revise signatures of mark() and set() to take a target object and offset instead of a target object reference, paving the way for immovable objects

This commit is contained in:
Joel Dice 2007-10-22 11:22:30 -06:00
parent f4dfc889fd
commit 3e84d4438a
8 changed files with 249 additions and 192 deletions

View File

@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ Java_java_lang_reflect_Field_setObject
ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState);
set(t, cast<object>(*instance, offset), (value ? *value : 0));
set(t, *instance, offset, (value ? *value : 0));
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL
@ -442,8 +442,8 @@ Java_java_lang_System_arraycopy
if (LIKELY(srcOffset >= 0 and srcOffset + length <= sl and
dstOffset >= 0 and dstOffset + length <= dl))
uint8_t* sbody = &cast<uint8_t>(s, 2 * BytesPerWord);
uint8_t* dbody = &cast<uint8_t>(d, 2 * BytesPerWord);
uint8_t* sbody = &cast<uint8_t>(s, ArrayBody);
uint8_t* dbody = &cast<uint8_t>(d, ArrayBody);
if (s == d) {
memmove(dbody + (dstOffset * elementSize),
sbody + (srcOffset * elementSize),
@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ Java_java_lang_System_arraycopy
if (classObjectMask(t, objectClass(t, d))) {
mark(t, reinterpret_cast<object*>(dbody) + dstOffset, length);
mark(t, d, ArrayBody + (dstOffset * BytesPerWord), length);
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ Java_java_lang_Throwable_resolveTrace(Thread* t, jclass, jobject trace)
(t, traceElementMethod(t, e), traceElementIp(t, e));
object ste = makeStackTraceElement(t, class_, method, 0, line);
set(t, objectArrayBody(t, array, i), ste);
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), ste);
return makeLocalReference(t, array);

View File

@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ throwNew(MyThread* t, object class_)
t->exception = makeNew(t, class_);
object trace = makeTrace(t);
set(t, cast<object>(t->exception, ThrowableTrace), trace);
set(t, t->exception, ThrowableTrace, trace);
@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ invokeNative2(MyThread* t, object method)
object p = makePointer(t, function);
set(t, methodCode(t, method), p);
set(t, method, MethodCode, p);
object class_ = methodClass(t, method);
@ -2771,23 +2771,40 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
cmp(rsi, rcx);
add(BytesPerWord * 2, rax);
switch (instruction) {
case aastore:
shl(log(BytesPerWord), rcx);
add(rcx, rax);
compileCall(true, reinterpret_cast<void*>(set), rax, rbx);
add(ArrayBody, rcx);
if (BytesPerWord == 8) {
mov(rcx, rdx);
mov(rbx, rcx);
mov(rax, rsi);
mov(rbp, FrameThread, rdi);
} else {
push(rbp, FrameThread);
if (BytesPerWord == 4) {
add(BytesPerWord * 4, rsp);
case fastore:
case iastore:
shl(log(BytesPerWord), rcx);
add(ArrayBody, rcx);
add(rcx, rax);
mov(rbx, rax, 0);
case bastore:
add(ArrayBody, rcx);
add(rcx, rax);
mov1(rbx, rax, 0);
@ -2795,6 +2812,7 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
case castore:
case sastore:
shl(1, rcx);
add(ArrayBody, rcx);
add(rcx, rax);
mov2(rbx, rax, 0);
@ -2802,6 +2820,7 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
case dastore:
case lastore:
shl(3, rcx);
add(ArrayBody, rcx);
add(rcx, rax);
mov4(rbx, rax, 0);
mov4(rdx, rax, 4);
@ -2843,7 +2862,7 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
case anewarray: {
uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip);
object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
Label nonnegative(this);
@ -2914,7 +2933,7 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
case checkcast: {
uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip);
object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
Label next(this);
@ -3627,7 +3646,7 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
case instanceof: {
uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip);
object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
Label call(this);
@ -3872,7 +3891,7 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
pushObject(poolRegister(), poolReference(v));
} else {
object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
pushObject(poolRegister(), poolReference(class_));
@ -4145,7 +4164,7 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
case new_: {
uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip);
object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
PROTECT(t, class_);
@ -4273,15 +4292,15 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
case ObjectField: {
if (BytesPerWord == 8) {
mov(fieldOffset(t, field), rdx);
add(fieldOffset(t, field), rsi);
mov(rbp, FrameThread, rdi);
} else {
add(fieldOffset(t, field), rsi);
push(fieldOffset(t, field));
push(rbp, FrameThread);
@ -4335,15 +4354,14 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
popInt4(rax, IntValue);
if (BytesPerWord == 8) {
mov(rax, rdx);
mov(rax, rcx);
mov(offset, rdx);
mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(table), rsi);
add(offset, rsi);
mov(rbp, FrameThread, rdi);
} else {
mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(table), rsi);
add(offset, rsi);
push(poolRegister(), poolReference(table));
push(rbp, FrameThread);
@ -4377,15 +4395,14 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
if (BytesPerWord == 8) {
mov(rax, rdx);
mov(rax, rcx);
mov(offset, rdx);
mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(table), rsi);
add(offset, rsi);
mov(rbp, FrameThread, rdi);
} else {
mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(table), rsi);
add(offset, rsi);
push(poolRegister(), poolReference(table));
push(rbp, FrameThread);
@ -4398,14 +4415,13 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
case ObjectField:
if (BytesPerWord == 8) {
mov(offset, rdx);
mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(table), rsi);
add(offset, rsi);
mov(rbp, FrameThread, rdi);
} else {
mov(poolRegister(), poolReference(table), rsi);
add(offset, rsi);
push(poolRegister(), poolReference(table));
push(rbp, FrameThread);
@ -4502,7 +4518,7 @@ class JavaCompiler: public Compiler {
unsigned ct = exceptionHandlerCatchType(eh);
object catchType;
if (ct) {
catchType = resolveClass
catchType = resolveClassInPool
(t, codePool(t, code), exceptionHandlerCatchType(eh) - 1);
} else {
catchType = 0;
@ -4611,7 +4627,7 @@ compileMethod2(MyThread* t, object method)
object pool = c.makePool();
set(t, methodCode(t, method), pool);
set(t, method, MethodCode, pool);
methodCompiled(t, method) = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(code);

View File

@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ resolveNativeMethodData(Thread* t, object method)
if (LIKELY(p)) {
PROTECT(t, method);
object data = makeNativeMethodData(t, method, p);
set(t, methodCode(t, method), data);
set(t, method, MethodCode, data);
return data;
} else {
object message = makeString
@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ populateMultiArray(Thread* t, object array, int32_t* counts,
for (int32_t i = 0; i < counts[index]; ++i) {
object a = makeArray(t, counts[index + 1], true);
setObjectClass(t, a, class_);
set(t, objectArrayBody(t, array, i), a);
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), a);
populateMultiArray(t, a, counts, index + 1, dimensions);
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ findExceptionHandler(Thread* t, int frame)
PROTECT(t, e);
PROTECT(t, eht);
catchType = resolveClass
catchType = resolveClassInPool
(t, codePool(t, t->code), exceptionHandlerCatchType(eh) - 1);
if (catchType) {
@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ interpret(Thread* t)
if (LIKELY(index >= 0 and
static_cast<uintptr_t>(index) < objectArrayLength(t, array)))
set(t, objectArrayBody(t, array, index), value);
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), value);
} else {
object message = makeString(t, "%d not in [0,%d)", index,
objectArrayLength(t, array));
@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ interpret(Thread* t)
if (LIKELY(count >= 0)) {
uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip);
object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_;
pushObject(t, makeObjectArray(t, class_, count, true));
@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ interpret(Thread* t)
uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip);
if (peekObject(t, sp - 1)) {
object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_;
if (not instanceOf(t, class_, peekObject(t, sp - 1))) {
@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@ interpret(Thread* t)
uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip);
if (peekObject(t, sp - 1)) {
object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_;
if (instanceOf(t, class_, popObject(t))) {
@ -2054,7 +2054,7 @@ interpret(Thread* t)
pushObject(t, v);
} else {
object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_;
pushObject(t, class_);
@ -2262,7 +2262,7 @@ interpret(Thread* t)
uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip);
uint8_t dimensions = codeBody(t, code, ip++);
object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_;
PROTECT(t, class_);
@ -2288,7 +2288,7 @@ interpret(Thread* t)
case new_: {
uint16_t index = codeReadInt16(t, code, ip);
object class_ = resolveClass(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
object class_ = resolveClassInPool(t, codePool(t, code), index - 1);
if (UNLIKELY(exception)) goto throw_;
PROTECT(t, class_);
@ -2413,7 +2413,7 @@ interpret(Thread* t)
object value = popObject(t);
object o = popObject(t);
if (LIKELY(o)) {
set(t, cast<object>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)), value);
set(t, o, fieldOffset(t, field), value);
} else {
exception = makeNullPointerException(t);
goto throw_;
@ -2457,8 +2457,8 @@ interpret(Thread* t)
default: abort(t);
set(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, fieldClass(t, field)),
fieldOffset(t, field)), v);
set(t, classStaticTable(t, fieldClass(t, field)),
ArrayBody + (fieldOffset(t, field) * BytesPerWord), v);
} goto loop;
case ret: {

View File

@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ ThrowNew(Thread* t, jclass c, const char* message)
PROTECT(t, trace);
t->exception = make(t, *c);
set(t, throwableMessageUnsafe(t, t->exception), m);
set(t, throwableTraceUnsafe(t, t->exception), trace);
set(t, t->exception, ThrowableMessage, m);
set(t, t->exception, ThrowableTrace, trace);
return 0;
@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ SetObjectField(Thread* t, jobject o, jfieldID field, jobject v)
ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState);
set(t, cast<object>(*o, field), (v ? *v : 0));
set(t, *o, field, (v ? *v : 0));
@ -931,7 +931,8 @@ SetStaticObjectField(Thread* t, jclass c, jfieldID field, jobject v)
ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState);
set(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), field), (v ? *v : 0));
set(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), ArrayBody + (field * BytesPerWord),
(v ? *v : 0));
@ -940,7 +941,7 @@ SetStaticBooleanField(Thread* t, jclass c, jfieldID field, jboolean v)
ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState);
object o = makeInt(t, v ? 1 : 0);
set(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), field), o);
set(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), ArrayBody + (field * BytesPerWord), o);
@ -949,7 +950,7 @@ SetStaticByteField(Thread* t, jclass c, jfieldID field, jbyte v)
ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState);
object o = makeInt(t, v);
set(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), field), o);
set(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), ArrayBody + (field * BytesPerWord), o);
@ -958,7 +959,7 @@ SetStaticCharField(Thread* t, jclass c, jfieldID field, jchar v)
ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState);
object o = makeInt(t, v);
set(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), field), o);
set(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), ArrayBody + (field * BytesPerWord), o);
@ -967,7 +968,7 @@ SetStaticShortField(Thread* t, jclass c, jfieldID field, jshort v)
ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState);
object o = makeInt(t, v);
set(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), field), o);
set(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), ArrayBody + (field * BytesPerWord), o);
@ -976,7 +977,7 @@ SetStaticIntField(Thread* t, jclass c, jfieldID field, jint v)
ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState);
object o = makeInt(t, v);
set(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), field), o);
set(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), ArrayBody + (field * BytesPerWord), o);
@ -985,7 +986,7 @@ SetStaticLongField(Thread* t, jclass c, jfieldID field, jlong v)
ENTER(t, Thread::ActiveState);
object o = makeLong(t, v);
set(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), field), o);
set(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), ArrayBody + (field * BytesPerWord), o);
@ -995,7 +996,7 @@ SetStaticFloatField(Thread* t, jclass c, jfieldID field, jfloat v)
jint i; memcpy(&i, &v, 4);
object o = makeInt(t, i);
set(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), field), o);
set(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), ArrayBody + (field * BytesPerWord), o);
@ -1005,7 +1006,7 @@ SetStaticDoubleField(Thread* t, jclass c, jfieldID field, jdouble v)
jlong i; memcpy(&i, &v, 8);
object o = makeLong(t, i);
set(t, arrayBody(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), field), o);
set(t, classStaticTable(t, *c), ArrayBody + (field * BytesPerWord), o);
jobject JNICALL

View File

@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ referenceTargetUnreachable(Thread* t, object* p, Heap::Visitor* v)
object q = jreferenceQueue(t, *p);
set(t, jreferenceJnext(t, *p), *p);
set(t, *p, JreferenceJnext, *p);
if (referenceQueueFront(t, q)) {
set(t, jreferenceJnext(t, referenceQueueRear(t, q)), *p);
set(t, referenceQueueRear(t, q), JreferenceJnext, *p);
} else {
set(t, referenceQueueFront(t, q), *p);
set(t, q, ReferenceQueueFront, *p);
set(t, referenceQueueRear(t, q), *p);
set(t, q, ReferenceQueueRear, *p);
jreferenceQueue(t, *p) = 0;
@ -516,23 +516,23 @@ parsePool(Thread* t, Stream& s)
switch (c) {
case CONSTANT_Integer: {
object value = makeInt(t, s.read4());
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
} break;
case CONSTANT_Float: {
object value = makeFloat(t, s.readFloat());
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
} break;
case CONSTANT_Long: {
object value = makeLong(t, s.read8());
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
} break;
case CONSTANT_Double: {
object value = makeDouble(t, s.readDouble());
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
} break;
@ -541,21 +541,21 @@ parsePool(Thread* t, Stream& s)
object value = makeByteArray(t, length + 1, false);<uint8_t*>(&byteArrayBody(t, value, 0)), length);
byteArrayBody(t, value, length) = 0;
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
} break;
case CONSTANT_Class: {
object value = makeIntArray(t, 2, false);
intArrayBody(t, value, 0) = c;
intArrayBody(t, value, 1) = s.read2();
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
} break;
case CONSTANT_String: {
object value = makeIntArray(t, 2, false);
intArrayBody(t, value, 0) = c;
intArrayBody(t, value, 1) = s.read2();
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
} break;
case CONSTANT_NameAndType: {
@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ parsePool(Thread* t, Stream& s)
intArrayBody(t, value, 0) = c;
intArrayBody(t, value, 1) = s.read2();
intArrayBody(t, value, 2) = s.read2();
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
} break;
case CONSTANT_Fieldref:
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ parsePool(Thread* t, Stream& s)
intArrayBody(t, value, 0) = c;
intArrayBody(t, value, 1) = s.read2();
intArrayBody(t, value, 2) = s.read2();
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
} break;
default: abort(t);
@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ parsePool(Thread* t, Stream& s)
switch (intArrayBody(t, o, 0)) {
case CONSTANT_Class: {
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i),
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord),
arrayBody(t, pool, intArrayBody(t, o, 1) - 1));
} break;
@ -596,14 +596,14 @@ parsePool(Thread* t, Stream& s)
object value = makeString
(t, bytes, 0, byteArrayLength(t, bytes) - 1, 0);
value = intern(t, value);
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
} break;
case CONSTANT_NameAndType: {
object name = arrayBody(t, pool, intArrayBody(t, o, 1) - 1);
object type = arrayBody(t, pool, intArrayBody(t, o, 2) - 1);
object value = makePair(t, name, type);
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
} break;
@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ parsePool(Thread* t, Stream& s)
object nameAndType = arrayBody(t, pool, intArrayBody(t, o, 2) - 1);
object value = makeReference
(t, c, pairFirst(t, nameAndType), pairSecond(t, nameAndType));
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, i), value);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), value);
} break;
@ -697,7 +697,8 @@ parseInterfaceTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
(t, tripleFirst(t, hashMapIteratorNode(t, it)));
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return;
set(t, arrayBody(t, interfaceTable, i++), interface);
set(t, interfaceTable, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), interface);
++ i;
if ((classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) == 0) {
if (classVirtualTable(t, interface)) {
@ -705,7 +706,7 @@ parseInterfaceTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
object vtable = makeArray
(t, arrayLength(t, classVirtualTable(t, interface)), true);
set(t, arrayBody(t, interfaceTable, i), vtable);
set(t, interfaceTable, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), vtable);
@ -713,7 +714,7 @@ parseInterfaceTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
set(t, classInterfaceTable(t, class_), interfaceTable);
set(t, class_, ClassInterfaceTable, interfaceTable);
@ -767,15 +768,15 @@ parseFieldTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
memberOffset += fieldSize(t, field);
set(t, arrayBody(t, fieldTable, i), field);
set(t, fieldTable, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), field);
set(t, classFieldTable(t, class_), fieldTable);
set(t, class_, ClassFieldTable, fieldTable);
if (staticOffset) {
object staticTable = makeArray(t, staticOffset, true);
set(t, classStaticTable(t, class_), staticTable);
set(t, class_, ClassStaticTable, staticTable);
@ -784,7 +785,7 @@ parseFieldTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
if (classSuper(t, class_)
and memberOffset == classFixedSize(t, classSuper(t, class_)))
set(t, classObjectMask(t, class_),
set(t, class_, ClassObjectMask,
classObjectMask(t, classSuper(t, class_)));
} else {
object mask = makeIntArray
@ -819,7 +820,7 @@ parseFieldTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
if (superMask or sawReferenceField) {
set(t, classObjectMask(t, class_), mask);
set(t, class_, ClassObjectMask, mask);
@ -848,7 +849,7 @@ parseCode(Thread* t, Stream& s, object pool)
exceptionHandlerCatchType(eh) = s.read2();
set(t, codeExceptionHandlerTable(t, code), eht);
set(t, code, CodeExceptionHandlerTable, eht);
unsigned attributeCount = s.read2();
@ -867,7 +868,7 @@ parseCode(Thread* t, Stream& s, object pool)
lineNumberLine(ln) = s.read2();
set(t, codeLineNumberTable(t, code), lnt);
set(t, code, CodeLineNumberTable, lnt);
} else {
@ -1031,7 +1032,7 @@ parseMethodTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
if (p) {
methodOffset(t, method) = methodOffset(t, tripleFirst(t, p));
set(t, tripleSecond(t, p), method);
set(t, p, TripleSecond, method);
} else {
methodOffset(t, method) = virtualCount++;
@ -1046,13 +1047,13 @@ parseMethodTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
(t, nativeMap, methodName(t, method), byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual);
if (p) {
set(t, tripleSecond(t, p), method);
set(t, p, TripleSecond, method);
} else {
hashMapInsert(t, nativeMap, methodName(t, method), 0, byteArrayHash);
set(t, arrayBody(t, methodTable, i), method);
set(t, methodTable, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), method);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
@ -1065,11 +1066,11 @@ parseMethodTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
(t, nativeMap, methodName(t, method), byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual);
object jniName = makeJNIName(t, method, overloaded);
set(t, methodCode(t, method), jniName);
set(t, method, MethodCode, jniName);
set(t, classMethodTable(t, class_), methodTable);
set(t, class_, ClassMethodTable, methodTable);
if (declaredVirtualCount == 0
@ -1077,10 +1078,10 @@ parseMethodTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
// inherit interface table and virtual table from superclass
set(t, classInterfaceTable(t, class_),
set(t, class_, ClassInterfaceTable,
classInterfaceTable(t, classSuper(t, class_)));
set(t, classVirtualTable(t, class_), superVirtualTable);
set(t, class_, ClassVirtualTable, superVirtualTable);
} else if (virtualCount) {
// generate class vtable
@ -1095,7 +1096,8 @@ parseMethodTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
object method = tripleFirst(t, hashMapIteratorNode(t, it));
assert(t, arrayBody(t, vtable, methodOffset(t, method)) == 0);
set(t, arrayBody(t, vtable, methodOffset(t, method)), method);
set(t, vtable, ArrayBody + (methodOffset(t, method) * BytesPerWord),
++ i;
} else {
@ -1104,18 +1106,19 @@ parseMethodTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
object method = arrayBody(t, superVirtualTable, i);
method = hashMapFind(t, virtualMap, method, methodHash, methodEqual);
set(t, arrayBody(t, vtable, i), method);
set(t, vtable, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), method);
for (object p = listFront(t, newVirtuals); p; p = pairSecond(t, p)) {
set(t, arrayBody(t, vtable, i++), pairFirst(t, p));
set(t, vtable, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), pairFirst(t, p));
++ i;
assert(t, arrayLength(t, vtable) == i);
set(t, classVirtualTable(t, class_), vtable);
set(t, class_, ClassVirtualTable, vtable);
if ((classFlags(t, class_) & ACC_INTERFACE) == 0) {
// generate interface vtables
@ -1135,7 +1138,7 @@ parseMethodTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
(t, virtualMap, method, methodHash, methodEqual);
assert(t, method);
set(t, arrayBody(t, vtable, j), method);
set(t, vtable, ArrayBody + (j * BytesPerWord), method);
@ -1167,25 +1170,24 @@ updateBootstrapClass(Thread* t, object bootstrapClass, object class_)
classFlags(t, bootstrapClass) = classFlags(t, class_);
classVmFlags(t, bootstrapClass) |= classVmFlags(t, class_);
set(t, classSuper(t, bootstrapClass), classSuper(t, class_));
set(t, classInterfaceTable(t, bootstrapClass),
classInterfaceTable(t, class_));
set(t, classVirtualTable(t, bootstrapClass), classVirtualTable(t, class_));
set(t, classFieldTable(t, bootstrapClass), classFieldTable(t, class_));
set(t, classMethodTable(t, bootstrapClass), classMethodTable(t, class_));
set(t, classStaticTable(t, bootstrapClass), classStaticTable(t, class_));
set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassSuper, classSuper(t, class_));
set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassInterfaceTable, classInterfaceTable(t, class_));
set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassVirtualTable, classVirtualTable(t, class_));
set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassFieldTable, classFieldTable(t, class_));
set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassMethodTable, classMethodTable(t, class_));
set(t, bootstrapClass, ClassStaticTable, classStaticTable(t, class_));
object fieldTable = classFieldTable(t, class_);
if (fieldTable) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, fieldTable); ++i) {
set(t, fieldClass(t, arrayBody(t, fieldTable, i)), bootstrapClass);
set(t, arrayBody(t, fieldTable, i), FieldClass, bootstrapClass);
object methodTable = classMethodTable(t, class_);
if (methodTable) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayLength(t, methodTable); ++i) {
set(t, methodClass(t, arrayBody(t, methodTable, i)), bootstrapClass);
set(t, arrayBody(t, methodTable, i), MethodClass, bootstrapClass);
@ -1295,7 +1297,7 @@ invoke(Thread* t, const char* className, int argc, const char** argv)
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
object arg = makeString(t, "%s", argv[i]);
set(t, objectArrayBody(t, args, i), arg);
set(t, args, ArrayBody + (i * BytesPerWord), arg);
@ -1414,21 +1416,21 @@ Thread::Thread(Machine* m, object javaThread, Thread* parent):
#include "type-initializations.cpp"
object arrayClass = arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::ArrayType);
set(t, cast<object>(t->m->types, 0), arrayClass);
set(t, t->m->types, 0, arrayClass);
object loaderClass = arrayBody
(t, t->m->types, Machine::SystemClassLoaderType);
set(t, cast<object>(t->m->loader, 0), loaderClass);
set(t, t->m->loader, 0, loaderClass);
object objectClass = arrayBody(t, m->types, Machine::JobjectType);
object classClass = arrayBody(t, m->types, Machine::ClassType);
set(t, cast<object>(classClass, 0), classClass);
set(t, classSuper(t, classClass), objectClass);
set(t, classClass, 0, classClass);
set(t, classClass, ClassSuper, objectClass);
object intArrayClass = arrayBody(t, m->types, Machine::IntArrayType);
set(t, cast<object>(intArrayClass, 0), classClass);
set(t, classSuper(t, intArrayClass), objectClass);
set(t, intArrayClass, 0, classClass);
set(t, intArrayClass, ClassSuper, objectClass);
m->unsafe = false;
@ -1461,7 +1463,7 @@ Thread::Thread(Machine* m, object javaThread, Thread* parent):
m->bootstrapClassMap = makeHashMap(this, 0, 0);
object loaderMap = makeHashMap(this, 0, 0);
set(t, systemClassLoaderMap(t, m->loader), loaderMap);
set(t, m->loader, SystemClassLoaderMap, loaderMap);
m->monitorMap = makeWeakHashMap(this, 0, 0);
m->stringMap = makeWeakHashMap(this, 0, 0);
@ -1872,14 +1874,14 @@ hashMapResize(Thread* t, object map, uint32_t (*hash)(Thread*, object),
unsigned index = hash(t, k) & (newLength - 1);
set(t, tripleThird(t, p), arrayBody(t, newArray, index));
set(t, arrayBody(t, newArray, index), p);
set(t, p, TripleThird, arrayBody(t, newArray, index));
set(t, newArray, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), p);
set(t, hashMapArray(t, map), newArray);
set(t, map, HashMapArray, newArray);
@ -1917,7 +1919,7 @@ hashMapInsert(Thread* t, object map, object key, object value,
object n = makeTriple(t, key, value, arrayBody(t, array, index));
set(t, arrayBody(t, array, index), n);
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), n);
@ -1932,19 +1934,26 @@ hashMapRemove(Thread* t, object map, object key,
object o = 0;
if (array) {
unsigned index = hash(t, key) & (arrayLength(t, array) - 1);
for (object* n = &arrayBody(t, array, index); *n;) {
object k = tripleFirst(t, *n);
object p = 0;
for (object n = arrayBody(t, array, index); n;) {
object k = tripleFirst(t, n);
if (weak) {
k = jreferenceTarget(t, k);
if (equal(t, key, k)) {
o = tripleSecond(t, *n);
set(t, *n, tripleThird(t, *n));
o = tripleSecond(t, n);
if (p) {
set(t, p, TripleThird, tripleThird(t, n));
} else {
set(t, array, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord),
tripleThird(t, n));
-- hashMapSize(t, map);
} else {
n = &tripleThird(t, *n);
p = n;
n = tripleThird(t, n);
@ -2000,11 +2009,11 @@ listAppend(Thread* t, object list, object value)
object p = makePair(t, value, 0);
if (listFront(t, list)) {
set(t, pairSecond(t, listRear(t, list)), p);
set(t, listRear(t, list), PairSecond, p);
} else {
set(t, listFront(t, list), p);
set(t, list, ListFront, p);
set(t, listRear(t, list), p);
set(t, list, ListRear, p);
@ -2031,7 +2040,8 @@ vectorAppend(Thread* t, object vector, object value)
vector = newVector;
set(t, vectorBody(t, vector, vectorSize(t, vector)++), value);
set(t, vector, VectorBody + (vectorSize(t, vector) * BytesPerWord), value);
++ vectorSize(t, vector);
return vector;
@ -2175,7 +2185,7 @@ parseClass(Thread* t, const uint8_t* data, unsigned size)
object sc = resolveClass(t, arrayBody(t, pool, super - 1));
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
set(t, classSuper(t, class_), sc);
set(t, class_, ClassSuper, sc);
classVmFlags(t, class_)
|= (classVmFlags(t, sc) & (ReferenceFlag | WeakReferenceFlag));
@ -2207,7 +2217,7 @@ resolveClass(Thread* t, object spec)
(t, t->m->bootstrapClassMap, spec, byteArrayHash, byteArrayEqual);
if (class_) {
set(t, classVirtualTable(t, class_),
set(t, class_, ClassVirtualTable,
(t, arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::JobjectType)));
} else {
@ -2700,7 +2710,8 @@ makeTrace(Thread* t, uintptr_t start)
object e = makeTraceElement
(t, p->frameMethod(t, frame), p->frameIp(t, frame));
set(t, arrayBody(t, trace, index++), e);
set(t, trace, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), e);
++ index;
return trace;

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ const bool DebugReferences = false;
const uintptr_t HashTakenMark = 1;
const uintptr_t ExtendedMark = 2;
const uintptr_t FixedMark = 3;
enum FieldCode {
@ -1421,37 +1422,20 @@ allocate(Thread* t, unsigned sizeInBytes)
inline void
mark(Thread* t, object* targets, unsigned count)
ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->m->heapLock);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (t->m->heap->needsMark(reinterpret_cast<void**>(targets + i))) {
t->m->heap->mark(reinterpret_cast<void**>(targets + i));
mark(Thread* t, object target, unsigned offset);
inline void
mark(Thread* t, object& target)
set(Thread* t, object target, unsigned offset, object value)
if (t->m->heap->needsMark(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&target))) {
ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->m->heapLock);
inline void
set(Thread* t, object& target, object value)
target = value;
mark(t, target);
cast<object>(target, offset) = value;
mark(t, target, offset);
inline void
setObjectClass(Thread* t, object o, object value)
set(t, cast<object>(o, 0),
set(t, o, 0,
| reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(cast<object>(o, 0)) & (~PointerMask)));
@ -1462,6 +1446,70 @@ arrayBodyUnsafe(Thread*, object, unsigned);
#include "type-declarations.cpp"
inline bool
objectFixed(Thread*, object o)
return (cast<uintptr_t>(o, 0) & (~PointerMask)) == FixedMark;
inline bool
objectExtended(Thread*, object o)
return (cast<uintptr_t>(o, 0) & (~PointerMask)) == ExtendedMark;
inline bool
hashTaken(Thread*, object o)
return (cast<uintptr_t>(o, 0) & (~PointerMask)) == HashTakenMark;
inline unsigned
baseSize(Thread* t, object o, object class_)
return ceiling(classFixedSize(t, class_), BytesPerWord)
+ ceiling(classArrayElementSize(t, class_)
* cast<uintptr_t>(o, classFixedSize(t, class_) - BytesPerWord),
inline void
mark(Thread* t, object target, unsigned offset, unsigned count)
ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->m->heapLock);
if (objectFixed(t, target)) {
unsigned size = baseSize(t, target, objectClass(t, target))
* BytesPerWord;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
markBit(&cast<uintptr_t>(target, size), offset + (i * BytesPerWord));
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
unsigned j = offset + (i * BytesPerWord);
if (t->m->heap->needsMark(&cast<void*>(target, j))) {
t->m->heap->mark(&cast<void*>(target, j));
inline void
mark(Thread* t, object target, unsigned offset)
if (objectFixed(t, target)) {
unsigned size = baseSize(t, target, objectClass(t, target)) * BytesPerWord;
ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->m->heapLock);
markBit(&cast<uintptr_t>(target, size), offset);
} else if (t->m->heap->needsMark(&cast<void*>(target, offset))) {
ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->m->heapLock);
t->m->heap->mark(&cast<void*>(target, offset));
makeTrace(Thread* t, uintptr_t start);
@ -1656,21 +1704,6 @@ classInitializer(Thread* t, object class_);
frameMethod(Thread* t, int frame);
inline unsigned
baseSize(Thread* t, object o, object class_)
return ceiling(classFixedSize(t, class_), BytesPerWord)
+ ceiling(classArrayElementSize(t, class_)
* cast<uintptr_t>(o, classFixedSize(t, class_) - BytesPerWord),
inline bool
objectExtended(Thread*, object o)
return (cast<uintptr_t>(o, 0) & (~PointerMask)) == ExtendedMark;
inline uintptr_t&
extendedWord(Thread* t UNUSED, object o, unsigned baseSize)
@ -1684,16 +1717,11 @@ extendedSize(Thread* t, object o, unsigned baseSize)
return baseSize + objectExtended(t, o);
inline bool
hashTaken(Thread*, object o)
return (cast<uintptr_t>(o, 0) & (~PointerMask)) == HashTakenMark;
inline void
markHashTaken(Thread* t, object o)
assert(t, not objectExtended(t, o));
assert(t, not objectFixed(t, o));
cast<uintptr_t>(o, 0) |= HashTakenMark;
ACQUIRE_RAW(t, t->m->heapLock);
@ -1712,7 +1740,9 @@ objectHash(Thread* t, object o)
if (objectExtended(t, o)) {
return extendedWord(t, o, baseSize(t, o, objectClass(t, o)));
} else {
markHashTaken(t, o);
if (not objectFixed(t, o)) {
markHashTaken(t, o);
return takeHash(t, o);
@ -1848,7 +1878,7 @@ hashMapInsertOrReplace(Thread* t, object map, object key, object value,
hashMapInsert(t, map, key, value, hash);
return true;
} else {
set(t, tripleSecond(t, n), value);
set(t, n, TripleSecond, value);
return false;

View File

@ -27,10 +27,9 @@ codeReadInt32(Thread* t, object code, unsigned& ip)
inline object
resolveClass(Thread* t, object container,
object& (*class_)(vm::Thread*, object))
resolveClassInObject(Thread* t, object container, unsigned classOffset)
object o = class_(t, container);
object o = cast<object>(container, classOffset);
if (objectClass(t, o) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::ByteArrayType))
PROTECT(t, container);
@ -38,13 +37,13 @@ resolveClass(Thread* t, object container,
o = resolveClass(t, o);
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
set(t, class_(t, container), o);
set(t, container, classOffset, o);
return o;
inline object
resolveClass(Thread* t, object pool, unsigned index)
resolveClassInPool(Thread* t, object pool, unsigned index)
object o = arrayBody(t, pool, index);
if (objectClass(t, o) == arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::ByteArrayType))
@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ resolveClass(Thread* t, object pool, unsigned index)
o = resolveClass(t, o);
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, index), o);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), o);
return o;
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ resolve(Thread* t, object pool, unsigned index,
object reference = o;
PROTECT(t, reference);
object class_ = resolveClass(t, o, referenceClass);
object class_ = resolveClassInObject(t, o, ReferenceClass);
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
o = findInHierarchy
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ resolve(Thread* t, object pool, unsigned index,
find, makeError);
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
set(t, arrayBody(t, pool, index), o);
set(t, pool, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), o);
return o;

View File

@ -1605,9 +1605,9 @@ writeInitialization(Output* out, Object* type)
out->write(", mask, 0, super, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t->m->loader);\n");
out->write(" set(t, arrayBody(t, t->m->types, Machine::");
out->write(" set(t, t->m->types, ArrayBody + (Machine::");
out->write("Type), class_);\n");
out->write("Type * BytesPerWord), class_);\n");
@ -1689,7 +1689,7 @@ writeJavaInitialization(Output* out, Object* type)
out->write(" set(t, className(t, class_), name);\n");
out->write(" set(t, class_, ClassName, name);\n");
out->write(" hashMapInsert(t, t->m->bootstrapClassMap, ");
out->write("name, class_, byteArrayHash);\n");