibly proxied path to the [BridgeAMQPListenerService] is typically a constructor input
* as that is a [BridgeMode.FloatOuter] component.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
package net.corda.bridge.services.api
* This service represent an AMQP socket listener that awaits a remote initiated connection from the [BridgeMode.FloatInner].
* Only one active connection is allowed at a time and it must match the configured requirements in the [BridgeConfiguration.floatInnerConfig].
* This service represent an AMQP socket listener that awaits a remote initiated connection from the [BridgeMode.BridgeInner].
* Only one active connection is allowed at a time and it must match the configured requirements in the [BridgeConfiguration.bridgeInnerConfig].
interface FloatControlService : ServiceLifecycleSupport
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ data class BridgeOutboundConfigurationImpl(override val artemisBrokerAddress: Ne
data class BridgeInboundConfigurationImpl(override val listeningAddress: NetworkHostAndPort,
override val customSSLConfiguration: BridgeSSLConfigurationImpl?) : BridgeInboundConfiguration
data class FloatInnerConfigurationImpl(override val floatAddresses: List<NetworkHostAndPort>,
override val expectedCertificateSubject: CordaX500Name,
override val customSSLConfiguration: BridgeSSLConfigurationImpl?,
override val customFloatOuterSSLConfiguration: BridgeSSLConfigurationImpl?) : FloatInnerConfiguration
data class BridgeInnerConfigurationImpl(override val floatAddresses: List<NetworkHostAndPort>,
override val expectedCertificateSubject: CordaX500Name,
override val customSSLConfiguration: BridgeSSLConfigurationImpl?,
override val customFloatOuterSSLConfiguration: BridgeSSLConfigurationImpl?) : BridgeInnerConfiguration
data class FloatOuterConfigurationImpl(override val floatAddress: NetworkHostAndPort,
override val expectedCertificateSubject: CordaX500Name,
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ data class BridgeConfigurationImpl(
override val networkParametersPath: Path,
override val outboundConfig: BridgeOutboundConfigurationImpl?,
override val inboundConfig: BridgeInboundConfigurationImpl?,
override val floatInnerConfig: FloatInnerConfigurationImpl?,
override val bridgeInnerConfig: BridgeInnerConfigurationImpl?,
override val floatOuterConfig: FloatOuterConfigurationImpl?,
override val haConfig: BridgeHAConfigImpl?,
override val enableAMQPPacketTrace: Boolean,
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ data class BridgeConfigurationImpl(
init {
if (bridgeMode == BridgeMode.SenderReceiver) {
require(inboundConfig != null && outboundConfig != null) { "Missing required configuration" }
} else if (bridgeMode == BridgeMode.FloatInner) {
require(floatInnerConfig != null && outboundConfig != null) { "Missing required configuration" }
} else if (bridgeMode == BridgeMode.BridgeInner) {
require(bridgeInnerConfig != null && outboundConfig != null) { "Missing required configuration" }
} else if (bridgeMode == BridgeMode.FloatOuter) {
require(inboundConfig != null && floatOuterConfig != null) { "Missing required configuration" }
@ -59,19 +59,19 @@ class TunnelingBridgeReceiverService(val conf: BridgeConfiguration,
init {
statusFollower = ServiceStateCombiner(listOf(auditService, haService, filterService))
controlLinkSSLConfiguration = conf.floatInnerConfig?.customSSLConfiguration ?: conf
floatListenerSSLConfiguration = conf.floatInnerConfig?.customFloatOuterSSLConfiguration ?: conf
controlLinkSSLConfiguration = conf.bridgeInnerConfig?.customSSLConfiguration ?: conf
floatListenerSSLConfiguration = conf.bridgeInnerConfig?.customFloatOuterSSLConfiguration ?: conf
controlLinkKeyStore = controlLinkSSLConfiguration.loadSslKeyStore().internal
controLinkKeyStorePrivateKeyPassword = controlLinkSSLConfiguration.keyStorePassword
controlLinkTrustStore = controlLinkSSLConfiguration.loadTrustStore().internal
expectedCertificateSubject = conf.floatInnerConfig!!.expectedCertificateSubject
expectedCertificateSubject = conf.bridgeInnerConfig!!.expectedCertificateSubject
override fun start() {
statusSubscriber = statusFollower.activeChange.subscribe {
if (it) {
val floatAddresses = conf.floatInnerConfig!!.floatAddresses
val floatAddresses = conf.bridgeInnerConfig!!.floatAddresses
val controlClient = AMQPClient(floatAddresses, setOf(expectedCertificateSubject), null, null, controlLinkKeyStore, controLinkKeyStorePrivateKeyPassword, controlLinkTrustStore, conf.crlCheckSoftFail, conf.enableAMQPPacketTrace)
connectSubscriber = controlClient.onConnection.subscribe { onConnectToControl(it) }
receiveSubscriber = controlClient.onReceive.subscribe { onFloatMessage(it) }
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class ConfigTest {
assertEquals(BridgeMode.SenderReceiver, config.bridgeMode)
assertEquals(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 11005), config.outboundConfig!!.artemisBrokerAddress)
assertEquals(NetworkHostAndPort("", 10005), config.inboundConfig!!.listeningAddress)
@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ class ConfigTest {
fun `Load simple bridge config`() {
val configResource = "/net/corda/bridge/withfloat/bridge/bridge.conf"
val config = createAndLoadConfigFromResource(tempFolder.root.toPath(), configResource)
assertEquals(BridgeMode.FloatInner, config.bridgeMode)
assertEquals(BridgeMode.BridgeInner, config.bridgeMode)
assertEquals(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 11005), config.outboundConfig!!.artemisBrokerAddress)
assertEquals(listOf(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 12005)), config.floatInnerConfig!!.floatAddresses)
assertEquals(CordaX500Name.parse("O=Bank A, L=London, C=GB"), config.floatInnerConfig!!.expectedCertificateSubject)
assertEquals(listOf(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 12005)), config.bridgeInnerConfig!!.floatAddresses)
assertEquals(CordaX500Name.parse("O=Bank A, L=London, C=GB"), config.bridgeInnerConfig!!.expectedCertificateSubject)
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class ConfigTest {
assertEquals(BridgeMode.FloatOuter, config.bridgeMode)
assertEquals(NetworkHostAndPort("", 10005), config.inboundConfig!!.listeningAddress)
assertEquals(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", 12005), config.floatOuterConfig!!.floatAddress)
assertEquals(CordaX500Name.parse("O=Bank A, L=London, C=GB"), config.floatOuterConfig!!.expectedCertificateSubject)
@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ class ConfigTest {
assertEquals("outboundkeypassword", config.outboundConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.keyStorePassword)
assertEquals("outboundtrustpassword", config.outboundConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.trustStorePassword)
assertEquals(Paths.get("tunnelcerts/tunnelkeys.jks"), config.floatInnerConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.sslKeystore)
assertEquals(Paths.get("tunnelcerts/tunneltrust.jks"), config.floatInnerConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.trustStoreFile)
assertEquals("tunnelkeypassword", config.floatInnerConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.keyStorePassword)
assertEquals("tunneltrustpassword", config.floatInnerConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.trustStorePassword)
assertEquals(Paths.get("tunnelcerts/tunnelkeys.jks"), config.bridgeInnerConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.sslKeystore)
assertEquals(Paths.get("tunnelcerts/tunneltrust.jks"), config.bridgeInnerConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.trustStoreFile)
assertEquals("tunnelkeypassword", config.bridgeInnerConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.keyStorePassword)
assertEquals("tunneltrustpassword", config.bridgeInnerConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.trustStorePassword)
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class ConfigTest {
assertEquals(Paths.get("tunnelcerts/tunneltrust.jks"), config.floatOuterConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.trustStoreFile)
assertEquals("tunnelkeypassword", config.floatOuterConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.keyStorePassword)
assertEquals("tunneltrustpassword", config.floatOuterConfig!!.customSSLConfiguration!!.trustStorePassword)
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
// Distribution of this file or any portion thereof via any medium without the express permission of R3 is strictly prohibited.
bridgeMode = FloatInner
bridgeMode = BridgeInner
outboundConfig : {
artemisBrokerAddress = "localhost:11005"
alternateArtemisBrokerAddresses = ["localhost:12005"]
floatInnerConfig : {
bridgeInnerConfig : {
floatAddresses = [ "localhost:13005" ]
expectedCertificateSubject = "O=Bank A, L=London, C=GB"
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
// Distribution of this file or any portion thereof via any medium without the express permission of R3 is strictly prohibited.
bridgeMode = FloatInner
bridgeMode = BridgeInner
outboundConfig : {
artemisBrokerAddress = "localhost:11005"
floatInnerConfig : {
bridgeInnerConfig : {
floatAddresses = [ "localhost:12005" ]
expectedCertificateSubject = "O=Bank A, L=London, C=GB"
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
// Distribution of this file or any portion thereof via any medium without the express permission of R3 is strictly prohibited.
bridgeMode = FloatInner
bridgeMode = BridgeInner
outboundConfig : {
artemisBrokerAddress = "localhost:11005"
customSSLConfiguration : {
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ outboundConfig : {
crlCheckSoftFail = true
floatInnerConfig : {
bridgeInnerConfig : {
floatAddresses = [ "localhost:12005" ]
expectedCertificateSubject = "O=Bank A, L=London, C=GB"
customSSLConfiguration : {
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
// Distribution of this file or any portion thereof via any medium without the express permission of R3 is strictly prohibited.
bridgeMode = FloatInner
bridgeMode = BridgeInner
outboundConfig : {
artemisBrokerAddress = "localhost:11005"
floatInnerConfig : {
bridgeInnerConfig : {
floatAddresses = [ "localhost:12005" ]
expectedCertificateSubject = "O=Bank A, L=London, C=GB"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user