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synced 2025-03-11 06:54:04 +00:00
Removed the RatesFixProtocol and dependent code and moved to the IRS repo.
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import kotlin.reflect.primaryConstructor
class ProtocolLogicRefFactory(private val protocolWhitelist: Map<String, Set<String>>) : SingletonSerializeAsToken() {
constructor() : this(mapOf(Pair(TwoPartyDealProtocol.FixingRoleDecider::class.java.name, setOf(StateRef::class.java.name, Duration::class.java.name))))
constructor() : this(mapOf())
// Pending real dependence on AppContext for class loading etc
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
package com.r3corda.protocols
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import com.r3corda.core.contracts.Fix
import com.r3corda.core.contracts.FixOf
import com.r3corda.core.crypto.DigitalSignature
import com.r3corda.core.crypto.Party
import com.r3corda.core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import com.r3corda.core.transactions.TransactionBuilder
import com.r3corda.core.transactions.WireTransaction
import com.r3corda.core.utilities.ProgressTracker
import com.r3corda.core.utilities.suggestInterestRateAnnouncementTimeWindow
import com.r3corda.protocols.RatesFixProtocol.FixOutOfRange
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.*
// This code is unit tested in NodeInterestRates.kt
* This protocol queries the given oracle for an interest rate fix, and if it is within the given tolerance embeds the
* fix in the transaction and then proceeds to get the oracle to sign it. Although the [call] method combines the query
* and signing step, you can run the steps individually by constructing this object and then using the public methods
* for each step.
* @throws FixOutOfRange if the returned fix was further away from the expected rate by the given amount.
open class RatesFixProtocol(protected val tx: TransactionBuilder,
private val oracle: Party,
private val fixOf: FixOf,
private val expectedRate: BigDecimal,
private val rateTolerance: BigDecimal,
override val progressTracker: ProgressTracker = RatesFixProtocol.tracker(fixOf.name)) : ProtocolLogic<Unit>() {
companion object {
class QUERYING(val name: String) : ProgressTracker.Step("Querying oracle for $name interest rate")
object WORKING : ProgressTracker.Step("Working with data returned by oracle")
object SIGNING : ProgressTracker.Step("Requesting confirmation signature from interest rate oracle")
fun tracker(fixName: String) = ProgressTracker(QUERYING(fixName), WORKING, SIGNING)
class FixOutOfRange(@Suppress("unused") val byAmount: BigDecimal) : Exception("Fix out of range by $byAmount")
data class QueryRequest(val queries: List<FixOf>, val deadline: Instant)
data class SignRequest(val tx: WireTransaction)
override fun call() {
progressTracker.currentStep = progressTracker.steps[1]
val fix = subProtocol(FixQueryProtocol(fixOf, oracle))
progressTracker.currentStep = WORKING
tx.addCommand(fix, oracle.owningKey)
progressTracker.currentStep = SIGNING
val signature = subProtocol(FixSignProtocol(tx, oracle))
* You can override this to perform any additional work needed after the fix is added to the transaction but
* before it's sent back to the oracle for signing (for example, adding output states that depend on the fix).
protected open fun beforeSigning(fix: Fix) {
private fun checkFixIsNearExpected(fix: Fix) {
val delta = (fix.value - expectedRate).abs()
if (delta > rateTolerance) {
// TODO: Kick to a user confirmation / ui flow if it's out of bounds instead of raising an exception.
throw FixOutOfRange(delta)
class FixQueryProtocol(val fixOf: FixOf, val oracle: Party) : ProtocolLogic<Fix>() {
override fun call(): Fix {
val deadline = suggestInterestRateAnnouncementTimeWindow(fixOf.name, oracle.name, fixOf.forDay).end
// TODO: add deadline to receive
val resp = sendAndReceive<ArrayList<Fix>>(oracle, QueryRequest(listOf(fixOf), deadline))
return resp.unwrap {
val fix = it.first()
// Check the returned fix is for what we asked for.
check(fix.of == fixOf)
class FixSignProtocol(val tx: TransactionBuilder, val oracle: Party) : ProtocolLogic<DigitalSignature.LegallyIdentifiable>() {
override fun call(): DigitalSignature.LegallyIdentifiable {
val wtx = tx.toWireTransaction()
val resp = sendAndReceive<DigitalSignature.LegallyIdentifiable>(oracle, SignRequest(wtx))
return resp.unwrap { sig ->
check(sig.signer == oracle)
@ -306,126 +306,4 @@ object TwoPartyDealProtocol {
* One side of the fixing protocol for an interest rate swap, but could easily be generalised further.
* Do not infer too much from the name of the class. This is just to indicate that it is the "side"
* of the protocol that is run by the party with the fixed leg of swap deal, which is the basis for deciding
* who does what in the protocol.
class Fixer(override val otherParty: Party,
override val progressTracker: ProgressTracker = Secondary.tracker()) : Secondary<FixingSession>() {
private lateinit var txState: TransactionState<*>
private lateinit var deal: FixableDealState
override fun validateHandshake(handshake: Handshake<FixingSession>): Handshake<FixingSession> {
logger.trace { "Got fixing request for: ${handshake.payload}" }
txState = serviceHub.loadState(handshake.payload.ref)
deal = txState.data as FixableDealState
// validate the party that initiated is the one on the deal and that the recipient corresponds with it.
// TODO: this is in no way secure and will be replaced by general session initiation logic in the future
val myName = serviceHub.myInfo.legalIdentity.name
// Also check we are one of the parties
deal.parties.filter { it.name == myName }.single()
return handshake
override fun assembleSharedTX(handshake: Handshake<FixingSession>): Pair<TransactionBuilder, List<PublicKey>> {
val fixOf = deal.nextFixingOf()!!
// TODO Do we need/want to substitute in new public keys for the Parties?
val myName = serviceHub.myInfo.legalIdentity.name
val myOldParty = deal.parties.single { it.name == myName }
val newDeal = deal
val ptx = TransactionType.General.Builder(txState.notary)
val oracle = serviceHub.networkMapCache.get(handshake.payload.oracleType).first()
val addFixing = object : RatesFixProtocol(ptx, oracle.serviceIdentities(handshake.payload.oracleType).first(), fixOf, BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ONE) {
override fun beforeSigning(fix: Fix) {
newDeal.generateFix(ptx, StateAndRef(txState, handshake.payload.ref), fix)
// And add a request for timestamping: it may be that none of the contracts need this! But it can't hurt
// to have one.
ptx.setTime(serviceHub.clock.instant(), 30.seconds)
return Pair(ptx, arrayListOf(myOldParty.owningKey))
* One side of the fixing protocol for an interest rate swap, but could easily be generalised furher.
* As per the [Fixer], do not infer too much from this class name in terms of business roles. This
* is just the "side" of the protocol run by the party with the floating leg as a way of deciding who
* does what in the protocol.
class Floater(override val otherParty: Party,
override val payload: FixingSession,
override val progressTracker: ProgressTracker = Primary.tracker()) : Primary() {
internal val dealToFix: StateAndRef<FixableDealState> by TransientProperty {
val state = serviceHub.loadState(payload.ref) as TransactionState<FixableDealState>
StateAndRef(state, payload.ref)
override val myKeyPair: KeyPair get() {
val myName = serviceHub.myInfo.legalIdentity.name
val publicKey = dealToFix.state.data.parties.filter { it.name == myName }.single().owningKey
return serviceHub.keyManagementService.toKeyPair(publicKey)
override val notaryNode: NodeInfo get() =
serviceHub.networkMapCache.notaryNodes.filter { it.notaryIdentity == dealToFix.state.notary }.single()
/** Used to set up the session between [Floater] and [Fixer] */
data class FixingSession(val ref: StateRef, val oracleType: ServiceType)
* This protocol looks at the deal and decides whether to be the Fixer or Floater role in agreeing a fixing.
* It is kicked off as an activity on both participant nodes by the scheduler when it's time for a fixing. If the
* Fixer role is chosen, then that will be initiated by the [FixingSession] message sent from the other party and
* handled by the [FixingSessionInitiationHandler].
* TODO: Replace [FixingSession] and [FixingSessionInitiationHandler] with generic session initiation logic once it exists.
class FixingRoleDecider(val ref: StateRef,
override val progressTracker: ProgressTracker = tracker()) : ProtocolLogic<Unit>() {
companion object {
class LOADING() : ProgressTracker.Step("Loading state to decide fixing role")
fun tracker() = ProgressTracker(LOADING())
override fun call(): Unit {
val dealToFix = serviceHub.loadState(ref)
// TODO: this is not the eventual mechanism for identifying the parties
val fixableDeal = (dealToFix.data as FixableDealState)
val sortedParties = fixableDeal.parties.sortedBy { it.name }
if (sortedParties[0].name == serviceHub.myInfo.legalIdentity.name) {
val fixing = FixingSession(ref, fixableDeal.oracleType)
// Start the Floater which will then kick-off the Fixer
subProtocol(Floater(sortedParties[1], fixing))
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
package com.r3corda.node.services.clientapi
import com.r3corda.core.node.CordaPluginRegistry
import com.r3corda.core.serialization.SingletonSerializeAsToken
import com.r3corda.node.services.api.ServiceHubInternal
import com.r3corda.protocols.TwoPartyDealProtocol.Fixer
import com.r3corda.protocols.TwoPartyDealProtocol.Floater
* This is a temporary handler required for establishing random sessionIDs for the [Fixer] and [Floater] as part of
* running scheduled fixings for the [InterestRateSwap] contract.
* TODO: This will be replaced with the symmetric session work
object FixingSessionInitiation {
class Plugin: CordaPluginRegistry() {
override val servicePlugins: List<Class<*>> = listOf(Service::class.java)
class Service(services: ServiceHubInternal) : SingletonSerializeAsToken() {
init {
services.registerProtocolInitiator(Floater::class) { Fixer(it) }
Reference in New Issue
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