mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 16:46:12 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ class Read;
class MultiRead;
class StubRead;
class Block;
class Snapshot;
void NO_RETURN abort(Context*);
@ -535,7 +536,7 @@ class Event {
Event(Context* c):
next(0), stackBefore(c->stack), localsBefore(c->locals),
stackAfter(0), localsAfter(0), promises(0), reads(0),
junctionSites(0), savedSites(0), predecessors(0), successors(0),
junctionSites(0), snapshots(0), predecessors(0), successors(0),
visitLinks(0), block(0), logicalInstruction(c->logicalCode[c->logicalIp]),
{ }
@ -556,7 +557,7 @@ class Event {
CodePromise* promises;
Read* reads;
Site** junctionSites;
Site** savedSites;
Snapshot* snapshots;
Link* predecessors;
Link* successors;
Cell* visitLinks;
@ -704,6 +705,25 @@ class SiteIterator {
Site** previous;
hasMoreThanOneSite(Value* v)
SiteIterator it(v);
if (it.hasMore()) {
return it.hasMore();
} else {
return false;
hasSite(Value* v)
SiteIterator it(v);
return it.hasMore();
findSite(Context*, Value* v, Site* site)
@ -741,10 +761,10 @@ void
clearSites(Context* c, Value* v)
// fprintf(stderr, "clear sites for %p\n", v);
for (Site* s = v->sites; s; s = s->next) {
for (SiteIterator it(v); it.hasMore();) {
v->sites = 0;
@ -753,28 +773,29 @@ valid(Read* r)
return r and r->valid();
live(Value* v)
if (valid(v->reads)) return true;
if (valid(v->reads)) return v->reads;
for (Value* p = v->buddy; p != v; p = p->buddy) {
if (valid(p->reads)) return true;
if (valid(p->reads)) return p->reads;
return false;
return 0;
liveNext(Context* c, Value* v)
if (valid(v->reads->next(c))) return true;
Read* r = v->reads->next(c);
if (valid(r)) return r;
for (Value* p = v->buddy; p != v; p = p->buddy) {
if (valid(v->reads)) return true;
if (valid(p->reads)) return p->reads;
return false;
return 0;
@ -1636,6 +1657,9 @@ toString(Context* c, Site* sites, char* buffer, unsigned size)
length += 2;
sites->next->toString(c, buffer + length, size - length);
} else {
assert(c, size);
*buffer = 0;
@ -1659,7 +1683,7 @@ releaseRegister(Context* c, Value* v, unsigned frameIndex, unsigned sizeInBytes,
if (v->sites == 0) {
if (not hasSite(v)) {
move(c, c->stack, c->locals, sizeInBytes, v, source, frameSite(c, frameIndex));
@ -1680,7 +1704,7 @@ bool
trySteal(Context* c, Site* site, Value* v, unsigned size, Stack* stack,
Local* locals)
if (v->sites->next == 0) {
if (not hasMoreThanOneSite(v)) {
Site* saveSite = 0;
for (unsigned li = 0; li < c->localFootprint; ++li) {
Local* local = locals + li;
@ -1734,8 +1758,7 @@ trySteal(Context* c, Register* r, Stack* stack, Local* locals)
assert(c, live(v));
if (DebugRegisters) {
fprintf(stderr, "try steal %d from %p: next: %p\n",
r->number, v, v->sites->next);
fprintf(stderr, "try steal %d from %p\n", r->number, v);
return trySteal(c, r->site, r->value, r->size, stack, locals);
@ -1751,7 +1774,7 @@ used(Context* c, Register* r)
usedExclusively(Context* c, Register* r)
return used(c, r) and r->value->sites->next == 0;
return used(c, r) and not hasMoreThanOneSite(r->value);
@ -1931,7 +1954,7 @@ validate(Context* c, uint32_t mask, Stack* stack, Local* locals,
trySteal(Context* c, FrameResource* r, Stack* stack, Local* locals)
assert(c, r->value->reads);
assert(c, live(r->value));
if (DebugFrameIndexes) {
int index = r - c->frameResources;
@ -2073,21 +2096,18 @@ addRead(Context* c, Event* e, Value* v, Read* r)
clean(Context* c, Value* v, unsigned popIndex)
for (Site** s = &(v->sites); *s;) {
if ((*s)->match(c, 1 << MemoryOperand, 0, AnyFrameIndex)
and offsetToFrameIndex
(c, static_cast<MemorySite*>(*s)->value.offset)
>= popIndex)
for (SiteIterator it(v); it.hasMore();) {
Site* s = it.next();
if (not (s->match(c, 1 << MemoryOperand, 0, AnyFrameIndex)
and offsetToFrameIndex
(c, static_cast<MemorySite*>(s)->value.offset)
>= popIndex))
s = &((*s)->next);
} else {
char buffer[256]; (*s)->toString(c, buffer, 256);
fprintf(stderr, "remove %s from %p at %d pop index %d\n", buffer, v, offsetToFrameIndex
(c, static_cast<MemorySite*>(*s)->value.offset), popIndex);
*s = (*s)->next;
toString(c, v->sites, buffer, 256);
fprintf(stderr, "%p has %s remaining\n", v, buffer);
char buffer[256]; s->toString(c, buffer, 256);
fprintf(stderr, "remove %s from %p at %d pop index %d\n",
buffer, v, offsetToFrameIndex
(c, static_cast<MemorySite*>(s)->value.offset), popIndex);
@ -2280,7 +2300,6 @@ void
preserve(Context* c, Stack* stack, Local* locals, unsigned size, Value* v,
Site* s, Read* read)
assert(c, v->sites == s);
Site* r = targetOrRegister(c, v, read);
move(c, stack, locals, size, v, s, r);
@ -2289,8 +2308,9 @@ void
maybePreserve(Context* c, Stack* stack, Local* locals, unsigned size,
Value* v, Site* s)
if (liveNext(c, v) and v->sites->next == 0) {
preserve(c, stack, locals, size, v, s, v->reads->next(c));
Read* r = liveNext(c, v);
if (r and not hasMoreThanOneSite(v)) {
preserve(c, stack, locals, size, v, s, r);
@ -2416,7 +2436,8 @@ appendMove(Context* c, BinaryOperation type, unsigned srcSize, Value* src,
findConstantSite(Context* c, Value* v)
for (Site* s = v->sites; s; s = s->next) {
for (SiteIterator it(v); it.hasMore();) {
Site* s = it.next();
if (s->type(c) == ConstantOperand) {
return static_cast<ConstantSite*>(s);
@ -2552,10 +2573,10 @@ value(Context* c, Site* site = 0, Site* target = 0)
removeBuddy(Value* v)
removeBuddy(Context* c, Value* v)
if (v->buddy != v) {
fprintf(stderr, "remove %p from", v);
fprintf(stderr, "remove buddy %p from", v);
for (Value* p = v->buddy; p != v; p = p->buddy) {
fprintf(stderr, " %p", p);
@ -2568,9 +2589,52 @@ removeBuddy(Value* v)
Value* p = next;
while (p->buddy != v) p = p->buddy;
p->buddy = next;
if (not live(next)) {
clearSites(c, next);
copy(Context* c, Site* s)
Site* start = 0;
Site* end = 0;
for (; s; s = s->next) {
Site* n = s->copy(c);
if (end) {
end->next = n;
} else {
start = n;
end = n;
return start;
class Snapshot {
Snapshot(Context* c, Value* value, Snapshot* next):
value(value), buddy(value->buddy), sites(copy(c, value->sites)), next(next)
{ }
Value* value;
Value* buddy;
Site* sites;
Snapshot* next;
snapshot(Context* c, Value* value, Snapshot* next)
char buffer[256]; toString(c, value->sites, buffer, 256);
fprintf(stderr, "snapshot %p buddy %p sites %s\n",
value, value->buddy, buffer);
return new (c->zone->allocate(sizeof(Snapshot))) Snapshot(c, value, next);
stack(Context* c, Value* value, unsigned size, unsigned index, Stack* next)
@ -3047,8 +3111,8 @@ class BuddyEvent: public Event {
while (p->buddy != original) p = p->buddy;
p->buddy = buddy;
fprintf(stderr, "buddies %p", original);
for (Value* p = original->buddy; p != original; p = p->buddy) {
fprintf(stderr, "add buddy %p to ", buddy);
for (Value* p = buddy->buddy; p != buddy; p = p->buddy) {
fprintf(stderr, " %p", p);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
@ -3188,7 +3252,7 @@ resolveJunctionSite(Context* c, Event* e, Value* v,
assert(c, siteIndex < frameFootprint(c, e->stackAfter));
if (live(v)) {
assert(c, v->sites);
assert(c, hasSite(v));
Read* r = v->reads;
Site* original = e->junctionSites[siteIndex];
@ -3202,6 +3266,7 @@ resolveJunctionSite(Context* c, Event* e, Value* v,
unsigned copyCost;
Site* site = pick(c, v, target, ©Cost);
if (copyCost) {
move(c, e->stackAfter, e->localsAfter, r->size, v, site, target);
} else {
@ -3236,23 +3301,6 @@ propagateJunctionSites(Context* c, Event* e, Site** sites)
copy(Context* c, Site* s)
Site* start = 0;
Site* end = 0;
for (; s; s = s->next) {
Site* n = s->copy(c);
if (end) {
end->next = n;
} else {
start = n;
end = n;
return start;
populateSiteTables(Context* c, Event* e)
@ -3297,10 +3345,6 @@ populateSiteTables(Context* c, Event* e)
fprintf(stderr, "resolved junction sites %p at %d\n",
e->junctionSites, e->logicalInstruction->index);
for (FrameIterator it(c, e->stackAfter, e->localsAfter); it.hasMore();) {
while (frozenSiteIndex) {
@ -3309,49 +3353,81 @@ populateSiteTables(Context* c, Event* e)
if (e->successors->nextSuccessor) {
unsigned size = sizeof(Site*) * frameFootprint;
Site** savedSites = static_cast<Site**>(c->zone->allocate(size));
memset(savedSites, 0, size);
for (FrameIterator it(c, e->stackAfter, e->localsAfter); it.hasMore();) {
FrameIterator::Element el = it.next(c);
char buffer[256]; toString(c, el.value->sites, buffer, 256);
fprintf(stderr, "save %s for %p at %d\n", buffer, el.value, el.localIndex);
savedSites[el.localIndex] = copy(c, el.value->sites);
e->snapshots = snapshot(c, el.value, e->snapshots);
for (Value* p = el.value->buddy; p != el.value; p = p->buddy) {
e->snapshots = snapshot(c, p, e->snapshots);
e->savedSites = savedSites;
fprintf(stderr, "captured snapshots %p at %d\n",
e->snapshots, e->logicalInstruction->index);
fprintf(stderr, "captured saved sites %p at %d\n",
e->savedSites, e->logicalInstruction->index);
if (e->junctionSites) {
for (FrameIterator it(c, e->stackAfter, e->localsAfter); it.hasMore();) {
FrameIterator::Element el = it.next(c);
removeBuddy(c, el.value);
setSites(Context* c, Event* e, Value* v, Site* s, unsigned frameIndex)
setSites(Context* c, Event* e, Value* v, Site* s, unsigned size)
for (; s; s = s->next) {
addSite(c, e->stackBefore, e->localsBefore, v->reads->size, v,
addSite(c, e->stackBefore, e->localsBefore, size, v, s->copy(c));
char buffer[256]; toString(c, v->sites, buffer, 256);
fprintf(stderr, "set sites %s for %p at %d\n", buffer, v, frameIndex);
fprintf(stderr, "set sites %s for %p\n", buffer, v);
setSites(Context* c, Event* e, Site** sites)
resetFrame(Context* c, Event* e)
for (FrameIterator it(c, e->stackBefore, e->localsBefore); it.hasMore();) {
FrameIterator::Element el = it.next(c);
clearSites(c, el.value);
setSites(Context* c, Event* e, Site** sites)
resetFrame(c, e);
for (FrameIterator it(c, e->stackBefore, e->localsBefore); it.hasMore();) {
FrameIterator::Element el = it.next(c);
if (sites[el.localIndex] and live(el.value)) {
setSites(c, e, el.value, sites[el.localIndex], frameIndex(c, &el));
if (sites[el.localIndex]) {
Read* r = live(el.value);
if (r) {
setSites(c, e, el.value, sites[el.localIndex], r->size);
restore(Context* c, Event* e, Snapshot* snapshots)
for (Snapshot* s = snapshots; s; s = s->next) {
char buffer[256]; toString(c, s->sites, buffer, 256);
fprintf(stderr, "restore %p buddy %p sites %s\n",
s->value, s->value->buddy, buffer);
s->value->buddy = s->buddy;
resetFrame(c, e);
for (Snapshot* s = snapshots; s; s = s->next) {
if (live(s->value)) {
Read* r = live(s->value);
if (r and s->sites) {
setSites(c, e, s->value, s->sites, r->size);
@ -3503,9 +3579,9 @@ compile(Context* c)
first->junctionSites, first->logicalInstruction->index);
setSites(c, e, first->junctionSites);
} else if (first->successors->nextSuccessor) {
fprintf(stderr, "set sites to saved sites %p at %d\n",
first->savedSites, first->logicalInstruction->index);
setSites(c, e, first->savedSites);
fprintf(stderr, "restore snapshots %p at %d\n",
first->snapshots, first->logicalInstruction->index);
restore(c, e, first->snapshots);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user