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synced 2025-03-03 04:49:46 +00:00
Replace data vending service with SendTransactionFlow (#964)
* WIP - Removed data Vending services, fixed all flow test * * separated out extra data, extra data are sent after the SendTransactionFlow if required * New SendProposalFlow for sending TradeProposal, which contains StateAndRef. * WIP * * removed TradeProposal interface. * changed SendProposalFlow to SendStateAndRefFlow, same for receive side. * fixup after rebase. * * undo changes in .idea folder * * remove unintended changes * * Addressed PR issues * * doc changes * * addressed pr issues * moved ResolveTransactionsFlow to internal * changed FlowLogic<Unit> to FlowLogic<Void?> for java use case * * addressed PR issues * renamed DataVendingFlow in TestUtill to TestDataVendingFlow to avoid name confusion, and moved it to core/test * * removed reference to ResolveTransactionsFlow
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ abstract class AbstractStateReplacementFlow {
* @param M the type of a class representing proposed modification by the instigator.
data class Proposal<out M>(val stateRef: StateRef, val modification: M, val stx: SignedTransaction)
data class Proposal<out M>(val stateRef: StateRef, val modification: M)
* The assembled transaction for upgrading a contract.
@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ abstract class AbstractStateReplacementFlow {
private fun getParticipantSignature(party: Party, stx: SignedTransaction): DigitalSignature.WithKey {
val proposal = Proposal(originalState.ref, modification, stx)
val response = sendAndReceive<DigitalSignature.WithKey>(party, proposal)
return response.unwrap {
val proposal = Proposal(originalState.ref, modification)
subFlow(SendTransactionFlow(party, stx))
return sendAndReceive<DigitalSignature.WithKey>(party, proposal).unwrap {
check(party.owningKey.isFulfilledBy(it.by)) { "Not signed by the required participant" }
@ -149,24 +149,17 @@ abstract class AbstractStateReplacementFlow {
override fun call(): Void? {
progressTracker.currentStep = VERIFYING
// We expect stx to have insufficient signatures here
val stx = subFlow(ReceiveTransactionFlow(otherSide, checkSufficientSignatures = false))
val maybeProposal: UntrustworthyData<Proposal<T>> = receive(otherSide)
val stx: SignedTransaction = maybeProposal.unwrap {
maybeProposal.unwrap {
verifyProposal(stx, it)
return null
private fun verifyTx(stx: SignedTransaction) {
// We expect stx to have insufficient signatures here
stx.verify(serviceHub, checkSufficientSignatures = false)
private fun approve(stx: SignedTransaction) {
progressTracker.currentStep = APPROVING
@ -190,12 +183,12 @@ abstract class AbstractStateReplacementFlow {
* Check the state change proposal to confirm that it's acceptable to this node. Rules for verification depend
* on the change proposed, and may further depend on the node itself (for example configuration). The
* proposal is returned if acceptable, otherwise a [StateReplacementException] is thrown.
* Check the state change proposal and the signed transaction to confirm that it's acceptable to this node.
* Rules for verification depend on the change proposed, and may further depend on the node itself (for example configuration).
* The proposal is returned if acceptable, otherwise a [StateReplacementException] is thrown.
abstract protected fun verifyProposal(proposal: Proposal<T>)
abstract protected fun verifyProposal(stx: SignedTransaction, proposal: Proposal<T>)
private fun checkMySignatureRequired(stx: SignedTransaction) {
// TODO: use keys from the keyManagementService instead
@ -210,11 +203,6 @@ abstract class AbstractStateReplacementFlow {
require(myKey in requiredKeys) { "Party is not a participant for any of the input states of transaction ${stx.id}" }
private fun checkDependenciesValid(stx: SignedTransaction) {
subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(stx, otherSide))
private fun sign(stx: SignedTransaction): DigitalSignature.WithKey {
return serviceHub.createSignature(stx)
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package net.corda.core.flows
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.NonEmptySet
@ -18,16 +17,12 @@ import net.corda.core.utilities.NonEmptySet
class BroadcastTransactionFlow(val notarisedTransaction: SignedTransaction,
val participants: NonEmptySet<Party>) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
data class NotifyTxRequest(val tx: SignedTransaction)
override fun call() {
// TODO: Messaging layer should handle this broadcast for us
val msg = NotifyTxRequest(notarisedTransaction)
participants.filter { it != serviceHub.myInfo.legalIdentity }.forEach { participant ->
// This pops out the other side in NotifyTransactionHandler
send(participant, msg)
// SendTransactionFlow allows otherParty to access our data to resolve the transaction.
subFlow(SendTransactionFlow(participant, notarisedTransaction))
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ import java.security.PublicKey
// TODO: AbstractStateReplacementFlow needs updating to use this flow.
// TODO: Update this flow to handle randomly generated keys when that works is complete.
class CollectSignaturesFlow(val partiallySignedTx: SignedTransaction,
override val progressTracker: ProgressTracker = CollectSignaturesFlow.tracker()): FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
override val progressTracker: ProgressTracker = CollectSignaturesFlow.tracker()) : FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
companion object {
object COLLECTING : ProgressTracker.Step("Collecting signatures from counter-parties.")
@ -125,7 +125,9 @@ class CollectSignaturesFlow(val partiallySignedTx: SignedTransaction,
* Get and check the required signature.
@Suspendable private fun collectSignature(counterparty: Party): DigitalSignature.WithKey {
return sendAndReceive<DigitalSignature.WithKey>(counterparty, partiallySignedTx).unwrap {
// SendTransactionFlow allows otherParty to access our data to resolve the transaction.
subFlow(SendTransactionFlow(counterparty, partiallySignedTx))
return receive<DigitalSignature.WithKey>(counterparty).unwrap {
require(counterparty.owningKey.isFulfilledBy(it.by)) { "Not signed by the required Party." }
@ -185,35 +187,30 @@ abstract class SignTransactionFlow(val otherParty: Party,
@Suspendable override fun call(): SignedTransaction {
progressTracker.currentStep = RECEIVING
val checkedProposal = receive<SignedTransaction>(otherParty).unwrap { proposal ->
progressTracker.currentStep = VERIFYING
// Check that the Responder actually needs to sign.
// Check the signatures which have already been provided. Usually the Initiators and possibly an Oracle's.
// Resolve dependencies and verify, pass in the WireTransaction as we don't have all signatures.
subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(proposal, otherParty))
// Perform some custom verification over the transaction.
try {
} catch(e: Exception) {
if (e is IllegalStateException || e is IllegalArgumentException || e is AssertionError)
throw FlowException(e)
throw e
// All good. Unwrap the proposal.
// Receive transaction and resolve dependencies, check sufficient signatures is disabled as we don't have all signatures.
val stx = subFlow(ReceiveTransactionFlow(otherParty, checkSufficientSignatures = false))
progressTracker.currentStep = VERIFYING
// Check that the Responder actually needs to sign.
// Check the signatures which have already been provided. Usually the Initiators and possibly an Oracle's.
// Perform some custom verification over the transaction.
try {
} catch(e: Exception) {
if (e is IllegalStateException || e is IllegalArgumentException || e is AssertionError)
throw FlowException(e)
throw e
// Sign and send back our signature to the Initiator.
progressTracker.currentStep = SIGNING
val mySignature = serviceHub.createSignature(checkedProposal)
val mySignature = serviceHub.createSignature(stx)
send(otherParty, mySignature)
// Return the fully signed transaction once it has been committed.
return waitForLedgerCommit(checkedProposal.id)
return waitForLedgerCommit(stx.id)
@Suspendable private fun checkSignatures(stx: SignedTransaction) {
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
package net.corda.core.flows
import net.corda.core.contracts.AbstractAttachment
import net.corda.core.contracts.Attachment
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.crypto.sha256
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationToken
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializeAsToken
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializeAsTokenContext
* Given a set of hashes either loads from from local storage or requests them from the other peer. Downloaded
* attachments are saved to local storage automatically.
class FetchAttachmentsFlow(requests: Set<SecureHash>,
otherSide: Party) : FetchDataFlow<Attachment, ByteArray>(requests, otherSide, ByteArray::class.java) {
override fun load(txid: SecureHash): Attachment? = serviceHub.attachments.openAttachment(txid)
override fun convert(wire: ByteArray): Attachment = FetchedAttachment({ wire })
override fun maybeWriteToDisk(downloaded: List<Attachment>) {
for (attachment in downloaded) {
private class FetchedAttachment(dataLoader: () -> ByteArray) : AbstractAttachment(dataLoader), SerializeAsToken {
override val id: SecureHash by lazy { attachmentData.sha256() }
private class Token(private val id: SecureHash) : SerializationToken {
override fun fromToken(context: SerializeAsTokenContext) = FetchedAttachment(context.attachmentDataLoader(id))
override fun toToken(context: SerializeAsTokenContext) = Token(id)
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
package net.corda.core.flows
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
* Given a set of tx hashes (IDs), either loads them from local disk or asks the remote peer to provide them.
* A malicious response in which the data provided by the remote peer does not hash to the requested hash results in
* [FetchDataFlow.DownloadedVsRequestedDataMismatch] being thrown. If the remote peer doesn't have an entry, it
* results in a [FetchDataFlow.HashNotFound] exception. Note that returned transactions are not inserted into
* the database, because it's up to the caller to actually verify the transactions are valid.
class FetchTransactionsFlow(requests: Set<SecureHash>, otherSide: Party) :
FetchDataFlow<SignedTransaction, SignedTransaction>(requests, otherSide, SignedTransaction::class.java) {
override fun load(txid: SecureHash): SignedTransaction? = serviceHub.validatedTransactions.getTransaction(txid)
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionState
import net.corda.core.crypto.isFulfilledBy
import net.corda.core.identity.AbstractParty
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.ResolveTransactionsFlow
import net.corda.core.node.ServiceHub
import net.corda.core.transactions.LedgerTransaction
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.crypto.SignedData
import net.corda.core.crypto.keys
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.FetchDataFlow
import net.corda.core.node.services.NotaryService
import net.corda.core.node.services.TrustedAuthorityNotaryService
import net.corda.core.node.services.UniquenessProvider
@ -63,18 +64,18 @@ object NotaryFlow {
throw NotaryException(NotaryError.TransactionInvalid(ex))
val payload: Any = if (serviceHub.networkMapCache.isValidatingNotary(notaryParty)) {
} else {
if (stx.isNotaryChangeTransaction()) {
} else {
stx.tx.buildFilteredTransaction(Predicate { it is StateRef || it is TimeWindow })
val response = try {
sendAndReceiveWithRetry<List<DigitalSignature.WithKey>>(notaryParty, payload)
if (serviceHub.networkMapCache.isValidatingNotary(notaryParty)) {
subFlow(SendTransactionWithRetry(notaryParty, stx))
} else {
val tx: Any = if (stx.isNotaryChangeTransaction()) {
} else {
stx.tx.buildFilteredTransaction(Predicate { it is StateRef || it is TimeWindow })
sendAndReceiveWithRetry(notaryParty, tx)
} catch (e: NotaryException) {
if (e.error is NotaryError.Conflict) {
@ -150,3 +151,12 @@ sealed class NotaryError {
override fun toString() = cause.toString()
* The [SendTransactionWithRetry] flow is equivalent to [SendTransactionFlow] but using [sendAndReceiveWithRetry]
* instead of [sendAndReceive], [SendTransactionWithRetry] is intended to be use by the notary client only.
private class SendTransactionWithRetry(otherSide: Party, stx: SignedTransaction) : SendTransactionFlow(otherSide, stx) {
override fun sendPayloadAndReceiveDataRequest(otherSide: Party, payload: Any) = sendAndReceiveWithRetry<FetchDataFlow.Request>(otherSide, payload)
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package net.corda.core.flows
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import net.corda.core.contracts.*
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.ResolveTransactionsFlow
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.unwrap
import java.security.SignatureException
* The [ReceiveTransactionFlow] should be called in response to the [SendTransactionFlow].
* This flow is a combination of [receive], resolve and [SignedTransaction.verify]. This flow will receive the [SignedTransaction]
* and perform the resolution back-and-forth required to check the dependencies and download any missing attachments.
* The flow will return the [SignedTransaction] after it is resolved and then verified using [SignedTransaction.verify].
class ReceiveTransactionFlow
constructor(private val otherParty: Party, private val checkSufficientSignatures: Boolean = true) : FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
@Throws(SignatureException::class, AttachmentResolutionException::class, TransactionResolutionException::class, TransactionVerificationException::class)
override fun call(): SignedTransaction {
return receive<SignedTransaction>(otherParty).unwrap {
subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(it, otherParty))
it.verify(serviceHub, checkSufficientSignatures)
* The [ReceiveStateAndRefFlow] should be called in response to the [SendStateAndRefFlow].
* This flow is a combination of [receive] and resolve. This flow will receive a list of [StateAndRef]
* and perform the resolution back-and-forth required to check the dependencies.
* The flow will return the list of [StateAndRef] after it is resolved.
// @JvmSuppressWildcards is used to suppress wildcards in return type when calling `subFlow(new ReceiveStateAndRef<T>(otherParty))` in java.
class ReceiveStateAndRefFlow<out T : ContractState>(private val otherParty: Party) : FlowLogic<@JvmSuppressWildcards List<StateAndRef<T>>>() {
override fun call(): List<StateAndRef<T>> {
return receive<List<StateAndRef<T>>>(otherParty).unwrap {
subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(it.map { it.ref.txhash }.toSet(), otherParty))
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package net.corda.core.flows
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import net.corda.core.contracts.StateAndRef
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.FetchDataFlow
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.unwrap
* The [SendTransactionFlow] should be used to send a transaction to another peer that wishes to verify that transaction's
* integrity by resolving and checking the dependencies as well. The other side should invoke [ReceiveTransactionFlow] at
* the right point in the conversation to receive the sent transaction and perform the resolution back-and-forth required
* to check the dependencies and download any missing attachments.
* @param otherSide the target party.
* @param stx the [SignedTransaction] being sent to the [otherSide].
open class SendTransactionFlow(otherSide: Party, stx: SignedTransaction) : DataVendingFlow(otherSide, stx)
* The [SendStateAndRefFlow] should be used to send a list of input [StateAndRef] to another peer that wishes to verify
* the input's integrity by resolving and checking the dependencies as well. The other side should invoke [ReceiveStateAndRefFlow]
* at the right point in the conversation to receive the input state and ref and perform the resolution back-and-forth
* required to check the dependencies.
* @param otherSide the target party.
* @param stateAndRefs the list of [StateAndRef] being sent to the [otherSide].
open class SendStateAndRefFlow(otherSide: Party, stateAndRefs: List<StateAndRef<*>>) : DataVendingFlow(otherSide, stateAndRefs)
sealed class DataVendingFlow(val otherSide: Party, val payload: Any) : FlowLogic<Void?>() {
protected open fun sendPayloadAndReceiveDataRequest(otherSide: Party, payload: Any) = sendAndReceive<FetchDataFlow.Request>(otherSide, payload)
protected open fun verifyDataRequest(dataRequest: FetchDataFlow.Request.Data) {
// User can override this method to perform custom request verification.
override fun call(): Void? {
// The first payload will be the transaction data, subsequent payload will be the transaction/attachment data.
var payload = payload
// This loop will receive [FetchDataFlow.Request] continuously until the `otherSide` has all the data they need
// to resolve the transaction, a [FetchDataFlow.EndRequest] will be sent from the `otherSide` to indicate end of
// data request.
while (true) {
val dataRequest = sendPayloadAndReceiveDataRequest(otherSide, payload).unwrap { request ->
when (request) {
is FetchDataFlow.Request.Data -> {
// Security TODO: Check for abnormally large or malformed data requests
FetchDataFlow.Request.End -> return null
payload = when (dataRequest.dataType) {
FetchDataFlow.DataType.TRANSACTION -> dataRequest.hashes.map {
serviceHub.validatedTransactions.getTransaction(it) ?: throw FetchDataFlow.HashNotFound(it)
FetchDataFlow.DataType.ATTACHMENT -> dataRequest.hashes.map {
serviceHub.attachments.openAttachment(it)?.open()?.readBytes() ?: throw FetchDataFlow.HashNotFound(it)
@ -1,12 +1,22 @@
package net.corda.core.flows
package net.corda.core.internal
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import net.corda.core.contracts.AbstractAttachment
import net.corda.core.contracts.Attachment
import net.corda.core.contracts.NamedByHash
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.flows.FetchDataFlow.DownloadedVsRequestedDataMismatch
import net.corda.core.flows.FetchDataFlow.HashNotFound
import net.corda.core.crypto.sha256
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowException
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowLogic
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.FetchDataFlow.DownloadedVsRequestedDataMismatch
import net.corda.core.internal.FetchDataFlow.HashNotFound
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationToken
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializeAsToken
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializeAsTokenContext
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.NonEmptySet
import net.corda.core.utilities.UntrustworthyData
import net.corda.core.utilities.unwrap
import java.util.*
@ -27,10 +37,10 @@ import java.util.*
* @param T The ultimate type of the data being fetched.
* @param W The wire type of the data being fetched, for when it isn't the same as the ultimate type.
abstract class FetchDataFlow<T : NamedByHash, W : Any>(
sealed class FetchDataFlow<T : NamedByHash, in W : Any>(
protected val requests: Set<SecureHash>,
protected val otherSide: Party,
protected val wrapperType: Class<W>) : FlowLogic<FetchDataFlow.Result<T>>() {
protected val dataType: DataType) : FlowLogic<FetchDataFlow.Result<T>>() {
class DownloadedVsRequestedDataMismatch(val requested: SecureHash, val got: SecureHash) : IllegalArgumentException()
@ -41,10 +51,18 @@ abstract class FetchDataFlow<T : NamedByHash, W : Any>(
class HashNotFound(val requested: SecureHash) : FlowException()
data class Request(val hashes: List<SecureHash>)
data class Result<out T : NamedByHash>(val fromDisk: List<T>, val downloaded: List<T>)
data class Result<out T : NamedByHash>(val fromDisk: List<T>, val downloaded: List<T>)
sealed class Request {
data class Data(val hashes: NonEmptySet<SecureHash>, val dataType: DataType) : Request()
object End : Request()
enum class DataType {
@ -65,11 +83,10 @@ abstract class FetchDataFlow<T : NamedByHash, W : Any>(
// Above that, we start losing authentication data on the message fragments and take exceptions in the
// network layer.
val maybeItems = ArrayList<W>(toFetch.size)
send(otherSide, Request(toFetch))
for (hash in toFetch) {
// We skip the validation here (with unwrap { it }) because we will do it below in validateFetchResponse.
// The only thing checked is the object type. It is a protocol violation to send results out of order.
maybeItems += receive(wrapperType, otherSide).unwrap { it }
maybeItems += sendAndReceive<List<W>>(otherSide, Request.Data(NonEmptySet.of(hash), dataType)).unwrap { it }
// Check for a buggy/malicious peer answering with something that we didn't ask for.
val downloaded = validateFetchResponse(UntrustworthyData(maybeItems), toFetch)
@ -117,3 +134,46 @@ abstract class FetchDataFlow<T : NamedByHash, W : Any>(
* Given a set of hashes either loads from from local storage or requests them from the other peer. Downloaded
* attachments are saved to local storage automatically.
class FetchAttachmentsFlow(requests: Set<SecureHash>,
otherSide: Party) : FetchDataFlow<Attachment, ByteArray>(requests, otherSide, DataType.ATTACHMENT) {
override fun load(txid: SecureHash): Attachment? = serviceHub.attachments.openAttachment(txid)
override fun convert(wire: ByteArray): Attachment = FetchedAttachment({ wire })
override fun maybeWriteToDisk(downloaded: List<Attachment>) {
for (attachment in downloaded) {
private class FetchedAttachment(dataLoader: () -> ByteArray) : AbstractAttachment(dataLoader), SerializeAsToken {
override val id: SecureHash by lazy { attachmentData.sha256() }
private class Token(private val id: SecureHash) : SerializationToken {
override fun fromToken(context: SerializeAsTokenContext) = FetchedAttachment(context.attachmentDataLoader(id))
override fun toToken(context: SerializeAsTokenContext) = Token(id)
* Given a set of tx hashes (IDs), either loads them from local disk or asks the remote peer to provide them.
* A malicious response in which the data provided by the remote peer does not hash to the requested hash results in
* [FetchDataFlow.DownloadedVsRequestedDataMismatch] being thrown. If the remote peer doesn't have an entry, it
* results in a [FetchDataFlow.HashNotFound] exception. Note that returned transactions are not inserted into
* the database, because it's up to the caller to actually verify the transactions are valid.
class FetchTransactionsFlow(requests: Set<SecureHash>, otherSide: Party) :
FetchDataFlow<SignedTransaction, SignedTransaction>(requests, otherSide, DataType.TRANSACTION) {
override fun load(txid: SecureHash): SignedTransaction? = serviceHub.validatedTransactions.getTransaction(txid)
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
package net.corda.core.flows
package net.corda.core.internal
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import net.corda.core.utilities.exactAdd
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowLogic
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.exactAdd
import java.util.*
// TODO: This code is currently unit tested by TwoPartyTradeFlowTests, it should have its own tests.
@ -70,36 +71,37 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlow(private val txHashes: Set<SecureHash>,
// TODO: Figure out a more appropriate DOS limit here, 5000 is simply a very bad guess.
/** The maximum number of transactions this flow will try to download before bailing out. */
var transactionCountLimit = 5000
set(value) {
require(value > 0) { "$value is not a valid count limit" }
field = value
override fun call(): List<SignedTransaction> {
val newTxns: Iterable<SignedTransaction> = topologicalSort(downloadDependencies(txHashes))
// Start fetching data.
val newTxns = downloadDependencies(txHashes)
fetchMissingAttachments(signedTransaction?.let { newTxns + it } ?: newTxns)
send(otherSide, FetchDataFlow.Request.End)
// Finish fetching data.
// For each transaction, verify it and insert it into the database. As we are iterating over them in a
// depth-first order, we should not encounter any verification failures due to missing data. If we fail
// half way through, it's no big deal, although it might result in us attempting to re-download data
// redundantly next time we attempt verification.
val result = ArrayList<SignedTransaction>()
for (stx in newTxns) {
// TODO: We could recover some parallelism from the dependency graph.
result += stx
val result = topologicalSort(newTxns)
result.forEach {
// For each transaction, verify it and insert it into the database. As we are iterating over them in a
// depth-first order, we should not encounter any verification failures due to missing data. If we fail
// half way through, it's no big deal, although it might result in us attempting to re-download data
// redundantly next time we attempt verification.
// If this flow is resolving a specific transaction, make sure we have its attachments as well
signedTransaction?.let {
result += it
return result
return signedTransaction?.let {
result + it
} ?: result
private fun downloadDependencies(depsToCheck: Set<SecureHash>): Collection<SignedTransaction> {
private fun downloadDependencies(depsToCheck: Set<SecureHash>): List<SignedTransaction> {
// Maintain a work queue of all hashes to load/download, initialised with our starting set. Then do a breadth
// first traversal across the dependency graph.
@ -121,7 +123,6 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlow(private val txHashes: Set<SecureHash>,
val resultQ = LinkedHashMap<SecureHash, SignedTransaction>()
val limit = transactionCountLimit
check(limit > 0) { "$limit is not a valid count limit" }
var limitCounter = 0
while (nextRequests.isNotEmpty()) {
// Don't re-download the same tx when we haven't verified it yet but it's referenced multiple times in the
@ -135,8 +136,6 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlow(private val txHashes: Set<SecureHash>,
// Request the standalone transaction data (which may refer to things we don't yet have).
val downloads: List<SignedTransaction> = subFlow(FetchTransactionsFlow(notAlreadyFetched, otherSide)).downloaded
for (stx in downloads)
check(resultQ.putIfAbsent(stx.id, stx) == null) // Assert checks the filter at the start.
@ -148,8 +147,7 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlow(private val txHashes: Set<SecureHash>,
if (limitCounter > limit)
throw ExcessivelyLargeTransactionGraph()
return resultQ.values
return resultQ.values.toList()
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
package net.corda.node.messaging
package net.corda.core.flows
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import net.corda.core.contracts.Attachment
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.crypto.sha256
import net.corda.core.getOrThrow
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.FetchAttachmentsFlow
import net.corda.core.internal.FetchDataFlow
import net.corda.core.messaging.SingleMessageRecipient
import net.corda.core.node.services.ServiceInfo
import net.corda.core.flows.FetchAttachmentsFlow
import net.corda.core.flows.FetchDataFlow
import net.corda.node.services.config.NodeConfiguration
import net.corda.node.services.database.RequeryConfiguration
import net.corda.node.services.network.NetworkMapService
@ -59,6 +61,8 @@ class AttachmentTests {
val nodes = mockNet.createSomeNodes(2)
val n0 = nodes.partyNodes[0]
val n1 = nodes.partyNodes[1]
// Insert an attachment into node zero's store directly.
val id = n0.database.transaction {
@ -67,7 +71,7 @@ class AttachmentTests {
// Get node one to run a flow to fetch it and insert it.
val f1 = n1.services.startFlow(FetchAttachmentsFlow(setOf(id), n0.info.legalIdentity))
val f1 = n1.startAttachmentFlow(setOf(id), n0.info.legalIdentity)
assertEquals(0, f1.resultFuture.getOrThrow().fromDisk.size)
@ -81,7 +85,7 @@ class AttachmentTests {
// Shut down node zero and ensure node one can still resolve the attachment.
val response: FetchDataFlow.Result<Attachment> = n1.services.startFlow(FetchAttachmentsFlow(setOf(id), n0.info.legalIdentity)).resultFuture.getOrThrow()
val response: FetchDataFlow.Result<Attachment> = n1.startAttachmentFlow(setOf(id), n0.info.legalIdentity).resultFuture.getOrThrow()
assertEquals(attachment, response.fromDisk[0])
@ -90,11 +94,13 @@ class AttachmentTests {
val nodes = mockNet.createSomeNodes(2)
val n0 = nodes.partyNodes[0]
val n1 = nodes.partyNodes[1]
// Get node one to fetch a non-existent attachment.
val hash = SecureHash.randomSHA256()
val f1 = n1.services.startFlow(FetchAttachmentsFlow(setOf(hash), n0.info.legalIdentity))
val f1 = n1.startAttachmentFlow(setOf(hash), n0.info.legalIdentity)
val e = assertFailsWith<FetchDataFlow.HashNotFound> { f1.resultFuture.getOrThrow() }
assertEquals(hash, e.requested)
@ -118,6 +124,9 @@ class AttachmentTests {
}, advertisedServices = *arrayOf(ServiceInfo(NetworkMapService.type), ServiceInfo(SimpleNotaryService.type)))
val n1 = mockNet.createNode(n0.network.myAddress)
val attachment = fakeAttachment()
// Insert an attachment into node zero's store directly.
val id = n0.database.transaction {
@ -135,11 +144,24 @@ class AttachmentTests {
// Get n1 to fetch the attachment. Should receive corrupted bytes.
val f1 = n1.services.startFlow(FetchAttachmentsFlow(setOf(id), n0.info.legalIdentity))
val f1 = n1.startAttachmentFlow(setOf(id), n0.info.legalIdentity)
assertFailsWith<FetchDataFlow.DownloadedVsRequestedDataMismatch> { f1.resultFuture.getOrThrow() }
private fun MockNetwork.MockNode.startAttachmentFlow(hashes: Set<SecureHash>, otherSide: Party) = services.startFlow(InitiatingFetchAttachmentsFlow(otherSide, hashes))
private class InitiatingFetchAttachmentsFlow(val otherSide: Party, val hashes: Set<SecureHash>) : FlowLogic<FetchDataFlow.Result<Attachment>>() {
override fun call(): FetchDataFlow.Result<Attachment> = subFlow(FetchAttachmentsFlow(hashes, otherSide))
private class FetchAttachmentsResponse(val otherSide: Party) : FlowLogic<Void?>() {
override fun call() = subFlow(TestDataVendingFlow(otherSide))
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package net.corda.core.flows
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.FetchDataFlow
import net.corda.core.utilities.UntrustworthyData
// Flow to start data vending without sending transaction. For testing only.
class TestDataVendingFlow(otherSide: Party) : SendStateAndRefFlow(otherSide, emptyList()) {
override fun sendPayloadAndReceiveDataRequest(otherSide: Party, payload: Any): UntrustworthyData<FetchDataFlow.Request> {
return if (payload is List<*> && payload.isEmpty()) {
// Hack to not send the first message.
} else {
super.sendPayloadAndReceiveDataRequest(otherSide, payload)
@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
package net.corda.core.flows
package net.corda.core.internal
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowLogic
import net.corda.core.flows.InitiatedBy
import net.corda.core.flows.InitiatingFlow
import net.corda.core.flows.TestDataVendingFlow
import net.corda.core.getOrThrow
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
@ -38,6 +43,8 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlowTest {
val nodes = mockNet.createSomeNodes()
a = nodes.partyNodes[0]
b = nodes.partyNodes[1]
notary = nodes.notaryNode.info.notaryIdentity
@ -51,7 +58,7 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlowTest {
fun `resolve from two hashes`() {
val (stx1, stx2) = makeTransactions()
val p = ResolveTransactionsFlow(setOf(stx2.id), a.info.legalIdentity)
val p = TestFlow(setOf(stx2.id), a.info.legalIdentity)
val future = b.services.startFlow(p).resultFuture
val results = future.getOrThrow()
@ -66,7 +73,7 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlowTest {
fun `dependency with an error`() {
val stx = makeTransactions(signFirstTX = false).second
val p = ResolveTransactionsFlow(setOf(stx.id), a.info.legalIdentity)
val p = TestFlow(setOf(stx.id), a.info.legalIdentity)
val future = b.services.startFlow(p).resultFuture
assertFailsWith(SignedTransaction.SignaturesMissingException::class) { future.getOrThrow() }
@ -75,7 +82,7 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlowTest {
fun `resolve from a signed transaction`() {
val (stx1, stx2) = makeTransactions()
val p = ResolveTransactionsFlow(stx2, a.info.legalIdentity)
val p = TestFlow(stx2, a.info.legalIdentity)
val future = b.services.startFlow(p).resultFuture
@ -100,8 +107,7 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlowTest {
cursor = stx
val p = ResolveTransactionsFlow(setOf(cursor.id), a.info.legalIdentity)
p.transactionCountLimit = 40
val p = TestFlow(setOf(cursor.id), a.info.legalIdentity, 40)
val future = b.services.startFlow(p).resultFuture
assertFailsWith<ResolveTransactionsFlow.ExcessivelyLargeTransactionGraph> { future.getOrThrow() }
@ -125,7 +131,7 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlowTest {
a.services.recordTransactions(stx2, stx3)
val p = ResolveTransactionsFlow(setOf(stx3.id), a.info.legalIdentity)
val p = TestFlow(setOf(stx3.id), a.info.legalIdentity)
val future = b.services.startFlow(p).resultFuture
@ -147,7 +153,7 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlowTest {
val stx2 = makeTransactions(withAttachment = id).second
val p = ResolveTransactionsFlow(stx2, a.info.legalIdentity)
val p = TestFlow(stx2, a.info.legalIdentity)
val future = b.services.startFlow(p).resultFuture
@ -169,7 +175,7 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlowTest {
val ptx = megaCorpServices.signInitialTransaction(it)
false -> {
false -> {
@ -184,4 +190,22 @@ class ResolveTransactionsFlowTest {
return Pair(dummy1, dummy2)
private class TestFlow(private val resolveTransactionsFlow: ResolveTransactionsFlow, private val txCountLimit: Int? = null) : FlowLogic<List<SignedTransaction>>() {
constructor(txHashes: Set<SecureHash>, otherSide: Party, txCountLimit: Int? = null) : this(ResolveTransactionsFlow(txHashes, otherSide), txCountLimit = txCountLimit)
constructor(stx: SignedTransaction, otherSide: Party) : this(ResolveTransactionsFlow(stx, otherSide))
override fun call(): List<SignedTransaction> {
txCountLimit?.let { resolveTransactionsFlow.transactionCountLimit = it }
return subFlow(resolveTransactionsFlow)
private class TestResponseFlow(val otherSide: Party) : FlowLogic<Void?>() {
override fun call() = subFlow(TestDataVendingFlow(otherSide))
@ -7,17 +7,20 @@ import net.corda.core.flows.FlowLogic
import net.corda.core.flows.InitiatingFlow
import net.corda.core.getOrThrow
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.FetchAttachmentsFlow
import net.corda.core.internal.FetchDataFlow
import net.corda.core.messaging.RPCOps
import net.corda.core.messaging.SingleMessageRecipient
import net.corda.core.node.services.ServiceInfo
import net.corda.core.utilities.unwrap
import net.corda.core.flows.FetchAttachmentsFlow
import net.corda.node.internal.InitiatedFlowFactory
import net.corda.node.services.config.NodeConfiguration
import net.corda.node.services.network.NetworkMapService
import net.corda.node.services.persistence.NodeAttachmentService
import net.corda.node.services.persistence.schemas.requery.AttachmentEntity
import net.corda.node.services.statemachine.SessionInit
import net.corda.core.flows.DataVendingFlow
import net.corda.core.flows.TestDataVendingFlow
import net.corda.testing.node.MockNetwork
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Before
@ -81,9 +84,12 @@ class AttachmentSerializationTest {
private class ServerLogic(private val client: Party) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
private class ServerLogic(private val client: Party, private val sendData: Boolean) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
override fun call() {
if (sendData) {
receive<String>(client).unwrap { assertEquals("ping one", it) }
sendAndReceive<String>(client, "pong").unwrap { assertEquals("ping two", it) }
@ -134,15 +140,16 @@ class AttachmentSerializationTest {
override fun getAttachmentContent(): String {
val (downloadedAttachment) = subFlow(FetchAttachmentsFlow(setOf(attachmentId), server)).downloaded
send(server, FetchDataFlow.Request.End)
return downloadedAttachment.extractContent()
private fun launchFlow(clientLogic: ClientLogic, rounds: Int) {
private fun launchFlow(clientLogic: ClientLogic, rounds: Int, sendData: Boolean = false) {
server.internalRegisterFlowFactory(ClientLogic::class.java, object : InitiatedFlowFactory<ServerLogic> {
override fun createFlow(platformVersion: Int, otherParty: Party, sessionInit: SessionInit): ServerLogic {
return ServerLogic(otherParty)
return ServerLogic(otherParty, sendData)
}, ServerLogic::class.java, track = false)
@ -191,7 +198,7 @@ class AttachmentSerializationTest {
fun `only the hash of a FetchAttachmentsFlow attachment should be saved in checkpoint`() {
val attachmentId = server.saveAttachment("genuine")
launchFlow(FetchAttachmentLogic(server, attachmentId), 2)
launchFlow(FetchAttachmentLogic(server, attachmentId), 2, sendData = true)
client.hackAttachment(attachmentId, "hacked")
assertEquals("hacked", rebootClientAndGetAttachmentContent(false))
@ -396,7 +396,8 @@ Corda provides a number of built-in flows that should be used for handling commo
* ``CollectSignaturesFlow``, which should be used to collect a transaction's required signatures
* ``FinalityFlow``, which should be used to notarise and record a transaction
* ``ResolveTransactionsFlow``, which should be used to verify the chain of inputs to a transaction
* ``SendTransactionFlow``, which should be used to send a signed transaction if it needed to be resolved on the other side.
* ``ReceiveTransactionFlow``, which should be used receive a signed transaction
* ``ContractUpgradeFlow``, which should be used to change a state's contract
* ``NotaryChangeFlow``, which should be used to change a state's notary
@ -478,11 +479,29 @@ transaction and provide their signature if they are satisfied:
:end-before: DOCEND 16
:dedent: 12
Verifying a transaction will also verify every transaction in the transaction's dependency chain. So if we receive a
transaction from a counterparty and it has any dependencies, we'd need to download all of these dependencies
using``ResolveTransactionsFlow`` before verifying it:
Verifying a transaction received from a counterparty also requires verification of every transaction in its
dependency chain. This means the receiving party needs to be able to ask the sender all the details of the chain.
The sender will use ``SendTransactionFlow`` for sending the transaction and then for processing all subsequent
transaction data vending requests as the receiver walks the dependency chain using ``ReceiveTransactionFlow``:
.. container:: codeset
.. literalinclude:: ../../docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt
:language: kotlin
:start-after: DOCSTART 12
:end-before: DOCEND 12
:dedent: 12
.. literalinclude:: ../../docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbookJava.java
:language: java
:start-after: DOCSTART 12
:end-before: DOCEND 12
:dedent: 12
We can receive the transaction using ``ReceiveTransactionFlow``, which will automatically download all the
dependencies and verify the transaction:
.. container:: codeset
@ -498,7 +517,7 @@ using``ResolveTransactionsFlow`` before verifying it:
:end-before: DOCEND 13
:dedent: 12
We can also resolve a `StateRef` dependency chain:
We can also send and receive a ``StateAndRef`` dependency chain and automatically resolve its dependencies:
.. container:: codeset
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ Verifying the transaction's contents
To verify a transaction, we need to retrieve any states in the transaction chain that our node doesn't
currently have in its local storage from the proposer(s) of the transaction. This process is handled by a built-in flow
called ``ResolveTransactionsFlow``. See :doc:`api-flows` for more details.
called ``ReceiveTransactionFlow``. See :doc:`api-flows` for more details.
When verifying a ``SignedTransaction``, we don't verify the ``SignedTransaction`` *per se*, but rather the
``WireTransaction`` it contains. We extract this ``WireTransaction`` as follows:
@ -72,6 +72,13 @@ UNRELEASED
* ``stateMachineRecordedTransactionMapping``, replaced by ``stateMachineRecordedTransactionMappingFeed``
* ``networkMapUpdates``, replaced by ``networkMapFeed``
* Due to security concerns and the need to remove the concept of state relevancy (which isn't needed in Corda),
``ResolveTransactionsFlow`` has been made internal. Instead merge the receipt of the ``SignedTransaction`` and the subsequent
sub-flow call to ``ResolveTransactionsFlow`` with a single call to ``ReceiveTransactionFlow``. The flow running on the counterparty
must use ``SendTransactionFlow`` at the correct place. There is also ``ReceiveStateAndRefFlow`` and ``SendStateAndRefFlow`` for
dealing with ``StateAndRef``s.
Milestone 13
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import net.corda.core.crypto.DigitalSignature;
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash;
import net.corda.core.flows.*;
import net.corda.core.identity.Party;
import net.corda.core.internal.FetchDataFlow;
import net.corda.core.node.services.ServiceType;
import net.corda.core.node.services.Vault;
import net.corda.core.node.services.Vault.Page;
@ -23,11 +24,13 @@ import net.corda.core.utilities.UntrustworthyData;
import net.corda.testing.contracts.DummyContract;
import net.corda.testing.contracts.DummyState;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.security.PublicKey;
import java.security.SignatureException;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
@ -75,13 +78,15 @@ public class FlowCookbookJava {
private static final Step SIGS_GATHERING = new Step("Gathering a transaction's signatures.") {
// Wiring up a child progress tracker allows us to see the
// subflow's progress steps in our flow's progress tracker.
@Override public ProgressTracker childProgressTracker() {
public ProgressTracker childProgressTracker() {
return CollectSignaturesFlow.Companion.tracker();
private static final Step VERIFYING_SIGS = new Step("Verifying a transaction's signatures.");
private static final Step FINALISATION = new Step("Finalising a transaction.") {
@Override public ProgressTracker childProgressTracker() {
public ProgressTracker childProgressTracker() {
return FinalityFlow.Companion.tracker();
@ -390,18 +395,35 @@ public class FlowCookbookJava {
// Verifying a transaction will also verify every transaction in
// the transaction's dependency chain. So if this was a
// transaction we'd received from a counterparty and it had any
// dependencies, we'd need to download all of these dependencies
// using``ResolveTransactionsFlow`` before verifying it.
// Verifying a transaction will also verify every transaction in the transaction's dependency chain, which will require
// transaction data access on counterparty's node. The ``SendTransactionFlow`` can be used to automate the sending
// and data vending process. The ``SendTransactionFlow`` will listen for data request until the transaction
// is resolved and verified on the other side:
subFlow(new SendTransactionFlow(counterparty, twiceSignedTx));
// Optional request verification to further restrict data access.
subFlow(new SendTransactionFlow(counterparty, twiceSignedTx){
protected void verifyDataRequest(@NotNull FetchDataFlow.Request.Data dataRequest) {
// Extra request verification.
// DOCEND 12
// We can receive the transaction using ``ReceiveTransactionFlow``,
// which will automatically download all the dependencies and verify
// the transaction
subFlow(new ResolveTransactionsFlow(twiceSignedTx, counterparty));
SignedTransaction verifiedTransaction = subFlow(new ReceiveTransactionFlow(counterparty));
// DOCEND 13
// We can also resolve a `StateRef` dependency chain.
// We can also send and receive a `StateAndRef` dependency chain and automatically resolve its dependencies.
subFlow(new ResolveTransactionsFlow(ImmutableSet.of(ourStateRef.getTxhash()), counterparty));
subFlow(new SendStateAndRefFlow(counterparty, dummyStates));
// On the receive side ...
List<StateAndRef<DummyState>> resolvedStateAndRef = subFlow(new ReceiveStateAndRefFlow<DummyState>(counterparty));
// DOCEND 14
// A ``SignedTransaction`` is a pairing of a ``WireTransaction``
@ -44,12 +44,18 @@ class MyValidatingNotaryFlow(otherSide: Party, service: MyCustomValidatingNotary
override fun receiveAndVerifyTx(): TransactionParts {
val stx = receive<SignedTransaction>(otherSide).unwrap { it }
val wtx = stx.tx
return TransactionParts(wtx.id, wtx.inputs, wtx.timeWindow)
try {
val stx = subFlow(ReceiveTransactionFlow(otherSide, checkSufficientSignatures = false))
val wtx = stx.tx
return TransactionParts(wtx.id, wtx.inputs, wtx.timeWindow)
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw when (e) {
is TransactionVerificationException,
is SignatureException -> NotaryException(NotaryError.TransactionInvalid(e))
else -> e
fun processTransaction(stx: SignedTransaction) {
@ -63,22 +69,5 @@ class MyValidatingNotaryFlow(otherSide: Party, service: MyCustomValidatingNotary
throw NotaryException(NotaryError.TransactionInvalid(e))
fun validateTransaction(stx: SignedTransaction) {
try {
stx.verify(serviceHub, false)
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw when (e) {
is TransactionVerificationException,
is SignatureException -> NotaryException(NotaryError.TransactionInvalid(e))
else -> e
private fun resolveTransaction(stx: SignedTransaction) = subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(stx, otherSide))
// END 2
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import net.corda.core.crypto.DigitalSignature
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.flows.*
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.FetchDataFlow
import net.corda.core.node.services.ServiceType
import net.corda.core.node.services.Vault.Page
import net.corda.core.node.services.queryBy
@ -378,18 +379,34 @@ object FlowCookbook {
progressTracker.currentStep = TX_VERIFICATION
// Verifying a transaction will also verify every transaction in
// the transaction's dependency chain. So if this was a
// transaction we'd received from a counterparty and it had any
// dependencies, we'd need to download all of these dependencies
// using``ResolveTransactionsFlow`` before verifying it.
// Verifying a transaction will also verify every transaction in the transaction's dependency chain, which will require
// transaction data access on counterparty's node. The ``SendTransactionFlow`` can be used to automate the sending
// and data vending process. The ``SendTransactionFlow`` will listen for data request until the transaction
// is resolved and verified on the other side:
subFlow(SendTransactionFlow(counterparty, twiceSignedTx))
// Optional request verification to further restrict data access.
subFlow(object :SendTransactionFlow(counterparty, twiceSignedTx){
override fun verifyDataRequest(dataRequest: FetchDataFlow.Request.Data) {
// Extra request verification.
// DOCEND 12
// We can receive the transaction using ``ReceiveTransactionFlow``,
// which will automatically download all the dependencies and verify
// the transaction
subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(twiceSignedTx, counterparty))
val verifiedTransaction = subFlow(ReceiveTransactionFlow(counterparty))
// DOCEND 13
// We can also resolve a `StateRef` dependency chain.
// We can also send and receive a `StateAndRef` dependency chain and automatically resolve its dependencies.
subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(setOf(ourStateRef.txhash), counterparty))
subFlow(SendStateAndRefFlow(counterparty, dummyStates))
// On the receive side ...
val resolvedStateAndRef = subFlow(ReceiveStateAndRefFlow<DummyState>(counterparty))
// DOCEND 14
// A ``SignedTransaction`` is a pairing of a ``WireTransaction``
@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ private data class FxRequest(val tradeId: String,
val counterparty: Party,
val notary: Party? = null)
private data class FxResponse(val inputs: List<StateAndRef<Cash.State>>,
val outputs: List<Cash.State>)
// This is equivalent to the VaultService.generateSpend
// Which is brought here to make the filtering logic more visible in the example
@ -69,7 +65,7 @@ private fun gatherOurInputs(serviceHub: ServiceHub,
private fun prepareOurInputsAndOutputs(serviceHub: ServiceHub, request: FxRequest): FxResponse {
private fun prepareOurInputsAndOutputs(serviceHub: ServiceHub, request: FxRequest): Pair<List<StateAndRef<Cash.State>>, List<Cash.State>> {
// Create amount with correct issuer details
val sellAmount = request.amount
@ -84,14 +80,15 @@ private fun prepareOurInputsAndOutputs(serviceHub: ServiceHub, request: FxReques
// Build and an output state for the counterparty
val transferedFundsOutput = Cash.State(sellAmount, request.counterparty)
if (residual > 0L) {
val outputs = if (residual > 0L) {
// Build an output state for the residual change back to us
val residualAmount = Amount(residual, sellAmount.token)
val residualOutput = Cash.State(residualAmount, serviceHub.myInfo.legalIdentity)
return FxResponse(inputs, listOf(transferedFundsOutput, residualOutput))
listOf(transferedFundsOutput, residualOutput)
} else {
return FxResponse(inputs, listOf(transferedFundsOutput))
return Pair(inputs, outputs)
@ -119,45 +116,45 @@ class ForeignExchangeFlow(val tradeId: String,
} else throw IllegalArgumentException("Our identity must be one of the parties in the trade.")
// Call the helper method to identify suitable inputs and make the outputs
val ourStates = prepareOurInputsAndOutputs(serviceHub, localRequest)
val (outInputStates, ourOutputStates) = prepareOurInputsAndOutputs(serviceHub, localRequest)
// identify the notary for our states
val notary = ourStates.inputs.first().state.notary
val notary = outInputStates.first().state.notary
// ensure request to other side is for a consistent notary
val remoteRequestWithNotary = remoteRequest.copy(notary = notary)
// Send the request to the counterparty to verify and call their version of prepareOurInputsAndOutputs
// Then they can return their candidate states
val theirStates = sendAndReceive<FxResponse>(remoteRequestWithNotary.owner, remoteRequestWithNotary).unwrap {
require(it.inputs.all { it.state.notary == notary }) {
send(remoteRequestWithNotary.owner, remoteRequestWithNotary)
val theirInputStates = subFlow(ReceiveStateAndRefFlow<Cash.State>(remoteRequestWithNotary.owner))
val theirOutputStates = receive<List<Cash.State>>(remoteRequestWithNotary.owner).unwrap {
require(theirInputStates.all { it.state.notary == notary }) {
"notary of remote states must be same as for our states"
require(it.inputs.all { it.state.data.amount.token == remoteRequestWithNotary.amount.token }) {
require(theirInputStates.all { it.state.data.amount.token == remoteRequestWithNotary.amount.token }) {
"Inputs not of the correct currency"
require(it.outputs.all { it.amount.token == remoteRequestWithNotary.amount.token }) {
require(it.all { it.amount.token == remoteRequestWithNotary.amount.token }) {
"Outputs not of the correct currency"
require(it.inputs.map { it.state.data.amount.quantity }.sum()
require(theirInputStates.map { it.state.data.amount.quantity }.sum()
>= remoteRequestWithNotary.amount.quantity) {
"the provided inputs don't provide sufficient funds"
require(it.outputs.filter { it.owner == serviceHub.myInfo.legalIdentity }.
require(it.filter { it.owner == serviceHub.myInfo.legalIdentity }.
map { it.amount.quantity }.sum() == remoteRequestWithNotary.amount.quantity) {
"the provided outputs don't provide the request quantity"
// Download their inputs chains to validate that they are OK
val dependencyTxIDs = it.inputs.map { it.ref.txhash }.toSet()
subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(dependencyTxIDs, remoteRequestWithNotary.owner))
it // return validated response
// having collated the data create the full transaction.
val signedTransaction = buildTradeProposal(ourStates, theirStates)
val signedTransaction = buildTradeProposal(outInputStates, ourOutputStates, theirInputStates, theirOutputStates)
// pass transaction details to the counterparty to revalidate and confirm with a signature
val allPartySignedTx = sendAndReceive<DigitalSignature.WithKey>(remoteRequestWithNotary.owner, signedTransaction).unwrap {
// Allow otherParty to access our data to resolve the transaction.
subFlow(SendTransactionFlow(remoteRequestWithNotary.owner, signedTransaction))
val allPartySignedTx = receive<DigitalSignature.WithKey>(remoteRequestWithNotary.owner).unwrap {
val withNewSignature = signedTransaction + it
// check all signatures are present except the notary
@ -177,22 +174,25 @@ class ForeignExchangeFlow(val tradeId: String,
private fun buildTradeProposal(ourStates: FxResponse, theirStates: FxResponse): SignedTransaction {
private fun buildTradeProposal(ourInputStates: List<StateAndRef<Cash.State>>,
ourOutputState: List<Cash.State>,
theirInputStates: List<StateAndRef<Cash.State>>,
theirOutputState: List<Cash.State>): SignedTransaction {
// This is the correct way to create a TransactionBuilder,
// do not construct directly.
// We also set the notary to match the input notary
val builder = TransactionBuilder(ourStates.inputs.first().state.notary)
val builder = TransactionBuilder(ourInputStates.first().state.notary)
// Add the move commands and key to indicate all the respective owners and need to sign
val ourSigners = ourStates.inputs.map { it.state.data.owner.owningKey }.toSet()
val theirSigners = theirStates.inputs.map { it.state.data.owner.owningKey }.toSet()
val ourSigners = ourInputStates.map { it.state.data.owner.owningKey }.toSet()
val theirSigners = theirInputStates.map { it.state.data.owner.owningKey }.toSet()
builder.addCommand(Cash.Commands.Move(), (ourSigners + theirSigners).toList())
// Build and add the inputs and outputs
// We have already validated their response and trust our own data
// so we can sign. Note the returned SignedTransaction is still not fully signed
@ -228,23 +228,22 @@ class ForeignExchangeRemoteFlow(val source: Party) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
// we will use query manually in the helper function below.
// Putting this into a non-suspendable function also prevent issues when
// the flow is suspended.
val ourResponse = prepareOurInputsAndOutputs(serviceHub, request)
val (ourInputState, ourOutputState) = prepareOurInputsAndOutputs(serviceHub, request)
// Send back our proposed states and await the full transaction to verify
val ourKey = serviceHub.keyManagementService.filterMyKeys(ourResponse.inputs.flatMap { it.state.data.participants }.map { it.owningKey }).single()
val proposedTrade = sendAndReceive<SignedTransaction>(source, ourResponse).unwrap {
val ourKey = serviceHub.keyManagementService.filterMyKeys(ourInputState.flatMap { it.state.data.participants }.map { it.owningKey }).single()
// SendStateAndRefFlow allows otherParty to access our transaction data to resolve the transaction.
subFlow(SendStateAndRefFlow(source, ourInputState))
send(source, ourOutputState)
val proposedTrade = subFlow(ReceiveTransactionFlow(source, checkSufficientSignatures = false)).let {
val wtx = it.tx
// check all signatures are present except our own and the notary
it.verifySignaturesExcept(ourKey, wtx.notary!!.owningKey)
// We need to fetch their complete input states and dependencies so that verify can operate
// This verifies that the transaction is contract-valid, even though it is missing signatures.
// In a full solution there would be states tracking the trade request which
// would be included in the transaction and enforce the amounts and tradeId
it // return the SignedTransaction
@ -256,12 +255,4 @@ class ForeignExchangeRemoteFlow(val source: Party) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
// N.B. The FinalityProtocol will be responsible for Notarising the SignedTransaction
// and broadcasting the result to us.
private fun checkDependencies(stx: SignedTransaction) {
// Download and check all the transactions that this transaction depends on, but do not check this
// transaction itself.
val dependencyTxIDs = stx.tx.inputs.map { it.txhash }.toSet()
subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(dependencyTxIDs, source))
@ -47,17 +47,15 @@ responder side. Types of things you will need to check include:
Typically after calling the ``CollectSignaturesFlow`` you then called the ``FinalityFlow``.
This ``ResolveTransactionsFlow`` is used to verify the validity of a transaction by recursively checking the validity of
all the dependencies. Once a transaction is checked it's inserted into local storage so it can be relayed and won't be
checked again.
The ``SendTransactionFlow`` and ``ReceiveTransactionFlow`` are used to automate the verification of the transaction by
recursively checking the validity of all the dependencies. Once a transaction is received and checked it's inserted into
local storage so it can be relayed and won't be checked again.
A couple of constructors are provided that accept a single transaction. When these are used, the dependencies of that
transaction are resolved and then the transaction itself is verified. Again, if successful, the results are inserted
into the database as long as a [SignedTransaction] was provided. If only the ``WireTransaction`` form was provided
then this isn't enough to put into the local database, so only the dependencies are checked and inserted. This way
to use the flow is helpful when resolving and verifying an unfinished transaction.
The ``SendTransactionFlow`` sends the transaction to the counterparty and listen for data request as the counterparty
validating the transaction, extra checks can be implemented to restrict data access by overriding the ``verifyDataRequest``
method inside ``SendTransactionFlow``.
The flow returns a list of verified ``LedgerTransaction`` objects, in a depth-first order.
The ``ReceiveTransactionFlow`` returns a verified ``SignedTransaction``.
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ returns the result of the flow's execution directly. Behind the scenes all this
tracking (discussed more below) and then running the object's ``call`` method. Because the sub-flow might suspend,
we must mark the method that invokes it as suspendable.
Within FinalityFlow, we use a further sub-flow called ``ResolveTransactionsFlow``. This is responsible for downloading
Within FinalityFlow, we use a further sub-flow called ``ReceiveTransactionFlow``. This is responsible for downloading
and checking all the dependencies of a transaction, which in Corda are always retrievable from the party that sent you a
transaction that uses them. This flow returns a list of ``LedgerTransaction`` objects.
@ -39,10 +39,9 @@ a JVM client.
Normally attachments on transactions are fetched automatically via the ``ResolveTransactionsFlow``. Attachments
Normally attachments on transactions are fetched automatically via the ``ReceiveTransactionFlow``. Attachments
are needed in order to validate a transaction (they include, for example, the contract code), so must be fetched
before the validation process can run. ``ResolveTransactionsFlow`` calls ``FetchTransactionsFlow`` to perform the
actual retrieval.
before the validation process can run.
.. note:: Future versions of Corda may support non-critical attachments that are not used for transaction verification
and which are shared explicitly. These are useful for attaching and signing auditing data with a transaction
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ object TwoPartyTradeFlow {
// This object is serialised to the network and is the first flow message the seller sends to the buyer.
data class SellerTradeInfo(
val assetForSale: StateAndRef<OwnableState>,
val price: Amount<Currency>,
val sellerOwner: AbstractParty
@ -75,11 +74,12 @@ object TwoPartyTradeFlow {
override fun call(): SignedTransaction {
progressTracker.currentStep = AWAITING_PROPOSAL
// Make the first message we'll send to kick off the flow.
val hello = SellerTradeInfo(assetToSell, price, me)
val hello = SellerTradeInfo(price, me)
// What we get back from the other side is a transaction that *might* be valid and acceptable to us,
// but we must check it out thoroughly before we sign!
// SendTransactionFlow allows otherParty to access our data to resolve the transaction.
subFlow(SendStateAndRefFlow(otherParty, listOf(assetToSell)))
send(otherParty, hello)
// Verify and sign the transaction.
progressTracker.currentStep = VERIFYING_AND_SIGNING
@ -113,11 +113,13 @@ object TwoPartyTradeFlow {
val typeToBuy: Class<out OwnableState>) : FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
object RECEIVING : ProgressTracker.Step("Waiting for seller trading info")
object VERIFYING : ProgressTracker.Step("Verifying seller assets")
object SIGNING : ProgressTracker.Step("Generating and signing transaction proposal")
object COLLECTING_SIGNATURES : ProgressTracker.Step("Collecting signatures from other parties") {
override fun childProgressTracker() = CollectSignaturesFlow.tracker()
object RECORDING : ProgressTracker.Step("Recording completed transaction") {
// TODO: Currently triggers a race condition on Team City. See https://github.com/corda/corda/issues/733.
// override fun childProgressTracker() = FinalityFlow.tracker()
@ -131,43 +133,34 @@ object TwoPartyTradeFlow {
override fun call(): SignedTransaction {
// Wait for a trade request to come in from the other party.
progressTracker.currentStep = RECEIVING
val tradeRequest = receiveAndValidateTradeRequest()
val (assetForSale, tradeRequest) = receiveAndValidateTradeRequest()
// Put together a proposed transaction that performs the trade, and sign it.
progressTracker.currentStep = SIGNING
val (ptx, cashSigningPubKeys) = assembleSharedTX(tradeRequest)
val (ptx, cashSigningPubKeys) = assembleSharedTX(assetForSale, tradeRequest)
val partSignedTx = signWithOurKeys(cashSigningPubKeys, ptx)
// Send the signed transaction to the seller, who must then sign it themselves and commit
// it to the ledger by sending it to the notary.
progressTracker.currentStep = COLLECTING_SIGNATURES
val twiceSignedTx = subFlow(CollectSignaturesFlow(partSignedTx, COLLECTING_SIGNATURES.childProgressTracker()))
// Notarise and record the transaction.
progressTracker.currentStep = RECORDING
return subFlow(FinalityFlow(twiceSignedTx)).single()
private fun receiveAndValidateTradeRequest(): SellerTradeInfo {
val maybeTradeRequest = receive<SellerTradeInfo>(otherParty)
progressTracker.currentStep = VERIFYING
maybeTradeRequest.unwrap {
// What is the seller trying to sell us?
val asset = it.assetForSale.state.data
private fun receiveAndValidateTradeRequest(): Pair<StateAndRef<OwnableState>, SellerTradeInfo> {
val assetForSale = subFlow(ReceiveStateAndRefFlow<OwnableState>(otherParty)).single()
return assetForSale to receive<SellerTradeInfo>(otherParty).unwrap {
progressTracker.currentStep = VERIFYING
val asset = assetForSale.state.data
val assetTypeName = asset.javaClass.name
if (it.price > acceptablePrice)
throw UnacceptablePriceException(it.price)
if (!typeToBuy.isInstance(asset))
throw AssetMismatchException(typeToBuy.name, assetTypeName)
// Check that the state being sold to us is in a valid chain of transactions, i.e. that the
// seller has a valid chain of custody proving that they own the thing they're selling.
subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(setOf(it.assetForSale.ref.txhash), otherParty))
return it
@ -177,23 +170,23 @@ object TwoPartyTradeFlow {
private fun assembleSharedTX(tradeRequest: SellerTradeInfo): Pair<TransactionBuilder, List<PublicKey>> {
private fun assembleSharedTX(assetForSale: StateAndRef<OwnableState>, tradeRequest: SellerTradeInfo): Pair<TransactionBuilder, List<PublicKey>> {
val ptx = TransactionBuilder(notary)
// Add input and output states for the movement of cash, by using the Cash contract to generate the states
val (tx, cashSigningPubKeys) = serviceHub.vaultService.generateSpend(ptx, tradeRequest.price, tradeRequest.sellerOwner)
// Add inputs/outputs/a command for the movement of the asset.
// Just pick some new public key for now. This won't be linked with our identity in any way, which is what
// we want for privacy reasons: the key is here ONLY to manage and control ownership, it is not intended to
// reveal who the owner actually is. The key management service is expected to derive a unique key from some
// initial seed in order to provide privacy protection.
val freshKey = serviceHub.keyManagementService.freshKey()
val (command, state) = tradeRequest.assetForSale.state.data.withNewOwner(AnonymousParty(freshKey))
tx.addOutputState(state, tradeRequest.assetForSale.state.notary)
tx.addCommand(command, tradeRequest.assetForSale.state.data.owner.owningKey)
val (command, state) = assetForSale.state.data.withNewOwner(AnonymousParty(freshKey))
tx.addOutputState(state, assetForSale.state.notary)
tx.addCommand(command, assetForSale.state.data.owner.owningKey)
// We set the transaction's time-window: it may be that none of the contracts need this!
// But it can't hurt to have one.
@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ package net.corda.flows;
import net.corda.core.flows.AbstractStateReplacementFlow;
import net.corda.core.identity.Party;
import net.corda.core.utilities.*;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.*;
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction;
import net.corda.core.utilities.ProgressTracker;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
public class AbstractStateReplacementFlowTest {
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ public class AbstractStateReplacementFlowTest {
protected void verifyProposal(@NotNull AbstractStateReplacementFlow.Proposal proposal) {
protected void verifyProposal(@NotNull SignedTransaction stx, @NotNull AbstractStateReplacementFlow.Proposal proposal) {
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import com.pholser.junit.quickcheck.generator.Generator
import com.pholser.junit.quickcheck.random.SourceOfRandomness
import com.pholser.junit.quickcheck.runner.JUnitQuickcheck
import net.corda.contracts.testing.SignedTransactionGenerator
import net.corda.core.flows.BroadcastTransactionFlow.NotifyTxRequest
import net.corda.core.serialization.deserialize
import net.corda.core.serialization.serialize
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.testing.initialiseTestSerialization
import net.corda.testing.resetTestSerialization
import org.junit.After
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class BroadcastTransactionFlowTest {
class NotifyTxRequestMessageGenerator : Generator<NotifyTxRequest>(NotifyTxRequest::class.java) {
override fun generate(random: SourceOfRandomness, status: GenerationStatus): NotifyTxRequest {
class NotifyTxRequestMessageGenerator : Generator<SignedTransaction>(SignedTransaction::class.java) {
override fun generate(random: SourceOfRandomness, status: GenerationStatus): SignedTransaction {
return NotifyTxRequest(tx = SignedTransactionGenerator().generate(random, status))
return SignedTransactionGenerator().generate(random, status)
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ class BroadcastTransactionFlowTest {
fun serialiseDeserialiseOfNotifyMessageWorks(@From(NotifyTxRequestMessageGenerator::class) message: NotifyTxRequest) {
fun serialiseDeserialiseOfNotifyMessageWorks(@From(NotifyTxRequestMessageGenerator::class) message: SignedTransaction) {
val serialized = message.serialize().bytes
val deserialized = serialized.deserialize<NotifyTxRequest>()
val deserialized = serialized.deserialize<SignedTransaction>()
assertEquals(deserialized, message)
@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ class LargeTransactionsTest {
val stx = serviceHub.signInitialTransaction(tx, serviceHub.legalIdentityKey)
// Send to the other side and wait for it to trigger resolution from us.
sendAndReceive<Unit>(serviceHub.networkMapCache.getNodeByLegalName(BOB.name)!!.legalIdentity, stx)
val bob = serviceHub.networkMapCache.getNodeByLegalName(BOB.name)!!.legalIdentity
subFlow(SendTransactionFlow(bob, stx))
@ -42,8 +44,7 @@ class LargeTransactionsTest {
class ReceiveLargeTransactionFlow(private val counterParty: Party) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
override fun call() {
val stx = receive<SignedTransaction>(counterParty).unwrap { it }
subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(stx, counterParty))
// Unblock the other side by sending some dummy object (Unit is fine here as it's a singleton).
send(counterParty, Unit)
@ -53,10 +54,10 @@ class LargeTransactionsTest {
fun checkCanSendLargeTransactions() {
// These 4 attachments yield a transaction that's got >10mb attached, so it'd push us over the Artemis
// max message size.
val bigFile1 = InputStreamAndHash.createInMemoryTestZip(1024*1024*3, 0)
val bigFile2 = InputStreamAndHash.createInMemoryTestZip(1024*1024*3, 1)
val bigFile3 = InputStreamAndHash.createInMemoryTestZip(1024*1024*3, 2)
val bigFile4 = InputStreamAndHash.createInMemoryTestZip(1024*1024*3, 3)
val bigFile1 = InputStreamAndHash.createInMemoryTestZip(1024 * 1024 * 3, 0)
val bigFile2 = InputStreamAndHash.createInMemoryTestZip(1024 * 1024 * 3, 1)
val bigFile3 = InputStreamAndHash.createInMemoryTestZip(1024 * 1024 * 3, 2)
val bigFile4 = InputStreamAndHash.createInMemoryTestZip(1024 * 1024 * 3, 3)
driver(startNodesInProcess = true) {
val (alice, _, _) = aliceBobAndNotary()
alice.useRPC {
@ -401,8 +401,6 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(open val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
private fun installCoreFlows() {
installCoreFlow(FetchTransactionsFlow::class) { otherParty, _ -> FetchTransactionsHandler(otherParty) }
installCoreFlow(FetchAttachmentsFlow::class) { otherParty, _ -> FetchAttachmentsHandler(otherParty) }
installCoreFlow(BroadcastTransactionFlow::class) { otherParty, _ -> NotifyTransactionHandler(otherParty) }
installCoreFlow(NotaryChangeFlow::class) { otherParty, _ -> NotaryChangeHandler(otherParty) }
installCoreFlow(ContractUpgradeFlow::class) { otherParty, _ -> ContractUpgradeHandler(otherParty) }
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import net.corda.core.contracts.ContractState
import net.corda.core.contracts.UpgradeCommand
import net.corda.core.contracts.UpgradedContract
import net.corda.core.contracts.requireThat
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.flows.*
import net.corda.core.identity.AnonymousPartyAndPath
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
@ -13,50 +12,6 @@ import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.ProgressTracker
import net.corda.core.utilities.unwrap
* This class sets up network message handlers for requests from peers for data keyed by hash. It is a piece of simple
* glue that sits between the network layer and the database layer.
* Note that in our data model, to be able to name a thing by hash automatically gives the power to request it. There
* are no access control lists. If you want to keep some data private, then you must be careful who you give its name
* to, and trust that they will not pass the name onwards. If someone suspects some data might exist but does not have
* its name, then the 256-bit search space they'd have to cover makes it physically impossible to enumerate, and as
* such the hash of a piece of data can be seen as a type of password allowing access to it.
* Additionally, because nodes do not store invalid transactions, requesting such a transaction will always yield null.
class FetchTransactionsHandler(otherParty: Party) : FetchDataHandler<SignedTransaction>(otherParty) {
override fun getData(id: SecureHash): SignedTransaction? {
return serviceHub.validatedTransactions.getTransaction(id)
class FetchAttachmentsHandler(otherParty: Party) : FetchDataHandler<ByteArray>(otherParty) {
override fun getData(id: SecureHash): ByteArray? {
return serviceHub.attachments.openAttachment(id)?.open()?.readBytes()
abstract class FetchDataHandler<out T>(val otherParty: Party) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
override fun call() {
val request = receive<FetchDataFlow.Request>(otherParty).unwrap {
if (it.hashes.isEmpty()) throw FlowException("Empty hash list")
// TODO: Use Artemis message streaming support here, called "large messages". This avoids the need to buffer.
// See the discussion in FetchDataFlow. We send each item individually here in a separate asynchronous send
// call, and the other side picks them up with a straight receive call, because we batching would push us over
// the (current) Artemis message size limit.
request.hashes.forEach {
send(otherParty, getData(it) ?: throw FetchDataFlow.HashNotFound(it))
protected abstract fun getData(id: SecureHash): T?
// TODO: We should have a whitelist of contracts we're willing to accept at all, and reject if the transaction
// includes us in any outside that list. Potentially just if it includes any outside that list at all.
// TODO: Do we want to be able to reject specific transactions on more complex rules, for example reject incoming
@ -64,10 +19,8 @@ abstract class FetchDataHandler<out T>(val otherParty: Party) : FlowLogic<Unit>(
class NotifyTransactionHandler(val otherParty: Party) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
override fun call() {
val request = receive<BroadcastTransactionFlow.NotifyTxRequest>(otherParty).unwrap { it }
subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(request.tx, otherParty))
val stx = subFlow(ReceiveTransactionFlow(otherParty))
@ -79,9 +32,9 @@ class NotaryChangeHandler(otherSide: Party) : AbstractStateReplacementFlow.Accep
* and is also in a geographically convenient location we can just automatically approve the change.
* TODO: In more difficult cases this should call for human attention to manually verify and approve the proposal
override fun verifyProposal(proposal: AbstractStateReplacementFlow.Proposal<Party>): Unit {
override fun verifyProposal(stx: SignedTransaction, proposal: AbstractStateReplacementFlow.Proposal<Party>): Unit {
val state = proposal.stateRef
val proposedTx = proposal.stx.resolveNotaryChangeTransaction(serviceHub)
val proposedTx = stx.resolveNotaryChangeTransaction(serviceHub)
val newNotary = proposal.modification
if (state !in proposedTx.inputs.map { it.ref }) {
@ -99,15 +52,15 @@ class NotaryChangeHandler(otherSide: Party) : AbstractStateReplacementFlow.Accep
class ContractUpgradeHandler(otherSide: Party) : AbstractStateReplacementFlow.Acceptor<Class<out UpgradedContract<ContractState, *>>>(otherSide) {
override fun verifyProposal(proposal: AbstractStateReplacementFlow.Proposal<Class<out UpgradedContract<ContractState, *>>>) {
override fun verifyProposal(stx: SignedTransaction, proposal: AbstractStateReplacementFlow.Proposal<Class<out UpgradedContract<ContractState, *>>>) {
// Retrieve signed transaction from our side, we will apply the upgrade logic to the transaction on our side, and
// verify outputs matches the proposed upgrade.
val stx = subFlow(FetchTransactionsFlow(setOf(proposal.stateRef.txhash), otherSide)).fromDisk.singleOrNull()
requireNotNull(stx) { "We don't have a copy of the referenced state" }
val oldStateAndRef = stx!!.tx.outRef<ContractState>(proposal.stateRef.index)
val ourSTX = serviceHub.validatedTransactions.getTransaction(proposal.stateRef.txhash)
requireNotNull(ourSTX) { "We don't have a copy of the referenced state" }
val oldStateAndRef = ourSTX!!.tx.outRef<ContractState>(proposal.stateRef.index)
val authorisedUpgrade = serviceHub.vaultService.getAuthorisedContractUpgrade(oldStateAndRef.ref) ?:
throw IllegalStateException("Contract state upgrade is unauthorised. State hash : ${oldStateAndRef.ref}")
val proposedTx = proposal.stx.tx
val proposedTx = stx.tx
val expectedTx = ContractUpgradeFlow.assembleBareTx(oldStateAndRef, proposal.modification, proposedTx.privacySalt).toWireTransaction()
requireThat {
"The instigator is one of the participants" using (otherSide in oldStateAndRef.state.data.participants)
@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ import net.corda.core.flows.*
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.node.services.TrustedAuthorityNotaryService
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.transactions.WireTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.unwrap
import java.security.SignatureException
@ -24,26 +22,11 @@ class ValidatingNotaryFlow(otherSide: Party, service: TrustedAuthorityNotaryServ
override fun receiveAndVerifyTx(): TransactionParts {
val stx = receive<SignedTransaction>(otherSide).unwrap { it }
val wtx = stx.tx
return TransactionParts(wtx.id, wtx.inputs, wtx.timeWindow)
private fun checkSignatures(stx: SignedTransaction) {
try {
} catch(e: SignatureException) {
throw NotaryException(NotaryError.TransactionInvalid(e))
fun validateTransaction(stx: SignedTransaction) {
try {
stx.verify(serviceHub, false)
val stx = subFlow(ReceiveTransactionFlow(otherSide, checkSufficientSignatures = false))
val wtx = stx.tx
return TransactionParts(wtx.id, wtx.inputs, wtx.timeWindow)
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw when (e) {
is TransactionVerificationException,
@ -53,6 +36,11 @@ class ValidatingNotaryFlow(otherSide: Party, service: TrustedAuthorityNotaryServ
private fun resolveTransaction(stx: SignedTransaction) = subFlow(ResolveTransactionsFlow(stx, otherSide))
private fun checkSignatures(stx: SignedTransaction) {
try {
} catch(e: SignatureException) {
throw NotaryException(NotaryError.TransactionInvalid(e))
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import net.corda.contracts.asset.Cash
import net.corda.core.contracts.Amount
import net.corda.core.contracts.Issued
import net.corda.core.contracts.USD
import net.corda.core.flows.BroadcastTransactionFlow.NotifyTxRequest
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowLogic
import net.corda.core.flows.InitiatedBy
import net.corda.core.flows.InitiatingFlow
import net.corda.core.flows.SendTransactionFlow
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.node.services.queryBy
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ class DataVendingServiceTests {
private class NotifyTxFlow(val otherParty: Party, val stx: SignedTransaction) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
private class NotifyTxFlow(val otherParty: Party, val stx: SignedTransaction) : FlowLogic<Void?>() {
override fun call() = send(otherParty, NotifyTxRequest(stx))
override fun call() = subFlow(SendTransactionFlow(otherParty, stx))
@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ object SimmFlow {
logger.info("Handshake finished, awaiting Simm update")
send(replyToParty, Ack) // Hack to state that this party is ready.
subFlow(object : StateRevisionFlow.Receiver<PortfolioState.Update>(replyToParty) {
override fun verifyProposal(proposal: Proposal<PortfolioState.Update>) {
override fun verifyProposal(stx:SignedTransaction, proposal: Proposal<PortfolioState.Update>) {
super.verifyProposal(stx, proposal)
if (proposal.modification.portfolio != portfolio.refs) throw StateReplacementException()
@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ object SimmFlow {
val valuer = serviceHub.identityService.partyFromAnonymous(stateRef.state.data.valuer) ?: throw IllegalStateException("Unknown valuer party ${stateRef.state.data.valuer}")
val valuation = agreeValuation(portfolio, offer.valuationDate, valuer)
subFlow(object : StateRevisionFlow.Receiver<PortfolioState.Update>(replyToParty) {
override fun verifyProposal(proposal: Proposal<PortfolioState.Update>) {
override fun verifyProposal(stx: SignedTransaction, proposal: Proposal<PortfolioState.Update>) {
super.verifyProposal(stx, proposal)
if (proposal.modification.valuation != valuation) throw StateReplacementException()
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import net.corda.core.contracts.StateAndRef
import net.corda.core.flows.AbstractStateReplacementFlow
import net.corda.core.flows.StateReplacementException
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.seconds
import net.corda.vega.contracts.RevisionedState
@ -31,8 +32,8 @@ object StateRevisionFlow {
open class Receiver<in T>(otherParty: Party) : AbstractStateReplacementFlow.Acceptor<T>(otherParty) {
override fun verifyProposal(proposal: AbstractStateReplacementFlow.Proposal<T>) {
val proposedTx = proposal.stx.tx
override fun verifyProposal(stx: SignedTransaction, proposal: AbstractStateReplacementFlow.Proposal<T>) {
val proposedTx = stx.tx
val state = proposal.stateRef
if (state !in proposedTx.inputs) {
throw StateReplacementException("The proposed state $state is not in the proposed transaction inputs")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user